Sunday, September 24, 2017

Moses is coming to America!

Sept. 30, 2017

Coming to America!

Love for His People is helping Moses Julius, our Love For His People - Pakistan Director, come to North America this November for a week visit. We need to help him pay for some of the costs. His plane fare is already covered. 

For several years Moses has been heading up the Christian ministry of Shalom Today Ministries in Pakistan, teaching children there the truth of Yeshua, the full Bible, and to instill in them a great love for the people of Israel. 

He also established a sewing training school to educate widows and needy mothers, so they could learn a trade and provide for their families. 

Love For His People here in Charlotte, North Carolina began sending monthly funds for the support they desperately needed over two years ago, after sponsoring field trips for the kids and widows.

This spring of 2017 the Lord joined us further together, to expand the work of Love For His People in Pakistan. Moses became our Director and is now doing the work of administration and carrying out the vision for both ministries

We need to help him pay for some of the costs. His plane fare is already covered.  We need to provide the $650 cost he needs for his visa ($250) and lawyer's fee ($400) by the first week in October to pay for the for the Toronto, Canada trip. Will you help us?

And to meet him in person for the first time, I will be driving the 12 hours from Charlotte, North Carolina to welcome him. 

These are exciting times, as the Lord Yeshua is expanding His kingdom within those countries mostly populated by Muslims. Moses has been courageous in his stand for the Gospel and the love for the nation of Israel. When we get together we will be seeking further how the Lord will enable us to strategize and receive His plans.

Thank you for standing with us. Jehovah Jireh is making the way, and we are ready to carry out His will. Please join us.

Shalom and ahava (peace and love in Hebrew).

Steve Martin
Love For His People, Inc.

Please consider sending a charitable gift of $10-$25 today. Your tax-deductible contributions receive a receipt for each donation. Fed. ID #27-1633858. Secure, conveniently contributions can be done online now through our website using the DONATE button on the top of our blog, or on either side column of our blog. 

We need your help today please.

Contribution checks can be sent to: 
Love For His People, Inc. 
P.O. Box 414   
Pineville, NC 28134

Todah rabah! (Hebrew – Thank you very much.)

Please share this message with your friends on Facebook, Google+, Twitter, Pinterest, Tumblr and LinkedIn.  We appreciate your help.

Secure, conveniently contributions can be done online now through our website using the DONATE button on the top of our blog, or on either side column of our blog. We need your help today please.

Following God's Programming - Pastor Abel Oyewale, Abba Father Fellowship International Nigeria, West Africa

Pastor Abel with his wife Margaret

Following God's Programming

Pastor Abel Oyewale
Abba Father Fellowship International
Nigeria, West Africa


"For I know the plans I have for you, "declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." (Jeremiah 29: 11 )

"For thus saith the Lord that after seventy years are accomplished at Babylon I will visit you and perform My good word toward you in causing you to return to this place." (Jeremiah)

God had told them what they should do and should not do. He would now tell them what He would do as the covenant-keeping God. Our lives will assume better shape if we always obey God's commandment, even when we don't know why.

God would not be angry forever, though the sinner won't go unpunished.They suffer for a while before He would come for their deliverance.

People often think that God has forgotten them during adversities. God told the exiles that He was allowing things to work out thus, because of His gracious plan to prosper them, to give them hope and a future.

"Then shall you call upon Me, and you shall go pray to Me and I will hearken to you. And you shall seek Me, and find Me, when you shall search for Me with all your heart." (Jeremiah.29:12-13 )

Does God permanently abandon His people? No! He would deliver the exiles, so that their broken relationship/fellowship with Him would be restored. This renewal is however conditional. They must seek God whole heartedly.


"Therefore, hear the word of the Lord, all you exiles whom I have sent away from Jerusalem to Babylon."(Jeremiah 29:20)

In the book of Jeremiah, we can see that the people blinded themselves with belief in the predictions of those false prophets/diviners they amassed to themselves. This would result in grave consequences on the people. May we not be loggerheads with our Creator.

Sword, famine, and plague would divinely pursue them, for because they had not listened to God's words both the exiles and those at home were culprits. Hence, they needed to hear the word of God and obey, unconditionally, just like us today.

The only antidote to not being part of the destruction that would come on these evil people was to TRUST and OBEY the true Lord Jesus Christ.

My brothers and sisters, God doesn't permanently abandon His people; they can be sure of His restoration and full reinstatement when they realise their mistakes and repent.

May our good God of Israel bless every one in Jesus Christ's Name.


Pastor Abel Oyewale
Abba Father Fellowship International
Nigeria, West Africa

In 2018, Love For his People wants to help Pastor Abel make his first trip to Israel, to experience this major opportunity to go to the Holy Land. He will join us there for a week with the Lord's people. It will then help him bring back more of a connection to Israel with his congregation in Nigeria. 

He needs your help. Will you help us help him do this? The flight from Nigeria to Israel is $1200.

Please donate online safely here, through our website. Click on the DONATE button found in the side columns of Love For His People blog, or the DONATE tab at the top of the blog page.

A USA tax-receipt will be provided for each online gift and check.

Checks can be sent to:

Love For His People, Inc.
P.O. Box 414
Pineville, NC 28134

A Precious Passing - israel today

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Prime Minister Netanyahu held nothing back in addressing the Iran nuclear threat at the UN General Assembly
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Doctors Told This Mother to Abort Her Child, Now Her Baby is Singing Praises to God - CBN News

 Grace Ann Sings Facebook
Photo Credit: Grace Ann Sings via Facebook
Doctors Told This Mother to Abort Her Child, Now Her Baby is Singing Praises to God
CBN News 09-22-2017
When Angie Rodgers got pregnant, she never thought she'd have to decide whether her baby would live or die. 
Doctors said her baby had serious issues in the womb and gave Rodgers the option of abortion. 
"The doctors told us we had 'options' five different times, and they were {sic} very adamant about it," she told The Gospel Herald in an exclusive interview. "I said, 'That's not an option for us. That's not even a thought in the back of our heads. No matter what you tell us, we're not aborting her.'"
"It was kind of a battle of belief," she said. "But, what God wants is what's right to me."
Her daughter Grace Anna was born with a rare form of dwarfism called Conradi Hunermann, which causes spinal deformities, scaling of the skin, cataracts and little to no hair. 
When she was born she spent most of her days hooked up to machines in the hospital. 
Never once did Rodgers regret her choice to allow Grace to live. 
A year and a half later, the unexpected happened. 
"Grace was around 20 months old, and before she could even speak, she just started singing 'Amazing Grace' out of nowhere," Rodgers said. "She seemed to love it."
This baby, who doctors suggested should die via abortion, was singing praises to God. 
Grace hasn't stopped singing and has since become a social media sensation. Her rendition of "The Star Spangled" on Youtube has gone viral and she boasts more than one million likes on her Facebook page. 
"She has an amazing ear for music, and it's really surprising, because she has to wear tubes in her ears," Rodgers said. "She's had so many surgeries and health issues, yet she remains so joyful and walks around singing constantly. She just has a love of life and music - and she loves Jesus. She believes wholeheartedly in prayer, that when you pray, God answers."
Rodgers decided to write a book about her daughters's story called "Grace Anna Sings."
She hopes others are encouraged by her daughter's journey. 
"Have faith, that when you ask God to guide you, He will," she said. "Rely on His steadfast love and peace to get you through situations. Allow yourself the time to process it all. It's okay to be upset if everything's not perfect, but I truly believe there's a reason for it."
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Joey LeTourneau: "A Vision of the Family Room in Our Father's House" - THE ELIJAH LIST

Joey LeTourneau: "A Vision of the Family Room in Our Father's House"

THE ELIJAH LIST Sep 24, 2017
Steve ShultzFrom the desk of Steve Shultz:
This is quite an encounter that Joey LeTourneau recently had about the "Father's house." As I read through it, I thought of that popular song, "Big House" by Audio Adrenaline, which is all about the Father's house.
This truly is like reading a mini-storybook that will certainly pique your interest throughout.
I'm not going to give much away, but I will share this part of Joey's encounter with you:
I stepped from the hardwood entryway in front of the grandfather clock, through the archway, and onto the carpet. Where had they all come from? Tribe, tongue, nation—everyone was here! Standing, sitting, kneeling, and even playing! Some were shouting, others whispering, more were laughing, singing, and plenty were praying and interceding.
That's right...every nation, tribe and tongue are in the Father's house...and YOU get to invite them in.
Enjoy this word and know that the harvest through you is at hand. (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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"I do not pray for these alone, but also for those who will believe in Me through their word; that they all may be one, as You, Father, are in Me, and I in You; that they also may be on in Us, that the world may believe that You sent Me." (John 17:20-21)
God's family structure is where we come together in such an unlikely and uncommon form of unity, overcoming the division of the old structure, and restoring an identity-laden, diversity-celebrated family. We are His sons and daughters who each reveal the Father differently and becoming one with the life of the Son as He prayed in John 17—that the world may believe.
Family is a kingdom form of government we are bringing from Heaven to earth, from the Father's heart to yours. 
There is a reason that "family" has become such a broken, painful thing for so many people—because the enemy wants us to take earth's broken version of family and attribute it to the Father as if that brokenness came from Him.
"Don't just tell them the Son made room for them in the house. Show them. Let them feel it!"
When we learn God's true heart for family as the good Father that He is and through the family structure He has set in place, we will rebuild the house that has been divided on earth with the one He has always been constructing from Heaven. God's eternal model for family is the blueprint the world needs right now—and it's the blueprint that the Body's heart needs as well.
Right now, it's easy to look around and see the cracks flowing through the floors and walls of an old structure. The good news is—that's not the house our Father is building anymore. There's a much more glorious family house being rebuilt from the inside out—from the DNA of a Father, His Son, the spirit of adoption and His growing family. As soon as we recognize the true house He is building, then we will know how to bring it to life for the world around us to experience as well.
"Ask of Me, and I will give You the nations for Your inheritance, and the end of the earth for Your possession." (Psalm 2:8)
The following is a vision and journey the Lord led me into, experiencing part of God's potential "family room" coming to life.
A Vision of the Family Room
I stepped from the hardwood entryway in front of the grandfather clock, through the archway, and onto the carpet. Where had they all come from? Tribe, tongue, nation—everyone was here! Standing, sitting, kneeling, and even playing! Some were shouting, others whispering, more were laughing, singing, and plenty were praying and interceding.
"This is the family room," my host and guide, Angelo, clarified (Angelo was an angel who took me on a tour of the Father's house in my encounter). "In here the nations are found together every day in perfect unity, in more ways than you could imagine. All aspects of family context happen in this room—together!" (Photo via Flickr)
"This room is not unlike the throne room of Heaven," Angelo continued, "Where every tribe, tongue and nation will worship the Father together for eternity. The same Spirit is here."
Just as he said that, a Frisbee whizzed right by my nose. "Quite a game they've got going there," I interjected.
"Oh yes, joy and fun are one of the most important ways to come together as a family to worship the Father."
I looked over to see a group from multiple nations all gathered around an old, but in-tune piano. A board game of world expansion was going on in the corner, though I suspected there wasn't really an end to the room but that the corner was merely my understanding of it.
ElijahList Prophetic Resources
A remote control plane dodged the fan over the coffee table as it flew through the air. Oh, and the smell of coffee coming from that table, wow! From now on, I want coffee the way Dad makes it because whatever was coming out of those mugs smelled straight from Heaven.
Everywhere I looked around the room the worldwide goodness of God was palatable. I loved seeing the kids all piled together—not separated by country or denominational lines—laughing away on the couch as they watched cartoons.
I saw a group from one culture teaching another group to dance. People were passing and sharing favorite snacks with anyone around them, and others gathered interceding for theirs or another nation. Again, as I had been learning throughout this experience it wasn't necessarily about inclusion, but belonging. Anyone had an invite, but unfortunately not everyone was here.
Moving this Unity into the World
"Family is a kingdom form of government we are bringing from Heaven to earth, from the Father's heart to yours."
I started thinking more about what I had wondered regarding the corner of the room. Does the room end there? How do we let the world feel this? How do we take what is happening in this room—this kind of love, joy and unity, and make it felt outside these walls?
Angelo came over as I was staring into the corner and said, "Wondering if they're real?"
"What, the walls?" I responded acting like he hadn't seen my curiosity.
"Yes, the walls. Are they real?" Angelo asked me directly this time.
"I, I don't know..." I said, shrugging my shoulders. "That's what I'm trying to figure out."
"Don't worry," he said. "They're not. People are usually the one's who build walls, not God. It's usually your limits, understanding, perspective—or lack thereof—that creates walls. 
The Father's nature is the ceiling, and it is limitless. It will stretch out as far as you will allow the walls to go. In that, part of His nature is truth, so it doesn't stretch according to your ways, but His. In a sense, you are the walls and He is the ceiling or roof. As far as you will take these walls to love the world like family, the more His house can grow.
"The atmosphere you sense in this room is another part of the Father's nature that shouldn't be reserved within any building or program but carried out into the streets, the offices and the most unlikely places. That's why you have to taste it in this manner, so you know the spirit of family that you can show to many more.
"Don't just tell them the Son made room for them in the house. Show them. Let them feel it! 
The Father is not so much looking for you to build Him a house like this, but He is wanting to make you into this kind of house, this kind of room, where people of all tongues, tribes and nations can experience what eternity is all about—His family restored and together!" (Photo via Pixabay)
I kept looking around the room, but now with my imagination lifting off the limits and walls that my eyes and understanding had built. I could see so much more. Those in the room when I first got there—though many—paled in comparison to the multitude of people, to the abundance of life, and the fullness of joy that was happening here right now.
It wasn't just that I needed to learn to see the world as family; I had to get beyond my own walls of how I built His house to do so. The more He re-modeled my perspective, the more He made me personally into a house. The expansion of the Father's family house began with that same kind of expansion within me.
"Enlarge the place of your tent, and let them stretch out the curtains of your dwellings; do not spare. Lengthen your cords, and strengthen your stakes. For you shall expand to the right and to the left, and your descendants will inherit the nations, and make the desolate cities inhabited." (Isaiah 54:2-3) (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
Joey LeTourneau
Heavenly Hope Ministries 

Joey LeTourneau, his wife Destiny, and their six children are based in the hills of central California. They have lived and traveled all over the world looking to unearth the treasures God has hidden in people, places and new possibilities. Joey is the author of seven books and together they speak, train and empower others to see God's worldwide family restored—one heart at a time.
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