Tuesday, April 8, 2014

I Hate to Say I Told You So by MICHAEL BROWN

I Hate to Say I Told You So

For years I’ve been sounding the alarm about an impending social, cultural and spiritual crisis, and for years critics have compared me to Chicken Little, discounting my warnings as the ravings of a hysterical, religious fundamentalist. Well, it’s a little late for that now.
Ten years ago, I charted this progression and made this prediction:
  • First, gay activists came out of the closet.
  • Second, they demanded their “rights.”
  • Third, they demanded that everyone recognize those “rights.”
  • Fourth, they want to strip away the rights of those who oppose them.
  • Fifth, they want to put those who oppose their “rights” into the closet.
  • From here on, embracing diversity refers to embracing all kinds of sexual orientation, (homo)sexual expression and gender identification but rejects every kind of religious or moral conviction that does not embrace these orientations, expressions and identifications.
  • From here on, hate refers to any attitude, thought or word that differs with the gay agenda, while gays are virtually exempt from the charge of hate speech—no matter how vile and incendiary the rhetoric—since they are always the (perceived) victims and never the victimizers.
  • Children in elementary schools will be exposed to the rightness and complete normality of homosexuality, bisexuality and transgender expression, and opposing views will be branded as dangerous and homophobic, to be silenced and excluded from the classroom. 
Initially, I was met with scorn and derision: “No one wants to put you in the closet!”
The last few years, the tone has changed to “Bigots like you belong in the closet!”
I hate to say it, but I told you so.
After the forced resignation of Mozilla CEO Brendan Eich, the influential gay blogger Andrew Sullivan wrote, “The whole episode disgusts me—as it should disgust anyone interested in a tolerant and diverse society. If this is the gay rights movement today—hounding our opponents with a fanaticism more like the religious right than anyone else—then count me out.”
Not long after, the ultraliberal Bill Maher said on Real Time, “I think there is a gay mafia. I think if you cross them, you do get whacked.”
This echoes comments made years earlier by lesbian journalist and author Camille Paglia in her book Vamps and Tramps. “One reason I so dislike recent gay activism,” she wrote, “is that my self-identification as a lesbian preceded Stonewall: I was the only openly gay person at the Yale Graduate School (1968-72), a candor that was professionally costly. That anyone with my aggressive and scandalous history could be called ‘homophobic,’ as has repeatedly been done, shows just how insanely Stalinist gay activism has become.”
Stalinist? Was she overstating her case?
In my 2011 book A Queer Thing Happened to America, I noted, “It would appear, then, that ‘civil rights’ for some means ‘limited rights’ for others, and that by specific design. As stated explicitly in a teacher’s lesson aid published by the Gay and Lesbian Educators [GALE] of British Columbia: ‘We must dishonour the prevailing belief that heterosexuality is the only acceptable orientation even though that would mean dishonouring the religious beliefs of Christians, Jews, Muslims, etc.’”
In that same book, I explained what was already here and what was on the immediate horizon, including this:
  • From here on, tolerance refers to the complete acceptance of LGBT lifestyles and ideology—in the family, in the workplace, in education, in media, in religion—while at the same time refusing to tolerate any view that is contrary.
  • From here on, inclusion refers to working with, supporting, sponsoring and encouraging gay events and gay goals while at the same time systematically refusing to work with and excluding anyone who is not in harmony with these events and goals.
What exactly would this look like? Again, here is what I wrote in 2011:
  • Middle schools, high schools and colleges will go out of their way to encourage both the celebration of homosexuality and deep solidarity with gay activism.
  • The federal and state governments will legalize same-sex marriages, meaning that all heterosexuals must accept the legality of these marriages and that anyone refusing to do so could be prosecuted for discriminatory behavior.
  • Corporate America will embrace every aspect of nonheterosexuality (including bisexuality, transgender and beyond), calling for the dismissal of those who refuse to follow suit, and religious groups will no longer be allowed to view homosexual practice as immoral, branding such opposition as “hate speech.”
Yes, all this was written before the Mozilla debacle (which was justified, absurdly, in the name of being “inclusive, safe, and welcoming to all”); before the Walt Disney Corporation gave the Boy Scouts of America an ultimatum that they had to accept openly homosexual Scout leaders or lose Disney’s financial support; before the Girl Scouts announced that boys who identify and present themselves as girls can join their Scouting clubs; before pastor Louie Giglio was disinvited from praying at President Obama’s second inauguration because he preached a biblical message on homosexuality more than 15 years ago; before the Supreme Court overturned the Defense of Marriage Act and the military overturned "don’t ask, don’t tell"; before the passing of ridiculous bills like California’s SB 777 (mandating the celebration of LGBT American history for all classes, K-12) and AB 1266 (allowing students to choose the bathroom of their personal gender identification as well as play on the sports team of their choice, using that locker room as well, resulting already in a 17-year-old boy playing on the girls’ softball team); before Facebook created the customized gender option with 50 gender choices; before different states banned professional counseling requested by minors with unwanted same-sex attractions; before companies like Sweet Cakes by Melissa were put out of business because they would not participate in same-sex “weddings”; and before Attorney General Eric Holder told state attorneys general that they were not required to uphold and defend laws against same-sex “marriage” if they didn’t want to—just to mention a few.
I hate to say it, but I told you so.
Do you believe me now? And would you like to know what is coming next and what we can do about it? And would you like to know why I am convinced that, ultimately, the gay revolution will fail?
Stay tuned for more. I’m glad I have your ear.
Michael Brown is author of Hyper-Grace: Exposing the Dangers of the Modern Grace Message and host of the nationally syndicated talk radio show The Line of Fire on the Salem Radio Network. He is also president of FIRE School of Ministry and director of the Coalition of Conscience. Follow him at AskDrBrown on Facebook or at @drmichaellbrown on Twitter.
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Julie Joyner "Baruch HaShem Adonai" - "Night With Julie Joyner"

Julie Joyner - Morningstar

Julie Joyner "Baruch HaShem Adonai"

April 4, 2014 - "Night With Julie Joyner" at 50+ Caleb & Joshua Generation Gathering

Videos filmed and shared by Steve Martin - to give appreciation to and love for those we support, through Love For His People, Inc.

The Key to Overcoming Fear by SANDRA CLIFTON, D.MIN.

Fearful Woman - The Key to Overcoming Fear

The Key to Overcoming Fear

“OK, background players,” announced the assistant director through the bullhorn, “this scene is supposed to be hairy and scary. You’re trapped in a bad flight that has hit rough air. You are victims—got that?”
At the time I was working as a screen extra for a TV movie. It was early morning, and I was fresh and eager to give my all to the “hairy and scary” scene. “Lights, camera, action!”
Soon the mock airplane was alive with victims—with some (including me) gyrating violently in our seats, creating the illusion of turbulence. Gripping the sides of my passenger chair, I imagined a series of worst-case scenarios to help me with the scene: What if the bumps get worse? How worse? Would I survive?
“Cut!” yelled the voice through the megaphone. “Nice job of fear—but let’s do it again, only with more fear.”
Hours and many retakes later, I emerged tired and drained. Days later when faced with a real-life crisis, a dental emergency, I found myself imagining: What if I need surgery? How can I afford it? Will I financially go under? Again, I wound up tired and drained from the worst-case scenarios going through my head.
Over the years from reading God’s Word, I have discovered that you and I are to be “casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ” (2 Cor. 10:5, NKJV). In fact, Jesus has admonished us not to worry about tomorrow (see Matt. 6:25-34).
As we head into new seasons, I invite and challenge you not to imagine worst-case scenarios, but instead to turn to God—a good God whose perfect love casts out all fear (see 1 John 4:18), a loving God who desires the best for you and me (see 3 John 2).
Starting today let the Lord be your vine, the source from which you derive all strength to face the day (see John 15:1-8). Instead of building fear from within yourself, why not build your faith in a Sovereign God who has all in His powerful hand? You will emerge more than a conqueror through Him who loves you (see Rom. 8:37).
This week thank the Lord for His love and goodness.  Ask Him to help you put aside fear and worry and to concentrate on His ability to provide every need and fulfill all His promises. Pray for revival to sweep across our nation and touch every city, state and national office. Pray that God’s people would recognize the seriousness of this hour and gather in fasting and prayer regarding the future of our nation.  Pray for our military and especially the families of the victims who died in the recent Ft. Hood shooting. Continue to pray for those who lost loved ones in the disappearance of flight 370, as well as the victims of the mudslides in the state of Washington. Pray for wisdom and protection for our president and those working with him for our security and safety. Remember Israel, the persecuted church and those continuing to serve our country in all branches. 2 Cor. 10:5; I John 4:18; John 15:1-8
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Jerusalem Dateline Show: The Schindler of the Music World - Chris Mitchell, CBN News Middle east

Chris Mitchell

CBN News Middle East Bureau Chief
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Jerusalem Dateline Show: The Center of the World

This week on Jerusalem Dateline: We go straight into the middle of a hot debate over dividing Jerusalem to find out who is taking a stand for Zion.
Plus, we look at the battle for the Temple Mount and wow Muslim leaders have been spreading lies throughout history to keep Jews from praying on their holy site.
Finally, Jerusalem is holy to three faiths, the prize of empires and the site of judgment day. How did this small town in a remote country become the center of the world?

Israel's History - a Picture a Day - "The story of the Varhaftig-Amitai family over the generations."

Israel's History - a Picture a Day (Beta)

Posted: 07 Apr 2014
The "Mukhtar" and the Varhaftig-Amitai family of Tiberias, 1917 

*Mukhtar means "chosen" in Arabic and refers to the head of a 
village in many Arab countries and Turkey.

Morris Amitay of the Washington DC area sent this picture of his Tiberias ancestors in 1917.  He wrote:

The picture was taken in 1917 before the Turks fled Palestine and Allenby marched in. The old man in the middle was my father’s grandfather – and the “mukhtar” of the Ashkenazi community in Tiberias appointed by the Turks. His wife is alongside, and my dad’s sister is in front.

The “Alter Mukhtar” was Alter Pinchas Elazar, and the family name was gradually being changed at the time from Varhaftig to Amitai [later to Amitay]. His wife was Freidl and his granddaughter (my father’s sister) was Sara. In the back row from left to right is Yehoshua, Yona, Asher, Yitzhak and Leibl. Note the diversity of my father's uncles! A Turkish soldier, Chasid, two Turkish businessmen (fez and all), and one perhaps "Modern Orthodox."
Gravestone of Ya'akov Moshe Varhaftig in Tiberias (source: 

Morris Amitay).  Nava Safrai's family history explains that 

he was a pharmacist who died in a cholera epidemic. He
saved many during the epidemic, Safrai writes.

One son, Amitay's grandfather, Ya'akov Moshe, passed away in 1902.  A tombstone on his grave reads:

Here is buried the young Talmud scholar (avrech), our dear grandfather Ya'akov Moshe Varhaftig-Amitai, son of Alter Pinchas Eliezer, mukhtar, grandson of Avraham Peretz Moshe, died 2 Heshvan 5663 (November 2, 1902). 

The "Alter Mukhtar" of Tiberias, Pinchas
Elazar Varhaftig-Amitai, 1916. (Source: 

Morris Amitay)

Morris Amitay wrote that his father was proud of his "family's origins in 'Palestine' in 1777."  Research done by one of Amitay's cousins reports, "The Varhaftigs originated from Slonim, (near Minsk and Vilnius) in Lithuania. They departed February, 1777 for Palestine viaTurkey, arriving six months later in Acco. They settled in Safed until 1781, and then  moved to Tiberias."  According to another family account published in Israel by Nava Safrai, a granddaughter of Sara from the 1917 picture, the Varhaftigs arrived in 1808 from Pinsk. 

A wave of Hassidic "aliya" to Eretz Yisrael took place in the latter part of the 18th century and early 19th century, including the son of the "Karliner Rebbe."  The Varhaftig family belonged to the Karliner Hassidic group, and one member of the family, Mordechai Wolf, traveled to Tzfat to visit a leading Karliner rabbi in 1837.  A catastrophic earthquake hit, destroying much of Tzfat and killing Mordechai Wolf.

Alter Pinchas Amitai (born 1851) was appointed the "Mukhtar" (village elder) of Tiberias in 1891 by the Turks.  According to Safrai, the "Alter Mukhtar" was forced from the position by the Turks because of his forging documents to help Jews avoid the Turkish draft.

Note that one son in the 1917 family portrait was a Turkish soldier or policemen, perhaps precisely because of his father's experience with the Turkish authorities.

We also present an 1886 picture of Tiberias, part of our photo essay on Jewish life in the Galilee town. We uncovered this picture in the photo archives of the University of Dundee Medical School.

Patients waiting outside of the Scottish Mission hospital in Tiberias, 1886.
(Torrance Collection)
Postscript:  Morris Amitay, a descendant of Tiberias Jews, was a senior aide to U.S. Senator Abe Ribicoff of Connecticut.  The only other Jewish senator at the time was Jacob Javits of New York.  Javits mother, Ida Littman, was originally from Tzfat, not far from Tiberias.  Amitay went on to head the American Israel Public Affairs Committee in Washington.

Messianic Officer Sets Checkpoint Record Straight - ISRAEL TODAY

Messianic Officer Sets Checkpoint Record Straight

Tuesday, April 08, 2014 |  David Lazarus  ISRAEL TODAY
While Palestinian Christians obsessively complain about the so-called “atrocities suffered at the checkpoints,” Captain Joshua Lazarus (pictured), the Messianic Jewish officer in charge of training guards for the checkpoints, gives the real story in a short new video clip produced by the IDF. (See below)
Captain Lazarus oversees the training of all the soldiers responsible for guarding the border crossings and roadblocks along the Arab towns and villages surrounding Jerusalem.
Every day, tens of thousands of men, women and children pass through the checkpoints and road blocks guarded by Lazarus’ soldiers. “Most of them are on their way to work, or visiting friends or family, or buying groceries,” he says in private remarks to Israel Today. “There are pregnant women rushing up to the hospital in Jerusalem, and angry taxi drivers trying to make some money. We have to deal with Palestinian Authority officials, UN diplomats, international media, donkeys, farmers, just about everything and anything passes through here.”
These crossings are a microcosm of all that is good, bad, and unfathomable in the lives of East Jerusalem’s Arabs, and it all passes daily under the alert and formidable gaze of Captain Lazarus’ soldiers.
“We’re trying to weed out any terrorists,” Lazarus explains. “Since Israel built the security wall, these checkpoints are now the main targets for potential terrorists trying to get through unnoticed amongst the hundreds of people passing through every day. We have to check each and every one. A lot of them are angry and try to push through without being checked. It’s a tough job.”
Some believe that the constant friction between the soldiers and Palestinians at these roadblocks causes more agitation, hatred and even terrorism in the long run. “Sure, the people get angry at us, and sometimes it gets pretty rough,” says Lazarus. “But what alternatives do we have? How else can we stop the bombs and terrorists? Sometimes we just have to put up with a bad situation because it could be worse. It’s our job.”
“It is a tense and complicated situation for these young soldiers. This is why I wanted to be an officer in the first place,” says the young captain. “A lot of my friends went to be paratroopers or air force pilots,” Lazarus continues. “For me, this is a really important job. We are dealing with a huge problem here, and nobody knows how to fix it. Not many soldiers want to do this job. Everyday I need to remind them about how important their job is. I’ve come to realize that we don’t live in a world where everything goes the way you want,” he says. “Serving here wakes me up to the harsh realities of life in Israel and just how complicated it can be.”
Israel turns 66 this month and it doesn’t look like we’ll be getting an early retirement from the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. Peace talks are going nowhere, again. Whatever the future holds, getting to know Messianic Captain Joshua Lazarus and some of his soldiers out there on the checkpoints has given this old man, at least, something to be proud of.
Watch Captain Lazarus’ video interview with the IDF Spokesman:
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Prophesy to the Bones - Rick Joyner Video | Prophetic Perspective on Current Events

Rick Joyner - MorningStar Founder

Prophesy to the Bones

Rick Joyner

Monday, April 7, 2014

Rick talks about understanding prophetic revelation and about the level of prophesy rising since the passing of Bob Jones. It is time to speak to the dry bones!

Gov. Mike Huckabee, Ricky Skaggs and Larry Gatlin on amazing recent trip to the Holy Land of Israel.

Larry Gatlin, Ricky Skaggs, Mike Huckabee

In this FOX news report, Gov. Mike Huckabee, and two country music stars Ricky Skaggs and Larry Gatlin from the U.S., describe their amazing recent trip to the Holy Land.

Watch video below.

Read more at http://www.breakingisraelnews.com/13354/spiritual-awakening-holy-city/#v64vjwrgW3bqsoGP.99

Charlie Daniels & Mike Huckabee

Fiddler on the Roof - To Life (+playlist)

To life!

To Life!!!!

Handmade is always better. The Most Creative Passover Commercial You Will EVER See The BENTLEY of.... Matzah! (12Tribe Films)

Passover - April 15-21, 2014

What a great twist on a captivating video. The turning point is at second 40! It’s fascinating seeing things from a whole new angle!

Matzah bread being baked.

Passover - April 15-21, 2014

Published on Mar 23, 2014
Shmura Handmade Matzah... the Bentley of Matzah
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