Sunday, April 3, 2016

Bobby Conner: "Embrace The Limitlessness Of GOD—And Discover His Endless Possibilities" - The Elijah List

Bobby Conner: "Embrace The Limitlessness Of GOD—And Discover His Endless Possibilities"

The Elijah List
Apr 3, 2016
Steve ShultzFrom the desk of Steve Shultz:
We are NEVER too aged to learn...and there's so much more to discover in the Kingdom of God. After all Scripture tells us that we "are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory" (2 Corinthians 3:18).
I appreciate this word from a true Father and giant in the faith, Bobby Conner who shares:
Beloved! This is my 47th year to be preaching the Word of God, I've averaged speaking five times a week for all these many years. Here is my confession! The more I know about God and His amazing grace the more I understand I barely know HIM.
Yes, even Bobby Conner says that he barely knows Him! Let this word by Bobby increase your relationship with the simply KNOW MORE OF HIM!
By the way friends...our "What is God Saying for 2016?" Elijah List conference set is one of our TOP SELLERS right now! And YOU CAN ORDER THE CDs, DVDs OR MP3 DOWNLOAD just below!
This truly, truly, truly was the best conference yet and I've NEVER EVER heard so many positive words coming forth from God's prophets. Our speakers were: Chuck Pierce, Jane Hamon, Dutch Sheets, and Dr. Alveda King (niece to Martin Luther King, Jr).
Here is the link to purchase this TOP SELLER in DVD, CD, or MP3 audio formats:
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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GOD Is Truly Infinite
Beloved! This is my 47th year to be preaching the Word of God, I've averaged speaking five times a week for all these many years. Here is my confession! The more I know about God and His amazing grace the more I understand I barely know HIM.
Ponder these verses: Oh, the depth of the riches and wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are His judgments and decisions and how unfathomable and untraceable are His ways! For who has known the mind of the Lord, or who has been His counselor? Or who has first given to Him that it would be paid back to Him? For from Him [all things originate] and through Him [all things live and exist] and to Him are all things [directed]. To Him be glory and honor forever! Amen. Romans 11:33-36 (AMP)
Exceedingly Abundantly Above All
In an electrifying prophetic experience, the Lord Jesus Christ, said "Bobby, I give you My personal permission to attempt to exaggerate what I am about to do!" Amazed by this remarkable suggestion, I asked Him for a Scripture reference. (Photo via Pixabay)
The Lord Jesus promptly answered, "No problem!" and spoke these verses from Ephesians 3:20-21Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, to Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen.
Consider the Message Bible's version of this Scripture:
God can do anything, you know—far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams! He does it not by pushing us around but by working within us, His Spirit deeply and gently within us.
Exceedingly Abundant Plans for Your Life
For as the heavens are high above the earth, so great are His mercy and loving-kindness toward those who reverently and worshipfully fear Him. Psalm 103:11
Beloved saints, God desires to take you to new levels of victory in every area of your life, spirit, soul and body (Romans 8:37). I can tell you with great confidence that the very best days for the people of God are right before us, not behind us! Indeed, God can do anything (Genesis 18:14) and has outstanding plans for each and every one of us; plans that are "exceedingly abundantly" more wonderful and sure than we could ever imagine or guess or request!
We simply cannot exaggerate what He is about to do because His work in our hearts and lives will always surpass all that we could possibly think or imagine!
God's spectacular plans for you are only for your good (see Jeremiah 29:11).Even if you are facing great hardship, take heart: we have His precious promises as our comfort, joy and security. No matter what trial you are experiencing in your health, finances, marriage, children or with your loved ones, God has unimaginably great blessings in store for you as you simply turn to Jesus, to His Spirit within you and His living Word (see Romans 8:28).
We know that each and every one of His promises are true: His Word promises a certain, divine turnaround. All Heaven and earth may pass away, but God's Word never fails you! Never, no never!
Exceedingly Abundant Intimacy
The Lord specifically wants to increase your capacity for intimate communion with Him. He longs to speak to you "deep unto deep," Spirit to spirit. Just as the Lord promised the prophet Jeremiah, He assures us that He will answer our cries to know Him and commune with our Maker: "Call unto Me, and I will answer thee, and show you great and mighty things, which you know not." This word translated mighty (Strong's 1219) is from the Hebrew bâtsar, which means to be isolated, inaccessible by height or fortification, fenced, walled up.
The Lord is saying here that if we call to Him, He will absolutely reveal what has been inaccessible to us, the "mysteries of the Kingdom," secured within His magnificent heart of love, that which has been "exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think"!
Cry out, beloved, with the Apostle Paul, "That I may know Him, and the power of His resurrection...!" (Philippians 3:10). He will answer this prayer in a measure that exceeds your wildest dreams!
Exceedingly Abundant Wisdom
The Lord Jesus Christ also wants to give you "exceedingly abundantly above all" of His wisdom so you can make better decisions. ConsiderJames 1:5"If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that gives to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him." In Psalm 32:8, we have His promise: "I will instruct thee and teach thee in the way which thou shalt go: I will guide thee with Mine eye." This is a sure word of prophecy! We have the Word of the Lord and the mind of Christ to provide abundant, extravagant wisdom every hour of our lives.
Take this Scripture to heart: "Trust in the Lord with all your heart; and lean not unto your own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and HE shall direct your paths" (Proverbs 3:5). This Hebrew word translated lean is (Strong's 8172), shâ'an, which means to lean, lie, rely, rest on, stay. We are called to stay and rest upon the promises of our God, the mind of Christ, not upon our own reasoning or observations, however well meaning. This is a call to extravagant dependency, childlike-faith and trust (see Psalm 55:22).
If we offer the Lord our exceedingly abundant leaning, relying, resting and trusting, He will respond with His exceedingly abundant wisdom and guidance!
ElijahList Prophetic Resources
Exceedingly Abundant Anointing
Christ also longs to give you a stronger anointing so you can have greater influence for the Kingdom. Consider Psalm 92:10"But my horn (emblem of excessive strength and stately grace) You have exalted like that of a wild ox; I am anointed with fresh oil."
Having "exceedingly abundant" anointing for every occasion empowers us to work the works of God on earth, for "He that said he abide in him ought himself also so to walk, even as he walked." This superabundant anointing not only empowers to perform the very same signs, wonders and miracles as our Master, the Lord Jesus Christ, but enables us to understand His will and speak His truth in every situation.
According to the Word of God you are a "senior representative" of Almighty God, sent out with power to function (see 2 Corinthians 5:20). Never forget Christ Jesus stated that "all power in heaven and earth has been given to HIM and now He commissions us to flow and function in this power (see Matthew 28:18).
Meditate on this most amazing promise from the Lord: " have an unctionfrom the Holy One, and you know all things" (1 John 2:20). The Hebrew word translated "unction" in this verse is (Strong's 5545), the Greek chrisma, derived from chrio (Strong's 5548), which means to smear or rub with oil; to consecrate to an office or religious service; to anoint.
We have been smeared with the Holy Spirit, consecrated to the office of royal priest and king, to serve our Lord God! This anointing is given freely, liberally, exceedingly abundantly to you, dear saint. Believe this promise and begin to act on the unction that has already been given to you to work the works of the Kingdom on earth.
Exceedingly Abundant Provision
Your Father God also wants to bless you with exceedingly abundant provision in your finances and ministry-workplace so you can be a greater blessing to others (2 Corinthians 9:6-8). Christ Jesus states if we are faithful in our giving, others will give back to us in an overwhelming manner (Luke 6:38). (Photo via Wikimedia)
I urge you, dear Believer: when faced with outstanding bills and debt or problems in your workplace, ministry or investments, do not become stuck, weak, impotent, stagnant or paralyzed in the same old ruts of fear, doubt and unbelief. Submit to the God of peace, resist these demons and they will flee from you (James 4:7).
Remember, these "emotions" of fear and anxiety are not just negative emotions but actual demonic spirits and strongholds with an assignment to destroy your life and rob you of your destiny (2 Timothy 1:7). Instead of receiving and agreeing with these demons of fear and unbelief, receive instead His Holy Spirit and His precious promises regarding His provision for you.
Beloved, His Word is rock-solid truth (Matthew 7:24-27). Stand on that Rock of Christ and begin to act accordingly, casting all your cares on God, giving abundantly and freely to others as the Spirit leads, and rejoicing greatly that your Father is certainly doing "exceedingly more" than you can ask or imagine in your finances, career, ministry and investments. Do not look at the news from Wall Street, the global markets' ups and downs, or the financial forecasts offered by mere mortals—but look to your eternal, omnipotent and omniscient Creator to release abundant provision into your life and the life of your loved ones!
Exceedingly Abundant Glory
The Lord Jesus Christ is inviting you to lift your vision up and above your natural circumstances and situations to fix your eyes on Him and His Word alone (Psalm 34:5). As we do this, beloved, we can expect to see the exceedingly abundant glory of God fill the entire earth!
Above all else, accept His invitation to come up higher into the realms of glory (Revelation 4:1-2) by focusing on Christ your Provider, Redeemer, Deliverer, Guide and Healer. Do not focus and dwell on your difficulties, no matter how painful this may be to your flesh (Isaiah 26:3). God is inviting you to turn your eyes upon Jesus and away from your natural, earthly challenges because He has brand new frontiers of the Spirit for you to explore and higher mountains of faith and glory to climb.(Photo via Pexels)
Your walk with Christ should never be monotonous or mundane; on the contrary, it can be filled with "exceedingly abundant" adventures and exciting exploits beyond what we can imagine. Each day with Jesus can bring thrills and great excitement about His ever-increasing glory upon the earth and within each and every one of us. Every day, we are invited to fall more and more in love with our precious King and beloved Savior.
There is so much more to life in Christ than we can ever imagine (Psalm 36:9). In His Presence we find true fulfillment and lasting joy, "joy unspeakable and full of glory" (Psalm 16:11, 1 Peter 1:8). Do not allow yourself to be distracted by the trials of this world; rather, choose this day to bask in the radiance of His glory, believing in the "exceedingly abundant" love, mercy and grace of our Lord Jesus Christ within you!
Bobby Conner
Eagles View Ministries

Bobby Conner: This "Gentle Giant" is uniquely anointed with refreshing humor and razor-sharp prophetic accuracy, which has been documented around the world. Bobby's dynamic capacity to release outstanding demonstrations of the miraculous – healings, signs and wonders – reveals the very heart of the Father toward us! Surviving a dramatic abortion attempt by his mother, being rescued again by the hand of God from drug dealing and suicide, the story of Bobby Conner is a display of a man who now walks in his God-ordained destiny to set others free! Highly esteemed as an internationally acclaimed conference speaker, Bobby has ministered effectively to over 45 foreign countries as well as here in the States for many years.
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Roseanne Barr 'Shaken' by Anti-Semitic Bigotry of Fellow Liberals - Israel Today

Roseanne Barr 'Shaken' by Anti-Semitic Bigotry of Fellow Liberals

Sunday, April 03, 2016 |  Israel Today Staff
American actress and comedienne Roseanne Barr was in Israel last week to deliver a keynote address to a Jerusalem conference dealing with the anti-Israel Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) phenomenon.
Barr said that she had become a pro-Israel advocate after being “shaken” by what she called the naked bigotry of so many liberals who claim to only be criticizing Israel, but who are in fact anti-Semitic.
“Everything I’d ever believed about the left was severely shaken, and the scales began to fall from my eyes in many ways,” said Barr. “It was shocking to realize that what I considered criticism of Israel many, many times gave way to the garden variety anti-Semitism that I’d heard all of my life.”
Barr said she was privy to a lot of such talk because for a long time fellow Hollywood elite were unaware of her own Jewish background.
She eventually came to the realization that “many of those I considered comrades were naked bigots who had absolutely no interest in peace between Israel and Palestinians Arabs at all as I did.”
And the same is true of the “social activist” movement known as BDS.
“BDS [members] do not want peace, nor do they want peace negotiations,” insisted Barr.
Like the classic anti-Semites of old, the actress accused BDS activists of seeking to “isolate and disenfranchise Jews until it will all be Jew-free.”
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Love Sports and Israel? ✡ "My Heart Shall Rejoice" - ISRAEL365

But as for me, in Thy mercy do I trust; my heart shall rejoice in Thy salvation. I will sing unto the Lord, because He has dealt bountifully with me.

וַאֲנִי בְּחַסְדְּךָ בָטַחְתִּי יָגֵל לִבִּי בִּישׁוּעָתֶךָ
אָשִׁירָה לַי-הוָה כִּי גָמַל עָלָי

תהילים יג:ו

va-a-nee b'-khas-d'-kha va-takh-tee ya-gayl li-bee bee-shu-a-te-kha a-shee-ra la-do-nai kee ga-mal a-lai

Today's Israel Inspiration

King David serves as a model of unwavering belief in the Lord and His salvation, because no matter what he goes through he never gives up hope. In the '70s, the young State of Israel was struggling in the wake of several tragedies, attacks and all-out war from its surrounding enemies. It took a historic sports victory to bring "rejoicing" to the beleaguered nation. An awe-inspiring new documentary "On the Map" recounts the story of the underdog ’76-’77 Maccabi Tel Aviv basketball team who toppled the four-time defending Soviet Union team (!), and put Israel firmly "on the map." Israel then defeated Italy in the finals, and won the European Cup! For the first time, an award-winning Israeli filmmaker is sharing this positive, action-packed story of Israel winning against all odds.

Sneak Preview: "On the Map" Trailer

Watch this 3-minute trailer showcasing the incredible events that put Israel on the map.

Finally, a Good Story Coming Out of Israel on Film!

Go behind the scenes to meet the award-winning Israeli filmmaker of On the Map. His goal: give renewed hope and positive press to Israel, which needs it now more than ever.

Dead Sea Minerals Hand and Foot Cream Set

Feel the difference with Dead Sea creams! This moisturizing hand and foot cream set contains Dead Sea minerals, plus Vitamins E and A to assist in preventing cracking on the skin. Makes a great gift. 100 ml each tube.

Today's Israel Photo

Elad Matityahu's photo captures the joy of Jerusalem Day at the Western Wall, celebrating the miraculous reunification of the Holy City after the Six Day War.

Thank You

Today's Scenes and Inspiration is sponsored by Gary Mccullough of the United Kingdom. Todah rabah!

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I enjoy this site and the music clips that are shared. We are blessed in so many ways ... Thank you for sharing. Jack Barnes, Palmer, Alaska USA

Bula, I’m from Fiji Islands in the Pacific. I very much enjoy your daily dose of Israel365 because it connects me spiritually to the Holy Land. Be Blessed.-Saula Senidamanu
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Morris Ruddick


(c) Morris E. Ruddick
Many mistakenly view entrepreneurs simply as people in business. Entrepreneurs are a great deal more. In taking a closer look at Jewish business secrets, it is important to understand the distinction.
Entrepreneurs are change artists. They create and innovate. They spot opportunity and know what to do about it. They build, establish a new order of things and in so doing they bring increase. They challenge the status quo with better solutions to problems and they know how to do so at a profit.
The Jewish perspective in viewing these prime entrepreneurial characteristics, of creating and bringing increase entails even more. A finely honed stewardship is one of the unique dimensions of Jewish business secrets. A vital element of the stewardship that has endured within Jewish culture that triggers the creative to bring increase is a form of generosity. This dynamic is described best by the Hebrew word tz'dakah.
Higher Dimensions
Tz'dakah can be translated either as righteousness or charity. In reality it encompasses something from each of these English words. For centuries for the Jewish people, tz'dakah has been a community dynamic, a targeted generosity that helps those in the community in need, while simultaneously building the community, with a focus on strengthening the emerging generation. For the entrepreneur this involves "giving back," not only when success comes, but all along the way.
I've previously shared from the words of the psalmist that: "All goes well for the generous man, who lends freely and conducts his business fairly." In the same writings it also says that: "Such people give generously to those in need and their righteous deeds will never be forgotten." This perspective, this community generosity, bonds one generation to another with new generations embracing an excellence that exceeds the generation before it.
There is a Jewish proverb that states that: "Righteousness exalts a nation." The Hebrew for righteousness is this word tz'dakah. A more correct translation would be that: "Righteous charity exalts a nation." In other words, the practice of generosity within the community operates as a process, then spills over to benefit the overall community bringing blessings to all. It finds its origins in the mantle of Abraham, to be blessed to be a blessing.
Through the Generations
This way of thinking is significant within Jewish mind-sets and the secrets of doing business as the Jews do. It is engrained in Jewish culture. Having been involved in helping several initiatives in Israel, I've observed that even non-practicing Jews operate as walking Torahs, of being living examples of the truths of their faith. Indeed, the principles outlined by Moses that instruct families to teach these things to their children and their children's children have taken root in the culture of the Jewish people. That is why it has been important for us to take a closer look at the foundations and the culture.
We've also mentioned the model. The model established by Abraham of the community being nurtured by being God-centered and entrepreneurial is a core premise in understanding Jewish business secrets. My friend Bill Bolton, entrepreneurial expert, author and former Cambridge professor explains that there are many types of entrepreneurs other than classic and business entrepreneurs.
There are serial entrepreneurs who specialize in starting something new and getting them profitable, then turning them over to someone else to operate, as they move on to the next entrepreneurial challenge. However, what I'd like to share is about a man whose natural gift combines two very potent types of entrepreneurship. It is a story demonstrating my point about how the model, the gifts and the culture are engrained in Jewish mind-sets.
A Living Example
This is the story about a friend of mine whose name is Joel. Joel is a non-practicing Jew. He believes in God and similar to the many Christians who also are "non-practicing" in their faith, his time of devotions is generally limited to times of crisis and what in Judaism are known as the High Holy Days or what in Christendom would be the major Christian holidays.
I'm also going to mask some of Joel's story, simply to protect the very wonderful and meaningful role he has come to assume in his adopted Asian nation. It was about a decade and a half ago, when Joel was winding up a Master's degree program in Hong Kong, that he took a long weekend to go visit an Asian country he had always wanted to visit.
He fell in love with the people and the culture and knew he would soon be going back. When he returned, not unlike the experience I had with my sensibilities being assaulted by the level of poverty I saw in Ethiopia, Joel was exposed to the plight of the disabled and disfigured in this fast emerging nation.
Many were shunned by their families who concluded the lame and disfigured had been cursed. Although many were very gifted in many ways, few were able to attend college with far too many not even finishing secondary school. Those who were able to find work were destined to long hours and very low pay in factories with little to no opportunity for advancement. Far too many had become street beggars.
Being gifted as both a social and serial entrepreneur, Joel put together the training needed to operate a number of unique small businesses, which Joel started. Some of these businesses had markets in his adopted country and some he sold by means of shrewdly-designed relationships with major online distributors.
He soon rented an old villa in a more inexpensive part of his city. He provided dormitory type of living spaces for the men and the same type of sleeping room for the women. He provided someone to prepare basic, but ample meals of their culture. With several dedicated work spaces for the different enterprises, most mastered the training quickly and soon became a part of the businesses Joel had started.
Joel's original goal had been to provide these people the training and experience to be able to start their own businesses. Some did, but most who became a part of his efforts found the purpose and the dignity of these arrangements to be far greater than anything they had ever experienced in their previous work settings. So, as the process developed, Joel made arrangements for those who wanted to stay to have a share in the profits that originally had been designed just to pay for the program. What was developing was exceeding expectations.
God clearly was blessing them. Joel's creativity and ability to bring increase while reaching out to disabled and disfigured men and women converged into something a lot more than what he anticipated. It all came together to create opportunity that exceeded expectations. Each of the factors we've been talking about have been operating in this illustration: the model, the gifts and the culture derived from these amazing people of business, the Jews.
Isaiah, one of the Jewish prophets wrote about matters that are very close to the heart of God. He explained that when you help the poor and the needy, the underprivileged, then your light will dawn in the darkness and your darkness will become as noon-day. This prophet went on to write that when this is your focus, then the Lord will guide you continually and satisfy your soul in drought and strengthen your bones. You'll be like springs of water whose waters do not fail.
God as Senior Partner
Yet, there is another dimension. It is entrepreneurship that more fully embraces the spiritual dimension. It means going beyond just the intellectualizing of the faith. There is another proverb that states: "In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths." It becomes much more personal in the way both individuals and communities of God's people put their faith in action and map out their destinies. It involves making God the Senior Partner of their business. For God to be Senior Partner means that we proactively need to be depending on His guidance in our planning.
For many, breaching that threshold can be downright scary. We're not going to cross that bridge quite yet. Nevertheless, hearing God on specifics has been frightening to the very people whose Patriarchs were known for doing so. When Moses led the Israelites out of captivity from Egypt, the people themselves were terrified when God spoke. Far too many thought they would die at the sound of His voice. So they begged Moses to take his conversations with God elsewhere and then return to them and tell them what God had said.
Even years later, when God appeared to Gideon, His first words to Gideon were: "Peace be with you. Do not fear. You will not die." For both Jews and Christians, this reluctance to bridge the gap in learning to discern the voice of God has paralleled the institutionalizing and intellectualizing of the faith, with the result dampening that dimension of the supernatural power that could be operating through God's people.
We will be taking up the subjects of hearing God's voice, along with planning in conjunction with the Holy Spirit in future sessions.
Entrepreneurship is about opportunity and risk and the response in terms of strategy. We have suggested that at the core of Jewish business secrets is a different way of thinking. Part of this difference in mind-sets is the entrepreneurial way of thinking. Entrepreneurial thinking is just as valid for startups as it is for multinational corporate enterprises.

Now, in keeping with embracing new mind-sets, I'd like to describe what can happen when making God your Senior Partner. It affects not only your destiny but the way the spiritual supersedes the natural with the operation of our enterprises. Indeed it incorporates a different way of viewing things. Jewish entrepreneurs have a different way of looking at community, which gets back to the model. We will explore this important dimension of community in more detail in another session.
When God in-fact becomes Senior Partner of an enterprise and more so within a community that adheres to this premise, then the dynamic I describe as God's economy is released. Let me illustrate.
The Example of Isaac
After Abraham had led a very meaningful and full life, his son Isaac assumed his mantle and was pursuing the destiny that God had promised to Abraham's descendents. There then came a season of famine that made Isaac want to move and find more fertile land in which to live. However, God spoke to Isaac and told him to stay in the land that God had given to his father. In doing so, all the blessings God had promised to Abraham would manifest for Isaac.
So scripture tells us that Isaac stayed. According to what he heard from God, Isaac then sowed his seed in a place of famine, as God had instructed, a place where nothing had been growing. In the same year of this planting, he reaped a hundred-fold. The story continues by stating that from this point, Isaac began to prosper and continued prospering until he became very prosperous.
So it was that in a land where nothing had been growing that Isaac heard from God and obeyed. The oppression created by the famine had no power to impede Isaac's efforts. The result not only blessed Isaac, but it captured the attention of the heads of other societies in the area.
It is written that Abimelech went to Isaac with the commander of his army wanting to establish a treaty with Isaac because he had seen that "God was with him." God's economy is released when the practice of making God your Senior Partner, of listening carefully to and heeding His voice with decisions and planning, becomes foundational to the way a business and a community is operated.
God's nature is to create, innovate, build and multiply. These dimensions are the very foundation of what we call entrepreneurship. When God is made Senior Partner with an undivided heart, then the application begins releasing God's economy and the potential for an exponential multiplication.
Asian Rural Example
Let me give you an example from some other people we know. In a poor, rural area of Vietnam we conducted one of our entrepreneurial workshops. This workshop was attended by a pastor who had started several home churches in the region. This pastor was very poor. He didn't even have the funds needed to pay the tuition for his children to go to secondary school. After attending our workshop, he was praying and thinking about what I had said about commercializing a gift. Both his wife and his mother were excellent cooks.
He also remembered that there was a breakfast noodle business in a good location in his community that was shutting down. He had a strong perception that God was telling him that he should buy the equipment from the owners and reopen the breakfast noodle business. He borrowed the money from people who trusted him and that's what he did.
People in the community were curious about this pastor. There had been a lot of rumors about what kind of a man he was because he had been arrested for his church activities. So, word got around about he, his wife and mother starting this small, breakfast noodle business. People first came because of their curiosity about this pastor.
Then they found that his wife and mother had excellent recipes and the breakfast noodles they served were especially delicious. They also found that they really liked this affable pastor and the way he was always helping others in the community. In only one month, this new business was making a profit and starting to grow.
Small specialty eating places. serving only one dish, are very popular in Vietnam. While this pastor's wife and mother spent more time than he did with the business, this breakfast eating place was open just a few hours every morning. He spent about three hours each morning while it was open, meeting and talking with members of the community, assisting his wife and mother where needed in serving the tables. Rather than distracting his pastoral responsibilities it augmented them. 

More than the additional income, this simple business enabled him to meet with people in the community he might never otherwise have met. Also, not only did the income it created enable them to pay the tuition for their children's education, but after the business grew, they also set up an education fund to help some of the other poor families in his community with scholarships.
Releasing the Creative
Entrepreneurship challenges the status quo. It releases the creative and establishes a new order of things. One of the best descriptions of an entrepreneur found any place in scripture is found in the final chapter of Proverbs, a chapter describing the type of woman every man wants for his wife.
In the midst of this description of an "excellent" woman are the qualities incorporated in an effective entrepreneur. This proverb notes that: "She considers a field and she buys it." The woman entrepreneur wisely identifies opportunity and decisively takes advantage of it. The passage goes on to state that: "Out of her  earnings she plants a vineyard." The woman entrepreneur makes her assets work for her.
This proverb continues by stating: "She sets about her work vigorously." Diligence and hard work are cornerstones for successful entrepreneurship and God's economy. The woman in this proverb was a good steward. This proverbs continues: "She sees that her trading is profitable." Increase and profit are a vital part of operating any enterprise. "Her lamp does not go out at night." Dependability requires sacrifice to get the job done with excellence.
What is being described in this approach that merges the spiritual, community and entrepreneurial is not only a different way of thinking. It also releases a creative advantage. We'll be talking more about this creative advantage that results from this new way of thinking in a future session. The creative that reflects the foundations of Jewish business secrets incorporates vision, an investigative approach, imagination, planning, strategy and excellence. When combined with prayer, God as Senior Partner and faith, it brings about results that most usually exceeds expectations.
Let me conclude with the story of a company we were familiar years ago that gives a gripping example of this different way of thinking and how expectations can be exceeded. In the mid-1970s the Williams Companies was a small, respectable pipeline company. There then came a time, when Joe and John Williams, the founders recognized what they felt was unusual opportunity in their market. They decided to make a corporate acquisition as a part of their growth strategy.
It was an unusual step, because in making their bid, they were attempting to acquire a company that was ten times their current revenues. In a remarkable feat, they were successful in their bid for Great Lakes Pipeline. The Wall Street Journal had a front page article about this amazing acquisition that was titled: "The Minnow Swallows the Whale."
In a highly competitive world, we sometimes need to have our vision expanded. I'm not suggesting recklessness or presumption. However, true entrepreneurship and God's economy employs faith in dealing with risk, but faith that has done its homework and is willing to work hard to achieve unusual goals.
There is an old saying among faith-based people: "Pray as if it all depends on God. Work as if it all depends on you!" During our next session I want to talk about the gift of community.
Morris Ruddick has been a forerunner and spokesman for the higher dimensions of business leadership since the mid-90s. As founder of Global Initiatives Foundation and designer of the God's Economy Entrepreneurial Equippers Program, Mr. Ruddick imparts hope and equips economic community builders to be blessed to be a blessing where God's light is dim in diverse regions around the globe.
He is author of "The Joseph-Daniel Calling;" "Gods Economy, Israel and the Nations;" "The Heart of a King;" "Something More;" "Righteous Power in a Corrupt World;" "Leadership by Anointing;" and "Mantle of Fire," which address the mobilization of business and governmental leaders with destinies to impact their communities. They are available in print and e-versions from and
Global Initiatives Foundation ( is a tax-exempt 501 (c) 3 non-profit whose efforts are enabled by the generosity of a remnant of faithful friends and contributors whose vision aligns with God's heart to mobilize economic community builders imparting influence and the blessings of God. Checks on US banks should be made out to Global Initiatives and mailed to PO Box 370291, Denver CO 80237 or by credit card at
Likewise, email us to schedule a seminar for your group's gathering on the Joseph-Daniel Calling or on anointing the creative in business.
2016 Copyright Morris Ruddick --
Reproduction is prohibited unless permission is given by a SIGN advisor. Since early 1996, the Strategic Intercession Global Network (SIGN) has mobilized prophetic intercessors and leaders committed to targeting strategic-level issues impacting the Body on a global basis. For previous posts or more information on SIGN, check:
Morris Ruddick
Global Initiatives Foundation

Global Initiatives is a 501 (c) 3 tax-exempt organization
Global Initiatives Foundation, PO Box 370291, Denver, CO 80237