Tuesday, September 8, 2015

A Head Start In Heaven - Now Think On This by Steve Martin

A Head Start In Heaven
- Now Think On This
by Steve Martin

"…but I wish to give to this last man the same as to you. “Matt. 20:14 NASU

As was my usual custom, when I cleared the parking deck ramp, after leaving the uptown Charlotte, North Carolina office, I turned on the radio news. Seemed to be the same usual as usual. Before much too long I turned it off to have some “quiet time” while travelling southbound down the busy late afternoon NC I77 traffic toward home.

Thankfully I began humming in my head a song by Joshua Aaron, a Messianic Jew, singing about his bride and his promise to her, for a long time. Forever in fact. The song, My Beloved (Wedding Waltz) kept going over and over in my head. I was singing along, “I am no longer mine, I am yours forever. I give it all to you, my beloved.

As you may know yourself, your mind often goes onto another subject. Most of the time they don’t seemed to be related, but as I traced back my thoughts later, they were. It was the Holy Spirit giving me a little revelation blessing of His Word. Follow the thread as it unwinds.

A close friend’s father had passed on to eternity two weeks earlier, and I began thinking about her loss. With my own dad having crossed over to his eternal reward in heaven over 15 years ago, it occurred to me that my dad had already a head start in heaven. He was already enjoying eternity that I know will someday be mine too. Only because Jesus Christ is our Lord and Savior.

Then somehow (Holy Spirit in action) I got to thinking about the parable Yeshua (Jesus) shared with His disciples about the workers, or laborers as He called them, in the Gospel of Matthew. Here is the story, which you probably know well.

“When evening came, the owner of the vineyard said to his foreman, 'Call the laborers and pay them their wages, beginning with the last group to the first.'  When those hired about the eleventh hour came, each one received a denarius.  When those hired first came, they thought that they would receive more; but each of them also received a denarius.  When they received it, they grumbled at the landowner, saying, 'These last men have worked only one hour, and you have made them equal to us who have borne the burden and the scorching heat of the day.' 

"But he answered and said to one of them, ' Friend, I am doing you no wrong; did you not agree with me for a denarius?  ‘Take what is yours and go, but I wish to give to this last man the same as to you.  'Is it not lawful for me to do what I wish with what is my own? Or is your eye envious because I am generous?'  So the last shall be first, and the first last." Matthew 20:8-16 NASU

Now in times past, when trying to understand this Scripture, I couldn’t justify in my mind how the owner could be so unjust. Or even generous, as it says he actually was. After all, if I worked a full day on my job, beginning at 7:00 am, and another got hired and started at 3 pm, and then both of us got off at 4 pm, I would expect I’d get paid for eight hours, and he for only one hour. But if we both got paid for eight hours…

Catch my figuring at what seems unfair?

So back to the “head start in heaven” thought. Still driving down the road at the 65 mph going rate, it seemed the Holy Spirit wanted to enlighten me on that Scripture, to further my understanding. He started to say that those who have gone on ahead of us to their eternal reward, that being heaven and His presence, are enjoying their time even now. Though some have been there for centuries, once you and I who know the Lord get there, it will be as if we had been there just as long as they have too. There won’t be any “unfairness”, for His reward (pay) at the “end of the day” would be the same for each of us. (Now I know there are different crowns passed out to each for their labors on earth, but that is for another message.)

The head start in heaven, because of eternity’s timelessness, makes it seem as if it is all the same time for all. I know, my head spins too just trying to imagine that. Heaven and eternity are bigger than we can comprehend at this point. It is because His thoughts and plans are so much greater than ours.

It amazes me how the Holy Spirit speaks to us as we give Him moments to do so. In just a short amount of time, whether it is during a drive down the interstate after a busy work day, or starting the morning off in a Bible reading and prayer time, little things like that revelation above encourage us. And yes, I sure am looking forward to heaven.

And I know He is looking forward to us being with Him there too!

Now think on this,

Steve Martin
Love For His People. Inc.

Love For His People, Inc. is a charitable, not-for-profit USA humanitarian organization started in 2010 to share the love of the Father in the nations.

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Todah rabah! (Hebrew – Thank you very much.)
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Now Think On This #178 “A Head Start In Heaven” by Steve Martin 
Date: In the year of our Lord 2015 (09.08.15) Tuesday at 6:00 pm in Charlotte, NC

All previous editions of Now Think On This can be found on this Blog, and on the website: Now Think On This

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"Is a New Major Revival and Move of God Coming in 2016?" - Doug Addison

"Is a New Major Revival and Move of God 
Coming in 2016?"
Doug Addison, Los Angeles, CA
The Elijah List

Why I Believe a New Major Revival and Move of God Is Coming in 2016

Several years ago God spoke to me about the timing of the major moves of God happening in North America every 11 years:
1994 – Toronto Blessing
1983 – Third Wave Charismatic Movement
1972 – The Jesus People Movement

When you do the math and go back every 11 years from 1994, it also falls on the Healing Movement of 1950, and even back to the Azusa Street Revival in 1906.

God spoke to me that there would be a major move in 2005, but it never happened. In 2005, instead of a revival we went into an 11-year wilderness time.

Then in September 2009, I had an encounter that explained why. (See my previous blog below.)

Now we are approaching 2016, which is 11 years after 2005. This is our time to get ready for something big to come. Hope you can catch the prophetic significance of this like I have. Let's get ready together!
This is the blog post I wrote back in 2009 (previously posted on the Elijah List) describing the encounter I had exactly 6 years ago:

The Last Move of God was the Wilderness!

On September 8, 2009, I had a night vision in which I was taken to an aerial view of various parts of the world. I was shown vast landscapes of lush grasslands that were teeming with new life. I could see exotic plants and trees and I knew in my spirit that what I was seeing was a new move from God that had come upon the earth to bring about a radical revival(Photo via Pixabay)

Suddenly, a massive wave of destruction came upon the greenery. The whole scene was consumed and only a barren wasteland was left in its place. I watched in shock and felt disappointed and distressed at what I had witnessed.

Then the audible voice of God spoke to me in the vision and said, "I released something new from Heaven, but My people were not ready for it, so I had to bring a wilderness time to purge things that were not of Me."

As I woke from the experience a very strong presence of God was in my bedroom. The Holy Spirit spoke to me that God planned the start of something new in 2005 that would bring about a new level of anointing. This new level was intended to awaken a new revival. But because we were not ready for it, He changed it into a wilderness time instead.

From 2005–2009 many people struggled through a major time of purging, testing, and realignment. Wilderness experiences from God are necessary in order to refine and prepare us.

Hosea 2:14–15 NIV "Therefore I am now going to allure her; I will lead her into the desert and speak tenderly to her. There I will give her back her vineyards, and will make the Valley of Achor a door of hope..."
God released many promises to the Church in 2005. Some promises have been delayed and are now being released.

Our ministry was located in Los Angeles around that time. We were gathering the resources and people to start a training and outreach center near Hollywood. We had been given a sizable grant to support the work when, in 2005, it was as though every door closed for us.

We eventually gave the grant back and moved to Moravian Falls, North Carolina. We were literally placed in the wilderness (we lived in the woods of North Carolina) and we experienced a very difficult time for three years, including a very limited amount of influence and favor. Then in 2009, we were suddenly sent back to the West Coast to start a training center – this time in Santa Maria, California.

We are now in a time of realignment and restarting. Many prophetic words and promises got sidetracked or delayed, and some are now void because of the sudden switch in the spirit.

If you have gone through difficult and unclear times over the past few years, this may very well be the reason why.
Had God allowed the new movement to come in 2005 in the condition we were in, it may have destroyed us. We saw several examples of that over the past couple of years as many leaders fell away from their callings or were entangled in sin.

A Time of Awakening

Throughout the month of September, I kept hearing a line from a song on the radio, "Wake me up when September ends." This is very much like the call going out from God right now – He will be waking many of His people up in the month of October.

This is the time to press into God and ask Him for more clarity. We will all see some type of answered prayer during this month. You will need to watch for it. Those who are not paying attention may miss this fresh time of God's visitation.

God is visiting our situations, our families, jobs, relationships, and ministries, and a trumpet blast is going out to call people to awaken!

We will see some strange events in the months to come and a massive amount of sudden changes and turnarounds. If we stay centered on God, we will not be shaken.

Check for yourself – think back and look at the year 2005 and see if anything unusual happened. Were you going one direction when things switched and seemed to dry up?

As I have asked people this question, I am hearing story after story of how God had either made a promise that didn't seem to work out, or some even saw a new move of God start that suddenly got cut off.

This is what I believe God is saying, "Just as suddenly as things changed and were cut off in 2005, I am now renewing and reviving situations – suddenly! I am parting the Red Sea once again and making the impossible possible. Watch Me and give Me glory as your life and ministry are restored and renewed in this very hour."

Prayer: "God, awaken us to what You are doing in our lives right now. Give us eyes to see and ears that can hear what You are doing. Amen."


Doug Addison
InLight Connection

Email: respond@dougaddison.com
Website: DougAddison.com

Doug Addison is a prophetic dream interpreter, speaker, writer, Life Coach, and stand-up comedian. Doug travels the world bringing a message of love, hope, and having fun! His unique style helps open people to discover their destiny and experience God's supernatural love and power. Doug is an award-winning author of seven books. He and his wife Linda live in Los Angeles, California.

ElijahList Prophetic Resources

"Worried about September? Prophetic Encouragement for Fall 2015" - Cindy Jacobs

"Worried about September? Prophetic Encouragement for Fall 2015"
Cindy Jacobs, Red Oak, TX
The Elijah List

With several months of the year of the whirlwind still ahead, how do we need to position ourselves and respond? First of all, we are to obey the admonition from Scripture to not give into fear. The enemy wants to stir up panic and distress, but we have to stand firm, trusting God's faithfulness.

I want to share with you what I am hearing prophetically at this moment. On a global level, God is changing the landscape of financial power. Some nations are going to find that their "cash cows" – the commodities that have propped up their ideologies – are diminishing or being taken away. This will even begin to affect the terrorist organization, ISIS.

Is there going to be a total collapse such as we saw in 2008? If there is, I do not have a word about that. In past economic shakings, I have known in advance that a severe crisis would take place. For instance, in January of 2008, the Lord spoke the word to me, "There will be no more business as usual." 

It could be that this time around the Lord has simply chosen to speak to other prophets and not me, and that is His prerogative.

That being said, because many voices – both prophetic and secular economic analysts – have indicated the possibility of extreme economic turbulence this fall, we are committed to praying through this season. In April of this year, we took prayer teams to Wall Street to intercede for God to give us a course correction rather than a complete economic meltdown. There have already been some positive answers to those prayers, so we will continue to intercede.

God is Setting the Stage for Revival and Harvest

As we move into the September/October months of the Jewish New Year and the appearance of the fourth blood moon, what do I know that I have heard?

Historic changes will take place in the coming days that will be a prophetic catalyst for a great awakening. God is setting the stage for revival and harvest. (Photo via Wikipedia)

I also have a strong admonition that we are in a time of hearts being tested – whether we will rely on our own strength and capabilities, rather than God's.

Should we store up food? One should always be crisis-prepared, but hoarding out of fear is never from the Lord. Isn't He still the God who sees when the sparrow falls to the ground and takes care of the lilies of the field?

In truth, no matter what comes, we are called to be overcomers. There have been many dire prophecies, but they all are conditional upon a lack of repentant hearts. At the moment, there are a number of prayer projects and fasts being called by various ministries, and our Reformation Prayer Network stands with them as well.

God will be the same great God in the coming days as He is right now at this very moment. He is not about to forsake His children, no matter what transpires. He is vitally interested in our personhood, families, and futures.

God is setting the stage to make some serious history, and I, for one, am not afraid of the future because He is my future – eternally!

Cindy Jacobs
Generals International

Email: generals@generals.org
Website: generals.org

Cindy Jacobs is a respected prophet who travels the world, ministering not only to crowds of people but to heads of nations. Her first calling is and always will be prophetic intercession. Each year she travels, and she has spoken on nearly every inhabited continent to tens of thousands. Yet, in her heart is the memory that Jesus left the ninety-and-nine to go to the one. Generals International is an international Church movement, reforming the nations of the world back to a Biblical worldview. They are achieving societal transformation through intercession and the prophetic.

Cindy has authored seven books, loves to travel and speak, but one of her favorite past-times is spending time with her husband Mike and their children Daniel and Mary Madison, along with her five adorable grandchildren.

To subscribe to The Elijah List go to: http://elijahlist.com/subscribe

"A Passport to Heavenly Realms – You Have Been Given a Rite of Passage" - Kathie Walters

"A Passport to Heavenly Realms – You Have Been Given a Rite of Passage"
Kathie Walters, Macon, GA
The Elijah List

When I went down to Florida a couple of weeks ago, I was looking forward to having a real chill out time... Florida is always so relaxing to me.

I did a seminar at "The Living Room" ministry in Lakeland, and then went and did some ministry with my friend, Pastor Stephen Strader at Ignited Church in Lakeland Florida. Before the first meeting, I got a surprise word. As I was leaving the hotel the Holy Spirit said to me, "Tell people they have a 'Rite of passage.'"

I had heard that phrase before, but I did not know what it meant so on the way to the meeting I began to Google it. I discovered that the "rite of passage" means that you are given a legal right to pass from one place to another, as a canal or passageway like the Suez canal. It also means when you transition from one stage to another or from one group to another.

Sometimes there is a ceremony to mark the change or transition. Someone said that it can be like a graduation or when someone has proved themselves in some way. But it doesn't really mean it is something you necessarily earn. You can be given the "Rite of passage" just because you are moving or making a transition for any reason, or being sent somewhere. When David and I moved to America from the U.K. we were granted a permanent visa, so in that sense we were given a "rite to passage" by the US government to transition from U.K. to America.
Passage into the Spirit Realm

Did you realize that we have been granted "Rite of passage" to enter or transition into the Spirit realm? Not because we graduated in some way but because Jesus bought our inheritance with His life and death and sealed it with the shedding of His Blood. (Photo by Jennifer Page "Heaven's Dreams" viaelijahshopper.com)

We are born into this world into an earthly realm. We are not born into the realm of God's Spirit; that's why through Jesus we need to be born AGAIN into the spiritual realm. When you were born again, you were given the "Rite of passage" to enter from one dimension to another. From the natural into the supernatural.

The Bible talks about the realms of glory. We are changed "from glory to glory" (2 Corinthians 3:18). So there are realms of glory not just one realm. There is the angelic realm, the heavenly realm. There is a heavenly city – a New Jerusalem. I've seen it.

When I was praying one day back in England, I began to see a light in the heavens and then I saw a city. I had never gotten into the Book of Revelation so I had no idea what I was seeing. This city was amazing; it looked like it was made of gold and was filled with incredible light. The light shone from the city and was intense. It began to come into the room where I was praying.

I heard a voice say, "This the heavenly Jerusalem which comes down from Heaven, and the light you see in the midst of the city is the light of the Lamb which lights the city." 

As the light flooded my room it scared me and I ran out of the house. I often think what would have happened if I had stayed?

Have you noticed when people are born again they begin to develop a hunger for the spiritual realm? They begin to get a feeling that there is more: there is more to this life; there is more to this place called earth. That is because the spirit now in them doesn't belong here; the spirit in them comes from above and from another realm – a heavenly place. That's why you will never be happy in an earthbound realm. It's like putting an eagle in a chicken run. You were created for another environment.

ElijahList Prophetic Resources

Jesus Paid for Our Passage

When Jesus died and rose again, He purchased your salvation. But salvation includes so much more than we first think. Jesus redeemed us from the law and the repercussions of being under the law and failing to meet its demands. "We have all come short..." the apostle Paul said. Jesus redeemed us from death. He took the keys of Hell and released us from the power of the evil one.

God gave us power to transit into another realm. This other realm is His realm; it's the realm where God dwells and His angels, and it's the realm of the heavenly city and of the spiritual elements of God and His Kingdom. He made us joint heirs with Christ. It's not just when we finally get to Heaven, it's here now. His Kingdom has come among us and in us and He wants it to flow through us and affect those around us.

We receive by faith the things He has provided and made available through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. It's a new and living way and we should walk in it.

He gave you a new nature to transplant you or translate you into another realm and into the realm of eternity. This is the realm of Heaven where the presence of God dwells continually day and night. Jesus purchased you the RITE OF PASSAGE with His Blood. So that now you are not restricted or limited to the natural realm.

The supernatural realm, the realm of miracles and wonders, is yours if you will receive it. 

You have to believe what God says about you. You are a son and daughter of the Almighty God, an heir of His Kingdom. He doesn't come down; He reaches down and lifts us up into the same realm where He is. How do we experience all this? Good News... you don't have to earn it and you don't have to qualify. There isn't a test. Jesus already took the test and HE PASSED (for you). (Photo via Wikimedia Commons)

Stay Tuned In

Sometimes we miss something just because we are not tuned in or not expecting something to happen out of the ordinary. It was at the end of a meeting in Indiana a while ago, and people were laying on the floor just soaking in the presence of the Lord. As I walked by, I saw a chariot over one man. You know God loves to take you and show you the heavenly places and other places where He is moving. I said to the man on the floor, "You know there is a chariot right over you." I walked on.

Later that man came and told me that when I said that about the chariot, he tuned in spiritually and saw the chariot that I saw. He got in it and was taken to several different countries and had a personal face-to-face encounter with God.

The spiritual realm is so close. The new man lives there all the time – permanently. That's the real you isn't it? So start believing what God says about you. He will never leave you; you are the apple of His eye. Keep your spiritual antenna up. There are so many treasures for you in His heavenly house – the spirit realm.

Many Blessings,

Kathie Walters
Good News Ministries

Kathie Walters is an international speaker who brings freedom to those who feel they have to "qualify." She also ministers in the supernatural and believes that the supernatural realm is for everyone.

To subscribe to The Elijah List go to:http://elijahlist.com/subscribe

"We Will Be Like Dreamers" ✡ Get an Israel Photography Calendar for the Jewish New Year!

A song of ascents, when God will return the captivity of Zion, we will be like dreamers.

PSALMS (126:1)

שִׁיר הַמַּעֲלוֹת בְּשׁוּב יְ-הוָה אֶת שִׁיבַת צִיּוֹן הָיִינוּ כְּחֹלְמִים

תהלים קכו:א

sheer ha-ma-a-lot: b'-shuv a-do-nai et shee-vat tzee-on hai-yee-nu k'-khol-meem

Today's Israel Inspiration

Zion ציון (tzee-on) is a term used 157 times in the Bible referring to Jerusalem in particular and to Israel in general. For centuries, Psalm 126 has been recited by Jews upon completing a meal connecting each daily meal with the eternal longing for Zion. When God finally returns His people to Israel, “we will be like dreamers,” not even aware of the great miracles that are unfolding before our very eyes. Open your eyes to the beautiful Land with our Photography of Israel calendar for 2016! Includes 12 frameable photographs, along with Shabbat candle lighting times and a Prayer for the Soldiers.

Jumpin' Jerusalem:
Rosh Hashanah for Kids

We are thrilled to present this fun and educational video for children (you can watch, too!). Rosh Hashana comes alive with Hebrew lessons and a Shofar demonstration!

'Times of India' Notes Spooky Connection between Shmitta and Financial Crisis

A recent article in the 'Times of India' has raised quite a few eyebrows. The article suggested a connection between the Jewish concept of Shmittah in Israel and the current crashes in international stock markets.

Hebrew Name Ring

Stay connected to your biblical roots by wearing your Hebrew name proudly! The ring is made from real silver with your personalized name. Don’t know your Hebrew name? No problem! Many English names derive from Hebrew names in the Bible, and the rest have etymological or spiritual cousins in Biblical sources. Just type in your English name and we’ll find the Hebrew name in the Bible that’s most closely connected to yours.

Israel Photo Trivia

Can you name today's famous landmark?! Send me an email or post your answer on Facebook!

Thank You

Today's Scenes and Inspiration is sponsored by John Samuel of Singapore in honor of his wife Ruth Samuel's birthday. Mazal tov!

“I So Enjoy the Education Portion at the Top, with Scripture”

It’s great to hear from so many of you - stay in touch and let us know where in the world you are enjoying Israel365!
I live in Alexandria, Louisiana, and I deeply love Israel365!  I also deeply love Israel and the Jewish people.  God's Word remains true and He will fulfill His promises to the nation of Israel!  The land is forever yours.  I have visited Israel twice and it is a beautiful land.  I pray daily for God's protection for Israel and that He "will make your name a praise in the earth" as He has promised.  Bless you, and bless Israel forever!  Marylin Bordelon

Praying for Israel, loving Israel and thankful for our LORD'S provision and protection for His people. I so enjoy the education portion at the top, with Scripture. : ) Thank you! Laura, from Oregon, USA
Rabbi Tuly Weisz
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Israel We Rise and Bless You! eBook and New Art Releases - James Nesbit

Dear friends,

As we prepare to cross over into 5776, we felt it important to release several images relating to the timeframe of which we are entering.  Without vision, the people perish.  The assignment of the prophetic artist is an Habakkuk 2 assignment to write the vision and make it plain.  We bless you, your bloodline, and your family tree as we pass through this Ayin Vav gate of Jubilee. To view these new prophetic images, please click here (or click on the images themselves).
We are also excited to release our first full-color eBook:Israel We Rise and Bless You! This beautiful little book is now available for download on our website, as is Prayers for Those Passing Through the Valley of Affliction.  Below is a sample of the beautifully-designed book.
The Blue Journey team will gather for four nights in Austin, September 24-27.  If you know anyone in the area, please encourage them to come out and join us as we release the glory of the blue note.
Bless you,

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