Thursday, September 11, 2014


WASHINGTON – Wall Street analysts have pondered the mystery of what appears to be seven-year economic cycles.
They’ve also wondered why crashes seem to come in September.
Jonathan Cahn, author of the mega-bestselling book “The Harbinger,” thinks he has figured it out.
In his sequel, called of “The Mystery of the Shemitah,” the messianic rabbi reveals the shocking discovery that the five great economic crashes of the last 40 years – 1973, 1980, 1987, 2001 and 2008 – have all occurred in Shemitah years – those God set apart as sabbath years.
The new book has rocketed to become an instant bestseller, listed at No. 8 overall on, and No. 1 in Amazon’s Christian prophecies section.
Cahn was taken to the hospital with pneumonia over the Labor Day holiday weekend, postponing appearances for the promotion of “The Mystery of the Shemitah,” although he had been able to make a scheduled appearance on “The Sid Roth Show.”
As he pointed out in his earlier book, in 2001 and 2008 they coincided precisely with the exact end of the Shemitah year on the Hebrew calendar day of Elul 29.
As he did with his previous book, Cahn announced his findings on Sid Roth’s “It’s Supernatural” TV program – even before the book was officially released for sale by bookstores nationwide today.
What does it all mean?
Cahn summed up his message by saying, “America is progressing toward God’s judgment.”
According to the Bible, the Shemitah year was set aside as a blessing for the nation of Israel.
Like the weekly Sabbath, the Shemitah year would be a time of rest for the land and for the agricultural society. There would be no sowing and reaping. Instead, God would provide food miraculously for the people, as He did during the Exodus from Egypt.
Leviticus 25:4 says: “But in the seventh year shall be a sabbath of rest unto the land, a sabbath for the Lord: thou shalt neither sow thy field, nor prune thy vineyard.”
However, Cahn points out, if the Shemitah was not observed by the people, it would become a curse, as described later in Leviticus chapter 25. That’s exactly what happened, Cahn says in 586 B.C., a Shemitah year, when the Temple fell and Judah went into captivity in Babylon for 70 years.
It’s no mystery that of “The Mystery of the Shemitah” comes out just before the next Shemitah cycle begins Sept. 25, 2014 – ending Sept. 13, 2015.
Cahn explains the Shemitah can has several meanings. It can mean a “release” – and in ancient Israel debts were canceled and land returned to its original owners. But it can also mean “to fall, to collapse, to shake,” he says.
But the Shemitah seems to be affecting the U.S. economy throughout much of the nation’s history.
The eight greatest postwar economic crashes are all mysteriously connected to a biblical Sabbath year pattern known in Hebrew as “the Shemitah,” reveals the book – evidence certain to rock the world of financial speculators, stock market traders and economists.
Among the stunning findings of the author who found jaw-dropping links between the 9/11 terrorist attack and an otherwise obscure biblical passage, Isaiah 9:10, is that 100 percent of the worst U.S. economic calamities since World War II are all lined to the “Shemitah,” the biblical Sabbath year, its wake or the biblical month of Tishri in which the “Shemitah” falls.
But more than that – all of the great economic crashes in U.S. history, including the Great Depression, line up with Shemitah years.
“It has been affecting everything in our lives,” says Cahn. “There’s no end to it. It’s amazing. It’s precise. It’s down to the days, the hours, the minutes, even the seconds.”
In 1931, a solar eclipse took place on Sept. 12 – the end of a “Shemitah” year. Eight days later, England abandoned the gold standard, setting off market crashes and bank failures around the world. It also ushered in the greatest monthlong stock market percentage crash in Wall Street history.
In 1987, a solar eclipse took place Sept. 23 – again the end of a “Shemitah” year. Less than 30 days later came “Black Monday” the greatest percentage crash in Wall Street history.
Is Cahn predicting doom and gloom on Sept. 13, 2015? He’s careful to avoid a prediction, saying, “In the past, this ushered in the worst collapses in Wall Street history. What will it bring this time? Again, as before, the phenomenon does not have to manifest at the next convergence. But, at the same time, and again, it is wise to take note.”
To top it off, “Shemitah” years are also grouped in sevens – with the 50th year being a year of jubilee – or trumpet blast.
“The jubilee was something of a super Shemitah,” writes Cahn. “It was the Shemitah taken to a new level. In the year of the Shemitah the land rested – so too in the Year of Jubilee. In the year of the Shemitah came release. But in the Year of Jubilee the release took on new meaning. It was not simply the letting go of land or debt. In the jubilee, slaves and prisoners were set free. It was thus the year of liberty.”
While no one is certain when the year of jubilee is, Cahn presents evidence that the next one may coincide with the end of the next Shemitah year – again Sept. 13 on the Gregorian calendar.
Cahn also looks at the five greatest financial turning points of the past 40 years and finds they are connected to the Shemitah cycle.
As he puts it, “From the 40-year period beginning in 1973, every single one of the five greatest financial and economic peaks and collapses have converged, clustered and taken place according to the set time of the Shemitah.”
“Something very much more than natural is indeed going on,” concludes the understated Cahn. “And the signs of the phenomenon all point to the same ancient biblical mystery. If the collapse of the world’s stock markets were an act of crime, the Shemitah would have long ago been indicted for the evidence left at the crime scene. In its numbers, its connections, its convergences, its percentages, its magnitude and its consistency, the amount of fingerprints covering the financial cataclysms of modern times is overwhelming.”
Likewise, “The Mystery of the Shemitah” is somewhat overwhelming too. The economic coincidences are only part of the story. The book also explores the rise and fall of kingdoms and their connections with the Shemitah cycles – its connections with World War I, World War II and the Cold War.
But Cahn is careful not to predict what will happen in the coming Shemitah year.
“The phenomenon may manifest in one cycle and not in another and then again in the next,” he writes. “And the focus of the message is not date-setting but the call of God to repentance and return. At the same time, something of significance could take place, and it is wise to note the times.”
Cahn also notes the fact that 2014 and 2015 are marked by a series of blood moons – a pattern that began on Passover 2014 and will conclude on the Feast of Tabernacles in 2015, as discovered by Pastor Mark Biltz, author of “Blood Moons” and the inspiration for a documentary of the same name.


The Bar Mitzvah of September 11th

A Jewish boy celebrating his Bar Mitzvah this coming Shabbat would have been born following the terrorist attacks in the United States on September 11th, 2001. Born already in the post 9/11 world, today’s Bar Mitzvah boy has lived his entire life under the shadow of Islamic terrorism.

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America and Israel Standing United on 9/11

A message of solidarity on this solemn day that unites America and Israel, September 11th.

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The Nations of the World Will Be Blessed

We all remember where we were when we heard of the first plane hitting the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001, causing panic, anguish, and concern. Some understood it was a terror attack right away...The terror attacks that day are all etched into our memory. Amid the shock, grief, anger, and prayers, we were horrified by the celebrations we saw coming from throughout the Middle East. But Israel was the exception.

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An Appeal to Joel and Victoria Osteen

An Appeal to Joel and Victoria Osteen

Joel and Victoria Osteen
Joel and Victoria Osteen (Lakewood Church, Facebook)

In the Line of Fire, by Michael Brown
Dear Joel and Victoria, I hope and pray that you will read this letter and that you take to heart the things I'm sharing. I write as a friend wanting to help, not an enemy wanting to hurt, and everything I write, I write out of love for God, love for you, and love for the church and the world.
I have said many times that I'm glad to see your smiling faces on TV as you speak about Jesus rather than some stern-faced, joyless, angry Christian leader. And I believe you genuinely do care about people and want them to find wholeness in the Lord.
Joel, I appreciate the fact that you end every service by asking people to get right with God, having them pray a prayer where they say to Jesus, "I repent of my sins, come into my heart, I make you Lord and Savior."
The big problem is that you haven't told them what their sins are, and you haven't told them what real repentance is. And since you are speaking to people around the world, you can't possibly assume that all of them understand the meaning of sin and redemption and repentance. (Most American Christians don't even understand these things today.)
In short, you have not shared with them the whole counsel of God, and by telling them only part of the story, you have done what the false prophets of ancient Israel did: "You superficially treat the fracture of My people saying to them, 'All is well, all is well,' when nothing is well" (Jer. 6:14, my translation).
A true physician tells his patients what they need to hear, not what they want to hear. As one preacher of old, Jean Daille, once said, "Ministers are not cooks, but physicians and therefore should not study to delight the palate, but to recover the patient."
Have you been more of a junk-food cook than a physician? Have you been afraid to tell people their true condition? Have you been so concerned with making them feel good about themselves and giving them a sense of hope that you failed to diagnose their terminal sin disease?
Paul said to the elders of Ephesus, "I testify to you this day that I am innocent of the blood of all, for I did not shrink from declaring to you the whole counsel of God" (Acts 20:26-27).
Do you really believe in your heart of hearts that you have declared the whole counsel of God to your listening audience?
God has given you one of the largest platforms for the gospel in human history. Can you say before Him that you are "innocent of the blood of all"?
Have you ever taught extensively on the words of Jesus from the Sermon on the Mount? Have you ever worked your way through one of the letters of Paul? If not, why not?
Proverbs tells us that, "Whoever rebukes a man will afterward find more favor than he who flatters with his tongue" (28:23). Do you believe God's Word, or do you feel you have found a better way to do His work?
I appreciate the fact that you hold up your Bible before you preach, as your father did, and you have people make a confession about God's Word, as you also learned to do from your father. But do you really preach that holy Word?
Shortly before Paul was martyred for his faith, he reminded Timothy that, "All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness" (2 Tim. 3:16).
He also gave him this solemn commission: "I charge you in the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who is to judge the living and the dead, and by his appearing and his kingdom: Preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, and exhort, with complete patience and teaching" (2 Tim. 4:1-2).
Is this your pattern of preaching and ministry? Do you rebuke in love (Prov. 27:5) as well as exhort and encourage?
Perhaps it's time to ask yourself honestly where you fit in this warning from Paul: "For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths" (2 Tim. 4:1-4).
Wouldn't it be utterly heartbreaking if, on the day you stand before God, you discovered that you were one of these teachers? Wouldn't it be tragic if your efforts were found to be wood, hay and stubble on that great and glorious Day (1 Cor. 3:11-15)? And may I ask you candidly if you even talk about that holy day of accounting?
Some Christians have referred to you and Victoria as outright heretics, others have said that you are fighting against the Holy Spirit (since the Spirit convicts the world of sin but your preaching does not), others have said that you are a pagan religionist, while others have said that your superficial message of material prosperity cannot bear the weight of the gospel.
These are very serious charges, but rather than just saying, "Hey, I'm just going to love everybody and stay in my lane," perhaps you should ask if these leaders might be saying something you need to hear. Is there any truth at all in their words? Could it be that God's lane for you is different than the lane you're in?
It would be far better for you to see your TV ratings fall and your crowds dwindle than to displease the Lord. (Perhaps if you preached the whole counsel of God, your audience would end up even bigger.)
By all means, you should be an ambassador of hope and joy—that's all part of the gospel—but if you don't speak about sin plainly and without compromise and if you don't tell people that there will be suffering and hardship in this world as we follow Jesus, then the hope that you offer will only go skin deep.
Have you ever wondered about how your message plays out among Christians who are going through hell on Earth because of their faith in Jesus? Have you ever thought about what your message sounds like to persecuted believers today who just had to leave their homes and possessions behind to flee for their lives?
And Victoria, if I may speak with you for just a moment, your recent comments that have gone viral have drawn a stream of well-deserved criticism, even if some of it came in an ugly and wrong spirit.
The reality is that our lives are supposed to revolve around God; He doesn't revolve around us. And even though worship and praise are good for us too, since they focus our attention on who God is and bring us into His presence, we do not worship or serve Him for ourselves but for Him. As Paul wrote, Jesus died for all so "that those who live might no longer live for themselves but for him who for their sake died and was raised" (2 Cor. 5:15).
This is Gospel 101, as basic as it gets, yet you turned things upside down during that one regrettable moment on TV, a moment that reflected a wrong, off-base theology that starts with us and that says God is here to please us rather than starting with God and recognizing that we are here to please Him.
Joel and Victoria, I know these words have been strong, but they are written with love and concern. And since I have no connection to anyone on your team and I don't know of any way to reach you directly, after prayer and reflection, I felt that this was the best way to go, addressing public statements publicly, jealous for the Name of Jesus, jealous for your massive listening audience, and jealous for both of you.
Without a doubt, there are many people you have helped; you have also hurt far more than you realize. I pray you will take this to heart.
Michael Brown is author of Can You Be Gay and Christian? Responding With Love and Truth to Questions About Homosexuality and host of the nationally syndicated talk radio show The Line of Fire on the Salem Radio Network. He is also president of FIRE School of Ministry and director of the Coalition of Conscience. Follow him at AskDrBrown on Facebook or at @drmichaellbrown on Twitter.
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From Lance Wallnau | The Presidents Crisis

Lance Wallnau

The Presidents Crisis

We're going to discover a whole new level of angels and warfare in the next season. I love it actually because God has never been more real.

In the last 90 days I've been on two flights that had critical situations right after takeoff - things the pilots NEVER encountered before that required emergency landings.

One was actually something they call "a controlled crash."

The most recent was last week!  Both came after meeting with Prophets.

However, God has plans that the enemy can't stop.

The safest place to be is neither in the rear of the army or at home but rather smack dab right in the center of the call of God.

"7m" army is advancing as a new strategic front line force in the battle for America.


In this letter and the accompanying video I am sharing a DISTURBING INSIGHT into the Presidents season of warfare, ISIS and Putin - coming right from the Prophetic radar.

I also share a STRATEGY on how to COUNTER THIS EVIL, pray and stand in the gap.

I believe you will experience a REAL CHARGE in your spirit from this video, especially as we enter spontaneous prayer at the end.


Lance & Abelle

Source: Lance Wallnau webinar

Lance with Seven Mountains painting by James Nesbit.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Jonathan Cahn Unlocks Thousands of Years of Mystery - THE MYSTERY OF SHEMITAH

Jonathan Cahn Unlocks Thousands of Years of Mystery


The mystery of Shemitah is about the events happening in America and around the world that were predicted to the time and date of occurrence. Jonathan says that these revelations are based on the Torah and other ancient scriptures. To unlock these mysteries, one will have to know the five keys of Shemitah.
The first key is related to the Sabbath that Jews observe and is based on Leviticus 25:1-4, “As every seventh day was the Sabbath day, so every seventh year was the Sabbath year.” The Shemitah of ancient Israel refers not only to the releasing of the land but also to the nullification of debt and credit ordained by God and performed on a massive nationwide scale.
The second key is the judgment sign based on Jeremiah 25:4-11. According to Jonathan, the Shemitah was a sign of the nation’s covenant with God. Everything the Israelites had was dependent on the covenant and the relationship with God. It was entrusted to them but belonged to God, and if they turned away from God, then their blessings would be removed, or rather, they would be removed from their blessings.
The third key is the Shemitah as the prophetic sign. On one hand is the Shemitah as a religious sign of observance, the Sabbath year. On the other hand is a national cataclysm that sets a city on fire and wipes away an entire kingdom. One is all about release, the other-a nation taken by force into captivity and exile. Jonathan says that these realities do not go together but are one and the same. According to the account, that which fell upon the land of Israel in 586 BC was not just connected to the Shemitah. It was the Shemitah.
The fourth key is the Israel of the new world. Jonathan says that most would find it surprising to learn that America was consciously, intentionally and specifically founded after the pattern of ancient Israel. It’s founders saw it as a new Israel, the Israel of the New World. The New World was their new promised land, and the Massachusetts Bay was their New Jerusalem. Jonathan also says the legal system, the mountains of America, the Hebrew language taught in school are all things that are linked to the nation of Israel and it’s foundations.
The fifth key is the Tishri Connection. The themes of Tishri match with the themes of Shemitah as both speak of God’s sovereignty, linked to judgement, both call the nations to return to God and are linked to the nullification, cancellation and release concerned with sin and debt. The only difference is that Shemitah is the seventh year and Tishri is the seventh month. Tishri is connected with the proclaiming of the Lord as King and Sovereign over the world, over the nation and over the lives of His people. The month of Tishri is also the known as the time of judgement.
The destruction of the twin towers was not the end in the mystery of the towers. There would be another says Jonathan. It would rise up from the site on which the twin towers had been struck down-Ground Zero. It would become a symbol of the rebuilding of America in the wake of 9/11. American leaders would speak of it even before it came into existence and then, as it rose, hail it’s rising as a symbol of the nation’s pride and resilience. The tower would stand as the embodiment of America itself. 
Jonathan says this prophecy relates to the Tower of Babel in the Bible, found in Genesis 11:4. Babel was established as they wanted to make a name for themselves due to pride and arrogance. Jonathan says that the events that are taking place in America are falling into the same lines.
To avert judgement, we must return one last time to the burning ruins of Jerusalem in 586 BC. The prophet Jeremiah had warned his nation unceasingly that the day of its calamity was coming. Jonathan says they could have averted if they turned back to God but they did not listen to the prophet. Today, Jonathan says that America is heading down the same path but says there is still hope. He also says God is sovereign and for every prophecy, there is grace for fulfillment of that prophecy. Where there is repentance, there is revival says Jonathan.
Click here below to watch:

Watch Jonathan's Interview Now! 

Purchase now from CBN: The Mystery of the Shemitah

Author of The Mystery of the Shemitah (2014) and The Harbinger Companion (2013)
President of Hope of the World ministries
Senior Pastor and Rabbi for Beth Israel Worship Center, Garfield, NJ
Reaches out to Jew and Gentile
Led 70,000 in altar call in India, Nigeria and many more
Married to Renata with two children
Graduate of State University of New York, NY

9 Serious Questions You Should Ask Before Getting Married - J. Lee Grady

Shouldn't you ask these questions before you get married?
Shouldn't you ask these questions before you get married? (iStock photo)

Fire in My Bones, by J. Lee Grady
Marriage is supposed to be heavenly, but it can end up being hell on Earth if you (1) marry the wrong person or (2) find out after you're married that your spouse was hiding some dark secrets. Just ask my friend "Carlos," who was married for a year before he learned that his wife owed thousands of dollars in credit-card debt. The tension caused by a shopping addiction—and her ongoing deception—led to divorce.
Anyone who's been through a job interview knows employers try to identify potential problems by asking lots of questions before they hire anyone. Some companies take months to recruit high-level employees because they know one wrong hiring decision can cost millions of dollars. So why wouldn't you be even more careful before you tie the knot with the person you plan to spend the rest of your life with?
I'm amazed by how many Christian couples don't use wisdom when choosing a mate or neglect to get premarital counseling before they walk down the aisle together. Any counselor will tell you that couples face major difficulties if they don't honestly communicate at the beginning of their relationship and put all their cards on the table. You have to ask questions!
If you are a believer in Christ and you want a marriage that honors God, you should make sure you ask these questions before the Big Day.
1. How did your partner come to know Jesus personally? It's a sad fact that some people pretend to be Christians. They can sing the choruses and mimic the preacher, but their private lives are a different story. They are posers—and some of them are actually attending church to find a cute girl or guy. Don't fall for a fake. You need a spouse who has a genuine relationship with God.
2. Has your partner been growing spiritually? It's also a sad fact that many Christians today remain spiritual babies even though they've been in church for years. If you want a strong marriage, don't pursue a person who has no spiritual spark. My wife is beautiful, but what attracted me to her was her passion for God. If your partner has no interest in discipleship, worship, prayer or studying God's Word, don't assume they will develop spiritual maturity later.
3. What kind of family life did your partner have? We all come from different backgrounds. Some people grow up in single-parent families, others are raised in alcoholic homes, and others experienced abuse. God can help us overcome any handicaps caused by family dysfunction. But you need to know what you are dealing with before you vow to love your partner "in sickness and in health." You can't carry your partner's burdens or experience deep intimacy unless you share your pain with each other.
4. What is your partner's dating and marriage history? It's true that when we come to know Christ "the old things passed away" (2 Cor. 5:17). But that doesn't mean you can lie about your past. Your potential spouse needs to know if you have been married before, if you have kids living in another city, or if you are obligated to make alimony payments.
5. Does your partner have a criminal record? Employers ask this question—and they sometimes turn away prospective employees who have been sentenced for crimes. You don't want to wait until your wedding night to learn that your husband is wearing a tattoo on his back that he got in prison. And you should rethink your marriage plans if you learn your boyfriend was convicted of assault.
6. Does your partner struggle with addictions? Many marriages end in divorce because one partner has self-destructive habits. The addict may be hooked on alcohol, drugs, porn or gambling—and a churchgoer with these habits may have learned to hide their behavior. If you see the warning signs of addiction, don't be fooled into thinking it's no big deal. You may need to postpone the wedding.
7. Does your partner have debts or a questionable credit history? The financial side of marriage is challenging enough without the extra stress of debt. Wise couples will met with a pastor or mentor before the wedding to discuss a reasonable budget. If you find out your partner owes the equivalent of a year's salary because of out-of-control spending, you should reconsider this relationship.
8. Has your partner received prayer ministry or counseling for his or her failures, hurts and traumas? God's grace is bigger than any sin. The Holy Spirit can deliver a person from the shame of adultery, the pain of divorce or the bondage of resentment. But these things don't just drop off by themselves; people need prayer and counseling to get free from their past. You should insist that your partner get the help he or she needs.
9. Do you and your partner agree about family plans? I know a couple who married without talking about this issue. The man wanted lots of kids; the wife didn't want any. This will not work! Amos 3:3 says: "Do two people walk hand in hand
 if they aren't going to the same place?" (The Message). Find a partner who shares your desires and goals.
If you want a marriage that stands through life's storms, you need a partner who is wholly committed to Jesus and on the path to healing. Your spouse won't be perfect, but please don't settle for less than God's best for you.
J. Lee Grady is a former editor of Charisma. You can follow him on Twitter at leegrady. You can learn more about his ministry, The Mordecai Project,
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King David's First Capital City ✡ "They Anointed David as King Over Israel"

All the elders of Israel came to the king at Hebron, and King David sealed a covenant with them in Hebron before God, and they anointed David as king over Israel.


וַיָּבֹאוּ כָּל זִקְנֵי יִשְׂרָאֵל אֶל הַמֶּלֶךְ חֶבְרוֹנָה וַיִּכְרֹת לָהֶם הַמֶּלֶךְ דָּוִד בְּרִית בְּחֶבְרוֹן לִפְנֵי יְ-הוָה וַיִּמְשְׁחוּ אֶת דָּוִד לְמֶלֶךְ עַל יִשְׂרָאֵל

שמואל ב ה:ג

va-ya-vo-U kol zik-NAY yis-ra-EL el ha-me-le-KH khev-ro-NA va-yeekh-ROT la-HEM ha-me-LEKH da-VID b'-REET b'-khev-RON lif-NAY a-do-NAI va-yeem-sh'-KHU et da-VID l'-me-LEKH al yis-ra-EL

Jerusalem Inspiration

When we think about Hebron we most often recall its connection to our Patriarchs and Matriarchs who sojourned there and were buried there.  But, did you know that Hebron was also the site of the initiation of the Davidic Dynasty? Prior to moving the capital to Jerusalem, for seven years King David solidified his reign and ruled from the city of Hebron. Just another reason to support the continued presence of Jews in Hebron by donating to the Hebron Fund.

My Hebron

Enjoy the sites of Hebron in this inspiring video put to the music of the song 'Hebron She-li', 'My Hebron'.

The Joy of Hebron

In the popular food and travel show “Joy of Israel with Jamie Geller,” a family visits the holy city of Hebron for a spiritually uplifting and delicious trip.

Authentic Shofar from Israel

The sound of the shofar is likened to the wailing of man as he turns to God.  Get your own Shofar, made in Israel, a sure way to evoke a connection to God. Comes with a deeply insightful eBook about the Shofar's significance and history.

Jerusalem Daily Photo

Today's photo features a mass prayer rally at the Cave of the Patriarchs in Hebron, King David's capital prior to Jerusalem.

Yesterday's Photo Trivia

Yesterday's photo was taken in Jerusalem's Biblical Zoo. Each animal attraction there has a plaque with a source from the Bible accompanying it. Only in Jerusalem!

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Please help us continue to spread the beauty and significance of our beloved Jerusalem!

I Listen to Your Video Music Clips and Tears Roll Down My Eyes

It’s great to hear from you and make new friends from all over the world. Please send me an email and let me know how you are enjoying Jerusalem365 (don’t forget to say where you are from!). Thanks for the good work you are doing. Though I just signed up, I can tell that you've been doing marvelously well. I am Ikechukwu Uchenna Osuji, from Igboland, Owerre in Nigeria. We say we are the largest Jewish diaspora. Shalom!

Shalom. Thank you for your email Jerusalem365. I listen to your video music clips and tears roll down my face. I love the Jewish people and pray for the peace of Jerusalem. Kalma, South Africa.
Blessing from Jerusalem,
Rabbi Tuly Weisz
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