Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Kim Clement Prophesied Trump's Presidency in 2007 - ALVEDA KING CHARISMA NEWS

Kim Clement Prophesied Trump's Presidency in 2007

Click the arrow above to hear the prophetic words.

During the first debate, I remember texting friends "[Mr.] Trump is like a bull in a china shop." God revealed this to me: "Yes, and bulls are beautiful and magnificent creatures, and china is fragile."
I have prayed for, voted for and supported Mr. Trump from that day forward. Yet my confidence remains in God, not humans. 
Watch the video to see more. 
Alveda King is author of King Rules, founder of Alveda King Ministries, director of African American Outreach for Priests for Life, and spiritual adviser for Restore the Dream 2015.
3 Reasons Why you should read Life in the Spirit. 1) Get to know the Holy Spirit. 2) Learn to enter God's presence 3) Hear God's voice clearly! Go deeper!
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Turkey Has Declared War On Syria – Does This Mean That World War 3 Is About To Erupt In The Middle East? - Michael Snyder THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE BLOG


Turkey Has Declared War On Syria – Does This Mean That World War 3 Is About To Erupt In The Middle East?

Michael Snyder  THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE BLOG  Nov. 30, 2016

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has just announced that the only reason Turkish military forces have entered northern Syria is to “end the rule of the tyrant al-Assad”.  By publicly proclaiming that Turkey intends to use military force to overthrow the regime of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, Erdogan has essentially declared war on the Syrian government.  

Of course this puts a member of NATO in direct military conflict with Russia, since Russia is working very hard to prop up the Assad regime.  If all-out war breaks out between Turkey and Russia, could that be the spark that causes World War 3 to erupt in the Middle East?  And once Turkey and Russia start fighting, would the United States and the rest of NATO be dragged into the conflict?

The big mainstream news networks in the western world are almost completely ignoring what Erdogan said on Tuesday, but without a doubt this is major news.  The following comes from a Turkish news source
The Turkish military launched its operations in Syria to end the rule of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan said Nov. 29.
“In my estimation, nearly 1 million people have died in Syria. These deaths are still continuing without exception for children, women and men. Where is the United Nations? What is it doing? Is it in Iraq? No. We preached patience but could not endure in the end and had to enter Syria together with the Free Syrian Army [FSA],” Erdoğan said at the first Inter-Parliamentary Jerusalem Platform Symposium in Istanbul.
Turkish military forces initially invaded northern Syria on August 24th, and at the time we were all told that the purpose of the invasion was to “fight ISIS”, but now Erdogan is telling us something completely different.

Breitbart is one of the few U.S. news outlets that is reporting on this story, and I want you to read the following quotes from Erdogan that come from a Breitbart article that was posted on Tuesday very, very carefully…
“Why did we enter? We do not have an eye on Syrian soil. The issue is to provide lands to their real owners. That is to say we are there for the establishment of justice. We entered there to end the rule of the tyrant al-Assad who terrorizes with state terror,” Erdogan continued, insisting his forces were not in Syria for “any other reason.”
The Daily Sabah notes that Erdogan spoke with Russian President Vladimir Putin about Syria during two telephone calls last week. Since Russia launched a massive military operation to secure Bashar Assad in power, Putin would presumably have been interested in anything Erdogan had to say about toppling the regime in Damascus, and probably would not have kept quiet about it.
If the Turkish military is only in Syria to end the Assad regime, then presumably they will stay there until the job is done.

And this puts Turkey into a direct military conflict with Russia, Iran and Hezbollah since all three of them are already fighting very hard to help the Assad regime.

Of course there is another reason why Turkey is in northern Syria, and that is to fight the Kurds.  In fact, the Kurds and Turkey are both rushing to capture a little city northeast of Aleppo called al-Bab which is currently controlled by the Islamic State
Their immediate challenge is securing al-Bab, an Islamic State-held city northeast of Aleppo which Kurdish-led fighters are racing to take, and which lies close to the front lines of Assad’s allies.
Turkish-backed forces have made rapid gains since August, but largely through less heavily populated areas. Urban warfare around al-Bab is already taking a heavier toll. Five Turkish soldiers have been killed in the past week alone, three of them in a suspected Syrian government air strike.
“Right now the question is whether Russia will allow Turkey to seize al-Bab,” said the Muntasir Billah Brigade official.
But most people in the western world don’t know that Turkish soldiers are already dying in Syria.

Here in the United States, tens of millions of Americans are hailing a new era of “peace and prosperity” now that Donald Trump has won the election, but the truth is that one false move in Syria could easily raise tensions between the United States and Russia to the highest level that we have seen since the Cuban missile crisis back in the 1960s.

If Erdogan would have just stayed out of Syria we wouldn’t be in such a precarious situation.  Unfortunately, the president of Turkey is a narcissistic lunatic, and he dreams of a day when the old Ottoman Empire will once again be restored.

But his delusions of greatness threaten to make the Middle East even more unstable than it already has been.  In addition to his remarks above, on Tuesday Erdogan also called on all Muslims globally “to embrace the Palestinian cause and protect Jerusalem”
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has urged Muslims to defend the Palestinian cause, striking a tough stance on Israel despite improved ties between the two nations.
The president of majority Muslim Turkey said Tuesday that “it is the common duty of all Muslims to embrace the Palestinian cause and protect Jerusalem” and that safeguarding the Al-Aqsa Mosque should not be left to children armed with nothing but stones. Located in the Old City of Jerusalem, the hilltop compound is sacred to Muslims and Jews.
Most people in the western world pay very little attention to Erdogan, but the truth is that he is a madman that is often referred to as “Turkey’s version of Adolf Hitler”.  He is extremely ambitious, extremely nationalistic, and he is a warmonger.  That is a very dangerous combination, and I believe that it is only a matter of time before he starts a major war in the Middle East.

Somebody needs to get this guy under control, but unfortunately the Obama administration has been very hesitant to confront Erdogan about his outrageous behavior.

When Erdogan openly stated that the Turkish military is in Syria to overthrow the Assad regime on Tuesday, that was like lighting a match in a room that has already been doused with propane.

He needs to immediately retract those comments, because his unique brand of lunacy has now brought us dangerously close to the start of World War 3.

How the Life of Gentile Believer CS Lewis Honored Jews - TOBY JANICKI CHARISMA NEWS

C.S. Lewis (YouTube)

How the Life of Gentile Believer CS Lewis Honored Jews

Standing With Israel
On one of my office walls hang the pictures of eight Messianic Jewish Luminaries and, below them, is one lone picture of C.S. Lewis.
People who come into my office often ask, "Who is that?" Although many people don't know what he looked like, every time I tell them who it is, a smile comes across their faces.
I have loved the writings of C.S. Lewis since I was a small child at Christian summer camp. One of the activities we had was story time when a counselor would read one of the Chronicles of Narnia books to us. It wasn't long after that that I read the entire series myself. When I got older, I read more of his theological stuff such as Mere Christianity and The Screwtape Letters. He is one of my favorite writers of all time and always seemed to communicate with such ease and grace.
While most believers are familiar with his works on some level, very few people know about his Jewish wife and the impact she had upon him. Joy Davidman Gresham was Lewis' second wife, his first having passed away from dementia. Joy was of Jewish descent and had come to believe in Messiah after being an atheist for most of her life. Lewis wrote of her:
"In a sense the converted Jew is the only normal human being in the world. To him, in the first instance, the promises were made, and he has availed himself of them. He calls Abraham his father by hereditary right as well as by divine courtesy. He has taken the whole syllabus in order, as it was set; eaten the dinner according to the menu. Everyone else is, from one point of view, a special case, dealt with under emergency regulations ... we christened gentiles, are after all the graft, the wild vine, possessing 'joys not promised to our birth'; though perhaps we do not think of this so often as we might" (foreward to Smoke on the Mountain).
While I balk a bit at the expression "converted Jew," we must remember the time in which C.S. Lewis lived and wrote. From that perspective the respect and honor that he gives the Jewish people is profound and progressive and his words about Gentiles are sobering and certainly in line with the apostle Paul's warning, "Do not boast against the branches. If you boast, remember you do not sustain the root, but the root sustains you" (Rom. 11:18).
He expresses a similar sentiment while commenting on the gospel story of the Syrophoenician woman:
"I think to myself that the shocking reply to the Syrophoenician woman (it came alright in the end) is to remind all us Gentile Christians—who forget it easily enough or flirt with anti-Semitism—that the Hebrews are spiritually senior to us, that God did entrust the descendants of Abraham with the first revelation of Himself" (The Quotable Lewis, 348)
After Joy passed away from cancer, Lewis continued to raise her two boys, Douglas and David. While Douglas would go on to become a follower of Messiah like his mother, David became an Orthodox Jew and eventually took up the profession of a schochet (ritual slaughterer).
While he still lived with C.S. Lewis, Lewis would provide him with kosher food, which was no small task in 1950s Oxford, England. This was certainly a testament to Lewis' character and his compassion for the Jewish people.
On Nov. 22, 1963, Lewis passed on into the world of truth. May his writings continue to inspire us all, and may the humility he expressed as a Gentile believer toward the Jewish people be an example to us in the body of Messiah today. 
Toby Janicki is a teacher, writer, and project manager for First Fruits of Zion ( He contributes regularly to Messiah Journal and has written several books including God Fearers: Gentiles and the God of Israel. You can reach Toby
3 Reasons Why you should read Life in the Spirit. 1) Get to know the Holy Spirit. 2) Learn to enter God's presence 3) Hear God's voice clearly! Go deeper!
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Did Israelis Convince American Christians to Vote Trump? - David Lazarus ISRAEL TODAY

Did Israelis Convince American Christians to Vote Trump?

Wednesday, November 30, 2016 |  David Lazarus  ISRAEL TODAY
Shocking evidence that Israel managed to convince most American Evangelical Christians to vote for Donald Trump.
The full article appears in the December 2016 issue of Israel Today Magazine.
CLICK HERE to read it all
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30 Years to Fully Recover From Israel Fires - Israel Today

30 Years to Fully Recover From Israel Fires

Tuesday, November 29, 2016 |  Israel Today Staff
Israeli experts lamented that it could take as much as 30 years to fully recover from the wave of fires that ravaged the country over the past two weeks.
While hundreds of homes were damaged or destroyed by the flames (mostly in the Haifa and Jerusalem areas) huge tracts of forests, including entire nature reserves, were decimated.
Current estimates are that well over 35,000 acres of forest were destroyed, and much of the wildlife living there was killed.
“While some of the foxes and hyenas and other animals managed to flee the fires, others were not so lucky. Snakes and turtles for example, did not survive,” Uri Naveh, head of the Nature and Parks Authority Jerusalem District, told Israel’s Ynet news portal.
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Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Fires Are Finally Out, But Tallies Are Devastating - Abra Forman BREAKING ISRAEL NEWS

Fires Are Finally Out, But Tallies Are Devastating

“For a fire is kindled in My nostril, and burneth unto the depths of the nether-world, and devoureth the earth with her produce, and setteth ablaze the foundations of the mountains.” Deuteronomy 32:22 (The Israel Bible™)
The blazing brush fires which consumed Israel in the past week have finally been quenched, but the damage done is staggering, officials say. While Israel downgraded its state of emergency and sent most of its firefighters back to regular duty on Monday, it could take upwards of 30 years for the country to fully recover.
Between November 18 and November 25, firefighters faced 1,773 fires around the country, said Fire Services spokesman Yoram Levy on Monday. Of those, 39 were declared major, requiring ten or more firefighting teams.
Over 32,000 acres of land, both forest and urban, are estimated to have been destroyed by fires in Haifa, Zichron Ya’acov, Neveh Shalom, Modi’in, Neveh Ilan, Nataf, and other areas. The total amount of damage is 30 percent more than during 2010, when a massive fire in the Carmel mountains decimated five million trees.

Franklin Graham: "Vice President-Elect Mike Pence Is Such A Class Act." - HELLOCHRISTIAN

Mike Pence

Franklin Graham: "Vice President-Elect Mike Pence Is Such A Class Act."


Mike Pence is soon to be our new Vice President. Recently, he was at a Broadway performance, when he was directly addressed by the cast members. The actors confronted Pence as he was leaving, urging him to "uphold our American values." Trump immediately responded, tweeting that "Our wonderful future V.P. Mike Pence was harassed last night at the theater by the cast of Hamilton, cameras blazing. This should not happen!"
Pence, however, has since responded saying that he 'wasn't offended' by the message. Pence said the boos he faced at the Broadway production of "Hamilton" were "what freedom sounds like," reports CNN. "I did hear what was said from the stage. I can tell you I wasn't offended by what was said. I will leave to others whether that was the appropriate venue to say it," he said.
Writing on Facebook, Franklin Graham subsequently called Pence a "class act," for this gracious response. "The Hamilton cast’s message to him that is getting so much media play didn’t upset him at all. He said that’s “what freedom sounds like.” I hope America realizes we’re getting a great vice president in this man, a man who will work for the good of the country."

DNA Tests Could Fulfill God’s Promise to Abraham by Revealing Millions of Jews. BREAKING ISRAEL NEWS

DNA Tests Could Fulfill God’s Promise to Abraham by Revealing Millions of Jews. But How Jewish is Jewish Enough?

“I will bless thee, and in multiplying I will multiply thy seed as the stars of the heaven, and as the sand which is upon the seashore.” Genesis 22:17 (The Israel Bible™)
Recent advances in DNA testing are the final stage in bringing about a special vision of Messiah, one that will fulfill God’s promise to Abraham while uniting all three major Abrahamic religions, believes a prominent rabbi and former member of Knesset.
We need to bring close those who have their roots in Israel, those souls who stood at Mount Sinai with us, but their souls were lost to us because of the exiles and the catastrophes and tragedies that befell us throughout history.”“This is the special function of the final generation before the Messiah, which we are clearly in right now: to bring close all the descendants of Jews that were lost to the Jewish people,” Rabbi Chaim Amsalem, a prominent Sephardi rabbi, recognized authority on halacha (Torah law), and former Knesset member for Shas, told Breaking Israel News.
Making God One
DNA testing graphically illustrates how mankind is one large interconnected family. Rabbi Amsalem understands this universal reality to have repercussions for the Jewish role in bringing the Redemption.

YOU can save a life from abortion - LIVE ACTION

Dear Steve,

This #GivingTuesday, YOU can save a life from abortion.

I’d like to tell you about Esther, who had already had two abortions and was contemplating a third. She was unexpectedly pregnant again and turned to a pregnancy resource center for help.

Instead of pushing her into an abortion, the counselors at the pro-life center offered compassion and care. They shared two of Live Action’s “Abortion Procedures” videos with Esther, and she learned the truth about both the abortion pill and surgical abortion. She told the counselors that she had no idea how developed her two previous children were or that they had been lost in such a horrific way. . . . and she became stricken with grief.

But the counselors gave her encouragement and support, and as a result, Esther decided to choose life for the tiny baby growing in her womb! Esther’s baby is alive today because of these powerful videos and the counselors who showed them to her.

This #GivingTuesday, you can get these life-saving videos in front of more Esthers. Please DONATE $57, $89, $143, or $362 to help change hearts and minds and save the life of another child today. 

Thank you for standing with us on behalf of the most vulnerable among us. And thank you for giving the greatest gift of all: the gift of life.

Yours in the fight for life, 

 Lauren Merz
 Director of Strategic Partnerships
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This Giving Tuesday, give the gift of LIFE. Every dollar you give will change hearts and minds about abortion, and save the lives of preborn children.
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