Today's verse instructs us to trust in the Lord. Life in Israel often includes a constant struggle against adversity, and requires a great deal of trust and faith. Against great odds, the Jewish People returned to the land with faith and conviction of heart. "Heart to Heart" is Israel's National Blood Bank, sustaining Israel’s blood supply to help ensure that sick and injured Israelis can get the blood they need in case of emergency.
An opera which opened at the Met in New York has stirred very strong feelings beyond the arts community. “The Death of Klinghoffer” is based on a real and recent tragedy: the hijacking of an Italian cruise ship and the murder of a disabled Jewish-American passenger in 1985.
There are over 30 Israeli Arab citizens who have joined ISIS, according to Israeli intelligence estimates.
This beautiful lapel pin features the flags of two great allies: America and Israel. Made of sturdy metal with a quality plastic coated enamel design, it is just the thing to show where your heart lies.
Seeing the beauty of Israel really touches the heart. The way it is developing inspires and amazes. Today's picture, by Daniel Malkiel, really captures one such moment.
Please help us continue to spread the beauty and significance of the Land of Israel!
Sunday Snapshots
We hope you're enjoying our newest feature, Sunday Snapshots. Send us your best Israel photograph with a description, if possible, and don't forget to include your name and where you are from!
Thank you Rob Laskin, for sending us this stunning image of a sunrise at the Dead Sea. |
Shalom, Rabbi Tuly Weisz |
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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.
Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA