Friday, April 11, 2014

What Is Heaven Like?

Based on The New York Times bestseller, Heaven Is For Real is a new movie releasing April 16th about a young boy (Colton Burpo) who miraculously survives a near-death experience and emerges with an incredibly profound yet simple message: heaven is indeed a real place.
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Congratulations from Sweden & Others - on the Celebration of our 4th Year Anniversary of Love for His People

Shalom Steve and Laurie!

I want to congratulate you, your wife and also other people involved in the ministry "Love For His People"! Thank you so much to you and your wife for starting this ministry and that you are moving forward with Yeshua in strong passion for Him!

Thank you for blessing many people and that you bless Israel and the Jewish people strong in a time of increasing anti-semitism!

Thank you for following Yeshua in working in this ministry. Thank you to your wife and you for being so mature leaders in a time when several are not and for your love to Yeshua! God will give you back for what you have sown into the Kingdom of God and your reward is big in heaven!

Maybe I have a word for you. Please check all words! I think it is a new time for you! God will show you new things! Isaiah 43:18-19. I am thinking about that God is rejoicing so much over you! I also think Yeshua is celebrating today!

I send many blessings to you, your wife, family and to people involved in this ministry! Thank you so much, Steve and this greeting to your wife, too, for starting this ministry!


Eva Haglund


From Others Who Sent In Blessings 

Curtis Loftin, Beit Yeshua
Lincolnton, NC

Congratulations!  In some ways it's hard to believe it's been four years - my how time flies!  Your accomplishments in four years have been astounding and very impressive.  Way to Go!  We're so pleased to call you "friend".  Adonai's continued blessings upon all that you do. B'Shem Yeshua.

Cathy Hargett, Highway To Zion, Charlotte, NC
Bless you, Brother! I will be reading all of this in detail later but wanted to immediately say Mazel Tov and to tell you and Laurie how blessed I am to have you in my life and to be on this journey together.  You have persevered and He has given you much fruit for your labors.  Bless you all day long!  Love you!  Cathy. 

PS Which of your books is the one that has the large amount of photos? (Book - "Now Think On This - The Inspiration Continues" has over 165 photos.)

Peter Wyns, Christians For Messiah Ministries, Antioch Intl. Church - Fort Mill, SC
Well Done Steve,
Keep up the good work for Israel.
Thank you for your support for Antioch’s first Sunday.
Many Blessings,

Mary L. Smith, Charleston, SC
VERY NICE Steve!! Great work!! Love you!!
Have a blessed day,

Karla Shrake, Mantles of Glory Ministries, Fort Worth, TX
Hello Steve,
Congrats on the four-year mark, that is awesome. It is amazing all the publishing and all the media sites and development you are doing ....and doing so well...glory to God!
Your four books being published and all the other made me remember how God spoke of you as Jacob/Israel while he had to serve Laban...and then was tricked into serving Laban again.   But how God gave him that supernatural strategy of putting the rods in front of the sheep, etc. so they would reproduce, etc to Jacob's benefit.   When you first sent me the finishing of the fourth book, the photo of all four together, that’s what instantly came back to my  spirit /mind...about how the flocks and herds had supernaturally reproduced and increased, I do think that was definitely a Holy Ghost thought.
And the awesome tours to Israel, and your ministry "Love for His People". Good-good-good!  Rejoicing with you and believing for more and more doors of teaching, mentoring, touring and traveling to open for you and Laurie. 
Blessings to you and Laurie --

Moses Jilius, Shalom today Worldwide Ministries, Pakistan (Lehore)
Dear Brother Steve!
Well done, Brother and your coworker! I can't express how much I appreciate your efforts. It's great to have someone as special as you to work for His People. I am proud to be a part of your organization.

Yes the same thing was happened to me since 2011 when God spoke to me to Work for His people here in Pakistan.

Congratulation with depth of my heart,

Love and Blessing Emoji 

Shabbat Shalom - Blessings On Ye Heads!

Lighting the candles - Janice Anthony

Blessing the bread - Chuck Anthony

Blessing the fruit of the vine

Sharing Love From Sweden - GOD HAS NOT REJECTED THE JEWS by Eva Haglund

Shalom Steve!

I have been  thinking of  the Jewish people  and send you what I wrote.

Some trees here have begin to become green and some flowers comes up  so I take  photos. Sometimes you see deer close. They are  beautiful!

Many blessings and greetings from Sweden!



I wanted to write about the Jews because anti-semitism is increasing and we as Christians need to make our voices heard. When anti-semitism increases God's love to the Jewish people remains eternal.

When people are against Israel Yeshua, the Lion of Judah, we know Who fights for Israel. The Lion is strong and has authority. God keep His promises to the Jewish people in the Bible. God told Abraham to look at the stars in Genesis 15:5 he heard the number for stars.

As God counts all stars He can count all people. I believe we are like stars before Him. I am thinking of a symbol for a human being as a star. As He calls each star by name He calls us each by name. He see all people and all Jews. Every time Abraham looked at the stars he could think of the promise God gave him. When we look at the stars we can think about that. As long as the stars are above us God's promises to the Jews remain. God told Abraham to look at the stars and we can do. In Rev.22.16 is written that Yeshua is the Morningstar.

The state of Israel will remain and He loves the chosen people so much! God do not reject the Jews when there are some people who do. Israel, His people, are so precious for Him like a precious lamb for a shepherd or like a child a parent loves very much. God has not abandoned the Jews but God has done everything for the Jews. He gave his Son.

In Isaiah 53:7 is written about Yeshua that " He was led as a lamb to the slaughter." Our heavenly Daddy's heart was crushed for the Jews whom He appeared to first.He was willing to do everything for the Jews so He sent His Son to die for them.

Would He reject this people? No, He does not! In Rom.11:1 Paul says, "I say then ,has God cast away His people? Certainly not! For I also am an Israelite, of the seed of Abraham, of the tribe of Benjamin."

Paul did not deny that he was a Messianic Jew. I also think he kept the Jewish feasts as I think it is a blessing to keep for all people. Also for Christians who are not Jewish to keep His feasts.

The Jewish people are like a treasure for God. They are like a golden necklace for Him with diamonds in His hand. He do not reject the Jewish people.

In the newspapers we could read about a big heart as birds created in the air in Israel this year. God sent birds to create a heart to show that He loved the Jewish people when people wrote that anti-semitism had increased.

Yeshua loves the Jews so much and in His name is eternal salvation.

John. 3:16, "For so God loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life."

Eva Haglund


Israel is amazing like a star.
Israel is beautiful like a  rose.
Israel is  like a golden necklace  
with diamonds for God.
Israel is like a fragrant garden 
with fruit trees.
Israel is like a vineyard 
with grapes looking like precious stones.
Israel is like a precious lamb 
for a shepherd
or like a child a parent loves so deep.
God loves Israel!

Isaiah 62:3, Isaiah.40:11

Eva Haglund

Controversial Holocaust Memorial Draws Protests

Controversial Holocaust Memorial Draws Protests

“The memory of the righteous shall be for a blessing; but the name of the wicked shall rot.” (Proverbs 10:7)
Nazi roundup of Jews in Budapest, Hungary, October 1944. (Photo: Faupel/ German Federal Archives)
Protesters broke through a construction cordon Tuesday to hold a vigil at the site of a planned Holocaust memorial in Budapest.  The monument is meant to commemorate the victims of Nazi atrocities, but opponents say it whitewashes Hungary’s complicity in the Holocaust.
The planned monument, which depicts Hungary as an angel being attacked by Germany’s eagle, was intended to be unveiled on March 17, but construction was postponed when Hungary’s largest Jewish organization, Mazsihisz, refused to attend.  March 17 is the anniversary of Germany’s occupation of Hungary.
Following national elections which took place on Sunday, construction was supposed to resume this week.  Roughly 300 protesters turned up to prevent that from happening.  Participants recited Kaddish, the Jewish mourning prayer, at the site.
“It is an extremist memorial that covers up the past with a lie, and a gesture (by Prime Minister Viktor Orban) to the far-right,” remarked Szabolcs Kerek-Barczy, an opposition politician. “We won’t let it be built!”
Miklos Horthy was Hungary’s anti-Semitic leader during the Holocaust.  When Germany invaded in 1944, the government actively participated in the deportation of 450,000 Hungarian Jews, most of whom were gassed in Auschwitz.  Even prior to the occupation, Horthy enacted a series of restrictive laws similar to the Nuremberg Laws which restricted Jewish freedoms in Nazi territories.
Socialist politician Csaba Horvath called the monument a “disgraceful Nazi memorial” and said it was meant as a “symbolic demonstration of power.”
Another protester, Gergely Karacsony, said the monument would “humiliate those that we should commemorate.”
The newly-re-elected government tried to tone down the memorial, saying it would no longer be “dedicated to the memory of the German occupation,” but to the “victims of the German occupation.”  They insist the work is progressing on schedule despite the protests, and will be completed by May 31.  The government considers it a priority to pay tribute to the memory of the victims on the 70th anniversary of Hungary’s occupation.
Anti-Semitism is a growing concern in Hungary.  The country’s far-right extremist Jobbik party made significant gains in Sunday’s elections, earning 20.5% of the votes.  Jobbik is blatantly anti-Semitic, despite the fact that one if its founders, Csanád Szegedi, recently discovered he is a Jew.  In the words on one Jewish resident of Budapest, “This party embraces everything that used to be the National Hungarian Guard, which was founded in 2000 and was outlawed.”


Israel Sanctions, Severs Ties with Palestinian Authority

Israel Sanctions, Severs Ties with Palestinian Authority

“Be assured, an evil person will not go unpunished, but the offspring of the righteous will be delivered.” (Proverbs 11:21)
Palestinian Incitement
(Photo: Miriam Alster/FLASH90)
Israel has officially suspended its formal contact with the Palestinian Authority as part of punitive measures in response to the PA president’s move to join 15 international bodies.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu ordered the move which now restricts governmental officials to meet with their Palestinian counterparts. However, due to security concerns, the ban does not extend to the Defense Ministry. A senior Israeli official told Ha’aretz that low level cooperation in the field will continue.
An anonymous Israeli official told AFP, “In response to the Palestinian violation of their commitments under peace talks…Israel government ministers have been told to refrain from meeting their Palestinian counterparts.”
Netanyahu’s decision comes at a time where U.S. brokered peace negotiations have come to a complete standstill. Last month, Israel refused to release Palestinian terrorist prisoners as part of a previous deal that brought the PA back to the negotiating table.
Israel blocked the release due to the escalating demands of the PA, which included the release of 1,000 additional prisoners, and the lack of PA commitment to continue peace negotiations past their April 29 deadline.
Upon submission of the applications to join international bodies, Israel announced it would begin instituting low-level sanctions against the PA. Severing contact between ministries is part of a series of moves by Israel, including canceling telecommunication permits for a Palestinian company and withholding tax revenues.
A senior Israel official told the Times of Israel, “We’re thinking of deducting from the PA’s budget the money they spend on terrorists and their families. This step would be less dramatic than cutting entirely our monthly tax payments to the PA, but it would be a step that would be in place.”
According to Israel, the PA Ministry of Prisoner Affairs spent $75.5 million in 2012 that went towards terrorists serving in Israeli prison and their families. Israel considers these payments a form of funding terrorism.
According to the PA, Israel’s sanctions could lead to the total collapse of the PA. Speaking on Israel Radio, senior Fatah official Azzam Al-Ahmad said that the PA would hold Israel and the US responsible should the PA be toppled.
On Tuesday, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry placed most of the blame for failed peace talks on Israel. Testifying before the Senate Committee on Foreign Affairs, Kerry said, “The prisoners were not released by Israel on the day they were supposed to be released and then another day passed and another day, and then 700 [new housing] units were approved in Jerusalem and then poof – that was sort of the moment.”
(Photo: Wiki Commons Ministry of Economy, Israel)
Naftali Bennett (Photo: Ministry of Economy/Wiki Commons)
Israel’s Economy Minister Naftali Bennett responded to Kerry’s comments by saying, “In light of all this, it is clear the current process has run its course and that we are entering a new era.” He urged Netanyahu to walk away from the failed negotiations and annex portions of the West Bank.
In a letter to the prime minister, Bennett urged Netanyahu “to have a session as soon as possible on an alternative plan (Plan B0 to begin the process of applying Israeli sovereignty on areas in Judea and Samaria that are under Israeli control.”
Bennett listed specific blocs of territory he wants annexed, including Gush Etzion, Ma’ale Adumim, and the Ofra and Beit El settlements. These areas are home to more than 400,000 Israelis and only tens of thousands of Palestinians.
Bennett pointedly addressed Kerry’s criticism of Israeli construction in East Jerusalem. “Israel will never apologize for building in Jerusalem,” Bennett wrote in a Facebook statement. “For many years people have tried to prevent us from living in the eternal capital of the Jewish people. This won’t happen. Building in Jerusalem is not a ‘puff’, building in Jerusalem is Zionism.”