Friday, May 9, 2014

How to Move in The Father’s Love for Israel - DAVID HARWOOD

Flag of Israel

As many of you know, I often speak on the Father’s heart for Israel and the church and that nothing short of it will do when reaching out to our Jewish friends and neighbors with the love of G-d. But what does the Father’s love actually look like in our everyday lifestyles and actions when interacting with Jewish people?
In my travels and associations in my ministry, I was recently quite taken and stirred by a teaching of a good friend of mine and Jewish brother, David Harwood. He has written a book on the love of G-d, and his teachings on it really moved me into a greater understanding and depth of G-d’s love. I asked David to write an article for my ministry to help us to focus more on the love of G-d through the Father’s heart. —Grant Berry
As Grant mentioned, I’ve written a book, God’s True Love, which exhorts the Jesus follower to prioritize abiding in Jesus’ love, provides an interpretive grid for the believer’s experience of the Trinity’s love, and gives an explanation of God’s love for humanity. Many have found it transformative and life-enhancing, and you can find it on my website (information below). This article is an application of aspects of this teaching to a topic that is not discussed in the book: God’s unique love for the Jewish people.
To start, every believer is called to understand and experience God’s love (John 15:9). Within that context, through Paul’s ministry, we are invited to understand and experience God’s unique love for Israel (Rom. 1:16). This is part of the church’s pilgrimage that shall last “until the period of restoration of all things about which God spoke by the mouth of His holy prophets from ancient time” (Acts 3:21).
Entering into God’s emotions concerning Israel is not for the fainthearted. It is fraught with misunderstanding, often filled with frustration and potential peril. The love of the predominantly Gentile church for their Jewish brethren and all of Israel is intended to be sign seen in the heavens and the earth (Eph. 3:8-10; John 13:34-35).
As in World War II, it is possible that terrible prices may be exacted on those who embrace God’s view of His firstborn children. Should all the nations gather against the nation of Israel, it will not be because they think that war is unjustified (Is. 14:24-27; Zech. 14:2-3). Imagine the amount of international propaganda that will be marshaled against the Word of God. How grounded in the Scriptures will disciples need to be to withstand such pressure? How immersed in love? How might you strengthen your heart so that your agape does not grow cold?
Begin With Love
Paul encouraged every believer to know God’s love. He prayed toward that end, recognizing the special place the people of Israel have in God’s heart. The foundation to loving others with a holy love is not loving oneself. It is receiving God’s love for oneself and consequently being transformed until you are conformed to His perspective. The Messiah admonished His disciples, “Just as the Father has loved Me, I have also loved you; abide in My love” (John 15:9). The Lord promised that if we remained in His love that we would bear fruit. Amongst other wonderful outcomes a significant result will be that we love others as we have been loved.
Paul put that into practice. He wrote of “the Son of God, who loved [him] and gave Himself up for [him]” (Gal. 2:20). The love of Jesus was a source of encouragement and strength to this man. So important was the knowledge of God’s love in Paul’s estimation that he penned one of the most exalted prayers in Scripture for the receiving of that experience.
In Ephesians 3:14-21, we find Paul fervently prayed that his disciples would know the love of the Messiah, which passes knowledge. The results of knowing this love would be that the believing community would be filled with the fullness of God. It will take the fullness of God for the church to persevere in love for the Jewish people. This is not something that will be accomplished by dint of human effort. It shall be a result of a life-changing conviction of, and an ongoing encounter with, the love of God, which Grant often refers to in The Reconnection, and is the heart of his ministry focus to the church. Wonderfully, as we relate to God’s love for us, He reveals His love for others. It is not by accident that so many are being affected by His love for Israel. This is something He loves to communicate.
His love for you is your home. Remember, the Messiah commanded you to dwell in His love for you. Abiding in the love of Jesus is the key to bearing fruit (John 15:1-10). One aspect of this fruit is how we relate to others. Living in the experience of God’s love has consequences (Eph. 3:19-20). When you receive God’s love through faith and experience this love by the Spirit, you are empowered to love others with the same love you have received.
Begin With Prayer
Pray for the Jewish people’s salvation. Pray energized by the Holy Spirit. In Romans 8:26-27, Paul wrote of the groanings of the Spirit within us, which are too deep for words. Then he vulnerably exposed us to what may have been his own experience of these groanings:
“I have great sorrow and unceasing grief in my heart. For I could wish that I myself were accursed, separated from Christ for the sake of my brethren, my kinsmen according to the flesh” (Rom. 9:2-3).
In the following chapter, he confided the content of his intercession: “Brethren, my heart’s desire and my prayer to God for them is for their salvation” (Rom. 10:1).
Finally, in Romans 11, he revealed the goal of his prayers: “Now if their transgression is riches for the world and their failure is riches for the Gentiles, how much more will their fulfillment be! ... For if their rejection is the reconciliation of the world, what will their acceptance be but life from the dead?” (vv. 12, 15).
Although Paul knew that Israel was not rejected by God, was convinced of God’s love for the Jewish people and knew the certain outcome of Israel’s reconciliation, he still prayed. He prayed through the power of the Spirit. He prayed on God’s side and in Israel’s best interests. God is motivating people throughout the world to enter this cosmic conflict and bring judgment to victory through His love by the power of the Holy Spirit. For there is no greater duty for us in our spiritual reconnection towards Israel than to pray and intercede for their awakening, which is driven out of love.
Begin With the Messianic Jewish Brethren
We are called to do good to others and to prioritize the good we do. So then, while we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, and especially to those who are of the household of the faith (Gal. 6:10).
It is a good thing to pray for Israel and the Jewish people, but prioritize praying for the remnant of Israel. Consider prioritizing praying for the Jewish believers who are living in the Land of Israel, as well as the Nations.
Wisely Give Practical Help
Let’s talk about money (Rom. 15:27). Many believers are moved with compassion and generously express that compassion giving money to help poor Israelis and impoverished immigrants to Israel. Often these finances are given through organizations that are hostile to the Messianic Jewish community who live in the land of Israel. Rather than funneling monies through groups that are also dedicated to the destruction of the testimony of the Messiah in the Land, why not “do good” through believers of unquestioned integrity who are helping out the brethren?
Become a Bridge-Builder
Upon occasion I am asked to speak about the relationship of the believers from the nations with Messianic Jewish believers and communities. There are many barriers that need to be overcome and more than one way of viewing the problems and solutions to these problems. Really, from my perspective it is a wonderful thing when Gentile Christians take this up as part of their ministry.
Between Dan Juster’s and Michael Brown’s writings, there is enough information to get educated and qualified. Having a heart that is informed with good information goes a long way towards being an effective peacemaker and successful bridge builder.
This should come as no surprise, but I also recommend Grant Berry’s insightful book,The Ezekiel Generation. In particular, Grant addresses issues of transgenerational anti-Semitic spiritual pollution. Get his book and work through those prayers of repentance and renunciation. Becoming progressively free is a foundational prerequisite for entering into the ministry of reconciliation and all that God has for us in these coming days as He looks to connect His family between Jew and Gentile.
Begin Today
For those of you who know Jewish believers or Messianic Jewish congregations, please encourage them to continue to pursue the Spirit’s leading and power in the establishing of growing spiritual communities. Pray for the Messiah to raise up the ascension gifts (Eph. 4:11-13) in and amongst these communities. Pray for their effective ministry to the Jewish people and the nations. Encourage them in their expression of their identity as Jewish followers of Yeshua, as well as to their strengthening in the Holy Spirit.
Begin with love. Begin with prayer. Begin with the Messianic Jewish brethren. Become a bridge-builder. Begin today.
David Harwood is a Jewish believer who has pastored Restoration Fellowship in Glen Cove, New York, since the mid-1970s. A prophetic teacher and worship leader, David has presented this message in conferences, training centers and congregations in the United States, Israel, Canada and Mexico. For more information,

IDF General Defends Messianic Jewish Cadet

IDF General Defends Messianic Jewish Cadet

Friday, May 09, 2014 |  David Lazarus  ISRAEL TODAY
A cadet in the IDF Officer's Training School has been thrown out of the program for refusing to participate in a lecture about Messianic Jews.
The cadet was removed from the course after refusing to listen to a lecture from a fellow Messianic Jewish cadet on the New Testament and his faith in the Jewish Messiah. Cadets in the elite officer's training school learn to lecture on a topics of interest for their training officers and fellow cadets. One of the cadets, a Messianic Jewish believer, apparently chose to give a talk about the New Testament and Jewish faith in Yeshua.
The bold decision taken by General Avi Gil Commander of the IDF Officer's Training School reflects a new chapter in respect for Messianic Jews and Messianic Jewish faith in Israel.
Here is part of General Gil's communiqué with the rejected cadet:
"As a future officer you will be required to hold the line with all of your soldiers, no matter their religion or ethnicity, even when their beliefs may be in tension with your own. As an officer in the IDF you must insure a safe environment in which all your soldiers can serve. You must demonstrate a balanced approach in your decision making. Remember, you do not represent your own opinions, but rather the national consensus of the IDF approach to these matters."
In his summary statement from the cadet's trial, General Gil determined that "the cadet acted in a way that is in absolute opposition to the character and conventions of the IDF. There is no place in the IDF for officers holding extreme positions. A cadet cannot negate another's religious beliefs and refuse to listen to them."
At the military trail the cadet admitted, "I have a problem listening to a belief that is different that what I believe." General Gil concluded that "the cadet did not show that he even understood the problem with his position. Nor was he willing to receive any correction. Because of this," said the General, "the cadet was removed from the Officer's School."
In spite of all of this, General Gil recommended the soldier for service in other regular units the army. He was also given the opportunity to reapply for the next officers' training course if he "would be willing and able to go through a process of coming to grips with the issues he is struggling with," said the General.
In the past Messianic Jews were considered a security threat by the authorities and could not serve in sensitive units in the Israeli army. Today there are Messianic Jews serving as commanders and officers in every branch of the Israeli military including Intelligence which requires the highest level of security checks. Somewhere very high up in the ranks of the Israeli government and military a decision has been made that Messianic Jews are no longer considered a security risk but should be recognized as reliable and trustworthy citizens of Israel.
There are currently hundreds and perhaps even thousands of Messianic Jewish soldiers serving in the IDF. Many of them openly share their Messianic faith in Yeshua.
Messianic Jews in Israel are proud to serve their country. Many Messianic Israelis choose to serve in elite fighting units and most are exemplary soldiers who want to demonstrate that faith in Yeshua is not a betrayal of their Jewish heritage. In fact, faith in the Messiah gives them an even greater desire to serve the nation of Israel. "I feel like I am doing something really important," a Messianic Jewish soldier in the elite Iron Dome anti-missile unit told Israel Today. "This is something I have prepared to do for my people. I am glad that I can be here for such a time as this."
PHOTO: Front of the IDF officers' training school, emblazoned with Judges 7:17, in which Gideon tells his 300 warrior, "Watch me and follow my lead..."
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7 Things for Which to Thank Your Wife

Man and wife
Have you thanked your wife lately for all of the wonderful things she does? (iStock photo)

7 Things for Which to Thank Your Wife

We men can be notoriously bad at thanking people, starting with the person we love the most: our wife. Here are seven quick things we can thank our spouse for, one per day for the next week:
1. “Thanks for putting up with me and for loving me. I know I am not always easy to live with.”
2. “Thanks for all you do to provide good food for our family to eat.”
3. “Thanks for all you do around the house. You do a great job keeping things clean and organized.”
4. “Thanks for pouring your life into our children and making that tough but worthwhile investment.”
5. “Thank you for all the times you have prayed for me. Please keep it up!”
6. “Thank you for being wise with our finances to give our family a bright future.”
7. “Thanks for being you, for putting your family first, and for looking so gorgeous while you do it!”
All Pro Dad is Family First’s innovative and unique program for every father. Their aim is to interlock the hearts of the fathers with their children and, as a byproduct, the hearts of the children with their dads. At, dads in any stage of fatherhood can find helpful resources to aid in their parenting. Resources include daily emails, blogs, Top 10 lists, articles, printable tools, videos and eBooks. From, fathers can join the highly engaged All Pro Dad social media communities on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Instagram.

    For the original article, visit

    Blessings on Israel!

    May the Good Lord, God of Israel, 
    Yeshua HaMashiach, 
    bless Israel today with protection, 
    wisdom and a heart looking to Him.

    Steve & Laurie Martin
    Love For His People

    WATCH: Mother Asked Why She Didn’t Abort Baby With No Eyes - Her Touching Answer

    WATCH: Mother Asked Why She Didn’t Abort Baby With No Eyes - Her Touching Answer

    Christian Buchanan
    Christian Buchanan and his mother. (YouTube still)
    Christian Buchanan's parents chose life for him even amid his disability, and then faced hate and scorn from abortion activists online after they shared their video about why they rejected abortion.
    The video—already seen by millions around the worlds–is also an account of what happened when she first took Christian out in public (of how that sapped her spirits) and what has transpired since. Lacey tells the story by holding up to the camera pieces of paper with short narratives.

    The Group Forgotten by the Church by Ellen Stumbo

    The Group Forgotten by the Church 

    by Ellen Stumbo 

    - Identity Network

    I consider it an honor to be a pastor's wife. It is a privilege to be allowed into people's lives: their hurt, pain, devastation, joy, celebration, transformation. This church, this body of Christ - with all of its broken pieces along with its many gifts and talents - is beautiful. But it can also be so ignorant that it pushes away the most vulnerable.
    Recently, I was talking to a friend who attends a large and thriving church. She wanted to ask me about a comment her pastor said from the pulpit, because she felt uneasy as soon as it was said.
    "It saddens me to see people with disabilities in our church," he said. "It is a reminder that we do not have enough faith."
    Now let that sit with you for a minute.
    All Life has Value and Purpose
    I wish this was the only time when well-intentioned church leaders show their ignorance on disability or their lack of understanding that all life has value and purpose. I wish this was an isolated incident in which someone failed to recognize that we are all flawed - all of us. 

    Because what about the man that carries lust in his heart? Or the woman who is full of bitterness and jealousy? Are those not more damaging to our souls than a physical or intellectual disability? Do we not all need healing from the addictions, selfishness and pride that we carry?
    Perhaps we have forgotten that life is a journey and the ultimate healing will come as we stand before the Lord, our bodies restored, our brokenness gone. All of us, every single one of us, healed!
    My heart breaks as a member of this beautiful church when I see us failing the most vulnerable. When I see our ignorance crush a people group that needs us to come along their side and offer support, rather than judgment, of what we perceive to be a lack of faith.
    So what do we say when someone prays and prays and prays for healing? That they don't have enough faith? That there must be hidden sin in their lives? Isn't that ultimately what we communicate? And what does that say about God? Doesn't this attitude foster a perception of an uncaring, detached, judgmental God?
    When my daughter was born with Down syndrome, one of my friends confessed she thought I deserved it. She said that I must have done something wrong for God to give me a child with a disability. Sadly, this is the message she had heard from her church, the same church I had attended growing up, the same message I'd heard. Thankfully, at that point in life I had personal experience with children with disabilities. I also had a real, deep relationship with God, the same God that whispered to me, I don't make mistakes.
    So I clung to this verse:
    Oh yes, you shaped me first inside, then out;
    you formed me in my mother's womb.
    I thank you, High God-you're breathtaking!
    Body and soul, I am marvelously made!
    I worship in adoration-what a creation!

    You know me inside and out,
    you know every bone in my body;
    You know exactly how I was made, bit by bit,
    how I was sculpted from nothing into something.
    Like an open book, you watched me grow from conception to birth;
    all the stages of my life were spread out before you,
    The days of my life all prepared
    before I'd even lived one day (Ps. 139:13-16, MSG).

    The Church's Response
    So how does the church receive us families living with disability?
    Here is a sad reality: 80 percent of families that have a member with a disability do not attend church. Yes, 80 percent!
    There are several reasons, and I will let you hear from other families:
    • My child is not welcomed in any of the children's activities; they said he is too disruptive.
    • I took my child to Sunday school class, but they wheeled him to the corner, and he sat there until I came to pick him up.
    • They said I had to keep my child with me because they had nobody that could help care for her during children's church. I tried, but she can be noisy, so an usher asked us to please leave the sanctuary because she was disrupting the service.
    • I asked the pastor if we could possibly have someone help my child during Sunday school; they told me they were not responsible to find me babysitters.
    • It's not worth it. My child cannot handle the sensory overload.
    • When my child is loud, people stare at us and shake their heads. I even had people tell me that my child needs discipline. My child has autism, and they know it! I'm not going back.
    • My child is welcomed, but almost every Sunday they call me and I have to go get her from her class. Why bother?
    • I tried starting a special needs class for kids, but the church leadership did not support me; they said there was no need.
    • For 20 years, my wife and I took turns going to church. One Sunday she would go and I stayed home with our son; the next one we switched.

    Sadly, there are many more stories like these, and I often wonder, "Why is it that nobody offered to babysit their child during the service? Or in their home? Nobody thought it would be good for the parents to go to church?"
    I am especially astounded when I hear people say, "There is no need for a special needs focus in the church."
    I'm going to switch gears just for a second here.
    There is a strong home-schooling Christian movement where parents are concerned about the negative influence their children receive attending public school. Yes, it is a scary world out there, and I have considered home schooling myself. What our children get exposed to is devastating. Thankfully, there are so many Christian churches that fully support the home-schooling movement, investing time and resources to help this little community.
    So isn't it sad, isn't it puzzling, that the only classroom where our kids with special needs are fully included is the public school classroom rather than the Sunday school class? Isn't there something wrong when the public school setting is more accepting, loving and supportive to kids with disabilities rather than the church?
    Take a moment. Think about it.
    Reaching Out
    Did you know that 80 percent of marriages end up in divorce when there is a child with a disability in the family? So shouldn't the church support these families?
    Did you know that special needs families feel isolated? So shouldn't the church be the place where they feel included?
    Did you know that special needs families feel constantly judged? So shouldn't the church be a place where there is no judgment?
    Did you know that people with disabilities are the largest minority in the world? Yes - the largest minority!
    Disability ministry is a huge need! Let's wake up. We are the church!
    Disability is a part of life. It has nothing to do with faith. It has nothing to do with healing. It has everything to do with being human. It has everything to do with being the body of Christ. People with disabilities are part of the body, and we need them. We need them just as much as they need us. We are all connected in this journey - all of us. All of us!
    We have an unreached people group in our own backyard. A people group that has been marginalized by society for too long. It is time that as a church, we embrace them, we accept them and we celebrate them!
    Instead of praying for healing, let's pray for God to open our hearts and our eyes to the needs of people and children living with disability. Let's figure out how to do life together. And let's embrace, forgive, celebrate, accept and love unconditionally.
    And let's never forget that people/children with disabilities are people first, fearfully and wonderfully made.
    This beautiful church has much to learn about disability. We need to create awareness and educate our leaders, and in doing so, it is important that we extend grace and forgiveness. You and I can be a part of the solution. Grace and forgiveness - we all need it.
    Ellen Stumbo
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    Thursday, May 8, 2014

    "I look up to the mountains..." Psalm 121

    A Pilgrim Song - 
    Psalm 121, The Message

    I look up to the mountains; 
    does my strength come from mountains?
    No, my strength comes from God, 
    who made heaven, and earth, and mountains.

    He won’t let you stumble, 
    your Guardian God won’t fall asleep.
    Not on your life! 
    Israel’s Guardian will never doze or sleep.

    God’s your Guardian, 
    right at your side to protect you—
    Shielding you from sunstroke, 
    sheltering you from moonstroke.

    God guards you from every evil, 
    He guards your very life.
    He guards you when you leave 
    and when you return,
    He guards you now, 
    He guards you always.

    Archaeologist Says He's Found King David's Citadel

    Archaeologist Says He's Found 

    King David's Citadel

    JERUSALEM, Israel -- An Israeli archaeologist says he found the legendary citadel captured by King David. The conquest allowed David to establish Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.
    The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is wrapped up in the discovery. Archaeologist Eli Shukron found the citadel in east Jerusalem in a predominately Arab neighborhood.
    The Elad Foundation, an organization that strives to prevent the city from being divided, financed the discovery. Arabs want that land as the capital for a future Palestinian state.
    The site also rekindles the debate about using the Bible as a field guide to identify ancient ruins.
    "For many people the Bible is a dusty book sitting on a shelf in some room in your home. But here we actually see stories of the Bible matching the archaeology in its place," Doron Spielman, vice president of City of David Foundation, said. "We can open up the pages of the Bible and literally they come alive for us from the very stones in this location."
    The excavation cost $10 million and is now open to tourists.

    Michael W. Smith & African Children's Choir "When I Think Of You"

    Michael W. Smith & African Children's Choir "When I Think Of You"

    John Paul Jackson Vows to Fight Aggressive Cancer With Prayer

    John Paul Jackson

    John Paul Jackson Vows to Fight 

    Aggressive Cancer With Prayer

    John Paul Jackson, perhaps best known for his prophetic dream interpretations, has been diagnosed with cancer. Doctors found a large, aggressive cancerous growth in his leg that needs immediate treatment.
    “I have said on many occasions that I do not always understand God’s ways, especially in the heat of a test, but I do always trust Him, in good times and in difficult times,” Jackson writes. He called the cancer his “greatest personal test.”
    In the face of the cancer diagnoses, Jackson has canceled his upcoming speaking engagements to prepare for what he calls a “rigorous treatment protocol.”
    “I have not ruled out any and all forms of treatment paths, but at the top of that list is prayer. I know that God can heal me in one instant or through the hands of doctors over time,” Jackson says. “We are focusing our faith for a miracle, while following doctor’s advice until my healing is complete.”
    During his treatment, Jackson vows to do what God has called him to do as best he can. But he will not include travel in the mix.
    “I am pursuing the kingdom of God and equipping people to do the same as vigorously as I am able. I refuse to allow the enemy a stronghold in my thoughts. God is great and all-powerful,” Jackson says. “I believe He will take me through this battle. In the process, God will gain a great victory and His name will be glorified.”
    Jackson has asked believers everywhere to join in the battle with him by offering two minutes a day to ask God to heal him and destroy the works of the evil one.
    “Just two minutes will make a huge difference in separating light from darkness and health from disease,” Jackson says. “Please pray for Diane and me. With your prayers, we will see God glorified, and what Satan meant for evil will be seen as the glory of God being displayed.”