Friday, July 24, 2015

The Hope - 700 Club (Video - Part 3)

Chaim Weizmann - Israel's first President in 1948

Published on Jul 23, 2015
A chemist by trade, Chaim Weizmann eventually became Israel's first international diplomat and Israel’s first President in 1948. He met with U.S. President Harry Truman to help secure American support for the new State of Israel.

US President Harry Truman and Israel President Chaim Weizmann

The 'Man Who Saved Tel Aviv' Dies at 94

The 'Man Who Saved Tel Aviv' Dies at 94

Lou Lenhart (l) and other fighter pilots in front of the Avia S-199.
Lou Lenhart (l) and other fighter pilots in front of the Avia S-199. (Wikimedia Commons )
Standing With Israel
Lou Lenart, who became known as "the man who saved Tel Aviv," passed away Monday in his home in Ra'anana outside Tel Aviv at age 94.
His "bigger-than-life story" is fascinating.
Born Layos Lenovitz in Hungary, he immigrated to America at age 10 with his parents and two younger siblings to escape increasing anti-Semitism in their rural community near the Czech border. One incident in particular convinced the family it was time to leave. They were farmers and moved to a small town in central Pennsylvania.
But the move didn't shield them from anti-Semitism. There were few Jews in the town and the kids endured slurs from their classmates.
At 17, Lenart enlisted in the Marines, where he served in an infantry division before being accepted to flight school. After surviving a serious training accident, he went on to battle Japanese kamikaze pilots in World War II.
Following his discharge as a captain, Lenart learned that 14 family members, including his grandmother, perished in Auschwitz.
From America, he watched Israel move toward statehood, as Holocaust survivors found their way to the Jewish homeland.
Early in 1948, Lenart joined the Haganah, the Israel Defense Forces' precursor, flying a cargo plane 1,300 miles from Italy to Israel. As an experienced fighter pilot, he helped locate surplus war planes for the emerging state.
On May 29, just two weeks after Israel's official establishment, some 10,000 Egyptian troops invaded, with about 500 vehicles, tanks, trucks, and tankers, marching toward Latrun to join Jordanian troops. At least five armies from neighboring Arab states plotted to destroy the newborn state.
Israel needed to stop the advance. Lenart, joined by three other pilots, including Ezer Weizman who would later serve as Israel's seventh president, were told if you don't go now, they'll be in Tel Aviv tomorrow and there will be no Israel. They attacked the massive ground forces camped outside Ashdod, just 20 miles from Tel Aviv.
Lenart would later write about "the IAF's [Israeli Air Force] first aerial attack," calling it "the most important event of my life" and saying he survived World War II to lead the mission.
"There were thousands of troops, tanks, and hundreds of trucks. We flew lower, dropped the bombs, and started shooting at anything we could spot," Lenart wrote. "The Egyptians tried to shoot at us, but they were stunned. They didn't even know Israel had an air force. The Arabs had everything, we had nothing. And we still won. We just didn't have a choice. That was our secret weapon."
Lenart later helped establish the IAF's 101 Squadron and flew missions to bring Iraqi Jews to Israel.
He also flew commercially for El Al, Israel's national airline. And if that wasn't enough, he produced six feature films, including "Iron Eagle" and its sequel, "Iron Eagle II."
Lenart was buried this week near Tel Aviv. He is survived by his wife, Rachel, two children and a grandson. His daughter, Michal, also served in the IAF.
For the original article, visit
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Obama - The Anti-Israel President

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Barack Obama

David Horowitz - Freedom Center

Uploaded on Dec 1, 2011

Blog Editor's Note: Even after 4 years, this video is even more relevant. We stand with Israel. 
Love For His People

WATCH: You Won't Believe What Fox's Brit Hume Just Said About Abortion

Brit Hume

WATCH: You Won't Believe What Fox's Brit Hume Just Said About Abortion

Shockwaves resonated across the country when a leaked video revealed Planned Parenthood was selling fetal body tissues.
It was so offensive that the president of the abortion organization herself apologized for the tone in which Dr. Deborah Nucatola discussed the dismembering of human bodies. 
Now, all eyes are on the clinic's atrocities. 
"Whatever comes from the revelation about Planned Parenthood and its participation in the trafficking of fetal body parts, those revelations will have achieved one thing," Senior political analyst Brit Humes says. 
Watch the video to see what it is. 
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Confronting BDS: Israeli Christians and the State of Illinois

Confronting BDS: Israeli Christians and the State of Illinois

Courtesy CEC
JERUSALEM, Israel -- The biblical accounts of the angel Gabriel portray him as a messenger imparting God's plans, first to the prophet Daniel and later to the priest Zechariah and his long-awaited offspring, John the Baptist.
Like his biblical namesake, Father Gabriel Nadaf, an Arabic-speaking Greek Orthodox priest from Nazareth, the town where Jesus spent his childhood, has made it his life's work to help Christians better understand his homeland, the Jewish state of Israel.
The Christian Empowerment Council in Israel published a new guideline this week to help Christians respond to the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement against Israel.
Entitled "Test the Spirits: A Christian Guide to the Anti-Israel Boycott Movement," the 12-page pamphlet, can be downloaded as a PDF file from CEC's website.
Father Nadaf serves as the organization's spiritual leader.
"As the spiritual leader of the Christian Empowerment Council here in Israel, it is my responsibility to encourage Christians around the world to think about Israel in biblical and moral ways," Father Nadaf writes in the introduction. He encourages Christians to consider their personal views toward Israel, asking that God guide them "in great wisdom."
According to its website, CEC has made headlines internationally "for its pioneering work integrating Israel's Christian community into the wider Israeli society and supporting and guiding young Christians in the IDF  [Israel Defense Forces] ."
In 2013, Father Nadaf's 17-year-old son was brutally beaten by a 21-year-old affiliated with the anti-Israel Hadash Party near his home in Nazareth. At the time, his father said their goal was "to intimidate me and my family."
In an interview earlier this year, Father Nadaf told CBN's Scott Ross, "Despite all the threats and incitement against me, I will not turn back from my way." 
In addition to its work in Israel, CEC also monitors Christian denominations abroad, such as the Episcopalian, Mennonite andUnited Church of Christ that have adopted BDS. 
"There is much confusion in the global church about Israel, and God is not the author of confusion," Father Nadaf writes in the introduction.
"Rather, God wants us to seek after his heart, to get wisdom and to get understanding. God does not want his church to be ignorant about such an important topic as Israel; yet, there are many in the church today sowing confusion, spreading hatred of the Jewish state," he writes.
Meanwhile in America Thursday, Illinois Gov. Bruce Rauner made history signing an anti-BDS law, the first state to pass such legislation.
In the press release, the governor said "We need to stand up to anti-Semitism whenever and wherever we see it."
"This historic legislation is an important first step in the fight against boycotts of Israel, and I hope other states move quickly to follow our lead," Gov. Rauner said.

Thursday, July 23, 2015

World's Best Defense Against Iran ✡ "To Fight Our Wars!"

With us is the Lord, our God, to help us and to fight our wars!


וְעִמָּנוּ יְ-הֹוָה אֱ-לֹהֵינוּ לְעָזְרֵנוּ וּלְהִלָּחֵם מִלְחֲמֹתֵנוּ

דברי הימים ב לב:ח

v'-i-ma-nu a-do-nai e-lo-hay-nu l'-az-ray-nu u-l'-hi-la-khaym mil-kha-mo-tay-nu

Today's Israel Inspiration

Righteous King Hezekiah, one of the last kings of Judah during the times of the First Temple, encouraged the nation with the stirring words in this verse. His faith was well-founded, and the next morning, they looked over the walls to see the once powerful Assyrian army devastated and dispersed, all without a fight (II Kings 19:35). May the Almighty continue to protect today's Defenders of Israel, the soldiers of the IDF. They are the world's frontline defense against a nuclear Iran.

Continue or Abort? You Decide

You are an Israeli fighter pilot. Your objective is to protect the people of Israel from Hamas. But difficult decisions await you, when terrorists hide amongst civilians.

IDF Reaction to Iran Deal

Since the nuclear deal with Iran first hit the news, the IDF has been instructed to prepare for a military response to the Iranian threat.

Operation Protective Edge T-Shirt

Last summer, after hundreds of missiles were fired at Israeli citizens, the IDF launched Operation Protective Edge with the purpose of destroying Hamas weapons and restoring the peace to the people of Israel. Show your solidarity with our brave soldiers by wearing this Operation Protective Edge t-shirt.

Today's Israel Photo

Guardians of the beautiful Land of Israel. These are top combat soldiers from the Golani Brigade who protect Israel's northern border.

Thank You

Please help us continue to spread the beauty and significance of the Land of Israel!

“Your Wealth of Knowledge About Israel”

It’s great to hear from so many of you - stay in touch and let us know where in the world you are enjoying Israel365!

Yes, I'm a friend of Israel and the Jewish people ...God bless and keep you and yours....Guy Baffi from N.Y. City

Thank you so much for your wealth of knowledge about Israel. I love the daily teaching and beautiful pictures. I love Israel and will visit one day.-Catherine Griffin

I am not always able to read daily but am enjoying the words you send. Thank you. Linda from Kannapolis, North Carolina, USA
Rabbi Tuly Weisz

What? Evangelicals Come Against Franklin Graham's Views on Islam - Jennifer LeClaire

What? Evangelicals Come Against Franklin Graham's Views on Islam

Franklin Graham is receiving pushback for the comments he made about Muslim immigrants.
Franklin Graham is receiving pushback for the comments he made about Muslim immigrants. (YouTube)
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After five members of our military were killed in cold blood—and two others wounded—on our own soil in an act of domestic terrorism in Chattanooga, evangelist Franklin Graham dared to say what many in America were thinking:
"We are under attack by Muslims at home and abroad. We should stop all immigration of Muslims to the U.S. until this threat with Islam has been settled. Every Muslim who comes into this country has the potential to be radicalized—and they do their killing to honor their religion and Muhammad," Graham said.
"During World War II, we didn't allow Japanese to immigrate to America, nor did we allow Germans. Why are we allowing Muslims now? Do you agree? Let your Congressman know that we've got to put a stop to this and close the floodgates. Pray for the men and women who serve this nation in uniform, that God would protect them."
The elder Graham stayed out of politics, but the once-prodigal son is known for his bold commentary. Some of his fellow evangelicals are up in arms over these comments from Billy Graham's son.
"Harsh" and "unhelpful" were the words Carl Medearis, an international expert in Arab-American and Muslim-Christian relations, used to describe Graham's words.
Meanwhile, Helen Lee, associate editor at InterVarsity Press, had one question for him: "This is Christian witness?" Lee's colleague, vice president and director of Campus Engagement for InterVarsity USA Greg Jao, said he "strongly" rejects Graham's idea.
And Brian Zahnd, an author and pastor of Word Life Church, said Graham's remarks were nothing short of "xenophobia." Even Chick-fil-A's general manager for leadership development, Tim Sweetman, came against Graham, saying his remarks were "despicable" and the opposite of Christian love and American freedom.
"Franklin Graham said really awful things about Muslims," Lynne Hybels, of Willow Creek Community Church, tweeted. "If he knew the Muslim men and women I know, he would never say such things."
Yet, many Americans are likely to agree with Graham. Americans view Islam as a threat to their own nation's religious liberty almost as strongly as they consider it a danger to religious freedom internationally, new research shows.
Although most persecution occurs overseas, 39 percent of American adults say Islam threatens religious freedom in the United States—almost as many as the 40 percent who see Islam as a global threat, a survey by Nashville-based LifeWay Research finds.
"Most recent headlines regarding Islam don't paint a picture of religious freedom—so we should not be surprised by the strong minority that considers Islam a threat to religious freedom," said Ed Stetzer, executive director of LifeWay Research.
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Helping Orphans in Pakistan - Moses Julius

Moses Julius and kids with Shalom Today Ministries

Shalom friend! 

Greeting to you in the name our living LORD YESHUA HA'MASIHA ! 

I am glad to inform you Shalom Today Ministry are going to arrange a trip to visit at McDonald's with 60 orphan children.  Most children don't have the opportunity to see McDonald's in their lives. This will be the first time we are going to visit McDonald's.  We humbly request to you please pray for us and if its possible for you then you can contribute towards this trip . Our total budget is $250 for 60 Children. If you can contribute even $5 then we will make this trip historical for these kids.

May God Bless and keep you; the Lord make His face shine upon you, and be gracious to you.

Best Regards,

Moses Julius 

Editor's Note: Love For His People supports Shalom Today Ministry with Moses Julius monthly. If you would like to help also, you can contribute on-line here: Love For His People On-line donation. Designate for Shalom Today Ministries and 100% will go to them.

Marty Goetz | I Found Shalom


Marty grew up in a predominately Jewish neighborhood. As a kid he was told that many Christians were antisemitic. He was always inundated with his friend’s passion for Jesus. Marty struggled how to reconcile what he “knew” about Jesus with what he was seeing and hearing in his Christian friends.​
​Marty just wanted to make his way in the world, but was constantly confronted with the personality of Jesus. He decided to “decode” the Bible to find out what the hoopla was all about. When he finally read the New Testament, he realized that Jesus was more Jewish than he was.
​He soon realized that Jesus was the Jewish Messiah and the answer to Jewish expectations. He was overpowered by the teachings and sacrifice of Jesus. He was the Savior that Marty was looking for. 


This booklet contains the stories of  men and women who have found shalom through Yeshua the Messiah.
Free Book Offer

Pakistan Court Overturns Asia Bibi's Death Sentence

Asia Bibi, the Pakistani Christian

Pakistan Court Overturns Asia Bibi's Death Sentence

Asia Bibi, the Pakistani Christian mom sentenced to hang to death for "blasphemy," will not be executed.
The Pakistani Supreme Court's three-judge panel overturned the death sentence, previously issued by two lower courts, on Wednesday.
Bibi was convicted of blasphemy in November 2010 for telling fellow workers on a berry farm, "Our Christ sacrificed His life on the cross for our sins," and "Our Christ is alive."
She has languished in prison for more than six years and is reportedly in ill health.
"The Supreme Court of Pakistan has stayed the execution of Asia Bibi on blasphemy charges," Christian Today quoted Naveed Aziz, with the British Pakistani Christian Association.
"I am pleased with this decision," she said. "It is obvious that international pressure led to this amazing decision, and I thank all people who have called for her freedom. Sister Asia will have to spend more time in jail, but her freedom is now a real possibility and only a matter of time."
A new hearing has yet to be scheduled for Bibi's case. In the meantime, she remains incarcerated.
Her family and friends ask for continued prayers for her and Pakistani Christians.
CBN News Chief International Correspondent Gary Lane has followed this story for years and has met with Asia Bibi's husband and children. Click below for his comments on the Pakistan Supreme Court's decision to reverse her death sentence and what it means for her and the church in Pakistan.

Ohad's journey to life!

Ohad's journey to life!

Thursday, July 23, 2015 |  Israel Today Staff
Protective Edge changed the lives of many people. In the case of Sergeant Ohad Ben Yishai, his life turned upside down.
Ohad served in the Golani Brigade's elite Egoz unit. He and his unit's comrades were involved in a brutal battle in Gaza's Shuja’iyya neighbourhood, which later became known as the bloodiest battle with Hamas during Protective Edge, with Hamas. Thirteen soldiers lost their lives during the battle and many were injured. Ohad suffered a serious shrapnel wound of his head and was defined as the most seriously injured soldier during the operation. On his arrival at hospital his condition was so serious that the doctors did not think he would make it through the night.
After an unrelenting battle to stabilize Ohad, that lasted a few weeks, Ohad rewarded their efforts when he regained consciousness.
Ohad’s recovery process is far from over, but he has shown great progress. At the beginning he was not able to talk, lift his own head, not to mention walking or using his hands. In addition his memory was badly impaired. Ohad’s recovery journey resembles a baby's learning to walk and talk, it is like he was "born again". His speech and language therapist and physiotherapist are only a couple of the people standing by him, helping and encouraging him through this long and difficult process. However he wouldn’t have gotten this far without the love and support of his parents.
It is a known fact that to be accepted into an elite unit, more than physical fitness alone is needed. Having a tough and and ambitious character are essential personal traits are also needed. No doubt Ohad has the personal character and is made of the right material. He is a fighter and does not plan to surrender to his condition but is ready to fight for his life! Little by little he is making progress having started to talk and also starting to walk.
We have heard many stories about soldiers that are in the recovery process after suffering injuries during Protective Edge. They all have something in common and that is their will to live and do everything in their power to reach their goal.
These young men set examples for us, when you aim high and your faith is strong you can achieve anything you wish for!
This was a blog post from "Support Israeli Soldiers" from our "Support Israel" section. We appreciate every donation. In order to help the Land of Israel and her residents see "Support Israel".
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