Saturday, September 14, 2013

Lamb of God - Twila Paris

Only Jesus (Yeshua) can take away the sins of the world. Call upon His Name today.

Yeshua HaMashiach, (Jesus Christ) came the first time to die on the cross for our sins. He will come again to rule from His throne in Jerusalem.

Lamb of God - Twila Paris

Your only Son 
No sin to hide
But You have sent Him,
From Your side
To walk upon this guilty sod
And to become the Lamb of God

Your gift of Love 
They crucified 
They laughed and scorned him as he died
The humble King 
They named a fraud
And sacrificed the Lamb of God

Oh Lamb of God, Sweet lamb of God 
I love the Holy Lamb of God
Oh wash me in His precious Blood
My Jesus Christ the Lamb of God

I was so lost I should have died 
But You have brought me to Your side
To be led by Your staff and rod
And to be call a lamb of God

Oh wash me in His precious Blood
My Jesus Chris the Lamb of God

God Shed His Grace: Songs of Truth and Freedom
“Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same.” —Ronald Reagan

In 1981, Ronald Reagan took the official oath of office and became the 40th President of the United States. That same year a young 20-year-old songwriter from northwest Arkansas recorded her first album, and a few years later she caught the attention of listeners with her first No. 1 song, “The Warrior Is a Child.”

Fast forward to 2012. Politics is the talk of the media as another election year is upon us, leaving Americans to decide who will be our 45th president. The 20-year-old girl who voted for Ronald Reagan in her first presidential election grew up to become evergreen artist Twila Paris, who today is a working mom, balancing career and family. With 22 albums, 33 No. 1 hits, numerous Dove Awards—including three for “Female Vocalist of the Year”—and over 1.3 million albums sold in the course of her tenure, Paris’ career contains almost as many significant milestones as our nation’s history. In fact, current events and the tumultuous ups and downs of American history have played an integral part in shaping Paris’ songwriting throughout the past 30-plus years of her career.

Her 23rd release, God Shed His Grace – Songs of Truth & Freedom (eOne Christian Music), comes at a pivotal time in history. However, it’s a natural progression in the singer/songwriter’s career as Paris has always been a loyal patriot, and this album is a self-described “love letter and prayer” for her country.

“This is an album of encouragement for Christian patriots,” says Paris. “Though it is a collection, it’s not just a greatest hits album. These are songs that were hand-picked by me with a lot of time and thought as to which ones would speak to the hearts of those Americans, who are sometimes heartbroken and a little discouraged but faithfully standing where they are called to be.”

Paris contrasts her son J.P.’s childhood experiences with her own, remembering a simpler time when prayer and Bible reading were allowed in public schools, and history was taught within the context of Judeo Christian principles. “I was brought up to be a patriot. In school, we were given the true story of our nation with a positive emphasis on the heroism and courage of those who came before us,” recalls Paris.

Paris attributes her passion to a life-long love for her country versus politics. “I’m getting more and more concerned about the direction of the nation and more and more passionate about the things I believe,” she asserts. “As a culture, we’ve come to a place where we think every generation is smarter than the last, and none of us need to hear anything from God, which, as a premise, is both false and dangerous. Our founders got it right. They really did. We need to get back to what they intended and not be reinterpreting and superimposing agendas. We have been moving away from what makes us great as a nation; and this isn’t about politics. Politics is simply a reflection of who we are.”

The songs on God Shed His Grace provide a glimpse into the award-winning artist‚Äôs thoughts on world events through the years. At the time of the original recordings, these songs may have seemed significant in their own right, but when collected in this context, they create a vibrant timeline that spans the course of her incredible career and forms a patchwork of historical commentary‚Äîsnapshots of bravery, tragedy, sacrifice and triumph.

“I See You Standing” was inspired by the courageous young man who stood in front of the tank in Tiananmen Square. “God Is In Control,” arguably one of Paris’ most well-known songs, was written in response to her own anxieties about the direction of our nation. Songs like “True North” and “Wisdom” were written with an eye toward culture and government; while “What Did He Die For” was inspired by the 50th anniversary of D-Day, after Paris watched World War II footage on TV, tears filling her eyes.

While every song has been re-mastered, none were re-recorded. “You could go through and redo everything, but somehow I love the fact that it walks you through that time period,” Paris explains. Two new recordings fit in seamlessly with the timeless songs gathered here. Paris recorded our national hymn, “God of Our Fathers,” a song her 77-year-old father learned in school, not in church—a strange dichotomy she finds ironic. She also adds her distinct style to “America the Beautiful.” Recorded in her living room, Paris made it her own. “I wanted to bring something fresh and artistic to the production,” she says. “I wanted it to feel more like a prayer than a performance, because it is a prayer if you look at the lyric.”

Her personal prayer is that Americans will live responsibly with the freedom they’ve been given. “As a Christian I’m given this gift of salvation because of Christ’s sacrifice. As an American, I’m given this gift of freedom because people who lived more than 200 years before me had the wisdom and the courage to understand what needed to happen, and they had the willingness and the selflessness to make the sacrifice,” she says.

Paris may have slowed down to focus on family in recent years, but you can hear the urgency in her voice. If anything, she’s more passionate than ever before about passing on the values of our forefathers not only to her son but also to the next generation, hoping to instill some national pride in them along the way. “Ultimately, freedom is only as valuable as what we choose to do with it. Freedom is a priceless gift but it can be wasted,” she acknowledges.

“I believe God gives us freedom for a reason,” she continues. “I don’t think it’s the ultimate goal. In a way it’s a commodity, and each of us has a responsibility to do something worthwhile with it. What did all these people who died for me die for? What do I do with the moments of my day and the days of my life to bring honor to that sacrifice?”

Paris will share songs from God Shed His Grace on the road this spring with veteran artists Michael Card, Steve Green and Wayne Watson on the ‚ÄúChristian Classic Tour.‚Äù ‚ÄúThese days, when I go on tour it‚Äôs really sweet, partly because it isn‚Äôt as often,‚Äù she shares. ‚ÄúSo many people who listen to this music have been around as long as I have; and that‚Äôs part of what is so wonderful about these evenings. It‚Äôs not just hanging out with my old friends, but it‚Äôs like the people in the audience are our old friends, too; and every single concert is like a class reunion.‚Äù

Logging fewer hours on the road now than in the past, Paris still finds herself busier than ever. Today, her focus is on her son, J.P., whom she home-schools. However, she’s still writing and recording out of a heart of passionate belief, as evidenced by her latest collection. “I’m doing this album because it’s deep in my heart to do this project,” Paris affirms. “It continues to be a calling and an honor and a privilege to be able to go and share His Word and sing these songs.”

-Written by Lindsay Williams

Amazing Sunset over Jerusalem, Mount of Olives, Israel, Holy Land HD

Bless my friends in Israel, Lord, on this glorious day You have created. Let Your eternal Light shine upon them today Yeshua Hamashiach (Jesus Christ).
Steve Martin

Published on Jan 6, 2013
Best sunset over Jerusalem on Christmas day 25th December 2012 standing on the Mount of Olives in front of the Eastern/Mercy/Golden Gate HD
//*The East Gate and the Return of Jesus.

Neh. 3:29
"...the gate that looketh toward the east: And the glory of the Lord came into the house by the way of the gate whose prospect is toward the east."

Ezekiel 44:1-3
1 Then he brought me back to the outer gate of the sanctuary, which faces east; and it was shut.
2 And he said to me, "This gate shall remain shut; it shall not be opened, and no one shall enter by it; for the LORD, the God of Israel, has entered by it; therefore it shall remain shut.
3 Only the prince may sit in it to eat bread before the LORD; he shall enter by way of the vestibule of the gate, and shall go out by the same way."

The "Golden Gate" was located in the East wall of Jerusalem; it was one of eleven entrance gates into the city. Notice in the above picture that this gate is sealed shut. It was sealed up in the 16th century A.D.

A little background on the East gate of Jerusalem: The East gate was walled up by it's Muslim conquerors (the Ottoman Turks) in 1530 A.D. Notice also the cemetery that has been planted in front of it. Many believe this was done to prevent the entrance of the Jewish Messiah through that gate as was foretold by known Old Testament prophecies. However, Ezekiel prophesied the shutting of this gate itself around 600 B.C. -- that it would be shut "because the LORD (Jehovah or Yahweh), the God of Israel, hath entered in by it, therefore it shall be shut."

Jesus entered Jerusalem through the East gate around 30 A.D. (long before it was blocked by the Ottomans) as he came down from the Mount of Olives and entered the temple according to our understanding of Luke 19:28-48. He would have entered through the original gate in the wall which was destroyed with the city by the Romans in 70 A.D. Ezekiel says concerning this closed gate that the "Prince" (which the Messiah is often called throughout the Old Testament and Jesus is called in the New Testament) shall enter it again. Jesus, having entered the city, said that he would not be seen again until Jerusalem acknowledges him (Matthew 23:37-39).

The Eastern gate is presently considered by the Arabs to be their exclusive property. It is sealed up and blocked off. However one day, the Messiah will land on the Mount of Olives, with all His saints, and walk down to and right through the Eastern Gate and into the Temple area.

As for me and my house...

Friday, September 13, 2013

Prayer at the Kotel (Westem Wall)

COMMENTARY: Prophetic Timing for Israel’s Victory

COMMENTARY: Prophetic Timing for Israel’s Victory

Friday, September 13, 2013 |  Jonathan David, Israel Today  
The Lord of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob has provided specific instructions that give prophetic direction into His timing for the nation of Israel, the Jews and His sheep all over the world. Sadly, His instructions are often ignored or rejected, which means that many will miss the perfect timing, protection and provision of the Lord.
What advantage does the Jew have? The apostle Paul gives us the answer in Romans 3:2: “Much in every way: chiefly, because that unto them (Jews) were committed the oracles of God.”
The oracles are those prophetic conduits of the Lord’s words of instruction, wisdom and knowledge. The words of the prophets are still there for all of us to behold if we really want to know the Lord’s ways rather than man’s ways, His thoughts rather than man’s thoughts. And we can also know God’s timing rather than man’s timing, if we choose to.
By and through the word of the Lord found in the Holy Scriptures, we can know His times and seasons. For example, because of the prophecy written by Daniel around the fourth-century BC, the Magi from the East knew that Messiah would be born on earth at the time Yeshua HaMashiach was born, yet the Jews were not waiting and watching and obviously were not prepared.
Yeshua rebuked his Jewish brethren and prophesied how Rome would throw down the stones of Jerusalem, “because you knew not the time of your visitation” (Luke 19:44). I wonder how much trouble the Jews would have avoided at the hands of their enemies had they recognized the timing of Messiah’s first visit. Obviously, through their error, we can see the danger of ignoring or showing no regard for the word or instruction of the prophets.
The following is a timely example of how man’s ways, words, thoughts and timing have attempted to replace the Lord’s ways, words, thoughts and timing.
Most Jews in Israel and around the world recently celebrated Rosh Hashanah (Feast of the Trumpets) beginning on September 5th, 2013. In fact, since they wanted to be sure to get it right and not miss the true timing, they celebrated Rosh Hashanah for two days. So, why all of the guess work when the word of the Lord regarding this Holy festival is precise and without error?
Scripture makes it clear that the Lord’s timing for His people to celebrate Rosh Hashanah/Feast of Trumpets is on the “first day of the seventh month” (Leviticus 23:24, Numbers 29:1). Furthermore, the Lord gave instructions for identifying the first day of a month: “Blow the trumpet in the new moon, in the time appointed, on our solemn feast day.” (Psalm 81:3)
Based on these instructions of the Lord for the nation of Israel, the first day of the month is always identified by the new moon. Since it arrives at differing times each month, it’s impossible to know the day or hour of appearing, so Israel must always be waiting and watching for the sighting.
Sadly, since the fourth century, the Jews stopped waiting and watching for the Lord to reveal the exact date of His Festival. It was then arranged by Jewish leaders that Rosh Hashanah/Feast of Trumpets would never fall on a Sunday, Wednesday, or Friday. The argument for this is that the Covenant people of the Lord were driven out of the land of Israel and scattered throughout the earth, making it hard to know whose observation of the new moon and which location on earth should have been used to determine the date.
However, now that The House of Judah (Jews) has been restored back to the Land of Israel, why should 4th century rules or even the Western Hemisphere moon sightings continue to trump the word of the LORD regarding Israel’s Holy Day? After all, Micah 4:2 confirms that “…the law shall go forth from Zion, and the word of the LORD from Jerusalem.”
Had the Jews been waiting and watching this year according to the Lord’s instructions, they would have known that the Festival of Trumpets’ new moon was sighted in Israel on the evening of Saturday, September 7th, which is the start of September 8th, since Genesis confirms that the Lord counts days beginning at sundown. Therefore, according to the Lord’s timing, Rosh Hashanah/Feast of Trumpets was on Sunday, September 8th.
So, what can be so bad about neglecting the order, direction, wisdom, understanding and timing of the Lord?
Well, ignoring the instruction of blowing the trumpets (warnings, rallying calls, notices, worship) on the first day of the seventh month now means that the Jews will not be able to follow the Lord’s instructions regarding the Day of Atonement/Yom Kippur this month.
“On the tenth day of this seventh month there shall be a day of atonement: it shall be a holy convocation unto you; and ye shall afflict your souls, and offer an offering made by fire unto the Lord.” (Leviticus 16:29, Leviticus 23:27, Leviticus 25:9, Numbers 29:7, Ezekiel 20:1). The day of atonement is a time of humbleness for the nation of Israel; a time of fasting, repentance and seeking the Lord’s mercy and help.”
Sadly, by not following the oracles of the Lord, and choosing rather to follow man’s devices, the Jews did not obey the instructions for the Feast of Trumpets and set a wrong date. Therefore, they now project another date based on their first error, which now leads to more disobedience as they have erroneously scheduled the Day of Atonement/Yom Kippur for September 14th, 2013.

So, on the true tenth day of the seventh month, as identified by the Lord’s word and identified by the new moon, which He presented to the nation of Israel on September 8th, 2013, we know that September 17th, which begins on the evening of the 16th, is the required day of national prayer, repentance and fasting. It’s the Lord’s Day of Atonement on the true tenth day of the seventh month in Israel, which He established.
So, a very important question to ask is what are the ramifications of ignoring or rejecting the instructions, commands, knowledge and understanding which the Lord provided the Jews through the oracles? More importantly, just what advantage does our attentiveness and obedience to the word of the Lord bring?
King David shared the answer to both of these questions when he shared the following word of the Lord with Israel in Psalm 81:11-16, “But my people would not listen to me; Israel would not submit to me. So I gave them over to their stubborn hearts to follow their own devices.
“If my people would only listen to me, if Israel would only follow my ways, how quickly I would subdue their enemies and turn my hand against their foes! Those who hate the LORD would cringe before him, and their punishment would last forever. But you would be fed with the finest of wheat; with honey from the rock I would satisfy you.”
Prayer: May the Lord forgive us for following our ways above His. May we heed King David’s admonition and forsake our own devices. May we honor the Scriptures of the Lord given through His prophets. May we eagerly submit to Abba’s words above all. May we be pleasing to Him, truly listening that we may behold His promised protection and provision. May we be like the wise virgins in Yeshua’s parable, who knew the timing of the Lord, and so be prepared, watching and waiting to enter in at the right time; the timing of the Lord.
Do you want victory in your battles and against your enemies? Obey the word of the Lord above all others.
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God Protected Us In Battle

Former Israeli Commander Effie Eitam

Fmr Israeli Commander: God Protected us in Battle
By Chris Mitchell
CBN News Middle East Bureau Chief
Friday, September 13, 2013

JERUSALEM, Israel -- Like most Israelis just before the start of the 1973 Yom Kippur War, Effie Eitam didn't expect an Arab attack on the holiest day of the Jewish year. Eitam was leading a routine reconnaissance patrol on the Golan Heights. Moments later, he was facing the might of the Syrian army.

"I saw hundreds of Syrian tanks moving forward, and they were painted in a camouflage of green and yellow," the former Israel Defense Forces commander told CBN News. "And I remember, I thought to myself that they're kind of prehistoric lizards, you know, who just came out of a cave because they came out of nowhere. I didn't see them before."

For days, the surprise attacks dealt a serious -- nearly fatal -- blow to Israel. The men on the front lines bore the brunt of the battle.

"The first three days were hell, you know," Eitam continued. "We didn't have any anti-tank weapons, and we had to shoot them with American World War II-made bazookas, you know, a very primitive anti-tank rocket launcher, and we had to shoot them from distances of 50-60 meters [yards]. People just got killed. Some of them were smashed by the tanks, you know, from such a short distance."

During the first few days of the war, the Israelis paid a high price in lives lost. But they held on and contained one of the most fearsome attacks ever made against the nation.

When Israel counter-attacked, Eitam received orders for a daring mission: Go behind enemy lines and take the Syrian Division headquarters. Like many commando raids, this assault meant close quarters and face-to-face, sometimes hand-to-hand, combat.

Eitam was a highly trained soldier, but he wasn't prepared for what faced him when he went around a corner in the Syrian bunker.

"We came there and we started to 'clean'-- in other words, to kill -- the generals who were there and their guards. I was throwing hand grenades, shooting, you know, in the broad concrete corridors," he said.

"And then when I turned, behind one of the corners of the corridors, which was full of smoke and dust, I saw a silhouette -- a kind of something coming out of the dust and smoke toward me," he recalled. "I was very sure it's a Syrian soldier, and I took my rifle and I was aiming the rifle and was ready to pull the trigger, and then I saw a bird coming out of the smoke. She just flew behind my head and she stood on my right shoulder."

At first, Eitam thought the bird was actually a bat, living in the cool, dark corridors of the bunker. So in the midst of an intense firefight, he found himself trying to shoo away a bird.

"So I just whipped her out, and she turned again and stood on my left shoulder," he explained. "I didn't have time to have all kinds of arguments with a bird: 'What are you doing here, who are you?' It was in the middle of a shooting battle."

"So I completed the assault and hand grenades and everything. And when I went out of the corridor of the bunker, I saw a dove, a pigeon, standing on my left shoulder. I just tried to let her out of my shoulder. She turned and was very determined not to leave me. I put my hand just like that and she stood on my hand."

Despite Eitan's attempt to get rid of the dove, she stayed with him and his unit for the next 10 days in some of the most intense battles of the Yom Kippur War. During that time, Eitam's unit appeared to have supernatural protection.

"Since we had that angel protecting us, none of my company's soldiers was killed or wounded, and we were involved in very intensive battles," he said. "It's not that we stood in the rear or we sat there. We were involved in the middle of the most bitter battles, but she was there."

"What was unnatural and very interesting was that even in the night, when we had night operations and night battles, where usually these birds, pigeons, do not move at night -- they don't have a very good night sight -- she was with us patrolling, a little bit forward, looking (at) what's going on around (us), sitting here," he said, pointing to his shoulder.

Finally, after nearly two weeks of frontline conflict, Eitam and his unit were sent to the rear for a rest.

"And when I put my feet down in the vehicle that brought us from the front to the territory of the State of Israel, she flew away and disappeared," he said. "You know, you could have a little bit of questions whether it happened or not. But it didn't happen to me in the middle of a desert or me being alone in the middle of a jungle. It was in front of the eyes of thousands of soldiers."

Since that experience, through many commando operations, the sense of the miraculous and God's protection has never left Eitam -- the same protection promised in the 23rd Psalm.

"I trained myself to see miracles around me, around the operations that I conducted. It's as we know he said, quoting Psalm 23 in Hebrew: "Even when I am in the valley of death and evil, I'm not afraid because God is with me…."

Watch here: 

Yom Kippur, the holiest day in Judaism begins tonight (Sept. 13, 2013)

Shabbat Shalom. Yom Kippur, the holiest day in Judaism begins tonight

Messianic Bible via 
7:41 AM (19 minutes ago)


Shabbat shalom!

Today is Erev Yom Kippur, the eve 
of the Day of Atonement, which is, 
Biblically speaking, the holiest day of the year.

Blowing the shofar

By mid-afternoon, all the businesses and shops will be 
closed, not even one gas station will be open.

By nightfall, there will not be a car on the street.

All that will be playing on the television tonight will 
be a still photo of a shofar calling the people of 
Israel to fast and pray. Even Jewish radio stations 
will be shut down.

If Christians unfamiliar with Yom Kippur were 
here in Israel for the first time, they might think 
that the Rapture had taken place and that they 
were left behind.

The streets of Tel Aviv, the city that never sleeps, 
are deserted on Yom Kippur. Throughout Israel the streets
are empty of cars.

Tonight as the sun sets, the Jewish People here in Israel 
and all around the world will attend their local synagogue.

With its themes of atonement and repentance, the tenth 
of Tishri is so significant that it’s observed by many 
secular Jews who don’t observe other Jewish holidays.

“It shall be a statute to you forever: in the seventh month, 
on the tenth day of the month, you shall afflict your souls, 
and shall do no kind of work, the native-born, or the 
stranger who lives as a foreigner among you.” (Leviticus 16:29)

The month of Tishri is the seventh month on the Jewish 
calendar—the month we add another number to the 
year (we are now in the year 5774) and the month 
we make atonement for sin.

Jews Praying in the Synagogue on Yom Kippur,
by Maurycy Gottlieb, 1878.

Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement)
Leviticus 16:1–34; Isaiah 57:14–58:14

Yom Kippur is a solemn fast day.

Because of that, all kinds of preparations are
 underway during the day in order to keep 
Yom Kippur properly, including two festive 
meals today.

On Yom Kippur, for nearly 26 hours, we 
“afflict our souls” in the following five ways:

We don’t eat or drink;
We don’t wash;
We don’t use lotions or perfumes;
We don’t wear leather footwear; and
We abstain from marital relations.
Despite this afflicting of ourselves, the 
observance of Yom Kippur is characterized 
by a sense of peace because of our 
confidence in our relationship with God 
and His provision for atonement.

The beautiful Hebrew calligraphy of Kol Nidre in the Machzor
Worms, which is one of the oldest ritual festival prayer books
in existence. It was used by the Jewish community of Worms,
Germany from 1272 until the synagogue’s destruction on
Kristallnacht, November 1938.

Before the sun sets tonight, the Jewish People will 
gather in their synagogues to hear the cantor chant 
Kol Nidre (All Vows) and recite penitential 
prayers from a special prayer book called 
the Machzor.

Tomorrow morning, we will return to our 
synagogues for the Shabbat service.

During the afternoon service, the entire 
Book of Jonah will be read.

This service concludes shortly before sunset 
with the Ne’ila (Closing of the Gates)prayer, 
which is the last moment for repenting before 
God seals His judgments in His Book.

Yom Kippur will end at nightfall tomorrow 
with the blowing of the shofar, and we will 
return home to enjoy a festive meal. Tomorrow
 night, many of us will also begin building our 
Sukkah for the holiday of Sukkot, which 
begins next Wednesday night.

Orthodox Jewish man praying Selichot, Jewish 
penitential prayersand poems, in preparation 
for Yom Kippur, at the Western (Wailing) Wall 
in Jerusalem.

Making Atonement During Temple Times

“Tell your brother Aaron that he is not to come 
whenever he chooses into the Most Holy Place 
behind the curtain in front of the atonement cover 
on the ark, or else he will die.” (Leviticus 16:2)

Yom Kippur was the one day in the year that the 
Cohen HaGadol (High Priest)could enter the 
Holy of Holies to make atonement for the
 nation of Israel.

In order to minister before the Lord on this
 holy day, the priest first bathed in water 
(immersed himself in the mikvah) and then 
put on a special linen tunic.

In the Holy of Holies, the high priest was 
not to wear his usual golden garments, 
designed for splendor and beauty; instead,
 he was to wear simple, white linen clothing 
that represented purity and humility, which 
befits this most sacred of all days.

Many Jewish men wear a kittel, 
a white robe-like garment, for evening prayers
 on Yom Kippur. It is also worn on 
their wedding day.

Wearing White on Yom Kippur

Tonight and tomorrow, many religiously observant 
Jewish men dress in simple, white linen when 
attending Yom Kippur services. They also wear
 rubber soled sneakers instead of leather shoes, 
in remembrance of Yom Kippur’s animal sacrifice.

And women will wear elegant dresses 
while wearing canvas running shoes.

The rabbis give another reason for wearing 
white on this holy day. Israel comes before 
God, not in drab clothing like a penitent sinner, 
but arrayed in white as if going to a feast, 
confident that they will be pardoned as they 
come in sincere repentance.

In the Book of Revelation, we see a connection
to the tradition of wearing white and the Book of Life:

“He who overcomes shall be clothed in white 
garments, and I will not blot out his name from
 the Book of Life, but I will confess his name
 before My Father and before His angels.” 
(Revelation 3:5)

Kapparot is a ritual some Jews perform 
before Yom Kippur, where a chicken is
waved over the head three times in order 
to symbolically transfer one's sins to the chicken. 
The chicken is then slaughtered and donated to the poor.

Since the Holy Temple is no longer standing and no 
sacrifices for sin can be offered, those who know 
Yeshua (Jesus) can trust in the sacrifice that He 
made for our atonement.

However, about 99% of the Jewish people today 
do not believe that Yeshua is the Messiah.

With no Temple in Jerusalem for the past 2000 years,
 they have replaced the animal blood sacrifice 
with prayer (tefilah), repentance (teshuvah), and 
charity or good deeds (tzedakah).

Perhaps we have to give credit to the 
Ultra-Orthodox Jews who perform a 
ceremony called kapparot where one's sin
 is placed upon a sacrificial chicken before
 it gets slaughtered. In this ritual, at least
the need for a blood sacrifice is still acknowledged, 
even though a chicken is not the animal prescribed
 in the Torah for sacrifice.

And as we are now in the End Times, maybe this 
sacrifice will make it easier for these 
Ultra-Orthodox Jews to recognize the atoning 
sacrifice Yeshua accomplished on our behalf 
as the Messiah.

The Nubian ibex is a desert-dwelling goat 
species found in Israel.

The Azazel

"But the goat chosen by lot as the scapegoat shall be
 presented alive before the Lord to be used for 
making atonement by sending it into the desert as 
a scapegoat." (Leviticus 16:10)

On Yom Kippur, the High Priests cast lots for two goats.

One was offered as the sacrifice, but the other 
goat was chosen as the Azazel (the scapegoat).

Azazel is a very special Hebrew noun meaning 
dismissal or entire removal.

The entire removal of the sin and guilt of Israel
is symbolized by the High Priest laying both 
his hands on the head of this live goat, confessing 
over it all the transgressions of the children of Israel.

The goat would then be released into the wilderness, 
thus physically carrying the burden of Israel’s sin 
into the wilderness.

The Golden Gate, which is called 
Sha'ar Harachamim (Gate of Mercy)in Hebrew, 
is located on the eastern side of the Temple Mount. It's
thought that the Azazel was led through this 
gate to the wilderness. It's also thought that Messiah 
will come through this gate. Suleiman wanted to 
prevent this and had the gate sealed in 1541. A Muslim
cemetery was placed in front of it to defile the area.

The Azazel and Messiah Yeshua

“He is to lay both hands on the head of the 
live goat and confess over it all the wickedness 
and rebellion of the Israelites—all their sins—and 
put them on the goat’s head. He shall send the goat
away into the wilderness in the care of someone 
appointed for the task. The goat will carry on
 itself all their sins to a remote place; and the
 man shall release it in the wilderness.” 
(Leviticus 16:21–22)

There are striking similarities between
 Leviticus 16:21–22 and Isaiah 53:

"And the Lord has laid on Him the iniquity 
of us all… For He shall bear their iniquities."
 (Isaiah 53:6, 11)

Rabbis of ancient times viewed Isaiah 53 
as a Messianic prophecy. Most agreed
that it speaks of the Messiah of Israel.

This Messianic prophecy has been effectively
 hidden from most Jewish people, even those 
who faithfully attend synagogue services, by 
omitting the entire chapter from the proscribed 
selection of Sabbath readings.

Why? Because these verses so perfectly 
describe the atonement Yeshua made for us 
through the sacrifice of His own life as
 the Suffering Servant.

This is why we so desperately need to
 make the Messianic Prophecy Bible 
available to the Jewish People!

Please click here now to support our 
Bible Project this YOM KIPPUR

The current rabbinical interpretation of 
Isaiah 53 proposes that this passage does not
 speak of the Messiah but of the nation of Israel.

This interpretation seems to have gained 
serious adherents only in the 13th century.

It is, in truth, a complete lie that is promoted
 throughout the Jewish community to blind 
Jewish people from seeing that Isaiah 53
 perfectly describes Yeshua who
suffered for our sins.

Not all rabbis have agreed with this willfully 
wrong interpretation. In a strongly worded 
14th century commentary, 
Rabbi Moshe Kohen ibn Crispin 
responded to this theory:

“[In contrast to those] having inclined after 
the stubbornness of their own hearts and 
their own opinion, I am pleased to interpret 
the parasha [Isaiah 53] in accordance with 
the teachings of our rabbis, of the King Messiah
… and adhere to the literal sense. Thus I shall 
be free from forced and far-fetched
interpretations of which others are guilty.”

Moses Alshech, a 16th century rabbi, 
preacher, and Bible commentator, ignores 
the possibility that Isaiah 53 refers to the
 nation of Israel.

He said, “Our rabbis with one voice accept 
and affirm the opinion that the prophet [Isaiah] 
is here [chapter 53] speaking of the Messiah.”

This Siddur (Jewish Prayer Book) is resting 
on a table at the Western Wall adorned with a 
velvet tablecloth that is embroidered with an image 
of the Second Temple. The fringed garment is a 
folded tallit (prayer shawl).

Numerous Rabbinic commentators do, in fact, take 
for granted that Isaiah 52:13–53:12 refers to the Messiah.

The following quotes are gleaned from traditional
 rabbinic sources, such as the Talmud (oral law):

“He, Messiah, shall intercede for man’s sins, 
and the rebellious, for his sake, shall be forgiven.” 
(Jerusalem Targum on Isaiah 53:12)

“And when Israel is sinful, the Messiah seeks for
 mercy upon them as it is written, ‘By his stripes 
we were healed,’ and ‘he carried the sin of many 
and made intercession for the transgressors.’” 
(Genesis Rabbah on Isaiah 53:5, 12).

In a limited sense, however, the claims that Israel
 has suffered as an azazel or "scapegoat" for the 
nations is true. Yet, Israel is not able to justify and
 bear the iniquities of its own people (Isaiah 53:11). 
The Messiah did that when the Lord crushed Him 
and made Him an offering for sin (v. 10).

On the execution stake, "His appearance was 
disfigured beyond that of any human being and 
His form marred beyond human likeness." (Isaiah 52:14)

And although the Jewish People have not seen 
that Yeshua fulfilled the many prophecies of Isaiah 
and other prophets, this blindness is only temporary, 
and will soon come to an end:

"For I do not desire, brethren, that you should be
 ignorant of this mystery, lest you should be wise 
in your own opinion, that blindness in part has 
happened to Israel until the fullness of the Gentiles
 has come in… and so all Israel shall be saved." 
(Romans 11:25–26)

Former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak 
comforts a bereaved mother at a memorial service 
for soldiers who died in the Yom Kippur War, when
Israel's Arab neighbors invaded Israel on the 
holiest day of the Jewish calendar, in 1973, 
while the nation was fasting and in prayer.

A Lasting Atonement

"And the Lord has laid on Him the iniquity [avon] 
of us all." (Isaiah 53:6)

In Hebrew, the word iniquity is avon.

This word differs from the Hebrew word for 
sin which means to fall short and miss the mark
 as this word is rooted in the Hebrew verb avah 
meaning to twist and to distort.

It signifies an inner crookedness or spiritual state 
of being bent—in other wordsperversity, as well 
as a willful departure from the law (Torah) of God.

Ordinarily, while the sacrifices were limited to 
atoning for involuntary or unintentional sins, 
this special sacrifice on Yom Kippur atoned for willful sin.

The blood of bulls and goats can never fully 
remove sin and iniquity; it can only cover it for a time.

Jewish men at the Wailing Wall praying for forgiveness.

A perfect, absolutely sinless sacrifice was required to 
pay the price for our rebellion and uncleanness. Only 
Yeshua the Messiah could fulfill this role.

As the Divine Messiah, His body and blood are the 
Kapparah (atonement) andKorban (sacrificial offering)
for our sins.

And when He rose on the third day, He revealed the 
absolute holiness of His life and the effectiveness of 
His sacrifice on the execution stake for all mankind.

Rabbinic tradition states that on Yom Kippur the 
Cohen (Jewish priest) would tie a scarlet cloth to
the horn of the Azazel and that when the sacrifice 
was fully accepted, the scarlet cloth became white.

This wonderfully symbolized God's gracious promise
in Isaiah 1:18: “Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be white as snow.”

Rabbi with two Torah scrolls in the 
Aron Kodesh (Torah Ark) in the background.

Assurance of Atonement for Sin

“Sins overwhelmed me, but You atoned for 
our transgressions.” (Psalm 65:3)

The rabbis recognized that every man is in need of
 atonement for his sins, for it is written, “There is
 not a righteous man on earth who does what is
 right and never sins.” (Ecclesiastes 7:20)

A Talmudic story is recorded in which 
Yohanan ben Zakkai's disciples gather around
 his deathbed and find him weeping.

They ask, “Rabbi, you are the light of Israel, 
the pillar on which we lean, the hammer that 
crushes all heresy. Why should you weep?”

In answer, the rabbi confesses that he is 
afraid to die because he is not sure whether he 
will end up in heaven or hell.

Although God has provided atonement for all 
of our sins through the blood of the Messiah Yeshua, 
many Jewish people today are completely
 unaware of God's Plan of Salvation through 
the Jewish Messiah.

A Jewish man prays at the Western
(Wailing) Wall, which is at the base of the
Temple Mount in Jerusalem, where the
Holy Temple once stood and the High
Priest offered the atoning sacrifice on
Yom Kippur.

During this Holiest Day in Judaism the Jewish People 
are prayerfully thinking about repentance, 
forgiveness and atonement.

Could there be a better time to contemplate the
 problem of iniquity and sin, or share how 
Yeshua (Jesus) fulfilled the Messianic prophecies
 and became the atoning sacrifice?

Today, please make a difference for Eternity 
and help us reveal Yeshua as the atonement 
(kapparah) for the Jew first, and also 
power of God for the salvation of everyone who
believes: first for the Jew, then for the Gentile." (Romans 1:16)

All of us here at Bibles For Israel
send heartfelt wishes to you for
a blessed Yom Kippur!

Bibles For Israel | P.O. Box 8900 | Pueblo, CO 81008

"Open Doors" is being shared by many in the prophetic. Believe it for yourself.

Come Up Here By Elaine Tavolacci, Elaine Tavolacci

An Open Door

The book of Revelation speaks of an incredible heavenly encounter that John had with an angel. The Lord spoke to John about the seven churches, then He showed him a door standing open in heaven and invited him to "Come Up Here". John heard the voice of God as He showed him the throne room in heaven and things to come. Jesus is inviting us also to experience such encounters. He wants to reveal things which will take place in the days ahead to the body of Christ.

The Lord says I have set before you an open door but there are many of you who do not recognize it. This door is not a natural door, but this is a door that gives you access into the Heavenly realms. This is an open door that no man can prevent you from entering, neither will any situation be able to hinder you from walking through. Some of you will approach this door with great expectation, some do not recognize it and there are others who are hesitant to go through due to frustration and distrust in their hearts. If you will enter through this open door you will learn spiritual principles that you have not yet experienced and access everything that I am releasing in this hour. As you come through this door, you will receive the gifts and revelation that has been assigned to you. Many of you have said in your heart that you have heard this before but you have not experienced it in your personal life, but I say to you, as you remain steadfast your eyes will be unveiled so that you will see, and your ears will be unplugged so that you will hear.

Abide in Me

And as you seek Me diligently, the doors of opposition will be closed and even the most difficult circumstances will be turned around for My glory. Do not become anxious or doubtful because what I have promised will certainly come to pass as you abide in Me. It is My desire to visit you in a new way in the days ahead and I will reside with those who are faithful to Me. I will abide with those who have been seeking after Me wholeheartedly and those who search for Me will receive new revelation. As you come with an open and repentant heart, the wind of My Spirit will begin to blow and what is not of Me will be blown away. Close the doors to all hindrances that would keep you from moving forward. Do not be afraid to come up and enter this place as I will reveal to you the mysteries of My kingdom. Come in total surrender and submission and I will move in your life in a new and fresh way. As you come willingly, you will be in awe of the things that I will show you, as you receive this invitation to Come Up Here says the Lord.

Daniel 2:22 He reveals deep and secret things; He knows what is in darkness, and light dwells in Him.

Revelation 3:8 I know your works. See, I have set before you an open door, and no one can shut it; for you have a little strength, have kept My word, and have not denied My name.

Revelation 4:1-2 After these things I looked, and behold, a door standing open in heaven. And the first voice which I heard was like a trumpet speaking with me, saying, "Come up here, and I will show you things which must take place after this." Immediately I was in the Spirit; and behold, a throne set in heaven, and One sat on the throne.

Elaine Tavolacci