Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Mazal Tov: New Jewish Settlement in Samaria — Evyatar By JNI Media BREAKING ISRAEL NEWS

The new settlement of Evyatar, named after Evyatar Borowski who was stabbed to death by an Arab in 2013. (Photo: Facebook/JNi Media)

The new settlement of Evyatar, named after Evyatar Borowski who was stabbed to death by an Arab in 2013. (Photo: Facebook/JNi Media)

Mazal Tov: New Jewish Settlement in Samaria — Evyatar

“Arise, walk through the land in the length of it and in the breadth of it; for unto thee will I give it.'” Genesis 13:17 (The Israel Bible™)
A group of some 50 Jewish families on Monday launched a new community in Israel, near the Tapuach junction in Samaria. The new community was named Evyatar, in memory of Evyatar Borowski HY”D, a gifted artist who was stabbed to death by an Arab near Tapuach junction in 2013. The settlement is intended as a call to the Netanyahu government to go back to starting new Jewish villages and towns in Judea and Samaria.
The Army approved the overnight stay of the settlers of Evyatar, who agreed to be evacuated the next day, with a commitment to come back in the near future.

The new settlement of Evyatar, named after Evyatar Borowski who was stabbed to death by an Arab in 2013. (Photo: Facebook/JNi Media)
The new settlement of Evyatar, named after Evyatar Borowski who was stabbed to death by an Arab in 2013. (Photo: Facebook/JNi Media)

Immediately following the murder, then Samaria Council Head Gershon Mesika moved his office to the site, only to be removed by order of the Defense Minister. The site continued to be visited by Israelis who cherished the memory of Borowski, who was in his early 30s when he was murdered, leaving a wife and five children.
Shmuel Gazit, member of the new settlement, told Srugim the government has been enforcing a harsh policy of settlement freezing which threatens the future of Jewish life in the region. The new settlement will serve as a battering ram against this policy and help break through the blockade imposed on Judea and Samaria.
"God caused to grow every tree that is pleasing to the sight and good for food." (Genesis 2:9). Plant a tree in Israel.
The year 2016 marks the 40th anniversary of Jewish settlements in Samaria. The ceremony at Evyatar Monday night included Yossi Dagan, the new head of the Council, Chief Rabbi of Samaria Rav Elyakim Levanon, and Rabbi David Dudkevitz.
“We call on the lovers of Israel to come and support our settlement,” Gazit said, adding, “We aspire to reach the stage where thousands of men, women and children will tell the Israeli government, We’ll stay here until you approve erecting a new settlement. Such a national reawakening will have the power to break through the existing blockade around Judea and Samaria, leading to a new wave of settlements across the region.”

A sign at the entrance to the new settlement of Evyatar reads "Evyatar" in Hebrew, in memory of Evyatar Borowski who was killed in 2014 by an Arab stabber. (Photo: Facebook/JNi media)
A sign at the entrance to the new settlement of Evyatar reads “Evyatar” in Hebrew, in memory of Evyatar Borowski who was killed in 2014 by an Arab stabber. (Photo: Facebook/JNi media)

‘The Voice’ Contestant Prophetically Declares Power of Jesus - THE RADICALS

‘The Voice’ Contestant Prophetically Declares Power of Jesus

Honoring Jesus, one word at a time…
The Voice has its fair share of Pentecostals sharing their faith through performance, with Paxton Ingram joining the line up.
The Team Blake contestant didn’t hesitate to declare the power behind the name of Jesus in his latest performance.
Those are some powerful vocals, and Paxton Ingram killed it!
It’s really refreshing to see how some are using their 15 minutes to hype up the Lord rather than sing a song about a relationship gone haywire, isn’t it?
That’s not to say Ingram won’t find success, but the music business is one of the craziest out there.
All the best, Paxton!
Side note: how awesome is the name Paxton?

"Out of the Jordan" ✡ Cool Fact of Hebrew Month of Nissan - ISRAEL365

And the people came up out of the Jordan on the tenth day of the first month, and encamped in Gilgal, in the east border of Jericho.

וְהָעָם עָלוּ מִן הַיַּרְדֵּן בֶּעָשֹוֹר לַחֹדֶשׁ הָרִאשׁוֹן וַיַּחֲנוּ בַּגִּלְגָּל בִּקְצֵה מִזְרַח יְרִיחוֹ

יְהוֹשֻׁעַ ד:יט

v'-ha-am a-lu min ha-yar-dayn be-a-sor la-kho-desh ha-ri-shon va-ya-kha-nu ba-gil-gal bik-tzay miz-rakh y'-ree-kho

Today's Israel Inspiration

The Hebrew month of Nissan is called "the first month" in our verse, and "on the tenth day" the Children of Israel ascended from the Jordan onto the holy soil of Israel for the first time. Amazingly, the tenth day of Nissan is also mentioned in the Book of Exodus (12:2-3), as the day, forty years earlier, when the Israelites were instructed to sacrifice the Passover lamb. Thus we learn that the Passover offering gave merit to the nation to enter the Holy Land. Earn merit by supporting the poor of Israel this Passover, and receive a beautiful gift in the mail.

Why We Eat Matzah on Passover

Discover a beautiful connection between humility, faith and the festival of Passover.

Temple Mount Passover Visits Brought to Resounding Halt

The Temple Mount has particular significance to Jews during the holiday of Passover, but police have forcibly removed at least 13 Jewish visitors to the Temple Mount for violating the ban against non-Muslim worship.

Velvet Matzah and Afikoman Covers

This beautiful black velvet Passover set is the essence of elegance. It includes both the cover one would use to encase the three matzot used atthe seder, and the pouch used to house the Afikoman, the desert matzah of special significance.

Today's Israel Photo

A gorgeous field of sunflowers in northern Israel by Bar Artzi Photography.

Yesterday's Photo Trivia

Thanks to everyone who responded to yesterday's photo trivia! Timna Valley in southern Israel is the site of the world’s first copper mine, and thousands of ancient mining shafts can be found there. Timna also boasts a life-size replica of the Tabernacle.

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It is so uplifting to see and read this everyday. I am 83 years young and this is a blessed addition to my everyday life. God bless each one who provides the pictures. I say you are blessed and highly favored of God. C. Gray, Memphis, Tennessee, USA

Shalom Rabbi , I am S.J. writing from Durban. South Africa. I have never had an opportunity to visit Israel, but I love your articles and news items. The photography is excellent. Congratulations with your endeavour to spread your message and the support for the IDF.
Rabbi Tuly Weisz
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When is the Rapture? - Michael Snyder (Day 1) on The Jim Bakker Show

Watch here: When is the Rapture? - Michael Snyder (Day 1) on The Jim Bakker Show

Jim & Lori Bakker

Michael Snyder

Jim Bakker Show 2016 | Show# 2983 | Aired on April 26, 2016

I Corinthians, I Thessalonians, II Corinthians, II Timothy, Matther
Jim Bakker Show © 2016 • Morningside Studios

Economy In Decline: Apple Reports Massive Revenue Decline As iPhone Sales Plummet Dramatically - Michael Snyder THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE BLOG

Apple iPhone And Apple Computer - Public Domain

Posted: 26 Apr 2016 Michael Snyder  THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE BLOG

Corporate revenues in the United States have been falling for quite some time, but now some of the biggest companies in the entire nation are reporting extremely disappointing results.  On Tuesday, Apple shocked the financial world by reporting that revenue for the first quarter had fallen 7.4 billion dollars compared to the same quarter last year.  That is an astounding plunge, and it represents the very first year-over-year quarterly sales decline that Apple has experienced since 2003. 

Analysts were anticipating some sort of drop, but nothing like this.  And of course last week we learned that Google and Microsoft also missed revenue and earnings projections for the first quarter of 2016.  The economic crisis that began during the second half of 2015 is really starting to take hold, and even our largest tech companies are now feeling the pain.

This wasn’t supposed to happen to Apple.  No matter what else has been going on with the U.S. economy, Apple has always been unshakeable.  Even during the last recession we never saw a year-over-year decline like this
Apple today announced financial results for the second fiscal quarter (first calendar quarter) of 2016. For the quarter, Apple posted revenue of $50.6 billion and net quarterly profit of $10.5 billion, or $1.90 per diluted share, compared to revenue of $58 billion and net quarterly profit of $13.6 billion, or $2.33 per diluted share, in the year-ago quarter. As expected, the year-over-year decline in quarterly revenue was the first for Apple since 2003.
I think that this announcement by Apple is waking a lot of people up.  The global economic slowdown is real, and we can see this in iPhone sales.  During the first quarter, Apple sold 16 percent fewer iPhones than it did during the same quarter in 2015.  This is the very first year-over-year quarterly sales decline for the iPhone ever.  Here are some of the specific sales figures from the Apple announcement…
Apple sold 51.1 million iPhones during the quarter, down from 61.2 million a year earlier, while Mac sales were 4.03 million units, down from from 4.56 million units in the year-ago quarter. iPad sales were also down once again, falling to 10.25 million from 12.6 million.
Once these numbers hit the wires, shares of Apple immediately began to plummet during after-hours trading.  In fact, USA Today is reporting that Apple has already lost 43 billion dollars in market value since the annoucement…
Shares of Apple are getting hit roughly 8% in after-hours trading, tumbling to $96.67. They closed in regular trading at $104.35, or down 0.7%, putting them down 0.9% for the year. The downward move in after-hours trading means the company shed $43 billion in market value based on after-hours trading.

Meanwhile, shares of Twitter are crashing in after-hours trading after the social media giant also announced very disappointing results.  The stock has now dripped below 16 dollars a share, and the company continues to lose tremendous amounts of money
For all its other travails, Twitter is unprofitable. It narrowed its loss but still recorded a loss of $79.7 million, or 12 cents a share, compared with a loss of $162.4 million, or 25 cents a share, in the year-ago quarter.
Of course it isn’t just the tech giants that are troubled these days.
On Tuesday we learned that same-store sales for Chipotle declined by a whopping 29.7 percent during the first quarter, and appliance manufacturer Whirlpool has seen sales fall all over the planet
Whirlpool, the world’s biggest appliance manufacturer, has become the poster child for the deep challenges facing multinational companies these days.
– Latin American sales plunged 22%.
– Revenue fell 8% in Europe, Middle East and Africa.
– Asia sales dipped 2%.
When is it finally going to sink in for most people?  The global economy is slowing down significantly, and the next global economic crisis is already here.

Of course the oil companies are feeling more pain than anyone else.  According to CNN, the crash in the price of oil has cost the 40 largest publicly-traded U.S. oil producers 67 billion dollars
American oil companies are drowning in a sea of red ink.
The crash in crude oil prices caused a stunning $67 billion in combined losses by 40 publicly-traded U.S. oil producers last year, accordingEnergy Information Administration research. And the bleeding is expected to continue at least early this year for many.
The losses surpassed $1 billion each from struggling oil companies like EOG Resources (EOG), Devon Energy (DVN) and Linn Energy (LINE) as well as SandRidge Energy (SD), the shale oil driller that recently admitted it’s exploring a bankruptcy filing.
That is an astounding amount of money.

These days we throw around terms like “millions” and “billions” so much that they almost lose their meaning.

But this is real money that we are talking about here.

In recent days, Barack Obama has been running around boasting that he saved the world economy from another Great Depression.  But that isn’t true at all.  Instead, our “leaders” have simply set the stage for a larger and more painful crisis.  I like the way that Doug Casey recently put it
You’ve got to remember that all of these governments and central banks all around the world have driven interest rates not just to zero, but to negative levels in some cases… and they are simultaneously printing up trillions of currency units. And even while they are desperately doing that the economy is falling apart in lots of different ways.
…They’ve created a super-bubble in bonds, a bubble in stocks, and meanwhile commodities have collapsed and are below production costs in many cases.
…The economy is going to be very, very bad… It’s the next stage of what I call the Greater Depression. 
Whether you want to call it a “Great Depression”, a “Greater Depression” or “The Greatest Depression”, the truth is that we are heading into a period of time that will be unlike anything any of us have ever experienced before.

The greatest debt bubble in the history of the planet is starting to implode, and this time the central bankers and the politicians are not going to be able to put the pieces back together again.

But just like in 2008, the vast majority of the population will not recognize the warning signs until it is way too late.

*About the author: Michael Snyder is the founder and publisher of The Economic Collapse Blog. Michael’s controversial new book about Bible prophecy entitled “The Rapture Verdict” is available in paperback and for the Kindle on*

Obama's Ignorance: Fortunate to be Living in “Most Peaceful Era in History By Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz BREAKING ISRAEL NEWS

US President Barack Obama speaks in Hannover, Germany. (Photo: UpTake Video / Youtube Screenshot)

US President Barack Obama speaks in Hannover, Germany. (Photo: UpTake Video / Youtube Screenshot)

Obama's Ignorance: Fortunate to be Living in “Most Peaceful Era in History

“And I will give children to be their princes, and babes shall rule over them.” Isaiah 3:4 (The Israel Bible™)
Addressing world leaders at a trade fair in Hannover, Germany on Monday, US President Barack Obama acknowledged the good fortune of living in what he considers to be the “most peaceful” era in human history. He noted major advances in education, longevity of life, health care, and the spread of democracy as some of the many benefits of living today.  
With pride, Obama added extreme strides in social equality to the list. “Around the world we’re more tolerant, with more opportunity for women and gays and lesbians as we push back on bigotry and prejudice,” he said.
Discouraging any incredulity, he explained that the negative images portrayed in the media showing rampant global violence were misleading.
“I want to begin with an observation that, given the challenges that we face in the world and the headlines we see every day, it may seem improbable but it’s true. We are fortunate to be living in the most peaceful, most prosperous, most progressive era in human history,” he said.
The president clarified his position, noting that it had been several decades since the major world powers had faced each other in war. “[Though] it seems like only bad news comes through every day, it’s been decades since the last war between major powers,” he said.
Ironically, amid reassurances of the current (relatively) peaceful era, Obama added that he plans to call on European leaders, encouraging them to step up their efforts to fight the radical Islamic group known as ISIS. Upon this declaration, the president revealed that the US will be sending an additional 250 Special Forces troops into Syria to join in the fight.
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Obama also called for more airstrikes and training, suggesting that North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) countries contribute two percent of their economic output to defense spending.
“Europe and NATO can still do more,” he said. “We need to do everything in our power to stop [ISIS],” adding, “Europe has sometimes been complacent about its own defense.”
While Obama’s statement regarding the length in time since World Wars One and Two is factually true, current data does not support his overall claim about this era being peaceful. In fact, it’s completely the opposite; the security situation in the world has worsened significantly since he took office in 2009.
A recent study by Mida, a liberal Israeli current affairs and opinion online magazine, based their conclusions on the database of the Department of Peace and Conflict Research at Uppsala University in Sweden, which includes a comprehensive list of wars and conflicts worldwide using data collected since 1989. In an article titled, No Global Cop: The Victims of Obama’s AppeasmentBigman notes that 80 percent more people were killed in wars around the globe under Obama’s isolationist policies than under Bush’s wartime, interventionist presidency. The areas hardest hit by the two terms of Obama’s policies were in the Mideast.
Choosing to put his focus elsewhere, Obama’s latest statements tend to emphasize the threat of global warming as the bigger danger. In a December interview on CBS This Morning, the president stated that climate change leads to terrorism and “dangerous ideologies”. He expressed this most clearly by taking a pass on the massively attended rally in Paris in January 2015 against terror, while calling the Paris summit in November dealing with climate change a “powerful rebuke” to terrorism and ISIS.
Though war is a tragic reality, the Bible does not always forbid it. Under certain conditions, it is the preferable alternative and sometimes even required by God. Maimonides wrote regarding the responsibilities a king in the Messianic era faces at the time closely preceding the war of Gog and Magog, that he must wage a final war against the root of all evil. Were a king or leader of any sort to neglect this obligation and instead capitulate to the forces of evil even in the name of peace, as Obama’s statements indicate, it would only bring more pain and suffering into the world.

Christian Priest to Light Independence Day Torch - Aviel Schneider ISRAEL TODAY

Christian Priest to Light Independence Day Torch

Wednesday, April 27, 2016 |  Aviel Schneider  ISRAEL TODAY
More and more Christians see Israel as a home worth defending. Messianic Jews respond.

The full article appears in the May 2016 issue of Israel Today Magazine.

CLICK HERE to read it all
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