Friday, February 12, 2016

Fake furniture shipment in Greece - The armed invasion ....Trojan Horse style.

Date: February 11, 2016 at 9:51:10 PM CST
Subject:  Fake furniture shipment in Greece

Subject: Fake furniture shipment in Greece
Please read. This is alarming and could be coming to the U.S.

If you have any doubts about Muslim immigration, this might clear up your thinking.

This “furniture shipment” was supposed to go to the refugee camps in GREECE To make their life more bearable and ease their hardships.
52 tons of guns and ammunition in big 40’ double containers followed the migrants to Europe, pretending to be furniture but, was discovered by the Greek border securities in 14 containers.

If this doesn’t convince you that this IMMIGRATION is nothing less than an ARMED INVASION then nothing will.

Wonder still why all those young (military age) men without children or wives are taking on the task of traveling all those miles posing as refugees?

They are coming.......Like they said they would.

Coming to a gun-free place of work / a school / a Gov't building near you.

Visit the Israel Carmel Winery ✡ "Took of Them For Bread and Wine" - ISRAEL365

But the former governors that were before me
laid burdens upon the people, and took of them forbread and wine above forty shekels of silver; yea, even their servants lorded over the people; but so did not I, because of the fear of God.


וְהַפַּחוֹת הָרִאשֹׁנִים אֲשֶׁר לְפָנַי הִכְבִּידוּ עַל הָעָם וַיִּקְחוּ מֵהֶם בְּלֶחֶם וָיַיִן אַחַר כֶּסֶף שְׁקָלִים אַרְבָּעִים  גַּם נַעֲרֵיהֶם שָׁלְטוּ עַל הָעָם וַאֲנִי לֹא עָשִׂיתִי כֵן מִפְּנֵי יִרְאַת אֱ-לֹהִים

נחמיה ה:טו

v'-ha-pa-khot ha-ri-sho-neem a-sher l'-fa-nai hikh-bee-du al ha-am va-yik-khu may-hem b'-le-khem va-ya-yin a-khar ke-sef sh'-ka-leem ar-ba-eem gam na-a-ray-hem sha-l'-tu al ha-am va-a-nee lo a-see-tee khayn mi-p'-nay yir-at e-lo-heem

Jerusalem Inspiration

More than any other produce, bread and wine were the staples of ancient society. Bread provides basic nourishment, and wine's alcoholic properties were used to disinfect water.  Jews recite special benedictions over both bread and wine, and they are both utilized in spiritual rituals, thus strengthening the connection between physical and spiritual sustenance. In addition, wheat and grapes are two of the special agricultural products associated with the Land of Israel (Deuteronomy 8:8). Today, after 2,000 years of desolation, Israel prophetically boasts a booming agriculture and over 200 wineries that produce award-winning wines. 'Karmey Chessed' means Vineyards of Kindness, and this organization's goal is to spread the bounty of Israel to those who need it most.  While IDF soldiers bring to mind valiant fighters, the reality is that there are many soldiers that suffer from extreme poverty.  Karmey Chessed embraces these young men and often their families, providing them with the necessary staples that these heroes need and deserve.

Carmel, Camel Wines

In this humerous clip, learn why the Carmel winery has a line of camel wines.

Help Needed Far From the Battlefield

When we think of Israeli soldiers, we tend to think of brave warriors fighting in the field. However, for certain soldiers, their battles are also fought for day-to-day survival.  One organization heard their plight and answered, learn how.

Elijah Kiddush Cup

This Elijah Cup is a wooden Kiddush Cup filled with wine for the Prophet Elijah during the Passover Seder. Yair Emanuel is a well known Israeli artist famous for his depictions of the old city. This cup features an impressive Jerusalem skyline image.

Jerusalem Daily Photo

A beautiful vineyard in the Land of Israel by Boruch Len. The Hebrew word for vineyard is 'kerem'.

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Please help us continue to spread the beauty and significance of the Land of Israel!

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I am glad to get news from Israel via your site.  May the God I worship help your efforts in disseminating Israel news. Andy living in Sri Lanka

This site, yout daily connection to Jerusalem, is very encouraging . I love it. I am Solomon Solomon islands and I love reading the messages on this site.-Joseph Riau
Blessing from Jerusalem,
Rabbi Tuly Weisz
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"O Israel, Trust in the Lord" ✡ Brave IDF Women Guard the Border - ISRAEL365

O Israel, trust in the Lord;
He is their help and their shield.

PSALMS (115:9)

יִשְׂרָאֵל בְּטַח בַּי-הוָה עֶזְרָם וּמָגִנָּם הוּא

תהילים קטו:ט

yis-ra-ayl b'-takh ba-a-do-nai ez-ram u-ma-gi-nam hu

Shabbat Inspiration

The stirring declaration "trust in the Lord; He is their help and their shield" is repeated three times in this Psalm, to refer to three kinds of people: those who serve God from a feeling of love, those who do so out of fear/awe, and finally those who trust in the Lord naturally as a child trusts a parent. Today we salute the brave men and women of the Israel Defense Forces who are "our help and our shield" on the ground defending the People and Land of Israel. Help keep them extra warm this cold winter!

Must-See Video:
Two Views of the Israeli Army

British Colonel Richard Kemp, former commander of British Forces in Afghanistan, investigates the IDF from all angles before declaring that Israel has the World's Most Moral Army!

Female IDF Border Troops
Get Warm Gear

As temperatures drop dramatically in Israel, The LIBI Fund, the official charitable foundation for the IDF, is going the extra mile to help chilly soldiers feel loved, appreciated and, most importantly, warm.

IDF Sweatshirt

Wear your support for the IDF with this great hooded sweatshirt in khaki, bearing the official emblem of the Israel Defense Forces.

Today's Israel Photo

Soldiers of the IDF's Caracal Battalion rest up before beginning a 16 km journey overnight to complete their basic training! These brave women will be stationed near the border with Egypt.

Thank You

Today's Scenes and Inspiration is sponsored by Sally Strayer of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. Todah rabah!

“Brings the Bible to Life for Me”

It’s great to hear from so many of you - stay in touch and let us know where in the world you are enjoying Israel365!
Hi. I love reading your emails and learning about the land of Israel and its people.  To the  IDF , I love and support you. Thankyou for risking your lives to  defend  your country .  GOD BLESS ISRAEL . Stephney - South Africa

Hi Rabbi Tuly, As a Christian I find your articles very interesting and it brings the Bible to life for me. I have always been interested in Judaism ever since I attended a Passover meal with friends. And I am big supporter of Israel.-Darryl Michel
Shabbat Shalom,
Rabbi Tuly Weisz
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Beit Shemesh 9909875

A Time of Pruning, Greater Revelation, New Life & Justice by Doug Addison - IDENTITY NETWORK

A Time of Pruning, Greater Revelation, New Life & Justice

by Doug Addison - IDENTITY NETWORK

February 2016 will be a time of old things dying, but the result will bring new life.
Two major prophets (Bob Jones and John Paul Jackson) went to Heaven in February 2014 and February 2015 respectively, and we can expect to reap a greater level of revelation in the month of February because of this.
"Very truly I tell you, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds." John 12:24 NIV
We are all in a time of God pruning and purging things from our lives. This is similar to what Jesus said in John 15. Expect to see changes in your life as this happens to you and the people over and around you. We are in a time of accelerated healing and growth.
Do not be discouraged if you are seeing old thoughts and behaviors spring up. This is part of the process that we will all need to go through to operate in the new things coming to us in March. As God reveals things to you it is best to pray and move forward with forgiveness, letting go of the past.
Things that are Sealed Being Revealed
Watch for God to reveal things to you that had previously been sealed away. These could be promises that He had spoken to you and you did not understand or had forgotten. They could also be dreams that were hidden away that are now coming to the surface.
God is releasing greater understanding, wisdom and deeper knowledge about situations in your life. Pay close attention so that you do not miss what God is showing you.
The "Mis and Dis"
There has been an attack of "mis and dis." Things like miscommunications, misunderstandings, disappointments and disassociation. The "mis and dis" attack is now being "dismissed" and you will begin to see greater clarity and relational issues will begin to heal. There will be some major new connections and healing of past relationships between February and May.
The warfare is also kicking up as well. This is common and we see it often just before a breakthrough occurs. Keep pressing through! Do not give up.
"But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead." Philippians 3:13b NIV
God is Visiting Children
God is visiting young children right now with dreams, visions and supernatural experiences. This will start in February and increase throughout the year. You will need to listen carefully to them because they might not have language for what they are seeing and experiencing.
God's Presence Opens Faster
Since Christmas morning I have been having supernatural encounters daily at a level I have never seen before. We are entering into a time of interacting with Heaven. Whether you are aware of it or not, God is releasing deeper revelation. The membrane between Heaven and Earth is very thin right now and things are starting to heat up as a result.
In this new season, we will not need to labor to enter into God's presence. In the past, people would pray and worship for extended periods of time before they would experience or feel God's presence. This has changed so watch for the Heavens to open much more quickly. This will require us to change the way we worship to catch what God is doing.
New Sound of Justice Coming
There is a new sound being broadcasted from Heaven right now. It is coming to the pulpits, the airways, the music and the news … it is coming to anyone who has ears to hear. It is a new revelation of God's love and justice that will bring healing to those who were wounded or oppressed.
God is releasing those who were bound up by the judgments of others. It includes those who have had great callings but were held down by a spirit of pride and prejudice.
"Behold my servant, whom I uphold, my chosen, in whom my soul delights; I have put my Spirit upon him; he will bring forth justice to the nations. He will not cry aloud or lift up his voice, or make it heard in the street; a bruised reed he will not break, and a faintly burning wick he will not quench; he will faithfully bring forth justice …" Isaiah 42:1-3 ESV
We are seeing injustices revealed in the news. This is because God is revealing the deeds of those who have wounded people and broke their spirits. A new spirit of Justice is ringing out and those that have nearly lost their light and way will suddenly come back to life.
Doug Addison

E-book PDF Download
By Doug Addison
Price: $12.00
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Click HERE to order.

Uncovered Ancient Fresco Shows 'Jesus Rising to the Sky' - CBN News

Uncovered Ancient Fresco Shows 
'Jesus Rising to the Sky'

Turkish archaeologists have found a 5th century underground church with artwork showing scenes of Jesus rising into the sky.
"This place is even bigger than the other historical churches in Cappadocia. It was built underground and has original frescoes that have survived to this day," mayor of Nevsehir, Hasan Unver, told Hurriyet Daily News.
"There are exciting depictions like fish falling from the hand of Jesus Christ, him rising up into the sky, and the bad souls being killed. When the church is completely revealed, Cappadocia could become an even bigger pilgrimage center of Orthodoxy," Unver said.
The church was discovered as archeaologists are excavating the world's largest known underground city. The city was found in December 2014 and consists of about 3.5 miles of tunnels, churches, and escape galleries dating back around 5,000 years.
The newly discovered church is estimated to have been built in the 5th century A.D.
"We have stopped work in order to protect the wall paintings and the church. When the weather gets warmer in the spring, we will wait for humidity to evaporate and then we will start removing the earth," archaeologist Ali Aydin was quoted as saying.
Aydin said they hope to discover even more original paintings as the earth is removed.
Five other churches have previously been discovered in the same underground city. It is believed that early Christians used the city to hide during the persecution of Christians after the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.

Global Stocks Continue To Crash As Oil Plummets And Gold Skyrockets - Michael Snyder THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE

Clock Image - Public Domain

Posted: 11 Feb 2016 Michael Snyder  THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE

Stock markets around the world continue to collapse as this new global financial crisis picks up more steam.  In the U.S., the Dow lost 254 more points on Thursday, and it has now fallen for five days in a row.  European stocks continued to get obliterated, and financial institutions are leading the way.  But this week what is happening in Japan has been the most sobering.  

After falling 918 points the other day, the Nikkei plunged another 760 points early on Friday.  The Nikkei has now fallen for seven of the past eight days, and investors in Japan are in full panic mode.  Overall, global stocks are well into bear market territory, and nearly 17 trillion dollars of global stock market wealth has already been wiped out.

As panic rises, investors are seeking alternative investments.  On Thursday, the price of gold hit $1,260 an ounce at one point before settling back a bit.  But even with the fade at the end of the day, it was still the biggest daily gain in more than two years.  Overall, gold is having its best quarterly performance in 30 years.

Whenever a financial crisis happens, investors seek out safe havens such as gold that can help them weather the storm.  In particular, demand for physical gold is going through the roof all over the planet.  Just check out the following excerpt from a Telegraph article entitled “Investors ‘go bananas’ for gold bars as global stock markets tumble“…
BullionByPost, Britain’s biggest online gold dealer, said it has already taken record-day sales of £5.6m as traders pile into gold following fears the world is on the brink of another financial crisis.
Rob Halliday-Stein, founder and managing director of the Birmingham-based company, said takings today had already surpassed the firm’s previous one-day record of £4.4m in October 2014.
BullionByPost, which takes orders of up to £25,000 on the website but takes higher amounts over the phone, explained it had received a few hundred orders overnight and frantic numbers of phone calls this morning.
Meanwhile, the price of oil continues to drop to stunning new depths.  On Thursday U.S. oil dropped as low as $26.21, which was the lowest price in 13 years.  Not even during the worst parts of the last financial crisis did oil ever go this low.

And remember, the price of oil was sitting at about $108 a barrel back in June 2014.  Since that time it has fallen about 75 percent.

Needless to say, this crash is having some very serious consequences for the energy industry.  Previously, I have reported that 42 North American energy companies have gone into bankruptcy since the beginning of last year.

But I just found out that the true number is much worse than that.
According to CNN, “67 U.S. oil and natural gas companies filed for bankruptcy in 2015″…
Bankruptcy filings are flying in the American oil patch.
At least 67 U.S. oil and natural gas companies filed for bankruptcy in 2015, according to consulting firm Gavin/Solmonese.
That represents a 379% spike from the previous year when oil prices were substantially higher.
With oil prices crashing further in recent weeks, five more energy gas producers succumbed to bankruptcy in the first five weeks of this year, according to Houston law firm Haynes and Boone.
A lot of people tend to think that my writing is full of “doom and gloom”, but the truth is that I often understate how bad things really are.  I’ll often report one number and find out later that an updated number is even worse than the one that I originally reported.
What we desperately need is for the price of oil to go back up.

Unfortunately, the International Energy Agency says that isn’t likely to happen any time soon
The International Energy Agency said earlier this week that it expects the global oil glut to grow throughout the year.
With the market already awash in oil, it is very hard to see how oil prices can rise significantly in the short term,” the IEA said in its monthly report.
And of course all of this is incredibly bad news for financial institutions all over the world.
During the boom times, the big banks showered energy companies with loans.  Now those loans are going bad, and the big banks are feeling the pain.  The following comes from CNN
It’s never a good sign when the country’s financial lifelines are under stress. Large U.S. banks JPMorgan Chase (JPM) and Wells Fargo (WFC) that helped bankroll the energy boom are already setting aside billions to cover potential loan losses in the oil industry. Investors are worried about imploding energy loans for European banks like Deutsche Bank (DB). High yield bonds in your investing portfolio wont be looking good either — Standard & Poor’s warned that half of all energy junk bonds are at risk of defaulting.
Speaking of Deutsche Bank, their stock price continued to plummet on Thursday, as did the stock prices of most other European banks.

Things were particularly bad for France’s Societe Generale.  Their stock price plunged 12 percent on Thursday alone.

This is what a global financial crisis looks like.  It began during the second half of last year, and now it is making major headlines all over the planet.

At this point, things are already so bad that the elite are starting to freak out about what this could potentially mean for them.  I want you to carefully consider the following two paragraphs from an editorial that I came across in the Telegraph earlier today…
We are too fragile, fiscally as well as psychologically. Our economies, cultures and polities are still paying a heavy price for the Great Recession; another collapse, especially were it to be accompanied by a fresh banking bailout by the taxpayer, would trigger a cataclysmic, uncontrollable backlash.
The public, whose faith in elites and the private sector was rattled after 2007-09, would simply not wear it. Its anger would be so explosive, so-all encompassing that it would threaten the very survival of free trade, of globalisation and of the market-based economy. There would be calls for wage and price controls, punitive, ultra-progressive taxes, a war on the City and arbitrary jail sentences.
I think that the author of this editorial is correct.

I do believe that another financial crisis on the scale of 2008 would trigger “a cataclysmic, uncontrollable backlash”.

In fact, I believe that is what we are steamrolling toward right now.

We can already see the anger of the American people toward the establishment being expressed in their support of Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump.

But if the financial system completely collapses and it becomes exceedingly apparent that none of our problems from the last time around were ever fixed, the frustration is going to be off the charts.

Many people believed that this day of reckoning would never come, but now it is here.
The “coming nightmare” is now upon us, and this is just the start.

The rest of 2016 promises to be even more chaotic, and ultimately this new crisis is going to turn out to be far worse than what we experienced back in 2008.