Friday, October 24, 2014

GodTV & IHOP - Prayer Room Live 24/7 - praise, prayer and worship

I appreciate GODTV for airing live the Prayer Room at IHOP (International House of Prayer) in Kansas City. I watch/listen as often as I can.

Steve Martin
Love For His People

The Prayer Room

Unite in prayer and worship with fellow believers around the world!
24/7 worship, LIVE from The International House Of Prayer, Kansas City.

"Shepherd's Rod Dream: The Year of Crazy, Substantial Hope" - Bob Hartley

"Shepherd's Rod Dream: 
The Year of Crazy, Substantial Hope"
Bob Hartley, Kansas City, MO
The Elijah List

Every year I looked forward to the revelation that my very dear friend, Bob Jones, would receive annually during this season that he called the Shepherd's Rod. The term "Shepherd's Rod" comes from Ezekiel 20:37 stating, "I will make you pass under the rod, and I will bring you into the bond of the covenant."

This Scripture symbolically portrays a shepherd extending his rod as the sheep pass under his staff for evaluation. In this same way we, as the Lord's sheep, pass under His staff during this season as further described in Jeremiah 33:13 and Leviticus 27:32. (Photo via Pixabay)

On the night of September 24th as I went to sleep, I was unaware that at sundown it was the start of Rosh Hashanah, the beginning of the Hebrew New Year as the Lord gave me the following dream.
This dream was immediately followed by a series of baseball dreams that were to be signs and a parable blending together to create a new hope narrative.

The "Crazy Hope" Dream

I saw the Lord and Bob Jones standing together, and Bob was smiling and looking back at me knowingly.
Then the Lord said, "This is the year of crazy, substantial hope."

Then I saw many sitting around the Table of the Lord whom He was about to address. There was such communion, love, and honor. Then the Lord took His place at the Table. I was overwhelmed with the presence of the Lord. He was so alive. He was so much fun. 

But He made it very clear that this year the Body of Christ was being evaluated in their hope. He was graciously inviting us deeper into crazy hope reform during the shepherd's rod evaluation. This was not just a time of evaluation but also of promotion.(Photo via Pixabay)

The Lord then said again to all of us around His Table, "This is the year of hope, crazy hope, and I am evaluating the Body of Christ according to hope." This was going to be a Hosea 2:14-15 year where the valley of Achor (challenges) becomes a doorway of hope. The Lord said,"This is the year we are shifting from hopelessness to hope."

He continued, "There are many in the Body of Christ who have been challenged about thepromises of reformation that I have for My cities and nations." He said during this past year doubts had attracted many problems. Our own doubts and fears led us to operate outside of hope. This is sin, and it allows the enemy to attack, overrun our camp, and take the territory from us. He spoke how we are to be like Joshua, who realized that after 40 years in the wilderness it was time to enter the Promised Land. 

Then the Lord said, "The time capsule is opening up now for the promises, and it is time to step into your inheritance."

He said that the antidote to these doubts is Hebrews 6:9-19: "But, beloved, we are convinced of better things concerning you... And we desire that each one of you show the same diligence so as to realize the full assurance of hope until the end, so that you will not be sluggish, but imitators of those who through faith and patience inherit the promises.

"For when God made the promise to Abraham, since He could swear by no one greater, He swore by Himself, saying, 'I WILL SURELY BLESS YOU AND I WILL SURELY MULTIPLY YOU.' And so, having patiently waited, he obtained the promise.... 

In the same way God, desiring even more to show to the heirs of the promise the unchangeableness of His purpose, interposed with an oath, so that by two unchangeable things in which it is impossible for God to lie, we who have taken refuge would have strong encouragement to take hold of the hope set before us. This hope we have as an anchor of the soul, a hope both sure and steadfast..."

The Lord said we are called to be like a family or tribe. He then identified many churches, movements, families, and tribes where divine hopes would remain alive. He said, "You are to live in an atmosphere of hope, not doubt."

He then spoke how many of these families or tribes would hope together this year, and reform would touch many cities and nations across the earth. 

He was very clear when He said, "There are no insignificant persons, churches, movements, families or businesses... everyone is important in My family." (Photo via Pixabay)

Self-Initiated Hopes

Then the Lord spoke to various individuals around the Table. The first time He would point to one and so kindly say, "You initiated this hope, it was not originated from Me. You have defined your own hopes and they will fade away. But now I want you to come back to My Table with others and please ask of Me about your hopes. It is the glory of kings to search out a matter. I have ordained hopes for you that are better than you have ever conceived. I have greater Divine hopes laid up for you."

This continued as everyone was graciously evaluated in hope. This was a good evaluation. He continued, "This is an invitation to a season of growth."

He then said that self-initiated, natural hopes die. This evaluation process was very good because many people were holding onto hopes that did not originate from His heart. These natural hopes had sidetracked many from the greater hopes that He desired to release to them.

Then the Lord evaluated our hearing to see if it led us to His hope. He said, "This year I am releasing a greater level of Kingdom hearing that will enable us to enter into what I am birthing upon the earth."

Next the Lord evaluated our hopeful praise and crazy hope adoration. Adoring Him and His faces of reform would take us above the clouds of doubt and despair into His hope-filled perspective and presence. He said, "Now is the time to double our adoration and praise."

Then He stated that our time of warfare has ended (see Isaiah 40:2) and we are to enter the sunlit fields of life with Him with crazy hope (see Psalm 56:13 MSG).

The Lord then said, "The weapons of your warfare will be different in this coming season" (see 2 Corinthians 10:4).

The Lord then showed me four snakes that had attacked our hope as we were to bring reformation to our spheres of influence. These were similar to the snakes I wrote about in the Reformers of Hope word in September 2013. One snake would wrap around our feet to stop us from moving into our promises, and the Lord said it would be defeated by "hope against hope."

Another wrapped itself around our necks to silence our voices of adoration and praise, and the Lord said it would be overcome by "hope unseen." The third attacked our hearts, and the Lord said it is conquered by "carefree hope."The last one bit the liver to release bitterness and bile, and it was defeated by "childlike hope."(Photo by Thomas H Brown, Flickr)

At the end of the dream I saw Bob Jones looking off into the sunlit fields with the Lord that were open for all the different tribes, and I heard the Lord say to all of us, "Now is the time to rewrite your promises list." It is time to develop our revelatory skills and revealed promises. He continued, "I am going to take your hand like the pen of a ready writer, and you will write out your list of promises and hopes. Some will come from your past list, and some will be present or future."

This is our commission for the coming year of crazy hope: to write and birth and celebrate crazy hope.

ElijahList Prophetic Resources

Royal Dreams

Now concerning the six dreams I have received concerning the drama of the Kansas City Royals. First, please understand that I am not a baseball fan nor do I follow the Royals. However, when I was in Kona, Hawaii, the first week of September, I had a dream where I saw royal angels coming forth. The Lord then said, "Watch the Royals, because after many years of disappointment, the Royal ones are entering into a time of Numbers 27:18-23, where they are being commissioned to enter into the promises. Watch them, as they will win and bring a shift from hopelessness to hope."

I did not understand fully what this might mean, but I immediately called Chris Castanza, one of my ministry teammates, and told him to "Try to get tickets for the entire staff, as we are to watch the Royals."

My second dream came the night after Rosh Hashanah, September 25th, three days before the Playoff teams were finalized. In this dream the Lord was talking with my mentor, Bob Jones. The Lord then turned to me and said, "This is going to be like 1985. Do you remember what brought them home?"

I remembered Bob Jones' baseball dream from 1985, how love, faith, and godly wisdom would get on base, but grace would bring them home. And I remembered how the Lord had asked Bob,"Do you know why Love, Faith, and Godly Wisdom could get on base, but they could not win the game? If your love, your faith, or your wisdom could win for you alone you would think that you had done it. Your love, your faith, and your wisdom can only take you so far. Only My grace can bring you home."

Then the Lord showed me the Royals game. I saw the Royal ones playing a team whose appearance was more athletic than the Royals. Similar to the Bob Jones dream, the Lord then showed me what was needed to win. He said,"Hope unseen will get them to first base. Then they will become unburdened and light on their feet. 

This carefree hope will get them to second base. They will be filled with joy and happily steal third base with 'childlike hope.'" The Lord continued, "But salvation will come from an unlikely place and 'hope against hope' will bring them home." (Photo by Keith Allison, Flickr)

The Kansas City Royals would demonstrate to all of us how to enter into this year of crazy hope, and through these four hopes we would win and enter into our promises.

Perhaps a local sportswriter, Grant McMurray, described it best. "In the end, ...a screaming line drive down the third base line by a much-coveted young catcher, but one mired in a horrible 0 for 5 slump in the game, 
sometimes swinging haplessly at pitches, looking completely lost. But this ball smacked against the wall and ended a four hour and 45 minute classic, propelling the Kansas City Royals past the Oakland A's 9-8, and extending to another day their first post-season tournament appearance in 29 years."

The front-page photo of the Kansas City Starshows Salvy Perez, who knocked in the game-winning run, with his arms upraised, mouth open, and looking joyfully into the stands. The headline at the bottom of the picture says it all: SALVATION. (Photo by John Sleezer, The Kansas City Star)

The article continued, "The wonderful 'Salvation' headline was much more than a clever spin on the name of a redeemed player. It was about this city, this team, these individuals. And if the cable sports channels, the radio talk shows, and the social media have it right, it would seem to be a time of hope and redemption for us all."

Third Dream

The following night, September 26th, I had my third Royals dream. It was a shorter dream, and the Lord said, "The angels will sacrifice themselves in order for the Royal ones to come forth."He continued, "They shall win in 11 innings." Then he gave me Psalm 11:1, and emphasized how hope is indispensable in building the right foundations that will bring about reformation. The Royals won in the 11th inning.

Fourth Dream

The next night was a forth dream. In this dream the Lord said that the Royals would win 4-1. This reinforced the previous dream and represented the four hopes that are so necessary for our foundation. The Royals won 4 to 1, again in 11 innings.

Fifth Dream

The fifth dream on October 3rd was where the Royal ones had gotten over the hump and were gaining momentum. The Lord said, "Hope is contagious. Hope is a lifestyle." The Royals won easily and head to the American League Championship Series.

Sixth Dream

The last dream was on October 6th. This dream was not specifically about baseball. The Lord reminded me of several tragic and disappointing events that my wife and I experienced as missionaries in Zimbabwe. At the conclusion of revisiting these past events, the Lord said, "You have to fall to get back up," and, "Crazy hope will win!"

I will leave it to the reader to interpret this as the Lord leads. Stay tuned for further revelation!

Bob Hartley
Deeper Waters Ministry

Bob Hartley is the founder of Hartley Institute/Deeper Waters Ministry in Kansas City, Missouri. Bob served as a pastor at Metro Christian Fellowship with Mike Bickle before entering the marketplace in 1983, with a vision to see the marketplace redeemed and cities established that value and love the person of Jesus. 

He is also the Chief Executive Officer of the Hartley Group, a "Hope Center" for the marketplace, consisting of Hartley's Executive Cleaning, Swift Chemicals & Supply, Prize Properties, and H&H Management in Kansas City, Missouri. Bob is a frequent speaker to youth, churches, businesses, and national leaders throughout America and the world. His quest has been to bring the Kingdom of God into every arena of life and give spiritual tools and equipping to those seeking to know and love God in the midst of their everyday lives. Currently, Bob resides in Kansas City with his wife and four children.

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Millennials May Be Skeptical About Bible, But They Still Do This

Millennials May Be Skeptical About Bible, But They Still Do This

Historical. Symbolic. Story. Sacred. Testimony. These are the top five words millennials use to describe the Bible. The new study Millennials and the Bible , co-commissioned by American Bible Society and InterVarsity Christian Fellowship, dives deeper into the perceptions millennials have about the Bible and their engagement with the best-selling book of all time.
The study, conducted by Barna Group, found most millennials (ages 18-30) believe the Bible to be the actual (21 percent) or inspired word of God (44 percent), while only 18 percent state the Bible is another book of teachings written by men. And while the split of opinions on the Bible between Christian millennials and non-Christian millennials is not surprising (45 percent of non-Christians believe the Bible is just another book of teachings written by men), it may surprise many to learn that non-Christian millennials may still turn to the Bible for comfort. For example, when non-Christian millennials do read the Bible, many do so to feel closer to God (21 percent).
"The good news is that, while more millennials are turning skeptical toward the Bible, we still see them reaching out to God during times of difficulty and to feel closer to God. For Christian ministries like American Bible Society, this means there is still an opportunity to encourage more millennials to engage with the Bible and experience its life-changing message," said Drew Hood, managing director of communications at American Bible Society.
Earlier this year, American Bible Society's annual State of the Bible research found that, among all American adults, the percentage of Bible skeptics equaled the percentage of Bible engaged for the first time. Millennials continue to drive the shift toward Bible indifference or skepticism. Of all millennials surveyed, 10 percent are considered Bible engaged, while 25 percent are considered Bible skeptics. While approximately a third of all millennials have positive feelings when they see someone reading the Bible in public (29 percent are happy, 29 percent feel encouraged, 27 percent feel joyful and 26 percent are grateful to see the Bible is still important to people), the division between Christians and non-Christians is clear. Many non-Christians have a negative view those who engage with the Bible.  
When non-Christians see someone reading the Bible in public they:
  • Assume that person is politically conservative (22 percent)
  • Figure they don't have anything in common with the person (21 percent)
  • Think the person is old-fashioned (17 percent)
  • Think that person is trying to make a statement or be provocative (15 percent)
  • Think the person is naïve and feel uncomfortable (both answers at 14 percent)
  • Yet for all the negative perceptions of the Bible and Christians, non-Christian millennials believe that the Bible teaches forgiveness (70 percent), patience (62 percent), generosity (64 percent) and social justice (41 percent).
    "There is a tremendous opportunity to engage non-Christian millennials with the Bible. Despite their misgivings about it, they still believe that the Bible promotes things they care about such as forgiveness, patience, generosity and social justice. We need to figure out what will motivate and enable them to read the Bible for themselves," said Lindsay Olesberg, Scripture engagement director at InterVarsity.
    But the reality remains that more millennials are leaving the Bible on bookshelves, with 32 percent never reading the Bible, compared to 26 percent of all U.S. adults. And only 26 percent of all millennials are reading the Bible at least once a week, compared to 38 percent of all U.S. adults. Still more millennials, 26 percent, said they have increased their personal use of the Bible in the past year than did the average U.S. adult (18 percent). The reason for the increase is in part due to seeing how the Bible changed someone they knew for the better. Even non-Christian millennials recognized this change in someone they knew (27 percent of non-Christians who increased their Bible reading in the past year said it was as a result of seeing how the Bible changed someone they knew, while 31 percent of all millennials said this and only 15 percent of all U.S. adults).
    At the same time, more millennials have also decreased their personal use of the Bible in the past year compared with all U.S. adults—15 percent decreasing Bible use compared to 9 percent of all U.S. adults. And 46 percent of non-Christian millennials said the reason they decreased their Bible use in the past year is because they became agnostic or atheist, while 21 percent of all millennials surveyed said this is why they decreased their Bible use, compared to just 15 percent of all U.S. adults.
    The survey also found:
  • The average amount of time millennials spend reading the Bible is 30 minutes, keeping pace with all U.S. adults.
  • 27 percent of non-Christian millennials hold very negative views of the Bible, stating that they believe the Bible is a dangerous book of religious dogma used for centuries to oppress people.
  • Only 32 percent of all millennials agree strongly that the Bible contains everything a person needs to know to live a meaningful life, compared to 50 percent of all U.S. adults.
Survey Methodology
The Millennials and the Bible report contains the findings from a nationwide study commissioned by American Bible Society and InterVarsity Christian Fellowship and conducted by Barna Research (a division of Barna Group). The research methodology included 1,000 online surveys conducted among a representative sample of young adults ages 18 to 30 in the continental U.S. The survey was conducted from Aug. 18-22, 2014.
For full survey information, please contact Christine Cape or Katie Rouse.

FREE Biblical Animals eBook ✡ "God Remembered Noah"

God remembered Noah and all the living things and animals that were with him in the Ark, and God caused a spirit to pass over the earth, and the waters subsided.


וַיִּזְכֹּר אֱ-לֹהִים אֶת נֹחַ וְאֵת כָּל הַחַיָּה וְאֶת כָּל הַבְּהֵמָה אֲשֶׁר אִתּוֹ בַּתֵּבָה וַיַּעֲבֵר אֱ-לֹהִים רוּחַ עַל הָאָרֶץ וַיָּשֹׁכּוּ הַמָּיִם

בְּרֵאשִׁית ח:א

va-yeez'-kor eh-lo-heem et no-akh v'-et kol ha-kha-ya v'-et kol ha-b'-hay-ma a-shayr i-to ba-tay-vah va-ya-a-vayr e-lo-heem ru-akh al ha-a-retz va-ya-sho-ku ha-ma-yeem

Shabbat Inspiration

Noah is described as a “righteous man” in Genesis (6:9) because of his tremendous effort and the compassionate care he showed the animals in his ark. Throughout the rest of the Bible, we read repeatedly of the importance of showing sensitivity to all of God’s creatures, including those of the animal kingdom. In honor of this week's Torah portion, Noach, we proudly present you with a gift of our eBook, "Animals of the Bible." Learn how to say your favorite animal's name in Hebrew and read the passage where they are mentioned in the Bible.

Israel to Supply Egypt with Natural Gas

Owners of the Tamar offshore gas field in Israel announced that they plan on supplying natural gas to Egypt after closing a deal with Egyptian firm Dolphinus Holdings.

Jordan Asks UN to Outlaw Jewish Prayer on Temple Mount

Jordanian officials, led by King Abdullah II, are seeking to ban Jewish prayer on the Temple Mount.

FREE Animals of the Bible eBook

This week, in honor of reading about Noah in the Torah portion, we are giving away the Animals of the Bible eBook for free!  Use coupon code: "NOAH" and enjoy!

Today's Israel Photo

Today's picture, by Boruch Len, from the series featured in our  "Animals of the Bible" eBook, shows the power of some of two lions in the land of Israel.  Their strength and beauty reminds us of the people and land of Israel.

Thank You

Please help us continue to spread the beauty and significance of the Land of Israel!

“Enjoying Israel365 From Spain!”

It’s great to hear from so many of you - stay in touch and let us know where in the world you are enjoying Israel365!
Shalom!! I'm enjoying Israel365 from Spain!! At this very moment, I am reminded of when I was young and heard of the 6 Day War.  At that time many foreign people, who love Israel, understood that it was a miracle! May the Lord work so amazingly that peace will be restored in that precious and beloved Land! We are all one family, Rutie
Shabbat Shalom,
Rabbi Tuly Weisz
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Phil Robertson, Mike Huckabee Join Forces Against Houston's Holy War

Phil Robertson, Mike Huckabee Join Forces Against Houston's Holy War

Houston Mayor Annise Parker has launched a First Amendment face-off with her city's pastors by demanding to review the content of their sermons and speeches.
As far as Glenn Beck is concerned, the biggest threat facing Texas isn't Ebola. It's Houston's holy war against free speech.
"This is more dangerous to the republic of Texas than any virus is. This is more dangerous than anything I've ever seen," the talk host warned. "This is not about equal rights. ... This is about shutting people down." And not all religious people—but Christians.
Like us, Glenn thinks one of the most stunning things about this Left's anti-faith crackdown is how selective it is. "God forbid you say, 'This mosque has radical Islamic imams preaching hatred,'" he said on his show. "You have a bag of bricks fall on your head, and they immediately shut down everyone from even saying, 'Wait a minute—the bombers came from that mosque.' ... The president immediately sends a team of delegates to apologize to that mosque, as it happened in Oklahoma."
But in Texas, where a bully of a mayor is intent on gagging local pastors, the president and his party are nowhere to be found. "We have become a very anti-religious group of people," Beck went on. "It was the Christians that were leading the way to man's freedom. And if the Christians don't do it this time, we'll never do it. We will lose it." With nearly 52,000 signing our petition to the Houston mayor, I'd say many are in agreement.
Fortunately, Glenn wasn't the only familiar face sounding the alarm on Houston. Chuck Norris had a message for the tyrants in Texas: nobody messes with religious liberty in his state and gets away with it. Angry that any elected leader would try to strip the power of the pulpit, Norris was blunt about the mayor's legal demands. Instead of combing through pastors' personal emails and messages, Norris thinks Houston officials should try reading the Constitution instead. "If the city attorney and Mayor Annise Parker need a primer on the First Amendment, then let them know that America's founders drafted it even to protect the political speech of preachers!"
And if it's "speeches" the mayor is interested in, then she can expect plenty on November 2, when FRC and other organizations link arms with local churches and rally Christians and churches from around the nation to stand for our Christian faith as we host I Stand Sunday. Like these local pastors, our speakers have a little experience sticking up for their values under pressure. Phil and Alan Robertson of "Duck Dynasty" have taken plenty of fire for standing by their biblical beliefs—and they'll be at Grace Community Church with us to encourage Houstonians to keep the faith. David and Jason Benham lost a national show on HGTV for their convictions—and haven't regretted it a single minute.
Hear from them as well as conservative heroes who are never tired of tackling the tough issues like Governor Mike Huckabee, Southern Baptist Convention President Dr. Ronnie Floyd, pastors of the targeted churches like Dr. Ed Young, Pastor Steve Riggle, and the man responsible for breaking his share of these outrageous stories, Fox News's Todd Starnes.
"We have become a very anti-religious group of people," Beck warned. "And we better wake up right now." Help us rouse the nation by joining us November 2 at 6 p.m. (CT) for I Stand Sunday. If you can't participate in person, do the next best thing: encourage your church or small group to host the simulcast. For details on both, click here.

Prophetic Word: Expect Changes, Changes, Changes! By Doug Addison

Prophetic Word: Expect Changes, Changes, Changes! By Doug Addison

Identity Network

Ten-four (10-4) is a radio communication meaning "message received." On October 4th (10/4), the last day of Yom Kippur, I was awakened at 2 am. God began to speak to me, making sense of things that have been happening and revealing some things to come.
Did you hear God? The Jewish holiday from Rosh Hashanah through Yom Kippur is a season that many people can hear God more clearly. Don't be disappointed if you did not hear God or have a spiritual experience. Sometimes subtle things happen that we do not pick up.
I have found that I hear God more clearly during this season but it is often the weeks before and weeks after. Remember God is outside of time and sometimes answers to our prayers seem delayed to us.
Radical Steps Needed
This is a time when you will need to take radical steps to get radical results. At the level the enemy has come against you, you will want to push back with the same intensity. Expect an increase in your spiritual gifts, dreams, visions, and supernatural encounters. This will open the opportunity for you to step up to a new level and see results for your efforts.
I completely understand it is not easy when you are sick, down or discouraged. When I was sick with Lyme disease last year, I did not have the strength to do anything. But consider finding people who will help you. Take anything you can get!
As I have been sharing this word from God with people everywhere I go, they give me a long list of reasons why they cannot do it. There is new power being released right now to break through, so take advantage of it and watch what happens.
Worship Breaks Things OPEN
There's a new door open so come on up! It's time to rise above the things that have held you back. God is speaking through music.
"After this I looked, and there before me was a door standing open in heaven. And the voice I had first heard speaking to me like a trumpet said, 'Come up here, and I will show you what must take place after this.'" Revelation 4:1 NIV
God's voice sounded like a musical instrument and you can expect God to speak to you through music. New doors and gates are opening right now over your life.
There is new freedom in worship. I had a dream in which I was on stage with a well-known worship leader and he started playing "Free Bird" on slide guitar. He played with intensity until something new began to open in the spiritual realm.
I knew it was time to press in and rise above because as he played it, something new opened. Praising God in the midst of adversity breaks things open (Psalm 43).
New Sound from Heaven Revealed
I have published several prophetic words recently stating that God is releasing a new sound from Heaven. Many have been searching for it wondering if it is a certain type of musical instruments or style. Yes it is, but it is not limited to that.
I recently noticed a new style of worship music emerging. In fact, this new style has irritated those who do not understand it. Many people say they do not like the new worship music mentioning the word "I" as opposed to the songs' lyrics being about "Him."
A few decades ago John Wimber and the Vineyard introduced the world to worship being about HIM and not us! God's presence would show up strongly when we sang "to Him" and not "about Him."
Just as in the time of the early Vineyard, things are shifting once again over worship music. Now there is a very strong presence of God coming when we declare who we are "in Him." These are called declarations or decrees and the songs often have the words "I" or "we" in them.
Don't mistake this new sound and movement as being self-centered. It is very Christ and Heaven-centered as it powerfully brings God's presence on Earth as it is in Heaven.
This new sound coming from Heaven right now is declaration-based. As we agree with Heaven's sound and declare who we are, watch as a powerful anointing comes enabling us to be all God created us to be!
God is Activating Angels to Help You
Angels have been assigned to you and your family to accomplish your life purpose. Often, we are not aware of this so these angels are not activated in their assignments for you.
"In the council of the holy ones God is greatly feared; he is more awesome than all who surround him." Psalm 89:7
God spoke to me that there is a "council of holy ones" around each of us and He is making you aware of them. These are angels that are assigned to our family and generational lines. God is bringing His light of justice and the council of angels has been assigned to you to bring you closer to Him and open the doors to something new.
New Revelation
New revelation is flowing for your situation through December.  This revelation will bring about a course change that will align you with your destiny.
"So I opened my mouth, and he gave me the scroll to eat." Ezekiel 3:2
Expect this sweet, new revelation to bring about changes in your course. As it comes, it will bring new connections, deeper insight, strategies, strength and encouragement. You will have a greater understanding on your next steps for January 2015 as you act on what God says over the next few months.
Flying Dreams
For months I have been having repeated dreams where I am trying to teach people to fly but they don't believe they can.
Most of them have "grounded" themselves by their belief systems or by over-interpreting something God had spoken to them and pulled back too far. Others have no idea the season has changed and there is new freedom to fly.
"But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles, they shall run and not be weary, and they shall walk and not faint."Isaiah 40:31 NKJV
For those who have been waiting, the season has shifted so you can now take new steps and expect strength to replace weariness. Try it for yourself and take a step to rise above your situation and get into your destiny at a higher level.
November 2013 Turnaround
God showed me that things happened to many people in November 2013 that looked strange and almost opposite to what you expected. But fifteen months from November 2013 (February 2015) you will see a turnaround.
7-year Cycle
God spoke to me that many people are in a seven-year cycle that started in 2001 and strange things happened again in 2008. It is time to prepare for a total turnaround coming in 2015.
Look back to 2001 and 2008. The tragedy of 9/11 took place in 2001 and the major crash of the housing industry and economy in the U.S. in 2008. These occurred seven years apart. In my life, these particular years also coincide with difficult times.
Daniel studied the writings of Jeremiah and determined that the desolation of Jerusalem would only last 70 years (Daniel 9:2). He was able to pray, fast, and respond according to a cycle of time. There is a major change for the good coming in 2015. Expect repayment for the losses of the past.
Prophetic Tidbits
Curses are being broken over you that were placed there by doubters and naysayers. Watch for physical healing to start happening in dreams. You will also notice spiritual blindness lifting off of people around you between now and December 2014. There is a new openness to the supernatural, dreams, and spiritual things.
Overall expect changes, changes, changes!
Doug Addison

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