Noah is described as a “righteous man” in Genesis (6:9) because of his tremendous effort and the compassionate care he showed the animals in his ark. Throughout the rest of the Bible, we read repeatedly of the importance of showing sensitivity to all of God’s creatures, including those of the animal kingdom. In honor of this week's Torah portion, Noach, we proudly present you with a gift of our eBook, "Animals of the Bible." Learn how to say your favorite animal's name in Hebrew and read the passage where they are mentioned in the Bible.
Owners of the Tamar offshore gas field in Israel announced that they plan on supplying natural gas to Egypt after closing a deal with Egyptian firm Dolphinus Holdings.
Jordanian officials, led by King Abdullah II, are seeking to ban Jewish prayer on the Temple Mount.
This week, in honor of reading about Noah in the Torah portion, we are giving away the Animals of the Bible eBook for free! Use coupon code: "NOAH" and enjoy!
Today's picture, by Boruch Len, from the series featured in our "Animals of the Bible" eBook, shows the power of some of two lions in the land of Israel. Their strength and beauty reminds us of the people and land of Israel.
Please help us continue to spread the beauty and significance of the Land of Israel!
“Enjoying Israel365 From Spain!”
It’s great to hear from so many of you - stay in touch and let us know where in the world you are enjoying Israel365!
Shalom!! I'm enjoying Israel365 from Spain!! At this very moment, I am reminded of when I was young and heard of the 6 Day War. At that time many foreign people, who love Israel, understood that it was a miracle! May the Lord work so amazingly that peace will be restored in that precious and beloved Land! We are all one family, Rutie |
Shabbat Shalom, Rabbi Tuly Weisz |
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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.
Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA