Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Israel's History - a Picture a Day (Beta) Jewish Festivals - Shavuot The Book of Ruth

Israel's History - a Picture a Day (Beta)

Posted: 07 Jun 2016 
Reposting a popular feature
Photo portrait of "Ruth the Moabitess" (Library of Congress)
Ruth said, "Do not entreat me to leave you, to return from 
following you, for wherever you go, I will go...
Your people shall be my people, your God my God"
And Naomi and Ruth both went on until they arrived at Bethlehem
The Jewish holiday of Shavuot -Pentecost is celebrated this week.  The holiday has several traditional names: Shavuot, the festival of weeks, marking seven weeks after Passover; Chag HaKatzir, the festival of reaping grains; and Chag HaBikkurim, the festival of first fruits.  Shavuot, according to Jewish tradition, is the day the Children of Israel accepted the Torah at Mt. Sinai.  It is also believed to be the day of King David's birth and death.

Ruth came to a field that belonged to Boaz who was 
of the family of Naomi's deceased husband
The reading of the Book of Ruth is one tradition of the holiday.  Ruth, a Moabite and widow of a Jewish man (and a princess according to commentators), gave up her life in Moab to join her Jewish mother-in-law, Naomi, in the Land of Israel.  She insisted on adopting Naomi's God, Torah and religion.

A central element of the story of Ruth is her going to the local fields where barley and wheat were being harvested so that she could collect charitable handouts.  She gleans in the fields of Boaz, a judge and a relative of Ruth's dead husband (as such he had a levirate obligation to marry the widow).  The union resulted in a child, Obed, the grandfather of King David. 

Boaz said to his servant, who stood over the reapers, 
"To whom does this maiden belong?"

 The members of the American Colonywere religious Christians who established their community in the Holy Land.  They were steeped in the Bible and photographed countryside scenes that referred to biblical incidents and prohibitions.

Boaz said to Ruth, "Do not go to glean in 
another you shall stay with my maidens"

Boaz said to her at mealtime, "Come here and partake
 of the bread..." He ordered his servants "Pretend to 
forget some of the bundles for her." 
Ruth carried it to the city and Naomi
saw what she had gleaned

We have matched the pictures with corresponding verses from the Book of Ruth.

We present a few of the dozens of "Ruth" photographs found in the Library of Congress' American Colony collection.   See more of the pictures here.

Ruth came to the threshing floor and Boaz said, "Ready the shawl you are wearing and hold it," and 
she held it, and he measured out six measures of barley....
A major effort was made by the photographers to re-enact the story of Ruth, probably in the fields near Bethlehem.  "Ruth," we believe, was a young member of the American Colony community; the remaining "cast" were villagers from the Bethlehem area who were actually harvesting, threshing and winnowing their crops.

Unfortunately, we don't know when the "Ruth and Boaz series" was photographed, but we estimate approximately 100 years ago.

Click on the pictures to enlarge. 
 Click on the caption to view the original.

Rare hoard of coins found in Modi'in, Israel - Israel Today Staff

Rare hoard of coins found in Modi'in, Israel

Wednesday, June 08, 2016 |  Israel Today Staff

Rare hoard of coins found in Modi'in, Israel

Wednesday, June 08, 2016 |  Israel Today Staff
The search for the Hasmonean city of Modi'in has been ongoing for decades with many interesting finds being discovered including a Byzantine settlement and Byzantine era monastery.
Some of the Byzantine era ruins were discovered to have been built on ruins of an earlier settlement. It was during the excavation of these ruins by the Israel Antiquities Authority that the hoard of second century BCE coins was discovered.
The treasure was hidden in a rock crevice, up against a wall of an impressive agricultural estate that was discovered and date to the Hasmonean period (126 BCE).
Excavation director, Avraham Tendler said, "the cache may have belonged to a Jew who hid his money in the hope of coming back to collect it, but he was unlucky and never did return".
"This rare cache of silver coins from the Hasmonean period comprised of shekels and half-shekels (tetradrachms and didrachms) were minted in the city of Tyre and bear the images of the king, Antiochus VII and his brother Demetrius II. The cache that we found is compelling evidence that one of the members of the estate who had saved his income for months needed to leave the house for some unknown reason. He buried his money in the hope of coming back and collecting it, but was apparently unfortunate and never returned. It is exciting to think that the coin hoard was waiting here 2,140 years until we exposed it".
Dr. Donald Tzvi Ariel, the head of the Coin Department at the Israel Antiquities Authority added, "The cache, which consists of 16 coins, contains one or two coins from every year between 135–126 BCE, and a total of nine consecutive years are represented. It seems that some thought went into collecting the coins, and it is possible that the person who buried the cache was a coin collector. He acted in just the same way as stamp and coin collectors manage collections today".
Numerous bronze coins minted by the Hasmonean kings were also discovered in the excavation. They bear the names of the kings such as Yehohanan, Judah, Jonathan or Mattathias and his title: High Priest and Head of the Council of the Jews. The finds indicate that the estate continued to operate throughout the Early Roman period. The Jewish inhabitants of the estate meticulously adhered to the laws of ritual purity and impurity: they installed ritual baths (miqwe’ot) in their settlement and used vessels made of chalk, which according to Jewish law cannot become ritually unclean.
The unique finds revealed in the excavation will be preserved in an archaeological park in the heart of the new neighborhood slated for construction in Modi‘in-Maccabim-Re‘ut.
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Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Ben Shapiro smashes the BDS movement to pieces! - Israel Video Network

Ben Shapiro
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As we have seen so many times throughout history, Jewish businesses are once again being labeled and boycotted. What is really motivating this anti-semitic movement? Ben Shapiro breaks it down.

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Taking A Stand - Gary Heavin, Mike Norris on The Jim Bakker Show (Day 1)

Watch here: Taking A Stand - Gary Heavin, Mike Norris on The Jim Bakker Show

Jim & Lori Bakker

Gary Heavin, Mike Norris

Jim Bakker Show 2016 | Show# 3009 | Aired on June 4, 2016

Jim Bakker Show © 2016 • Morningside Studios

Bible Reading for Shavuot ✡ "Your People Shall Be My People" - ISRAEL365

Where you go, I will go; and where you lodge,
I will lodge; your people shall be my people,
and your God my God.

אֶל אֲשֶׁר תֵּלְכִי אֵלֵךְ וּבַאֲשֶׁר תָּלִינִי אָלִין עַמֵּךְ עַמִּי וֵא-לֹהַיִךְ אֱ-לֹהָי

רות א:ט’’ז

el a-sher tayl-khee ay-laykh u-va-a-sher ta-lee-nee a-leen a-maykh a-mee vay-e-lo-ha-ikh e-lo-hai

Today's Israel Inspiration

On the upcoming festival of Shavuot, we read from the Book of Ruth. In one of the most beautiful statements of faith and allegiance in all of the Bible, Ruth demonstrates for all time what it means to cast your lot with the people of Israel, the Land of Israel, and the God of Israel. The Land of Israel Online Courses are dynamic, interactive classes about the Holy Land, its history, and its people. Choose from 4 great mini-series, from biblical archaeology to the Arab-Israeli Conflict, the Holocaust, or insights into the modern-day fulfillment of Ezekiel's prophecies. These amazing classes are starting NOW so don't wait!

The Israeli 'Indiana Jones' Finds Biblical Treasures in the Holy Land

Join a world class guide as he embarks on thrilling adventures and uncovers hidden treasures buried beneath the holy soil of Israel!

Bring a Piece of Israel into Your Home from Afar

Recognizing the gift of technology to bring Israel into homes far and wide, a group of dedicated teachers living in the Holy Land have initiated a new, online series of courses.

Adorn Yourself with this Amazing Ancient Temple Discovery

Archeologists discovered an ancient button-sized clay seal inscribed with the words, "Pure for God"  near  the Temple Mount. Archaeologists suggest that it was used on items in the Temple that required a seal of purity. City of David has created a gorgeous gold necklace replica of the seal.
20 % off all City of David Jewelry »

Israel Photo Trivia

Can you guess where Igor Farberov took this beautiful photo? Send me an email or post your guess on Facebook.

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Hi Israel365! Thank you so much for faithfully doing all these excellent godly works for your country. So informative and inspiring. I love Israel and her people and I believe that our Elohim had placed it in my heart because everyday I am excited to hear news from your land... I just love reading your Daily Inspiration. May Our dear Lord bless you and keep you and extend your borders to be a blessing worldwide. Keep up!!! I am so encouraged. Shabbat Shalom. From Davao City, Philippinesi-Virgel Garcia

I really enjoyed the Ein Gedi video today. Needing to rest and be still and the video really ministered to me. I did not get to see Ein Gedi when I was in Israel so this was a wonderful treat. I would like to take this opportunity to tell you how much I enjoy your emails. I have kept the one with the video of the young man singing Psalm 23. I look forward to seeing pictures taken in the Land. My heart is there and so are my prayers.- Sharon Norris
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Here's how God may be speaking to you when life isn't going your way.

When Disappointment Is a Symptom

Here's how God may be speaking to you when life isn't going your way. (Charisma archives)

Spirit-Led Woman
It was empty. I immediately asked, "Is today a holiday?" But no. We just didn't get any mail, so the box was a black hole of disappointment. "Not even a sales flier?"
Shoulder sag.
There it was again—the idolatry of heart that I had been learning about for a few years. I was starting to recognize the groping to find satisfaction in anything and everything except in the heart of God.
Prone to wander, Lord.
I feel it.
So says the old hymn.
So from the time it took me to turn away from the mailbox, walk across the street and get to my front door, I went to church in my heart.
Lord! I groaned. Lord, my soul needs You. I need so much more than mail to satisfy these deep, empty places in me.
My heart went to a verse I had just read, during my time with the Lord the morning before. I had planned to read further in the passage, but I came upon this phrase that tasted like the soft center of a Lindt milk chocolate truffle.
"The Father has life in himself" (John 5:26).
This is what I am always looking for, without even being aware of it much of the time. I want life—the abundant kind that Jesus talks about.
Timothy Keller says that idols always disappoint us, and I'm hypervigilant for this symptom now. Disappointment is a symptom. The feeling sends up a red flag that I was hoping to find satisfaction in the wrong place.
Empty mailbox. Empty. Empty. Empty.
But there is life in the Father—always full and never disappointing. Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays the life He delivers.
So let us turn away from meaningless, lifeless idols and seek satisfaction only in the Lord. 
Christy Fitzwater is the author of A Study of Psalm 25: Seven Actions to Take When Life Gets Hard. She is a blogger, pastor's wife and mom of two teenagers and resides in Montana. Visit for more information about her ministry. 
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People of Israel Demonstrate 'No Man Left Behind' Motto - LITAL SHEMESH CHARISMA NEWS

Sgt. Yehuda Hayisraeli

People of Israel Demonstrate 'No Man Left Behind' Motto

Sgt. Yehuda Hayisraeli (Facebook )

Standing With Israel
When Sgt. Yehuda Hayisraeli was critically wounded during Operation Protective Edge, and then managed to win the fight for his life, his family never imagined they would soon be entering another battleground in the path to rehabilitation.
Hayisraeli, who suffered extensive head injuries, had been set to return to his parents' home upon being released from hospital. Given his cognitive injuries, the familiar memories of his home are considered critical for his rehabilitation. But as the family lives in Samaria, the Defense Ministry was not authorized to build a housing unit for him that would be customized to his special rehabilitation needs.
Hayisraeli was unable to go home during the 10 months his family received the bureaucratic runaround from the authorities. But over the weekend, the Israeli public decided to act on the problem rather than waiting for the government to resolve it, and raised the necessary funds to customize the family home.
A group of Facebook opinion leaders, including Avihai Shorshan, Meir Layosh and Sara Haetzni-Cohen, decided to launch a crowdfunding campaign asking Israelis to donate to the family. In just 16 hours, they managed to meet the 600,000 shekel ($160,000) goal—the amount necessary to customize the house. Within 24 hours, they reached over 1.4 million shekels (about $370,000).
Among the donors were a 15-year-old boy who gave all his allowance money, a woman who, when the website crashed due to overload of donors, remained in her car until she was able to make her donation, and an Ashkelon woman suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder due to Hamas rocket attacks from Gaza.
More than 8,000 people opened their hearts and their wallets in a demonstration of solidarity and brotherhood, while dozens more donated gifts and services to be given out as incentives for donors of cash. The CEO of Headstart, the crowdfunding site used to raise the money, noted that this was the biggest Israeli campaign the site had ever seen and was quick to assign a special team to handle the project.
This mass outpouring was not only a display of Israeli unity from both Left and Right, but also a protest against the Defense Ministry's conduct and the bureaucratic red tape Hayisraeli had to endure.
One of the organizers of the crowdfunding campaign said: "The government of Israel can release 1,000 Palestinian prisoners to bring an Israeli captive home, but it can't build a concrete ramp so a soldier will be able to come home?"
Meanwhile, the Defense Ministry has rejected the family's request once again, as settlements in Judea and Samaria are precluded from receiving building permits, and suggested that the Hayisraeli family relocate.
This terrible injustice suffered by a soldier who was sent to battle to defend his people has managed to prompt the people of Israel into action. It even has the power to send a wake-up call to the Defense Ministry.
Yehuda Yitzhak Hayisraeli was injured while courageously trying to rescue abducted Lt. Hadar Goldin from a Rafah tunnel. This week, the people of Israel demonstrated that they too live by the motto: Leave no man behind. 
For the original article, visit
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