Thursday, August 22, 2013

HIGHWAY TO ZION ASSEMBLY - Shmuel Suran from Israel Friday, Aug. 23, 2013

Shalom, Shalom, Friends of the God of Israel!

This is your official invitation to attend the upcoming
 Highway to Zion Assembly.

I N V I T A T I O N!


Worship, Dance, Shabbat Candle-lighting

~ I N T R O D U C I N G ~

Shmuel Suran

Director and Founder
Jerusalem, Israel

Shmuel and Pamela Suran are the Founders and Directors of Chazon Yerushalayim (Jerusalem Vision) and serve the Lord in Jerusalem. Their unique calling is "to bear witness to Yeshua, our Lord and King" in the Land of Israel. 

They are also Directors of the Jerusalem Prophetic Art and the Jerusalem Healing Rooms. Pamela is an internationally recognized Israeli Artist and licensed Israeli Tour Guide. 

They minister together in Jerusalem, U.S. and Europe representing Messianic Congregations, speaking about Israel, Jerusalem, Messianic Jews, prayer and intercession, the end times, and reconciliation between Messianic Jews and Christian Arabs.

On a Personal Note from Cathy -

Cathy Hargett - Founder/Director Highway To Zion

It has been a very great blessing for us at Highway to Zion Ministries to know the Surans - we truly consider them mishpocha (family) and praise the Lord for knitting us together with them as one new man. 

When we visit Israel, Pamela guides our tours and we always visit with Pam and Shmu at Chazon. Our relationship with them deepens each year and their insights and perspectives as those who have been on the forefront of the Messianic movement in the Land of Israel are so encouraging and exhilarating as we all walk out the endtime Word of the Lord.

We anticipate that this Assembly will be a time of gaining great insight from Shmu about the progression of growth, both spiritually and physically, in the Messianic community in the Land and also of hearing from Shmu about his testimony - a very compelling story!

Ahava Love Band!
 (Messianic Worship) 
Leaders - Steve & Laurie Martin of Love for His People 

with Patty Paquette,  Ron Bowen, Wane Daroux and our newest member Tom Fahey
  Pictured: (L-R) Laurie Martin, Ron Bowen, 
Steve Martin, Wane Daroux, Patty Paquette. 
Not pictured: Tom Fahey)

Worship Dance!
Congregational worship dance with Highway to Zion Messianic Worship Dancers and representatives from Beit Yeshua’s Machol Dancers and anyone and everyone – whosoever will! -  who wants to come forward and dance together as the sons and daughters of the God of Israel, in the joy, praise, and worship of Yeshua ha Mashiach!


Raintree Country Club

8600 Raintree Lane
Charlotte, NC  28277
if you're coming!

Why All the Hype? Duck Dynasty a Cable Ratings Hit

Why All the Hype? Duck Dynasty a Cable Ratings Hit

By Jennifer Wishon

WEST MONROE, La. -- Across America people are getting ready Wednesday to tune into one of the most popular shows on TV, "Duck Dynasty."

Last week's season premiere on the Arts and Entertainment Network made cable ratings history.

CBN News recently traveled to Duck Commander Headquarters in West Monroe, La., to find out what all the hype is about.

Unlikely Stars

Some days people wait hours just to take a picture in front of the Duck Commander sign.

It's an unlikely recipe for TV: the long haired, bearded Robertson men, who are sometimes mistaken as homeless despite their fame.

Their beautiful wives, combined with hunting and faith in God, is a concoction many Americans can't get enough of.

"They promote family," one woman said. "They promote Christian beliefs and it's funny. It's entertaining. It's just an all-around family-oriented show."

Another fan agreed, saying, "It's extremely funny. I mean I watched it the other night and I'm like crying I'm laughing so hard."

Three generations of one family made Duck Commander a stop on their vacation.

"It's just a good family show with good family qualities so it's just fun to watch and it makes you feel good," one family member said.

When the show started gaining traction, the Robertsons say folks would show up at Duck Commander and just hang out. So over the past year, the family has worked hard to make their fans feel more at home.

Now, along with duck calls, the Robertsons stock merchandise about them that their fans gobble up.

"It's so awesome," another Duck Dynasty fan said. "I mean you see all this on TV and then you're here and it's just surreal."

Viewers say the show is so appealing because it's wholesome, a refreshing escape from a world that often forgets what's really important.

"I think they're good role models for the family," one fan said. "And things are so fast paced it seems like when you watch that show it kind of just puts things back into perspective and just puts a smile on your face."

Watch the CBN News video: Duck Dynasty A Hit

German Chancellor Angela Merkel became the first German leader to visit the Dachau.

“Even unto them will I give in My house and within My walls a monument and a memorial better than sons and daughters; I will give them an everlasting memorial, that shall not be cut off” (Isaiah 56:5)
german chancellor angela merkel
German Chancellor Angela Merkel visited the Dachau concentration camp, marking the first time a sitting leader has visited a camp located inside the country. (Photo: Planet Soil News)
On Tuesday, German Chancellor Angela Merkel became the first German leader to visit the Dachau concentration camp during her tenure.  She delivered a short speech, laid a wreath, and toured the camp.  She also met with survivors, including Max Mannheimer, the 93-year-old president of the Dachau camp committee and a former inmate.  He was imprisoned there in 1944.
Although previous German leaders have visited Nazi death camps outside of Germany, this marks the first time a sitting leader has visited Dachau, located inside the country.  According to Dieter Graumann, the head of Germany’s Central Council of Jews, the visit recognizes that Nazi atrocities were not something that happened only outside of Germany, but also “among us.”
Charlotte Knobloch, president of the Jewish Community of Munich and Upper Bavaria, the region where Dachau is located, called the visit “a strong and important symbol.”
“There are several concentration camps, like Auschwitz, abroad, and for decades chancellors and German presidents have been travelling to these places of horrible German crimes and taking historical responsibility,” she said.
“But the fact that she’s visiting a location within Germany where these unimaginable crimes took place, that doesn’t happen so often … it shows her determination and will to learn the right lessons from history.”
Dachau opened in 1933, shortly after Adolf Hitler came to power, the first in Germany.  It was a prison camp for political prisoners initially, and served as a model for the camps to come.  Ultimately, over 200,000 Jews, gays, Roma, political opponents, the disabled and prisoners of war were imprisoned in Dachau during World War II, and 41,000 lost their lives.
The plan to visit the camp came up after Merkel was invited to speak at Bavarian conservative rally in the city from which the camp takes its name.  Mannheimer had long been pressing Merkel to visit the concentration camp, and she agreed to take the opportunity to make the visit prior to the rally.
At the rally, she told her audience, “At the time when the camp was operating near here, those who wanted to could have seen and could have heard what was going on. It is today so important that it never happens again that we allow ourselves to decide not to see and not to hear.”  Similarly, in a recent podcast she warned, “We must never allow such ideas [Holocaust denial and right-wing extremism] to have a place in our democratic Europe.”
But not everyone was impressed with the timing of Merkel’s visit.  Merkel is campaigning for re-election in September, and some of her critics saw the move as “tasteless” electioneering.  ”If you’re serious about commemoration at such a place of horrors, then you don’t pay such a visit during an election campaign,” Renate Kuenast, leader of the opposition Green Party, told the Leipziger Volkszeitung daily paper.  The Süddeutsche Zeitung newspaper called Merkel’s timing “unwise…on the sidelines of a campaign appearance in a beer tent at the Dachau funfair.”  German historian and Holocaust expert Wofgang Benz particularly criticized the casual atmosphere she created “by laying a wreath and expressing condolences just before going off to a beer tent.
Still, Jewish community leaders hailed what Merkel herself called, “a very special moment.”

Check the site out further: Breaking Israel News website

"I Am The Divine Globalist," says the Lord, "and I Am Lifting the Veil of Deceit" by Karla Shrake (August 22, 2013)

A Prophetic Newsletter

By Karla Shrake, August 22, 2013

To subscribe to The Lion Roars Newsletter: 

"And the Lord Roars from Zion...And utters His voice from Jerusalem."

Joel 3:16, "The Lord utters His Voice before His Army; Surely His
 camp is Very Great, For Strong is he who Carries out His Word."
Joel 2:11

"I Am The Divine Globalist," says the
Lord,"and I Am Lifting the Veil of
Deceit" by Karla Shrake 

"My champions, you were chosen to be born for this day and
you have My DNA," says your Father. "As The One who
conceived and fashioned you I want to assure you that
you shall surely stand and even flourish in the midst of
all that is on the horizon in this late hour of human history."

Change at Hand - My Peace I Give to You:

"In your personal lives be not concerned that there are
 things of the past season that are coming to an end,
for you must understand this must be so in order
to make room for the new commissionings and
faith-adventures I have for you. Be not anxious as
many things begin to shift, change and turn, for the
prophetic time-clock of history is accelerating. As the
Father-of-all I am very busy on the planet, on every
continent, for I so love all the diverse peoples and
cultures of the earth."

"I am the Divine Globalist!" laughs the Creator
of the Universe. "I have the whole world on My
mind and I have had a plan of redemption from
the beginning. Did I not tell you in detail that the
time near the end would be marked by birth-pangs
and much change? In the midst of circumstances
that are changing and shifting, the one thing that
will never change is that you are Mine and I watch
over My covenant children. There is no power in
heaven nor on earth that can snatch My blood-bought
children out of My hand," consoles your Father, the
Lord God Almighty.

"For while the seas may roar and the mountains may fall
know that I AM the first and the last, the One who
changes not. I am The Faithful One who has you securely
in My mighty hand."

"So do not become consumed with excessive focus
on the markets or on your government and its politicians,
but rather focus on The One who made the heavens and
the earth, the One who formed you within the belly of
your mother, The One who has loved you from the beginning."

I am The Righteous Judge:

"You will also come to know Me as The Righteous Judge
as I am now beginning to judge the powers of darkness
and the enemies of the cross, and I will judge the enemies'
of My children, My bride. I am long-suffering but because
I am also forever just you will now begin to see My righteous
 judgments increasing in the earth, for it is through these
that many prisoners will finally be set free."

"The veil of darkness, the shroud of deceit, I have begun
to lift so that the enemies' lies and wicked schemes would
be exposed. Among those who oppose Me are those
who have a counterfeit plan of destruction and take-over
of the peoples and resources of the earth. But I sit in the
heavens and laugh as these enemies are being made a
footstool under the feet of My Son."

"My righteous judgments are going forth, for it is My gavel 
that shall crush your adversaries," explains the Lord.

Ambassadors of Truth Commissioned:

"For truly the enemy has lied and schemed from the very
beginning in the garden, causing humanity to question
My love and goodness toward them. In this age of deceit
know that as I send you to represent Me, the light of My
truth will burn ever-more-brightly than ever before. For
who among you like to be lied about and misrepresented?
 And neither do I!" says the Lord of Hosts.

"So go dear champions, in the power of My Spirit and
herald the truth that I am a very good and faithful Father
and that I am not only merciful, but also just. As you
partner with Me in complete obedience in this challenging
hour you will see your enemies hung on their own gallows
as it was with the enemies of Mordecai and
Queen Esther long ago."

"For I am the ultimate whistleblower! For not only do I
tell the truth, I released the fullness of truth to the earth
 in the form of My Son, who is forevermore The Way,
The Truth and The Life, and the only way back to Me.
 It was The Lamb who purchased the mercy that covers
 you but understand it was The Lamb who also purchased
the judgment that overtakes your enemies. All was purchased
with His pure and holy blood, so honor The Lamb/ Lion
wherever He treads among you. For the government
is most assuredly upon His shoulders and He is bringing
heaven to earth as you partner with Him by allowing Him to
rule and reign in and through you."
"For you are very greatly loved and treasured My little children, 
My last-day champions of the faith," says your Abba-Father. 
"I have much trust in you to carry out My bidding, for there is 
much riding on your obedience as billions of souls are ripe for 
harvest and the end of the age is not far off. Please go and 
quickly gather them into the family-ark," pleads the caring Father

"Partner with Me in declaring My Word and you shall see My
righteous judgments go forth as fire and lightnings."

Davidic Warriors


Don't you love the graphic above of the mighty angel
destroying the creature of darkness?

Dear Davidic Warrior family, that is an accurate portrayal of what
has been happening to your enemies as we have all been decreeing
His Word together on Thursdays. Our spoken Word-decrees
activate the angelic hosts to accomplish His will and bring it to pass.

A friend went abroad to minister and was given instruction from
the Holy Spirit to bind up the powers of witchcraft over the nation,
which he did. The next day he found out that at the very same
time he did that, a fire-lightning bolt struck a tree where sorcerer's
had been gathering for many years to cast spells. The tree was
destroyed and the sorcerers scattered by the fire-lightning bolt
that came from heaven through the decree of the servant of
the Lord. And the eye-witnesses testified the fire-bolt came from
a clear sky - there was no rainstorm. This is what happens
as believers decree His Word, it is more powerful than we
can imagine.

Be encouraged as you follow the instructions of scripture in
calling things that are not as though they are.' Our doing so
helps to bring the will and plan of heaven into our lives, our
 families' lives and the lives of one the glory of God.

Know that you are loved and appreciated,


A Prophetic Word to this Generation

Our heavenly Father is opening the storehouses of
heaven and releasing a greater anointing that has been
reserved for this generation. Empowered by the spirit of
Elijah these mantles will bring restoration, including to
those who wear them and to their households.

Written in a prophetic style, this book brings
fresh perspective and strong encouragement to its
readers. As you move through the pages of "Mantles"
the Holy Spirit will unveil, stir and establish more of your
 own unique calling and mantle.

For more information, go to:

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Reality of Muslims' Treatment of Christians

Editor's Note: I received this e-mail on Aug. 20, 2013 from a prominently Muslim country in the Middle East. I will not share the name of the person nor the country for their protection, as I promised. Please notice that I did not edit it, but posted it exactly as it was written.

Please read and may the Lord God give you discernment in all things, and a heart for our brothers and sisters of the Christian faith. We stand with them as best we can.

Steve Martin
Love For His People

"I listen and saw this many times - Pakistani Muslims did very bad with Pakistani Christians. In Kasur (place of Pakistan) they  snatch the scarfs of  christian women  Helpless women were without  of their all  garments The cruel  Muslims did sex with these ladies  But  Pakistani Chief Justice Iftkhar Chaudary did not take any little actions against this  shameless scene.  

Otherwise chief justice takes actions against Christians. but Muslims add  false cases . chief justice is against Christians.  Many people are in Pakistani jails but they are innocent . They are in jails in the false cases of Muslims.  Muslims brunt  Quran  ( book of  Muslims and they say Christians did this . After this drama they beat the Christians and sometimes they kill them at the scene. 

They also burnt many Christian areas in Pakistan Like Joseph colony , Kasur, Shanti Nagar . They also killed many innocent children,  young boy , young girls, women , men and old persons. They  did beat the old man  Because He was  eating something in Ramzan ( Muslims  are in fast in this month.) But he was hungry. 

They also  Show they are Pskistani  Christians  . They go in rich christian countries Take advantages on there  but also spread Islam in these  countries . They learnt English language because they say English people can not under stand our language but they  under stand English. That's why we learnt English .and spread Islam in English. 

They  say to Christian ladies do marriage with us if they deny They did sex with them in negative way  They did wrong with these women I can't explain more about this terror.  They say to christian people accept Islam If they deny they kill them.

They don't give good jobs to christian people on here If some one on good post It is God's grace on him or her. My neighbor went in Mayo Hospital ( Pakistani hospital)  for job . Clerk said to him only sweeper's job for you . He said but  I am educated . Clerk said to him. So what did happen. Your elders did the sweeper's job . your other brother and sisters doing this work and you will also do this. Not good job for you. 

But many  Muslims  on good posts in Christian countries. Many Christian  ladies ( American)and other ladies of Christians countries  did marriages with Muslims but on here they did bad with  our ladies  They did play with the body of  our ladies. 

Please   don't give place to Muslims in their countries  Where the passion of Christ in Christians of  Rich Christian countries ? Please do prayers for  Pakistani Christians  

Many children are orphans Many young women are widows Many old men and old women lost their children. In Pakistan. Muslims are doing this with them. If someone accepts the teaching of Christ they also kill him or here  If any  Muslim did help of any Christian . They also kill him or her.  Please take place to Christians  in heats and in prayers. God bless all Christian countries and all Christians."

Note: The following artwork was added by Editor.

A Land Flowing With Milk, Honey and Natural Gas - ISRAEL TODAY

A Land Flowing With Milk, Honey and Natural Gas

Wednesday, August 21, 2013 |  Yossi Aloni, Israel Today  
With mounting instability in Egypt, supplier of 40 percent of Israel's natural gas, the recent Israeli discoveries of massive gas fields came just in time, and many here see the new found wealth of natural resources of miracle from God.
Others caution that "energy resources, no matter how great, can never be a substitute for our Creator."
The full story appears in the August 2013 issue of Israel Today
SUBSCRIBE NOW to read it >>

India and Israel: Two Great Democracies that Should Deepen their Strategic Ties

Editor's Note: We have helped a 75 year old Indian pastor from Hyderabad get his visa to come join us in Israel Nov. 3-11 on our annual Ahava Adventures trip. It will be his first trip!

In Feb. of 2010, as part of our work on staff at Vision for Israel, we went to his village of Murchela, east of Hyderabad in southeast India, and held a conference for 70 pastors he works with. The theme was "How To Bless Israel."

I taught several times during the three day conference. One night they held a "Feast of Tabernacles", complete with marching around the building, shofars blowing, and an ark of the covenant carried on poles.

It was a memorable time, as they love the Lord Yeshua and bless the people of Israel! 
Steve Martin

India and Israel: Two Great Democracies that Should Deepen their Strategic Ties

Wednesday, August 21, 2013 |  Noah Beck  
At first glance, Hindu-majority India, with approximately 1.2 billion people and an entire subcontinent, would seem to have little in common with Jewish-majority Israel, which has only about eight million people living on territory that's just roughly 15 times the size of India's capital city. While full diplomatic relations were established between Jerusalem and New Delhi only in 1992, the two countries actually have much in common.
Both countries are homelands for ancient peoples who gained their independence from the British in the 1940s. Both states have gone on to create vibrant, multicultural democracies that have experienced dynamic, technology-driven economic growth. India and Israel each also has a large Muslim minority population, and each faces an ongoing terrorism threat from foreign and domestic Islamic extremists; indeed, both Israelis and Indians were targeted and killed in the 2008 Mumbai terror attacks. Even more serious, India and Israel each faces ballistic missile threats from at least one close, hostile Muslim state. India already faces the nuclear threat posed by Pakistan, and Israel may soon confront the same threat from Iran, if Iranian nukes aren't stopped.
There is also a blossoming military and commercial relationship between India and Israel. Israel is India’s second largest arms supplier after Russia, and Israeli-Indian military cooperation extends to technology upgrades, joint research, intelligence cooperation, and even space (in 2008, India launched a 300-kilogram Israeli satellite into orbit). Israel has upgraded India's Soviet-era armor and aircraft and provided India with sea-to-sea missiles, radar and other surveillance systems, border monitoring equipment, night vision devices, and other military support. Bilateral trade reached US $6 billion last year and negotiations began this year for a free trade agreement.
Israel-India cooperation in agriculture and water technology is growing both through government-sponsored initiatives and private business deals. Last year, Israeli and Indian government institutions jointly launched an online network that provides real-time communications between Indian farmers and Israeli agricultural technology experts, and Israel is in the process of setting up 28 agricultural training centers throughout India. Israeli Professor Yoram Oren has been studying the potential use of nano-filtration to filter out harmful textile dyes from India's polluted Noyyal River. Last June, a delegation of 16 high-ranking Indian officials from the water authorities of Rajasthan, Karnataka, Goa and Haryana traveled to Israel to visit wastewater treatment plants and meet with some of Israel’s leading environmentalists and agronomists to learn about the desert country's newest green technologies.
Tata Industries, the multi-billion-dollar Indian company, recently invested $5 million to kick-start the Technology Innovation Momentum Fund at Tel Aviv University’s Ramot technology transfer company. Tata Industries hopes to capitalize on future Israeli innovation, like the algorithm for error correction in flash memory (which is one of the patents filed by Ramot and now inside billions of dollars worth of SanDisk products).
These are but a few examples of the remarkable cooperation between India and Israel. Such a synergistic relationship is unsurprising, given the historically harmonious relations between the peoples of Israel and India.
Judaism was one of the first foreign religions to come to India: the Cochin Jews arrived about 2,500 years ago and settled in the city of Kerala, where they flourished as traders. In addition to the few thousand Jews who live in major Indian cities like Mumbai, there are also some larger Indian communities, like the 8,000 "Bnai Menashe" (from the northeastern Indian states of Mizoram and Manipur) who claim descent from one of the Lost Tribes of Israel. While Jews have always been a minuscule religious minority in India, they have historically encountered very little antisemitism. In Israel, about 1% of the Jewish population has Indian ancestry.
In addition to the many historic and economic reasons for India and Israel to strengthen their ties, there are also strong geopolitical motivators. Israel's tiny land mass (about 21,000 square kilometers) makes the Jewish state particularly vulnerable and compels it to make strategic use of seaborne offensive and defensive military capabilities. A vital component of those capabilities is Israel's submarine force, which requires friendly waters in which to deploy and maintain such a force -- something that the Indian Navy can provide with its dominance of South Asian waters.
With the ongoing security threats posed by India's nuclear-armed rival, Pakistan, the Kashmir conflict (which recently claimed five Indian soldiers), and potential conflict with the other Asian heavyweight (China), India needs the kind of military edge that Israel can help it to obtain. Insofar as India provides an Asian counterweight to Chinese dominance, a powerful India bolstered by Israeli technological expertise is also in the interest of smaller Asian countries and the United States.
One area where India could deepen its alliance with both Israel and the U.S. is on the issue of Iranian nukes. India, the second largest importer of Iranian crude oil after China, won its third 180-day waiver from U.S. sanctions last June after reducing its oil purchases from Iran. But in 2012, Iran and India agreed to trade in rupees for shipments of oil, rice, sugar and soybeans, to circumvent U.S. financial sanctions on Iranian oil shipments. And Mangalore Refinery and Petrochemicals is now reportedly receiving a cargo of Iranian crude, after a 4-month hiatus, with Hindostan Petroleum also restarting imports soon. Iran may also become the top buyer of soybean meal from India for a second straight year, as Iran turns to Asia's biggest exporter to replace imports disrupted by Western sanctions.
While India has its own commercial interests, India also has a strong interest in a peaceful resolution to the Iranian nuclear issue. India's economic and diplomatic clout can help to pressure Iran into a compromise that prevents a catastrophic Middle East war. Such a regional conflagration could spread beyond the Middle East and, in any case, would send India's energy costs skyrocketing, disrupt global trade, and dangerously destabilize India's geopolitical backyard.
India's history of religious tolerance stands in stark contrast to that of Iran's. Indeed, one of India's religious minorities, the Zoroastrians, have been fleeing persecution in the territory that is today Iran (Persia) for about 1,200 years. Since Iran's Islamic Revolution of 1979, Iran has been regarded as one of the world's worst offenders against freedom of religion. Iran's vicious human rights abuses and undemocratic political system are also well known. Would India want such a country to have nuclear weapons? Isn't Pakistan enough?
As a responsible member of the nuclear club, a fellow democracy, and one of the greatest rising world powers, India should approach the Iranian nuclear issue as an opportunity to demonstrate how growing Indian clout can promote global security and curb extremist, undemocratic regimes like the Islamic Republic. By deepening India's ties with other innovative and economically advanced democracies like the United States and Israel, India can better secure its own interests and position itself for continued growth and leadership in a more stable world.
Noah Beck is the author of The Last Israelis, a war novel about Iranian nukes and an Israeli submarine with an Indian Jew on board.