In today's verse, the prophet Jeremiah tells the Jews, on the verge of exile, to set up signposts so that they will not forget their way back to Israel. The word for signposts (ציונים / tzee-yu-neem) is almost identical to the word ‘Zion’, which shares the Hebrew root of the word for excellence, מצוין / m'-tzu-yan. According to British Chief Rabbi Jonathan Sacks, “Zion is not just a place. It is a way of life. Jews are called to moral excellence, to be different and to be a signpost in the wilderness from whom others get their bearing and sense of direction. Zionism is not only a matter or where we live, but also how we live.” The Holy Land is both a source of moral excellence as well as a source of supreme blessing.
There are metaphorical signposts and literal signposts. As some of the world’s fastest and most beautiful cars speed past the Old City walls, and zip past the signposts on the streets of Israel’s capital, motor-sport fans go wild and newcomers are electrified by this historic event.
As Israeli researchers are working overtime to help combat the spread of Ebola, the Foreign Ministry announced that it will send three mobile emergency clinics to the region.
This DVD set features the epic 10-part miniseries retelling stories from the Scriptures for a whole new generation.
This amazing picture contrasts the ancient walls of the old city of Jerusalem with the modern marvel of a speeding race car passing the Sultan's Pool. Do you know the name of the valley in which the Sultan's Pool is housed? Send me an email or post your answer on Facebook. Answer will be in tomorrow's email.
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Hi, I'm very grateful for all the emails that I have received regularly from you and your team. It's a great privilege to be informed about so many aspects of Jewish history and civilization and be permanently connected with the Land of Israel. Congratulations for Israel365's outstanding accomplishments and your total dedication. Dana S |
Rabbi Tuly Weisz |
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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.
Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA