Saturday, April 12, 2014

Giving we reach another milestone on the journey.

Giving thanks 
to the Lord Jesus (Yeshua)

as we reach 250,000 pageviews 
on our 
...on April 12, 2014.

Even as the Lord commanded the Israelites to place stones and altars along the way, as markers on the journey to remember His grace, leading and provision, so do we follow in those footsteps. 

Thank you you Lord for this milestone, as we look back to what YOU have done, and look forward to what You will yet do through His Holy Spirit (Ruach HaKodesh) working through us.

Trusting as the journey continues...

Steve & Laurie Martin
Love For His People
April 12, 2014
Sat. at 9:05 am

Holy Week 2014 Includes Palm Sunday, Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday

This March 31, 2014 photo shows a glass of Taylor Fladgate 10-year-old Tawny Porto surrounded by milk chocolate Cadbury creme eggs Easter candy in Concord, N.H. (AP Photo/Matthew Mead)

Holy Week is a Christian holiday that takes place on the last week of lent, and one week before Easter. This year Holy Week falls on the week of April 13, 2014.

The holiday starts off with Palm Sunday (April 13), and includes Holy Thursday (April 17), Good Friday (April 18), and Holy Saturday (April 19). Holy Week does not include Easter Sunday which falls on April 20, 2014.

The Christian celebration of lent takes place 40 days before Easter, not including Sundays, and this year began on March 5, 2014 and will end on Thursday, April 17, 2014.

Specific rituals and traditions, as well as set dates for observing lent, vary across denominations, as the Eastern Orthodox churches begins on a Monday and does not celebrate Ash Wednesday.

Just like during lent, during Holy Week, Christians typically abstain from meat and dairy, alcohol, and follow a stricter moral code.

The following has been added by Steve Martin, 
Love For His People, Inc, Founder/President

Jesus (Yeshua) 
is alive

Palm Sunday 2014: Dates, Traditions, And History Of The Beginning Of Holy Week

Palm Sunday 2014: Dates, Traditions, And History Of The Beginning Of Holy Week



Palm Sunday is a Christian holy day that marks the beginning of Holy Week and commemorates Jesus' entry into the city of Jerusalem. In 2014, Palm Sunday will be celebrated on April 13.
Although Jesus' entry into Jerusalem is recounted in all four canonical gospels, the traditions of Palm Sunday are largely based on the description from the Gospel of John.
They took palm branches and went out to meet him, shouting, "Hosanna!" "Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!" (John 12:12-13)
By waving him with palm branches and using them to cover his path as he rode into the city on a donkey, the crowd indicated that he was revered and respected on the level of royalty, and as a challenge to the power of the Roman empire and priests that ruled Jerusalem.
To celebrate the occasion, many Christian churches -- both Catholic and Protestant as well as the Eastern churches -- distribute palm leaves to congregation members who then carry them in a procession either inside or outside of the church. Often the palm fronds are knotted or woven into small crosses that can be kept by individuals in their homes as a reminder of the lessons of Holy Week. In areas of the world where palm leaves are not readily available, other native plants may be substituted and Palm Sunday may be alternatively referred to as Yew Sunday, Willow Sunday, or whatever else is used in that locality.
For Christians, Palm Sunday marks the beginning of the final week of Lent and the events leading up to the crucifixion of Jesus on Good Friday and his resurrection on Easter. It is also connected to the following year's liturgical calendar as the palm leaves are often returned to the church to be burned in the next year's Ash Wednesday rituals.

Mountains of the Lord - A Sign To Us

I saw this license plate below (or "tag" as they call it here in the South) on my way home Friday night, April 11, 2014 after attending the opening game of the Charlotte Knights in their new baseball park in uptown Charlotte. It was around 8:30 pm. Not too many times do you see a Colorado car license plate in Pineville, NC where I live. Signs along the way Lord.

Steve Martin
Love For His People

Colorado - expires Aug. 2014

Friday, April 11, 2014

Egypt Demands Compensation for 10 Plagues - ISRAEL TODAY

Egypt Demands Compensation for 10 Plagues

Friday, April 11, 2014 |  Israel Today Staff  
“We demand that the State of Israel pay compensation for the ten plagues that our forefathers in Egypt suffered thousands of years ago as a result of the curses of the Jewish forefathers.” So wrote prominent Egyptian columnist Ahmad Al-Gamal shortly before the Jewish Passover, causing a great stir.
“What is written in the Torah is that Pharaoh discriminated against the children of Israel. What have we to do with it? We therefore need not suffer!” exclaimed Al-Gamal, drawing a clear difference between the Egyptian kingdom of the Pharaohs and Islamic Egypt of today. Islam accepts the biblical narrative as historical evidence.
The columnist suggested that the government in Cairo press charges against Israel: “The Jews caused the land to be stricken with locusts and all agriculture destroyed, turned the Nile red with blood so that one could drink its waters, sent darkness, frogs and killed the firstborn.”
Al-Gamal continued: “During 40 years of wandering in the desert, the Children of Israel enjoyed our goods, which they stole before abandoning us.” He also recommended that Egypt bring charges against France, Great Britain and Turkey for those nations’ historical conquests of Egypt.
The Egyptian column was picked up by the Israeli press, especially religious news outlets, which readily acknowledged all that Al-Gamal wrote as historical fact. Some Israeli columnists retorted that Egypt need first compensate Israel for keeping the Jewish forefathers as slaves and for killing all male Jewish babies in the generation prior to the Exodus.
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IT’S About the HARVEST! - LOOK AT YOUR HANDS! A Dream Concerning A Visitation From Bob Jones

Status Update
By Bobby Conner
A Dream Concerning A Visitation From Bob Jones

By Bobby Conner

April 10, 2014

In the early morning hours of March 28, 2014 around 3:30AM I received a very vivid dream, which I feel is significant to help the Body of Christ gage the season we have entered into. This was much more than a mere dream. This was a prophetic encounter! The dream commences, I am in my study at my desk in Moravian Falls, North Carolina I am working on a new book.

The Holy Spirit said; “you have a visitor” thinking someone was at the door I am about to open the door. However the Holy Spirit said, “your visitor is at the window”. Turning to look at my windows, suddenly with a flash of light appearing just outside my window striding down what appeared to be translucent pearl colored stairs was Bob Jones. He had the most winsome warm smile and looked absolutely wonderful. However in the dream I was completely aware that Bob had gone to heaven on Feb 14. 2014.

Bob Jones 1930-2014

Bob simply stepped into my study. I did not need to open the window he just walked right in. His appearance was incredible, he was firm and fit He was dress in a wonderful soft beautiful elegant white robe past his waist down below his knees, like a long shirt. His hair was extremely white and glistening I was amazed at his skin it was without blemish white and soft his smile was truly radiant and beautiful. His eyes were bigger than normal and extremely clear sparkling like that of an excited child.

I had been expecting his visit nevertheless words can’t describe my delight and thrill I was so excited to see my dear friend I said; “I been expecting this meeting!” And looking forward to it.” He quickly replied in an excited tone “Me too!” His next words were, “You are doing fine!” And he said placing both hands on his chest, “And I am doing wonderful.”

In this encounter is seemed as if we could communicate without actual conversation, spirit to spirit with our hearts. Then he said, “Have you noticed your hair?” I replied, “no not really!” He said in an instructive tone. “Run your hand through your hair.” Accordingly I ran my right hand through my hair it felt perfectly normal. Then Bob said in a delighted gleeful tone, “Look in your hand,” when I looked at my hand I had hundreds of golden pieces of strands. These golden particles seemed to me like the shaft of arrows only much smaller! They were round and very straight about one foot in length.

Bob said in an excited informative manner, “do it again and again and again” each time more and more golden shafts appeared until my hands as well as his were overflowing with these golden strands. Bob declared with a wonderful twinkle in his bright blue eyes, and a smile of someone who knows a secret that you are about to learn, “watch closely!” Suddenly these golden shafts appeared to turn into wonderful huge stalks of ripe grain. These golden stalks filled not just our hands they were now huge you could hardly get your arms around them. And they continued to expand larger and larger. The rapid acceleration of their increase was breathtaking.

Bob said with a child like smile, “YOU know what this means don’t you! “ I replied somewhat tentatively, “I think I do!” He said in a most confident tone, “it is the HARVEST!” He said “the coming harvest will be spearheaded by the prophetic.” The Prophets will be used in an unprecedented way to announce and declare the fields that are now ripe and ready for harvest. The prophetic voices will sound a clear trumpet call bring forth the Body of Christ to stand-up and speak up becoming anointed evangelists.

Bob said almost in a personal matter of fact manner, “it is so much better to watch from my vantage point.” He added, “I know we have much to talk about, but we will do that later!” And suddenly there was a strong flash of light extremely blue bright, and he was gone. In the dream I am standing in my study my body and mind both pulsating shaken to the core by the visitation.

Abruptly I am awake laying in my bed my body still responding to the event that I just experienced my heart pounding and my spirit electrified. The main enlightenment we must comprehend from this encounter is: it is harvest time. The end of the age is now upon us. Arise prepare your heart to thrust yourself into the harvest field.

Bobby Conner
EaglesView Ministries

Treasure - Rick Joyner Video | Prophetic Perspective on Current Events

Rick Joyner - MorningStar Founder/President

Thursday, April 10, 2014

The greatest treasures of all are emerging. Rick encourages us to earnestly desire spiritual gifts.

Celebrating Passover (Pesach) in the Holy Land 100 Years Ago - Israel's Picture A Day

Posted: 10 Apr 2014
"National Passover Party" in Rehovot, 1900.  
The march of the students of the Gymnasium (school) in Jaffa. 
(Harvard/Central Zionist Archives)

Passover in Israel is marked by two weeks of school holidays, tourist visits, hikes into nature preserves, and special programs at museums, amusement parks, and theaters. 

So it was 100 years ago, as well. 

Three women riding on a camel at Passover celebration in Rehovot
(Harvard Library/Central Zionist Archives, 1912)

A Great Resurgence - In the Generation of Those Born Before the 1960s! - Nellie Balandowich

Nellie Balandowich:
The Elijah List

Patricia KingIntro from Patricia King:

Nellie Balandowich interned with me at XP Ministries, and she is rock solid. I love her prophetic flow, but I especially love her godly character and deep, unwaivering passion for Christ. 

As a revivalist and equipper, she is full of grace and truth and walks in the sweet fragrance of Christ's nature. I highly recommend her to the Body of Christ.

Patricia King
XP Ministries


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Nellie Balandowich:

Nellie BalandowichWhen I woke up on the morning April 6, 2014, the Spirit of the Lord spoke to me, and I heard Him say the generation that was born before the 1960s is arising...many in that generation who have been asleep or lulled are now awakening to new dreams, visions, and invitations from the Spirit of God!

"This generation has been lulled into mediocrity, and I am breathing My ruach breath on them and bringing them back to life. When the world tells them they are to wind down, ha! I laugh, because I am sending a sound, a frequency, that is awakening them to dreams being born.

"I am awakening a knowledge and a persistence to forge forward and to think further than their natural mind has taken them. There is a knowing being released that with Me all things are possible! This generation is arising to understand and delight in the fear of the Lord and walk in the knowledge and counsel of My Spirit. There is a renewal coming to a generation that thought they were forgotten.

"I say rise up, oh sleeper. Rise up to a new day for you – a new fervency, a new direction. I will restore, and I will refresh, and I will anoint you to dream again; and to not only dream but to live out those dreams. I am the One who empowers you, and I will teach you the way to go and how to get there. It is not the time to give up. It is not the time to say it is over, for I tell you it is just beginning.

Waves of God's Glory by Jennifer Page"Hear the sound of horse hooves. They are coming your way. There is a gathering of a generation that thought it was over, and I am calling you to RISE UP! I am unleashing a renewing of youth, and strength, and purpose, and intent for all who are willing to say, 'YES.'

"Your greatest hour is ahead, and together we are going to partner to bring forth My Bride. All parts of the Body are required. The world has said 'Retire, wind down'; others said, 'You've lived your life,' or, 'You cannot offer anything,' but I say 'NO!'

"You are to awaken to Kingdom purposes and protocol. I am birthing something new in you, and I will not allow a generation to fall asleep, for you were born for such a time as this! For such a time as this you will come forth and you will awaken, and the glory of the latter house will be much greater than the glory of the former house!

"Can you hear the sound? The awakening of a supernatural generation has begun," says the Spirit of God! "It is the sound of RESURGENCE, supernatural resurgence. It has been released!

I am calling forth a generation to finish well!"

Nellie Balandowich

Nellie Balandowich is a prophetic itinerant minister. She was ordained and served for four years as an Associate Pastor of a local church located outside Toronto, Ontario. Nellie also has had the opportunity to teach on "Prophetic Realms," "The Seer Realm," and "Dreams & Visions & Interpretation" at a local Bible School, tent meetings, and other conferences throughout the Toronto Region.

As a gifted speaker, Nellie carries a strong anointing to operate in the realm of the supernatural. Nellie has a strong desire and mandate from the Lord to speak a now word to the Church in this hour, being called to build, encourage, and equip the Body of Christ. You can reach Nellie to book her for a speaking engagement.

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Love For His People Editor's Note: I wholeheartedly agree with this prophetic word. Yes, the "Joshua & Caleb" generation, those in their 50's, 60's and older, WILL do what the Lord has called us to do! Dreams and promises received will come into fulfillment as we seek His face and follow His Holy Spirit, Ruach HaKodesh.

Be encouraged in Yeshua (Jesus) today.


Steve Martin
Love For His People, Inc.