Thursday, April 21, 2016

"An Altar to God" ✡ Movie Trailer: Astounding Reenactment of Biblical Scenes - ISRAEL365

And Abram moved his tent and came and dwelled in the plains of Mamre which are in Hebron;
and he built there an altar to God.

וַיֶּאֱהַל אַבְרָם וַיָּבֹא וַיֵּשֶׁב בְּאֵלֹנֵי מַמְרֵא אֲשֶׁר בְּחֶבְרוֹן וַיִּבֶן שָׁם מִזְבֵּחַ לַי-הוָה

בְּרֵאשִׁית יג:יח

va-ye-e-hal av-ram va-ya-vo va-yay-shev b'-ay-lo-nay mam-ray a-sher
b'-khev-ron va-yi-ven sham miz-bay-akh la-a-do-nai

Today's Israel Inspiration

One of the first things that Abraham does after receiving God's eternal promise to inherit the Land of Israel is offer thanks to God in the holy city of Hebron. According to Biblical tradition, Abraham lived in Hebron for 35 years, and, along with his wife Sara, was buried there. Today Abraham's city is home to 700 devoted Jews who keep the holy sites open to all faiths. Learn more about Hebron, the second holiest city in the Land of Israel, in a FREE eBook from the Hebron Fund.

Movie Trailer: Astounding Reenactment of Biblical Scenes

Hold onto your seats as you go back in time to the biblical Jacob adjuring his twelve sons to bury him in the Cave of Machpelah, as the Bible comes to life!

Passover Miracle in Jerusalem as Bus Bomb Leaves No Fatalities

Earlier this week, a bomb went off in a crowded bus in Jerusalem, showering passengers with deadly shrapnel and setting it ablaze. In what can only be described as a miracle, no one was killed.

Priestly Purification Five Coin Necklace

Wear a piece of biblical history from the City of David in Jerusalem! This stunning necklace includes five coins, modeled after fascinating archaeological finds. Included are silver seals which replicate coins of the era, and two are 22K gold plated replicas of seals. One of the coins is a replica of a specific coin belived to have been used by priests when inspecting the viability of a product for the Temple as it was entering the grounds. If it was fit for use, it would be marked “pure”. The silver coin at the center is an exact replica of the priestly seal bearing the words “deka leyah” which is the aramaic for “pure for God”. It hails from the Second Temple period.

Today's Israel Photo

Today's photo features the Cave of Machpelah in Hebron. The Hebrew word "makh-peh-LA" means "multiple," a reference to the four holy couples buried there: Adam & Eve, Abraham & Sarah, Isaac & Rebecca, and Jacob & Leah.

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I enjoy reading your posts each day from Irvine, Kentucky, USA. May God bless Israel.- Roger Richardson

Dear Rabbi, I too just found your website. I received the first email yesterday. Seeing the Hebrew writing and translation makes me feel closer to your glorious land.  May God bless you continually.  Chuck S., North Carolina USA
Rabbi Tuly Weisz
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Understanding Jihad Generation (Day 1) - John Guandolo on The Jim Bakker Show

Watch here: Understanding Jihad Generation - John Guandolo on The Jim Bakker Show

John Guandolo
Jim Bakker Show 2016 | Show# 2979 | Aired on April 20, 2016

Galatians, Genesis, I Timothy, II Timothy, Luke, Romans
Jim Bakker Show © 2016 • Morningside Studios

NASA Astronaut is 'Fascinated by this view' - Israel Today Staff

NASA Astronaut is 'Fascinated by this view'

Thursday, April 21, 2016 |  Israel Today Staff
Even from space, veteran NASA astronaut Jeff Williams can feel the pull of the Holy Land.
Williams is currently aboard the International Space Station, from where he has been posting stunning photographs of Earth to Facebook.
Earlier this week, as the space station passed over the Middle East, Williams uploaded a breathtaking shot of Israel and its neighboring countries under the headline “I have been fascinated with this view.”
“Every time we pass over,” Williams expounded, “I have been fascinated with this view considering it contains the vast majority of Biblical history.”
Williams suggested that fascination stemmed from an appreciation for history instilled in him by his father, a high school history teacher.
But that’s only part of the story.
It is well known that Williams is a committed Christian.
In 2009, after his third spaceflight, Williams wrote the book The Work of His Hands: A View Of God’s Creation From Space in which the astronaut reflected upon the “vivid lessons about the meticulous goodness of divine providence, God’s care for His creation, and His wisdom in ordering the universe.”
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Hassidic Rabbis to Take Lord’s Supper on Passover - David Lazarus ISRAEL TODAY

Hassidic Rabbis to Take Lord’s Supper on Passover

Thursday, April 21, 2016 |  David Lazarus  ISRAEL TODAY
Hassidic Rabbis will be taking part in the "Messiah’s Supper" this Passover. 
On the last day of the week-long Jewish holiday, many in the Hasidic Orthodox community in Jerusalem will participate in what they are calling a Seudat Moshiach, the Messiah’s Supper.
In an event directly correlating to the Lord’s Supper recorded in the New Testament, Rabbi Amichaye Even-Israel told Israel Breaking News that this year, “The main goal of the Messiah’s Supper is to try and internalize the issue of the coming of the Messiah as real, not just a myth or a fairy tale. This is why we eat and drink while discussing this issue – to symbolize that it is real and could be digested.” 
Jesus said, “Take, eat, this is my body broken for you. Do this in remembrance of me. As often as you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death until he comes.” (I Cor. 11)
The Messiah’s Supper was instituted in the 18th century by the renowned Rabbi Baal Shem Tov (literally, Master of the Great Name). Shem Tov taught that eating the Lord’s Supper is a way to “translate intangible faith into tangible action.” 
This is exactly what the Lord’s Supper means for Messianic Jews and Christians.
During the Orthodox Messiah’s Supper, the weekly portion comes from the Messianic prophecy in Chapter 11 of the Book of Isaiah: “There shall come forth a rod from the stem of Jesse, and a branch shall grow out of his roots.”
This well-known description of the Messiah tells of a time when _“the lion will lie down with the lamb,” _and there will be peace on earth. According to the Rabbis, the last day of the week long Passover holiday is to be a memorial of the redemption and the coming Messiah.
Rabbi Menachem Mendel of Lubavitch, a 19th century leader of the Chabad-Lubavitch movement, explained the connection between the first and the last days of Passover: 
“The first night of Pesach is our festival commemorating our redemption from Egypt by the Holy One, Blessed be He. It was the first redemption, carried out through Moses, our teacher, who was the first redeemer; it was the beginning. The last day of Pesach is our festival commemorating the final redemption, when the Holy One, Blessed be He, will redeem us from the last exile through our righteous Messiah, who is the final redeemer. The first day of Pesach is Moses’ festival; the last day of Passover is Messiah’s feast.”
The Apostle Paul says, “For the Messiah, our Passover, was sacrificed for us. Therefore let us keep the Feast, not with old leaven of malice and wickedness, but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth” (I Cor. 5:7-8).
During the final day of the Passover holiday, as Hasidic Jews sit down to a Messianic Supper, they will sing songs, eat matzah (unleavened bread) and drink four cups of wine. During the Supper participants will focus their prayers on the arrival of the Jewish Messiah, the coming Kingdom of God, and the Final Redemption for all people. 
Even so, may we all join together and cry out this Passover, “Come quickly, Lord, Messiah King Yeshua.”
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Wednesday, April 20, 2016

The Splitting of the Red Sea and the State of Israel By Rabbi Dr. Nathan Lopes Cardozo BREAKING ISRAEL NEWS

The Splitting of the Red Sea and the State of Israel

Jewish history consists of many epoch- making events. However, not all of these events have made an inroad into the consciousness of the Jewish people. For this to happen, the event must become, as the Jewish philosopher Emile Fackenheim calls it, a “root experience,” a moment in which the hand of God becomes most apparent through His active participation in Jewish history.
Still, this alone is not sufficient to transform an event into a root experience of enduring value. It is also necessary that the experience takes place in front of the multitude, as in the case of the splitting of the Red Sea, when “even the maidservants saw what the prophet Yehezkel ben Buzi could not see.” It is not the opening of the heavens, but rather the transformation on Earth that is decisive in affecting all future Jewish generations.
However, above and beyond all, a third element is necessary. It must be possible for later generations to have access to this vision. Only then can one speak of an actual root experience. If a vision cannot be shared with later generations, it will turn into a claim of the past and lose much of its religious value within Judaism.
IN THIS context it is most important to realize that it is not the conventional understanding of a miracle that is of importance here. While nobody will deny that the splitting of the Red Sea was a violation of the laws of nature, this is not the source of its religious power or message. The most important quality of a miracle is not that it is supernatural, or super-historical, but that it is a moment which, even when it can be argued away in terms of science and brought into the nexus of nature and normal history, remains miraculous in the eyes of the person to whom it occurred.
The real power of a miracle is that it is an astonishing experience of an event in which the current system of cause and effect becomes, as it were, transparent; permitting a glimpse of the sphere in which another unrestricted Power is at work. As such, it destroys the security of all knowledge and undoes the normalcy of all that is ordinary. It is the abiding astonishment which is crucial.
The religious person stands in wonder; no knowledge or cognition can weaken his astonishment. Any natural explanation will only deepen his wonder.
It is in this sense that a historical miracle becomes a root experience and allows later generations to have access to it through its own experience. It is possible for later generations to relive the experience, not because of what happened, but through the way it was perceived.
The Israel Bible 5 Book Set
THE ESTABLISHMENT of the State of Israel was no doubt an epoch-making event. It is the completely astonishing nature of this event that stands out – the transformation of the earthliness of the Jewish people into a radically different situation. While miracles no doubt occurred to enable it to happen, the most important religious dimension is, again, the abiding astonishment at this event in terms that could be expected, especially after the events of the Holocaust.
Only when the establishment of the State of Israel is seen in the light of the miracle at the Red Sea will its fascination continue. And this is exactly where the greatest danger to Israel’s continued existence lies. Just as we are informed that the miracle at the Red Sea lost its religious impact on the Israelites and normalcy became the call of the day, whereby the Israelites complained that God had left them, so we see a similar component at work in today’s Israeli society and leadership.
Just as the complaints concerning food and water took on a new impetus after the great miracle at the sea, so we see a mentality of psychological denial and existential dullness in the State of Israel in which many people – but most of all its leaders – no longer understand the wonder of the State’s very existence.
Just as the Israelites in the desert paid a heavy price, so will Israeli society if it does not force itself once again to look through the clouds, see the miracle and rejuvenate itself through it.
Reprinted with author’s permission from The Jerusalem Post

Israeli Brewery Recreates Jesus-Era Beer From 2,000-Year-Old Recipe - Abra Forman BREAKING ISRAEL NEWS


Israeli Brewery Recreates Jesus-Era Beer From 2,000-Year-Old Recipe

“Go thy way, eat thy bread with joy, and drink thy wine with a merry heart; for God hath already accepted thy works.” Ecclesiastes 9:7 (The Israel Bible™)
Using new technology and ancient grains, an Israeli brewer has managed to recreate the beer that Jesus and his contemporaries may have enjoyed 2,000 years ago.
The project began when Itai Gutman, the owner of Herzl Brewery, read an article about geneticists in Tel Aviv who had discovered the genome of an ancient strain of wheat grown and consumed in Israel during the era of Jesus. A “light bulb” lit up, said Gutman in a video posted by ILTV Israel Daily, and he contacted the researchers right away.
“Within a few days I had several kilograms of this material, we just started to process and eventually is this beer that we’re drinking,” he said.
He brewed a five-gallon batch of the beer, and was very surprised by the results, which included notes of honey and berries.
“The flavor was surprising. This is something that we never expected. We got kind of this red fruit, kind of a raspberry flavor, and there is no fruit additions into it and it’s only because of the grains we used,” Gutman explained.
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The beer also has an unusually low alcohol content of only three percent (the average brew contains between four and six percent), which may explain why wine, and not beer, was the drink of the Bible. (Wine is about four times as potent, with an alcohol content between 12 and 14 percent).
However, while beer is not mentioned in the Bible, it was certainly present in ancient Israel. Beer was very popular in neighboring Egypt, and archeological finds prove that it made its way into northwards into Canaan. In 2015, an excavation in Tel Aviv turned up Egyptian beer-making vessels over 5,000 years old.
Interestingly, the fermenting process of the ancient Egyptian beer included fruit concentrates, indicating that the fruity flavor was popular across the region in ancient times.
“The historians, they say that beer is coming from around this area of the world, from the Middle East area, Mesopotamia and what was there back then,” related Gutman. According to the theory, he continued, Romans brought the beer to Europe, leaving wine as the main alcoholic beverage of choice in Israel.
Gutman and his friends have consumed most of the batch made from the 2,000-year-old-recipe. He has no plans to bottle or sell the beer, likely because of its strange taste, though there is little doubt that many would be interested in experiencing the unique flavor of Jesus-era beer.

Israeli brewery creates beer from the time of Jesus

House Panel Proves David Daleiden Was Right - BOB ESCHLIMAN CHARISMA NEWS

Troy Newman
Troy Newman of Operation Rescue says the evidence released Wednesday by the Select Panel on Infant Lives proves beyond a shadow of doubt that Planned Parenthood has profited illegally from the trafficking of aborted baby tissue and organs. (Submitted photo)

House Panel Proves David Daleiden Was Right

Troy Newman of Operation Rescue says the evidence released Wednesday by the Select Panel on Infant Lives proves beyond a shadow of doubt that Planned Parenthood has profited illegally from the trafficking of aborted baby tissue and organs. (Submitted photo)
At its much-anticipated hearing Wednesday morning, the Select Panel on Infant Lives released a series of exhibits that prove beyond a doubt that Planned Parenthood has been lying to the American people about whether or not it illegally profits from trafficking aborted baby tissue and organs.
Troy Newman, president of Operation Rescue, also served as a founding board member for the Center for Medical Progress, which produced videos exposing the illegal trade. And following the Select Panel's document release, he's speaking out.
"It is clear from the documentation released by the Select Panel that money paid to Planned Parenthood in exchange for aborted baby remains qualified as illegal 'valuable consideration.' This completely validates every allegation that was put forth by investigators from the Center for Medical Progress," he said. "Planned Parenthood has engaged in an aggressive public relations campaign to convince the public that videos released by the Center for Medical Progress were 'hoaxed' and that Planned Parenthood never profited from the sale of fetal remains. Now we all can see for ourselves that this was a bold-faced lie. Planned Parenthood should be prosecuted for their crimes. They must not be held above the law."
The Select Panel exhibits were accompanied by a white paper on the pricing of fetal tissue produced by congressional staff members. The white paper explains how all of the costs of tissue procurement were absorbed by the organ procurement companies, such as Stem Express, and that Planned Parenthood essentially incurred no costs.
The documentation also shows that Planned Parenthood clinics were awarded $10,000 contract signing bonuses by one procurement company that were disguised as donations. Those bonuses were in addition to money paid for POCs—"products of conception," the term Planned Parenthood uses to dehumanize the aborted baby tissue—and blood samples.
For example, four Planned Parenthood clinics in California were paid more than $11,000 in August 2012 for 171 "POCs" and 196 blood samples harvested at their facilities. A review of a tissue procurement company's website shows a list of organs that were available for sale, including brains, hearts, livers, glands and even scalps.
The Center for Medical Progress, Operation Rescue and the Select Panel all agree these organs had to be procured from abortion facilities like Planned Parenthood.
"Now you do not have to be a lawyer to see what's going on here," Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.), Chairman of the Select Panel, said. "You put up a website that offers any baby body part imaginable—and why on earth do they need a baby scalp? Then you pick the gestation period and then check out."
Newman said the answer to Blackburn's question is "grisly."
"Tissue wasn't just being used for 'medical' research but by commercial entities for the use in the development of products for sale to the public," he said. "The male hair growth industry is a very lucrative one."
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