Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Flood pictures in my village - Moses Julius in Lahore (Pakistan) with Shalom Today

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Moses Julius with Shalom Today kids
Flood Pictures in My Village
Dear Brothers and sisters,
Now a day’s Pakistani Christians facing problem regarding heavy rainfall in Lahore on 1 September to 7 September 2014. Mostly people lost their (homes, cattle, farms and fields) some families lost their relatives unfortunately where we conduct our Sabbath meeting this place was also affected by flood.
But Thanks God our Shalom Today kids and their families are safe by His Grace and your prayers. But they lost their materialistic things like (clothes, animals, crops, and furniture Etc)
 Shalom Today worldwide Ministry has planned to provide Clothes and food for Shalom Today kids families. Because Pakistani government doesn’t pay attention for these Christian villages.
We humbly request to you Please contribute little bit to help these flood victims.
 Here is Video link and Newspaper Report of flood in my village please check it.

If God urges you to help our Shalom Today kids and their families then you can send your donation online through Money Gram

Musa Julius
Phone number (+92-345-4382961)


Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Chick-fil-A's S. Truett Cathy Remembered for His Strong Faith, Christian Business Principles

  • Truett at chick fil a
    (Photo: Chick-fil-A)
    Truett Cathy in 2006. S. Truett Cathy died at 1:35 a.m. Monday at the age of 93.

Chick-fil-A's S. Truett Cathy Remembered for His Strong Faith, Christian Business Principles


September 8, 2014
News of Chick-fil-A founder and chairman emeritus S. Truett Cathy's death has prompted an outpouring of pastors, ministry leaders and politicians praising his faith and business ethic.
Media notices from the family indicate that Cathy, 93, died early Monday morning in his home surrounded by loved ones.
Son and Chick-fil-A CEO Dan T. Cathy shared the news on Twitter writing, "We will miss him dearly. Please remember our family in prayer this week."

Remembrances poured in as the news quickly spread throughout both Twitter and Facebook. Atlanta Mayor Kasim Reed tweeted, "Our city is saddened by the loss of Truett Cathy, founder of GA's own @ChickfilA. His legacy will live on through his family and good works."
Cathy, who grew up in Atlanta, built up the chicken sandwich chain from a small diner in Hapeville, Georgia. Chick-fil-A has since grown to become one of the nation's largest family-owned companies, exceeding $5 billion in annual sales in 2013.
Cathy's admirers celebrated his business acumen. House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, tweeted, "Sad to hear of Truett Cathy's passing. He was a great American entrepreneur who treated his employees well."
Megachurch Pastor Perry Noble described the-late restaurateur on Twitter as "a great man who built a great business, has a great family and kept your eyes on Jesus, you will be missed!"
Financial guru Dave Ramsey posted on his Twitter account, "RIP My friend Truett Cathy. A godly man who loved his family well and showed us faith in the market place."
Billy Graham Evangelistic Association CEO Franklin Graham posted on Facebook, "I knew Mr. Cathy for many years and had the privilege of riding motorcycles with him. He was a fine Christian gentleman that carried his Christian business principles throughout life. His restaurants were never open on Sunday out of respect for the Lord's day. He was kind and extremely generous and used the profits from his business to help others. He will be greatly missed."
Cathy, a devout Southern Baptist who taught Sunday school for 50 years, enacted a company-wide "Closed-on-Sunday" policy that allowed employees of all its locations to have a day for family, worship, fellowship and rest.
The policy is but one example of the founder's faith. As his business began to take off, Cathy reached out into the Atlanta community through his nonprofit, the WinShape Foundation. The foundation, formed in 1984, set its sights on shaping winners by "helping young people succeed in life through scholarship and other youth-support programs." Those programs eventually grew into national platforms for leadership training, long-term foster care housing, and marital counseling.
The Cathys' conservative stance on marriage has become the subject of much criticism over the years. Dan Cathy, in a 2012 interview on "The Ken Coleman Show," said of the company: "We are very much supportive of the family — the biblical definition of the family unit. We are a family-owned business, a family-led business, and we are married to our first wives. We give God thanks for that."
Though Dan Cathy later pledged the company would not champion any political agendas surrounding marriage or family, the Cathys stood firm on its Christian values.
Former Congresswoman and presidential candidate Michele Bachmann, R-Minnesota, posted on Facebook, "He was a remarkable man whose life was purposely lived in a manner that pointed toward the cross. Thank you for a lifetime of honorably standing strong for American free enterprise, job creation, faith in Christ, and religious liberties. My thoughts are with his loved ones today."
Southern Baptist Theological Seminary President R. Albert Mohler tweeted, "Thankful to God for the generous life and courageous Christian example of S. Truett Cathy, founder of @ChickFilA — a life well lived."
The Cathy family will host two public viewings at First Baptist Church in Jonesboro, Georgia. The first viewing is scheduled at 4 to 7 p.m. on Tuesday. The second will be noon to 1:30 p.m. on Wednesday. A public funeral will be held after the second viewing. A private burial service will be held on Thursday.

Wounded Syrian Boy Rides Donkey to Israel

Wounded Syrian Boy Rides Donkey to Israel

Tuesday, September 09, 2014 |  Aviel Schneider   ISRAEL TODAY
A badly wounded 12-year-old Syrian boy recently rode a donkey to the safety of neighboring Israel, one of hundreds of his embattled countrymen to make the desperate journey, only to find themselves lovingly embraced by the same Jews they were taught to hate.
The boy and his family suffered serious injuries during bombing of their neighborhood near Damascus as part of Syria’s ongoing civil war.
He was blinded and his arms were badly wounded in the shelling. Doctors at Ziv Medical Center in northern Israel told Israel Today the boy’s harrowing tale.
First, the family made their way from Damascus to Lebanon, where doctors amputated one of his arms, but were able to do little more. The boy was released from the local hospital, but the family was unable to return to Damascus with escalating fighting blocking the roads.
The boy’s brother, desperate and determined, decided to take his sibling to Israel.
As they reached the Syrian side of Mt. Hermon, the older boy loaded his little brother on a donkey and they started the difficult climb to the border, where, to their surprise, they were warmly greeted by Israeli soldiers who immediately transferred them to Ziv Hospital.
Doctors at the hospital told us that their newest Syrian patient has been overwhelmed by the treatment he receives in Israel. While the boy and his brother worry for their family, they constantly express thanks for the Israeli doctors and nurses who have selflessly provided love and care. Given what they were raised to believe about Israel, neither boy could have dreamed of such an outcome to their arduous journey.
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A Prophetic Look at How God Will Awaken Israel

A Prophetic Look at How God Will Awaken Israel

Grant Berry on the Jewish Voice with Jonathan Bernis
Grant Berry on the Jewish Voice with Jonathan Bernis (YouTube)
Simply put, according to Scripture, the church is the chosen vessel of God to breathe spiritual life back into Israel. The apostle Paul makes this clear to us not only with an example of his own life and deeds, but also in Romans 11 as he reminds us about the mercy that we have received from God through our own salvation, that now we would release that mercy back to Israel.
"Just as you who were at one time disobedient to God have now received mercy as a result of their disobedience, so they too have now become disobedient in order that they too may now receive mercy as a result of God's mercy to you" (Rom. 11:30-31).
Also in Romans, Paul encourages us speaking specifically about reaching the Jewish people, "How then can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them?" (Rom. 10:14).
Weren't most of us blind before we could see? So, shouldn't we be operating out of love and grace for those who are still blind? This would include the Jewish people, who have been supernaturally blinded by God Himself until the appointed time of their redemption (Is. 6:9-10). Should the flavor and the saltiness of our salvation and ongoing relationship with Yeshua/Jesus be like a fountain flowing from our hearts into the lives of those all around us who have yet to taste and see that the Lord is good?
Yet Israel's spiritual blindness has truly baffled us, with many in the church saying that God is finished with Israel, or has even replaced her. Yet the same text tells us that their hardening is only temporary, and as we come into the fullness of the Gentiles, so it says that all Israel will be saved. (Rom. 11:25-26) Jesus Himself has told us that the first would be last. In other words, His firstborn children must be spiritually awakened and re-grafted back into the Olive Tree at the end (the last), before Jesus can return in fulfillment of the covenants toward them and the numerous Scriptures to restore them back into the family of God.
If you are still unclear about this and God's unfailing love for Israel, which by the way does not condone everything they do, because they are still in need of redemption, listen to the prophet Jeremiah who had the daunting task of facing Israel's rebellion. "Only if the heavens above can be measured and the foundations of the earth below be searched out will I reject all the descendants of Israel because of all they have done," declares the Lord (Jer. 31:37).
What Does 'All Israel' Mean?
It also may help us to better understand what the phrase all Israel actually means. While it is obviously a remnant, the Scriptures here relating to all Israel are different from the others in Romans; the key word being UNTIL, which means "up to the time of." When you tie this verse into other Scripture like Zech. 12:10, which speaks of a mass awakening of Israel, we know that their hardening will come to an end.
If you word search "remnant" in Romans, two references come up. The first in 9:27 tells us that as a total only a remnant will be saved and that is true, because many rejected over all time. The second reference is more specific to a particular time, which not only includes all of the apostles and all of the Jews who founded the church from the time of Messiah up until the time of Israel's awakening. But it also includes Jews like myself who have been chosen during this time of ingathering and focus of the rest of God's sheep from the nations (John 10:16). We are a remnant chosen by grace. However, the awakening at the end is different, as the hardening is lifted when the Father's work is completed in the nations. Just like at one time, the Gentiles ingathering into the kingdom was still a mystery (Col. 1:27), so with Israel's awakening another mystery is revealed. The last shall be first and the first last. In addition verse 26 in Romans 11 ties in perfectly here to Ezekiel's prophecies (Ez. 36:22-28; 37:9-11)."Where God will turn godliness away from Jacob. And this is my Covenant with them when I take away their sins."
As we near the time of the fullness of the Gentiles, which I believe we are quickly approaching, something different takes place with the people of Israel. The veil, the hardening that has been in place for over 2,500 years, gets removed (Is. 6:9-10), and they are fully awakened. This is the mystery revealed, as Israel is also part of the bride that must be prepared for His coming. In this manner the spiritual family becomes complete between Jew and Gentile, and Israel along with her commonwealth from the nations are in place to rule and reign as co-heirs with Yeshua/Jesus, when He comes!
Even here though there is a falling away if we believe the fulfillment of Zechariah's prophecies to be taking place at the end here, as opposed to 135 AD (Zech. 13:8), when Jerusalem was ransacked right before the end and two-thirds perish, with only one-third remaining. However, whoever is left, obviously a remnant, MUST be fully awakened and restored, because once that veil gets lifted, every Jew will come into repentance, so that the broken-off branch gets re-grafted back in and the family is then complete for Jesus' return. But this does not happen on its own, just with the Father and Israel as the church now thinks and believes.
The Father's Glory Plan
This is the Father's glory plan to show Himself through Israel's spiritual awakening to the nations (Ez. 36:22-28), but also through the church to work through them with His mercy; our intercession and evangelism (Ez. 37:9-11). Does this help you to understand this better? Can we please try to consider that as we enter this time of transition into the fullness of the Gentiles that perhaps there are adjustments that we will need to make concerning Israel and this spiritual awakening, which must take place? Looking at time as a whole may help us to better understand this. For hasn't God now spent equal time on His Jewish and Gentile family throughout history? Two thousand years on His firstborn children since Abraham's call and two thousand years on His children from the nations. However, as we come down to the end, we know that Israel must be spiritually restored. So the Holy Spirit is beginning to move us into this direction so that Israel can be awakened and the bride prepared for His coming. As a result, this time we are coming into is different from the past, as the family must be reconnected spiritually and become one.
However, what we may not have seen properly up until this time is that we are intricately linked together to bring about God's glory upon the Earth. I believe this to be God's design to finally unite His family between Jew and Gentile. For if Israel's spiritual awakening will bring this glory (Ez. 36:22-28), who is it that will breathe life back into them? Will it just be between them and God, or does God always work through humankind to bring about His plans? Didn't God work through Israel to bring the gospel to the nations through His Jewish apostles? Now, in turn, to complete the family circle, He desires to work through us in His church to help breathe that life back into the Jewish people. It makes perfect sense when you think of it in this family light. What a plan!
I always say that if we truly knew the significance and consequences of this transaction in us, we would actually run to it with all of our heart, with all our might, and with all our strength!
Grant Berry is a Jewish believer in Yeshua/Jesus and author of The New Covenant Prophecy and The Ezekiel Generation. He has founded Reconnecting Ministries with the specific focus to help the church reconnect spiritually to Israel and considers it vital to the kingdom of G-d in the last days. His message focuses on the unity, love and healing that the Father wants to bring between Jew and Gentile yet clearly points out the differences and misunderstandings between the two groups. Now is the time to look more carefully into this mystery to make way for healing and reconnection in the Spirit. For more information, please visit

    French 'Aliyah' Leads the World

    French 'Aliyah' Leads the World

    JERUSALEM, Israel -- Rising anti-Semitism in France is spurring many of the country's Jewish residents to immigrate to Israel.
    Today, French Jews are leading the rest of the world in aliyah -- immigration to Israel under the Law of Return -- the Jewish Agency in France reports.
    "France is today the leading country for Jewish emigration to Israel," Ariel Kandel, head of the Jewish Agency's French office, said. "We will get close to 6,000 departures from France in 2014."
    By August 31, Israel's Ministry of Immigration Absorption showed 4,566 French Jews have immigrated to Israel since the beginning of the year.
    France is home to the largest Muslim population in Europe, estimated at around 5 million. The IDF's 50-day operation against Hamas rocket fire sparked widespread anti-Israel rioting in July. The phenomenon, which is not new in France, has many French Jews deciding it's no longer a safe place to live and raise children.
    On August 22, two teenage Muslim girls were indicted for conspiracy to commit terrorism, Arutz Sheva quoted a Newsweek report. 
    According to the report, the teens, aged 15 and 17, from two different cities, communicated via social media. The girls were arrested after the Central Directorate of Homeland Intelligence, France's equivalent of Israel's Shin Bet, revealed a plot to carry out a suicide bombing at the Great Synagogue of Lyon. 
    In 2012, a rabbi and three children were gunned down by Mohammed Merah at a Jewish day school in Toulouse. 
    The French Jewish community, down from 600,000 to 500,000, is one of the largest in the world, next to the U.S.