Monday, April 14, 2014

Passover lamb for all

So they slaughtered the Passover lamb for all the returned exiles, for their fellow priests, and for themselves.

EZRA (6:20)

וַיִּשְׁחֲטוּ הַפֶּסַח לְכָל בְּנֵי הַגּוֹלָה וְלַאֲחֵיהֶם הַכֹּהֲנִים וְלָהֶם

עֶזְרָא ו:כ

va-yish-kha-TU ha-pe-SAKH li-KHOL b'NAY ha-go-LA vi-la-a-KHAY-hem ha-ko-ha-NEEM vi-la-HEM

Today's Israel Inspiration

Ezra lived at a very exciting time, when Persian King Darius allowed his Jewish subjects to return to Jerusalem and rebuild the Temple. At times, Ezra becomes frustrated that the people are not in fact returning with the proper enthusiasm, yet his righteous leadership brings the nation closer to God, and, among many spiritual accomplishments, the Passover-offering resumes in the rebuilt Temple. Today Israel Returns is assisting scattered Jews as far as Kaifeng, China to come closer to God and the Jewish nation. For the first time in over 200 years, a Passover seder will be held in China! Be part of the miracle and download a Passover Haggadah in time for tonight's Seder!

Hebrew Music Monday

Passover is one of the three pilgrimage festivals when Jews from all over the Land of Israel would ascend to Jerusalem. Close your eyes and imagine it is thousands of years ago, you are on the way to the Temple... Now listen to today’s Hebrew song from the Israeli band “Tzipia” and get inspired!

Passover "Made in China" for First Time in 200 Years

Of the ancient Jewish community of Kaifeng, most have dispersed or assimilated with the local population over the last 400 years. But new expressions of Jewish identity are voicing themselves.

Silver Second Temple Model

This silver miniature is a wonderful representation of the Second Temple. Its intricate details will have you and your guests amazed at the beauty and design of the House of God. .

Today's Israel Photo

Michael Shmidt with another beautiful shot of the Golan Heights in northern Israel, as sheep pasture in a meadow.

Thank You

Please help us continue to spread the beauty and significance of the Land of Israel!

“A Wonderful Daily Resource!”

It’s great to hear from so many of you - stay in touch and let us know where in the world you are enjoying Israel365!
Israel365 is one of the first things I read each morning. I enjoy the uplifting words, the songs, and the articles. I have been trying to learn Hebrew for a number of years. Although I can follow along with the weekly parshah, it's read too fast to make phonetic connections. Israel365 gives me a short passage to practice reading at my own pace and the transliteration provides a self-checking opportunity for pronunciation. Thank you for this wonderful daily resource! Lynne McDowell, Denver, Colorado, United States
With warm wishes for a happy and meaningful Passover,
Rabbi Tuly Weisz
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Ramat Beit Shemesh 99000

God is Positioning Us - Dave Yarnes - MorningStar Ministries Video - Prophetic Perspective on Current Events

Dave Yarnes - VP MorningStar Ministries
God is Positioning Us

Dave Yarnes

Friday, April 11, 2014

Dave Yarnes talks about the Seven Mountains of influence in society. It is time to know your true calling and take your sphere of influence. 
Transitions are coming to an end as God is positioning us to get to the right location and sphere of influence.
The Lord has given us passion and vision for our purpose and place we are to be rightly placed in.

MorningStar Ministries 

Seven Mountains of Influence

For many - transition is coming to an end.

Convergence code - passion, gifting & training

Three Circles - Spirit, Character & Skill

Dave Yarnes


Blood moon

Published on Dec 15, 2013

NASA says the moon will turn to a blood red color in April 2014. This sign will not occur again for 600 years. This sign has occurred once when the Spanish expelled the Jews from Spain in 1492. Once in 1948 when Israel became a nation, and again in 1967 when Jerusalem came back into the control of the Jewish people. Will this be the sign of Christ's return? Christ says the sun will be darkened and the moon will not give it's light before the dreadful day of the Lord shall come.

Jewish Scroll

Birth of Israel State in 1948

Six Day War & Israel Recaptures Jerusalem

Love For His People's Editor's Note: Being ready for the Lord Jesus Christ's return (Yeshua HaMashiach) is a matter of knowing Him as Lord and Savior, and walking in His chosen path for your life. Then we can watch with anticipated expectation of Him and know of His resurrection power working through our lives. Faith, not fear.

Steve Martin, Founder

"I give to you for a possession."

When you come into the land of Canaan, which I give to you for a possession.


כִּי תָבֹאוּ אֶל אֶרֶץ כְּנַעַן אֲשֶׁר אֲנִי נֹתֵן לָכֶם לַאֲחֻזָּה

ויקרא י’’ד:ל’’ד

kee ta-VO-u el E-retz k'NA-an a-SHER a-NEE no-TAYN la-KHEM la-a-khu-ZAH

Today's Israel Inspiration

Chapter 14 of Leviticus describes a spiritual ailment known as tzaraat, which appeared like leprosy on a person's body, clothing or house. Not for doctors to cure, rather tzaraat was a wake up call that a person needed to repent for the sin of "lashon hara," speaking badly about someone. We learn from here the importance of treating others with respect and refraining from hurtful speech. Tzaraat only appeared in the Land of Israel, showing that our actions here are held to a higher expectation in line with the holiness of God's beloved land.

History Channel Presents the Bible

A fascinating documentary that shows archaeological evidence for the Exodus, the Ten Plagues, the splitting of the sea and more! This full length episode from the History Channel is a great watch this weekend.

New Study Shows Heath Benefits of Biblical Command

A new Australian-American study is getting a lot of attention for comparing circumcision to childhood vaccination in terms of their medical significance.

Glass Israel Magnet

This glass magnet has a large blue Star of David in its center with the Hebrew word "Chai" ("to life!") in its middle. Makes a great souvenir from the Holy Land.

Today's Israel Photo

Yehudah Derovan took this gorgeous photo overlooking Beit Shemesh, a town first mentioned in the Book of Joshua, and now Israel’s second fastest growing city.

Thank You

Today's Scenes and Inspiration is sponsored by Joan Lurie of New York, New York. Toda raba!

“I'm So Grateful it Happened!”

It’s great to hear from so many of you - stay in touch and let us know where in the world you are enjoying Israel365!
Dear Rabbi Tuly, I'm not even sure how I got signed up for your emails but I'm so grateful it happened! I'm not sure exactly when my love or admiration and devotion to God's chosen people began, but Israel and the Hebrews are a part of my heart. I spent almost 3 months in Israel ... volunteered with the Israeli Defense Force. Those are some of the best memories of my life! I'm always thinking of ways I can get back.... I love reading your emails and feeling connected to what is going on in the land that I love and pray for. Peace in Jerusalem! N.B
Rabbi Tuly Weisz
Copyright © 2014 Israel365, All rights reserved.
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36 Ein Gedi Street
Ramat Beit Shemesh 99000

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Beautiful Springtime in Charlotte, NC (Photos by Steve Martin)

It is a beautiful time in the spring here in Charlotte, NC. The glorious purples, red tones, blue, white and green abound. Great job again Lord!

Photos by Steve Martin
Love For His People

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Three dead in Kansas Jewish center shootings

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kansas shooting
Three people were reported dead on Sunday in a possible anti-Semitic shooting attack at two buildings serving the Jewish community near Kansas City. A gunman opened fired in the parking lot of the Overland Park Jewish Community Center and the nearby Village Shalom retirement home, both in the Kansas City suburb. 
"At around 1 p.m. today, Overland Park police received multiple calls regarding a shooting on the campus of the Jewish Community Center, 5801 W. 115th Street. Additional calls were received by police of another shooting at the Village Shalom Retirement Community, 5500 W. 123rd," according to the Overland Park Police Department. "Three victims are confirmed deceased. A person of interest has been taken into custody at this time," the police spokesman said. 
CNN reported that the deceased included a teenager and an elderly woman. During the initial developing story, a spokeswoman for Overland Park Regional Medical Center said the hospital was treating a 14-year-old male who suffered a gunshot wound and who was in critical condition. The gunman fired toward a total of five people, three of whom were confirmed dead, authorities investigating the incident said at a press briefing. 
Overland Park Police Chief John Douglass said it was too early to label the attacks as anything other than "vicious acts of violence." He stated that two males were killed outside the Jewish Community Center of Greater Kansas and one female at the nearby Shalom Village retirement home. He confirmed that police had a white male in his 70s in custody for questioning. He added that the man was unknown to police until today.
The Jewish Community Center of Greater Kansas City said on Facebook that no shooting had occurred inside its campus, and it had released home all the participants of its programming. Overland Park, the second biggest city in Kansas, is a short drive away from the state’s main Jewish concentration in Kansas City. 
According to Kansas's KSHB 41 Action News, police were holding one suspect in custody, who was reported as yelling "heil Hitler" as he was being detained. The entire JCC campus was locked down. One witness was quoted by KSHB 41 Action News as saying that a man, presumably the shooter, had aimed a gun at him before shooting the windows of his vehicle. US Federal Bureau of Investigation officials were helping local authorities investigate the two shootings, CNN cited FBI spokesman Joel Sealer as saying. 
The JCC of Greater Kansas City announced that it would be closed on Monday. "We will post more information following a debriefing at the Overland Park Police Command Center and a 5:00 pm press conference, which will be carried live," the JCC said on Facebook. The Jerusalem Post was unable to reach the Jewish Federation of Greater Kansas City for further comment. 
The shooting comes only weeks after the Anti-Defamation League released a report describing an increase in physical assaults against Jews despite an overall 19 percent decrease of anti-Semitic incidents in the United States. In its Annual Audit of Anti-Semitic Incidents, the ADL reported that there 751 incidents in 41 states and Washington, DC — among the lowest number since 1979, when the ADL began collecting data. The number of incidents has been steadily declining for the past decade.
Source: Jerusalem Post