Thursday, April 10, 2014

French anti-Semitism and French Aliyah Skyrocket on Parallel Tracks

French anti-Semitism and French Aliyah Skyrocket on Parallel Tracks

“In peace I will both lie down and sleep; for you alone, O Lord, make me dwell in safety.” (Psalm 4:8)
An aliyah information fair in central Paris on March 30. (Photo: Alain Azria)
An aliyah information fair in central Paris on March 30. (Photo: Alain Azria)
By Josh Hasten/
Against the backdrop of studies revealing rising anti-Semitism both in France and across all of Europe, as well as one particularly brutal attack in Paris last month, French Jews are flocking to Israel.
On March 30, the Jewish Agency for Israel released figures showing that aliyah from France increased dramatically over the first two months of 2014. In January and February alone, 854 French olim (immigrants) arrived in Israel, compared to 274 over the same period last year, representing a 312-percent increase.
Shay Felber—the Jewish Agency’s deputy director-general for community services and resident expert on France, who made aliyah from France with his parents in the 1970s—cites three main reasons for the current trend. Two are anti-Semitism and the difficult economic situation in France. But from a more positive perspective, the high level of Jewish education and Zionistic identity prevalent in the French Jewish community is also leading to an upswing in immigration to Israel, Felber tells
Pictured is David (identified only by his first name), a 59-year-old Jewish teacher who was severely beaten in Paris last month. The attackers drew a swastika on David's chest. (Photo: David via The Algemeiner)
Pictured is David (identified only by his first name), a 59-year-old Jewish teacher who was severely beaten in Paris last month. The attackers drew a swastika on David’s chest. (Photo: David via The Algemeiner)
In Paris during March, a 59-year-old Jewish teacher was subjected to anti-Semitic slurs and then severely beaten by a group of young men identified as being “Maghreb.” The men proceeded to draw a swastika on the chest of their victim with a marker, and vowed they would return to finish the job. No arrests have been made yet for that attack.
Felber believes that the current rise in anti-Semitic incidents and attacks in France is a direct result of the situation on “the street,” with many of the episodes being perpetrated by local Arabs and Muslims. Yet Felber stresses that the anti-Jewish sentiment is not French government policy, but that the government “is trying very hard to combat” anti-Semitism.
One recent study that reveals the worrisome realities for French Jewry is the 2013 report on anti-Semitism in France compiled by SPCJ, the security unit of France’s Jewish communities. According to the report, 423 anti-Semitic acts were recorded in the country in 2013 alone. The research also indicates that last year, 40 percent of all racist violence perpetrated in France targeted Jews. The report amplifies the ramifications of that statistic by explaining the trend from a proportionality perspective.
“Since Jews represent less than one percent of the French population, what this shows is that less than one percent of French citizens were the target of 40 percent of racist attacks perpetrated in the country,” says the report.
The document also states, “Since the year 2000—and for 14 consecutive years—the number of anti-Semitic acts in France has been very high, about seven times higher than numbers recorded in the 1990s. During this period, six people were murdered because they were Jewish, including three young children.
The report concludes that anti-Semitism in France “cannot be considered anymore as a temporary situation associated with the situation in the Middle-East; it is a structural problem that has not been fought as such and has not been halted yet.”
While many French Jews are moving to Israel to escape their situation at home, Israeli tourists are known to travel frequently throughout Europe—often ignoring the situation on the ground in hopes of having an enjoyable vacation.
Gideon Behar, director of the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ Department for Combating Anti-Semitism, tells that while he is “concerned about the rising anti-Semitism in Europe, and it is something we are following very closely,” his office has not issued any travel advisories or warnings for France or any other European Union countries leading up to the current robust Passover holiday travel season.
Mark Feldman—CEO of Zion Tours, a leading Jerusalem-based travel company—concurs that there is “no direct guidance for traveling to France” at this time. He says his company sends many Israeli travelers on vacation to places like Morocco, and that to “avoid speaking Hebrew, don’t be overly loud, [and] walk in numbers are what we would advise clients traveling to many cities throughout the world [to do], and not just [in] France.”
Regarding aliyah—not only from France, but from Europe in general—being a result of rising anti-Semitism, Behar cites the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) November 2013 study. That study was based on a survey given to 5,847 Jews from EU member states, asking them about their own experiences and perceptions of discrimination, hate crime, and anti-Semitism.
Two-thirds of FRA respondents (66 percent) consider anti-Semitism to be a problem across the EU member states surveyed, while three-quarters of the respondents (76 percent) indicate that anti-Semitism has worsened over the past five years in the country where they live. Almost half (46 percent) of the respondents worry about becoming the victim of an anti-Semitic verbal insult or harassment in the next 12 months, while one-third (33 percent) fear a physical attack in the same period.
In the 12 months before the survey, 26 percent of all respondents reported experiencing an incident or multiple incidents involving verbal insult or harassment because they were Jewish, and 4 percent experienced physical violence or threats of violence. Seventy-five percent of respondents consider online anti-Semitism to be a problem in their country of residence, and almost three-quarters (73 percent) said that online anti-Semitism has increased over the last five years.
The Jewish Agency, meanwhile, recently unveiled a new government plan to encourage aliyah from France. Along with the Israeli Ministry of Aliyah and Immigrant Absorption, the initiative is boosting the number of Jewish Agency shlichim (emissaries) in France, increasing marketing efforts, developing new immigrant absorption programs, and establishing a special committee headed by the director-general of the Prime Minister’s Office to remove obstacles to French aliyah.
The proposal also sets clear benchmarks for increasing the number of olim, seeking to double their numbers in the coming years. The plan was developed in consultation and cooperation with French Jewish organizations, both in France and in Israel. Other partners include the World Zionist Organization, the Israeli Ministry of Jerusalem and Diaspora Affairs, and Keren Hayesod-United Israel Appeal, who are all are working together for the first time in order to strengthen French aliyah.
The Jewish Agency’s Felber says the plan is two-fold, “to promote aliyah in France through aliyah fairs, Hebrew-language courses, and sessions which assist in potential olim to find jobs in Israel, while the second part is kilitah (absorption) in Israel.” Felber says the Jewish Agency is in the process of constructing two new absorption centers, and at the same time is working with local municipalities in order to help French olim secure employment while also integrating into society.
Felber says he is confident that based on the large aliyah figures for French Jews—he estimates that there have been 100,000-120,000 total olim from France to date—these new immigrants will also succeed in building their new lives in the Jewish state.

3,300-Year-Old Ancient Egyptian Coffin Exposed in Israel (Photos)

3,300-Year-Old Ancient Egyptian Coffin Exposed in Israel (Photos)

“Behold, you are trusting in Egypt, that broken reed of a staff, which will pierce the hand of any man who leans on it. Such is Pharaoh king of Egypt to all who trust in him.” (Isaiah 36:6)
Egyptian Coffin
Parts of the coffin’s lid after an initial cleaning. (Photo: Clara Amit/ IAA)
A 3,300 year old Egyptian coffin was exposed by the Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA) containing the personal belongings of a wealthy Canaanite, possibly an official of the Egyptian Army. Among the items discovered is a gold signet ring bearing the name of the Egyptian Pharaoh Seti I.
The rare artifacts were uncovered during salvage excavations by the Israel Antiquities Authority near Tel Shadud, prior to the installation of a natural gas pipeline to Ramat Gavriel by the Israel Natural Gas Lines Company (INGL), during which the fascinating and exceptional discovery was made.
Part of a burial site dating to the Late Bronze Age (thirteenth century BCE) was exposed in an excavation at the foot of Tel Shadud. According to the excavation directors, Dr. Edwin van den Brink, Dan Kirzner and Dr. Ron Be’eri of the IAA, “During the excavation we discovered a unique and rare find: a cylindrical clay coffin with an anthropoidal lid (a cover fashioned in the image of a person) surrounded by a variety of pottery consisting mainly of storage vessels for food, tableware, cultic vessels and animal bones. As was the custom, it seems these were used as offerings for the gods, and were also meant to provide the dead with sustenance in the afterlife.”
The gold scarab. (Photo:  Clara Amit/IAA)
The gold scarab. (Photo: Clara Amit/IAA)
The skeleton of an adult was found inside the clay coffin and next to it were buried pottery, a bronze dagger, bronze bowl and hammered pieces of bronze. “Since the vessels interred with the individual were produced locally”, the researchers say, “We assume the deceased was an official of Canaanite origin who was engaged in the service of the Egyptian government”.
Another possibility is that the coffin belonged to a wealthy individual who imitated Egyptian funerary customs. The researchers add that so far only several anthropoidal coffins have been uncovered in the country. The last ones discovered were found at Deir el-Balah some fifty years ago.
According to the archaeologists, “An ordinary person could not afford the purchase of such a coffin. It is obvious the deceased was a member of the local elite”.
The graves of two men and two women who may have been members of his family were also located near the coffin. The discovery of the coffin at Tel Shadud is evidence of Egyptian control of the Jezreel Valley in the Late Bronze Age (thirteenth century BCE). During the period when the pharaohs governed the country, Egyptian culture greatly influenced the local Canaanite upper class.
Signs of Egyptian influence are occasionally discovered in different regions and this time they were revealed at Tel Shadud and in the special tomb of the wealthy Canaanite. A rare artifact that was found next to the skeleton is an Egyptian scarab seal, encased in gold and affixed to a ring. The scarab was used to seal documents and objects.
The name of the crown of Pharaoh Seti I, who ruled ancient Egypt in the thirteenth century BCE, appears on the seal.  Seti I was the father of Ramses II, identified by some scholars as the pharaoh mentioned in the biblical story of the Israelites’ exodus from Egypt. Already in the first year of his reign (1294 BCE) a revolt broke out against Seti I in the Bet Shean Valley. Seti conquered that region and established Egyptian rule in Canaan.
A picture of the bronze dagger and bowl. (Photo:  Clara Amit/IAA)
A picture of the bronze dagger and bowl. (Photo: Clara Amit/IAA)
Seti’s name on the seal symbolizes power and protection, or the strength of the god Ra – the Sun God – one of the most important deities in the Egyptian pantheon. The winged Uraeus (cobra), protector of the pharaoh’s name or of the sovereign himself, is clearly visible on the seal. The reference to the pharaoh Seti on the scarab found in the coffin aided the archaeologists in dating the time of the burial to the thirteenth century BCE – similar to the burials that were exposed at Deir el-Balah and Bet She‘an, which were Egyptian administrative centers.
A cemetery dating to the reign of Seti I was previously discovered at Bet Shean, the center of the Egyptian rule in the Land of Israel, and similar clay coffins were exposed.  Evidence of an Egyptian presence was detected in archaeological surveys conducted in the Jezreel Valley in the past but the discovery of the impressive anthropoid at Tel Shadud surprised the archaeologists.
The clay coffin at the time of its discovery in the field. (Photo:  Dan Kirzner/ IAA)
The clay coffin at the time of its discovery in the field. (Photo: Dan Kirzner/ IAA)
Tel Shadud preserves the biblical name ‘Sarid’ and the mound is often referred to as Tel Sarid. The Tell is situated in the northern part of the Jezreel Valley, close to Kibbutz Sarid. The city is mentioned in the Bible in the context of the settlement of the Tribes of Israel. Sarid was included in the territory of the tribe of Zevulun and became a border city, as written in the Book of Joshua
Tel Shadud is strategically and economically significant because of its location alongside important roads from the biblical period.
The Israel Antiquities Authority is currently looking into the possibility of sampling the DNA from inside the coffin to see if the deceased was originally a Canaanite or an Egyptian who was buried in Canaan.
A general view of the excavation area. (Photo: Skyview Company/ IAA)
A general view of the excavation area. (Photo: Skyview Company/ IAA)


Rabbis Reconsider Jesus - ISRAEL TODAY

Rabbis Reconsider Jesus

Thursday, April 10, 2014 |  David Lazarus  ISRAEL TODAY
Jewish attitudes towards Jesus are changing. Rabbi Evan Moffic of the Solel Congregation in Chicago gives further evidence of this in his synopsis of what modern rabbis are saying about the carpenter from Nazareth. Moffic represents a younger, more inquisitive generation of Jewish thinking about Jesus. His findings might surprise many.
The full article appears in the April 2014 issue of Israel Today Magazine.
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'Israel is a Paradise for Christians' - ISRAEL TODAY

'Israel is a Paradise for Christians'

Thursday, April 10, 2014 |  Israel Today Staff  
In an interview with Italian media, Israeli Christians from Nazareth once again debunked assertions that Israel is an apartheid state with their own powerful testimonies.
The report started off by noting that there is a growing rift in the Israeli Christian community between those who choose to side with the Jewish state and those who choose to identify with the “Palestinian” narrative.
But that the problems facing Christians are not coming primarily from Jewish Israel, but rather from the Muslims, is evident in even a cursory investigation of Nazareth.
In Jesus’ hometown, Muslim intimidation has been on the rise, leading many Christians to pack up and head to nearby Christian-only villages or even Jewish-dominated towns, such as Upper Nazareth.
To gain a deeper understanding of the situation, and the standing of Christians in Israel in general, the Italian newspaper spoke to Shadi Khalloul, spokesman for the Israeli Christian Recruitment Forum and anIsrael Today contributor.
Pointing out what is happening to Christians in Syria, Egypt and elsewhere in the region, Khalloul insisted that by comparison, “Israel is the paradise for Christians from the Middle East.”
The Italians also spoke to a young Israeli Christian who, under the tutelage of Khalloul’s movement, intends to volunteer for Israeli army service. He echoed Khalloul’s remarks, adding that Christians in Israel “live in peace and security; we are not discriminated against and we enjoy our freedom.”
The young man said that even in the Palestinian Authority-controlled territories, such as Bethlehem, “Christians are subject to discrimination, racism and oppression,” and that they were much better off when Israel was in full control of the so-called “West Bank.”
For anyone still trying to get a handle on the position of Christians in the Holy Land, the full report is well worth a read. CLICK HERE to do so.
PHOTO: Young Israeli Christians proudly wrapped in Israeli flags demonstrate in Tel Aviv.
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Holiday Macaroons for Passover (Pesach) - Kraft Recipes

Holiday Macaroons for Passover

photo by:kraft

These are delicious and you cannot stop eating them, they go fast. 

posted by kmburke12 on 2/10/2010

10 min
30 min
9 servings, 2 cookies each
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reviews (12)

what you need


cup sugar

Tbsp. matzo meal

tsp. salt

egg whites

tsp. almond extract


make it

HEAT oven to 325°F.

MIX first 4 ingredients in large bowl. Stir in egg whites and almond extract until well blended.

DROP teaspoonfuls of dough, 2 inches apart, onto lightly greased baking sheets. Press almond into center of each cookie.

BAKE 20 min. or until edges are golden brown. Immediately remove from baking sheets. Cool on wire racks.

Kraft kitchens tips

You'll know it's a special occasion when you get to enjoy a serving of this fabulous dessert.


To prepare this recipe for Passover, select food products that are kosher for Passover as needed. Consult with your rabbi if you have any questions.

Source: Kraft Recipes

Cutting the Un-Biblical Cord by Dr. Kluane Spake

Cutting the Un-Biblical Cord 

by Dr. Kluane Spake

Identity Network

For years, we've pushed and struggled to give birth. We've been in "transition" far too long. But, scripture tells us we no longer have to struggle to birth this promised child. Notice particularly that it is"BEFORE Zion travails - she gives birth" (Is. 66:7).  Who has heard of such a thing?
Still, we are still influenced by old thinking in our culture with certain rigid mindsets and old systems of that we don't even realize. We "labor" in vain because that is how we think it should be!
Allow the transition time end! Let that which is of God be born... We thrash about and yell out in pain... waiting and waiting.
Can that be right? Paul said, "I am again in the pains of childbirth until Christ is formed in you" (Gal. 4:19). When will that happen?  When will that Christ-child manifest?
We know that the moment of conception of any existing life-force, contains almost all of the determining elements of that fetus' potential. These formative genetic contributors affect the entire rest of that child's life.
The Formation of the Future Depends upon our Now
The Medieval times were extremely complex and perplexing and still affect our thoughts and choices. Their emphasis on mystical visions and encounters is perplexing. The religious masses celebrated joyous festivals with elaborate dances around Maypoles, they built overwhelmingly colossal cathedrals, pilgrimaged thousands of miles to behold relics of dead saints, burned witches, and feared dragons. Meanwhile, the holy fathers spent their lives in monastic retreats and caves, reservedly debating the "jots and tittles" that defined their doctrines of morality, ethics, and logic.
Perhaps we couldn't see all that happening - in the dark. But, the dawn has come and many proceeding truths and dimensional understandings are restored - concept by concept, our minds are renewed.
Now, we triumph over darkness. Suddenly, we hear the watchman cry, the "morning cometh!" (Is. 21:12). Dawn breaks - Awake, harp and lyre! I will awaken the dawn. (Ps. 108:2, NIV).  And we realize that it's time to arise and shine! (Is. 60:1).
Perhaps, our discernment was dulled and we didn't realize that birth is no longer cursed. The Man-Child is born and we have a baby in our arms!
If we allow this child to be born, then these present days of the raising up of this infant will be profitable. The way we live NOW determines the rest of the ages to come. The choices that we make now will affect the world and the church forever. The formation of the future depends upon our now.
Let's make a fresh declaration in accordance with the will of God. From every corner of the earth the "now" purposes of God must be released. This new era must demand our greatest attention, greatest passion, and greatest clarity -- now.
The question is, WHAT do we do next? How do we tackle the challenges that face us today? How do we shift and at the same time, embrace the vital necessity to corporately progress in our spiritual journey? We begin today. "Yes, the set time has come…" (Ps. 102). Everything that does not produce the LIFE of God must go!
This Child must Breathe
What we must do next is pop the baby on the bottom and get him breathing. This miraculous child must breathe - and soon. Then, it is our job to CUT THE UN-BIBLICAL CORD!
"Let's make a CLEAN BREAK with everything that defiles or distracts us, both within and without. Let's make our entire lives fit and holy temples for the worship of God" (2 Cor. 7:1 MSG).
We must CUT and sever this man-child (and ourselves) from old superstitions and belabored archaic "second day" concepts that will stunt his growth. Let's sever the strongly held myths of the past.
Cutting away from un-Biblical habits is not an action of disrespect - it is one of necessity. There's no time to debate this issue - it's time to CUT.
Ezekiel 16:4-5 describes Jerusalem, "On the day you were born your umbilical cord was NOT CUT, you weren't bathed and cleaned up, you weren't rubbed with salt, you weren't wrapped in a baby blanket. No one cared a fig for you. No one did one thing to care for you tenderly in these ways. You were thrown out into a vacant lot and left there, dirty and unwashed--a newborn nobody wanted…" (MSG). This child grew up in shame.
In our day, many of us have wanted to move further… past the limitations and superstitions of the still controlling mentalities that want to dictate Biblical interpretations. Up until now, most of us have tried to conform to the charismatic party line -- not wanting to "make too many waves," not wanting to be misunderstood or identified as a rebellious misfit, or a nonconformist!
If we, as believers, take strong action now to raise our child together --the Man/child -- the image and likeness of God on this earth, the Bride, company of apostles and prophets (already conceived and birthed by the woman - the church), who will vitally establish government and vision in the church to come.
The substance and manifestation of this New DAY is this…God raises up His answer!! Maturity is upon us. The maturity to not only conceive but to cut the cords of the past and begin to nurture this new age ourselves.
Parenting the Child
As the older Naomi took Obed (servant nature) to nurse and to suckle, we must endow this child with all that he needs to develop and be released into destiny. As we reach out in faith, we will be given a Divine supply.
We're chosen to be part of God's vital current plan and parent this child. How do we do that? By exemplifying and walking as that NEW CREATION. By overcoming evil with good. By epitomizing LOVE.
The controversy with Marcion and the differing Gnostic sects gave even greater impetus to the priestly control of theology and thought. In order to maintain control and stop division, the orthodox defense was to establish Apostolic Authority - and that meant that only a select few priests could read Scripture and define it. Their interpretations, called "Oral Tradition," ruled the church and became the main standard for further interpretations - even though this usually didn't agree with the written gospels.
Official Scriptures were kept in Latin and Greek and carefully guarded in order to prevent the ordinary people from understanding or interpreting differently than they were instructed. During that time, the laity could not read…and they were not allowed to have even a verse a scripture in their possession.
Over the centuries, we've slowly emerged from these controlling limitations. Wycliffe (1339-1384) was persecuted for translating the Scriptures into a common language. So threatening was his work, that 44 years after Wycliffe died, the Pope ordered his bones exhumed and burned. Peasants were hunted and killed for possessing pieces of cloth with the Word of God written in their own language. Private interpretation was totally forbidden. Hundreds of years later, Luther translated the Bible and said, "I have undertaken to translate the Bible into German. This was good for me; otherwise I might have died in the mistaken notion that I was a learned fellow." Then, Luther broke away from the authority of the papacy. For centuries, continual wars have ensued over religion and the lack of freedom to allow other interpretations of the Bible.
But, we've scrutinized the scriptures for what might be ahead. Proverbs says, "So teach us God, to NUMBER our days (Ps. 90:12)." That caused us to analyze the progression and typology of the feasts, the covenants, the offerings, and the sacrifices - We saw the truth, but nothing happened. Though many of us have tirelessly taught on the THIRD DAY for a long time, we find that most believers have been traditionally stuck in DAY TWO - waiting, hoping, and becoming discouraged in standing for an answer not yet received. Stuck as it were, in doing the identical same things the same way day after day. Day TWO has the Rolex, the crowds, and the money…but it brings no RELEASE.
Pressing Further
Through it all, we've preached about the THIRD DAY and determinedly sung about it. We've been looking for it. Believers have been in transition for decades - trying to give birth to this "new thing" (Is. 43:19). We thought that transition would be brief…and that something would happen. But, after so long, even though we fervently preached as we did - there were no great visible changes. Still "yada yada" - the same ol' tired excuses for living the same ol' ways.
Only a few dared to press further - past the place of old wine and men's ideas. Paul said, "The smallness you feel COMES FROM WITHIN YOU. Your lives aren't small, but you're living them in a small way. I'm speaking as plainly as I can and with great affection. Open up your lives. Live openly and expansively!" (2 Cor. 6:12b-13, MSG). Rosa Parks tired of smallness. One afternoon, she didn't have the strength to walk to the back of the bus. She thought, "Go ahead and shoot me, I don't care." Rosa could not have realized the potential of her simple actions that vaulted against long standing cultural beliefs and released new freedoms. Could we ask, who made up some of the rules that we follow?
Now, it's time for us to be free from our places of spiritual confinement and narrow-mindedness. Restriction kills the dream. Mental boxes limit opportunities. It's time that our past failures cause us to get up one more time. The fact remains that all of creation waits for us - anxious to see the Christ-centered visible manifestation of those who have ACTUALLY shifted into the new spiritual dimension. Those with fire in their bones and who act like Jesus is very much alive and IN them (in every way these words could mean), right now! Vitally, the more excellent ministry (Heb. 8:1-5) BREAKS THROUGH with RELEASE. Living as Overcomers - and having healings happening in their shadows.
We're to be the "Overcomers" (Rev. 2:7, 11, 17, 26, 3:5, 12, 21, 21:7), the hidden people in secret places of the stairs (SOS 2:14). As grown up sons of God, we're chosen for this hour and are clothed in the splendor of His might. Now, Zechariah, the priest comes once again to measure the temple (that's us, Rev. 11:1, see Daniel 5:17-31). How wide and far-reaching are we? How much can we contain? Do we hold up the standard?
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