Friday, May 2, 2014

Fire upon the altar shall be kept burning...ISRAEL365

And the fire upon the altar shall be kept burning, it shall not go out.


וְהָאֵשׁ עַל הַמִּזְבֵּחַ תּוּקַד בּוֹ לֹא תִכְבֶּה

ויקרא ו:ה

v'-ha-AYSH al ha-miz-bay-AKH tu-KAD bo lo tikh-BEH

Shabbat Inspiration

So many intricate details of the priestly service are described in the Book of Leviticus. We must delve a bit deeper into the passages to reveal lessons relevant for our lives. For example, today's verse describes the continual fire on the altar. God lovingly gave a physical, continual reminder of His constant presence among the people of Israel. Physical reminders help bring the spiritual down to earth, and to this day, every synagogue places a continual light above the ark to signify God’s everlasting presence. Get more Israel inspiration in the full Book of Leviticus, with Hebrew and English translation, and Israel commentary.

Fulfillment of Prophecy

This video provides fascinating proof of how the miraculous growth of Israel is the fulfillment of prophecies spoken thousands of years ago.

Christians & Jews Unite for Holocaust Survivors

The International Fellowship of Christians and Jews announced the establishment of an emergency call center for needy Holocaust survivors, in the face of a new report showing that 50,000 survivors are living in abject poverty in Israel.

I Love Israel Long-Sleeve Shirt

This special long sleeve shirt lets you show the world you much you love Israel. Made from 100% combed cotton and available in blue, black and gray and a variety of sizes. A great souvenir shirt from Israel!

Today's Israel Photo

Today's photo by Boruch Len was taken in a synagogue in the holy city of Safed.

Independence Day Photo Contest!

Send me your best Israel photo, and a short description, with your name and where you're from, and we will proudly display the winner on Yom Haatzmaut! All photos will also be included in ourFacebook album.

Thank You

Today's Scenes and Inspiration is sponsored by Daliya Robson of Walnut Creek, California in honor of the IDF.

“Love Your Emails” ... from Australia to Madagascar!

It’s great to hear from so many of you - stay in touch and let us know where in the world you are enjoying Israel365!
Love your emails. Prayers are with you. God bless, Rose McKinlay, Australia

I am blessed every day receiving from Israel365. I come from Madagascar, Mina
Shabbat Shalom,
Rabbi Tuly Weisz
Copyright © 2014 Israel365, All rights reserved.
You are receiving this email because you signed up for daily Israel Scenes and Inspiration on our website,

Our mailing address is:
36 Ein Gedi Street
Ramat Beit Shemesh 99000

Shabbat Shalom!

Blessings on ye heads!

Steve & Laurie Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC

Loving Israel Biblically - Ze'ev Nevo

Loving Israel Biblically


There are millions of Christians that say that they love Israel and the Jewish people. But do they really? What would be the  determining factor for us to identify a true Biblical love for Israel? The answer to this question can only be found in the Bible  itself.

Here I am, sitting in a big Christian event that is held to honor Israel. Christian leaders flew across the nation to take part in this special event. The Israeli flag is raised. The Israeli national hymn - Ha'Tikvah (meaning "the hope" in Hebrew) - is being sung. Passionate speeches are being spoken, emphasizing the fact that the land of Israel was given by God to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob -- to the Jewish People.

You would assume that being a Jewish Israeli believer in Jesus-Yeshua, I would be overjoyed and encouraged to see such love and support from Christians for my people and my nation. After all, why shouldn't I be? Isn't it a blessing that so many Christians come together to show their unwavering support for Israel? Especially when at the same time so many US churches fall captive to false theology and extremely distorted historical facts and see Israel as an evil occupying oppressor?

As strange as it may sound to some at first, not just that I wasn't filled joy, I actually felt very uncomfortable all through the event, eventually  leaving with very cumbersome emotions, yet - more determined than ever to be used by God for Israel's sake!

So what is my problem? Why am I not satisfied? Let me tell you why. The attendees of this event were not just Christians; there were many Jewish people as well -- unsaved Jewish people. Also, not all the speakers were Christians; some of them were Jewish officials - yes, you guessed it right -- unsaved Jewish officials. Yet, absolutely nothing was mentioned throughout the entire event about the need for all people, Jews and Gentiles alike, to place their faith in Jesus-Yeshua, the Jewish Messiah of Israel! Not even a hint of it! Actually the message was quite the opposite. Every pair of Jewish ears that were there left with a clear message that Jews don'tneed to believe in Jesus-Yeshua.

Let me give you just one of the "highlights" of the evening. One of the speakers mentioned that his desire is to show the Jewish people something that they never saw before from Christians -LOVE. It was evident that in his mind he is trying to compensate for the Anti-Semitic horrors that were done to the Jewish people by the "Church" throughout history, demonstrated in the crusades ("Die because you killed God"), the Spanish inquisition ("Be baptized or Die") and finally in the Holocaust ("DIE! DIE! DIE!")

His solution is to show the Jewish people that there are Christians that actually don't want Jews to "convert" to Christianity, don't want Jews to be baptized - and more surprising - don't want Jews to die. Yes, there are Christians that simply "love" the Jewish people. Thus, his message is "We love you, we support you, we bless you."

But is this the message of the Bible? Is this the message of the Gospel? Is this the message that Jesus-Yeshua commissioned us to go and preach?? Is this a Biblical expression of love towards the Jewish people??? Clearly not!!!

This page cannot contain the almost endless list of verses that prove that Jews, like any other human beings, are sinners in need of a Savior that will save them from their sins. Why go far? A simple look at the first chapter of the first Gospel makes it as clear as possible. In Matthew chapter 1 we read that the angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in his dream and said to him: "Joseph son of David, do not fear to take Mary as your wife, for that which is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit. She will bear a son, and you shall call his name YESHUA, for he will save his people from their sins."

You see, His name carries the purpose of His mission. God named His son, the Jewish Messiah of Israel - YESHUA - which in Hebrew meansSalvation. Why? Well... because HE will SAVEHIS PEOPLE FROM THEIR SINS.

Again, this basic Biblical truth, which is really the cornerstone of the Christian faith, can be easily proven by the Word of God with hundreds of verses, both from the Old Testament and the New Testament. I find it amazing that people that read the Bible and even write countless books about the Bible, even specifically about what the Bible says concerning Israel, can be blind to this fundamental truth.

We know from scripture that "the god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelievers, to keep them from seeing the light of the Gospel, of the glory of Christ, who  is this image of God." (2 Cor. 2:4). Apparently, not just that the god of this world blinds the Jewish people from seeing the light of the Gospel, he also blinds the minds of Christians - even Christians that "love Israel" - from understanding that they are called to love Israel  by sharing with them the Gospel, the message of GOD'S LOVE, as beautifully worded in John 3:16: "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son, that WHOEVER believes in Him should NOT PERISH but have ETERNAL LIFE." 

Yes, "whoever" does not exclude the Jewish people! And yes -- without faith in YESHUA every Jewish soul will PERISH!!

So let's concentrate on what you and I can do to be the ones that LOVE ISRAEL BIBLICALLY. Simply put - give them the Gospel! And that's exactly what we do. As I shared on February's newsletter, we launched the "HEAR O ISRAEL" campaign - a cutting edge visual presentation of the Gospel of Matthew IN HEBREW on YouTube, a video per chapter.

Thanks to a few very generous donations we are able to move forward with a good number of chapters. If you haven't seen the Matthew chapter one video yet, here it is! Just click on the screen image below to watch. Let me warn you though -- it is in Hebrew! ...but thankfully we added English subtitles :) After you watch it, please don't forget to Like, Comment, and SHARE with everyone you know! I mean everyone!!

Watch the Video

Next month I will share an exciting report on how God is already using it among Israelis before we even had the chance to promote it!

We still need funds to be able to create and share more chapters of Matthew's Gospel with Israel. The cost turns out to be just about $100 per verse. Steve, please help us to 
LOVE ISRAEL BIBLICALLY by sharing the Word of God with the people of Israel in the most effective way possible today - via YouTube!

Whether you are able to fund one verse today, one verse per month, or perhaps even a whole chapter (31 verses on average) -- your 
Love Offering to Israel is highly needed and appreciated. Let's do it!

And one more thing before I go... to help you create more opportunities to share the Gospel with people around you, we made two "conversation sparking" T-Shirts that can now be purchased on our website. One says "For God so loved Y'all" (which is a hit in the south!) and the other says "Jesus made me Kosher". Click on the images to take a closer look!

For God so loved Y'all T-Shirt - Get Your Now! Jesus made me Kosher T-Shirt - Get Yours Now!

CLICK HERE to order your T-Shirt now! - and maybe even for your entire family! - and then GO and share the Gospel!!

Together for Israel's salvation,

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Bless Israel today! Donate On-Line.

or by mailing to: 

Israel Media Ministries
6277-600 Carolina Commons Dr., Suite 120, Indian Land, SC 29707

 By Ze'ev Nevo


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Thursday, May 1, 2014

Just thinking...

Morning cup?

Evening out?

And your thoughts?

Steve Martin
Love For His People

National Day of Prayer in Washington DC - May 1, 2014

Rep. Mike McIntyre - NC

National Day of Prayer in Washington DC - May 1, 2014. The full recorded is provided below.

Don Moen leading worship

Dr. James Dobson

Shirley Dobson

Rabbi Jonathan Cahn

Save our country Lord!
Only YOU can.

Recording below as provided from GOD TV.

The 2014 National Observance of the National Day of Prayerwas broadcast LIVE from the Cannon House Office Building in Washington, D.C. on this webpage –Thursday, May 1, 2014. You can watch the recording now.
This special observance was hosted by Congressman Robert Aderholt (Alabama, 4th District)
Speakers included Anne Graham Lotz (daughter of Rev. Billy Graham), Dr. James and Shirley Dobson, Congressman Robert Aderholt, Mrs. Vonette Bright, The Honorable Bob McEwen, Congressman Mike McIntyre, Don Moen, Chaplain Father Patrick Conroy, Dr. Dick Eastman, Mr. David Butts, Mr. John Bornschein, and more.
Below is the recorded live feed from GOD TV:

CLICK HERE For A Detailed Schedule

The 2014 National Observance was also broadcast on DirecTV channel 365 and streamed LIVE on this website.
National Observance in Washington DC - National Day of Prayer Task Force
National Observance in Washington DC – National Day of Prayer Task Force