Friday, October 24, 2014

Prophetic Word: Expect Changes, Changes, Changes! By Doug Addison

Prophetic Word: Expect Changes, Changes, Changes! By Doug Addison

Identity Network

Ten-four (10-4) is a radio communication meaning "message received." On October 4th (10/4), the last day of Yom Kippur, I was awakened at 2 am. God began to speak to me, making sense of things that have been happening and revealing some things to come.
Did you hear God? The Jewish holiday from Rosh Hashanah through Yom Kippur is a season that many people can hear God more clearly. Don't be disappointed if you did not hear God or have a spiritual experience. Sometimes subtle things happen that we do not pick up.
I have found that I hear God more clearly during this season but it is often the weeks before and weeks after. Remember God is outside of time and sometimes answers to our prayers seem delayed to us.
Radical Steps Needed
This is a time when you will need to take radical steps to get radical results. At the level the enemy has come against you, you will want to push back with the same intensity. Expect an increase in your spiritual gifts, dreams, visions, and supernatural encounters. This will open the opportunity for you to step up to a new level and see results for your efforts.
I completely understand it is not easy when you are sick, down or discouraged. When I was sick with Lyme disease last year, I did not have the strength to do anything. But consider finding people who will help you. Take anything you can get!
As I have been sharing this word from God with people everywhere I go, they give me a long list of reasons why they cannot do it. There is new power being released right now to break through, so take advantage of it and watch what happens.
Worship Breaks Things OPEN
There's a new door open so come on up! It's time to rise above the things that have held you back. God is speaking through music.
"After this I looked, and there before me was a door standing open in heaven. And the voice I had first heard speaking to me like a trumpet said, 'Come up here, and I will show you what must take place after this.'" Revelation 4:1 NIV
God's voice sounded like a musical instrument and you can expect God to speak to you through music. New doors and gates are opening right now over your life.
There is new freedom in worship. I had a dream in which I was on stage with a well-known worship leader and he started playing "Free Bird" on slide guitar. He played with intensity until something new began to open in the spiritual realm.
I knew it was time to press in and rise above because as he played it, something new opened. Praising God in the midst of adversity breaks things open (Psalm 43).
New Sound from Heaven Revealed
I have published several prophetic words recently stating that God is releasing a new sound from Heaven. Many have been searching for it wondering if it is a certain type of musical instruments or style. Yes it is, but it is not limited to that.
I recently noticed a new style of worship music emerging. In fact, this new style has irritated those who do not understand it. Many people say they do not like the new worship music mentioning the word "I" as opposed to the songs' lyrics being about "Him."
A few decades ago John Wimber and the Vineyard introduced the world to worship being about HIM and not us! God's presence would show up strongly when we sang "to Him" and not "about Him."
Just as in the time of the early Vineyard, things are shifting once again over worship music. Now there is a very strong presence of God coming when we declare who we are "in Him." These are called declarations or decrees and the songs often have the words "I" or "we" in them.
Don't mistake this new sound and movement as being self-centered. It is very Christ and Heaven-centered as it powerfully brings God's presence on Earth as it is in Heaven.
This new sound coming from Heaven right now is declaration-based. As we agree with Heaven's sound and declare who we are, watch as a powerful anointing comes enabling us to be all God created us to be!
God is Activating Angels to Help You
Angels have been assigned to you and your family to accomplish your life purpose. Often, we are not aware of this so these angels are not activated in their assignments for you.
"In the council of the holy ones God is greatly feared; he is more awesome than all who surround him." Psalm 89:7
God spoke to me that there is a "council of holy ones" around each of us and He is making you aware of them. These are angels that are assigned to our family and generational lines. God is bringing His light of justice and the council of angels has been assigned to you to bring you closer to Him and open the doors to something new.
New Revelation
New revelation is flowing for your situation through December.  This revelation will bring about a course change that will align you with your destiny.
"So I opened my mouth, and he gave me the scroll to eat." Ezekiel 3:2
Expect this sweet, new revelation to bring about changes in your course. As it comes, it will bring new connections, deeper insight, strategies, strength and encouragement. You will have a greater understanding on your next steps for January 2015 as you act on what God says over the next few months.
Flying Dreams
For months I have been having repeated dreams where I am trying to teach people to fly but they don't believe they can.
Most of them have "grounded" themselves by their belief systems or by over-interpreting something God had spoken to them and pulled back too far. Others have no idea the season has changed and there is new freedom to fly.
"But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles, they shall run and not be weary, and they shall walk and not faint."Isaiah 40:31 NKJV
For those who have been waiting, the season has shifted so you can now take new steps and expect strength to replace weariness. Try it for yourself and take a step to rise above your situation and get into your destiny at a higher level.
November 2013 Turnaround
God showed me that things happened to many people in November 2013 that looked strange and almost opposite to what you expected. But fifteen months from November 2013 (February 2015) you will see a turnaround.
7-year Cycle
God spoke to me that many people are in a seven-year cycle that started in 2001 and strange things happened again in 2008. It is time to prepare for a total turnaround coming in 2015.
Look back to 2001 and 2008. The tragedy of 9/11 took place in 2001 and the major crash of the housing industry and economy in the U.S. in 2008. These occurred seven years apart. In my life, these particular years also coincide with difficult times.
Daniel studied the writings of Jeremiah and determined that the desolation of Jerusalem would only last 70 years (Daniel 9:2). He was able to pray, fast, and respond according to a cycle of time. There is a major change for the good coming in 2015. Expect repayment for the losses of the past.
Prophetic Tidbits
Curses are being broken over you that were placed there by doubters and naysayers. Watch for physical healing to start happening in dreams. You will also notice spiritual blindness lifting off of people around you between now and December 2014. There is a new openness to the supernatural, dreams, and spiritual things.
Overall expect changes, changes, changes!
Doug Addison

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Thursday, October 23, 2014

Dem-Appointed Judge: No Right to Gay Marriage

Dem-Appointed Judge: 
No Right to Gay Marriage

A U.S. federal judge ruled Tuesday to uphold a Puerto Rico law defining marriage as a union between a man and a woman. 
District Judge Juan Perez-Gimenez became the first Democrat appointed to the federal court to rule in favor of a traditional marriage law since the U.S. Supreme Court struck down a key portion of the Defense of Marriage Act in the Windsor decision last year.

U. S. District Court Judge Juan M. Pérez-Giménez
The judge maintained that the Windsor decision did not establish the right to same-sex marriage and essentially reinforced the concept that marriage is a state issue rather than a federal one.
Puerto Rico's civil code refuses recognition of "(a)ny marriage between persons of the same sex or transsexuals contracted in other jurisdictions."
Judge Perez-Giminez cited a portion of the high court's Windsor decision.
"The definition of marriage is the foundation of the State's broader authority to regulate the subject of domestic relations with respect to the 'protection of offspring, property interests, and the enforcement of marital responsibilities," he said.

Roman Find Sheds Light on Ancient Jewish Revolt

Roman Find Sheds Light on 
Ancient Jewish Revolt

JERUSALEM, Israel -- Archaeologists in Jerusalem have discovered a rare Latin inscription from the Roman period just 100 years after Jesus. It's the time when the Romans were trying to erase any trace of the Jews from the city.

The 2,000-year-old, one-ton stone was dedicated to the Roman Emperor Hadrian.

"We have preserved enough letters and words that we can figure out the name and the titles of the emperor and by whom the inscription was dedicated and probably the entire monument was constructed," Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA) archaeologist Rina Avner told CBN News.

"The 10th legion dedicated this arch to Hadrian upon his 14th [year as tribune] -- that would be 130 CE [A.D.]," Shmulik Freireich, IAA conservator, said.

The Israel Antiquities Authority discovered the stone during a salvage excavation between a mosque and a church near a busy Jerusalem street. Found in a Byzantine-era site, the ancient stone had been recycled to build a water cistern.

"I think it's very significant because it's hard evidence of an official construction project that was carried [out] by the Roman army for the coming of the emperor to the city," Avner said. She says there's more that the stone does not reveal.

"We don't have the new name of Jerusalem that was given by Hadrian and we don't have indication of the change of the city status as a Roman colony," she explained.

Hadrian ruled the Roman Empire from 117 to 138 A.D. He renamed Jerusalem Aelia Capitolina, after his family name, and built a temple to Jupiter on the ruins of the second Jewish Temple.

"It was a policy to Hellenize the land and erase the Jewish past," Avner said.

The unanswered question is whether Hadrian provoked the Jewish Bar Kochba revolt from 132 to 136 A.D. by building pagan temples or if he built the temples to punish the Jews.

The other half of the stone was found nearby more than 100 years ago and is on display in a museum in the Old City.

Avner said it's always exciting to find a direct physical connection to the past.

Watch video: CBN News - Roman Stone

The Pastors Strike Back: Bibles and Sermons Sent To Houston Mayor - The Brody File

The Brody File  CBN NEWS

The Pastors Strike Back: Bibles and Sermons Sent To Houston Mayor

You’ve no doubt heard of the classic Star Wars movie, “The Empire Strikes Back.” Well, it’s time for a new movie and it’s just starting. It’s called, “The Pastors Strike Back.” 

Fresh off the stunning attack on religious liberty down in Houston where pastors were told by Houston’s Mayor to hand over their sermons, there is now an effort underway by pastors across America to VOLUNTARILY send Bibles and their sermons to the mayor of Houston. 

Mike Huckabee called for it and so has influential Christian author Eric Metaxas. Metaxas tells The Brody File, "Never in our history has religious freedom been so brazenly defied. A bold red line has been crossed. The Houston mayor's inexcusable demand to see the sermons of pastors is an outrageous and shocking affront to all Americans and to liberty itself. If the American church does not rise up and stand against this, there is no American church."

The Brody File obtained a home video of Pastor Brad Atkins of Powdersville First Baptist Church in Greenville, South Carolina sending his sermon off to the Houston Mayor. Watch below.

Sources tell The Brody File that pastors from Canada, Australia and Germany are also sending the Houston mayor Bibles and sermons. There are also big events planned around what happened in Houston. On November 2nd, The Family Research council is hosting a huge simulcast event in Houston at a big church.  Guests will include Mike Huckabee, Phil Robertson, the Benham brothers, Dr. Ronnie Floyd and others. In South Carolina, the South Carolina Pastors Alliance is staging an event called, “The Stand” to be held on the statehouse grounds.

Folks, we are beginning to see pastors rise up. Will it last? In the evangelical community, this is at critical mass. Will the flock respond?

"Has Become the Cornerstone" ✡ Paramedics of Protective Edge - ISRAEL365

The stone which the builders rejected has become the cornerstone.

PSALMS (118: 22)

אֶבֶן מָאֲסוּ הַבּוֹנִים הָיְתָה לְרֹאשׁ פִּנָּה

תהילים קיח:כב

eh-ven ma-ah-su ha-bo-neem ha-y'-tah l'-rosh pi-nah

Today's Israel Inspiration

Today's verse refers to King David, the second monarch of Israel. David was the youngest son of Jesse and his ordination came as a surprise to his family. The 'hated stone', the seemingly young, immature or unworthy brother, was chosen as king, the 'cornerstone' of the Davidic dynasty. David means 'beloved' or 'friend', and King David led the Nation that is 'beloved' to God.

Life Saving Female Paramedics

The first soldiers to provide medical treatment to the wounded are the IDF’s paramedics, who are often female soldiers. Soldiers Noam and Chen entered into Gaza with infantry troops with one mission: to treat injured soldiers and save as many lives as possible.

What Does Your Name Mean in the Bible?

Every name is rooted somewhere in the holy words of the Bible. “Give us your name and we will give you a Hebrew one,” said the Outreach Coordinator of Israel365, Aliza Abrahamovitz.

Hebrew Name Certificate

Names are of utmost importance in the Jewish tradition. Find out your Hebrew Name and its Biblical significance and receive your own personalized certificate. Buy 2, get 1 free! Every third Hebrew Name Certificate you buy is free!

Today's Israel Photo

Seeing the flag of Israel flying over the backdrop of this ancient fortress, in today's picture by Noam Chen, reminds us that the name of Israel is constantly called out over this land and how amazing that is!

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Rabbi Tuly Weisz
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Exodus: Gods and Kings | Official Trailer [HD] | 20th Century FOX

Moses (Christian Bale)

Published on Oct 1, 2014
Exodus: Gods and Kings | Official Trailer: Watch the exclusive new trailer for Ridley Scott’s Exodus: Gods and Kings starring Christian Bale, Joel Edgerton, John Turturro, Aaron Paul, Ben Mendelsohn, Sigourney Weaver and Ben Kingsley.

In Theaters - December 12, 2014

From acclaimed director Ridley Scott (Gladiator, Prometheus) comes the epic adventure "Exodus: Gods and Kings," the story of one man's daring courage to take on the might of an empire. Using state of the art visual effects and 3D immersion, Scott brings new life to the story of the defiant leader Moses (Christian Bale) as he rises up against the Egyptian Pharaoh Ramses (Joel Edgerton), setting 400,000 slaves on a monumental journey of escape from Egypt and its terrifying cycle of deadly plagues.

The film's writing credits are: Screen Story by Bill Collage & Adam Cooper, Screenplay by Steven Zaillian.


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Exodus: Gods and Kings | Official Trailer [HD] | 20th Century FOX

Who Will Rise Up Against the Wicked? ANNE GRAHAM LOTZ

Who Will Rise Up Against the Wicked?

pastors praying in Houston
Christians gather to pray for Houston pastors. ((Pray for the Pastors of Houston Facebook page))

Spirit-Led Woman
Who will rise up for me against the wicked?  Who will take a stand for me against evildoers?  Psalm 94:16
"...If the church doesn't wake up now and stand and fight there IS no church in America. This is the red line. It has been crossed. When I read about this I immediately thought THIS IS RIGHT OUT OF MY BONHOEFFER BOOK."
So wrote Eric Metaxas on October 18, 2014 in an email exchange that included me. He is the author of the NY Times bestselling biography, Bonhoeffer, which describes the heroic stand of one pastor against the rise of the Third Reich in Nazi Germany. Eric was voicing his outrage over what he had just read concerning the subpoenas issued by the Houston mayor's office to five Houston pastors. 
Mayor Parker has demanded that the pastors turn over to her office their private papers in 17 different categories, including sermons, "speeches," phone or private conversations that in any way touch on homosexuality, the mayor herself, and the city ordinance concerning transgender people using public restrooms.
The subpoenas were clearly issued to intimidate not just the five pastors on whom they were served, but every pastor and Christian leader in Houston and beyond.  The message was clear.  If you oppose the lesbian/bisexual/gay/transgender community or agenda in any way, you will pay.
Eric further urged every Christian leader to send the mayor a Bible.  And Governor Mike Huckabee has urged every pastor to send her their own sermons.  So...I have written a note to Mayor Annise Parker, City Hall, 901 Bagby Street, Houston, Texas 77002, telling her that God loves her, that I am praying for her, and urging her to read the Bible I included with my note.  Although I am not a pastor, I also sent her a copy of the "speech" I delivered at the Official Observance of the National Day of Prayer in Washington, DC. , calling on people to repent of their sin, cry out to the Lord...for the Day of the Lord is near; it will come like destruction from the Almighty.  Joel 1:14-15 
I agree with Eric Metaxas. The red line has been crossed. Persecution of God's people has begun. In response to the question the Lord voices in Psalm 94:16, I want to answer clearly, I will!
Will you?
Anne Graham Lotz is the founder of AnGeL Ministries. She is also the author of several books.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Switzerland Snow

Not too far away for the rest of us in the North.

The 7 Worst Parenting Mistakes Ever - J. Lee Grady

The 7 Worst Parenting Mistakes Ever

Depressed teen
Have you made any of these mistakes with your child? What are you doing to change your behavior as a parent? (iStock photo)

Fire in My Bones, by J. Lee Grady
I'm sure you heard about the 4-year-old girl in Delaware who gave tiny packets of cocaine to her daycare classmates—because she thought it was candy. Her mother, who was arrested earlier this month, said she gave her daughter the wrong backpack and couldn't tell police how 249 packets of cocaine ended up in her possession.
Every week I hear similar stories of children suffering because their parents used horrible judgment. Like the Ebola virus, bad parenting seems to be spreading—and the church is not immune. We had better get busy teaching Christian parents how to raise their kids the old-fashioned way, because recent trends are scary.
I made a list of some of the most disturbing trends in modern parenting. I am sure you can add a few more:
1. Whacky names. We joke about the ridiculous names some film and music stars give their kids: Pilot Inspektor, Denim, Camera, Blanket or Diva Thin Muffin. Yet the common people come up with even stranger names for their babies: Facebook, Hashtag, Aquafresh, Cheese, Chlamydia, Random and—get this—Felony. Do these parents want their kids to be bullied? I'm all for creativity, but if you name your child after a dairy product, social media or a sexually transmitted disease you are setting them up for abuse.
2. Allowing kids to "explore" their gender. Our culture today has gone insane when it comes to gender rules. In some schools, teachers are urged not to "impose" gender on boys or girls but to let them "decide" which gender they are, regardless of reality. And there are parents who insist that their fourth-grade boy be allowed to go in the girls' restroom because he "feels" he is a girl. Am I the only person who believes that the "psychologists" responsible for this trend need therapy themselves?
3. Sexualizing children. Back in my day kids really didn't think about sex until hormones started kicking in at age 13. When I was 9, I was playing with Lincoln Logs, watching Johnny Quest cartoons and learning how to tie square knots. Today, experts say children show sexual interest and engage in sexual behavior earlier than ever. Much of this is fueled by pornography, but television, music videos (think Miley Cyrus' influence on tween girls) and even toys are also to blame. The popular Bratz dolls feature young girls dressed in fishnet hose and miniskirts and wearing heavy makeup. And why did Victoria's Secret produce underwear last year featuring the words "Eye Candy" and "Wink Wink"—and then market them to pre-teen girls? Parents who expose their kids to sexually charged media or clothing simply invite trouble. Learn to put guardrails around the media your child is exposed to.
4. Showcasing kids. At the risk of offending church moms who put their daughters in pageants: Please stop it. We all know there's only one reason a mother would force her three-year-old daughter to wear mascara and tons of hair spray to compete with other toddlers in a beauty contest: It's all about the mothers. The girls are the victims. It has already been proven that girls who are subjected to these expensive pageants suffer from eating disorders and other self-image issues. Forcing your child to live out your fantasies is cruel. (FACT: Did you know that some American families spend more than $75,000 a year on child pageants, and that the entry fees are often priced higher than the awards given?)
5. Not showing affection. I can't tell you how many times I've asked a group of grown men how many of them had fathers who hugged them during their childhood. Often not one hand goes up. The concept of a loving dad who wrestles with his kids or bounces them on his knee has become a fairy tale to many people—and the lack of affection shows up later in insecurity, depression and a host of other psychological problems. Doctors have proven that human beings need seven expressions of meaningful touch every day. Depriving kids of wholesome affection is as serious as withholding food and water.
6. Abandoning your kids. One-third of all children growing up in America today don't have a father in the home. And the U.S. Census shows that this number continues to climb. Children who grow up in single-parent families face higher risk of poverty, and many end up delinquent, addicted to drugs or alcohol or in jail. This crisis represents a huge mission field for churches today, but we can't fight the abandonment epidemic unless we can convince more parents to consider the kids before they break up a family.
7. Giving your kids everything they want. Author Elizabeth Kolbert wrote in The New Yorker two years ago that American kids are "the most indulged young people in the history of the world." The word discipline has become a dirty word in our lexicon. Children today have all the toys and expensive gadgets they want, but they are not expected to share in household chores and don't even want to tie their own shoes or take out the garbage. It's no wonder some 30-year-old men end up living with their parents and playing video games all day: They never learned adult responsibility, so they are stuck in perpetual adolescence.
Ps. 127:3 says: "Behold, children are a gift of the Lord." I'm afraid we've squandered the privilege of raising them. What we need today is a massive movement to reclaim biblical principles of protective love and strong discipline—along with a huge dose of common sense.
J. Lee Grady is the former editor of Charisma. You can follow him on Twitter atleegrady. You can learn more about his ministry, The Mordecai Project, His new book, The Truth Sets Women Free, was released this month from Charisma House.
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How To Make Middle Eastern Stuffed Vegetables

How To Make Middle Eastern Stuffed Vegetables

Video: Filled with warm rice and unexpected spices, they’re perfect for a cool autumn night—as a side dish or vegetarian entree

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Like many Americans, I grew up thinking of stuffed vegetables as a dish of hollowed-out peppers filled with a heavy mixture of rice, meat, and Italian tomato sauce. However, in the Middle East, stuffed vegetables are an entirely different animal. Imagine not just peppers, but also carrots, onions, tomatoes, beets, zucchinis, and potatoes, filled with a warm rice and vegetable filling infused with startling combinations of spices. These vegetables, hollowed out with an apple corer (or long vegetable corer) and stuffed with rice and the insides of the vegetables, are spiced with cinnamon, allspice, cumin, cardamom, and ginger, depending on the cook’s origin. Though this slightly tart dish infused with a hint of tomato and lots of lemon is not always beautiful to look at, it is a classic homemade comfort food of the region, stacked through the centuries in clay pots and slowly, slowly cooked in the oven.
A few years ago in Jerusalem, chef Pini Levy led me to one of the old timers who gave him the recipes he made in his beloved Pini Ba’hatzer restaurant. (Since then the restaurant, now called Etzel Pini Ba’hatzer, has moved to the seaside between Jaffa and Tel Aviv.) Her name was Esther Mizrachi, a woman who lived in the Old City before 1948 and later in Nachlaot, a picturesque section of the city near the Mahane Yehudah marketplace. Using lemon salt and no spices whatsoever, she showed me how she made stuffed vegetables, nestling each one in the same clay pot her mother had used, according to a recipe handed down from generation to generation.
Reminiscent of good, lemony stuffed grape leaves, this warming vegetarian dish (recipe here) is great for a weekday meal on a cool fall night. And what’s more, it tastes even better the next day.
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