Thursday, March 10, 2016

This Is The Hottest Israeli Song And It’s Sweeping The WORLD Off Their Feet - ISRAEL VIDEO NETWORK

This Is The Hottest Israeli Song And It’s Sweeping The WORLD Off Their Feet 


“G-d is the King, G-d is ruling, G-d will rule forever and ever!” This song actually epitomizes the idea behind Rosh HaShana, the Jewish New Year. According to Jewish tradition believes that the world was created on the first day of the Jewish month of Tishrei, the Jewish New Year. On this day, the Jewish nation announces that G-d is King and rules the world. This is done by blowing the Shofar , the rams horn, as if trumpeting in the King.
There is much thought and Jewish philosophy is truly a part of this very important milestone on the Jewish calendar. As for anointing G-d as King of the world – some do it by beheading “infidels”, and some do it with a shofar. It’s that simple.
Published: March 9, 2016

Mexican Evangelist Says God Can Heal the Lesbian Soul - J. Lee Grady CHARISMA MAGAZINE

Isabel Contreras
Isabel Contreras (Unidad Cristiana Querétaro)

Fire in My Bones, by J. Lee Grady
Isabél Contreras was the most unlikely person on earth to become a traveling preacher.
Raised in a Catholic family in southern Mexico, she became an atheist at 14, explored satanism during high school and began living la vida loca—the crazy life—when she became an amateur volleyball player. She drank heavily, embraced a lesbian lifestyle and even sold her body as a same-sex prostitute during the three years she lived in Mexico City.
But all that changed when she found Jesus at age 21. No one had to tell her to stop having sex with women. "Immediately the Holy Spirit told me this was wrong," Isabél says.
After her conversion she invited 25 of her athlete friends to a dinner and announced that she was a Christian. "You are welcome to join me," she said, after inviting them to her charismatic church. "Otherwise you can pretend you never knew me. The old Isabél is dead."
Her lesbian friends weren't happy with the drastic change. They even hired a girl to try to seduce her, but Isabél didn't fall for the scheme. "I knew I would never go back into that life," she says. "I knew my decision to follow Jesus was all or nothing."
And thus began an unusual journey for a woman who has become a respected minister in a male-dominated country marked by its machismo. Now 54, Isabél has planted two churches. From her base in La Paz, in the Baja peninsula, she has preached in every state in Mexico and in five other nations.
At the ReeNueva women's conference held in the city of Querétaro last week, her passionate preaching had women cheering—and laughing at her frequent jokes. "Christ is in you!" she shouted. "God put you where you are so you can give people the anointing; Satan and his demons are afraid of that!"
Being a minister is not easy for Isabél, even though she has traveled for 20 years as a prophet and Bible teacher. When she visits a new city she often learns that she's the first woman ever to preach there. Some male pastors have angrily confronted her, telling her that God doesn't anoint women to share the gospel. She usually reminds them of the biblical story of Balaam.
"If a donkey can speak for God, so can I," she says.
Isabél has become popular, especially among women, because she doesn't even try to fit into the Latino cultural mold. She is not a fashionista, for sure. She doesn't wear high heels or fancy dresses. When she stands at a pulpit she typically wears functional work pants, a sweater and a simple key necklace. Her hair isn't styled. And she jokes about her weight—and then reminds people that she recently lost 116 pounds.
"I know what some of you ladies are thinking when you see me," she told the crowd in Querétaro. "You think I look like a dyke. That's OK. I don't care what people think about me. I am going to keep looking at Jesus until I look just like Him."
But it is Isabél's plain appearance and brutal honesty that win her audience. They love that she doesn't have a model's looks. They feel accepted by her, not threatened. So they listen carefully to her testimony and her prophetic teaching.
"God has told me that I'm a sign," she says. "The way I look, the way I am, allows people to feel comfortable with me and they receive what God is saying."
Isabél believes her homosexual struggle began at age 11 when an older girl molested her in a dark closet. But she also believes some women turn to lesbianism because they have been raped or abused by men—and therefore they view sex with men as painful or traumatic. This problem is especially serious in Mexico, where domestic abuse has become an epidemic and the rate of femicide is one of the world's highest.
While Isabél views homosexuality as sin, she has only compassion for people who struggle with same-sex attraction because it is often rooted in abuse. She has counseled countless people who found healing after prayer.
Some church leaders in Mexico believe God is using Isabél in a unique way, not only to offer healing to people who struggle with their sexual identity but also to the entire body of Christ.
"Isabel is breaking paradigms," says Claudia Cupido, co-pastor of Unidad Cristiana, a charismatic megachurch in Querétaro. "It is not often you find the combination of prophetic and teaching ministry that she offers. Now that she speaks freely about her past, she will neutralize the battle that many girls and women are facing." 
J. Lee Grady is the former editor of Charisma. You can follow him on Twitter at leegrady. He is the author of several books including 10 Lies the Church Tells Women, 10 Lies Men Believe, Fearless Daughters of the Bible and The Holy Spirit Is Not for Sale. You can learn more about his ministry, The Mordecai Project,
For a limited time, we are extending our celebration of the 40th anniversary of Charisma. As a special offer, you can get 40 issues of Charisma magazine for only $40!
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Who Is To Blame For The Rape Epidemic That Is Sweeping Across Europe? - Michael Snyder THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE BLOG

Fear Woman - Public Domain

Posted: 09 Mar 2016  Michael Snyder  THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE BLOG

Millions of women in Europe are now deathly afraid to walk outside their own homes at night, and with each passing day more news reports of absolutely horrific rapes and sexual assaults come pouring in from all over the continent.  So who is to blame for this epidemic of rape?  I think that the answer might surprise you, because a very famous politician in the United States is at least partially responsible.  

But first, let’s examine why women all over Europe are living in such fear right now.  I have written previously about this rape epidemic, but since that time it has gotten even worse.  At this point, this plague is even affecting small towns in the far northern portions of the continent.  For example, just consider what is happening in a small town in northern Sweden known as Ostersund…
Women in a town in northern Sweden have been warned not to walk alone at night in the wake of a spike in violent assaults and attempted rapes.
Police in Östersund made the unusual move to ask women not to go out unaccompanied after dark, after reports of eight brutal attacks, some by ‘men of foreign appearance’, in just over two weeks.
Speaking at a press conference on Monday, police said they ‘have never seen anything like it in Östersund’, a small town in the north of Sweden with a population of just 45,000.
Of course things were not always this way in Sweden.

At one time, Sweden had some of the lowest rates of violent crime in the world, but now the number of reported rapes in Sweden has risen by more than 1,000 percent since the mid-1970s.

So what is causing this?

A massive influx of immigrants from the Middle East and other third world nations is fundamentally changing Swedish society.  During 2015, Sweden brought in an additional 163,000 migrants and refugees, and that was the highest level in all of Europe per capita.
Politically-correct Swedish citizens have opened up their arms to warmly welcome their new friends, but all of this kindness has not prevented an absolutely chilling wave of sexual crime.  In particular, public pools have quickly gained a reputation as places where young Swedish women are very likely to be raped or sexually assaulted.  The following is an excerpt from an outstanding article by Ingrid Carlqvist
In 2015, when roughly 163,000 asylum seekers came to Sweden, the problems at public pools increased exponentially. More than 35,000 young people, so-called “unaccompanied refugee children,” arrived — 93% of whom are male and claim to be 16-17 years old. To prevent complete idleness, many municipalities give them free entrance to the public pools.
During the past few months, the number of reports of sexual assaults and harassment against women at public pools has been overwhelming. Most of the “children” are from Afghanistan, widely considered among the most dangerous places in the world for women. When the daily Aftonbladet visited the country in 2013, 61-year-old Fatima told the paper what it is like to be a woman in Afghanistan: “What happens if we do not obey? Well, our husbands or sons beat us of course. We are their slaves.”
In her article, Carlqvist lists example after example of sex attacks by immigrants at public pools.  This is just one of those examples
On January 21, there were reports that the number of sexual assaults had increased dramatically at the Aquanova adventure pool in Borlänge. In 2014, onecase was reported; in 2015, about 20 cases were reported. The incidents involved women having their bikinis ripped off, being groped in the water slide and sexually assaulted in the restrooms. Ulla-Karin Solum, the CEO of Aquanova, told the public broadcaster Sveriges Television that many incidents “are due to cultural clashes.”
And this kind of sexual violence is not just limited to Sweden.  Wherever there has been a large influx of refugees we are seeing the same things happen.
Here is one recent example from Belgium
HORRIFIC footage has emerged of a group of young men, including five migrants, laughing, dancing and singing in Arabic as they gang rape an unconscious 17-year-old girl.
It is believed the attack happened after the girl passed out after drinking at a party.
One of the rapists later told police: “She can’t complain. Women must obey men.”
Next, here is an example from Germany
An Algerian man who almost killed his 25-year-old student victim shouted out ‘if Allah wills it’ in Arabic as he raped her in a darkened alley, a court has heard.
The man, identified only by his first name Rheda, is accused of following the student as she walked home from a nightclub at 5am in Hannover, Germany.
Afterwards, with his victim badly beaten, he is alleged to have climbed off her and asked her if she enjoyed it.
Finally, here is a particularly disturbing example from Austria
An Iraqi migrant has admitted to raping a ten year old boy in a Viennese swimming pool so ferociously that the boy had to be hospitalised for his injuries. The man said he knew it was wrong but couldn’t help himself as he hadn’t had sex in months.
Police investigators have ascertained that the 20 year old man entered Austria on the 13th September, travelling into the country via the Balkans.
Because most European leaders are so politically correct, they simply cannot face the truth.
In fact, some top European politicians have resorted to blaming the victims in a desperate attempt to maintain the fiction that these immigrants are responsible citizens…
One particularly divisive issue is the extent to which officials have tended to “blame the victim”, so to speak. For instance, Cologne mayor Henriette Reker drew sharp criticism for suggesting that it was German womens’ duty to prevent assaults by keeping would-be assailants “at arm’s length.”
Then there was the now infamous case of the 17-year-old Danish girl who faced a fine from police after she allegedly used “illegal” pepper spray to deter an attacker.
Okay, I promised that I would reveal a top politician in the United States that is at least partially responsible for this epidemic of rape.  So let me try to explain how I arrived at my conclusion.

Most of the immigrants that are flooding into Europe are coming from areas that have been ravaged by war.  In particular, more immigrants are flooding into Europe from Syria than anywhere else.

If we go back five years ago, Syria was actually a very peaceful place.  In the early portions of 2011, the Arab Spring was raging, and leaders all over the Middle East were being deposed.  At that time, a decision was made by officials in the Obama administration that it would be an ideal opportunity to overthrow the Assad regime in Syria as well.

Saudi Arabia, Turkey and their Sunni allies in the region were quite eager to get rid of Assad.  Syria is part of “the Shiite crescent” that stretches across the Middle East, but 74 percent of all Syrians are actually Sunni.  So the idea was to create a “popular uprising” that would overthrow Assad, and Syria would then be transformed into a full-fledged Sunni nation and the balance of power in the Middle East would be fundamentally altered.

This effort was spearheaded by U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.  Huge protests were organized against Assad in Syria, and those protests rapidly turned violent.  A civil war began, and members of “the coalition” poured millions upon millions of dollars into jihadist groups that were attempting to overthrow Assad.  And at first the plan was working well.  The “resistance” was taking lots of ground and it looked like they were going to be able to push all the way to Damascus and topple Assad.

But then Assad enlisted the help of Iran, Hezbollah, Shiite militias from Iran and most importantly the Russians.

Russian air power has completely turned the tide of the war, and now the Sunni militant groups are being routed.  This is why Saudi Arabia and Turkey are in such a panic, and they are looking to the Obama administration to finish what it started.

Of course all of this has brought us to the brink of World War 3, and most Americans have absolutely no idea how we got here.

And it is this horrific conflict in Syria which Hillary Clinton played such a key role in starting that has caused the worst refugee crisis that Europe has experienced since World War 2.

So how will Hillary Clinton be rewarded for her fine work?

Well, it appears quite likely that she is going to become the next president of the United States, and that is a very, very depressing thought.

Iran: Our Missiles are Pointed at Israel - Israel Today Staff

Iran: Our Missiles are Pointed at Israel

Thursday, March 10, 2016 |  Israel Today Staff
Senior Iranian military officials this week boasted that they had stockpiled a huge quantity of long-range ballistic missiles that are pointed directly at Israel.
Two such missiles were tested this week on targets at a range of 1,400 kilometers (870 miles), putting Israel well within range if fired from western Iran.
Brig. General Amir Ali Haji Zada, commander of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard’s air corps, told Iranian media that these missiles “belong to the Palestinian people.” It was also reported that the test missiles were inscribed in Hebrew with the words “Israel must be wiped out.”
Brigadier General Hossein Salami, Deputy commander of Iran’s Revolutionary Guard, told journalists on Wednesday that he was confident that Israel would collapse very soon.
Israel’s Foreign Ministry called on the international community to “act firmly and decisively against the continuing missile launches from Iran and the continued development of the country’s missile program.”
But thus far the Obama Administration has done little but register impotent complaints with Tehran and the UN.
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Why 30,000 Pastors are Invading Washington, D.C., With Prayer - TAYLOR BERGLUND CHARISMA NEWS

Thousands of pastors are expected to gather at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C., on April 9 for UnitedCry DC16.

Why 30,000 Pastors are Invading Washington, D.C., With Prayer

Thousands of pastors are expected to gather at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C., on April 9 for UnitedCry DC16. (Wikimedia Commons )
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UnitedCry DC16 is one of many calls to prayer, repentance and spiritual awakening rising in the nation. The difference with this one is that thousands of pastors from sea to shining sea are leading the charge from America's capital.
Inspired by Joel 2, the strategically timed prayer event will see pastors making intercession at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C. At the same time, Lou Engle's TheCall Azusa will gather tens of thousands of passionate believers to the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum on April 9, also the 110th anniversary of the Azusa Street Outpouring.
Lewis Hogan, the visionary behind UnitedCry, says he believes the two events could serve as a catalyst to unify the body of Christ through prayer.
"From a place of unity, pastors and Christian leaders join together in prayers of repentance, revival and responsibility for our nation," Hogan says. He describes UnitedCry as a multi-ethnic, multidenominational, multigenerational expression of men and women who will cry out for God's plans and purposes for America in this hour. "Out of this place of a unified cry, we are believing for a mobilized prayer movement of pastors and their congregations to shape our nation at the local, state and federal level."
Hogan hopes the event will draw 30,000 pastors from across the country, representing a tithe of America's churches and creating a tipping point that leads to measurable change. As spiritual leaders of the land, he believes Christian leaders can set an example of humility and brokenness before God at UnitedCry.
Despite the emphasis on pastors, Hogan is calling all believers to join in through live streaming. While pastors carry the vision for UnitedCry, the event also aims to mobilize intercessors as the enforcers of God's will through targeted prayer for a nation in crisis.
"From all sides, biblical values that formed the foundation of our nation are under attack," Hogan says. "In the formation period of our nation, it was the pastors and church that played a prominent role in the battle for freedom. America's problems are not political but spiritual."
"We are in a Joel 2 moment in the history of our nation. When a nation is in crisis, Scripture is clear about the solution. Joel 2 states, 'Call a sacred assembly, gather the people, sanctify the congregation, assemble the elders.' It is in that place of gathering that the cry arises for mercy. Our cry is for God to show His mercy on this land and send great revival and awakening."
For a limited time, we are extending our celebration of the 40th anniversary of Charisma. As a special offer, you can get 40 issues of Charisma magazine for only $40!
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Prophetic Word Through Patricia King: "Seniors Arise!" - THE ELIJAH LIST

"Prophetic Word Through Patricia King: Seniors Arise!"by Patricia King, Maricopa, AZ


From the Desk of Steve Shultz:

Steve ShultzBeing barely 60 myself, I really appreciated this word from my good friend, Patricia King. What I really appreciate about Patricia's prophetic insight and ministry is that she ministers to the masses...and ALL are included!

This is a very short word, yet it is ever so powerful...and if you are a senior this is EXACTLY the word you needed to hear from Patricia. For those who are a part of the more "experienced" generation, get excited...for God is far from being done with you yet!

Please forward this word to your friends! Encourage them to subscribe to the Elijah List right here:


Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News


"Prophetic Word Through Patricia King: Seniors Arise!"by Patricia King, Maricopa, AZ

Prophetic Word for Seniors:

Are you 60 years of age or older? If so, this word is for you! I am launching Seniors on the Frontlines this July, and as I was seeking the heart of God for this event, I received this prophetic word for the Senior Generation. It is awesome!

I see a company of radical Believers in their 60's, 70's, 80's and beyond arising in these days.This generation will experience personal revival that will re-ignite their passion and their purpose. They are full of wisdom, zeal, and they carry dreams yet to be fulfilled. Their latter glory will be greater than the former.

I see them walking with the younger generations and empowering them with encouragement.

They are gathering together and redefining the term "senior". They will be a sought after generation. They will be honored and respected by the younger generation. Many will rise into places of predominance and leadership. They will produce more fruit in their latter days with less effort.

Financial increase and sudden provisional surprises will come to them. Favor will rest upon this generation and a wave of healing, health, and rejuvenation will visit them. Their "latter glory" will be greater than the former and they will be filled with joy that overflows!

Patricia King
Founder and Director of XPMEDIA.COM INC

Patricia King is a respected apostolic minister of the Gospel, successful business owner, and an inventive entrepreneur. She is an accomplished itinerant speaker, author, television host, media producer, and ministry network overseer who has given her life fully to Jesus Christ and to His Kingdom's advancement in the earth. She is the founder of XP Ministries and co-founder of

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Survey: Muslims are Ignorant About the Al-Aqsa Mosque - Aviel Schneider ISRAEL TODAY

Survey: Muslims are Ignorant About the Al-Aqsa Mosque

Wednesday, March 09, 2016 |  Aviel Schneider  ISRAEL TODAY
A growing number of Muslim scholars admit they have no real religious connection to the Temple Mount.
The full article appears in the March 2016 issue of Israel Today Magazine.
CLICK HERE to read it all
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Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Tilt Your Head Up - Now Think On This by Steve Martin

Tilt Your Head Up

Now Think On This
Steve Martin

“I will lift up my eyes to the hills — from whence comes my help? My help comes from the Lord, Who made heaven and earth.” (Psalm 121:1-2 NKJV)

“Tilt your head up”, I heard the Voice softly say as I prayed.

As one normally does, I had my head bowed during my morning prayers, as I sat in my prayer chair in the corner of our home’s front room. I don’t recall that I was praying for anything real heavy at the time. But when He spoke, I also had the sensation of a father touching the chin of their child with their fingers, to lift their head in order to see into their eyes.

The Lord was telling me to look up; to see Him; to know that He was in full control.

“He will not allow your foot to be moved; He who keeps you will not slumber. Behold, He who keeps Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep. The Lord is your keeper; the Lord is your shade at your right hand. The sun shall not strike you by day, nor the moon by night. The Lord shall preserve you from all evil; He shall preserve your soul. The Lord shall preserve your going out and your coming in from this time forth, and even forevermore.” (Psalm 121:3-8 NKJV)

The Lord’s loving-kindness and compassion to us are new every morning, as Scripture tells us. His faithfulness, to hear every prayer, and to speak to our heart, is a promise for those who take the time to seek Him. Therefore we can have hope and trust in Him.

“The Lord's lovingkindnesses indeed never cease, for His compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness. "The Lord is my portion," says my soul, "Therefore I have hope in Him." The Lord is good to those who wait for Him, to the person who seeks Him. It is good that he waits silently for the salvation of the Lord.” (Lam 3:22-26, NASU)

We can easily get weighted down with the daily cares of the world. The day in, day out routine, which can be a grind at times, fills our soul with anxiety. We simply get worn out. That is one of the strategies of the enemy that opposes us. If we don’t stop and let the Lord Jesus’ yoke become ours, we will be overcome by it all.

Daily prayer, with reading of the Bible, isn’t an option we can pick or chose when we want to, or feel like it. It has to be so normal in our normal lives that when we miss the time with Him, we know that we have missed it. May it be that our day will not be the same without time with Him.

I encourage you to make prayer and the reading of His Word a priority in your life. If it means going to bed a little earlier, so you can have that quiet time in the morning before the rush is on, then do it. Or if you are better at night, after things quiet down, then spend this time with the Lord then. Let Him know that He is a priority in your life. And as for you, you will be more aware of how you are a priority in His.

He wants to tilt your head up to Him, to look into His eyes, and know that He is in control.

Now think on this,

Steve Martin
Love For His People, Inc.

P.S. I would be most grateful if you'd share this encouraging word with your family and friends. They might need it. You can easily use the social media icons below. Thanks! Steve

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Todah rabah! (Hebrew – Thank you very much.)
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Facebook pages: Steve Martin and  Love For His People  
Twitter: martinlighthous, LovingHisPeople 

Full website: Love For His People

Now Think On This - In the New Year of our Lord 03.09.16 - #249 –“Tilt Your Head Up” – Wednesday at 6:30 pm

All previous editions of Now Think On This can be found on this Blog, and on the website: Now Think On This

Again, I would be most grateful if you'd share this encouraging word with your family and friends. You can easily use the social media icons below. Thanks! Steve