Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Jennifer Eivaz: "In a Crisis? Put Your Faith in God" - The Elijah List

Jennifer Eivaz: "In a Crisis? Put Your Faith in God"

The Elijah List  Mar 8, 2016

Steve ShultzFrom the desk of Steve Shultz:
My wife Derene and I are happy to call Jennifer Eivaz a personal friend. I've spoken in her and Ron's church and we are blessed to have regular contact.
Let me tell you, Jennifer, is one of the most potent teachers I know. She doesn't waste many words. In fact she addresses how Jesus didn't waste even ONE word.
Please read this short word of prophetic instruction like it's the most important word you'll ever hear, because for SOME of you, IT IS!
This article could be classified under the heading, "Why is it so crucial that we all hear from God for ourselves?"
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News 
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Trusting God in Crisis
"You want me to do what?" Janelle was confused, but trusting, as she heard the Holy Spirit speak. He told her to lay down her six-figure paying job and a promising career at an energy company to just stay home. In the natural, this didn't make sense at all. Her husband's business income had been sporadic and they just had their first child. The Holy Spirit then warned her to not make decisions out of fear over her finances. "I'm preparing you and your husband for future ministry, but your marriage is in the balance."
Janelle didn't know why her marriage was in the balance. She had a great marriage! And, both her and her husband faithfully attended, served, and tithed to their local church. She knew His voice, however, and knew to trust Him even when she didn't understand.
Janelle left her job and, two months later, her husband's business failed. She also discovered her husband's addiction to painkillers, something that took hold that previous year following a painful shoulder surgery. They chose to pick up odd jobs between the two of them and continued to serve and give to their church despite their problems. It seemed as though they never had enough, but God had promised Janelle that He would provide as long as she trusted Him.
"Then everything went from bad to worse," Janelle said. One thing led to the other and Janelle's husband fell into heroin addiction. On the outside, it looked like she was losing everything. On the inside, however, Janelle was comforted. She knew the Lord had gone ahead of her and prepared her for crisis. She then gathered her pastor, mentors, and friends to conduct an intervention for her husband. In response, he agreed to get help and soon entered into a Christian rehabilitation program. (Photo via Pixabay)
"I learned to trust God in my crisis," Janelle said. "He definitely proved Himself to be faithful." By the time this was all over, Janelle and her husband ended up with a new home, a new agricultural business, a new church, and a revitalized marriage. Janelle also shared that her and her husband's testimony has been a powerful ministry all in itself. Janelle's journey and subsequent victory began when she heard and obeyed a specific word from the Lord.
If you've heard His Word and obeyed His Word, then rest assured that nothing will stop you from getting to your destination.
He Never Wastes a Word
Jesus stood in a boat off the shore of Galilee and taught the multitudes until evening. He then told His disciples, "Let's cross to the other side," and they got in their boat(s) and left (Mark 4:35). You probably know the story, but a terrific storm emerged along the way, making it appear as if they would capsize. The disciples panicked while Jesus slept peacefully in the stern of the boat. When they finally woke Him up, He commanded the storm to stop and then rebuked them for their lack of faith.
How did Jesus so easily muzzle the storm? And why did Jesus rebuke His disciples instead of comforting them in their panic? It's because Jesus never wastes a word. When He said, "Let's cross to the other side," that was not just a casual statement. That was a prophetic word! 

He prophesied to their destination because there was a divine appointment waiting for them on the other side of the sea.

They were actually on course to deliver the demonized man of the Gadarenes, which would explain the demonic source behind the storm.
Storms in life will come and they will come in the form of a crisis. One crisis comes because you've obeyed the Lord and the thing that's buffeting you in the natural has a demonic source behind it.

The way through this crisis is to prophesy to your God-ordained destination.

You also command demonic obstacles and hindrances to be removed (see Mark 11:23) and remain steady and persevering until you arrive where He said you would be going. (Photo via Pixabay)
Another crisis comes because we've disobeyed the Lord. This is what happened to the prophet Jonah after he ran from his God-assignment to confront the Ninevites. He too entered a storm on the sea, was tossed out of his boat, and then swallowed up by the whale. The spiritual source behind this storm was God Himself and the way out of this crisis is through repentance. Jonah did that and was spit out by the whale onto the shore having been humbled under the mighty hand of God.
My point is that we will not avoid life's storms. 

If your crisis came because of obedience, remember who your God is. He makes roads through rivers and He will make a way for you.

ElijahList Prophetic Resources
Don't Know What to Do? Get on Your Face!
Moses was having a crisis in his leadership. Korah, a Levite, had just led 250 leaders to challenge Moses' God-given authority before the entire assembly of Israelites. Korah then accused Moses and Aaron by saying, "You take too much upon yourselves, for all the congregation is holy, every one of them, and the Lord is among them. Why then do you exalt yourselves above the assembly of the Lord?" (Numbers 16:3).
It was a classic case of the guilty accusing the innocent of his own misdeed, but a hostile takeover looked imminent. Moses, a man more humble than any other man, reacted in an unusual way. He fell down on his face and sought the Lord.
In a crisis, don't just stand there and cry. Cry out to God! He does not ignore you. He is with you and will answer you!

(Photo via Freeimages)
While on his face before the assembly, Moses heard the wisdom of God. He then spoke to Korah and his company of rebels saying,"Tomorrow morning the Lord will show who is His and who is holy..." (Numbers 16:5). Here we see how far God is willing to go to protect His faithful and humble leaders. In a tremendous display of power, the Lord removed every single one of Moses' dissenters. Not one was spared! Moses didn't have to solve his big problem that day. When facing a crisis, he simply got on his face.
Your Crisis Will Reveal Your Heart Toward God
My husband stood before our congregation one Sunday conspicuously holding a tube of toothpaste. As he looked through the crowd, he proceeded to squeeze the tube until its contents oozed out. He then said quite humorously, "When life begins to s-q-u-e-e-z-e you, we will know exactly what's in you."
Isn't that the truth!
Jesus gave us the keys on how to live through any crisis that comes our way.

He said the person who hears and does His Word is a wise person who will remain standing in the fiercest of storms (see Matthew 7:24-27).

On the other hand, a person who ignores His word will fall – they will not remain standing – and it will be a "great" fall (verse 27).
A crisis reveals our heart commitment to God. Do you remember Job's wife? When crisis hit, she angrily challenged Job to "curse God and die" because of all their calamities (Job 2:9). Job refused to deny the Lord in the worst of circumstances and his fame has remained to this day. His wife, however, has been nearly forgotten. We don't even know her name!
When crisis hits you and life turns upside down, put your trust in God! He will reward the faithful. He doesn't forget those whose hearts have remained steadfast toward Him.
Your Crisis Will Catapult You
A catapult is an ancient weapon of warfare designed to launch projectiles at great distances. What makes a catapult effective is that works through tension. It is the tensionthat creates the force to launch a weapon effectively. (Photo via Pixabay)
Are you in a crisis? Are you feeling a lot of tension? Know this: There is a divine purpose in your tension because you're going to be catapulted! You are getting launched as a finely tuned weapon into something greater than where you are at right now. Don't break down under tension, but rise up in worship to God. The Holy Spirit is reminding you that those who overcome will lead the nations (see Revelation 2:26).

There is a message in your mess and you will rise up to tell your message to the masses.
Jennifer Eivaz, Executive Pastor
Harvest Christian Center, Turlock, CA

Email: Asst2jeneivaz@harvestturlock.org
Website: www.jennifereivaz.com
Blog: www.jennifereivazblog.com
Jennifer Eivaz is a vibrant minister and international conference speaker who carries the wisdom and fire of the Holy Spirit. She presently serves as an Executive Pastor with Harvest Christian Center in Turlock, California, and is focused on raising up a passionate and effective prayer community that is tempered with love and hears the voice of God accurately. Jennifer loves the Presence of God and is a prophetic voice to her church and to others.

Her teaching style is authentic and aimed at the heart, having been built on her personal testimony of God's incredible goodness and miraculous display in her life and in the life of her church. Jennifer is a graduate of Oral Roberts University in Tulsa, Oklahoma. She is married to HCC's Senior Pastor Ron Eivaz, and they have two wonderful children. She's a featured writer for several online publications, including the Elijah List and Charisma Magazine. She's also written a book titled The Intercessor's Handbook.

To subscribe to The Elijah List go to:http://elijahlist.com/subscribe


pree release

Nashville, Tennessee, USA (3/8/2016) - Proclaiming Justice to The Nations (PJTN) commends Florida State Senator Miguel Diaz de la Portilla and State Representative Lori Berman for their leadership for spearheading the adoption of two separate resolutions condemning the anti-Semitic BDS movement on March 2 and February 10, 2016, respectively. Following months of campaigning efforts by Florida's PJTN watchmen, the anti- BDS resolutions were championed by PJTN's newly appointed Chairman and long-time Miami, Florida businessman and Founder of the Florida Prepaid College Program, Mr. Stanley G. Tate. 

The Senate version added the following: BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED  that the Florida Senate urges the President of the United States to order withdrawal of the United States Customs and Border Protection statement dated January 23, 2016, entitled "West Bank Country of Origin Marking Requirements, " so that goods made in the West Bank can continue to be properly labeled "Made in Israel."

This is the 6th resolution passed as part of PJTN's national campaign led by watchmen across the country following their first success in Tennessee in April 2015.  Recently, Alabama became the 5th state to pass a similar version of Tennessee's resolution with Indiana, Pennsylvania and New York also following Tennessee's lead. During the past  year PJTN watchmen from 47 US States and 11 countries worldwide have joined PJTN's anti-BDS efforts to pass similar motions in their areas. 

Stanley Tate, Chairman of PJTN commented, "The BDS movement is attempting to financially cripple the State of Israel by using economic warfare based on false libels against the only true democracy in the Middle-East. We will not stand by and watch as these anti-Semites attempt to destroy the only Jewish State." Tate added, "After a political life that has spanned over six decades, I was proud to join forces with PJTN to eradicate any remnant of the BDS movement in America. My experience has proven that passing these types of resolutions is one of the quickest and most effective ways to launch our anti-BDS efforts."   

Stanley Tate was appointed Chairman of PJTN's distinguished Board last January.  He was also recently awarded the organization's celebrated Tree of Life award for dedicating his life to defend the State of Israel and the Jewish people. Tate is the last surviving founding member of AIPAC and has been personal confidant and aid to multiple U.S. presidents.

Laurie Cardoza-Moore, Founder and President of PJTN declared that, "We will not stop until every single U.S. state comes out publicly condemning the anti-Semitic BDS movement.  In Nazi Germany, Hitler and his minions painted the Star of David on Jewish businesses. Today, world leaders are targeting the Jewish State.  We call upon Christians, Jews and people of conscience across America to join us in pushing for similar resolutions in their home states." She concluded her comments with a quote from the Biblical prophet Isaiah, "For Zion's sake I will not keep silent, and for Jerusalem's sake I will not hold my peace, till her vindication shines out like the dawn, her salvation like a blazing torch."

Proclaiming Justice to the Nations (PJTN), a 501c3 non-profit organization, was established to educate Christians about their Biblical responsibility to stand with their Jewish brethren and Israel, utilizing powerful film and video presentations, a variety of grassroots rallies, events and speaking engagements to facilitate dialogue between the Christian and Jewish communities in support of the State of Israel and against global genocidal anti-Semitism. In recent months the organization has led the struggle against BDS in America with a wave of state resolutions and the upcoming release of a new documentary film that will expose the truth behind the BDS movement.
Media Contact for Laurie Cardoza-Moore:
International Sr. Media Advisor -
Avi Hyman at: avihyman@gmail.com 

U.S./Christian Media Advisor
Jackie Monaghan
(615) 646-5990 - Direct

For more info visit www.pjtn.org
Support PJTN
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Email: comments@pjtn.org * Office: 615.778.0202 * Toll free * 877.779.0202

PJTN is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. PJTN was established to educate Christians about their Biblical responsibility to stand with their Jewish brethren and Israel, utilizing powerful film and video presentations, a variety of grassroots rallies, events and speaking engagements to facilitate dialogue between the Christian and Jewish communities in support of the State of Israel.
Proclaiming Justice to the Nations, Inc., P.O. Box 682711, Franklin, TN 37068

Archaeologists Find 2,500-Year-Old Evidence to Support Women's Rights in Israel - CBN NEWS

 Israeli archaeologists recently discovered a rare 2,500-year-old seal during excavations inside the City of David.

Archaeologists Find 2,500-Year-Old Evidence to Support Women's Rights in Israel

Israeli archaeologists recently discovered a rare 2,500-year-old seal during excavations inside the City of David. (CBN)

Join us on our podcast each weekday for an interesting story, well told, from Charisma News. Listen at charismapodcastnetwork.com.

Israeli archaeologists recently discovered a rare 2,500-year-old seal during excavations inside the City of David. 
What made the seal so significant is that it showed the woman who owned it had legal status, allowing her to conduct business and possess property.
"Finding seals that bear names from the time of the First Temple is hardly a commonplace occurrence, and finding a seal that belonged to a woman is an even rarer phenomenon," researchers said. 
The discovery affirms how the Bible looks at the role of women. 
The book of Proverbs (31:13-23) states that an ideal wife is responsible for providing for the needs of her household when her husband is engaged in public and legal affairs at the city gate: "She seeks wool and flax, and works with willing hands ... Her husband is known in the gates, when he sits among the elders of the land."
Archaeologist Yana Tchekhanovetes told CBN News about the discovery: 
"Inside this building as a result of very gentle work that includes sifting of the finds. Sifting of the airs in order to find all the tiny artifacts, we discovered among other stuff two Hebrew seals; one with the name of a man, Sa'aryahu ben Shabenyahu and another one with the name of a woman, Elihana bat Gael." 
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Army of the Dawn (Day 4) - Rick Joyner on The Jim Bakker Show

Watch here: Army of the Dawn (Day 4) - Rick Joyner on The Jim Bakker Show

Rick Joyner, MorningStar Ministries

Rick Joyner

Jim Bakker Show 2016 | Show# 2945 | Aired on March 7, 2016

Jim Bakker Show © 2016 • Morningside Studios

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Why Christians Should Stop Looking for the Rapture - J.D. KING CHARISMA MAGAZINE SPIRITLED WOMAN

I know individuals who enjoy turning to 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 and reflecting on what's popularly called the "rapture."

Why Christians Should Stop Looking for the Rapture

I know individuals who enjoy turning to 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 and reflecting on what's popularly called the "rapture." (Charisma archives)

Spirit-Led Woman
I know individuals who enjoy turning to 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 and reflecting on what's popularly called the "rapture." They insist this passage is about God taking His people away. Yet is that true? Is this what these verses are really concerned with?
While it's true that in this section Paul talks about believers being caught up in the clouds to meet Jesus, there's something more to this if you care to look. If you read this passage carefully, you'll see that Paul isn't talking about believers abandoning creation. What he's really concerned about is our participation in Jesus' earthly appearance and celebration.
So, if this text is referring to the Lord's appearing rather than our departure, what is this "meeting the Lord in the air" in verse 17 all about?
It's helpful to consider Paul's word for "meeting" in this passage. It is the Greek word apantesis, which typically described the formal welcoming of a dignitary into a city. In other Greek literature, it was a term that described a great delegation that would travel to the outskirts of the city gates and beyond to receive the conquering king as he returned to the land.
I know that some won't like what I'm writing in this blog post, but I think that each of us should consider the context and the grammatical-historical issues shaping a passage such as this. However uncomfortable it may be, we must learn to properly exegete and draw from the passage what's actually there. It serves no one to insert something unfounded into these verses.
Getting back to my point. 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 really isn't about a departure, but a grand entrance. The apostle Paul really isn't concerned about you and me leaving the earth. In all actuality, he wants us to know we're going to be a part of a special entourage. We're going to be included in a great "welcoming party" who joyfully receives the Lord as He bodily appears here on earth.
When I think about this passage and how often it's misread, it grieves my heart. Paul wants us to know that God is going to gather the living and the dead together in the clouds to welcome the Lord into this earthly terrain. It is supposed to be a message of hope and engagement. Who would have thought this great assurance would turn into a personal exit strategy for so many?
I often think about the Christian church in North America and wonder when we're going to stop trying to trying to disengage and find a way out? I pray that one day we finally stop trying to evacuate.
Author and speaker J.D. King is the director of the World Revival Network. King is also associate pastor of World Revival Church.
For a limited time, we are extending our celebration of the 40th anniversary of Charisma. As a special offer, you can get 40 issues of Charisma magazine for only $40!
NEW from CHARISMA: Do you want to encounter the Holy Spirit and hear God speak to you? Increase your faith, discover freedom, and draw near to God! Click Here

Scriptures teach the restoration of the Jewish people to the land of Israel.


Watch the complete series here: Israel's Land

Evangelical Christians have traditionally been strong supporters of Israel and the Jewish people. Their support can no longer be taken for granted. There is now a strong movement to undermine evangelical support for Israel - and it is gaining momentum.
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Script with footnotes available here: 

Source: E4Z.org

The Collapse Of Italy’s Banks Threatens To Plunge The European Financial System Into Chaos - Michael Snyder THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE BLOG

Italy Flag Map - Public Domain
Posted: 07 Mar 2016   Michael Snyder  THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE BLOG

The Italian banking system is a “leaning tower” that truly could completely collapse at literally any moment.  And as Italy’s banks begin to go down like dominoes, it is going to set off financial panic all over Europe unlike anything we have ever seen before.  

I wrote about the troubles in Italy back in January, but since that time the crisis has escalated.  At this point, Italian banking stocks have declined a whopping 28 percent since the beginning of 2016, and when you look at some of the biggest Italian banks the numbers become even more frightening.  On Monday, shares of Monte dei Paschi were down 4.7 percent, and they have now plummeted 56 percent since the start of the year.  Shares of Carige were down 8 percent, and they have now plunged a total of 58 percent since the start of the year.  This is what a financial crisis looks like, and just like we are seeing in South America, the problems in Italy appear to be significantly accelerating.

So what makes Italy so important?

Well, we all saw how difficult it was for the rest of Europe to come up with a plan to rescue Greece.  But Greece is relatively small – they only have the 44th largest economy in the world.

The Italian economy is far larger.  Italy has the 8th largest economy in the world, and their government debt to GDP ratio is currently sitting at about 132 percent.
There is no way that Europe has the resources or the ability to handle a full meltdown of the Italian financial system.  Unfortunately, that is precisely what is happening.  Italian banks are absolutely drowning in non-performing loans, and as Jeffrey Moore has noted, this potentially represents “the greatest threat to the world’s already burdened financial system”…
Shares of Italy’s largest financial institutions have plummeted in the opening months of 2016 as piles of bad debt on their balance sheets become too high to ignore.  Amid all of the risks facing EU members in 2016, the risk of contagion from Italy’s troubled banks poses the greatest threat to the world’s already burdened financial system.
At the core of the issue is the concerning level of Non-Performing Loans (NPL’s) on banks’ books, with estimates ranging from 17% to 21% of total lending.  This amounts to approximately €200 billion of NPL’s, or 12% of Italy’s GDP.  Moreover, in some cases, bad loans make up an alarming 30% of individual banks’ balance sheets.
Things have already gotten so bad that the European Central Bank is now monitoring liquidity levels at Monte dei Paschi and Carige on a daily basis.  The following comes from Reuters
The European Central Bank is checking liquidity levels at a number of Italian banks, including Banca Carige and Monte dei Paschi di Siena , on a daily basis, two sources close to the matter said on Monday.
Italian banking shares have fallen sharply since the start of the year amid market concerns about some 360 billion euros of bad loans on their books and weak capital levels.
The ECB has been putting pressure on several Italian banks to improve their capital position. The regulator can decide to monitor liquidity levels at any bank it supervises on a weekly or daily basis if it has any concern about deposits or funding.

A run on the big Italian banks has already begun.  Italians have already been quietly pulling billions of euros out of the banking system, and if these banks continue to crumble this “stealth run” could quickly become a stampede.

And of course panic in Italy would quickly spread to other financially troubled members of the eurozone such as Spain, Portugal, Greece and France.  Here is some additional analysis from Jeffrey Moore
A deteriorating financial crisis in Italy could risk repercussions across the EU exponentially greater than those spurred by Greece.  The ripple effects of market turmoil and the potential for dangerous precedents being set by EU authorities in panicked response to that turmoil, could ignite yet more latent financial vulnerabilities in fragile EU members such as Spain and Portugal.
Unfortunately, most Americans are completely blinded to what is going on in the rest of the world because stocks in the U.S. have had a really good run for the past couple of weeks.  Headlines are declaring that the risk of a new recession “has passed” and that the crisis “is over”.  Meanwhile, South America is plunging into a full-blown depression, the Italian banking system is melting down, global manufacturing numbers are the worst that we have seen since the last recession, and global trade is absolutely imploding.

Other than that, things are pretty good.

Seriously, it is absolutely critical that we don’t allow ourselves to be fooled by every little wave of momentum in the stock market.

It is a fact that sales and profits for U.S. corporations are declining.  This is a trend that began all the way back in mid-2014 and that has accelerated during the early stages of 2016.  The following comes from Wolf Richter
Total US business sales – not just sales by S&P 500 companies but also sales by small caps and all other businesses, even those that are not publicly traded – peaked in July 2014 at $1.365 trillion, according to the Census Bureau. By December 2015, total business sales were down 4.6% from that peak. A bad 18 months for sales! They’re back where they’d first been in January 2013!
Sales by S&P 500 companies dropped 3.8% in 2015, according to FactSet, the worst year since the Financial Crisis.
I know that a lot of people have been eagerly anticipating a complete and total global economic collapse for a long time, and many of them just want to “get it over with”.
Well, the truth is that nobody should want to see what is coming.  Personally, I rejoice for every extra day, week or month we are given.  Every extra day is another day to prepare, and every extra day is another day to enjoy the extremely comfortable standard of living that our debt-fueled prosperity has produced for us.

Most Americans have absolutely no idea how spoiled we really are.  Even just fifty years ago, life was so much harder in this country.  If we had to go back and live the way that Americans did 100 or 150 years ago, there are very few of us that would be able to successfully do that.

So enjoy the remaining days of debt-fueled prosperity while you still can, because great change is coming, and it is going to be extremely bitter for most of the population.

5 Years Past the Fogel Massacre; A Musical Tribute ✡ "Rachel Weeping For Her Children" - ISRAEL365

Thus saith the LORD: A voice is heard in Ramah, lamentation, and bitter weeping, Rachel weeping for her children; she refuseth to be comforted for her children, because they are not.


כֹּה אָמַר יְ-הוָה קוֹל בְּרָמָה נִשְׁמָע נְהִי בְּכִי תַמְרוּרִים--רָחֵל מְבַכָּה עַל-בָּנֶיהָ מֵאֲנָה לְהִנָּחֵם עַל-בָּנֶיהָ כִּי אֵינֶנּוּ

ירמיהו לא:יד

ko a-mar a-do-nai kol b'-ra-ma nish-ma n'-hee b'-khee tam-ru-reem ra-khayl
m'-va-ka al ba-ne-ha may-a-na l'-hi-na-khaym al ba-ne-ha kee ay-ne-nu

Jerusalem Inspiration

This month marks 5 years since the brutal murder of 5 members of the Fogel family, in their home in Itamar as they lay sleeping on the Sabbath eve. Our Sages teach us that it was our Matriarch Rachel, buried near an ancient road in Bethlehem, who wept for her children en route to exile, and continues to cry out to God whenever tragedy strikes her descendants. Mother Rachel was surely weeping with the survivors of the Fogel family along with Jews across the world, weeping for the injustice of children orphaned and a family torn apart.  That night, as a Nation mourned, ZAKA was there, bringing sanctity to the bodies of Udi, Ruth, Yoav, Elad and Hadas as they left this world.  As terror continues to plague the country, ZAKA is always there, first to come and last to leave.  Right now, ZAKA's resources have been depleted, and they are in desperate need of 5 new ambulances to help them continue their holy work.

A Moving Tribute to a Family Torn Apart

Today's Hebrew music video is a tribute to the brutal murder of the Fogel family of Itamar in March 2011.  The words are those of today's verse, as the prophet Jeremiah fortold, Mother Rachel would weep for generations over the continuous brutal murders of her children.  May she and we know comfort, as her children continue to return to Israel.

Unbelievable Israeli Woman of Faith, Strength and Optimism

Overnight, an Israeli mother, Miriam Peretz, who lost two soldier sons as well as her husband, whose heart couldn't bear the death of her oldest son, became a national symbol of grief and of strength throughout Israel.

**Israeli Bestseller** "Miriam's Song:
The Story of Miriam Peretz"

Miriam’s Song is a poignant and powerful look into the life of Miriam Peretz, and Israeli woman who lost both her sons to war. Both soldiers of distinction and passion, the book depicts the effects of her loss and how she survived her grief. In these pages is the story of pain and resilience, the mingled song of hope begun by one womand and echoed by a nation. Paperback, 398 pages. This book was a collaboration between Miriam Peretz and Smadar Shir, a famed Israeli author and journalist.

Jerusalem Daily Photo

A nighttime stroll in the Old City of Jerusalem by Boruch Len.

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  What a blessed way to begin each day;  I was truly blessed to read this Scripture -- thank you and each one of you who takes a part in doing this. Be blessed of God. Carolyn, Memphis, Tennessee, USA
Blessing from Jerusalem,
Rabbi Tuly Weisz
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