Thursday, February 19, 2015

Faith vs. Effort ✡ "Incline Your Ear to Me and Save Me"

In Your righteousness, rescue me and deliver me, incline Your ear to me and save me.

PSALMS (71:2)

בְּצִדְקָתְךָ תַּצִּילֵנִי וּתְפַלְּטֵנִי הַטֵּה אֵלַי אָזְנְךָ וְהוֹשִׁיעֵנִי

תהילים עא:ב

b'-tzid-ka-t'-kha ta-tzee-lay-nee u-t'-fal-tay-nee ha-tay ay-lai az-n'-kha v'-ho-shee-ay-nee

Today's Israel Inspiration

Throughout Scripture we are encouraged to trust in God, so why must we also put forth so much effort in this world to accomplish our goals? Surely God can take care of our needs! The answer is that being active creates positive change and growth within us. It is for our sake, not God's, that we must try to help ourselves and others. The volunteers of United Hatzalah take this adage to heart with nonstop, selfless efforts to shorten response times to emergencies with the help of ambucycles, medically-equipped motorcycles that get to the scene within minutes. They take no pay for their work, and provide care regardless of race or religion.

TED Talk: The Fastest Ambulance? A Motorcycle

See why this TED Talk by an Israeli has gone viral with over 100,000 views!

Israel's Prestigious Ometz Award Goes to ...

Israel’s emergency rescue organization, United Hatzalah, was recently recognized at the prestigious Ometz awards ceremony for its commitment to public service and saving lives.

Israeli Flag

Show your pride and support in the State of Israel with this 3 foot by 5 foot lightweight, polyester Israeli Flag with sharp colors.

Today's Israel Photo

Boruch Len's incredible photo tells a story of faith versus effort!

Thank You

Today's Scenes and Inspiration is sponsored by Robert Craven from Canton, Ohio. Toda Raba!

“I Love to Wake Up and Read Israel365!”

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Hello! Nashville Tennessee coming at ya, sending peace, love , protection from God our Father! How I love to wake up and read Israel365! It's like getting a letter from family that I would give anything to see!  We love you and pray for you all the time. You guys are really on top of things with the news and The Word... You guys are special. Keep the BEAUTIFUL PICTURES coming and know that you are in our hearts, prayers and everyday and night's thoughts! We love you so and so do the people from the USA! The Gleespens , Nashville, TN, USA

This is a new web that I have discovered. I like to learn all I can about Israel and G-d's chosen people. Blessings upon your work. Barbara Tice
Rabbi Tuly Weisz
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Seasons Happen by Elaine Tavolacci

Seasons Happen 

by Elaine Tavolacci

Identity Network

If you observe a tree year round, you will notice that its appearance will change depending on the season that it is in. In the winter season, a tree will become barren and lifeless due to the climate change. This is a dry season for the tree, yet this dormancy period is necessary as a time of rest. In the spring season, the spring rain will arrive and buds will appear as the tree will begin to blossom, flourish, and leaves will begin to grow. 

The fruit bearing trees will begin to grow fruit. In the summer season the tree will become healthy and vibrant. The sun will cause the tree to thrive and flourish. In the fall season, the colors of the leaves will begin to change as the tree goes through a time of transition and preparation for the winter season.
Trees do not usually grow continuously throughout the year, but mostly have spurts of active expansion followed by periods of rest. Just as seasons are necessary in the natural, we must also go through seasons in our lives spiritually. It is imperative that we learn how to adjust to the season that we are in. The book of 1 Chronicles 12:32 tells us that the sons of Issachar discerned the times and the seasons that they were living in.

The Lord says; to those of you who are in a winter season, rejoice in this cold, dry season, because your spring season is just ahead. This desert place is the training ground that will launch you into a season of fruitfulness. Do not despise this time of desolation, but trust Me for the days to come. Although you may feel as if the heavens are brass and your voice is not being heard, press in for the greater victory, which lies ahead. This is a time of preparation and just as the sons of Issachar knew how to discern the times and seasons for the people, you will also learn how to walk in discernment. 

Spend your time wisely in this season. Spend time with Me, and you will soon come back into the times of refreshing. Trust Me in those times of barrenness. Things may not appear as you expected, but recognize the importance of every season of your life. Don't rebel in times of change, but rather stay focused and learn how to be content in every situation. Allow Me to restructure your life as you go through these adjustments.

Stay in My Timing

Don't try to birth something out of its due season or it will become an Ishmael. I will bring life in those winter seasons when things seem dead all around you. I will bring growth in the spring seasons and everything will come into full bloom. I will bring My glory in those summer seasons to revive and refresh you. I will bring changes in those fall seasons to prepare you for your advancement. Learn to recognize what I am doing in every season so that you will be content and able to move forward. 

Change is always necessary for your spiritual growth. There are lessons to be learned, and changes to be made that are necessary for your journey in every season.  Do not fear change. This is the time to embark on new adventures and enter new dimensions in My glory as you submit to the time and season that I have placed you in says the Lord.

Genesis 8:22 While the earth remains, Seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, winter and summer and day and night shall not cease.

Ecclesiates 3:1 To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven.

Isaiah 35:1-2 The wilderness and the wasteland shall be glad for them, and the desert shall rejoice and blossom as the rose; It shall blossom abundantly and rejoice, even with joy and singing.

Acts 14:17 Nevertheless He did not leave Himself without witness, in that He did good, gave us rain from heaven and fruitful seasons, filling our hearts with food and gladness.

Elaine Tavolacci

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Obama Accuses Israel of Lying About Iran Deal

Obama Accuses Israel of Lying About Iran Deal

Thursday, February 19, 2015 |  Ryan Jones  ISRAEL TODAY
The Obama Administration on Wednesday suggested that the Israeli government was being less than honest regarding the details of negotiations between the US and Iran regarding the latter’s defiant nuclear program.
But a senior and respected Israeli politician said the White House is risking Israel’s future for the sake of its own selfish interests, and so Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu must go forward with a controversial appearance before the US Congress next month.
“There’s no question that some of the things that the Israelis have said in characterizing our negotiating position have not been accurate,” said White House spokesman Josh Earnest, who insisted on the importance of keeping the details of talks with Iran private.
State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki conveyed a similar assessment: “I think it is safe to say not everything you are hearing from the Israeli government is an accurate reflection of the details of the talks.”
Israeli leaders say the deal America is negotiating would leave the Iranian nuclear program largely intact, trusting to the word of the mullahs to not develop a nuclear weapon. Of course, if the Islamic Republic clandestinely continued on that path and ultimately tested an atomic bomb, it would be at that point too late to do anything about it.
Due to the increased and vocal Israeli opposition to the impending deal, officials in Jerusalem last week said they had largely been shut out on the issue by the Obama Administration.
Israel’s Channel 2 News reported that Jerusalem was no longer receiving full and regular briefings from Washington regarding the Iran nuclear talks. One official told The New York Times that while certain briefings are still maintained, “they are empty.”
The White House staunchly denied the report, but European officials who spoke to the Times said there was some truth to the allegation.
“European officials say that the Israeli reports, while overblown, are not entirely based on fiction,” reported America’s leading newspaper. “One recalled a recent call from Wendy Sherman, the No. 3 State Department official and lead American negotiator with Iran, saying she had cautioned against telling the Israelis too much because the details could be twisted to undermine a deal.”
But senior Likud candidate Benny Begin, son of legendary former Prime Minister Menachem Begin, said Israel is not twisting anything, and that the agreement Obama is prepared to sign with Iran is a real threat to the Jewish state.
“We are not just talking about a bad agreement, we are talking about an agreement that poses an great danger to the security of Israel,” Begin told Army Radio, explaining that with “Iran’s leadership calling for the arming of the West Bank, in a military sense, Israel now shares a border with Iran.”
Begin argued that despite all the opposition, it was important for Netanyahu to go forward with a March 3 appearance before the US Congress. “Not every American congressman knows the facts or details of this thing from Israel’s perspective,” he noted. “And learning about that could change the minds of some.”
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John Paul Jackson Passes Away

John Paul Jackson Passes Away

Prophetic minister John Paul Jackson has died.
Prophetic minister John Paul Jackson has died. (Facebook/File)
Prophetic minister John Paul Jackson has died. 
"Over this past weekend we've started to see signs that his weakened breathing is causing vital organs to become oxygen deprived," reads a post on his website.
Jackson has been battling cancer since May 2014 after doctors found a large, aggressive growth in his leg that needed immediate treatment. Through this experience, he wrote how cancer taught him much about how seriously God takes our fears and vowed to use prayer to fight it.
"I am pursuing the kingdom of God and equipping people to do the same as vigorously as I am able. I refuse to allow the enemy a stronghold in my thoughts. God is great and all-powerful," Jackson said in 2014. "I believe He will take me through this battle. In the process, God will gain a great victory and His name will be glorified."
Jackson is the founder of Streams Ministries International, a ministry that works to encourage, motivate and equip people to walk in greater maturity, wisdom, character and holiness. Jackson is perhaps best-known for his biblical approach to dream interpretation and prophetic evangelism, Charisma previously reported.
According to his website, Jackson's biblical approach to dreams revealed their life-changing purpose and restored an overlooked way God chooses to communicate with people. His "explanations of the unexplainable" helped people relate to God and each other in fresh ways.
Jackson launched Streams Ministries International in 1993. Their mission statement, according to the website, is to touch people with the message of God's love, bring the awe of God back into the church and transform lives through the supernatural of the Holy Spirit. 
Please pray for the Jackson family.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

How to Pray When Terrorists Are Beheading Christians - J. Lee Grady

ISIS murders
A total of 21 Egyptian Christians were brutally murdered by ISIS this past week in the name of Islam.

Fire in My Bones, by J. Lee Grady
Last Sunday in Libya, masked militants linked to the ISIS terrorist group led 21 Egyptian Christian men to the Mediterranean shore and made them kneel. Then the Islamic jihadis took out knives and cut each man's head off.
As blood mixed with salt water to create a grisly red tide, one of the militants issued a threat to all Westerners: "We will fight you all together. The sea you have hidden Sheikh Osama Bin Laden's body in, we swear to Allah we will mix it with your blood."
A recent wave of Islamic beheadings—videotaped and posted online—has reminded the world that ISIS and other ultra-violent Muslim groups are not going away. In 2014 ISIS warriors beheaded Syrian and Lebanese soldiers, American journalists, Japanese Christian journalist Kenji Goto, humanitarian aid workers and even children of Christian families. And now their terror has spread far beyond Syria.
The terrorists claim to be carrying out the will of Allah, and they cite a passage in the Quran (47:4) to justify their brutality: "Therefore, when ye meet the unbelievers [in fight], smite at their necks." More peaceful Muslims have condemned the extreme behavior of ISIS, but this has not convinced the West that we aren't in danger of worse violence.
The stream of blood we saw in 2014 may become a river this year. And Christians in the Middle East are the most vulnerable.
So what can we do? Military action will likely become necessary, especially if the terror hits our shores. But before suicide bombers attack Dallas or people are beheaded in the streets of Pittsburgh, the Christian community must wake up to the need for emergency prayer. Here are six biblical ways you can pray:
1. Pray for a bold witness of the gospel in the midst of persecution. Persecution was a reality in the New Testament church, but it did not stop the early disciples from spreading the gospel. After Peter and John were arrested and told to stop preaching, they announced: "We cannot stop speaking about what we have seen and heard" (Acts 4:20). Pray that persecuted Christians will not be intimidated or silenced by acts of terror.
2. Pray for supernatural miracles to confirm the gospel. When the early church faced opposition, they prayed not only for boldness but also for a display of God's power. They prayed in unity in Acts 4:29-30: "And now, Lord, take note of their threats, and grant that your bond-servants may speak your word with all confidence, while You extend Your hand to heal, and signs and wonders take place through the name of your holy servant Jesus." Pray that God will bare His arm and show the world that He is real, especially to militant Muslims who don't know the Savior.
3. Pray that the seed of the martyrs will produce a harvest of converts. When an angry crowd stoned Stephen, the first martyr of the early church, he cried out on his knees: "Lord, do not hold this sin against them!" (Acts 7:60). His death was tragic, but it was not in vain. A great outpouring of the Holy Spirit followed his martyrdom. When a born-again Christian gives his or her life for Jesus, God takes note and responds. This could be the greatest hour of spiritual awakening in the Middle East.
4. Pray for heavy conviction to fall on those who persecute the church. Saul was bent on arresting and killing the early disciples, and he watched as Stephen was martyred. Yet shortly after Saul launched his terror campaign, he fell on his face on the Damascus road and was dramatically converted (see Acts 9:3-4). This same miracle can happen today to leaders of ISIS. Don't limit God's power—and don't pray vindictive prayers of judgment on these people. Pray that the most militant persecutors of the church will have a head-on collision with the Son of God.
5. Pray for angelic protection and intervention. During one wave of persecution against the New Testament church, an angel appeared in Peter's prison cell, woke him up and caused his chains to fall off (see Acts 12:7). Later, after King Herod refused to stop his rule of terror, an angel struck him dead (see 12:23). The Bible does not say the church prayed for Herod's death; we should never pray with a vengeful spirit, but we should leave room for the wrath of God when mercy runs out.
6. Pray that the global Christian community will work for peace and justice in the Middle East. We cannot just sit back and watch our brothers and sisters being beheaded for their faith while we enjoy our First World comforts. We must be in solidarity with them, not only in prayer but also in action. We should actively support government and church leaders who are working behind the scenes for reconciliation, humanitarian aid and protection for the victims of injustice.
Our response to this wave of terror cannot be fear—or hatred. Don't just curse the darkness. Be proactive by praying fervently. Ask God to unleash in the Middle East a great outpouring of the Holy Spirit that will not only bring peace-loving Muslims to Christ, but also bloodthirsty Islamic militants who are sharpening their knives for the next attack.
J. Lee Grady is the former editor of Charisma. You can follow him on Twitter@leegrady. He is the author of several books including his latest, The Truth Sets Women Free (Charisma House.) You can learn more about his ministry, The Mordecai Project, at
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Hidden Heritage: Aramean Christians Fighting for Israel

Scott Ross with Father Gabriel Nadaf

Hidden Heritage: Aramean Christians Fighting for Israel

JERUSALEM, Israel -- Christians across the Middle East are fleeing Muslim murder and persecution. But one country provides a safe haven and freedom for Christians and that's Israel.
For generations, indigenous Arabic-speaking Christians have been considered a tiny minority within the larger Muslim Arab minority in Israel and Muslim majority in the Middle East.
But now many of them are breaking away from that identity, fighting in the  Israeli Defense Forces for the Jewish state and reclaiming a hidden heritage.
Greek Orthodox priest Father Gabriel Nadaf is leading the way. He lives and ministers in the northern Israeli city of Nazareth.
An Arimean Heritage
Two-thousand years ago, Nazareth was the boyhood home of Jesus. Today it's the largest Christian city in Israel.

But Nadaf, who founded the Christian Israeli Forum, is so controversial that the Greek Orthodox Church threatened to defrock him and Israeli police must protect him with a personal alarm that he can wear on his wrist like a watch round the clock. But he is not deterred.

"Despite all the threats and the incitement against me, I will not turn back from my way," Nadaf told CBN's Scott Ross.
Nadaf's son was violently attacked in December 2013 before he joined the IDF. He joined anyway.
"I am continuing with my faith and my way, the way of integration. Or I'll die or there will be more of this way. If I won't die, I'll continue to the end," Nadaf said.
Nadaf's offense: saying he's not an Arab, reclaiming his Aramean heritage and encouraging young Christians to integrate into Israeli society, especially by serving in the IDF.
"We want to protect the state that's protecting us," Nadaf said.
Most Christians in the Middle East come from a Catholic or a number of Orthodox traditions. Most of them speak Arabic -- the language of their countries -- but many say that doesn't make them Arabs.
No Such Thing as 'Christian Arab'
Until recently, Israel and the rest of the world considered Nadaf and most of the 160,000 Christians in Israel as Arab Israelis, lumping them together with the large Muslim minority.
But Nadaf and others like Shadi Khaloul say they're not Arabs even though they speak Arabic. They say they're Aramean.
"I was raised as a Christian in a Christian family who believed in Christ, who went to church every Sunday, and they listened to an Aramaic language in our church, in our mass," Khaloul, chairman for the Aramaic Christian Society in Israel, said. "That's our church language actually."
Many believe Jesus spoke Aramaic when he was on the earth. Khaloul told Ross the term "Christian Arab" is a "fake terminology" invented in the last century.
"It was created only around 100 years ago by pan-Arabism theology and this is a big mistake," he said.
"We are [an] Aramaic population who inhabited this area at the time of Muslim conquerors in the 7th century. We preserved our national identity and religious identity for 1,400 [years] and today because we are forced to speak Arabic," he said.
Ross asked if that made them Arabs and wondered if someone moved to the Middle East and spoke the Arabic language, if he would suddenly start calling himself an Arab.
"I can't accept myself being [called] an Arab, not because I hate or I don't like Arabs. I have nothing [against] Arabs. I am not [an] Arab," he said emphatically.
An Official Minority
Recently, Israel became the first Middle Eastern country to recognize Aramean Christians as an official minority. And in October Khaloul's 2-year-old son Ya'akov became the first person in modern history to be registered as Aramean in Israel's population registry.
Khaloul, an IDF reservist, was also ahead of the curve when it came to enlisting in the army.
"I joined the IDF in 1993, and at that time it was unusual," he explained.
But he did it, he said, first and foremost because he is a Christian.
"As a Christian, I believe that Israel is my country. I live here," he said. "This is the country that protects me as a Christian. I live here in freedom."
"If I compare myself to other Christians in the Middle East and the way they live -- I have freedom of speech; I have freedom of movement. I have freedom in anything I want," he continued. "If I have full abilities and requirements I can go anywhere I want, even to any position I want."
Khaloul said the Israelis treated him as one of the group.
"In the army, we're all equal. There is no difference between Jewish or Aramaic Christian -- as am I -- or even Arab, which is Muslim," he said.
Arab Backlash
But the problem came with the way the Arabs treated him.

"I faced a lot of Arab[s] cursing us, telling us that you are people that betrayed the Arabs and Palestinians, and they don't accept you as a national identity that can have freedom of your choice," he said. "They want you to be an Arab and they force you to be an Arab against your will."

Nearly all Jewish Israelis are drafted into the IDF after high school. Khaloul said it's also important for young Christians to join because it helps them to be part of the country.
"The IDF in Israel is considered to be a school actually, a school for the Israeli society, for entrance to the Israeli society," he said. "You will eat with them [Jewish soldiers], learn with them, talk with them. They will know about your side of identity and they will know about you."
"You will have a better chance to integrate into the Israeli society -- not because you did military service, but because of better understanding the Israeli Jewish society, which is the majority of this country -- 80 percent [of the population]," he added.
The trend is catching on. In one year, despite condemnation from Arab leaders, Christian enlistment increased from an average of 35 per year to 150 and more than 420--mostly women--signed up for National Civil Service.
Integrating into Israel
But there is still resistance from many Christians when it comes to integrating into Israel. Nadaf said there's a spiritual dimension. Since the founding of the State of Israel no one told Christians that Christianity came out of Judaism, he said. And that's what he is trying to teach them now.
"The Christians that now are against integration into Israeli society, to my dismay, they're not going in the way of Christianity," Nadaf said. "They don't understand that Christianity really comes from Judaism -- that the roots of Christianity are also from this land."
"And if the Jews will leave the land of Israel, there also won't be Christians here," he added.
Nadaf said he would like Christians around the world to pray for their Christian brothers here that the integration process would succeed.
"If we [achieve] this integration there will be true love and we will live in peace with our neighbors here in the State of Israel," he said. "Together with the Jews, we will protect the Land of Israel."

Click: Watch the interview here.

Franklin Graham: Islamic Storm Coming against West - CBN News

Franklin Graham: Islamic Storm Coming against West

Franklin Graham is warning that a storm of Islamic persecution is coming against Christians in the West.
The founder of Samaritan's Purse wrote a message on Facebook after ISIS terrorists beheaded 21 Christians in Libya.
Graham asks why there hasn't been global condemnation from Muslim leaders.
"Can you imagine the outcry if 21 Muslims had been beheaded by Christians?" he wrote.
The Islamic terrorists released a video of their atrocity against the Christians, with a headline that read: "A Message Signed with Blood to the Nation of the Cross."
Graham says, "We'd better take this warning seriously as these acts of terror will only spread throughout Europe and the United States.... the storm is coming."
Other Christian leaders are also speaking out, saying the world must stand up to repudiate the ISIS massacre and the terrorist targeting of Christians.
Dr. Samuel Rodriguez, president of the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference, is specifically calling out President Barack Obama to do more.
"We call upon the president of the United States of America and Congress to specifically address the persecution of Christians by ISIS, Islamic totalitarianism and regimes in the Middle East, and call upon the United Nations to convene a summit on Christian persecution around the world," Rodriguez stated in a press release.
He's also calling for a moment of silence Sunday to honor the beheaded Egyptian Christians and their grieving families.