Showing posts with label comfort. Show all posts
Showing posts with label comfort. Show all posts
Sunday, July 10, 2016
Monday, December 7, 2015
"Comfort: Why the Church Needs Prophecy" -Kirklin Cross, Jr., THE ELIJAH LIST
"Comfort: Why the Church Needs Prophecy"
Kirklin Cross, Jr., Cleburne, TX
The Elijah List
Prophecy: The Ultimate Result is Comfort or Mental Ease
But he that prophesieth speaketh unto men to edification, and exhortation, and comfort. 1 Corinthians 14:3 (KJV)
Encouragement is always welcomed. Exhortation may not come in the form you would like it to be. But the end result of prophecy is always comfort. There may be things you have to go through. There may be instruction. There may be words of caution and warnings. But in the end, comfort.
1. To soothe in time of affliction or distress.
2. To ease physically; relieve:
3. A condition or feeling of pleasurable physical ease or relief from pain or stress:
4. Solace or consolation in time of sorrow or distress: soothing words of comfort.
5. Help; assistance:
6. Something providing ease, convenience, or security: the comforts of modern living.
7. A person or thing that brings consolation or mental ease. (Photo via Pixabay)
Often, we see Jesus and the disciples throughout the Scriptures bringing comfort to people. It came in many different forms, just as the definition describes above. For example, when the father brought his lunatic son, Jesus healed him (see Matthew 17:14-18). In that passage the father came distressed to the disciples, asking them to just help him, and his son was healed.
Lazarus risen from the dead. The blind man healed. Many people comforted from distress and physical illnesses. The prophetic words that went forth in the time of sorrow for Lazarus' family that caused him to rise from the dead. I think the last definition defines one of the biggest things that we as God's children desire most: mental ease. It can be hard to go through life worrying about things to come. How life will turn out. Who you are called to be, etc. One word from God spoken over your life can put your mind at ease in an area you have been concerned about.
How often have you asked God to just give you help or assistance? How often have you asked for relief? God's prophetic word always has comfort in the equation. It may not be comforting in the beginning, but it will bring you comfort at some point.
One of the hardest things to ease at times is one's mind. We are designed to think. I know I myself am often thinking and preparing for what's next. Whether it is in ministry, my family, or even personally, it can cause a lack of sleep. It can cause worry. It can cause one to be angry because they cannot seem to figure out the answer to a problem. Knowing that God is with you, leading you, always brings a comfort to every situation.
Prophecy Helps God's People Know that He is Real
(Photo by Jennifer Page "Washed in His Love"via
Jesus describes the Holy Ghost as the Comforter. He says it is the Spirit of Truth which comes from the Father who shall testify of Him. As people are comforted through prophecy, it helps them believe even more that God is real. It helps them hold on a little longer to the promises of God. People need to know God is still alive. People are waiting for the words to flow from each and every one of God's people that will bring them into a new walk with Him.
Prophecy teaches mankind to trust God. It walks them into the truth, knowing that God is real. Have you ever ministered to someone and they spoke of how comforting it was to hear words of confirmation? It set them at ease to know that they were right where God wants them to be. We live in a time where people are lost and feel as though they have no one to turn to. You may hold in you the necessary words needed to set their minds and hearts at ease. You may hold the words of comfort that will help one keep believing.
God is looking for prophetic people to rise up and take their place in the Church once again. No one believes in the Church any more. Where are the next Smith Wigglesworths of the Church? Where is the next William Branham or Kathryn Kuhlman? Who will stand up and take their place? The Church needs prophetic people to rise up.
Moses went to Pharaoh with words that were bold. Words that gave warning and instruction, even unto his son's death. Yet it brought the Israelites comfort to know they were free. Comfort, just like edification and exhortation, isn't always for you – it may be that you are the one speaking the words to another. It may be that someone is speaking them to you. It may be that you are speaking the prophetic word to one such as Moses to Pharaoh, that will bring comfort to someone other than the two, like the Israelites. Ultimately, prophecy helps God's people know that He is real. It testifies that Christianity is real.
The Necessity of Hearing God and Bringing Comfort
Revelation 19:10 (KJV) And I fell at his feet to worship him. And he said unto me, "See thou do it not: I am thy fellowservant, and of thy brethren that have the testimony of Jesus: worship God: for the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy."
Revelation 1:10 (KJV) I was in the Spirit on the Lord's day, and heard behind me a great voice, as of a trumpet...
We know that prophecy is hearing from our Heavenly Father. So then, the testimony of Jesus, or rather being a Christian, is hearing from the Heavenly Father. That's why Paul said to desire to prophecy. We as Christians, through prophecy (hearing from the Heavenly Father), have the opportunity to walk just as Christ did: proving God's glory. Revealing the hearts of men through prophecy.
We, as Christians, claim to be Christlike. But are we? Are we operating in the spiritual realm? Are we examples of the anointing of God on this earth? Jesus told us greater works shall we do. Yet most sit idle in the Church. We see the same theme throughout the Bible: Christians hearing from God, following His instruction, and bearing fruit. Proving to all that God is real. Yet, we only preach and teach on the things that the mind can fathom. My grandmother once said, "Believe the words you read, don't just read the words you believe."
Much of the Church has fallen away from faith because the Church doesn't apply it anymore. There is no application, only instruction. We lead people to Scriptures but don't teach them how to apply them. No one listens to hear from the Father because "we have it all figured out." We are divided by religions and denominations. We are divided by cultures and belief systems. We are divided by the color of skin. We are divided as a Church in many ways.
John 12:32 (KJV) And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me.
We are all members of the Body of Christ. We all play a role in the Body of Christ. Jesus was trying to unify all to follow Christianity. His teachings come from a servant's viewpoint. He knew the necessity in hearing God and bringing comfort in whatever form it should be to each and every person according to their need. This is the Church God is waiting on us to become again.
We are in the season where God is ready for His people to stand up again. The Church has been lying dormant with its mouth closed. People have been taught the traditions of men for quite some time. God is doing a new thing. Let it begin with you!
In His Service,
Prophet Kirklin Cross, Jr.
Kirklin Cross Jr. Ministries, Inc.
Kirklin Cross Jr. Ministries, Inc.
Prophet Kirklin Cross, Jr. is the founder of K.C.J. Ministries, Inc., a Christian nonprofit organization dedicated to implementing prophetic ministry to anyone who wants to hear from God. He ministers the prophetic word and trains God's people who feel called to prophetic ministry. Prophet Kirklin uses to connect to those who desire prophecy, dream interpretation, and prophetic counseling. He also shares his gift at prophetic conferences across the United States, teaching the Word of God in spirit and in truth, so the Body of Christ hears and understands God's Word and its relevance to their lives.
Prophet Kirklin has a powerful testimony of being delivered from dealing drugs and drug addiction to becoming a minister of the Gospel. Having been on both sides of the fence, he relates easily to the lost as well as those living a Christian lifestyle. He is real, transparent, passionate, and humble as he leads people into discovering a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ.
Prophet Kirklin serves locally as an associate minister at The Meeting Place Church in Cleburne, Texas, where he leads the prophetic ministry, offers prophetic counseling, and evangelizes with the Kenya Missions team. He has dedicated his life to serving Jesus Christ and His people as the Holy Spirit's mouthpiece.
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Wednesday, May 7, 2014
Why a Mother’s Prayer Can Change Everything by RUTH L. WHITFIELD
A mother's prayer is powerful. (Lightstock)
Why a Mother’s Prayer Can Change Everything
I remember seeing my mother kneeling at the side of her bed and praying aloud for each of her children and grandchildren. That memory is forever etched in my mind, and I will never forget sensing a strong presence of God through her intercession. I came away with a sense of reverential fear and trust that no matter what would happen to any of us, God would honor her prayers on our behalf.
My mother is in heaven now, yet it’s a comfort to know that the Lord continues to honor those prayers. It encourages me to continue to pray for my own children and grandchildren no matter how uncertain their futures or what they are currently facing.
I am sure that there are bittersweet moments for each of us whose parents have gone on to be with the Lord. We remember them. We miss them. We now realize how wise they really were. Our hope in the Lord is that we will see them again and enjoy His presence together.
Except for Eve, the mother of all living, we’ve all been blessed with mothers. Our mothers helped shape who we are today—for good or not so good. We learned from their example and from their mistakes. And when we had children of our own we realized what a challenge they faced raising us.
Some of us are privileged to have our moms around to help us with our own children. They bring the wisdom of experience and offer their time, love and energy to the task. What a blessing to have a doting grandma to pour unconditional love on our offspring!
But even with all that, the Holy Spirit is our best adviser, teacher and counselor. He knows what’s best for each child and can give us the insight to know what each needs and how to pray His will concerning each one. God hears a mother’s prayer.
I am thankful for His instruction and “coaching” as I grappled through years of raising an autistic son in a ministerial fish bowl filled with well-meaning parishioners giving “expert” advice concerning things they knew nothing about. Without the Lord, we would not have made it. Time and time again, He would admonish me to trust Him with our son.
That was not an easy task. We would place him on the altar, so to speak, and then quickly take him off, load ourselves with worry, then place him on the altar again. Then we’d call on the Lord for help and take one day at a time doing as He directed. The result was miraculous! Today, he’s a grown man who loves and serves the Lord, can earn a living and is active in the men’s group at church. Surely, God is worthy of our trust.
Surely, He knows what’s best for us and for our children. He is totally trustworthy.
Sometimes we worry when we don’t see our children going in the direction we feel would be best for them. Yet we have His promise that if we raise them and train them in the way they should go, when they are old they will not depart from them (see Prov. 22:6). Though they may stray as they try to find their own way in life, they will return to what was instilled in them (see 2 Tim. 3:15). It’s a promise.
Perhaps you are a single parent wrestling with raising your children and working full time. You feel exhausted and overwhelmed. You wonder how you are going to make it through another day. Take heart. You are not alone. The Holy Spirit will provide and direct you each step of the way. Our Father hears a mother’s prayer. Trust Him.
If God has blessed you with a special-needs child, know that He has given you a treasure. It may not feel that way sometimes. You may feel as if you are the only one carrying the responsibility relating to your child, your spouse, your other children and the household. And if you also work outside the home it’s a balancing act like no other. But His grace will enable you to do all He requires of you. You will learn the meaning of unconditional love and enjoy deep fellowship with Him. His love and grace is available—and it’s free.
Perhaps your children are grown and your mom is in her golden years and needing care. The tables have turned—you are now the caregiver and she is the one needing your help. It’s difficult for her to transition from total independence to needing care and provision. Do you struggle with the demands of your own family and her needs? Well, you are not alone. Honoring your mom in this season takes as much grace as handling a household of kids, a special-needs child, a full-time job and a cranky husband. But God is able to sustain you and go even beyond your need. He is there to give you His sufficiency, rest and restoration as you take time to get alone with Him.
No matter what season of life you are walking through, the Lord is there for you. Whether you see yourself as a daughter honoring her mother, a mother enjoying her children or one who is pulled in many directions at once, our God is more than able to provide you with everything you need to make this the most wonderful season of your life. Remember that God answers a mother’s prayer. Happy Mother’s Day!
This week surrender yourself and your children to the Lord and thank Him that He is ever present in every season of your life. Ask Him for the wisdom that is readily available and that He alone can give. Thank Him for the expected outcome, plans and purposes He has for you and your family. Pray for those who have sons, daughters and loved ones in the military. Ask the Lord to strengthen their faith and bring them comfort during this season of separation. Pray for protection over their sons and daughters as well as our own nation and its leaders. Prov. 22:6; James 1:6
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Monday, March 24, 2014
Eric Stetter/Lightstock)
He Makes Me Lie Down in Green Pastures
Just the sound of the word inoculation makes my heart pound and my palms sweaty. I hate shots. Period. Most people do. I am convinced, that that is because of how they give them to us when we are too young to have a say so.
Babies get them in multiples. No single inoculation. In fact, the pediatrician groups them by time frame such as 2 months or 6 months. There is no real name given. Just bring them in for the “6-month” inoculations.
Our grandson, Elijah, had this personality altering 6-month event. His mommy and daddy were out of town (by design I believe). So his Nanny took him. I asked her after the appointment if he cried. (Is that a stupid question or what?) She said he was very brave (so I would be a proud grandfather), but yes, he screamed.
That evening when it was time for him to go to bed, he was very fussy. He had been stabbed in both of those tiny precious thighs numerous times. He was running a slight fever (and this is good for him?). I took him to our bed and laid him down. Then I slid in next to him and tried to comfort him. He wasn’t really crying, just soft moans. It was obvious that under those “Scooby –Doo” Band-Aids, both legs ached. No real tears, just overall discomfort. So I reached my arm around him and gently pulled him right up against my chest, very close. And I whispered to him that I would go have a talk with the mean doctor the next day.
I promised Elijah that he would feel much better after a good night’s sleep. He could not understand any of the words. It was simply the sound of my voice. I slipped my thumb into his pudgy little hand. As he started to dose, something startled him (maybe pain?). His eyes flew open and he looked over at me. I gently squeezed his hand and whispered to him. He actually sighed, relaxed and closed his eyes again. His Pappy was there, and he felt safe, secure, protected, loved.
Psalm 23:2 says, “He makes me lie down in green pastures.” In the original language, the concept is that the Shepherd causes us to lie down and lean against Him. Take a minute, close your eyes, and fill your mind with this picture. The Shepherd gentlymakes the sheep lie down. And then He doesn’t walk away with a trite “hope you feel better.” No. The Great Shepherd then lies down next to the sheep. He gets down in the plush green grass with one of His tired, hurting flock.
Then He goes a step further. He puts His everlasting arm around the sheep and pulls it against His chest. He whispers the sheep’s name. Comforts it. Encourages it. Holds it firmly, but gently. And when that sheep is relaxed, secure and resting, assured of His protection and love, the Shepherd goes and finds another sheep in need of tender mercy. And the process starts all over again, sheep after sheep after sheep. Get the picture?
This week, as you journey in your Christ walk, you may need to lie downin His green pasture.
Has life pounded you? Are you worn out from trying to keep up with the “cares of the world”? Do you feel like you can’t get your next breath? Money is tight. Troubles at home. Exhausted in the battle. Afraid. Worried. Not sure how or even if you can go another day.
Get your mind around this. You are His sheep. He loves you. He has not forgotten you. He knows where you are. The Great Shepherd knows your name. Intimately. Take some time to get alone and in the peacefulness of that solitude allow Him to cause you to lie down, lean against Him.
Feel that? It is His arm pulling you close. Stay there. Relax. Breathe. You are secure, protected, loved. He will stay there with you. No hurry. Don’t rush. Your times are in His hands. And that is a very good place to leave them.
Prayer Power for the Week
This week, take time to get alone with God and in that solitude allow Him to pour His love and comfort on you. Be still in His presence and know that He is God and that you are secure in Him. Thank Him for the assurance of His faithfulness and that He’ll never leave you nor forsake you. Then place your cares one by one into His capable hands.
Continue to pray that revival would ignite our churches, spread throughout our nation and around the world. Pray that God will send laborers into His ripe harvest fields and that many will heed the call. Pray for the families of those lost in the Malaysian 777. Include the Ukraine as you pray for the nations, and once again, remember Israel, our troops, the persecuted church worldwide, and our national, spiritual and civic leaders. (Psalm 46:10; Heb. 13:5; Psalm 23)
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Wednesday, February 19, 2014
Sharing Love From Sweden - The Body of Christ by Eva Haglund
I send you many greetings from Stockholm!
I heard the first flower is ready to come up - maybe the spring is coming in Stockholm.
Hope so. It is beautiful with all flowers in the spring and new things in the nature. It is like God doing new things in our lives.
I have been thinking and have some thoughts to share.
Thank you for all you do for God at Love For His People"!
Here are some of my thoughts to share:
I read about what Morris E.Ruddock wrote about when people were gathering in small groups and God met them. He also talked about to carry each other burdens and about Acts.2:46. I like what he wrote!
The Body of Christ needs this today! The church is not the building. I believe in 1 Cor.12 that we Christians need each other and Jesus as the head, whom everyone needs first. He is the source.
We need more of Jesus. As Jesus wants to be our Friend - not just to come and ask for things. He wants love in Body of Christ with real friendship. In real friendship it is natural that people also meet in a home and eat together and have fellowship as in Acts.2:46.
It is written in 1Cor.12 that as in a usual body "the hand" needs the " foot" and so on that we Christians need each other - all with different gifts. I think it is meant about friendships here, not just in a church building. You cannot know everyone well but we are all Christains in Body of Christ. Instead of being as one man, sometimes as the church we ought to stand together as one Body - needing each other.
We all need each other. Jesus is the best friend you can have and we need Him firs. I also think about when Jesus talks about love to each other in John.15:12 "This is my commandment , that you love one another as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this than to lay down one`s life for his FRIENDS".
Jesus is talking about real friendship here. God is love and showed a lot of love. He came as a servant and washed the disciples feet - as I think this is also a picture of showing care to each other. Carrying each other´s burden. Helping each other.
It can be to comfort, to help anybody with practical things who has a big need; pray for anybody who does not feel well; visit anybody who do not feel well. The enemy has stolen a lot of real friendship in the Body of Christ and we need more of this back.
If a person lives far away you can write at e-mail for instance or call when you cannot meet in person. Jesus prayed that love among Christians would be a testimony to the world. John.17:21. Agape. The world needs love. All need love around us and God is love.1 John.4:8.
Sometimes evangelists are passionate for God wanting to win the world but they do not understand fellowship, friendship and that the people who get saved need people who take care of them, to show love and care.
Many people are wounded today and counseling is also fellowship. In John 21 Jesus taught on fellowship, practical love, breakfast, and a warm fire for the hungry, frozen and tired.
We need to learn to know of Jesus more and more .He loves us and loves when we talk to Him. He wants us to be with Him. He loves when we read His Word - the Bible.
Jesus is a real friend.
God of love,
Eva Haglund
Tuesday, February 4, 2014
A Word To the Prophetic Camp - Kent Simpson
Kent Simpson:
A Word To the Prophetic Camp
- The Elijah List
Through two wonderful gifts of the Holy Spirit, prophecy and the word of knowledge, we have discovered that when you receive a prophetic word and it is straight from the throne of God, you are launched into a euphoric experience.
Having the knowledge that God knows who you are is like having your name called from Heaven, revealing to everyone that your name is written in the Lamb's Book of Life.
The gift of prophecy creates a pathway, imparting purpose into your life.
Knowing even a small part of your destiny for this life can make a huge difference. With all the struggles that you are going through, receiving a word of knowledge from our Father that tells you He knows what is happening in your life today or reveals something He fixed in your past increases the measure of your faith. Does it not? It builds power within you to hear that He is on your side.
You can rest assured in the fact that you can handle all things when you know God has your back.
I believe this is why Apostle Paul encouraged the Body of Christ to seek spiritual gifts, and why he specifically requested that in our search we ask for the gift of prophecy. For God's prophetic words build, comfort, and exhort the Body of Christ into a unified force of faith that effectively changes the world.
Prophecy is a spiritual gift from the Holy Spirit. This gift is the foretelling of things to come. Many who have the gift of prophecy are also found to have an accompanying spiritual gift: the word of knowledge. The word of knowledge gives the spiritual ability of knowing in part about a person's life, whether the word speaks to their past or present situation.
Most people will go through many tests and changes, a pruning process, before their prophecy comes to pass.
This is what we call the process. Most people wish to avoid this part and go straight to the promise that is declared in the prophecy.
The vast majority of the test takes place within one's soul. The mind, however, poses the big question: Is this prophecy even from God, and if so, when will it come to pass?
The recipient of the prophecy must wait sometimes years before the prophecy comes to pass. They must have patience in order to know whether or not the word was truly from God. Sometimes it takes so long for the word to come to pass they forget ever receiving their prophecy until years after it has come to pass, and then it hits them like a bolt of lightning.
On the other hand, when a word of knowledge is given, its impact is immediate and the person knows without a doubt the word is from God because it has already happened in their life, which makes the reality of the gift unquestionable.
Here are some other reasons people become confused after they have received a prophetic word. When the message is delivered, it may start with a word of knowledge, then go into prophecy, foretelling of things to come, and later shift back to a word of knowledge, speaking about something that has already happened in their life. This can become confusing to the person receiving the prophetic word.
There have been times when I mailed out a prophetic word and the person called and told me later that I was right in a few places but the other parts of their word did not fit them. After listening to their prophecy, I discovered that the parts they said were correct were words of knowledge. The ones they said I missed were prophecy. Well, of course the prophecy has not manifested in their life, for they just received the prophecy a few days before calling me. How would the word have time to come to pass?
These two gifts listed in 1 Corinthians, chapter 12, are found to be in operation throughout the Holy Bible. We also find in the Scriptures a guide for those who are delivering a prophetic
word. This same Scripture is used in the Body of Christ today; its purpose is to keep those ministering in the gift of prophecy or the word of knowledge from hurting people by delivering cruel and punishing words.
If this Scripture is not enforced, people can use their own words as weapons rather than using the true spiritual gift to express our heavenly Father's love.
But he who prophesies speaks edification and exhortation and comfort to men. 1 Corinthians 14:3
The same verse, however, does NOT apply to all who prophesy. For those who walk in the office of an apostle or prophet, you will discover that this verse does not always fit when a prophet is ministering in the word of knowledge or in the gift of prophecy.
A prophet also has the gift of prophecy and operates in the word of knowledge; however, there are times the prophetic word is for correction and confirms that God knows what you have been doing in secret. Scripture tells us that what is done in darkness shall be brought into the light, and that which is done in secret shall be shouted from the rooftops (Matthew 10:27, Mark 4:22).
It is the prophet's place to speak when God calls upon him or her to minister in a prophetic word of correction. If the prophetic word is received, the rebuke can bring comfort, exhortation, or edification.
In fact, the very writer of the letter to the Church at Corinth was Apostle Paul, who gave this verse I am using as the focus of this teaching, proving there is a difference between those who operate in the gift of prophecy and those who walk in the office of an apostle or prophet.
We see in the Book of Acts that it was common to find apostles and prophets traveling together. The apostle Paul and the prophet Silas were a traveling pair; as was Barnabas, an apostle, and Judas, a prophet, who traveled as a ministry team.
In one of the recorded accounts from the Book of Acts, Paul and possibly Silas came upon a false prophet named Elymas, a sorcerer who had been harassing and hindering them from preaching the Gospel. Paul turned and prophesied blindness to come upon the man. The Scripture proves that there is a difference in the instruction Apostle Paul gave to the Church at Corinth and how he operated in this instance.
Why? Because there is definite distinction between walking in the ascension gift ministries as an apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor and teacher, according to Ephesians 4:11 and those who operate in spiritual gifts listed in 1 Corinthians 12.
Then Saul, who also is called Paul, filled with the Holy Spirit, looked intently at him and said, "O full of all deceit and all fraud, you son of the devil, you enemy of all righteousness, will you not cease perverting the straight ways of the Lord? And now, indeed, the hand of the Lord is upon you, and you shall be blind, not seeing the sun for a time."
And immediately a dark mist fell on him, and he went around seeking someone to lead him by the hand. Then the proconsul believed, when he saw what had been done, being astonished at the teaching of the Lord. Acts 13:9-12
Surprisingly, this is not the only account where the Holy Spirit has revealed, according to the Holy Scriptures, what power is given to the prophets. We also see that in the days of tribulation the Holy Spirit will give power to the prophets to call down plagues and pestilence equal to the days Moses and Aaron as they stood before Pharaoh demanding that he let the people of God go free.
But in the days of the sounding of the seventh angel, when he is about to sound, the mystery of God would be finished, as He declared to His servants the prophets. Revelation 10:7
And he said to me, "You must prophesy again about many peoples, nations, tongues, and kings." Revelation 10:11
These have power to shut Heaven, so that no rain falls in the days of their prophecy; and they have power over waters to turn them to blood, and to strike the earth with all plagues, as often as they desire. Revelation 11:6
God Would Never Give a Prophetic Curse, Right?
The truth forces us to listen for God's word. This is why we must know exactly how to pray, hear, and obey. It is paramount we obey Him, for to do otherwise would be far too costly.
My calling came as God spoke to me from Ezekiel 33 on the 14th day of March, 1979, and it is part of my calling to share and teach on the prophetic gifts and functions, even to those who operate in the duties of a prophet, who stand in the office of a prophet. I pray we all be open to hear God's message. In this day and time we need to shed more light upon the truth, lest we find ourselves out of balance within the prophetic camp.
Kent Simpson, Prophetic Pastor
Prophetic Ministries Today
Prophetic Ministries Today
Kent Simpson is a prophetic pastor and is the founder and senior pastor of Prophetic Ministries Tabernacle – a gathering place for the prophetic people of God to unite for the sole purpose of being used as vessels for the Holy Spirit to speak through. Prophetic Ministries Today is devoted to the truth that Jesus is not dead but alive and He speaks if you have an ear to hear the Spirit.
His website is filled with prophetic teachings which will help you understand the process of "hearing" God for yourself as well as others. The Lord wants you to pray, hear, and obey Him because the Holy Spirit is the only One who can truthfully lead you into the abundant life Jesus promised us.
gift of prophecy,
hit or miss,
Kent Simpson,
prophetic pastor,
prophetic word,
spiritual gifts,
The Elijah List
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