Wednesday, May 31, 2017

U2 Takes Jimmy Kimmel Audience to Church - CBN News Emily Jones

U2 Takes Jimmy Kimmel Audience to Church
CBN News Emily Jones
Jimmy Kimmel's studio audience thought they were just coming to enjoy a live show, but they transformed into a live gospel choir before the night was through.  
The Irish rock band U2 appeared on "Jimmy Kimmel Live" for a surprise, emotional performance of "I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For," in honor of the Manchester terror victims. 
The band members live only an hour's flight away from the city, and were deeply affected by the horrific attack. 
In Our Hands: The Battle for Jerusalem. Get Tickets
"They hate music. They hate women. They even hate little girls," lead singer Bono said of the terrorist during their interview with Jimmy Kimmel. "They hate everything that we love. And the worst of humanity was on view in Manchester."
So, they decided to fight the hate with a little gospel music. 
"We want to play for you now a gospel song with a restless spirit," Bono said as he introduced the song.
Choir members were planted throughout the studio and joined in to turn the entire studio into a moving gospel performance. 
The audience sung about Christ's deliverance through the cross:  
"He will lift you higher and higher... He will lift you up when you call... He will bring you shelter from the storm... I believe in the Kingdom Come... Then all the colours will bleed into one... Bleed into one... But yes, I'm still running... You broke the bonds... And you loosed the chains... Carried the cross of my shame... Oh my shame, you know I believe it," they sung.
Bono has never been shy about his faith in Christ. 
He spoke about the impact of music in an recent video series with David Taylor, a theology and culture professor at Fuller Theological Seminary. To Bono, music is more than a simple tune, it's "prophetic."
"If the job of the prophet is to describe the state of the soul, the soul of the city, if we want to know what's really going  on ... you've got to really go look at the art," he told Taylor. 
Bono says the power of art is especially seen when tragedy strikes. He fell in love with music when his mother tragically died. 
"I became an artist through the portal of grief," Bono told Taylor. "My mother died at her own father's grave site. As he was being lowered into the ground she had an aneurysm. I was 14."
It was an event that changed his life forever and motivates him to touch the families of Manchester and the rest of the world with his music.
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"Whisper" - Jason Upton. Walking the path set before me.

"Whisper" - Jason Upton. 
Walking the path set before me.

Published on May 28, 2017
"Whisper" - Jason Upton. Walking the path set before me.

Walking the path by the pond in Woodside Falls neighborhood. Pineville, North Carolina USA

Videos filmed and shared by Steve Martin - to give appreciation to and love for those we support, through Love For His People, Inc.

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

The Clouds Declare His Majesty - photos


The Clouds Declare His Majesty
(Photos by Steve Martin)

As the storm clouds rolled over the Charlotte, North Carolina Memorial Day Sunday event, on May 28, 2017, it was amazing to see the glory of the Lord revealed.  

All eyes could see the work of His hands.

Thank you Lord for Your daily creations. You certainly paint beautiful pictures!

Steve Martin
Love For His People

VIDEO: 2000-Year-Old Jerusalem's Main Street Sheds New Light on the City's Last Hours - ISRAEL TODAY

VIDEO: 2000-Year-Old Jerusalem's Main Street Sheds New Light on the City's Last Hours
VIDEO: 2000-Year-Old Jerusalem's Main Street Sheds New Light on the City's Last Hours
Israel Antiquities Authority have released more information on the excavations of the City of David

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May 30, 2017

Trump Completely Un-enamored With Abbas
Trump Completely Un-enamored With Abbas
PA's direct involvement with incitement to violence against Israel enrages Trump
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COMMENTARY: The Parable About Two Trains. Continued...
COMMENTARY: The Parable About Two Trains. Continued...
One called the Jewish Train, the other the Gospel / Christian / Church Train
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Make This Shavuot Especially Sweet!
Make This Shavuot Especially Sweet!
Get your delicacies from Israel now up to 20% off!
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Despite the Promises to Trump, the PA Incitement Continues
Despite the Promises to Trump, the PA Incitement Continues
Norway fumes at the fact that their aid money was used to honor terrorist. Demands the money back
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5 Highly Respected Financial Experts That Are Warning That A Market Crash Is Imminent - Michael Snyder THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE BLOG

Posted: 29 May 2017  Michael Snyder  THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE BLOG

If everything is going to be “just fine”, why are so many big names in the financial community warning about an imminent meltdown?  I don’t think that I have seen so many simultaneous warnings about a market crash since just before the great financial crisis of 2008.  And at this point, you would have to be quite blind not to see that stocks are absurdly overvalued and that a correction is going to happen at some point.  And when stocks do start crashing, lots of fingers are going to start pointing at President Trump, but it won’t be his fault.  The Federal Reserve and other central banks are primarily responsible for creating this bubble, and they should definitely get the blame for what is about to happen to global financial markets.

My regular readers are quite familiar with my thoughts on where the market is headed, so today let me share some thoughts from five highly respected financial experts…

#1 When Altair Asset Management’s chief investment officer Philip Parker was asked if a market crash was coming to Australia, he said that he has “never been more certain of anything in my life”.  In fact, he is so sure that the investments that his hedge fund is managing are going to crash that a decision was made to liquidate the fund “and return ‘hundreds of millions’ of dollars to its clients”
While hardly a novel claim – in the past many have warned that Australia’s housing and stock market are massive asset bubbles (which local banks have been forced to deny as their fates are closely intertwined with asset prices even as the RBA is increasingly worried) – so far few if any have gone the distance of putting their money where their mouth was. That changed, when Australian asset manager Altair Asset Management made the extraordinary decision to liquidate its Australian shares funds and return “hundreds of millions” of dollars to its clients according to the Sydney Morning Heraldciting an impending property market “calamity” and the “overvalued and dangerous time in this cycle”.
Giving up management and performance fees and handing back cash from investments managed by us is a seminal decision, however preserving client’s assets is what all fund managers should put before their own interests,” Philip Parker, who serves as Altair’s chairman and chief investment officer, said in a statement on Monday quoted by the SMH.
#2 Seth Klarman leads one of the biggest hedge funds in the United States, and he believes that U.S. investors are greatly underestimating the amount of risk in the market right now…
“When share prices are low, as they were in the fall of 2008 into early 2009, actual risk is usually quite muted while perception of risk is very high,” Klarman wrote. “By contrast, when securities prices are high, as they are today, the perception of risk is muted, but the risks to investors are quite elevated.”
Klarman oversees one of the US’s largest hedge fund firms, with some $30 billion under management. He has a huge following on Wall Street — investors named his book, “Margin of Safety,” their favorite investment book in a recent SumZero survey.
#3 Bill Blain is a strategist at Mint Partners, and he is actually specifically pointing to October 12th as the date when things will start to get “horribly interesting”
But…. Catch a falling knife, why don’t you… I shall spend the summer wondering just how long the Stock Market games continue. When, not if.
At the moment, my prediction is October 12th. Around that day its going to get horribly interesting..
Why that particular day?
Gut feel and knowing how the Bowl of Petunias felt in Hitchhikers. (“Not again.”)
There are just too many contradictory currents out there. The unsustainability of burgeoning consumer debt, unfeasibly tight credit spreads, the sandcastle foundations of student loans, autos, housing and the CLO market, China, Trump, politics.. worries about what follows Brazil in the EM market, and whatever… The risks of a massive consumer sentiment dump..  
#4 David Stockman has also been warning about what may happen this fall.  According to Stockman, this current stock market bubble “is the greatest sucker’s rally we have ever seen”
The market is insanely valued right now.  They were trying to tag, the robo machines and day traders, they were trying to tag 2,400 on the S&P 500.  They ended up at 2,399, I think, but the point is that represents about 25 times trailing earnings for 2016.  We are at a point in the so-called recovery that has already lasted 96 months.  It’s almost the longest one in history.  What the market is saying is we have reached the point of full employment forever.  There will never be another recession or any kind of economic surprise or upset or dislocation.  The market is pricing itself for perfection for all of eternity.  This is crazy. . . . I think the market could easily drop to 1,600 or 1,300.  It could drop by 40% or even more once the fantasy ends. When the government shows its true colors, that it’s headed for a fiscal bloodbath when this crazy notion that there is going to be some Trump fiscal stimulus is put to rest once and for all.  I mean it’s not going to happen.  They can’t pass a tax cut that big without a budget resolution that incorporated $10 trillion or $15 trillion in debt over the next decade.  It’s just not going to pass Congress. . . . I think this is the greatest sucker’s rally we have ever seen.
#5 Last but certainly not least, David Kranzler seems quite certain “that the stock market bubble is getting ready to pop”
Anyone happen to notice that several market commentators have argued that Bitcoin is a bubble but the same stock “experts” look the other way as the U.S. stock market becomes more overvalued by the day vs. the deteriorating underlying fundamentals? Bitcoin going “parabolic” triggers alarm bells but it’s okay if the stock price of Inc (NASDAQ:AMZN) is hurtling toward parity with the price of one ounce of gold. Tesla (NASDAQ:TSLA) burns a billion per year in cash. It sold 76,000 cars last year vs. 10 million worldwide for General Motors (NYSE:GM). Yet Tesla’s market cap is $51.7 billion vs. $48.8 billion for GM.
This insanity is the surest sign that the stock market bubble is getting ready to pop. If you read between the lines of the the comments from certain Wall Street analysts, the only justification for current valuations is “Central Bank liquidity” and “Fed support of asset values.” This is the most dangerous stage of a market top because it draws in retail “mom & pop” investors who can’t stop themselves from missing out on the next “sure thing.” There will be millions of people who are permanently damaged financially when the Fed loses control of this market. Or, as legendary “vulture” investor Asher Edelman stated on CNBC, “I don’t want to be in the market because I don’t know when the plug is going to be pulled.”
Could all of these top experts be wrong?

It’s possible, but I wouldn’t bet on it.

Every stock market bubble of this magnitude in U.S. history has ended in a spectacular crash, and this one will not be any different.  We can certainly have some good arguments about the exact timing of the next crash, but what everyone should be able to agree on is that a crash is coming.

You only make money in the stock market if you get out at the right time.  Many of those that timed things well have made a tremendous amount of money, but most investors will be entirely caught off guard by the market implosion that is rapidly approaching.

As I have explained to my readers repeatedly, markets tend to go down a whole lot faster than they go up, and in the not too distant future we are going to see trillions of dollars of investor wealth wiped out very, very quickly.

Let’s hope that the coming crisis will not be as bad as 2008, but I have a feeling that it is going to be much worse.

We didn’t learn our lessons the last time around, and so now we are going to pay a very high price for our stubbornness.

Retirement letter to my secular employer. My next assignment is coming real soon! Steve Martin

My accountant's desk at Charlotte Center City Partners
Charlotte, NC  May 30, 2017

May 30, 2017
Tuesday, 8:24 am
Charlotte, NC

Greetings fellow crew members,

I have good news to share!

Effective Dec. 31, 2017, my "Retirement of Employment" here at Charlotte Center City Partners will occur. As my becoming “even more senior” happens on November 23, with 63 candles inflaming the double chocolate, extra frosting cake I will have, there are a few other things yet assigned for me to do before I am heaven bound.

What a blessing those days to come will be! Think of this - all of Charlotte and TV land will be celebrating my birthday and retirement too, as I drive another dignitary up Tryon during the Thanksgiving Day Parade (unless Grandpa K has Steve Martin as the Grand Marshall and I ride along as his mini-Grand!) 

Leaving this ever-changing 501 ©4 after four years, eight months on staff (and eight months as a contractor prior to April 29, 2013) as the accountant for all three organizations Eleni and I account for, will give Megan a new neighbor at some point, while Klint will be seeing a different hair color other than silver across the cubicle from him. (Maybe he likes blonde, brunette or red better?) I am sure Eleni and her HR department will find a good replacement to fill my numbers chair.

My heart's desire has always been to be back once again in Christian ministry most hours of my day. After serving 24 years, from 1987 - 2010, with three international ministries (Derek Prince Ministries, Mahesh Chavda Ministries /All Nations Church with Bonnie Chavda) and Vision for Israel and The Joseph Storehouse (Barry & Batya Segal) in Fort Lauderdale and Charlotte, as the USA Director or the Director of Administration and Finance, I have prayed for it to happen. It has always been my passion to reach the nations with His Good News. (I like Sam, the “Jesus Shouter” on the Charlotte Center City streets! He certainly has Good News!)

When Laurie, my good wife of 40 years (Oct. 7, 2017) and I founded our ministry, Love For His People, Inc. in April of 2010, I was believing that that would be my life’s work from that point on. But for the last seven years, the good Lord took me on a side journey, which is why I am grateful to Moira, Eleni and Jovonna for allowing me to serve with you at CCCP, CCCP-Community Trust and the 7th Street Public Market. But now the time has come to complete the plans set before me. 

After my 14th journey to Israel this month of May, with previous adventures to China, England, France, Germany, India, Canada, Spain and Trinidad and Tobago...I will once again be adding frequently to my frequent flyer miles’ travel log. Good thing I have a valid new 10-year passport with plenty of visa pages to again be imprinted!

Before I finish this “book”, I want to give you each a special gift. If you like to read good books, I will leave behind a copy of each of my 14 books in Eleni’s personal library of mine, sitting atop her cabinet in her office. (I would give her more but I know space is a premium in there and I don’t want her to be crowded out.) But check in and see the choices. Or you can get them all on Amazon and Kindle. (All purchased book proceeds go to Love For His People, Inc., but you could get a free copy from me.)

It has been a joy in serving my Lord Jesus Christ while I have been with all of you, and at the same time being a blessing to the good people of Israel and the nations. Maybe on the way to the airport sometime I’ll stop back in and greet you.

Until then, you still have me here for another seven months.

Be blessed in your calling,


P.S. Chris will be looking for another office dad. Any candidates?

P.S.S. To those who have the privilege of racking up their credit card purchases each month, please get your reports back to me on time. I know who you are. All 14 of you! I still will be doing them each month, until Eleni hands that off to the next blessed person! J

My contact info:

Love For His People, Inc.   P.O. Box 414  Pineville, NC 28134
USA Non-profit 501(c)3   Fed. ID #27-1633858

Facebook pages: Steve Martin  and  Love For His People       
Twitter: martinlighthous,  LovingHisPeople, LoveHisPeople  and ahavaloveletters
YouTube: Steve Martin (loveforhispeopleinc)

Love For His People PayPal Gifts (secure giving online): LOVE FOR HIS PEOPLE PayPal account

Steve’s published books. Fourteen and counting!

My home bookcase

 My latest one, published May 22, 2017

Thank you Lord!
Steve Martin

200 S. Tryon Street, Suite 1600  |  Charlotte, NC 28202
P: 704.268.3409  F: 704.342.1233