Wednesday, April 24, 2013

"Call Me A Jew" - Girls Rockin' Dance Team!


"Call Me A Jew" - girls dance team at Israel's 65th Charlotte

The Jewish Federation of Greater Charlotte 
hosted the celebration
of Israel's Independence Day, 
"Israel @ 65 Charlotte".

The Israeli YouTube sensation 
The Fountainheads, 
from Israel,
headed up the festive event.

This  rockin' young girls dance team 
performed under the beautiful park covering.

It was held at Symphony Park at Southpark 
in Charlotte on Monday, April 22, 2013.

Video recorded by Steve Martin
Love For His People
(I also took the photos.)

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Israel @ 65 Charlotte

The Jewish Federation of Greater Charlotte hosted the celebration of Israel's Independence Day, "Israel @ 65 Charlotte".

The Israeli YouTube sensation The Fountainheads, from Israel, headed up the festive event.

A rockin' young girls dance team performed under the beautiful park covering.

It was held at Symphony Park at Southpark in Charlotte on Monday, April 22, 2013.

Photos by Steve Martin
Love For His People, Inc.

More Treasures from the "Cigarbox Collection" -- Part 2

More Treasures from the "Cigarbox Collection" -- Part 2

The cigarbox collection
We continue to scan and research the treasure trove of 
photographs donated to Israel Daily Picture, pictures 
taken by the donor's father in the Land of Israel in the 
first decades of the 20th century. We hope to unveil the 
collection and the donor's account in his own words 
in the near future.

Meanwhile, we present two more special pictures and 
a response to yesterday's picture from Yizraela, an 
octogenarian from Nahalal, who is an expert on the 
early days of the community and its photographs.

Kibbutz Mishmar Haemek in the Jezreel Valley (circa 1926) with 
Mt Tabor in the background.  The community was evacuated
 briefly during the 1929 Arab riots. 
In the 1948 war it was attacked by 
Arab artillery and aircraft.
Young women doing laundry.  A notation on the back of the photo 
says that they are Yemenites.  Are they Jewish? 
The talit prayer shawl in the tub suggests
 that they are. (circa 1920)

Yizraela Bloch (named for the "Jezreel" Valley where she was born) is the 
photo archivist of Nahalal.  The spry octogenarian was shown yesterday's 
photo of the children of Nahalal and asked if one of the boys could be Moshe Dayan.

She responded: "Moshe Dayan couldn't be one of the children in the picture 
because you can see the water tower that was built in 1924 in the background. 

The building in the foreground was the kindergarten and behind it the first
 grade class room. In 1924 Moshe Dayan would have been older then the 
kids in the picture." [Dayan was born in 1915.]

Confirming the unique nature of the "Cigarbox collection," Yizraela was very interested 
in the photograph which she doesn't have in the archive collection. She was also 
surprised that she didn't know the kindergarten teacher in the photo.

   The children of Nahalal and their teacher.

Our special thanks to NSP for interviewing Yizraela.




New York - April 22, 2013: Eleanor Hall, a 104-year-old resident of Bucks County, PA, pictured above, made her first-ever pilgrimage to the Holy Land last month, along with three generations of her family members and members of the Addisville Reformed Church.

The trip included visits to Nazareth, the Sea of Galilee, the Dead Sea and the Old City of Jerusalem, among other destinations in Israel. 

Mrs. Hall and her family were also feted at a special reception in her honor at the Israel Consulate in Philadelphia, prior to their visit to Israel.

For more information about travel to Israel, visit
Ross Belfer at WEILL - - 1-866-PRWEILL

Israel Ministry of Tourism, N.A. - Gail Barzilay - - 212-499-5647
Israel Government Tourist Office, Southern USA - Dana Shemesh - - 404-541 2770
Israel Government Tourist Office, Midwest USA - Jill Daly - - 312-803-7077
Israel Government Tourist Office, Western USA - Dan Manor - - 323-658-7463
Los Angeles ◦ Director: Eliezer Hod ◦ 323-658-7463  
Canada ◦ Director: Ami Allon ◦ 416-964-3784   
New York ◦ Director: Shahar Alon ◦ 212-499-5650
Atlanta ◦ Director: Joe Diaz ◦ 404-541-2770
Chicago ◦ Director: Omer Eshel ◦ 312-803-7080

Geoffrey Weill Associates
Informational material is disseminated on behalf of the Israel Ministry of Tourism.
Additional information available at the Department of Justice


Special  Editor's Notice!

Our ministry, Love For His People, 

is also having our annual 

"Ahava Adventures" trip to Israel 

Nov. 2-11, 2013 

from Charlotte NC

 (or where ever you are) 

to Jerusalem. 

Come join us! 

Limited to only 6-8 people, as this is not your "normal" tourist trip. 

For more info: Ahava Love Adventures!  

Steve Martin, Founder & Guide!

Monday, April 22, 2013

Jim & Linda McKenzie from Christian Friends of Israel (CFI) - Jerusalem Skyping

Skyping from Jerusalem - Jim & Linda McKenzie

Linda & Jim McKenzie - Jerusalem

- As seen on the gym wall at An Evening Honoring Israel

Jim & Linda McKenzie, volunteer staff members at Christian Friends of Israel - Jerusalem, Israel, shared with us on Skype during the annual An Evening Honoring Israel, hosted by Beit Yeshua (Curtis Loftin and Doug Williams) in Lincolnton, NC. 

Jim and Linda have been volunteers at CFI since the beginning of 2011. They are from Boone, NC. 

Jim is the Director of Operations and Linda assists in the Finance Department. 

Love For His People, Highway To Zion and Beit Yeshua have been faithfully supporting them in their good service there since they arrived in Israel's capital city of Jerusalem. 

They bless the Jewish nation daily, through humanitarian aid to all who will receive.

The ministries of Highway to Zion (Cathy Hargett), Israel Media Ministries (Ze'ev Nevo) and Love For His People (Steve Martin) joined in blessing Israel and the Jews, April 12, 2013, at the annual An Evening Honoring Israel.

YouTube: Jerusalem Skype - from Christian Friends of Israel staff

Curtis Loftin, Beit Yeshua, looks on as 

Jim & Linda share from Jerusalem

Report: Israel covering up major biblical archeology find

Report: Israel covering up major biblical archeology find

Monday, April 22, 2013 |  Israel Today Staff

Israel's Makor Rishon Hebrew daily reported at the weekend that a major biblical archeology find in the Judean hills south of Jerusalem is apparently being covered up by the government.
Last week, a member of the Kfar Etzion Field School in the Eztion Bloc of Jewish communities stumbled across an ancient ornate pillar as he descended into a cave in the Judean hills.
The pillar and its attached capital clearly belonged to a royal structure, and local archaeologists said it certainly dated back to the times of the Judean kings, if not David himself.
The undisturbed nature of the find suggested that a large part of the ancient palace was probably buried intact beneath where the pillar was found.
"We appear to have a complete castle here," Kfar Etzion Field School Director Yaron Rosental told the newspaper. "Those who lived here after it did not know of its existence and thus, instead of using its stones to build a new building as was the usual practice, left it intact."
But, when Rosental contacted Israel's Antiquities Authority, he was harshly rebuffed and told to "keep [his] mouth shut" about the find.
The Antiquities Authority later confirmed to Makor Rishon that the find exists, and had actually been first discovered last year, but that present political sensitivities prevent archaeologist from exploring the site at this time.
It was pointed out that the find is located in territory claimed by the Palestinian Authority. Uncovering a major and even unprecedented archaeological site that solidifies the ancient Jewish presence in and control of these lands could upset the peace process.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

A Glorious Creation of the Lord - Charlotte's Springtime

"Aprils in Charlotte

- Created & Produced 


Out of His Love,

By The 

Lord God of Israel 

Azalea bloomin' red!

Azalea bloomin' purple!

Some call it a weed. Dandelion!

Flowering crab tree in our back yard. 

(We have four trees.)

Bouquet of pansies in uptown Charlotte bed.

Purple & violet pansies. 

Ballantyne Parkway in Charlotte

Flowering crab tree in Martin backyard.

I forget the name. 

But they form a heart 

by our front steps.

And point towards Jerusalem!


Praying with open hands 

to receive

from the Lord.

Bearded Iris near front porch


Tulips again!

Flowering rose bush in backyard

Not sure what it is. Do you!

But it adds green!

Azalea bush by our garage corner.

Close up of azalea flower above.

The Lord God of Israel 

creates amazing flowers

out of His love for us. 

Give thanks!

Photos taken and shared by Steve Martin, entitled "Aprils in Charlotte" 2013

Ahava Love Letter (#49) - "Fill My Heart"

"Fill My Heart"

"So when He came ashore, 

He saw a huge crowd; 

and, filled with compassion for them,

He healed those of them who were sick.” 

(Matthew 14:14)

Complete Jewish Bible

Dear family of friends,

The red light on the clock radio shone a bright 3:00. As in “a.m.” As in “early in the morning.”

As He has been doing these last four weeks, since that week of Passover in March, which was the same week as Resurrection Sunday, Ruach HaKodesh (the Holy Spirit) woke me up. By now I was looking forward to it. Time with Him again  - in the quiet morning hours. No noise. No TV. No distractions from hearing and receiving instructions from Him. From His heart to mine.

I did the usual, just to further wake up - check the Blackberry for new messages. Yes, 12 e-mails, 31 Facebook postings. Even a Tweet appearance this morning from Wane.

After the birth of our 5th grandchild yesterday (April 20), the honorable Jack Andrew Blade, to our youngest daughter Christen and newly commissioned father Andrew, (making Jack the 4th grandson prince, with Dylan Joy still as the single Princess), there was a bit more clamor on my social media networks. I love connections!

When I finally sat down in my black, fake leather rocking chair, that has dutifully served as my place of prayer to meet with my loving Creator, I opened my Jewish New Testament Bible to the next chapter I was to read this day. It was Matthew 14.

When I got to verse 14, He touched my heart.

“ So when He came ashore, He saw a huge crowd; and, filled with compassion for them,
He healed those of them who were sick.” CJB” (Matthew 14:14)

As He sometimes does when He wants me to share something with others, my own heart started to beat a bit faster. I could sense the inspiration come into my spirit, as that “feeling” started to rise in my chest. (And I knew it wasn’t the cup of coffee.)

His words to me were to simply pray, “Fill my heart with those things that fill Yours.”

And so I did. And I repeated it again. And again. And again. (Even as I write this my spirit continues to flicker with His excitement building in me, and my vision increasing, for the nations, and love for His people.

He is also wanting to speak to you too. Maybe by having you pray this same enduring word. By speaking softly out His love for you and the crying nations. Speaking it purposefully out of your own heart.

“Fill my heart with those things that fill Yours.”

I know He will. By simply asking. And then see what happens! (I dare you!)

Ahava to my family of friends,

Steve Martin

Love For His People, Inc. truly appreciates your generous support. Please consider sending a monthly charitable gift of $5-$25 each month to help us bless Messianic Jews in Israel. You can send checks to the address below. Todah rabah! (Hebrew - Thank you very much.)

©2013 Steve  Martin      Love For His People, Inc.  12120 Woodside Falls Rd. Pineville, NC 28134      


Facebook pages: Steve Martin  and  Love For His People       

Twitter: martinlighthous, LovingHisPeople and ahavaloveletter 

YouTube: loveforhispeopleinc

Love For His People, Inc. is a charitable, not-for-profit USA organization. Fed. ID#27-1633858.  Tax deductible contributions receive a receipt for each donation.

Ahava Love Letter #49   Date: In the year of our Lord 2031 (04/21/13 Sunday, 5:00 a.m. Charlotte, NC)

Prince Jack Andrew Blade (April 20, 2013)

My heart beats faster for my newest grandson!