Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Your news from Israel - Wednesday 1st February 2017 - The Jerusalem Journal Brian Schrauger


Yesterday the world learned that Iran recently tested a missile with a payload comparable to a nuclear warhead. Taking to Twitter, Netanyahu called the test "a flagrant violation of the [UN] Security Council." Six thousand miles away, another Twitter user responded. Trump and his new ambassador to the UN have called for an emergency meeting of the Security Council. They are meeting today. READ MORE...


Ammonia, an essential ingredient for life, could kill thousands of Israelis. The reason: its ammonia supply in northern Israel is a sitting duck for an attack by Hezbollah. Less than a year ago, Hezbollah leader, Nasralla, threatened the Haifa facility, calling it his "atomic bomb." It remains an obvious target. READ MORE...


There are two huge markets, mostly undeveloped, that are opening up to Israel: China and India. While the Western world largely ignores them, Israel is pursuing these Asian countries in the East where, in general, there is a unique openness to the Jewish state. READ MORE...


As the US and Europe struggle with the growing phenomena of fundamentalist Islamic terror, most are failing to maintain both parts of a duel responsibility: protect citizens from terror — and from racism. Israel is keenly aware of these obligations and the tension between them. Its struggle to honor that tension, without denying or rejecting either part, is ongoing. From that conscious struggle, Europe and the US have a lot to learn. READ MORE...
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A New Conservative Lion? President Trump Announces His Supreme Court Pick - BOB ESCHLIMAN CHARISMA NEWS

President Donald Trump nominated 10th Circuit Court of Appeals Judge Neil Gorsuch on Tuesday night to succeed the late Associate Justice Antonin Scalia on the Supreme Court. (Reuters photo)

A New Conservative Lion? President Trump Announces His Supreme Court Pick

With Maureen Scalia, widow of the late Associate Justice Antonin Scalia seated next to Vice President Mike Pence in the East Room of the White House, President Donald Trump announced his choice to replace the high court's "conservative lion."
And, true to his word, the president nominated a man who is very much in the mold of the jurist he will replace: 10th Circuit Court of Appeals Judge Neil Gorsuch. The graduate of Columbia, Harvard, and Oxford has clerked for D.C. Court of Appeals Judge David B. Sentelle and Supreme Court Associate Justices Byron R. White and Anthony Kennedy.
"Judge Gorsuch has a superb intellect, an unparalleled legal education, and a commitment to interpreting the Constitution according to its text," Trump said. "He will make an incredible Justice as soon as the Senate confirms him."
He also served in the Department of Justice as the principal deputy to the associate attorney general and acting associate attorney general in the George W. Bush administration. The White House issued the following statement about the nomination:
Neil M. Gorsuch has served for over a decade as a federal judge on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit, building a nationally respected and distinguished judicial record and reputation. 
Judge Gorsuch is a brilliant jurist with an outstanding intellect and a clear, incisive writing style. He is universally respected for his integrity, fairness, and decency. And he understands the role of judges is to interpret the law, not impose their own policy preferences, priorities, or ideologies. 
Judge Gorsuch is a native Westerner and avid outdoorsman.  He spent his childhood in Colorado and chose to return West to raise his family.  He enjoys fishing, hiking, and skiing.  And he and his wife care for animals, including a horse, in the small barn at their home.  As a young man, he delivered papers and worked as a front desk clerk at a Howard Johnson to make extra money. 
Judge Gorsuch has an impressive range of professional experience. 
Judge Gorsuch was confirmed by the U.S. Senate without opposition on July 20, 2006, to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit.  Indeed, 11 current Democrat Senators—including Minority Leader Schumer, Sen. Leahy, and Sen. Feinstein—and 20 current Republican Senators were in office when Judge Gorsuch was confirmed by voice vote, without opposition.  He received a "unanimously well qualified rating" by the American Bar Association.  
Prior to serving on the court, Judge Gorsuch had extensive trial and appellate litigation experience as a practicing attorney, and then served his country the Department of Justice as the Principal Deputy Associate Attorney General in 2005.  In that position he assisted in managing major aspects of the Department's work in areas such as constitutional law, counterterrorism, environmental regulation, and civil rights. 
Judge Gorsuch worked as an associate and partner at the law firm of Kellogg, Huber, Hansen, Todd, Evans & Figel, PLLC from 1995 to 2005. 
Judge Gorsuch's academic credentials are impeccable. 
Judge Gorsuch attended Harvard Law School as a Harry Truman Scholar and graduated with honors in 1991.  He graduated with honors from Columbia University in 1988, where he was elected to Phi Beta Kappa.  After law school, he attended Oxford University as a Marshall Scholar, and he received his Doctorate in Philosophy in 2004. 
He clerked for Justice Byron White and Justice Kennedy of Supreme Court of the United States and Judge David Sentelle of the United States Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit.
Judge Gorsuch is a "judge's judge" who decides cases based on the law, not personal policy preferences.  He is not afraid to reach results contrary to his own policy views.
Echoing a common theme of Justice Scalia's jurisprudence, Judge Gorsuch once wrote that "a judge who likes every result he reaches is very likely a bad judge, reaching for results he prefers rather than those the law compels."
Evangelicals are likely to celebrate Gorsuch's nomination other reasons. As the SCOTUSBlog puts it:
Some of the most high-profile cases in which Gorsuch has cast a vote have involved the religion clauses of the Constitution (those prohibiting the establishment of religion and creating a right to free exercise), as well as congressional statutes expanding protection for religious adherents (known as RFRA and RLUIPA).  Followers of the Supreme Court will recognize two recent cases in which Gorsuch participated on the 10th Circuit, Hobby Lobby Stores v. Sebelius and Little Sisters of the Poor Home for the Aged v. Burwell. In Hobby Lobby, Gorsuch wrote a concurrence in the en banc 10th Circuit that sided with the company and its owners. He stressed the need to accept these parties' own conceptions regarding the requirements of their faith, and held (among other things) that they were likely to prevail on claims that the contraception mandate in the Affordable Care Act substantially burdened their religious exercise in violation of RFRA. This position was largely vindicated in the subsequent decision by the Supreme Court. Thereafter, in Little Sisters of the Poor, Gorsuch joined a group of 10th Circuit judges who dissented from denial of rehearing en banc when a panel of the court of appeals ruled against the Little Sisters on their RFRA claims about the same ACA mandate. There, again, the point was that the 10th Circuit had shown insufficient deference to the Little Sisters' own articulation of the tenets of their religious beliefs. That position, too, was at least partially vindicated by the Supreme Court when it decided that the Little Sisters' religious beliefs probably could be accommodated while still affording full and equal contraceptive coverage to their employees, and directed the parties and courts to consider such a solution on remand. Simply put, in cases that closely divided his court and the Supreme Court, Gorsuch has shown himself to be an ardent defender of religious liberties and pluralistic accommodations for religious adherents.
Gorsuch has also written or joined opinions – again, largely vindicated by the Supreme Court – that have criticized doctrines that limit religious expression in public spaces. In Summum v. Pleasant Grove City, in 2007, Gorsuch joined a dissent from denial of rehearing en banc in a case in which the 10th Circuit had limited the ability of the government to display a donated Ten Commandments monument in a public park without accepting all other offers of donated monuments. The subsequent Supreme Court decision reversing the 10th Circuit largely adopted the reasoning of that dissent. Gorsuch also has a pair of dissenting opinions in which he criticizes the "reasonable observer" test for establishment clause cases as far too likely to find impermissible endorsements of religion by the government when none was intended, and thus to prevent religious adherents from reasonably participating in public life. These cases are  American Atheists Inc. v. Davenport, in 2010, and Green v. Haskell County Boad. of Commissioners, in 2009. The common thread in these cases is one that matters very deeply to conservatives: a sense that the government can permit public displays of religion – and can accommodate deeply held religious views – without either violating the religion clauses of the Constitution or destroying the effectiveness of government programs that occasionally run into religious objections. In his 2009 concurrence in Pleasant Grove City, Utah v. Summum, Scalia articulated very similar views. Gorsuch's opinions on these issues are quite thoughtful, and demonstrate that he would be a natural successor to Scalia in adopting a pro-religion conception of the establishment clause.
Republican National Committee Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel released the following statement supporting Neil Gorsuch's nomination to the Supreme Court:
Neil Gorsuch is a mainstream conservative choice who fulfills President Trump's promise to the American people to appoint a justice who represents their views. In this past presidential election, the American people gave their support to President Trump in large part because he vowed to appoint a justice in the mold of the great Justice Scalia. Neil Gorsuch's sterling track record of faithfully interpreting the Constitution, protecting individual rights, and ensuring limited government is complemented by his discerning approach to every case and a high personal integrity. Democrats who plan on obstructing President Trump's choice are only scheming to deprive the American people of their rightful voice on the nation's highest court. Americans are clearly in support of this thoughtful and qualified choice, and it's time for Democrats to honor the will of the people so the Supreme Court can once again have nine justices.
Democrats had promised to block any nominee Trump announced. Based on the DNC's official statement, it seems they intend to follow through:
Judicial scholars are worried that Gorsuch could be even more extreme than Scalia. Americans deserve a better Supreme Court justice.
Gorsuch said he was looking forward to meeting with congressional leaders from both parties. Following the nomination announcement, he said:
Mr. President, Mr. Vice President, you and your team have shown me great courtesy and you have entrusted me with the most solemn assignment. Standing here in the House of History, aware of my own imperfections.
If I'm confirmed, I will do all that my powers permit to enforce the Constitution and laws of this country.
For the last decade, I worked as a federal judge at a court that spanned six western states, serving 18 million people. The men and women I have worked with are an inspiration to me. I have watched them fearlessly tending to the rule of law, enforcing the promises of our Constitution, and living out daily the judicial oaths to administer justice equally without respect to their personal political beliefs ...
The judges that have served in this particular seat of the Supreme Court, including Antonin Scalia and Robert Jackson, are much in my mind at this point. Justice Scalia was a lion of the law. Disagree or agree with him, all of the colleagues on the bench shared his wisdom and humor. Like them, I miss him.
I began my legal career working for Byron White, the last Coloradan to serve on the Supreme Court and the only justice to lead the NFL in rushing. He was was one of the smartest and most courageous men I have known.
He gave me the chance to work for Justice Kennedy as well. He was incredibly welcoming and gracious. He taught me so much. I'm forever grateful. If you have ever met him, you would know how lucky I was to land a clerkship with him right out of school.
These judges brought me up in the law. Truly, I would not be here without them. Today is as much their day as it is mine.
In the balance of my personal life, I have had the privilege of working as a practicing lawyer and teacher. I enjoyed wonderful colleagues who support me at this moment ... I saw that when judges don our robes, it does not make us any smarter, but it is a reminder of what is expected of us: impartiality, independence, collegiality, and courage.
As this process moves to the Senate, I look forward to speaking with members from both sides of the aisle, answering the questions, and hearing their concerns. I consider the U.S. Senate the greatest deliberative body in the world and I respect the important role the Constitution affords it in the confirmation of our judges.
I respect that in our legal order, it is Congress—not the courts—that write new laws. Judges are to apply—not alter—the work of the people's representatives. A judge who likes every outcome is very likely a bad judge., stretching for results he prefers, rather than those the law demands.
I am so thankful tonight for my family, my friends, and my faith. These are the things that keep me grounded and has sustained me. To Louise, my incredible wife and companion of 20 years, my cherished daughters watching on TV, and all of my family and friends, I cannot thank you enough—your love and your prayers—I could not attempt this without you.
Mr. President, I'm honored and I'm humbled. Thank you very much.
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Franklin Graham: How Christians Should Respond to the 'Muslim' Ban - JESSILYN JUSTICE CHARISMA NEWS

Activists gather at Portland International Airport to protest against President Donald Trump's executive action travel ban in Portland, Oregon. ( REUTERS/Steve Dipaola)

Franklin Graham: How Christians Should Respond to the 'Muslim' Ban

Join us on our podcast each weekday for an interesting story, well told, from Charisma News. Listen at

As President Donald Trump signed a temporary immigration halt from some Middle Eastern nations, many people in the United States exploded in wrath.
Thousands gathered at airports to protest and offer aid to the incoming refugees who were temporarily detained for extra screening.
Media and enraged protesters called the freeze a "Muslim ban," which sparked further demonstrations around the country.
In a time of turmoil, evangelist Franklin Graham offered these words of wisdom: 
"There have been a lot of protests and discussion about President Donald J. Trump's executive action on immigration. Some people seem to have forgotten that the priority of the president of the United States is protecting the Constitution and the safety of Americans. That's exactly what President Trump is trying to do. Taking action to secure our borders had to start somewhere. Is it perfect? Maybe not, but it is a first step. As they work on solutions during this 90-day travel ban, unfortunately there are some innocent families caught in this time of transition," he said. 

"I think that a thorough vetting process really needs to apply to people coming into the U.S. from all countries—not just seven. We have to be sure that the philosophies of those entering our country are compatible with our Constitution. If a person does not agree with our principles of freedom, democracy and liberty, which we cherish, they should not be allowed to come. Without question, Sharia law is not compatible," he continued. 

But many believers are at a loss on how to help, or if they should. They turn to Matthew 25, claiming people who support the immigration halt are turning away Jesus. 
Graham offered this insight:
Some are also criticizing Christians who support the president's position on immigration—and I'm one of those being criticized. But we have to realize that the president's job is not the same as the job of the church. As Christians, we are clearly taught in the Bible to care for the poor and oppressed. At Samaritan's Purse, we have been working in the Middle East for over 30 years. We've provided things like food, heaters, blankets, coats, shelter plastic and more for tens of thousands of refugees there and in other places around the world. We just opened a 55-bed field trauma hospital in northern Iraq where we're treating Muslims who are being wounded by other Muslims in the fight over Mosul. As Christians we are commanded to help all, regardless of religious background or ethnicity, like the Good Samaritan Jesus shared about in the Bible. Our job is to show God's love and compassion. I believe the best way to help is to reach out and help these people in their own countries. I support the establishment of safe zones inside Syria and Iraq that would be protected by the international community until a political solution is found. We need to pray for political solutions that would bring peace and allow them to return to their homes as they desire. 
Do you agree? Sound off! 
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Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Rick Joyner: Bob Jones' Media Prophecy Coming to Pass Before Our Very Eyes - JESSILYN JUSTICE CHARISMA NEWS

Bob Jones speaks to the school of prophets. (YouTube)

Rick Joyner: Bob Jones' Media Prophecy Coming to Pass Before Our Very Eyes

oin us on the new C-Pop podcast where Taylor and Jessilyn discuss, debate and sometimes deride pop culture with a strong sense of humor and a focus on Christ. Listen at

As the anniversary of Bob Jones' passing creeps up, friend and fellow prophet Rick Joyner shared one of Jones' last words via Facebook.
"On Feb. 14, it will be three years since he passed, which he did with some of the most spectacular works of his life coming in his last few hours," Joyner says. "One thing Bob told me often was that the most dangerous terrorist organization was the media. He's proven right on that one, too." 
Since November's election, the mainstream media appears to have launched a full attack on President Donald Trump.
FOX's Sean Hannity says the recent media reports cause the networks to de-legitimize themselves. 
For Joyner, it all fits into Jones' prophecy.
"The present unrest was started by the media and is fueled by it. Let the media not cover it for a single day and it would die out. The media coverage is purposely inflammatory, and ... mostly very exaggerated and sensationalized. We also have a generation conditioned to believe it and respond to it," Joyner writes. 
"So, how do we counter this? You kill a fire be either depriving it of oxygen (don't worry about it or talk about it), or you throw water on it, which is the truth. Most of those trying to inflame the present protests are being revealed as hypocrites by their own previous statements about how we need to do what Trump is now doing." 
Joyner believes the tailspin of the media could ignite a great revival.
He concludes:
We can expect this kind of outrage for a while. This is revealing how desperate the left is now, and also what their true nature is. It will eventually die out because those supplying the oxygen for these fires, the exaggerations and sensationalism, are shrinking. As they get more desperate and more shrill, know that their end is getting closer. At the same time, those providing the water, the truth with integrity, are going to grow and be able to put out such fires with increasing skill and speed and turn the fires of outrage into fires of revival. 
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AK-47-Toting Terrorist Turns to Jesus Christ - VOICE OF THE MARTYRS CHARISMA NEWS

This terrorist went from toting AK-47s to toting Bibles. (Pixabay)

AK-47-Toting Terrorist Turns to Jesus Christ

Join us on our podcast each weekday for an interesting story, well told, from Charisma News. Listen at

The woman sought "Samuel" out. Samuel's team came to the area a couple of times every month to distribute food aid to the thousands of Syrian refugees spread out across Lebanon's countryside. The refugees live in very rough conditions with little opportunity for work or school. Over the years, Samuel's team developed many friendships with the mostly Muslim refugees, giving the team many opportunities to share Jesus' love with them.
"Hanan" heard about the Christians through friends and invited the team to come to her house. A widow in her 40s, Hanan lived with her mother and other older female relatives in one of the Lebanese fields where Syria refugees have made their homes in makeshift buildings. Her adult children had gone to Turkey early in the conflict, but Hanan and the older female relatives stayed. When the daily bombings in their village finally destroyed their home, they fled to the Lebanese fields.
During their first meeting with Hanan and the women, the team showed them the JESUS film. "I talked with them about God's love and presented the gospel," Samuel said.
After the film, Hanan's mother, a woman in her 80s, and the other older women began to cry. "They had never heard anything about the gospel and Jesus Christ," said Samuel.
With tears in their eyes, the family prayed with the team, and Samuel and the others began to visit them twice a month. Samuel felt a special bond with the family, because they came from the same province as his father's family. Every other week, they studied the Bible together, and Samuel taught them how Bible stories could change their lives. He gave Hanan a New Testament, and she began reading it consistently.
When Hanan reached a point where she felt comfortable in her friendship with Samuel, she told him something that revealed her surprising and troubling past.
An AK-47 in Hand
Hanan told Samuel that in Syria, she had been a member of Jabat al-Nursra, now known as Jabhat Fateh al-Sham. The group had been the al-Qaida affiliate in Syria and is one of the major Islamist rebel groups fighting against the Syrian government. Hanan was also a nurse.
"I would care for their wounds," said Hanan of her fellow jihadis, "and carry an AK-47 in the other hand."
For the Sunni-background woman, the Islamist group were freedom fighters warring against an unjust government, and she wanted to play her part. But her relationship with Jesus was slowly transforming her heart as she learned more about the true peace and freedom that God offers through Jesus.
Samuel met with her every few weeks for more than a year before Hanan suddenly disappeared. "I do not know the status of her faith, whether she is still walking with the Lord or not," said Samuel. She had told Samuel that she was hoping to return to Syria, but the refugees often leave suddenly when an opportunity for work or housing comes up or when they are granted a visa to another country.
"[It] makes us sad to lose them, but happy that they take the gospel with them, and that's what we see God doing. These refugees meet the Lord, and they are taking the gospel with them as they travel to Europe or a different part of the world," said Samuel. 
VOM equips front-line workers, like Samuel, who are uniquely reaching people with the message of the gospel. Please continue to pray that God's kingdom will expand through their efforts. If you would like to participate in supporting these front-line workers, click here.
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Judge Gorsuch: A Dream Pick for Supreme Court? - CBN News Paul Strand

Judge Gorsuch: A Dream Pick for Supreme Court?
CBN News Paul Strand

WASHINGTON--The U.S. Supreme Court has been one justice short for almost a year now after the death of Antonin Scalia last February. That's why President Donald Trump this Tuesday – just a week-and-a-half into his presidency - will announce who he's nominating to fill Scalia's vacant seat.
Candidate Trump promised to pick from a list of 21 names, all constitutionalists, all likely to lean pro-life.
However, ABC News Chief White House Correspondent Jonathan Karl tweeted that a White House senior administration official told him the Supreme Court's short list is down to Neil Gorsuch & Thomas Hardiman.
No matter who it is they will face rock-hard opposition from Democrats in the Senate, where confirmation hearings will be held.
"They're Going to Shake Their Fist"

Curt Levey at Freedomworks and the Committee for Justice said of these Democrats, "I think it's fair to say no matter who Trump nominates, they're going to shake their fist. So I think it comes down to how much ammunition will they have?"

Carrie Severino of the Judicial Crisis Network added, "Everyone on this list is going to get major attacks from the Left.  And that's because they do have a very strong record of upholding constitutional fidelity."
Supposedly at the top of the list is 10th Circuit appeals judge Neil Gorsuch.

"He has one of the most stellar academic resumes of the bunch, and we're talking about some pretty tough competition," Severino stated.  "He went to Harvard Law School, he was a Marshall Scholar, he had not one but two Supreme Court clerkships."

Caring For The Constitution
For Trump, with all his nominees, the question wasn't what party do they belong to - whether they're Republican or Democrat - but whether they're a constitutionalist.  It's not about what they think of the law, but what the Constitution actually says the law is.

And Levey said that's definitely what Gorsuch is.

"He really does impress people as a rule of law guy.  He'll follow it where it goes," Levey explained.

Severino said of Gorsuch's rulings, "Particularly some good decisions on religious liberty issues.  He was part of the court that heard the Hobby Lobby case as well as the Little Sisters of the Poor case.  And voted the right way on both of those as far as I'm concerned, defending religious liberty and standing up for the rights in those two cases."

Liking Gorsuch…Until He Gets Nominated
Levey said of Gorsuch, "Highly regarded by nearly everyone even on the Left. Of course, they'll forget that if he gets nominated."

Severino said of Gorsuch and the Left, "The same religious freedom cases that we would view as 'wow, this is great,' this shows that he understands the First Amendment, he understands the Religious Freedom Restoration Act and our fundamental rights, is something that the Left is going to see as a threat."

Will conservatives or pro-lifers find anything about Gorsuch to oppose.?  Nit-picky stuff, Severino suggested.

"People were complaining that he signed onto an opinion that used the word 'fetus' instead of calling it an 'unborn child.'   The level of pickiness that we're looking at here, Justice Scalia would not have passed this threshold," Severino insisted.
Second Possible: Thomas Hardiman
The other name rumored to be on the top of the list is Third Circuit judge Thomas Hardiman, who just happens to serve alongside Trump’s sister, Judge Maryanne Trump Barry.   
The three judges on his list of 21 possible candidates Trump has actually met with recently: Gorsuch, Hardiman, and Pryor.  
Severino admires the way Hardiman fills many hours outside work volunteering and doing charitable work.
“He came up from working class roots,” Severino said, adding, “He drove a taxi for his family business, growing up to work his way through school.  He just sounds like he’s a great guy.”
Hardiman is a staunch defender of the Second Amendment and gun rights.  In a religious liberty case, he sided with a mother and son when the boy wasn’t allowed to read Bible verses during a kindergarten show-and-tell at his public school.
Levey said of Trump picking Hardiman, or for that matter anyone on Trump’s list of 21, “I really would be and I think the vast majority of conservative attorneys would be very happy."
Pryor Possibly In Trouble
11th Circuit judge William Pryor seemed to have the inside track for a few weeks.
Severino suggested that was because "He has a very distinguished record of constitutional fidelity.  So many great decisions.  There are some really good ones on religious freedom."
But his past controversial comments on topics like abortion may cause an apocalyptic bitter battle in the Senate.   And Trump may want to avoid that much trouble this soon into his new presidency.
"Your best bet is to go with the best person that you think has a reasonable chance to get confirmed," Levey explained.
But Severino appreciates Pryor's willingness to say what he believes in past hearings.
"He was very outspoken during his confirmation hearings and got a lot of flack from the Democrats at the time," Severino said.  "Because they asked him straight up 'what do you think of Roe vs. Wade (that legalized abortion)?'  And he said, 'it's an abomination, a constitutional abomination.'  So kudos to him for being able to say it like it is."
*CBN neither supports nor opposes any candidate for public office.
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Stephen Powell: The Lord Says, "I Am Unstoppable!" Plus Words for President Trump, New Young Politicians, Israel and China" - The Elijah List

Stephen Powell: The Lord Says, "I Am Unstoppable!" Plus Words for President Trump, New Young Politicians, Israel and China"

The Elijah List, Jan 31, 2017

Steve ShultzFrom the desk of Steve Shultz:
This is a key Scripture for this hour:
So shall they fear, the name of the Lord from the west, and His glory from the rising of the sun; When the enemy comes in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord will lift up a standard against him.Isaiah 59:19
When the enemy comes in like a flood, God will lift up a standard against him...and one of those ways God will rise up against the enemy is through God's Prophetic Voices being heard and activated throughout the earth.
This is one powerful word by Stephen Powell who is a newer prophetic voice in this new time. I would encourage you all to "keep Stephen Powell in your prayers" as God is highlighting him and others He is raising up in this hour to speak boldly and confidently...and of course we know the enemy doesn't like that!
Stephen Powell hits many areas in this word such as words for America, President Trump, new young politicians who will emerge because of his presidency, and words for God's beloved Israel and China.
This is jam-packed and you'll want to make sure and forward on to everyone you know and let's keep fervently praying in this hour for our leaders, our nation and the nations, as many things are being shaken throughout the earth. (To Subscribe to the Elijah List go here.)
Enjoy! And thanks for forwarding this to your friends! They can subscribe here.
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
P.S. – Oh, and a Quick Note to our readers: To EXPLORE our more than 4,000 Christian Prophetic books, CDs, and gifts go to:


 "I Am Unstoppable!"
There is great momentum behind President Trump right now. Momentum can't be manufactured. It is a part of a spiritual movement, which in this case, is part of a move of God. This momentum enabled him to snatch the presidency from certain defeat, it enabled him to overcome the impossible, and he'll do the same while governing. Where people believe "he won't be able to do this, he won't be able to do that," this momentum and this spiritual force behind him will cause him to break through barriers others failed to break through.
I hear the Lord saying, "This man is unstoppable because I'm unstoppable. My Kingdom is unstoppable, and this man has a mandate from Heaven; he has momentum that is not his own. His movement will not dissipate, it will grow, and it will reach beyond the borders of American governing. It will inspire; it will stir up a nest."
As the eagle stirs up the nest, so the Lord will do through this man. People are laughing at him, saying that his plans are too bold, his ideas are too big, that his plans will not work because after all, what President has been able to do these things before without gridlock?
But the Lord is saying, "This President shall not be in gridlock, for his strength is not his own. I have put a spirit of breakthrough on this man and on this land, and he will do things that will be monumental for the generations to come. I will use him to stir up the nest and cause this young generation of young eagles to soar."
The Trump Effect: A New Class of Young Politicians
"Even a new class of young politicians will see and say, 'I can do that, I can soar. I can be bold and be brave, and not bow to political correctness or the fear of man. I can fear God and be bold and stand up for what is right, and I can truly make a difference. For if God is for me, what Senator can be against, who can resist my agenda if my agenda is not my own? These Senators, these Congressmen, they are just men, they are just people. Who can resist the hand of God when it is upon a nation, and God begins to stir up the nest?' (Photo via GraphicStock)
"For watch and see in this next season as I continue to do the impossible in the face of adversity, as I continue to show you signs and wonders coming from this political sphere. There is a new faith available, a hope which I'm awakening right now, and it shall rise like the morning sun after a long dark night, and I shall rise with healing in My wings, even for the nations.
"This is My time of hope and healing, even from the womb of the morning, in the beauties of My holiness, to bring forth a new day. But no, this shall not be gridlock, for nothing shall stop this man that I have anointed for this hour.
This is Israel's Time
"This is not just America's hour, but Israel's time as well. And this man whom I've chosen shall complete presidential assignments for Israel going back even to the days of the six-day war, for I the Lord have not forgotten the words I spoken to My Presidents. I the Lord have not forgotten those mandates I gave to them for My chosen people Israel.
"Those mandates are still sitting here in Heaven, waiting for this man to rise up and take hold of them again, and move in My breakthrough, even for My people, even for My land which lies to the east, a place of destiny for these times, a place which I shall make My peace."
ElijahList Prophetic Resources
A Prophetic Word to President Trump:
The Lord would say to President Trump, "Continue to be unstoppable, for I will make you unbreakable, for even when they plot, and scheme, and shrewdly construct their ways against you, I will give you the upper hand. I will give you their next moves. The enemy will not outmaneuver you, Mr. Trump, for I am with you now in this time, in this hour, to move something forward which has been stuck for years.
"Yea, even this past generation could not complete their assignment because Israel could not possess their land, just as it was in Joshua's day. But as Joshua was preserved and matured for his hour of conquest, so have I preserved and matured you, Mr. Trump, for the time that would come to take the land.
"First you'll lead a charge to take back your own land, a land which I've given for this Republic which shall continue to stand. But I am the Lord, and I have purposed for My chosen people Israel to have their land, and they shall have their land, for I the Lord have spoken it, even before you were born. Israel, My chosen people, shall have their land, and nothing shall stop this.
"You, Mr. Trump, I have made unstoppable, not just for your nation but for Israel too, for you shall minister to her, you shall protect her, and you shall set an agenda with her, partnering together for the next stage in My plans; and in this also you shall not be gridlocked like prior administrations have, for I am with you, and with the progress you make on the state's side, so you will carry this unstoppable anointing across the sea.(Photo via Wikimedia)
"I have commanded My people to hear you, to heed your voice, for the frequency I've given you is not your own. It's the frequency of awakening, it's the sound of freedom, it's a strength My people need, and they shall receive hope in this hour which will be like oxygen to their life blood. The nation will receive fresh life again, because when you hope in Me, you receive fresh life.
A Word to China
"And now I've come to deal with China, and with this nation, yes I will deal, for they have defied Me and My words for many generations, but they will not defy Me anymore, for I have purposed a mighty harvest in the east, and in this harvest I will receive of their government, for what man can resist Me, what system can stand in the way of My advancing Kingdom in this day?
"For the markets are Mine, the steel is Mine, the houses are Mine, the land is Mine. I will give My people in this land a house of glory, a house of freedom, a house of safety, yes to worship in the days to come. And I will come in like a covering father to carve out a place for My people, a place of safety, a place of refuge, for this is the day of My great refuge, even refuge for the nations," says the Lord.
"But with you, China, I will contend, and you will not be able to resist Me, for I'm calling for a new foundation in your land. It will be built on My Word, and My agenda will come forth. And just as I've brought men forth that would be led by My agenda in other lands, so will I bring this forth in your land, oh China. These men and women are being called forth now. They're being harvested right now to carry My heart in high places of authority. I'm unstoppable here as well, and I will find men and women to bear My heart in this nation. I will do it. I am the Lord." (To Subscribe to the Elijah List go here.)
Stephen Powell
Lion of Light Ministries

Stephen Powell is an Itinerant Minister commissioned under Steve Toliver of "Abundance of Rain Ministries", and is an Associate Revivalist through "Fresh Fire Ministries" under Todd Bentley. When he was a teenager God began to visit Stephen in powerful encounters in the Secret Place during extended seasons of fasting and prayer which has released a deep and tangible anointing in his life! Stephen's passion is to perpetuate revival culture where ever he goes and continue to walk in greater demonstrations of intimacy, power and glory with Jesus! He currently resides in Fort Mill, South Carolina with his wife and four children, and serves on Todd Bentley's Senior Apostolic Board.
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