Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Guess this Great Photo! ✡ "Down to the Sea"

Those who go down to the sea in ships, who do their work in great waters. They have seen the deeds of God, and His wonders in the watery deep.

PSALMS (107:23, 24)

יוֹרְדֵי הַיָּם בָּאֳנִיּוֹת  עֹשֵׂי מְלָאכָה בְּמַיִם רַבִּים הֵמָּה רָאוּ מַעֲשֵׂי יְ-הוָה וְנִפְלְאוֹתָיו בִּמְצוּלָה

תהילים קז:כג,כד

yor-day ha-yam ba-a-nee-yot o-say m'-la-kha b'-mai-yim ra-beem. hay-ma ra-u ma-a-say a-do-nai v'-nif-l'-o-tav bi-m'-tzu-la

Today's Israel Inspiration

King David describes in this beautiful psalm the joy of seafarers in ancient times, who were delivered from peril at sea and arrived safely at port. They would publicly express their thanks to God. By sharing with others the miracles, however big or small, in our lives, it leads others to gain increased awareness of God’s intervention. As well, it opens our own eyes to focus on the good, and to see the many blessings we receive each day. Help us continue to spread the beauty and significance of the Land of Israel.

Ancient Ritual Bath Found in Jerusalem Home

A Jerusalem family has discovered a 2,000-year-old mikvah (ritual Jewish bath) underneath their living room floor while doing renovations.

The Miracles of the Pre-Messiah Era

All over the world, and especially in the US, unusual animal behaviors are causing some to ponder whether the world is witnessing a reprise of the Biblical Ten Plagues.

Jerusalem Temple Magnets

These magnets are as majestic as they are functional.  Sold as a set of ten, each magnet features a golden model of the Jerusalem Temple.

Israel Photo Trivia

Can you guess where Rebecca Kowalsky took this glorious photo of fishing boats in Israel? Take a guess and send me an email or post your answer on Facebook.

Thank You

Please help us continue to spread the beauty and significance of the Land of Israel!

“Continue Being a Blessing to the World”

It’s great to hear from so many of you - stay in touch and let us know where in the world you are enjoying Israel365!

Hi, I live in Dar es salaam, Tanzania, East Africa. I love reading Israel365 daily. I visited Tel Aviv once, I love Israel and may you continue being a blessing to the world.- Mntambo Mburi

Dear Rabbi, I am from Cincinnati, Ohio. I know how important Israel is to The Lord, I am happy to learn about the nation and her people... Israel365 is good. God bless you. Sincerely, Carol Milligan
Rabbi Tuly Weisz

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You are receiving this email because you signed up for daily Israel Scenes and Inspiration on our website,www.israel365.com.

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34 Nahal Ein Gedi Apt #17
Beit Shemesh 9909875

WATCH: These 2 Signs of the Harbinger Continue - Jonathan Cahn

WATCH: These 2 Signs of the Harbinger Continue

It's time to open your Bible and look for signs to come based on parallels with the children of Israel. 
Rabbi Jonathan Cahn tried to warn us in his book The Harbinger, which details specific warnings God gave Israel before he judged them.
"The tree of hope, representing America, withered away, withered away, no matter what they try," Cahn said of a tree planted at Ground Zero, one of the Harbingers. "I found out they actually tried to put new soil, they replaced all the soil, and it still withered away. And so one of the signs you see of the prophets, I will break off the vows, I will break off the branches, break off your glory, they broke the tree of hope, got its branches broken off because it was diseased, no matter what they did, broke it all off."
What will happen next? Watch the video to see. 
The Charisma Podcast Network is now live. Featuring a variety of programs including news, leadership, inspiring stories, women's topics, sports, and even more.
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Monday, July 13, 2015

Remember When - Now Think On This by Steve Martin

Remember When
- Now Think On This
by Steve Martin

“'For I know the plans that I have for you,' declares the Lord, 'plans for welfare and not for calamity to give you a future and a hope.” (Jeremiah 29:11 NASU)

Remember when:

…you knew the neighbor across the street, whom your kids played with until it was dark out, and you could even borrow an egg if you needed too? Or if you were gone on a vacation for a week, and you came back to find your grass had been cut without asking anyone? Yes, the neighbor on the side of the house had kindly done it.

…you enjoyed having neighborhood gatherings, with each one bringing part of the meal for the grill, and you really did care about each other’s concerns that you shared amongst these friends?

“Owe nothing to anyone except to love one another; for he who loves his neighbor has fulfilled the law.” Romans 13:8-9 NASU

Remember when:

…you and a few others received an award in school, because you really did work extra hard, while most others showed little effort? Not everyone got a special one, which made it an extra achievement.

…the bonus you received on your job was because your contribution made a difference, and the management realized it. And so when others just did what was expected of them, you gave the extra effort, and thus achieved the greater reward given to a few.

 “The one who had received five talents came forward bringing the other five and said, ‘Sir, you gave me five talents; here, I have made five more.’ 21 His master said to him, ‘Excellent! You are a good and trustworthy servant. You have been faithful with a small amount, so I will put you in charge of a large amount. Come and join in your master’s happiness!” Matt 25:20-21 CJB

Remember when:

…Dad worked over 35 years at the same place, and they blessed him with a real special Grandfather’s clock, threw a party, and all his co-workers celebrated with him? He worked hard and was rightly honored.

…you also could almost certainly count on staying with your company for a long period of time, knowing they cared about you and not just the bottom line? And you got a fair wage for the work you were expected to do, and you did.

"Then I will draw near to you for judgment; and I will be a swift witness against the sorcerers and against the adulterers and against those who swear falsely, and against those who oppress the wage earner in his wages, the widow and the orphan, and those who turn aside the alien and do not fear Me," says the Lord of hosts.” (Malachi 3:5 NASU)

Remember when…

…you had a Grandpa and Grandma who had been married for over 40 years, demonstrating the love and commitment that they had declared to one another back when they were in their 20’s? Marriage was well respected. And along with that, following this union of one man and one woman, you were grateful that your Dad and Mom then helped create you after their wedding.

…you waited for the choice the Lord had made for you, while all the while keeping pure in your actions towards one another until she walked down the aisle? The honeymoon night was a very special time of coming together.

“Marriage should be honored by everyone. And every marriage should be kept pure between husband and wife. God will judge guilty those who commit sexual sins and adultery.” (Hebrews 13:4)

In all these things and more, our God certainly “remembers when”, and He is not slow in His rewards, nor is He forgetful about His promises to those who obey His laws, and also to those who don’t. Just because “days have gone by”, or “these times are changing” doesn’t mean that we can change what we want, when we want to change them. His eternal ways will certainly be made known by all – one way or another.

He knows what is written in each of our life’s book. That day will come for each of us, as He then shows it to us.

“Then I saw a large white throne. I saw the one who was sitting on the throne. Earth and sky ran away from him and disappeared. And I saw those who had died, great and small, standing before the throne. Some books were opened. And another book was opened—the book of life. The people were judged by what they had done, which is written in the books. (Revelations 20:11-12)

I hope you are still remembering to do what is right, and just, and certain in the eyes of the Lord. A crown of glory and eternal life in heaven awaits those who do.

Now think on this,

Steve Martin
Love For His People. Inc.

Love For His People, Inc. is a charitable, not-for-profit USA humanitarian organization started in 2010 to share the love of the Father in the nations.

If these messages minister to you, please consider sending a charitable gift of $5-$25 today, and maybe each month, to help us bless families we know in Israel, whom we consistently help through our humanitarian ministry. Your tax deductible contributions receive a receipt for each donation. Fed. ID #27-1633858.

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Todah rabah! (Hebrew – Thank you very much.)
Please share Now Think On This with your friends.

Email: loveforhispeople@gmail.com  

Facebook pages: Steve Martin and  Love For His People  
Twitter: martinlighthous, LovingHisPeople 

Full website: Love For His People

Now Think On This #174 “Remember When” by Steve Martin 
Date: In the year of our Lord 2015 (07.13.15) Monday at 6:00 pm in Charlotte, NC

All previous editions of Now Think On This can be found on this Blog, and on the website: Now Think On This

Israel: Still Open for Business

Israel: Still Open for Business

TOM BRENNAN  charisma news
Despite all of the BDS movements against it, Israel continues to thrive as a nation.
Despite all of the BDS movements against it, Israel continues to thrive as a nation. (Flickr )
Standing With Israel
The last two years have seen a dramatic increase in worldwide stress and pressure on Israel. Last year, riots disrupted business, transportation and commuting.
Shops that employ Israeli citizens of all faiths saw a drop-off in sales. Some tours were cancelled. Still, a bad day in Jerusalem is better than a good week in Chicago or Detroit as far as crime and violence go.
The BDS (Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions) movements that uninformed, misinformed and outright malevolent groups attempt to stage are failing, but still there are some effects. Israeli companies are businesses that employ many non-Jewish citizens and their incomes are significantly higher and standard of living better than in neighboring countries of the Palestinian Authority's areas.
Has your church group cancelled a scheduled tour for fear's sake? Did you miss a chance to ride a boat on the Sea of Galilee?
Remember, the Messiah calmed the storms there and walked on water. Each time he said "do not be afraid." Our days are numbered and each day counts. No one knows from the hour they wake until the hour they sleep what will happen. Only the Creator knows. Faith tells us that only He is in charge. No one else, neither friend nor enemy.
If your tour is coming up this year, obey the command of "don't be afraid." There is only one Israel. In the meantime do you have gifts to buy for weddings, birthdays, celebrations? There are many online merchants that operate from Israel. They offer a vast catalog of everything from crafts made in Bethlehem and Nazareth to delicious foods that are pure delights.
Do you know what Kosher means? The Hebrew meaning is "special," set aside. The Torah, the first five books of the Bible, were transcribed by Moses (Moshe' in Hebrew) and contain the instructions and examples that the Creator wanted His chosen people to follow in the Covenant made with Moses. Certain foods were not to be eaten, certain things were not being mixed, and no form of worship the idolaters used were to be used by the Israelites.
His people, His worship and His Word were "Kushra": special, set aside. Jesus (Yeshua in Hebrew) said "be holy as I am holy." The Hebrew meaning is "be set apart as I am set apart." Be in the world but not a part of it and its ways. "You are mine and I am your God," he says.
Kosher foods are best made in Israel. Fresh ingredients are used (no GMO!) Olive oil, baked goods, these are exported daily. Jaffa (Yafo) oranges are amazing in their size and juiciness. Rabbis certify that foods were prepared and made according to rules and a seal is applied.
Do you know that there are hundreds of certifying agencies in the United States each with their own seal? We all recognize Hebrew National meats; now we see what Kosher really means. Some of us say Kosher means "delicious."
Seeing how ancient traditions are carried into modern day Israel is a real learning experience. Israel combined faith, heritage and fast-paced living into a workable lifestyle that all can learn from. Israel is open for business and ready to welcome you.
Tom Brennan has worked in quite a few professions. Born in Lynn, Massachusetts, he's worked as a museum curator, archivist and graphics curator, library administrator, small business owner, animal care worker, sheriff's deputy, rancher and farmer and author and researcher and NewsBlogger. He plans to volunteer for Sar-El next year and see Israel from the ground up. When he's not digging into news, he works with Arabian horses and other breeds in Boise, Idaho.
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Hebrew Music Monday ✡ "Fear of the Lord"

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge; but the foolish despise wisdom and discipline.


יִרְאַת יְ-הוָה רֵאשִׁית דָּעַת חָכְמָה וּמוּסָר אֱוִילִים בָּזוּ

משלי א:ז

yir-at a-do-nai ray-sheet da-at khokh-ma u-mu-sar e-vee-leem ba-zu

Today's Israel Inspiration

The Book of Proverbs is the most quoted of all Scripture to this day. It was written by King Solomon, the wisest king of Israel. In I Kings 3, the Bible relates how this son of King David achieved such greatness. God appeared to Solomon in a dream and offered him whatever his heart desired. Young King Solomon asked only for the wisdom to guide God’s people in righteousness. So pleased was the Lord with Solomon’s request that He also granted him great wealth and success. This verse sets the tone for the entire book of Proverbs. Once King Solomon has set out his purpose in writing, to impart wisdom, he begins by identifying fear of the Lord as the root of that wisdom. Without awe of God,knowledge is empty and can be twisted for any number of negative purposes. Learn more with dynamic Orthodox Rabbi Aryeh Leifert, who believes that one of the biggest patches of common ground between Christians and Jews is the Wisdom of Solomon.

Preview: "Proverbially Speaking"

Rabbi Aryeh Leifert is an adventurous Israeli tour guide who invites you to join him on a touring journey of one of his favorite books of the Bible: Proverbs.

Bringing Proverbs to Life

Go behind the scenes with a teacher who is known for making the rocks of the Holy Land come to life through his live and virtual tours. Now he's giving a modern take on the ancient book of Proverbs.

Hebrew Name Ring

Stay connected to your biblical roots by wearing your Hebrew name proudly! The ring is made from real silver with your personalized name. Don’t know your Hebrew name? No problem! Many English names derive from Hebrew names in the Bible, and the rest have etymological or spiritual cousins in Biblical sources. Just type in your English name and we’ll find the Hebrew name in the Bible that’s most closely connected to yours.

Today's Israel Photo

Summer gets a big welcome with the Umbrella Street Project in Jerusalem! A thousand umbrellas are suspended by thin wire providing not only a beautiful sight but plenty of welcome shade.

Thank You

Please help us continue to spread the beauty and significance of the Land of Israel!

Rabbi Tuly Weisz at CUFI in DC!

I am excited to be at the Christians United for Israel conference today in Washington D.C. and if you're also here, I'd love to meet you in person. Please be in touch and let's meet up!

I love Jerusalem, the city of God. If there's a place that i would dearly love to visit, that is Jerusalem. I am from Cebu, Philippines - Ali Montecillo - Phillipines

I am from Jaipur city, India.  Thanks for your email. Praise be His Holy name, Amen. Keep in touch. - Prem Singh Negi from India

Thank you for these emails. They bring back lovely memories of when we were in Israel for the Feast of Tabernacles in 2006. May Adonai  bless you and keep you, may Adonai make his face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you.May Adonai lift up his countenance upon you and give you his peace. Wendy and Richard Upton, New Zealand
Rabbi Tuly Weisz

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Our mailing address is:
34 Nahal Ein Gedi Apt #17
Beit Shemesh 9909875