Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Israel Furious Over American Charges of Espionage

Israel Furious Over 

American Charges of Espionage

Wednesday, May 07, 2014 |  Israel Today Staff  
US intelligence officials say Israel has “crossed red lines” in its spying on America, according to a report published in Newsweek on Tuesday. According to the report, in closed door meetings the Americans expressed growing concerns that the Israeli “friends” had gone way too far in their espionage activities on US soil.
The remarks were reportedly made during intelligence briefings to members of Congress amidst ongoing discussions over whether or not to remove visa restrictions on Israelis wishing to visit the US. Currently, Israelis require a pre-approved visa to visit the US, while Americans can enter the Jewish state without any prearranged permits.
Newsweek reported that the American intelligence officials are most worried over what they said were Israeli’s constant efforts to obtain industrial and technological secrets. The officials insisted that while this is true of all nations, Israeli spying in America far exceeded that of any other ally.
  Former Israeli Ambassador to the US Michael Oren responded by telling Israel’s Ynet news portal that the allegations of Israeli spying were simply untrue. “Israel has not spied against the United States since the Pollard affair, period,” said Oren. “I do not know if there are people in the business and commercial arena that conduct espionage, as this happens all over the world, but no one is spying [in America] on behalf of the Israeli government.”
Another Israeli official told Ynet that it was probably a case of some American politicians who are opposed to removing visa restrictions on Israelis. “Anyone who opposes the removal of visas for Israeli has only to bring up the topic of intelligence security,” he said. “It always works.”
Another official said the entire affair carried the “stench of anti-Semitism.”
Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman also weighed in, telling Israel Radio: “We’re talking about lies and falsehood, simply libel which is baseless and unfounded. I am sorry that there are apparently anonymous elements in the United States who are simply trying to maliciously spread false accusations.”
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Why a Mother’s Prayer Can Change Everything by RUTH L. WHITFIELD


                                          A mother's prayer is powerful. (Lightstock)

Why a Mother’s Prayer Can Change Everything

I remember seeing my mother kneeling at the side of her bed and praying aloud for each of her children and grandchildren. That memory is forever etched in my mind, and I will never forget sensing a strong presence of God through her intercession. I came away with a sense of reverential fear and trust that no matter what would happen to any of us, God would honor her prayers on our behalf.
My mother is in heaven now, yet it’s a comfort to know that the Lord continues to honor those prayers. It encourages me to continue to pray for my own children and grandchildren no matter how uncertain their futures or what they are currently facing.
I am sure that there are bittersweet moments for each of us whose parents have gone on to be with the Lord. We remember them. We miss them. We now realize how wise they really were. Our hope in the Lord is that we will see them again and enjoy His presence together.
Except for Eve, the mother of all living, we’ve all been blessed with mothers. Our mothers helped shape who we are today—for good or not so good. We learned from their example and from their mistakes. And when we had children of our own we realized what a challenge they faced raising us.
Some of us are privileged to have our moms around to help us with our own children. They bring the wisdom of experience and offer their time, love and energy to the task. What a blessing to have a doting grandma to pour unconditional love on our offspring!
But even with all that, the Holy Spirit is our best adviser, teacher and counselor. He knows what’s best for each child and can give us the insight to know what each needs and how to pray His will concerning each one. God hears a mother’s prayer.
I am thankful for His instruction and “coaching” as I grappled through years of raising an autistic son in a ministerial fish bowl filled with well-meaning parishioners giving “expert” advice concerning things they knew nothing about. Without the Lord, we would not have made it. Time and time again, He would admonish me to trust Him with our son.
That was not an easy task. We would place him on the altar, so to speak, and then quickly take him off, load ourselves with worry, then place him on the altar again. Then we’d call on the Lord for help and take one day at a time doing as He directed. The result was miraculous! Today, he’s a grown man who loves and serves the Lord, can earn a living and is active in the men’s group at church. Surely, God is worthy of our trust.
Surely, He knows what’s best for us and for our children. He is totally trustworthy.
Sometimes we worry when we don’t see our children going in the direction we feel would be best for them. Yet we have His promise that if we raise them and train them in the way they should go, when they are old they will not depart from them (see Prov. 22:6). Though they may stray as they try to find their own way in life, they will return to what was instilled in them (see 2 Tim. 3:15). It’s a promise.
Perhaps you are a single parent wrestling with raising your children and working full time. You feel exhausted and overwhelmed. You wonder how you are going to make it through another day. Take heart. You are not alone. The Holy Spirit will provide and direct you each step of the way. Our Father hears a mother’s prayer. Trust Him.
If God has blessed you with a special-needs child, know that He has given you a treasure. It may not feel that way sometimes. You may feel as if you are the only one carrying the responsibility relating to your child, your spouse, your other children and the household. And if you also work outside the home it’s a balancing act like no other. But His grace will enable you to do all He requires of you. You will learn the meaning of unconditional love and enjoy deep fellowship with Him. His love and grace is available—and it’s free.
Perhaps your children are grown and your mom is in her golden years and needing care. The tables have turned—you are now the caregiver and she is the one needing your help. It’s difficult for her to transition from total independence to needing care and provision. Do you struggle with the demands of your own family and her needs? Well, you are not alone. Honoring your mom in this season takes as much grace as handling a household of kids, a special-needs child, a full-time job and a cranky husband. But God is able to sustain you and go even beyond your need. He is there to give you His sufficiency, rest and restoration as you take time to get alone with Him.
No matter what season of life you are walking through, the Lord is there for you.  Whether you see yourself as a daughter honoring her mother, a mother enjoying her children or one who is pulled in many directions at once, our God is more than able to provide you with everything you need to make this the most wonderful season of your life. Remember that God answers a mother’s prayer. Happy Mother’s Day!
This week surrender yourself and your children to the Lord and thank Him that He is ever present in every season of your life. Ask Him for the wisdom that is readily available and that He alone can give. Thank Him for the expected outcome, plans and purposes He has for you and your family. Pray for those who have sons, daughters and loved ones in the military. Ask the Lord to strengthen their faith and bring them comfort during this season of separation. Pray for protection over their sons and daughters as well as our own nation and its leaders. Prov. 22:6; James 1:6
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What if God Really Did Do This One Thing? by ALEX KOCMAN

God's wrath

We like to keep God in our own theological box, but the hardest pill to swallow in the book of Romans is that God is perfectly justified in condemning or saving whomever He pleases. (CreationSwap/Travis Silva)

What if God Really Did Do This One Thing?

Whenever I’ve had the privilege of sharing the Gospel with someone, perhaps the biggest regret I have in every conversation ismaking too little of God’s justice.
We pray for help, healing, guidance, and the salvation of others. We thank God for good things, like food in our stomachs and a roof over our heads. When we’re feeling inspired, we give God some holy attention in worship. And, in moments of great clarity, we may even have the wisdom and soberness to thank Him for the cross.
But almost never do we dare let our minds wander to God’s justice—much lest praise Him for it.
What if God _________?
Theologians argue in circles over God’s sovereignty and our own free will, and countless volumes have been written throughout church history with little consensus. And in the name of unity, many young Christians tune the whole thing out.
But as a result, one of Paul’s most frightening verses has been profoundly ignored.
What if God, desiring to show his wrath and to make known his power, has endured with much patience vessels of wrath prepared for destruction, in order to make known the riches of his glory for vessels of mercy…?” (Romans 9:22-23a)
Many believers, upon reading this verse, will barge into Scripture to douse the fire of this verse. “Surely God doesn’t create people just to send them to Hell,” we are quick to specify—and rightly so, of course.
But that said, the problem is that Paul’s point isn’t mainly to teach a theological principle about how we get saved. His main point is to ask one question:
What if?
What if God did have full control over who chooses Him and who didn’t?
What if He did have the ability to force everyone into Heaven by trusting the Gospel, but to glorify Himself, He didn’t?
Am I suggesting that God made certain people just for the hell fire? Certainly not. But regardless of where you fall on the spectrum, consider this.
Before You Answer…
How you answer the questions of God’s sovereignty in this passage is not the point. The point is that God has the right to do whatever He wants.
He is not arbitrary, unjust, or egotistical.
He is, simply put, God.
He does nothing that’s inconsistent with His perfect justice and righteousness—even forgiving us required that His wrath be unleashed against a substitute. But His sense of justice is just a wee bit superior to ours.
Are we okay with the possibilities that opens up?
Respectable thinkers can make compelling arguments for both sides of the Calvinism/Arminianism debate. But whoever you are, as soon as you find yourself clinging at all costs to, “God can’t do _______,” you might be thinking in the flesh.
We all must realize already that God would have been perfectly justified not to saveanyone at all; why are we so quick to limit the character and behavior of a God whom we can only access at a blood-bought, great and terrible price?
“Perfect love casts out fear,” we cite over and over again, reminding ourselves that we don’t have to be scared of God. But even this oft-used verse implies that there was some fear to begin with in need of being cast out.
In other words, God is fearsome—yet the sacrificial punishment of Christ grants us the tremendous gift of full access to His love and mercy only, Christ having absorbed all His justice and wrath.
The mercy bought to us at the cross gives us access to the same God who proclaimed against His own chosen people: “Ah, Assyria, the rod of my anger; the staff in their hands is my fury!” (Isaiah 10:5, ESV)
Regardless of where you stand theologically, do not forget that you—the clay has no right to question the potter (Romans 9:21).
The Right Reaction
Biblical theology has its place. But, to butcher Paul’s words from Romans 11 and 12…
Who can fully understand the depths of the riches of God’s knowledge, planning, and power over the human heart? Who can give God advice? To whom does God owe anything? Answer: no one.
By contrast, everything—from the greatest galaxies to the insects crawling the earth, including you and the person you’re sharing the Gospel with—is all for God, from God, to God, and through God. His glory is chief.
So give Him glory sacrifice yourself to Him, and let Him transform your limited human mind.

Old word...but still new and fresh every morning.

On our book self...from our father's and the Promised Land.

Reading and knowing His word is a great privilege.

Any time is a good time to read His Word.

He will lead you 
in the way you are to go.

Arise! Shine! For your light has arrived - ISRAEL365

Arise! Shine! For your light has arrived, and the glory of the Lord shines upon you.

ISAIAH (60:1)

קוּמִי אוֹרִי כִּי בָא אוֹרֵךְ וּכְבוֹד יְ-הוָה עָלַיִךְ זָרָח

ישיהו ס:א

ku-MEE o-REE kee va o-RAYKH u-kh'VOD a-do-NAI a-la-YIKH za-RAKH

Today's Israel Inspiration

The miracle of the State of Israel and its independence has inspired thousands of souls to connect with Zion in an extraordinary awakening.  From northeastern India to southern Spain, from the coast of Portugal to the shores of Brazil, countless numbers of people are looking to explore their Jewish ancestry and return to the Holy Land. "Israel Returns" offers a helping hand to those wishing to return to the Land with both material and spiritual support. Join them in bringing all of Israel's children back to her borders, and may we merit to herald the final redemption.

Celebrating Israel in India

While awaiting their chance to return to Zion, Jews in India celebrated Israel Independence Day.  "Israel Returns" runs cultural, educational, and Hebrew programs around the world, preparing Jewish communities for aliya.

New Israeli Law Proposed Based on Ben-Gurion's Declaration

Sixty six years ago, David Ben Gurion declared Israel the independent state of the Jewish nation. Now, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu wants to enshrine that identity in a Basic Law.

Silk Scarves from Israel

Surprise your mom this Mother's Day with a beautiful silk scarf made in Israel. From a lovely selection of pomegranate designs to Jerusalem scenes in a variety of colors, choose from your heart.

Today's Israel Photo

Noam Chen's incredible photo of Independence Day fireworks in Tel Aviv this past Monday night.

Thank You

Help us continue to spread the beauty and significance of the Land of Israel! Sponsor a day for $25 and download our beautiful "66th Independence Day Photo Album."

“The Devotions Speak to My Life Every Day”

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Thank you for the devotions and beautiful pictures. The devotions speak to my life every day and I enjoy guessing where the pictures are from.

Good morning from Arizona, Your daily meditations and stunning photos bring back wonderful memories of two visits to Israel in recent years. We are Christians who pray for the peace of Jerusalem to cover all those who live on the lands of their forefathers and foremothers. Babbie
Rabbi Tuly Weisz
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Burdens Lifted - Now Think On This by Steve Martin

Burdens Lifted
- Now Think On This
by Steve Martin

"In fact, God wants to help you out of your troubles. He wants to take away your burdens that are crushing you. He wants to load your table with plenty of food.” Job 36:16

In 2010 I made my first trip to India. I say my first because I expect the Lord to take me back there soon again. The people of Hyderabad, Kamman and Muerchela touched my heart, as the Lord Yeshua had taken me there to touch theirs with His love for His people.

Traveling down the road with my good friend John Ebenezer, a pastor on the never-ending go, I was amazed at the load people would carry on their heads and back. They slowly walked along the side of the road, heading to their daily destination as they had done so many times before. From my vantage point the weight they carried seemed overbearing on their frail bodies.  It was a heavy burden to carry, and I wondered how they could do it day after day.

In the southeastern India big city of Hyderabad, having well over sixteen million inhabitants, we had stopped at a local store to get some provision for the evening meeting. Out front of the intended destination, wearing a sarai, a full colorful dress, a woman was carrying sand bags to the one man mixing cement for the construction job they had. I was able to capture a few shots with my Canon camera, as I watched in amazement as she quietly worked in the hot sun. What a picture it was, both in the natural and the spiritual. What a burden she had.

Carrying a heavy load is mentioned several times in the Word of God. The Holy Spirit, Ruach HaKodesh, inspired the writers to share of the day to day efforts put forth by people, to simply get daily bread. We can read of the daily routine – getting up in the morning early hours, sweating through the day in the hot sun, and going back home to rest as best one can for the next day. And then only to do it all over again. As it is today for many in the nations’ populations.

The burdens we tend to carry weigh us down, in spirit, soul and body. The conflicts we experience in relationships; the stress we have in constantly carrying concern for getting the bills paid, raising the kids, or the sickness that drags on, drains our emotions and saps the life out of us. And then we go through it again the next day.

This reality in life deeply effects both our natural and spiritual state. Sometimes it can be so overwhelming that we want to be as Job’s wife spoke to him in Job 2:9-10, “Why do you still hold on to your integrity? Curse God, and die!” But he answered her, “You’re talking like a low-class woman! Are we to receive the good at God’s hands but reject the bad?” CJB

As I observe people around me on the job, stress levels at a peak, or those walking the streets, while constantly on the go, I find myself drawing near to the Lord, pressing in to experience more of His care, for them and myself. Resting in His peace, finding the shalom He has given, and trusting in the promise to cover us in His grace, puts my heart at ease. Just knowing He understands and provides for everything we need lifts the heavy burden we often feel we have to carry alone.

Having that peace in our heart, that our burdens don’t have to rest squarely on our shoulders, but on His, gives you and I the break we need. As we seek Him, in order to know of His love, to do His will, and walk in His grace and provision, we experience the sense of contentment and assurance He alone provides. He is there to carry us along, and the burdens we have.

We are not called to bear it alone. Jesus, Yeshua, has made a way for us to keep our eyes fixed on Him, and to rest in His Almighty love. As we turn to Him, giving Him once again the concerns that want to load us down, we can find that His load is light.

"Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest.  "Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and YOU WILL FIND REST FOR YOUR SOULS. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light." Matthew 11:28-30 NASU

You don’t have to carry that heavy daily load by yourself. He has made a way, and we are to walk in it. Call upon Him today.

Now think on this,

Steve Martin
Love For His People. Inc.

Love For His People, Inc. is a charitable, not-for-profit USA humanitarian organization started in 2010 to share the love of the Father in the nations.

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Todah rabah! (Hebrew – Thank you very much.)

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Full website: Love For His People

Now Think On This #148 “Burdens Lifted” by Steve Martin 
Date: In the year of our Lord 2014 (05.07.14) Wednesday at 5:00 am in Charlotte, NC.

All previous editions of Now Think On This can be found on this Blog, and on our newest website: Now Think On This

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Divorce Shocker: Most Marriages Do Make It

Divorce Shocker: 

Most Marriages Do Make It

Paul Strand

CBN News Washington Sr. Correspondent
As senior correspondent in CBN's Washington, D.C., bureau, Paul Strand has covered a variety of political and social issues, with an emphasis on defense, justice, and Congress.  Follow Paul on Twitter @PaulStrandCBN and "like" him
CBN NEws May 6, 2014

ATLANTA -- Most people believe only half of U.S. marriages make it. But a leading researcher is announcing the true divorce rate is much lower and always has been.

Shaunti Feldhahn received her research training at Harvard. She and her husband Jeff help people with their marriages and relationships through best-selling books like,For Women Only and For Men Only.

This Atlanta-based couple often quoted in their writings and at conferences what they thought was accurate research: that most marriages are unhappy and 50 percent of them end in divorce, even in the Church.

"I didn't know," Feldhahn told CBN News. "I've stood up on stage and said every one of these wrong statistics."

Then eight years ago, she asked assistant Tally Whitehead for specific research on divorce for an article she was writing. After much digging, neither of them could find any real numbers.

That kicked off a personal, years-long crusade to dig through the tremendously complicated, sometimes contradictory research to find the truth. The surprising revelations are revealed in her new book, The Good News About Marriage.

The Real Divorce Rate

"First-time marriages: probably 20 to 25 percent have ended in divorce on average," Feldhahn revealed. "Now, okay, that's still too high, but it's a whole lot better than what people think it is."

Shaunti and Jeff point out the 50 percent figure came from projections of what researchers thought the divorce rate would become as they watched the divorce numbers rising in the 1970s and early 1980s when states around the nation were passing no-fault divorce laws.

"But the divorce rate has been dropping," Feldhahn said. "We've never hit those numbers. We've never gotten close."

And it's even lower among churchgoers, where a couple's chance of divorcing is more likely in the single digits or teens.

Hopelessness = Divorce

As the truth about these much lower divorce rates begins to spread, Feldhahn said she believes it will give people hope, which is often a key ingredient to making marriage last. She said hopelessness itself can actually lead to divorce.

"That sense of futility itself pulls down marriages," Feldhahn said. "And the problem is we have this culture-wide feeling of futility about marriage. It's based on all these discouraging beliefs and many of them just aren't true."

Christian psychotherapist Angel Davis has also written about marriage in her book, The Perfecting Storm. The Athens, Georgia-based therapist agreed with Shaunti Feldhahn's warnings about hopelessness.

"The Bible says hope deferred, it makes a heart sick," Davis said. "And we are so influenced by numbers and by culture."

Jeff Feldhahn said anytime he tells people about his wife's findings about how incorrect the 50 percent divorce rate actually is, they're stunned.

"Their mouth drops open and they're just shocked," he said. "They go, 'I can't believe I believed this all these years. And I've heard it so many times. And I've heard it from the pulpit so many times.'"

Shaunti added, "This is a great chance to stand up and say. 'We were all fooled. Not anymore.'"

Spreading the Good News

To that end, Feldhahn has been working to spread the news to pastors and other leaders as fast as she can. The news is changing Pastor Daniel Floyd's counseling because he had bought into fictional research, he admitted to Feldhahn.

"I told her, 'I've said this. I've taught this,'" the pastor at Lifepoint Churchin Fredericksburg, Virginia, recalled.

Floyd said he's sure this news will change a generation of marriage counseling.

"I think it's significant," he said. "And (it) could change the conversation from one that is 'Wow, it's just the way it is, and half of you are going to make it, half of you are not,' and change the conversation to know historically, an overwhelming majority have made it and you can make it."

Psychotherapist Davis said this belief can change lives and marriages.

"We know in psychology that what you believe affects how you feel, and then it leads to action," Davis stated. "So when other people are accomplishing something we think is hopeless, it gives us hope. And then we start feeling different and start acting different."

Feldhahn has more shocking research: four out of five marriages are happy. That number flies in the face of the popular belief that only about 30 percent of marriages are happy.

"Most people think most marriages are just kind of 'eeh'…just kind of rolling along," she said. "And they're shocked when I tell them that the actual average is 80 percent: 80 percent of marriages are happy."

Not knowing the true statistics often leads couples to avoid marriage and just shack up instead.

A Game-Changer?

Feldhahn said that couples who avoid marriage do so based on wrong assumptions.

"Like, 'if I'm just going to get divorced and I'm not going to be happy, why bother getting married, right?' And it's based on a lie," she said. "That feeling is based on a lie."

Pastor Floyd said these new facts can be a game-changer for married couples.

"I think it really helps people in the challenging moments to say, 'If I'll just stick with it, then there's a good chance I'm going to make it the distance,'" he said.

"With hope you feel you can make it through, even though you're in a tough patch," Jeff Feldhahn said.

His wife also pointed to other research that proves most of the unhappily married can turn it around.

"The studies show that if they stay married for five years, that almost 80 percent of those will be happy five years later," she said.

The Good News About Marriage also reveals the divorce rate among those active in their church is 27 to 50 percent lower than among non-churchgoers. Feldhahn's hope is that once people learn the truth that they will spread it far and wide.

"We need to change the paradigm of how we talk about marriage -- from marriage being in trouble and all this discouraging stuff to saying, 'No, wait. Most marriages are strong and happy for a lifetime,'" she told CBN News. "That makes a total difference to a couple who can now say, 'You know what? Most people get through this and we can, too.'"