Thursday, March 24, 2016

Super Soft On Islamic Terror: Obama Says That ISIS ‘Is Not An Existential Threat To Us’ - Michael Snyder THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE BOG

Obama Makes A Statement

Posted: 23 Mar 2016   Michael Snyder  THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE BOG

In the wake of the horrible bombings in Brussels, Barack Obama is insisting that there is no need to change our approach in the fight against ISIS.  He believes that Islamic terror is not a fundamental threat to our way of life, and he wants all of us to be convinced that the way that he is handling ISIS right now is just fine. 

Well, in this article you are going to learn some very shocking things about Obama and ISIS that are likely to make you very angry.  It turns out that our allies Saudi Arabia and Turkey have been arming, funding and aiding ISIS and other radical jihadist groups such as the al-Nusra Front (al-Qaeda in Syria), and Obama has known about it all along.  The goal was to take down the Assad regime in Syria, and the American people were never supposed to find out the truth.

Earlier today, Barack Obama told reporters that ISIS is not “an existential threat to us” during a news conference down in Argentina.  You can see video of him making these remarks right here.  But at the same time, he is promising “to continue to go after” ISIS until they are “finally destroyed”
The United States will “continue to go after ISIL aggressively until it’s removed from Syria and from Iraq and finally destroyed,” Obama said, using another name for ISIS.
“The world has to be united against terrorism,” Obama said, adding that “that’s a top priority of ours.” He added that “we can and we will” defeat terrorism.
So what precisely is Obama actually doing to pursue this “top priority”?

We are told that the U.S. military is bombing ISIS targets, but in all the months that this has been happening, U.S. aircraft never targeted the endless convoys of ISIS oil trucks that were transporting stolen oil into Turkey.  It has been estimated that ISIS sold 800 million dollars worth of oil in Turkey, and Obama knew about it the entire time.

Why didn’t Obama say anything about this or do anything to stop it?

When the Russians came in, they showed satellite evidence of what was happening to the entire world and they immediately began bombing those oil convoys into oblivion.

But why hadn’t the U.S. already done that?

Massive convoys of oil trucks that stretched as far as the eye could see would go back and forth over the Turkish border completely unmolested and Obama did nothing.

In fact, if the Russians had not come in and bombed the living daylights out of those convoys it would still be happening.

This should be the biggest Obama scandal of them all, and yet nobody is talking about it.  Sometimes I think that I must be going crazy because what Obama did was so obviously wrong and yet nobody wants to touch this.  For much more on all of this, please see my previous article entitled “The Biggest Obama Scandal? He Knows That Turkey Is Buying Oil From ISIS And He Is Doing Nothing To Stop It“.

In addition, Obama knows that both Saudi Arabia and Turkey continue to provide advanced weaponry to ISIS and the al-Nusra Front.

He also knows that ISIS fighters use Turkey as a home base, and that when they are injured fighting in Syria they hop back over the border where they are treated at hospitals inside Turkish territory.

But have you heard Obama say anything about these things?

Has he done anything to stop any of this from happening?


The reason why Obama hasn’t done or said anything is because ISIS and the other radical jihadist groups were supposed to win in Syria.  Once they had overthrown Assad, then the U.S., the Saudis and the Turks were going to come in and set up a Sunni puppet government.  Of course Russian intervention has completely changed the game, and so now the Sunni militants are losing.  That is why Saudi Arabia and Turkey are in such a panic about what is going on in Syria right now.

And we are also learning that western intelligence agencies had advance knowledge of the attacks in Brussels.  The following comes from a Haaretz report
The Belgian security services, as well as other Western intelligence agencies, had advance and precise intelligence warnings regarding the terrorist attacks in Belgium on Tuesday, Haaretz has learned.
The security services knew, with a high degree of certainty, that attacks were planned in the very near future for the airport and, apparently, for the subway as well.
Despite the advance warning, the intelligence and security preparedness in Brussels, where most of the European Union agencies are located, was limited in its scope and insufficient for the severity and immediacy of the alert.
So what are we to make of this?

Was this terror attack allowed to happen?

Could it be possible that someone out there helped make it happen?

Don’t get me wrong – I don’t want to minimize the threat of Islamic terror one bit.  I just wonder sometimes which side our government is actually on.

And ISIS is warning of more attacks in the near future.  In fact, they are telling us that what is coming “will be more devastating and bitter”…

ISIS Statement

Even if we were somehow able to completely wipe out ISIS, the threat of Islamic terror would be far from over.

All over the planet, radical Islam is on the rise.  These jihadists have a fanatical hatred for Christians and for Jews, and their ultimate goal is world conquest.

And an act of terror does not have to result in mass casualties.

Examples of what I am talking about are all over the place.  Earlier today, I came across a Christian Post article that talked about how two radical Muslims hacked a 68-year-old Christian convert to death with machetes in the nation of Bangladesh…
Unidentified attackers hacked a Christian convert to death this week in northern Bangladesh in the latest attack in the Muslim-majority country.
The incident occurred Tuesday morning in the northern city of Kurigram, where 68-year-old Hossain Ali was hacked to death by two assailants wielding machetes.
Tobarak Ullah, the police chief of Kurigram, told the AFP that the militants were able to carry out the heinous crime by using distractions and a getaway vehicle.
Many in the western world may dismiss a story like this because it was the death of only one man.

But what happens when these radical jihadists start getting their hands on bigger weapons?
Former president Ronald Reagan once made the following statement…
“I don’t think you can overstate the importance that the rise of Islamic fundamentalism will have to the rest of the world in the century ahead-especially if, as seems possible, its most fanatical elements get their hands on nuclear and chemical weapons and the means to deliver them against their enemies.”
The use of a single chemical, biological or nuclear weapon in a major western city would set off panic on a scale that would be unlike anything we have ever seen before.

Even something as basic as sarin gas could accomplish what I am talking about.  Sarin gas has been used in both Syria and Iraq in the past, and it is exceedingly deadly.  The following comes from the Huffington Post
Inhaled or absorbed through the skin, the gas kills by crippling the respiratory center of the central nervous system and paralyzes the muscles around the lungs.
The combination results in death by suffocation, and sarin can contaminate food or water supplies, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), which notes that antidotes exist.
“Sarin is 26 times more deadly than cyanide gas. Just a pinprick-sized droplet will kill a human,” according to the World Health Organization.
Of course there are other chemical weapons that are many, many times more lethal than sarin gas, and it is inevitable that terrorists will get their hands on biological and nuclear weapons at some point as well.

Yes, terror organizations such as ISIS most definitely do represent “an existential threat” to our way of life.

Unfortunately, we have a man in the White House that does not seem particularly inclined to protect us from this threat.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

The Crucifixion of Jesus Was R-Rated 3/23/2016 J. LEE GRADY CHARISMA MAGAZINE

The Passion of the Christ isn't a G-rated version of what happened on Good Friday.

'The Passion of the Christ' isn't a G-rated version of what happened on Good Friday. (YouTube)

Fire in My Bones, by J. Lee Grady
The Christian faith is built on the undeniable, unshakeable truth that Jesus was raised from the dead. It is also founded on the historical fact that the Savior suffered unimaginable pain when Roman soldiers nailed Him to a cross.
I hope you will ponder that pain as you celebrate the death and resurrection of Christ this weekend.
When the movie The Passion of the Christ was released 12 years ago, Hollywood insiders mocked it because it offered a realistic—and extremely bloody—depiction of Jesus' torture and death. Regardless of what you think of controversial director Mel Gibson, he did a masterful job of capturing the brutality of a first-century Roman execution.
I know some Christians who objected to the R-rated violence of Gibson's movie, as if what happened to Jesus should be reduced to the sanitized charm of a Renaissance-era painting. But the truth is that what Jesus suffered on Good Friday was R-rated. It was spattered with blood and horrifying to watch.
Nobody performed an autopsy on Jesus' mangled body after He was taken down from the cross. But doctors who have studied the Bible's description of His death say the pain would have been beyond excruciating. In fact, the word excruciating means "out of the cross." Jesus literally defined the worst pain anyone could feel.
His suffering began in Gethsemane, when God laid the sins of the world on His beloved Son. Hebrews 5:7 says Jesus offered up prayers "with loud crying and tears" during this moment of anguish. Luke's Gospel says the agony was so strong that Jesus' sweat "became like drops of blood, falling down upon the ground" (Luke 22:44). The intense stress caused what physicians call hematidrosis, a condition in which blood seeps out of sweat glands.
After His arrest, Jesus was flogged so mercilessly that his skin was stripped off His back, exposing muscle and bone. The soldiers who tortured Jesus would have used a weapon called a flagellum—a whip that had several leather strands with lead balls or shards of bone attached to the ends.
The cuts inflicted by this whip could actually rip open the flesh and expose internal organs. Jesus would have lost a significant amount of blood after His scourging—and this would explain why He did not have the strength to carry His cross all the way to Calvary.
Matthew 27:28-29 says the Roman soldiers stripped Jesus naked and then twisted together a handmade crown made of thorns to mock His kingship. Bible scholars believe these thorns were extremely long and hard. When the thorns pierced the top and side of His head, Jesus would have most likely experienced what doctors call "trigeminal neuralgia"—piercing pain all over the head and face.
After this merciless abuse, Jesus was covered with a red robe and led to Golgotha. There, Roman soldiers drove seven-inch metal spikes into his wrists (most likely hitting the median nerve, causing more blinding pain) and then they rammed another spike into his feet.
At that point, doctors say, Jesus would have suffered dislocation of His shoulders, cramps and spasms, dehydration from severe blood loss, fluid in His lungs and eventual lung collapse and heart failure.
Yet Jesus refused to drink wine mixed with gall, a pain-killing solution offered to Him by his executioners (Matt. 27:34). He chose to endure the full impact of the pain.
He felt that pain for us.
Some victims of Roman crucifixion took as long as nine days to die, but Jesus' death came in a matter of hours—probably because He had been flogged so cruelly before He was nailed to the rough wood. Victims of crucifixion typically developed serious dehydration because of a lack of blood and oxygen.
As Jesus took His last breath, He said: "It is finished." He was actually quoting the last verse of Psalm 22, a psalm He recited throughout His torture. It is one of the most graphic prophecies about Christ's suffering in the Old Testament—and Jesus knew it was about Him.
Jesus willingly poured out His blood on that cruel cross. It was an ugly, revolting, disgusting scene. We don't have to downplay the violence or muffle the gut-wrenching cries. The Bible does not soften the impact or censor the cruelty of Jesus's suffering. Isaiah 53:6 says: "But the Lord has caused the iniquity of us all to fall on Him."
God laid the sins of the world on Jesus, and then He sacrificed Him as the one and only Lamb of God. Isaiah 53 goes on to say: "But He was pierced through for our transgressions, He was crushed for our iniquities." He took all that pain to fully pay the price so that we could be forgiven.
This Easter, please don't settle for a G-rated, greeting-card version of the cross. Consider the depths of the agony Jesus experienced when He died for you. He took the pain we deserved.
J. Lee Grady is the former editor of Charisma. You can follow him on Twitter at leegrady. He is the author of several books including 10 Lies the Church Tells Women, 10 Lies Men Believe, Fearless Daughters of the Bible and The Holy Spirit Is Not for Sale. You can learn more about his ministry, The Mordecai Project,
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Dare to go deeper in your faith. Our "Life in the Spirit" devotional takes you on a journey to explore who the Holy Spirit is, how to interact with Him, and how He works in your life. Are you ready to go deeper?
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Ron Cantor (Messiah's Mandate) - Free eBook: A Word for America

“…must reading for every believer in this election year.”
—Dr. Michael Brown, nationally syndicated radio show host
of The Line of Fire
Click here for free download On Sunday, February 14, 2016, I was getting ready to preach at Brownsville Assembly of God in Pensacola, Florida. As many of you know, Brownsville was home to one of the greatest American revivals. Thousands came to faith and millions visited. While it has been 15 years since the revival began to wane, I have always felt a strong anointing during my yearly visits, standing in that pulpit where the late Steve Hill, who ironically passed into eternity exactly one year ago today, as of this writing on March 9th, passionately preached his heart out several times a week over the course of five years. (click here for book: A Wake Up Call for America)
However, this Sunday was different. I was less than excited to preach. I felt indifferent— unaffected. While I believed strongly in the message I was about to share, I simply felt no unction to share it. This feeling lingered as I left the pastor’s office and entered the worship service. I continued to wrestle throughout the worship. Suddenly, the Lord reminded me of what He had put on my heart a few weeks earlier at my home in Tel Aviv when I asked Him what He would have me share during this upcoming visit to the United States. Instead of writing it down and developing the message, I had forgotten about it.
So now I had roughly five minutes before I was to speak and only a fragment of a message.
Let me back up a bit… It was what had happened less than 24 hours before that began to awaken this prophetic burden in me. I was walking into a grocery store on Saturday afternoon, the day before, when my phone buzzed. An alert popped up that Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia was dead!
My heart sank. I was deeply grieved. It wasn’t for some deep personal affection for the justice—though he was a giant of a jurist and worthy of honor and respect. I was grieved at how the country has changed for the worse over the past seven years, and then, the idea of another super liberal on the Supreme Court. Would we ever recover? I thought to myself, Revival is our only hope!
Sitting in the meeting in Brownsville that Sunday morning with just minutes before I would speak, I jotted down a few notes, and then I heard a phrase in my spirit. I delivered what I felt was a word for the nation. I don’t think of myself as a great prophetic voice, nor do I see myself as a prophet to America. In fact, it feels quite arrogant for me to even write such words—a word for the nation. Who am I? Why me?

Nevertheless, much like when I left the United States 13 years ago as an emissary to Israel, I felt like I was being sent to deliver a message—a message that I humbly submit to you in the fear of the Lord. I will say, as you will read, there have been many “coincidences” that I believe are in fact prophetic confirmations. But again, you will need to test this word in your own heart.
Click here for free download from

P.S. In light of the Brussels attack and the President's decision to devote exactly fifty one seconds of his speech in Cuba to highlighting it—in light of the fact that he choose to go to a baseball game with a murdering dictator who throws his people in prisons without a trial (and even do the wave with him) instead of showing some respect to the victims of terror, this word is even more relevant. 

Copyright © 2016 Messiah's Mandate, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
Messiah's Mandate
PO Box 535788
Grand Prairie, TX 75053

One Night With The King (Full Movie) - Queen Esther (Hadassah) ~ Purim

Queen Esther (Hadassah) ~ One Night With The King 
(Full Movie) - Purim

Published on Jul 13, 2014
Esther ~ One Night With The King (Full Movie)

Why American Jews could be in more danger than anyone else in the world…ISRAEL VIDEO NETWORK

Why American Jews could be in more danger than anyone else in the world…

Published: March 23, 2016
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"Fourteenth Day of the Month" ✡ Tonight is Purim! - ISRAEL365

Enjoin them that they should keep the
fourteenth day of the month Adar,
and the fifteenth day of the same, yearly,

לְקַיֵּם עֲלֵיהֶם--לִהְיוֹת עֹשִׂים אֵת יוֹם אַרְבָּעָה עָשָׂר לְחֹדֶשׁ אֲדָר וְאֵת יוֹם-חֲמִשָּׁה עָשָׂר בּוֹ  בְּכָל-שָׁנָה וְשָׁנָה

אסתר ט:כא

l'-ka-yaym a-lay-hem lih-yot o-seem ayt yom ar-ba-a a-sar l'-kho-desh a-dar v'-ayt yom kha-mi-sha a-sar bo b'-khol sha-na v'-sha-na

Today's Israel Inspiration

Did you know that Purim is the only Jewish holiday that is observed on two different days, depending on one's location? Jerusalem residents celebrate Purim on the 15th of the Hebrew month of Adar, while the rest of the world celebrates on the 14th. In establishing this rule, Esther highlighted a vital lesson of the Purim story. The Jews of her time had forsaken Jerusalem when they feasted at the king's party which celebrated its destruction. By celebrating Purim in Jerusalem on a different day, we highlight its special status and its eternal connection to the Jewish people. This Purim send an Israel365 gift basket and bring holiday cheer to your choice of recipient - a soldier, sick child or orphan in Jerusalem.

Purim Animated

Get ready for the holiday of Purim! Watch the story of the Jewish salvation in pictures.

Israel World's 11th Happiest Country

The 2016 World Happiness Report ranks Israel in 11th place, following Denmark, Switzerland, Iceland, Norway, Finland, Canada, Netherlands, New Zealand, Australia, and Sweden.

Illustrated Five Scrolls of Scripture Box Set

These five gorgeous books of scripture are brought to life by artist, Tamar Messer. It is distributed in a colorful box set which includes the five megillot such as, the Song of Songs, the Book of Esther, The Book of Ruth, Ecclesiastes and Lamentations. Focusing on Jewish art, Tamar Messer is a highly talented and respected Israeli contemporary artist. Each book is illustrated after a period of dedicated thought and study to the texts. Then, Tamar puts her own point of views and interpretation in the art work.These books are art at its very best, alive with originality and spirit, inviting your participation and offering a new and deep interpretation to the text. All the books are full text Hebrew and English.

Today's Israel Photo

Purim is in the air! Shoppers at the famous Jerusalem market (the "shuk") walk by Purim cookies for sale at the Magdaniyat Peer Bakery. The cookies are called Hamentaschen, and are traditionally filled with delicious jams.

Yesterday's Photo Trivia

You got it! Yesterday's photo featured an incredible sunset over Lake Kinneret (Sea of Galilee).

Thank You

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“Thank You for Your Beautiful Posts from Israel”

It’s great to hear from so many of you - stay in touch and let us know where in the world you are enjoying Israel365!

Dear Rabbi Tuly Weisz, Thank you very much for all the articles, video clips, for the amazing information that keeps us connected with the rich history and unique civilization of the Holy Land. I wil continue to pray for health and happiness in your family and for the fruitful collaboration of all those who successfuuly contribute to Israel365.
Many blessings, Dana S., Arad, Romania

Just want to tell you "thank you" for your beautiful post from Israel, maybe one day, my wife and I we can go to Israel, we love ISRAEL... God bless, protect ISRAEL
- Bernardo Mendieta
Rabbi Tuly Weisz
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Listen to This if You're Feeling Lonely and Depressed - BARRETT JOHNSON CHARISMA MAGAZINE

Here's someone who understands besides Jesus.
Here's someone who understands besides Jesus. (Charisma archives)

Spirit-Led Woman
Serving in Family Ministry while still being in the throes of raising our own family can be challenging. How much detail do we share about our own lives? How can we coach others when we have very real (and common) struggles in our home? How do any of us live up to the happy and perfect lives we tend to share with others on social media?
It's hard. Every day. But God is always faithful in the midst of our struggle. He promises to walk through it all with us.
To illustrate this point, I stole the following from Jenifer's Facebook this morning. She shares her heart and then shares a powerfully moving podcast from Sally Clarkson. You should totally check it out
Jenifer's Post
I don't know what I would have done without Sally Clarkson in my life.
If you are a mama buy and READ every one of her books. She blazed the trail in the "keeping it real" department.
That's the number one comment Barrett and I get over and over again: "You are so real!" I will never be a slick, got it all together, perfect communicator/speaker. But I can be REAL. I can be TRUE to my God who has never left me.
Here was scripture in my devotion time today:
Here is a trustworthy saying:
"If we died with him,
We will also live with him.
If we endure,
We will also reign with him.
If we disown him,
He will also disown us;
If we are faithless,
He will remain faithful,
For he cannot disown himself."
-2 Timothy 2 11-13 (NIV)
Thank you Jesus for using very clumsy but real me.
Because I grow weary. The little girl I'm raising wears me out. She's not my genetic code. She is "fearfully and wonderfully made" and is going to be a strong woman of God. (I imagine she will be a wife and a mother of many. She is such a nurturing soul.) But parenting her is the hardest thing I've EVER done. I get questioned about my parenting of her even though I managed to raise 4 almost all grown, healthy, educated, God-fearing adults.
Adoption is different. There are many issues I've never dealt with before. Yesterday instead of being upset with her and trying to guide her the right way, I just wept and wept and wept. I couldn't find the words to tell her that she was making bad decisions. I'm so weary.
PLEASE LISTEN to this podcast by Sally Clarkson. I cried this morning thinking of how awesome it would have been to hear Sally's voice on podcasts back when I was raising my first four kids. Instead I "listened to her voice" as I daily read a devotion book she wrote for homeschool moms many years ago.
Listen if you are lonely. (She explains perfectly how it feels to be lonely in leadership.)
Listen if your kid says "mom you always taught us we would be aliens, I just never thought we would feel that way in our church." (But please don't ask my kids which has one said this. It was when they were younger.)
Listen if you feel like nobody gets you.
Listen if you struggle with one or more of your kids.
Listen to be edified and lifted up by my FAVORITE "Titus 2 woman." 
Adapted from, a ministry founded by Barrett and Jenifer JohnsonAfter serving in the local church for 25 years, Barrett and Jenifer launched INFO for Families as a ministry designed to encourage people through speaking, personal coaching and resource development. Barrett served for 15 years in youth ministry before serving for eight years as the Family Minister at Johnson Ferry Baptist Church in Atlanta, one of the largest churches in the South. He has degrees from Texas A&M University and Southwestern Seminary, but he and Jenifer have received their best education through the no-holds-barred nature of everyday family life.
Draw closer to God. Experience the presence of the Holy Spirit every month as you read Charisma magazine. Sign up now to get Charisma for as low as $1 per issue.
Dare to go deeper in your faith. Our "Life in the Spirit" devotional takes you on a journey to explore who the Holy Spirit is, how to interact with Him, and how He works in your life. Are you ready to go deeper?

CBN Docu-Drama 'The Hope' Sets the Record Straight on Israel - CBN News

CBN Docu-Drama 'The Hope' Sets the Record Straight on Israel
CBN News 03-22-2016

WASHINGTON - Christian Broadcasting Network CEO Gordon Robertson unveiled a new CBN-produced docu-drama, "The Hope: The Rebirth of Israel," at this year's annual American Israel Public Affairs Committee conference.
Faith leaders and politicians were treated to a detailed cinematic account of the founding of the modern state Israel. Accompanied by beautiful cinematography, "The Hope" gives viewers a glimpse into the 50 years before the inception of Israel through the stories of those who lived it.
Robertson took the time to explain why CBN was compelled to produce the story.
"The reason why we did it is complicated. I really at the outset wanted to educate the Christian community in America that supports Israel, and sometimes supports Israel without any knowledge at all of how Israel came to be and wanted to correct that," Gordon explained.
Watch Gordon Robertson explain why CBN filmed "The Hope."
"But the more I got into it, the more I decided that the world needed to see this and needed to be educated -- particularly in light of what is currently going on with the BDS Movement to try to boycott Israel," he continued.
"The more people are educated on how Israel actually came to be, what are the historical facts, the better able they are to argue against BDS," Robertson said.
"The Hope" has been broadcasted all over the world and is available online at The Hope: The Rebirth of Israel.
AIPAC took place March 20-22.

13 Dead Bald Eagles And Obama's UN Resolution To Divide Israel - Michael & Meranda Snyder Episode 1

Michael & Meranda Snyder

Watch here: 13 Dead Bald Eagles And Obama's UN Resolution To Divide Israel - Michael & Meranda Snyder Episode 1

The UN wants to divide Jerusalem

Published on Mar 14, 2016
The first episode of Michael and Meranda Snyder's new television show. If you enjoyed this episode, please check out our websites...

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