Showing posts with label babies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label babies. Show all posts
Friday, February 22, 2019
Tuesday, February 13, 2018
'It Is Abnormal to Sift Through Body Parts of Babies': Why 419 Abortion Workers Have Quit - CBN News Paul Strand
'It Is Abnormal to Sift Through Body Parts of Babies': Why 419 Abortion Workers Have Quit
CBN News Paul Strand
WASHINGTON – So many workers in the abortion industry are quitting, a group that formed to get them out is stunned at its own success.
Abby Johnson, head of the organization And Then There Were None, is out to end abortions by leaving no one to perform them.
At a recent gathering in which the nation's capital was flooded with pro-lifers participating in the annual March for Life, Johnson talked of wanting to depopulate the abortion industry after she left her job as a Planned Parenthood manager and became a pro-life advocate.
Expected a Dozen, Got 419
She expected only 10 to 12 workers a year to actually quit.
"Because it is a hard sell," she said, "trying to convince people who work in the abortion industry to leave and come to the pro-life side."
Johnson can hardly believe how high the resignation numbers really are.
"We are up to 419 abortion workers who have left the abortion industry and who have come through And Then There Were None," she told CBN News. "And we also have had seven full-time abortion doctors leave the abortion industry."
'Don't Want to Participate in One More Abortion'
Registered nurse Shelley Guillory of Lafayette, Louisiana admitted she had to fight her own beliefs to assist in the many abortions she aided.
"Internally it was a conflict. And it just began to fester and fester till I just couldn't be there anymore," she recounted.
A sudden family tragedy – the death of her 20-year-old son – gave her three months away from the clinic. A pro-life protestor and sidewalk counselor showed her compassion when she returned.
Guillory told CBN News he said, "'What are you doing back here? We thought you quit.' And it was like no, my son passed away, so I was out briefly. And he was like, 'oh, I'm sorry to hear that.' He said, 'I wish you wouldn't have come back.'"
"I remember walking back into the clinic and thinking a little while and saying, 'I really don't want to be here and I don't want to even participate in one more abortion,'" she recalled.
She quit that day. And Then There Were None rushed to her aid.
"They assisted me with finances temporarily until I was able to find another job, and gave me emotional support. Helped me redo resumes," Guillory explained.
'Guilt Gets You in the Gut'
She really needed that emotional support after taking part in all those abortions.
"Guilt gets you in the gut where you least expect it," she revealed. "How could I have ever participated when it's not something that I would have chosen for myself or my daughters?"
Johnson understands that guilt over what those abortion workers do every day.
"It is abnormal to convince a woman to take the life of her child," she said. "It is abnormal to pit women against their children. It is abnormal to sift through body parts of babies."
Abortion Job Might Have Killed Her
Annette Lancaster was so wounded in her soul doing what she did at the Chapel Hill, North Carolina Planned Parenthood, she isn't sure she would have survived without And Then There Were None backing her up.
"If I wasn't in this organization, I don't think I would be here today," she said.
"When women would ask me 'do you think God is going to forgive me?' And trying to answer that question in a roundabout way, started affecting me. I was just in a very dark place in my life while working there," Lancaster revealed.
Lancaster knew about And Then Were None because of its business card popping up. In fact, a whole pile of them popping up.
"I actually received some cards that were put on my car," she recalled. "Not just one or two, but they were actually all around my car. And then my director was there and she said 'you're going to throw those away, right?' But I took one and I kept it in my pocket."
How She Came to Be 'Quit/Fired'
Her spiral downward on-the-job continued until she wrote up a letter of resignation and one particular day prepared to hand it in and quit. But then came a sudden surprise on the same day.
"I was called in that day into the office and was told 'you just don't fit in here anymore. And so I 'quit/fired,'" she said with a laugh. "I think they could tell the abortion numbers were going down tremendously when I was the manager there. So they could tell that I was not encouraging women to do the procedures, but rather discouraging them."
A Shady and Shoddy Reputation
A problem that some have getting out of the abortion business is that it has such a shady and shoddy reputation, many people don't want to hire those who worked in it. So Johnson is pleading with businesses, especially medical ones, to get over that prejudice and contact her organization and start working with it.
"Because we want to be able to have placements all over the country where we can say, 'Hey, you leave, I have a job for you today,'" she said.
Johnson doesn't just appreciate those workplaces that have partnered with her organization, but desperately-needed donors as well.
'Go With Your Heart and Listen to God'
"We don't have a Warren Buffett who's giving us millions of dollars," Johnson said with a smile.
CBN News asked Johnson if she was one of the family members who own the company, Johnson & Johnson.
"No, I'm not the Johnson & Johnson Johnson," she replied. "I don't have the money to fund it myself. It's just generous people – ordinary people –giving this extraordinary gift. And it's literally changing and saving lives."
As for those doctors, nurses and other workers who may be doubting if they should be in the abortion world, Lancaster has this message.
"I would tell them 'definitely go with your heart. Listen to God," she told CBN News.
Watch here: Leaving Abortion Jobs
Tuesday, February 9, 2016
The Super Bowl Commercials That Drove Abortionists Absolutely Crazy - MATTHEW CLARK/ACLJ CHARISMA NEWS
The Doritos Super Bowl commercial has the abortion industry absolutely losing its mind.
The commercial shows a baby in an ultrasound.
NARAL—the abortion industry's top lobbyists—immediately took to Twitter in outrage, fuming, "#NotBuyingIt - that @Doritos ad using #antichoice tactic of humanizing fetuses..." That "anti-choice tactic of humanizing fetuses" is called an ultrasound, which shows a baby human inside the womb.
Yet this wasn't the only commercial big abortion was flipping out about Sunday.
The NFL released a series of ads during the big game on that premise that "Data suggest 9 months after a Super bowl victory, winning cities see a rise in births." They are known as Super Bowl Babies.
NARAL again couldn't stand the idea of babies actually being born, tweeting, "Super Bowl Babies? Use protection, sports fans."
The abortion industry was actually going out of its mind about these fun Super Bowl commercials because they promoted the simple idea that life is precious and should be celebrated. I guess an idea can be a dangerous thing.
For a limited time, we are extending our celebration of the 40th anniversary of Charisma. As a special offer, you can get 40 issues of Charisma magazine for only $40!
NEW from CHARISMA: Do you want to encounter the Holy Spirit and hear God speak to you? Increase your faith, discover freedom, and draw near to God! Click Here
Monday, February 8, 2016
Are You Looking for Love in the Right Places? - RUTH LOPEZ WHITFIELD CHARISMA MAGAZINE
Where are you looking for love? (iStock photo )
I know of a few couples that actually met and courted their spouse online and have successful marriages. I'm not sure of the percentage of failed ones.
Valentine's Day is coming up, and we are bombarded with hearts, flowers, decorations, candy and sweet recipes. Restaurants and jewelry stores gear up for what will be a busy and lucrative time, while children exchange "Valentines" in school or other functions, and even "Charlie Brown" gets in on the act with a TV special.
Invariably there will be the surprise proposal with man on bended knee being photographed as he pops the question to his intended amid sighs of "Aw" and cheers from onlookers.
For some, it's an exciting time and, for others, not so much. There are those who may not hear the words "I love you" or "Be My Valentine," and for them it may be a very long and tedious day.
All of us are born with a need for love and acceptance. God made us this way. Studies show that babies who are held and loved do far better than those who are not.
Because of this innate need, many of us spend our lives looking for love—sometimes in all the wrong places. We want to belong, to be part of something or someone. We seek acceptance and a sense of belonging wherever we go.
Being driven by this need can cause all kinds of problems. It might lead us to cling to our children, smothering rather than loving them and stifling their growth and development. Or it might tempt us to live in a fantasy world, dreaming of a knight in shining armor who will fill the void in our lives.
This need may cause us to look to others for affirmation: family members, friends, co-workers and so on. We rely on their esteem to convince ourselves we are worthy of esteem.
The truth is that as Christians, we are already fully accepted in the Beloved. We are members of God's family, precious daughters and sons of the King who are totally and unconditionally loved!
There isn't anything we can do to earn this love and acceptance. Jesus assures us, "All whom the Father gives Me will come to Me, and he who comes to Me I will never cast out" (John 6:37, MEV). We are secure in Him.
We have no need to look for satisfaction anywhere else. Yet there were times I had sought affirmation from others—and felt unloved and rejected when I didn't receive it. Has that ever happened to you?
When I asked the Lord about my actions and responses, He said: "Whenever you look to others for love or acceptance, you will be disappointed. You are already loved; you are already accepted by Me. Come to Me and receive your fill, then you will be able to be a giver of love. Share My love with others rather than looking to receive it from them. As you give, you will receive because you will reap what you sow. Accept others even as I have accepted and continue to accept you—not because you're perfect but because I love you and count you worthy of the price of My blood. You are a gift to me, bought and cherished. Cherish others as I cherish you. Love others as I love you."
Wow! That gave me a new perspective, and it was very liberating. Because I am already accepted and loved beyond measure, I don't need others to love me. I can love them without any expectation of reciprocity. I can release them to be who they are without placing demands upon them.
I can set them free not to do something for me just because I did something for them. In fact, Jesus told us it is better for us to invite those to dinner who can't repay us. What He meant is that we actually receive a greater reward when we do something for people who can't or don't pay us back—it is a greater indicator of our love.
Make a decision today to stop looking for love in all the wrong places and find it in God. Then you will be a vessel through which His love can flow out to others. Receive it from Him that you may give it out—and watch how you reap what you sow!
Prayer Power for the Week of Feb. 7, 2016
As you pray this week, embrace God's unconditional love for you, let it fill you heart, express it back to Him and share it with others. Ask Him to direct your steps to those who desperately need to know they are loved so that you can be a vessel of reconciliation and acceptance. Pray for those struggling through personal and economic loss as well as the ravages of winter weather. Continue to pray for worldwide revival and the soon return of our Lord. Lift up our nation and its leaders, the upcoming elections, more laborers for His harvest fields, Israel and the persecuted church (Jer. 31:3; John 6:37; 1 John 1:4; 1 John 4:19).
For a limited time, we are extending our celebration of the 40th anniversary of Charisma. As a special offer, you can get 40 issues of Charisma magazine for only $40!
NEW from CHARISMA: Do you want to encounter the Holy Spirit and hear God speak to you? Increase your faith, discover freedom, and draw near to God! Click Here
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Saturday, October 17, 2015
Friday, August 21, 2015
Cruz: End Planned Parenthood funding
Cruz: End Planned Parenthood funding
Ted CruzAugust 20, 2015 USA Today
Ted CruzAugust 20, 2015 USA Today
Accounting gimmicks can't hide the fact that federal support ultimately pays for abortion.
Over the past few weeks, Americans have seen a series of videos come out of Planned Parenthood that are nothing short of horrifying. The footage shows senior Planned Parenthood officials laughing, swilling chardonnay and casually, callously, heartlessly discussing killing unborn children in order to sell their body parts. These videos also force Americans to face the grim reality of what happens to the babies’ remains.
While the sheer candor of these Planned Parenthood officials has shocked most, what is more disturbing is the admission that these barbaric actions are standard practice in some abortion clinics. Worse still, Americans are currently forced to fund the organization that commits these acts. This must end. An organization that generates a large part of its revenue from terminating innocent human life should not receive one penny of taxpayer money and those who engage in what may be criminal activity must be held to account.
For this reason, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell should not schedule or facilitate the consideration of any legislation that gives federal money to Planned Parenthood. Instead, the Department of Justice needs to investigate and prosecute Planned Parenthood for any potential criminal actions of commercial trafficking of fetal organs.
It is mindboggling that any individual who has seen or knows the details of these videos could support continued taxpayer funding of the abortion industry. Yet still, the billion-dollar Planned Parenthood receives about 45% of its funding from government sources. Planned Parenthood has performed more than a million abortions over the past three years, and its work accounts for nearly one-third of all abortions in the United States.
For far too long, Planned Parenthood has hidden behind the well-crafted charade that that it exists to protect women’s health. In reality, it is in the business of killing unborn children on an industrial scale. Despite what Planned Parenthood contends, abortion procedures, not women’s health, are its lifeblood. Hundreds of thousands of annual abortions generate nearly 40% of Planned Parenthood’s clinic revenues. Simply put, Planned Parenthood is the nation’s largest abortion profiteer. For every woman who gets prenatal care at Planned Parenthood, the organization reports more than 15 abortions. For every woman who is referred for adoption assistance, there are more than 150 abortions.
Despite Planned Parenthood's propaganda, ending taxpayer funding of abortion providers will have little impact on a woman’s access to healthcare. Community health centers, charities, state health departments and other government entities all provide women’s health services without also providing abortions. And as The Washington Post recently highlighted, community health centers outnumber Planned Parenthood facilities almost 14 to 1 across the country. Let's fund these women's health providers, not Planned Parenthood.
Even our president, who believes abortions should be legal and widely available at all stages of pregnancy, acknowledges that there is a “tradition in this town, historically, of not financing abortions as part of government-funded health care.” What I propose is simple acknowledgement of the fact that funding abortion providers in any way ultimately amounts to taxpayer support for abortion itself, regardless of accounting rules put in place to obscure the facts.
The abortion industry places more value on killing babies than it does on the sanctity of human life, and under no circumstance should it receive taxpayer funds. This is more than a mere fiscal matter — this is a moral issue. How we handle this issue reflects who we are as Americans and what we value most — either the lives of the most innocent and the health of our nation’s mothers, daughters and sisters or the fiscal solvency of an industry that exists to abort babies.
For these reasons, I intend to lead the fight in the United States Senate to defund Planned Parenthood, even while investigations continue. The time for show votes is over. Funding the federal government does not require funding Planned Parenthood. But basic decency and our committment to the right to life does require that we stop taxpayer funding of abortions and any trade in baby parts.
Ted Cruz is a Republican senator from Texas and a presidential candidate.
While the sheer candor of these Planned Parenthood officials has shocked most, what is more disturbing is the admission that these barbaric actions are standard practice in some abortion clinics. Worse still, Americans are currently forced to fund the organization that commits these acts. This must end. An organization that generates a large part of its revenue from terminating innocent human life should not receive one penny of taxpayer money and those who engage in what may be criminal activity must be held to account.
For this reason, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell should not schedule or facilitate the consideration of any legislation that gives federal money to Planned Parenthood. Instead, the Department of Justice needs to investigate and prosecute Planned Parenthood for any potential criminal actions of commercial trafficking of fetal organs.
It is mindboggling that any individual who has seen or knows the details of these videos could support continued taxpayer funding of the abortion industry. Yet still, the billion-dollar Planned Parenthood receives about 45% of its funding from government sources. Planned Parenthood has performed more than a million abortions over the past three years, and its work accounts for nearly one-third of all abortions in the United States.
For far too long, Planned Parenthood has hidden behind the well-crafted charade that that it exists to protect women’s health. In reality, it is in the business of killing unborn children on an industrial scale. Despite what Planned Parenthood contends, abortion procedures, not women’s health, are its lifeblood. Hundreds of thousands of annual abortions generate nearly 40% of Planned Parenthood’s clinic revenues. Simply put, Planned Parenthood is the nation’s largest abortion profiteer. For every woman who gets prenatal care at Planned Parenthood, the organization reports more than 15 abortions. For every woman who is referred for adoption assistance, there are more than 150 abortions.
Despite Planned Parenthood's propaganda, ending taxpayer funding of abortion providers will have little impact on a woman’s access to healthcare. Community health centers, charities, state health departments and other government entities all provide women’s health services without also providing abortions. And as The Washington Post recently highlighted, community health centers outnumber Planned Parenthood facilities almost 14 to 1 across the country. Let's fund these women's health providers, not Planned Parenthood.
Even our president, who believes abortions should be legal and widely available at all stages of pregnancy, acknowledges that there is a “tradition in this town, historically, of not financing abortions as part of government-funded health care.” What I propose is simple acknowledgement of the fact that funding abortion providers in any way ultimately amounts to taxpayer support for abortion itself, regardless of accounting rules put in place to obscure the facts.
The abortion industry places more value on killing babies than it does on the sanctity of human life, and under no circumstance should it receive taxpayer funds. This is more than a mere fiscal matter — this is a moral issue. How we handle this issue reflects who we are as Americans and what we value most — either the lives of the most innocent and the health of our nation’s mothers, daughters and sisters or the fiscal solvency of an industry that exists to abort babies.
For these reasons, I intend to lead the fight in the United States Senate to defund Planned Parenthood, even while investigations continue. The time for show votes is over. Funding the federal government does not require funding Planned Parenthood. But basic decency and our committment to the right to life does require that we stop taxpayer funding of abortions and any trade in baby parts.
Ted Cruz is a Republican senator from Texas and a presidential candidate.
Thursday, May 14, 2015
22-Week Viability: An Abortion Game-Changer?
22-Week Viability: An Abortion Game-Changer?
By Heather Sells
CBN News Reporter
Wednesday, May 13, 2015
A new study shows that babies born as early as 22 weeks who receive active medical treatment have a chance at survival.
The New England Journal of Medicine reports survival rates at 23 percent for babies born at 22 weeks, and 33 percent for babies born at 23 weeks.
Active treatment includes the use of breathing machines, feeding tubes, and heart resuscitation.
For babies that only received so-called comfort care, the survival rates declined to 5 percent for those born at 22 weeks, and 24 percent for those born at 23 weeks.
The study involved nearly 5,000 babies born before 27 weeks at 24 hospitals.
A new bill by House Republicans would require doctors performing late-term abortions to take steps to help aborted babies deemed viable survive. Arina Grossu, with the Family Research Council, shares her thoughts on the bill and its significance below:
Survival without severe impairment was also higher with active treatment: 15 percent versus 3 percent at 22 weeks, and 25 percent versus 18 percent at 23 weeks.
The study found that hospitals vary in their treatment of extremely premature newborns.Four hospitals in the study never actively treated babies at 22 weeks, but five other hospitals did so consistently.
Dr. Edward Bell, with the University of Iowa, one of the study's leaders, said parents need to know that "the hospital that you go to might determine what happens to your baby."
Another study leader, medical student Matthew Rysavy, said hospitals should give parents better information on survival rates -- not just by gestational age but also by what happens if active care is given.
"A doctor might say 'no 22-week infant has ever survived,' but that might mask the fact that doctors there don't try because they don't consider such babies viable," Rysavy said.
About 12,000 babies are born between 22 and 25 weeks each year in the United States. A full-term pregnancy is considered to be about 40 weeks.
Despite medical advances, the rates of cerebral palsy, blindness, deafness, asthma, and other major problems have not changed much for extremely premature babies.
The study marks the first major look in the United States at how preemies fare according to the care they get and it could affect the debate on abortion.
The Supreme Court has said that states must allow abortion if an unborn baby is not viable outside the womb.
Until now, most medical experts have considered that age to be 24 weeks. However, medical groups are now discussing whether to lower the consensus on the age of viability.
Thursday, December 4, 2014
Tour Guide Gets More Than She Expected When She Joins Prayer at Supreme Court
Tour Guide Gets More Than She Expected When She Joins Prayer at Supreme Court
It's significant that a prayer vigil with Bound4LIFE is called a "Silent Siege."
This public prayer witness carries a distinct difference from the atmosphere of many protests that occur on Capitol Hill, specifically at the U.S. Supreme Court. The people praying are silent, yet definitely it is a Siege—things are most certainly happening!
I have led educational historic tours of the East Coast for decades. I've often been by the people who are lined up at the steps of the Supreme Court, praying with the red Life Tape over their mouths. I was familiar with Justice House of Prayer DC and Bound4LIFE, but I had never prayed with them before.
One day a friend and I were there without a group so I said, "Let's go over and pray with them."
As soon as I took the piece of red tape that said "LIFE" on it, I started shaking. Keep in mind, I'm not some sort of shake-and-quake person. What is wrong with me? I thought. Why am I shaking?
I've been to the Supreme Court thousands of times, never experiencing such emotion. As I put the red tape over my mouth, I looked up at the triangular pediment staring down at us from the top of the Court. It declares boldly: EQUAL JUSTICE UNDER LAW.
I started crying so hard. My spirit cried out within me, God, equal justice? There's no justice for these babies! Their voices have been silenced.
Now, over the last 42 years, we've had 56 million lives snuffed out from abortion according to most estimates. These are American citizens, who would've been part of our culture: inventors, artists, sisters, fathers ... people who contributed in everyday life.
One Silent Siege at the Supreme Court was a turning point for my very existence. I made an inner realization: I wasn't alive when slavery was going on, I wasn't alive during the Holocaust—but this is happening on our watch.
A Scripture verse rose up in my spirit during that same hour. Surely for your lifeblood I will demand a reckoning, begins Genesis 9:5-6. Whoever sheds man's blood, by man his blood shall be shed; for in the image of God He made man.
We're accountable in this generation for allowing this to take place. Those of us alive right now, we've got to be the voice for the innocent among us. And who is more innocent than a baby on the inside of a mother's womb?
That day was life-changing for me. We know the faithful prayers of Bound4LIFE have impacted the unseen realm.
And the countless thousands who've walked by and thought, What is that? From experience, I will tell you: They've been impacted too.
Rene Couture serves as co-host of The Annica Thomas Show, a weekly radio show airing live in Tulsa, Oklahoma, and available online. She lives in Eau Claire, Wisconsin. This Bound4LIFE post has been reprinted with permission.
Thursday, October 9, 2014
3 Ways to Break Free From 'New Mommy Syndrome'
When I became a parent, it never crossed my mind that I might end up with a friend problem. I'd never had trouble making friends, but my journey from being single to married to mommy—all within two years—had caused my social life to suffer. Most of my friends were single and working, which worked out great when I could meet them for lunches and evening coffees. But all of that was about to change.
Although I was excited about the transition, I wasn't prepared for the isolation I would face going from a full-time job to staying home with my baby. I didn't understand how difficult it would be to maintain friendships with people whose social circles I no longer frequented. And when Josiah arrived, I soon learned that I could only survive for so long on Facebook "likes" before I felt like I was stranded on a desert island with only a volleyball (like Tom Hanks in Castaway) . . . excuse me, an infant . . . for company.
And to be honest, I didn't really know how to engage with the "mommy culture." I felt totally competent meeting with single women and offering them dating advice, or talking to writers about crafting an engaging article, but I felt at a total loss inserting myself into a conversation about what kind of diapers are best. I didn't feel like an expert on being a mom, and that lack of confidence caused me to shy away from connecting with other mommy-types.
That's when I decided a few things needed to change and I became intentional about nurturing friendships with other women. Here's what I did to pull myself out of my friendless void:
Finding Face Time. Before my baby had been born, I had experienced adult social interaction throughout every day. It was a big adjustment to be at home with a non-verbal infant. I talked to my husband, Kevin, about my loneliness and feelings of isolation, and we agreed that I would schedule "date nights" with friends at times when he could be with our son. Several times a month, I would meet a friend for coffee, go to a movie, or go out for dinner—baby-free. These social times with existing friends, were rejuvenating for me and gave me more energy to care for the needs of my baby and my husband.
Unplugging. Along with my newfound days of staying home with my son came a rise in my social media consumption. On one hand, it was a wonderful way to connect with others throughout the day, and it filled the void of the digital communication I'd experienced in the workplace. But as a new mom who didn't always feel like I was performing the tasks of motherhood well, the "mama highlights reel" I saw online left me feeling inadequate and depressed. (Studies show that regular Facebook consumption leads to greater levels of unhappiness. )
When I disciplined myself to not "snack" on social media all day long, I felt more free to be the mother God had created me to be—not the mom who cultivated homemade yogurt on her counter, redecorated the nursery on a regular basis or always had dinner on the table when her husband returned home from work.
Braving Mommy-Culture. Because my entrance into marriage and motherhood had been so fast and furious, I found myself reluctant to form relationships with other moms. One practical consideration was that I was in my thirties when I became a mom, while many other first-time moms are in their twenties. In addition, I had a fairly robust identity as an individual (an identity forged in the trenches of singleness) and I found it awkward discussing new and unfamiliar topics, such as diapering and sleep training. In truth, I felt insecure in my new role.
Around the time I had my second child, I realized I really needed friends who were in my stage of life. My unmarried and childless friends were great, but I also needed women who understood what I was going through right now. And so I reluctantly joined a moms group at our church. The experience wasn't perfect—there were some women I didn't relate to because they were really young moms or seemed to have few interests outside of motherhood—but the benefit was realizing that I wasn't alone. I wasn't the only mom who had insecurities about being a mom. The group provided a place where I could let down and admit to my struggles—and others could say "me too."
My transition into motherhood was a bit of a rocky road socially. Now, as a mom of three, I still struggle to find time for cultivating meaningful friendships and connecting with mommy culture. But I'm beginning to find a rhythm. I recognize when I'm feeling socially starved and make a plan to engage in community. Women need other women at every stage of life ... and maybe even more so as new moms. In my case, that required going out of my comfort zone, but it was well worth the journey.
Suzanne Hadley Gosselin is a regular contributor to Thriving Family magazine and and writes children's resources for several publishers. After having three children in fewer than five years of marriage, Suzanne and her husband, Kevin, who is a children's pastor, consider themselves on the family fast-track — a blessing they wouldn't trade for anything. Gosselin is the author of the newly released, Expectant Parents: Preparing Together for the Journey of Parenthood (Tyndale - Focus on the Family)
Monday, March 24, 2014
Eric Stetter/Lightstock)
He Makes Me Lie Down in Green Pastures
Just the sound of the word inoculation makes my heart pound and my palms sweaty. I hate shots. Period. Most people do. I am convinced, that that is because of how they give them to us when we are too young to have a say so.
Babies get them in multiples. No single inoculation. In fact, the pediatrician groups them by time frame such as 2 months or 6 months. There is no real name given. Just bring them in for the “6-month” inoculations.
Our grandson, Elijah, had this personality altering 6-month event. His mommy and daddy were out of town (by design I believe). So his Nanny took him. I asked her after the appointment if he cried. (Is that a stupid question or what?) She said he was very brave (so I would be a proud grandfather), but yes, he screamed.
That evening when it was time for him to go to bed, he was very fussy. He had been stabbed in both of those tiny precious thighs numerous times. He was running a slight fever (and this is good for him?). I took him to our bed and laid him down. Then I slid in next to him and tried to comfort him. He wasn’t really crying, just soft moans. It was obvious that under those “Scooby –Doo” Band-Aids, both legs ached. No real tears, just overall discomfort. So I reached my arm around him and gently pulled him right up against my chest, very close. And I whispered to him that I would go have a talk with the mean doctor the next day.
I promised Elijah that he would feel much better after a good night’s sleep. He could not understand any of the words. It was simply the sound of my voice. I slipped my thumb into his pudgy little hand. As he started to dose, something startled him (maybe pain?). His eyes flew open and he looked over at me. I gently squeezed his hand and whispered to him. He actually sighed, relaxed and closed his eyes again. His Pappy was there, and he felt safe, secure, protected, loved.
Psalm 23:2 says, “He makes me lie down in green pastures.” In the original language, the concept is that the Shepherd causes us to lie down and lean against Him. Take a minute, close your eyes, and fill your mind with this picture. The Shepherd gentlymakes the sheep lie down. And then He doesn’t walk away with a trite “hope you feel better.” No. The Great Shepherd then lies down next to the sheep. He gets down in the plush green grass with one of His tired, hurting flock.
Then He goes a step further. He puts His everlasting arm around the sheep and pulls it against His chest. He whispers the sheep’s name. Comforts it. Encourages it. Holds it firmly, but gently. And when that sheep is relaxed, secure and resting, assured of His protection and love, the Shepherd goes and finds another sheep in need of tender mercy. And the process starts all over again, sheep after sheep after sheep. Get the picture?
This week, as you journey in your Christ walk, you may need to lie downin His green pasture.
Has life pounded you? Are you worn out from trying to keep up with the “cares of the world”? Do you feel like you can’t get your next breath? Money is tight. Troubles at home. Exhausted in the battle. Afraid. Worried. Not sure how or even if you can go another day.
Get your mind around this. You are His sheep. He loves you. He has not forgotten you. He knows where you are. The Great Shepherd knows your name. Intimately. Take some time to get alone and in the peacefulness of that solitude allow Him to cause you to lie down, lean against Him.
Feel that? It is His arm pulling you close. Stay there. Relax. Breathe. You are secure, protected, loved. He will stay there with you. No hurry. Don’t rush. Your times are in His hands. And that is a very good place to leave them.
Prayer Power for the Week
This week, take time to get alone with God and in that solitude allow Him to pour His love and comfort on you. Be still in His presence and know that He is God and that you are secure in Him. Thank Him for the assurance of His faithfulness and that He’ll never leave you nor forsake you. Then place your cares one by one into His capable hands.
Continue to pray that revival would ignite our churches, spread throughout our nation and around the world. Pray that God will send laborers into His ripe harvest fields and that many will heed the call. Pray for the families of those lost in the Malaysian 777. Include the Ukraine as you pray for the nations, and once again, remember Israel, our troops, the persecuted church worldwide, and our national, spiritual and civic leaders. (Psalm 46:10; Heb. 13:5; Psalm 23)
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