"Prophetic Bulletin: The Border War"
Rick Joyner, Fort Mill, SC
The Elijah List
The recent breaches in the White House security are not only shocking, they are prophetic. It was just revealed that the man who recently jumped the White House fence did not just make it to the front door, but actually got inside the White House, and deep inside of it. He was tackled by an off-duty agent who "just happened to be passing by."
This breach into what is considered the most important house in America is a reflection of the breakdown of security for the whole nation. Those whose most basic responsibility is the defense of our country have not done their job. They have left us vulnerable, and our enemies are now pouring through our porous borders.
Those with the motive to kill Americans and destroy America now have the means and opportunity because of the failure of our government to secure our borders. It does not take a genius or a prophet to know our enemies are not going to let such an opportunity pass by, and our government is leaving the front door open to them, just like the front door of the White House was left open.(Photo via Pixabay)
We are more vulnerable to terrorist attacks now than we have ever been. We will soon pay a terrible price if this is not addressed with the greatest resolve. The most basic responsibility of the federal government is defense, and the most basic defense of a nation begins with securing its borders. Our government leaders are presently guilty of the most basic dereliction of duty or treason. It must be one or the other.
The Dream
On the night of September 17, I had a prophetic dream. It was about a "gate of Hell" that has been opened into the United States. "Gates of Hell" are the doors that Hell uses to gain access. We have one of the biggest of these open into our country right now – our Southern border.
This does not mean that everyone illegally crossing our borders is a terrorist or has evil intent. It is likely that just a small fraction want to do us harm, but this is enough to wreak havoc on the entire country and soon. In the dream, I was shown the unimaginable consequences we will suffer if our borders are not secured very soon.
The dream began with a gang that crossed our border to attack a ranch in Texas. They herded together everyone on the ranch, about twenty in all, including family and workers. There were several children. Then with diabolical cruelty, they raped and tortured them. Then they killed them all in the most cruel, diabolical way imaginable. What they did to the children was the worst of all. Then they left with great excitement and celebration to attack another ranch. This was done in broad daylight. They did not seem at all concerned that they might be caught.
Then it was as if I was high over the land. I saw waves of gangs. Some appeared to be military units, sweeping across the Southwestern United States. It was like a great plague as they were pillaging, plundering, raping, and murdering. It was an invasion that threatened more Americans than any previous war in our history. I was surprised I did not see any U.S. military response to this invasion.
We know that the insanity that came upon Rwanda turned Rwandans against Rwandans for even slightly perceived differences. In this kind of evil rage, reason can be very twisted. What I witnessed was a raging and insane brutality like the earth may have never faced before. (Photo via Pixabay)
ISIS and other terrorist groups were part of this horde, but this was not an ISIS led operation. In fact, the Islamic terrorists who were involved were shocked themselves by the level of diabolical evil they witnessed in these gangs. I knew that what I was seeing was the evil spirit of modern terrorism mixed with ancient spirits of a deep and powerful witchcraft from some of the South and Central American countries. The main evil spirit that was driving this was ancient, possibly rooted in old civilizations like the Mayans. When this mixed with the evil of terrorism, it became a concoction of evil like the world has never seen.
As this onslaught unfolded in the Southwest, I then saw an outrage sweep across America. This rage was not directed at the invaders as much as it was directed at our federal government because it had failed to protect us. This outrage grew to the point of being nearly as diabolical as what I had seen in the invasion across our border. Many Americans wanted to do to our government leaders what was being done to Americans in the border states.
Every foolish action or policy our federal government had in regard to border security, such as the Fast and Furious program, was being brought up again to accuse our government. The rage grew with each one recited. I then saw federal employees fleeing some states as if they were fleeing for their lives. There was a seeming universal rejection of the federal government's authority by the states.
Then militia groups began popping up like mushrooms in a forest all across America. These were not racist or extremist militias, but rather ordinary citizens who were resolved to protect their families and neighbors. However, because of the rage in America, I felt these groups were vulnerable to being co-opted by extremist groups. Even so, in prophetic dreams and visions sometimes you just know things that you do not see. I knew that these militia groups would eventually stop the gangs that had come across our borders. This was because of the help they received from many veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan who knew how to fight this type of warfare.
At this time, county sheriffs became like the glue that held America together and kept it from a meltdown into anarchy. They took a leading role in security and defense against the attacks – not just those coming across the Southwestern border, but those that seemed to be happening all over the nation.
I woke up with a most startling supernatural manifestation in my room that I still do not understand. I know it is significant, and I will share it when I am given understanding.
This Can Be Prevented
Many prophetic warnings are given so that we understand the schemes of the devil in order to foil them. What I saw in this dream will happen if quick, decisive action is not taken to secure our Southern border.
When I asked what decisions we had to make, I did not get an immediate answer. However, when I had this dream, I knew it was the answer. If our government does not secure our borders very quickly, every American will be living in a constant danger from terrorist attacks. We will see the kind of wholesale invasion along our Southwestern border that I saw in the dream.(Photo via Pixabay)
Prophetic timetables do not revolve around U.S. elections, but the upcoming elections are right in the middle of this time of decision that we have been given. As I have been warning since the 2000 elections, every election from then on would be more important than the previous ones for the future of our country, including mid-term elections. This has proven true. If we don't vote, then we are voting for evil, because evil will fill every vacuum that the righteous allows.
We must pray that securing our borders becomes a major issue in the elections and that those who see and understand it are elected.
There are other fateful decisions that will be made that will determine whether or not we suffer the onslaught that I saw in the dream. We will know by the end of the year if the right ones were made. If not, then we will know it is time to prepare the homeland for the war that is coming. When serious preparation begins, a spirit of mockery will be released by the enemy to thwart it and keep us vulnerable.
The Christian Response
This is the most alarming dream I have ever had. I admit to being shaken for days by it. I don't think I had any fear for myself or my family who I have entrusted into the hands of the Lord. I have seen a lot of evil, but I have not seen anything like this. It shook me deeply.
Even so, as Christians we must not walk by fear but by faith. We must wake up, but we must also resolve that we will not take action out of fear. Fear is not a fruit of the Holy Spirit. If we are led by fear, we are not led by the Holy Spirit.
When the Lord told of all the things that would come upon the world at the end of the age, He told His people to do two things: First to stand up, and then look up. It is time for the righteous to stand up. The scariest thing in all of Scripture is the lake of fire. We are told in Revelation 21:8 that the first group thrown into the lake of fire will be the cowards. There is no place for cowardice in Christianity.
It is time for Christians to stand up and demonstrate the faith we have in the One who is above all rule and authority and dominion. As Paul wrote in Galatians 1:10, if he still feared men, he would not be a bondservant of Christ. No true servant of the Lord can be ruled by the fear of man, but rather by the true and holy fear of the Lord.
We are commanded to pray for our leaders. We are not told to just pray for the ones we like or agree with, but the ones we have. We must pray for our present leaders, that they will wake up and be given wise counsel so that this gate of Hell into our country is shut. That is the best of all scenarios.
By the end of this year, we will know if the invasion I saw in the dream has been avoided or not. If not, it does not mean that the attack will come right then, but we will know it is inevitable. That is when we must begin to prepare for it. We will be given wisdom to do this. Until then, we should pray earnestly that it is not necessary.
When I shared this dream on MorningStar Television, I was surprised by how fast it went viral. I was more surprised by how many had already foreseen this type of thing coming and were already preparing for it. I was especially encouraged to learn the number of sheriffs who are not only aware of these threats to our country but are preparing for them. It is obvious that God is preparing us in many ways.
Last year I was told that this year we would start to see the Lord as our Shepherd in a greater way than we have before. As terrible as this dream was, since having it I have become aware of just how much our Shepherd is watching over us and helping us be ready for things we may be completely ignorant of.
This is wonderful to see, but let us also keep in mind as Psalm 23 makes clear, knowing Him as our Shepherd requires us to come to the table, even in the presence of our enemies and while going through the Valley of the Shadow of Death. Through all of this we will know, as we never have before, the Lord as our Shepherd and that He is able to keep us.
There is much more to discuss about natural, practical preparation for what is coming, but spiritual preparation is far more important. As Christians, we know that satan cannot cast out satan. The rage I saw coming upon Americans toward government leaders who had allowed this was diabolical too. Responding in rage is not the answer and will only multiply the access evil has in our country. Our non-Christian neighbors do not know this, and many will get caught up in this rage. Rage and revenge will try to fill America, yet Christians must stand up against this evil too.
When we begin to suffer the kinds of attacks I saw in this dream, it is understandable that the states would want to reject the federal government's authority over them. It is understandable that citizens will want to hold government officials accountable for what has been allowed. Righteousness and justice are the foundations of the Lord's throne, but His justice is never driven by rage.
This is the main scheme of the enemy in this attack. As Christians we must resolve not to let this happen.
There may be a place for returning much more authority to the states and reducing the power of the federal government over the states to what was intended by the Constitution, but breaking up the country is only going to make everyone far more vulnerable.
Christians will be the key factor that holds the country together or allows it to split apart.(Photo via Pixabay)
One of the major purposes of the United States is to be light to the nations in confronting one of the ultimate evils of the human heart – racism.
Racism is one of the ultimate evils because it is the result of the ultimate evils of fear and pride.
We become racists because we fear those who are different from us, or we think we are better than others because of externals. We are warned, "God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble" (see James 4:6 NKJV). The grace of God is more valuable than any earthly treasure. We should therefore resist pride in every way that we can. This begins with resisting thinking we are better than others because of the color of our skin.
The United States has had terrible racial problems in our history. We still have major problems, but we have confronted them and made remarkable progress overall, even if we continue to have occasional, serious setbacks. The U.S. is a nation that is made up of all nationalities, and that has been one of our greatest strengths. We need to build on this strength.
When the Lord was asked about the signs of the end of the age, one of the first things He said was, "Nation will rise against nation" (see Matthew 24:7). The Greek word translated "nation" in these verses is ethnos from which we derive the English word "ethnic." He wasn't talking about countries fighting each other, but that one of the biggest events at the end of the age would be ethnic conflicts. Possibly more than any other nation, America is now positioned to be a standard to the world of the power of ethnic groups living in peace and harmony with one another. It is the devil's intent to reduce America to a most deadly ethnic conflict.
Christians, not the government, will determine which it will be.
The truth is that the Hispanic people are some of the easiest people in the world to love. Of all the ethnic groups America is made up of, Hispanics would rank at or very near the top of those who have been the greatest blessing to America. As we are told in I John 4:18, "There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear..."
If we are obeying God to love our neighbors, then we will not fear them regardless of any ethnic differences. If we love them, we will help protect them.
We must resolve now to grow every day in faith, not fear. We must resolve that we will grow in love and not fear. We must resolve to grow in the peace of God, not anger. Then the joy of the Lord will be our strength.
"If you do not change your course, you will end up where you are headed."
This dream represents where we are headed. The dream was so intense and powerful that I woke up feeling that this was imminent, but I was not given a specific timing in the dream for when this onslaught would come. The television show I did on this dream went viral, and sometimes exposing a scheme of the enemy to the light does at least cause him to pause, which can give us more time. I pray this is the case.
Even so, we do not have any time to waste. If the right decisions are not made by our government leaders by the end of this year to be decisive and resolute in defending our country by securing our borders, then we will need to start preparing for these things with decisiveness and resolve, but not in fear. The prepared prosper in all times.
Let us all make the right decision to vote in the upcoming elections. Because of ISIS, national defense has risen to the top of the issues, and it should be. We are vulnerable as a nation, just as security breaches to the White House should be a clear sign. The hedge of protection around our country is being removed by our leaders doing the things that we are warned will cause this to happen.
Let us pray for our leaders to turn back to God or be replaced by those who will.
This onslaught across our Southern border did not turn America back to God, but it turned Americans against one another. If this is not stopped, then it can still be lessened by wise leadership and wise preparation. (Photo via Pixabay)
The most important preparation of all is for every Christian to truly elevate God's house above the White House, or any other house, including our own. We must seek first His Kingdom, which means that all of our major decisions should consider the purposes of God above any other purpose. His Kingdom is built on a Rock that cannot be shaken. If we have built our houses on this Rock, we will not be shaken either.
To view Rick Joyner's recent video about his dream "ISIS Coming to America - The 'Gate of Hell' that has been opened" CLICK HERE.
Rick Joyner
MorningStar Ministries
MorningStar Ministries
Rick Joyner is the founder and executive director of MorningStar Ministries and Heritage International Ministries and is the Senior Pastor of MorningStar Fellowship Church. He is the author of more than forty books, including The Final Quest, A Prophetic History, and Church History. He is also the president of The OAK Initiative, an interdenominational movement that is mobilizing thousands of Christians to be engaged in the great issues of our times, being the salt and light that they are called to be. Rick and his wife, Julie, have five children: Anna, Aaryn, Amber, Ben, and Sam.
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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.
Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA