Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Palestinians Receiving Plenty of Public Opinion Passes - NOAH BECK CHARISMA NEWS

Israeli and Palestinian flags

Palestinians Receiving Plenty of Public Opinion Passes

Israeli and the Palestinian Authority are no closer to peace these days than they have ever been. (Wikimedia Commons)
Activists who genuinely want to see peace between Israelis and Palestinians need to internalize a memorably alliterative warning: plenty of Palestinian passes perpetuate the impasse. The more global opinion ignores or rewards irresponsible behavior by Palestinians, the more likely renewed violence (rather than peace) becomes.
There are enough instances of unfair and counterproductive "Palestinian passes" to fill a tomb, but here are some recent examples.
Passing on Hamas Bellicosity
Probably the most important pass currently given to the Palestinians is the global silence over news that Hamas is preparing to launch another war against Israel while distressing ordinary Israelis with their ominous tunneling sounds. Such silence by the world's most important media, international bodies, political leaders, NonGovernmental Organizations and academics helps keep Hamas in power, and when Hamas eventually launches new hostilities against Israel, many of the same voices that are now silent will blame Israel for the resulting suffering.
Hamas bellicosity is constant, and constantly ignored. Rather than prepare Palestinians for peace, Hamas glorifies death and promotes viciously hateful ideologies. A Hamas TV broadcast announces, "We have no problem with death. We are not like the children of Israel ... we yearn for death and Martyrdom ... Every mother ... must nurse her children on hatred of the sons of Zion."
Last April, Iran reportedly sent Hamas tens of millions of dollars to rebuild tunnels and restock missile arsenals destroyed in 2014 by Israel during Operation Protective Edge. Instead of global sanctions or censure over its support for terrorism, Iran was rewarded with a nuclear deal that just unlocked $100 billion in frozen assets, some of which are expected to support more terrorism.
Hamas regularly starts pointless wars with Israel that doom Gaza to inevitable devastation. Then, when international sympathy and donations pour in, Hamas diverts the resources to rebuilding its offensive capabilities/tunnels (rather than destroyed homes in Gaza).
Hamas recently accelerated its tunnel-digging program. Indeed, three collapsing tunnels killed eight Hamas diggers in late January and another two last week.
Such reports establish that Hamas is diverting resources from rehabilitating Gaza to attacking Israel, and yet the world still blames Israel for Gazan misery.
Passing on Hamas Abuse of Gazans
Ironically, those who claim to excoriate Israel out of their concern for the welfare of Gaza don't seem to care when Hamas causes Gazan suffering.  At least 160 Gazan children died digging Hamas' tunnels intended to kill Israeli children. Hamas tortures political prisoners next to a girl's school and kills its critics (it executed 25 in 2014). Hamas executed 120 Gazans for breaching a curfew. Hamas kills fellow Palestinians when its rockets fall short. Unsurprisingly, in a poll last September, Gazans actually preferred Israeli rule to Hamas.
Passing on Palestinian Incitement
Facebook tolerates Palestinian incitement but quickly responds to complaints about Jewish racism. The company is clearly able to control the threats circulating on its site, as shown by Facebook's recent decision to stop gun sale promotions, making the continued incitement against Jews and Israelis on Facebook all the more outrageous. Facebook has much to learn from its tech rival, Google, which is reportedly directing jihadi search queries to sites that deradicalize.
Global opinion seems indifferent to how incitement (including in Palestinian pop culture) contributes to Palestinian violence. Instead, United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon blames Palestinian terrorist attacks on Israeli policy (settlements), which is like blaming the November Paris attacks on France's policy against Islamic veils in schools (ironically, Israel actually allows such veils in its schools).
When Israelis kill knife-wielding Palestinians in self-defense, Sweden's foreign minister calls for a probe into Israeli "extra-judicial killing," but she was conspicuously silent after French police preemptively killed a machete-wielding Islamist trying to hack them in a Paris police station.
Except for attacks on Israelis, world leaders and commentators never try to blame the victims of Islamist terror. This hateful, blame-the-victim exception for Jews is not limited to the Jewish state. According to recent polls, many of the French believe that Jews in France are responsible for a rise in anti-Semitism.
Diplomatic Passes
Those who claim to want Israeli-Palestinian reconciliation should recognize that pressuring only Israel actually reduces the prospects for peace (as an architect of the Oslo Peace Acords observed about the Obama administration's fruitless efforts). Unfortunately, France is repeating Obama's mistakes with its latest threat to recognize Palestine if Israelis doesn't make enough concessions to those trying to stab them.
Passing on Israeli Victims
Phyllis Chesler shows how the New York Times employs a double standard in reporting on victims of violence. Palestinians are personalized with names, ages, and sympathetic eyewitnesses. That rarely happens with Israeli victims.
More recently, CAMERA highlights how leading U.S. papers downplay or ignore the recent Palestinian stabbing murders of Israeli women.
A CBS News headline last week provided a classic example after gunmen attempted a terrorist attack outside Jerusalem's old city. Three terrorists died after killing a 19-year-old policewoman. The headline? "3 Palestinians killed as daily violence grinds on." Thankfully, the network apologized and changed the headline. But the original version would have been akin to a 9/11 headline saying, "19 Muslims Die in Plane Crashes."
Passing on Israel's Positive Stories
A corollary of the pro-Palestinian pass on negative coverage is passing on positive coverage of Israel. There has been virtually no mention of Israel's disproportionately generous humanitarian aid efforts, or its exceptional contributions to solving global problems relating to health, energy, agriculture, security, (as Israel has done in Africa).
If the world knew just how important Israel is to solving some of the planet's toughest problems, and how Israelis can also be victims of war and terror, global opinion might be less judgmental and more protective of the only democracy in the Middle East, as the tiny Jewish state does its best to survive in the world's toughest neighborhood.
All of these types of passes grow exponentially worse whenever war breaks out, usually after Hamas launches one too many missiles at Israeli civilians. When Israel can no longer accept about 40 percent of its population living in range of deadly rocket attacks and finally does what any normal country would do—take military action against those attacking it – the global media bias moves into overdrive, enabled by "Pallywood," journalistic malpractice, and fear of Hamas retribution.
Casualties inevitably mount, especially thanks to Hamas's unethical use of human shields, emotions run high, and media outlets compete to get "breaking news" out first, resulting in less time to check facts and more group thinkpressure to favor the perceived underdog. The media slant then exacerbates the bias from world leaders, international bodies, NGOs, academics, and anti-Israel boycott movements.
Thus, with each war, Israel gets more demonized while Palestinians are increasingly presented as blameless victims. Tragically, these biases actually perpetuate the conflict. Those who genuinely want peace should focus global media attention, lobbying, and resources on Palestinian intransigence and Hamas' obsessive focus on attacking and trying to "destroy Israel."
Reprinted with permission from investigativeproject.org.
Noah Beck is the author of The Last Israelis, an apocalyptic novel about Iranian nukes and other geopolitical issues in the Middle East.
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"Cut Off the Wounds From the Past and Come Into a New Season!" by Cindy Jacobs THE ELIJAH LIST

"Cut Off the Wounds From the Past and Come Into a New Season!"by Cindy Jacobs, Red Oak, TX  THE ELIJAH LIST

From the Desk of Steve Shultz:

Steve ShultzDear Elijah List friends,

We are coming into a time when it is more important than ever to leave old wounds behind so we can prosper and flourish in the days to come.

We must not take INTO THE NOW what was THE "THEN" as far as our hurts and wounds.

Here is a special short word from Cindy Jacobs about this very thing.
Please forward this word to your friends! Encourage them to subscribe to the Elijah List right here: http://elijahlist.com/subscribe.


Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News

"Cut Off the Wounds From the Past
and Come Into a New Season!"

by Cindy Jacobs, Red Oak, TX

This is a prophetic word by Cindy Jacobs that was recorded on February 10, 2016 about the new season God has for you. You can listen to the word through the audio player as well just click here.

For the Lord would say, "You are moving into a new season." And the Lord says, "You must not lead the remnants of the old season behind you." And the Lord says, "This is a time to take stock of things that have troubled you, old pain, old wounding." And the Lord says, "You must shake the dust off your feet or the pain of your yesterday, so I can bring you into a new tomorrow."

And God says, "Come up to a higher place. I'm going to show you how to walk in a new place where the fiery darts of the enemy do not wound your heart, but you are immediately able to deal with what comes at you," says the Lord. "You are able to resist the devil and he will flee from you," says God.

And the Lord says, "Know this, I am giving you a time of wearing new armor, for some of your armor is so battered and bruised from the last season; but I would say to you, close the holes in your armor—those things that have hurt you."

And the Lord says, "If you will do that, you are going to come to a triumphant place where, even though the enemy will try to pull you down, it will not be lasting but momentary. Those things that used to take you down emotionally and it would take you days to overcome—it will be fleeting," says God.

"For I have given you authority to overcome; I have given you authority to walk in a new and higher place with me," says God.

So the Lord says, "Come into a time where even you form prayer alliances because, if there is a challenge before you that you're not able to overcome on your own," the Lord says, "I will bring two, and I will bring three to agree with you. Ask Me for those people who will stand with you in agreement."

And God says, "If you will do that, you're going to be strong, a three-fold cord. Who can break? I want to strengthen you. I want to bring people into your life who will stand with you," says God, "even in the midst of the difficult moments."

So God says, "Rise up, My beloved, rise up; come away with Me. Let Me show you those wounds of the past, so you can cut them off, so you can come into your new season.You cannot bring them into a new season, for if you do, the new seasons will become like the old season. I want everything to become new and do a new thing in your life," says the Lord.

Cindy Jacobs
Generals International

Cindy Jacobs is an author, speaker, and teacher with a heart for discipling nations in the areas of prayer and prophetic gifts. She and Mike – her husband of 41 years – co-founded Generals International in 1985. She is a respected prophet who travels the world, ministering not only to crowds of people but to heads of nations. Her first calling is and always will be prophetic intercession. 

Each year she travels, and she has spoken on nearly every inhabited continent to tens of thousands. Cindy has authored books, loves to travel and speak, but one of her favorite past-times is spending time with her husband Mike and their children Daniel and Mary Madison, along with her grandchildren.

Coming to Faith in Muslim 'Palestine' - Ryan Jones ISRAEL TODAY

Coming to Faith in Muslim 'Palestine'

Tuesday, February 16, 2016 |  Ryan Jones  
This article was originally published in the November 2015 issue of Israel Today Magazine
When I first met Mohammed at the Israel Today offices in Jerusalem, he seemed apprehensive about sharing his faith despite assurances we would not reveal his real name. Mohammed’s fears were not without justification. He bore physical scars for having converted from Islam to Christianity.
A resident of the Palestinian Authority-controlled territories, Mohammed came to faith in Jesus years earlier while visiting Jerusalem. At first, he spoke boldly and openly about the transformation in his life. That got the attention of the Palestinian police, who detained and tortured him before eventually freeing him on an expensive bribe.
“I wasn’t afraid, but now I am,” Mohammed told me.
Curious if this was the standard experience for Palestinian Muslims who come to faith in Jesus, I sought out the counsel of Matthew, another Palestinian Christian whose real name cannot be revealed for reasons of personal safety.
He said that much like the governments of surrounding Arab nations, the Palestinian Authority is playing everyone for the fool by subtly deferring to Muslim Sharia Law when their civil laws are too vague on a particular topic, like conversion from Islam to Christianity.
“They can look at the West and say there are no laws forbidding someone from becoming Christian, while telling fellow Muslims not to worry because everything is based on Sharia,” Matthew explained.
In general, a Palestinian Muslim who becomes a Christian won’t be harassed too much, so long as he or she keeps quiet about their faith. The situation turns dangerous should the new believer speak out against Islam, or even be perceived to do so. Sharing the Gospel falls under that category.
What is perhaps even worse is the rift between those Palestinians born as Christians and new converts, who are commonly referred to as “Muslim Background Believers” (MBBs).
“Many of those born as Christians look down on MBBs as inferior and often won’t allow them in their churches,” Matthew pointed out. “Some Palestinian Christian leaders even try to convince MBBs that they made a mistake by converting from Islam!”
To be sure, fear of the Muslim powers-that-be plays a major role in this, but the result is the same: A Palestinian Muslim who comes to faith in Jesus finds very little love and support from the local Church. And those few that are trying to provide love, support and discipleship are woefully outmanned and under-resourced.
Beyond hopefully prompting prayer for these two men and the many more like them, these revelations again beg the question: Does the “Christian” West really want to facilitate the creation of yet another Arab state where Christians will be treated as second class citizens and coming to faith in Jesus will be cause for ostracism, torture or even death?
This article was originally published in our November 2015 issue
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The Death of Justice (Murder?) - TRUNEWS Rick Wiles radio

Steve Quayle

Supreme Court Justice Anton Scalia

TRUNEWS 02/15/16 Steve Quayle “The Death of Justice”

Rick Wiles greets current events commentator and the author of “Empire Beneath 
the Ice: How the Nazis Won World War II”, Steve Quayle, to discuss the dubious 
circumstances surrounding the death of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia. 

Rick will also host a roundtable on this subject, and break down the latest stream 
of QE to enter the global economy.

Therefore the law is slacked, and judgment does never go forth: for the wicked does 
compass about the righteous; therefore wrong judgment proceeds.
– Habakkuk 1:4 / AKJV

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Safe and Secure – Supporting has never been easier.

Read more at https://www.trunews.com/trunews-021516-steve-quayle-the-death-of-justice/#hbKfLkjZqd9uTtyj.99

The Zika Virus - The Jim Bakker Show (Day 1)

Watch here: The Zika Virus - The Jim Bakker Show (Day 1)


Jim Bakker Show 2016 | Show# 2933 | Aired on February 12, 2016

Jim Bakker Show © 2016 • Morningside Studios

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Joel C. Rosenberg's Blog: “The First Hostage” hits #1 on best-seller list one day after CIA director warns ISIS using chemical weapons.


“The First Hostage” hits #1 on best-seller list one day after CIA director warns ISIS using chemical weapons.

by joelcrosenberg
On the day after CIA Director John Brennan told the CBS News program "60 Minutes" that the Islamic State is using chemical weapons in Syria and Iraq, a novel about ISIS using chemical weapons against its enemies in the Middle East has hit #1 on a national best-seller list.
I'm pleased to report that The First Hostage has just become the nation’s #1 best-selling novel in the North American Christian book market, according to the Evangelical Christian Publishing Association. It is also the #7 of all Christian best-sellers, both fiction and non-fiction, this month.
In January, The First Hostage spent four weeks on the Publishers Weekly hardcover fiction best-sellers list. It also hit the USA Today list, though it did not hit the New York Times list.
This is the second in a series of thrillers about J.B. Collins, a fictional foreign correspondent tracking the threat posed by ISIS to the U.S., Israel, Jordan, and a group of other Mideast countries. The previous novel, The Third Target, was released in January 2015.
They are both the first -- and, thus far, the only -- novels in the world about the threat of the Islamic State.
On behalf of my wife and me -- and the entire Tyndale House Publishing team -- please let me say thank you so much for your enthusiastic support of this thriller, and The Third Target before it, which hit all the general market lists when it released last year and was also a #1 best-seller in the Christian market. We deeply appreciate how so many of you are blogging and Tweeting and writing on Facebook about both novels, and writing so many positive reviews on Amazon, B&N, Goodreads, and other book sites.
Since many of you keep asking, please rest assured that I am hard at work right now on the third novel in this J.B. Collins series. We expect this next one to release in January 2017 and I'll certainly keep you posted on my progress along the way.
joelcrosenberg | February 15, 2016 at 3:11 pm | Categories: Uncategorized | URL:http://wp.me/piWZ7-4gQ

Look Who's Running in the Jerusalem Marathon! ✡ "They Will Run and Not Grow Tired" - ISRAEL365

Those whose hope is in the Lord will have renewed strength; they will grow wings like eagles; they will run and not grow tired.

ISAIAH (40:31)

וְקוֹיֵ יְ-הוָה יַחֲלִיפוּ כֹחַ יַעֲלוּ אֵבֶר כַּנְּשָׁרִים יָרוּצוּ וְלֹא יִיגָעוּ

יְשַׁעְיָהוּ מ:לא

v'-ko-yay a-do-nai ya-kha-lee-fu ko-akh ya-a-lu ay-ver kan-sha-reem ya-ru-tzu
v'-lo yi-ga-u

Today's Israel Inspiration

Isaiah envisions the spirited returnees to Zion, those who "will run and not grow tired" in their love of the Land. Get ready, because this year, Israel365 is bringing Isaiah's words to life! Our staff has decided to participate in the excitement of the upcoming Jerusalem Marathon by running, jogging, and walking our way to the finish line. We are running for a cause that is close to our hearts. As a group, we decided to raise funds to bring joy to sick children in Jerusalem. You are invited to join us on the starting line or sponsor one of our runners. Some donors will qualify for a free t-shirt! Sponsorships must be submitted by this Friday, February 19th, so "run don't walk!"

We are Speechless! Watch this "Israeli Mother of All" who are Hospitalized

Here's what inspires us to run to sponsor a party for sick kids in Jerusalem. A woman in southern Israel devotes her time to help sick people and their families at a local hospital. You will be amazed by her good works.

Israel365 Races to Bring Joy to Sick Children in Jerusalem

This year, Israel365 staff is participating in the excitement of the Jerusalem Marathon, held every year in March. Enthusiasts from all over the world compete, running anywhere from 5 km to a full marathon distance of 42.2 km.

Book: "The Mystical Meanings of Dreams"

In "The Mystical Meanings of Dreams" by Rabbi Avraham Arieh Trugman, the reader is taken into the concealed realms of the mind and the subconscious, as well as into the hidden dimensions of the Torah, in order to understand the origin and significance of dreams. By comprehending the psychological and prophetic nature of our dreams, as well as analyzing the many dreams revealed in the Bible, we learn how to understand dreams and use them to nurture our own spiritual and emotional growth. Paperback, 160 pages

Israel Photo Trivia

At the annual Jerusalem Marathon, more than 20,000 people run through 3,000 years of history. Can you name the towering landmark seen here? Send mean email or post your answer onFacebook.

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Thank you for daily news and updates, encouraging words and education, all rolled into one!- Terry L.

I do enjoy both Israel365 and Jerusalem365 so very much!  The pictures, the Hebrew, the little commentaries all make reading them worthwhile , enjoyable and uplifting!  I love Israel, the land, the people!  I pray daily for the peace of Jerusalem and ALL Israel, praying many times a day in these troubled times! -Rebecca S.
Rabbi Tuly Weisz
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