Thursday, November 17, 2016

Prophecy: The 2016 Election Is Paving the Way for the Rise of 'the Daniel Company' - BOB ESCHLIMAN CHARISMA NEWS

President-Elect Donald Trump's election is paving the way for a "Daniel Company" to rise up and spread the Word of God. (Reuters photo)
Prophecy: The 2016 Election Is Paving the Way for the Rise of 'the Daniel Company'
The election of Donald Trump and Mike Pence last week was ordained by God for the purpose of restoring hope, purity and purpose to our nation, Jeff Jansen, founder of Global Fire Ministries International, recently wrote.
Echoing the sentiments of many evangelical faith leaders, Jansen wrote last week's electoral victory was a "modern-day political miracle," the likes of David defeating Goliath. He said no single state turned the election, but rather the prayers of the church, which came in the spirit of 2 Chronicles 7:14.
"Donald Trump was elected to be the 45th president of the United States in a time that is so critical to the soul of our nation," he added. "God purposed him as His servant, with a special set of skills, power and ability, to break the bars of iron and bronze and to restore hope, purity and purpose to our nation. This would not have been possible if it weren't for the hidden 'Daniel Company' who understood the times and the season and prayed fervently as they understood breakthrough was on the horizon."
Jansen then goes on to explain how through the prayers of the Daniel Company, God single-handedly rescued our nation. He also explained the authority we have as Christ followers to make Throne Room decrees that can result in powerful change.
He also wrote that a new Daniel Company is rising up, and that Christians need to be prepared:
These new oracle wonder workers will change cities, regions and nations when they speak as the voice of God in the earth with the mighty word of power. They access and release realms of heavenly revelation with the unlimited anointing of power that comes from the presence of the Lord. Nothing will stand before them.
To date, we have seen many waves of revival hit the nations of the earth, but nothing like we are beginning to witness now. God is propelling the maturing body of Christ into a new place on the planet. A Daniel Company is rising with the burning coals of heaven on their lips. Like Moses, they will speak as "God-like ones," declaring and decreeing the very will of God through their words.
The multitudes will understand who God is as nations are shifted and multitudes come to Christ through demonstrations of power released through prophetic decree. We've seen some pretty remarkable things in past revivals, including the Welsh revival, The Great Awakening, Azusa Street, Latter Rain, The Voice of Healing of the 1940s and 1950s, and then later moves of God like the Toronto Blessing, Brownsville Revival and others. Impressive as they were, they were merely "previews of the coming attraction." They will all pale in comparison to the outpouring of this new season—the outpouring of the Spirit of Revival.
The church is growing into the revelation that we really are God's representatives on this planet. And as His governmental representatives on the earth we have been given the authority, ability and position to function with full legal kingdom rights to administer the job.
Click here to read his entire commentary.
3 Reasons Why you should read Life in the Spirit. 1) Get to know the Holy Spirit. 2) Learn to enter God's presence 3) Hear God's voice clearly! Go deeper!
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When You Fight Against Israel, You Also Fight Against This - RABBI CHARLIE KLUGE CHARISMA NEWS

When you fight against Israel, you fight a major uphill battle. (Flickr )

When You Fight Against Israel, You Also Fight Against This

It has always been Hashem's (the Lord's) purpose that Israel would stand united with one mind and one heart. That happened when in one day Israel re-emerged as a nation on its God-given land, as Scripture foretold:
"Before she was in labor, she gave birth; before her pain came, she delivered a son. Who has heard such a thing? Who has seen such things? Shall the earth be made to give birth in one day? Shall a nation be born at once? For as soon as Zion was in labor, she brought forth her sons. Shall I bring to the point of birth and not cause delivery? says the Lord. Shall I who cause delivery shut the womb? says your God. Rejoice with Jerusalem and be glad for her, all you who love her; rejoice exceedingly with her, all you who mourn for her" (Is. 66:7-10).
Israel was brought together on the land, but unfortunately our sinful souls, minds and emotions have kept us apart since then. Jerusalem has and always will be the capital of Israel, but many want to divide up the land.
All who fight against Israel's right to possess its land are fighting against the God of Israel. Those who are boycotting, divesting from and putting sanctions on Israel are doing this to the God of Israel. It doesn't matter the church, synagogue or denomination to which you belong.
It doesn't matter what your intellectual or political opinions are telling you. What matters is how obedient you are to the Word of God.
Adam and Eve made the same error, and it has affected humankind for nearly 6,000 years! Did God really say that? This is the same question the adversary asked back in the garden. Remember, "There is nothing new under the sun" (Eccl. 1:9)!
Do you really think you can win a battle against Hashem? His Word never changes. It is the same yesterday, today and forever! When you fight against Israel, you are fighting against His Word; when you fight against His Word, you are eating the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil and consequently fighting against Him!
Hashem said, "I will bless them who bless you and curse him who curses you, and in you all families of the earth will be blessed" (Gen. 12:3).
It is no accident that the tallit is reflected in the flag of Israel. It has a blue Star of David on a white background between two blue stripes. The color blue reminds us of the color dye traditionally used for the tekhelet. As I again think about the painting of Mount Sinai, with its image of divine light, the clouds of glory and the fire by night shining upon the Israelites along with the people bridged together under His wings (His tallit), both Israelites and "resident outsiders," I can imagine the flag of Israel waving proudly over all those standing there in one mind and heart. How glorious that would be! That kind of unity is possible because Yeshua has already defeated the adversary in the spiritual realm and has become the bridge that will cause Israel and the nations to enter into the chuppah, the tallit of Yeshua HaMashiach (the Messiah), together as His bride. 
Rabbi Charlie Kluge serves on the executive committee of the Messianic Jewish Alliance of America as its vice president. He is also the Southeast Regional Director of the MJAA and its annual Regional Conference Chairman.
The preceding is an excerpt from Rabbi Charlie Kluge's book, The Tallit (© Charisma House, 2016, all rights reserved).
3 Reasons Why you should read Life in the Spirit. 1) Get to know the Holy Spirit. 2) Learn to enter God's presence 3) Hear God's voice clearly! Go deeper!
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Steve Shultz: "The Most POWERFUL Word I've Seen From Francis Frangipane" - THE ELIJAH LIST

November 17, 2016

"Forgiveness and the Future of Your City"by Francis Frangipane, Cedar Rapids, IA

From the Desk of Steve Shultz:

Steve ShultzThis HAS to be the SINGLE MOST POWERFUL word I've ever seen Francis Frangipane deliver!

I totally agree with this Word and I feel it coming straight from the Heart of God.

Do you want release from your Adversaries in your life? DO THIS WORD!

Church, do we all want God to SHOW UP and bring great deliverance to the Body of Christ? DO THIS WORD!

Let's really DO THIS! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List go here.)

Please forward this word to your friends! Encourage them to subscribe to the Elijah List right here:


Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News 

"Forgiveness and the Future of Your City"by Francis Frangipane, Cedar Rapids, IA

When I look at the conditions of our world – the deep racial and political divisions, immigration problems, terror threats, national debt, wars, and lawlessness in our cities – a deep foreboding comes over my soul. As Christians, we all believe the call of 2 Chronicles 7:14 offers hope – but what if there is no response to the call to humble ourselves and pray? Is there anything we can do to restore hope and stability?

There is a situation mentioned in the Bible that offers a solution. Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, "...and all his army, with all the kingdoms of the earth that were under his dominion and all the peoples, were fighting against Jerusalem" (Jer. 34:1). Because of Israel's sin even the Lord had seemingly withdrawn. For nearly forty years, Jeremiah pleaded with God's people to repent, but they would not. Israel was nearly apostate, and the dire and repeated warnings of Jeremiah were about to come to pass.

However, hidden in the ways of God was a plan, a redemptive strategy that would reverse Israel's direction. If the Jews implemented a "Year of Remission" (see Deut. 15:1-18), God would show to them the same mercy they showed to one another. What was required was that "each man [would] set free his male servant and each man his female that no one [would] keep them, a Jew his brother, in bondage" (Jer. 34:9).

Not only did they agree to this year of release, but "all the officials and all the people obeyed." Then, in earnest faith, they "entered into the that no one should keep them any longer in bondage; they obeyed, and set them free" (Jer. 34:10).

The Bible says the Judeans then cut a calf in two and passed "between its parts" (Jer. 34:18). This was the same kind of covenant ritual Abraham had made with the Lord centuries earlier (see Gen. 15:10, 17-18.). The redemptive plan of God was this: If the Israelites set free their slaves, they would not be taken as slaves. If they showed mercy, God would show Himself merciful to them as well. Even though they were, by all counts, nearly apostate, the act of releasing the debts of others would have averted the destruction of their cities, for "mercy triumphs over judgment" (James 2:13)!

As they were releasing one another, something marvelous occurred. Supernaturally the Lord drew "the king of Babylon…away" (Jer. 34:21). At the very moment the people were releasing the debts of others, God was reducing their debt to Him. What they did on earth was actually being replicated for them in Heaven!

In all the years since the establishment of the Law, Israel had never celebrated such a year of release. Yet now, even with their enemies within striking range, Israel covenanted with God to free every man his slave.

Unforgiveness in the Church

How does the above story relate to us? Today we too are facing overwhelming foes. Our society is overrun with corruption and the Church is hardly better than the world. The prophets are warning of judgment, and at times, it seems as though God has stopped listening to our prayers.

Yet I believe if we can sincerely forgive those who are spiritual debtors to us – even starting with those in our homes and families – if we extend forgiveness to our neighbors and proclaim release to those who left our churches, if Blacks could forgive Whites and white people forgive people of color, the mercy of God will begin to fall again on our land.
Let the Lord reveal all with whom you have unforgiveness. Let mayors announce a day of release. Let white police and people from the Black community pray for each other, asking for forgiveness for mistakes and abuses. If we show mercy, God will show mercy as well.

Don't forget – Jesus taught that if we are at the altar and remember someone has unforgiveness toward us, we are to leave our offering and be reconciled (Matt. 5:23-24). Reconciliation is more important than ritual, according to the Lord. Yes, let us covenant with God for our communities and even for our nation!

Indeed, let us take this one step further: Let us release those who have voted for candidates with whom we strongly disagree. 

It is time to rid ourselves of every debt we feel we are owed by others. And let us start anew to rebuild our lives in Christ and reunite in the power of redemption. Let us bring Christ's covenant of forgiveness into our interracial relationships, and let us, each one, forgive others as completely as God in Christ has forgiven us.

The Sad End of Jeremiah 34

In spite of the great breakthrough Israel experienced, their story ends badly. For when the enemy left and the pressure was off, each man "took back" his male and female servants and "brought them into subjection" (see vs. 13-16).

Beloved, hear me please: If only the Jews would have followed through and held fast their release, the Book of Lamentations never would have been written! Mercy would have triumphed and remained, but such was not the case.

Still, for us, the final chapters of our times are yet to be written. We can learn from the example we see in Jeremiah 34. 

If we will embrace mercy, if we can sincerely release one another, we will escape the dire expectations coming to meet our sinful society. Our actions today, even now, will determine whether our society is blessed or judged. Let us, therefore, release the debts of every man and covenant for mercy for our land.

Heavenly Father, we recall the words of Jesus, Your Son. He mentioned how often He desired to gather the people together, but they would not have it. He warned that their house would be left to them desolate. We hear this and set our hearts to forgive and maintain forgiveness. We ask to be gathered together, to forgive and to be healed from the burden of our past. God have mercy on us even as we extend mercy to others. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Francis Frangipane 
Ministries of Francis Frangipane

Francis Frangipane is the founder of River of Life Ministries in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, and has traveled throughout the world ministering to thousands of pastors and intercessors from many backgrounds. Francis' heartfelt prayer is to see established in every city Christlike pastors and intercessors, united before God, revealing the love of Christ to their communities. Since 1985, he has written fourteen books, plus a number of study booklets. 

Over the past decades, Francis has served on a number of other ministry boards. However, in recent years he has gradually resigned from these various boards. As of June 2009, he has also retired from his position as senior pastor of River of Life Ministries. In this more simplified life, Frangipane is devoting himself to prayer and the ministry of God's Word.

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Trump’s Jewish Son-in-Law May Snag Top White House Post - Abra Forman BREAKING ISRAEL NEWS

Trump’s Jewish Son-in-Law May Snag Top White House Post

“Now Moshe was keeping the flock of Yitro his father-in-law, the priest of Midian; and he led the flock to the farthest end of the wilderness, and came to the mountain of God, unto Horeb.” Exodus 3:1 (The Israel Bible™)
Jared Kushner, the Jewish son-in-law of President-elect Donald Trump, may play a very key role in the Trump administration, the Wall Street Journal reported on Wednesday.
Trump and Kushner, who is the husband of Trump’s daughter Ivanka and the father of the president-elect’s three Jewish grandchildren, enjoy a close personal and professional relationship; despite his own work as a real estate developer and publisher, Kushner campaigned with Trump and frequently acted as advisor to him on the trail. He was reported to be involved in nearly every aspect of his father-in-law’s campaign.
According to WSJ, Trump’s newly-appointed chief of staff, Reince Priebus, and senior counselor, Stephen Bannon, are encouraging Kushner to become a formal adviser or “special counselor” to his father-in-law once he takes office.
Read More

Days After Trump Is Elected, The Surprising Truth About Mike Pence... -

ll the more.

It’s fair to say that until recently, most Americans had never heard of “Mike Pence.” But ironically, this relatively unknown man will soon take the second-highest office in the country.

Today he’s mostly known for being President-Elect Donald Trump’s sidekick, but truth be told, there’s a side of Mike Pence that many haven’t seen.

When I learned more about Mike Pence, my respect and admiration for America’s Vice President-Elect only grew all the more.Unlike most men in Washington, Mike Pence wasn’t raised in a thriving political household. Instead, Pence carved his own path — fueled by deep convictions which were grounded in his faith.

Michael Richard “Mike” Pence was born on June 7, 1959, in Columbus, Indiana. Pence was the youngest of six children born to devout Catholic churchgoers, Nancy Jane and Edward J. Pence, Jr. His father was a U.S. Army veteran who earned a humble living by operating a gas station.
Pence admits that his parents were never politically inclined. But unlike his family, heroes such as John F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King Jr. caught young Pence’s attention and inspired him to get involved in politics.
Pence revealed, “I grew up on the front row of the American dream. My grandfather immigrated to this country, and I was raised in a small town in Southern Indiana in a big family with a cornfield in the backyard. Although we weren’t really a political family, the heroes of my youth were President John F. Kennedy and the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.”
The young Pence soon discovered his voice and even entered an oratorical contest in the fifth grade.
“It shouldn’t have come as a surprise,” said Nancy. “He was always talking. What surprised me was how well he could talk in front of large crowds. I believe it was sponsored by the Optimist Club, and Mike was competing against kids in the sixth, seventh and eighth grades,” his mother said. “When it came his turn, his voice just boomed out over the audience. He just blew everybody away. I had a hard time associating the boy up there speaking with our son.”
Pence graduated from Columbus North High School in 1977 and went on to study history at Hanover College. Throughout his childhood, Pence always clung to his faith and had even considered becoming a priest. But in college, his faith wavered and he eventually decided to turn his back on God.
“I went off to college and had largely walked away from the faith that I was raised to believe in,” Pence told the congregation at First Baptist Jacksonville in Florida.
The handsome young man had given up on religion, but that didn’t stop God’s powerful plan for his life. And it wasn’t long before Pence was surrounded by devout Christians who reminded him of the faith he once clung to.
Pence shared,  “When I got to college, I met a group of folks in a non-denominational Christian fellow group.”
Pence recalled the life-changing day he told his fraternity “big brother” that he’d love to get a Christian cross like the one he wore. His friend’s unexpected response left such a powerful impression, Pence would recall it decades later on the floor of Congress.
“Remember, Mike, you have got to wear it in your heart before you wear it around your neck,” Mr. Pence said his fraternity brother told him.
His friend’s convicting message resonated with Pence and months later, he found himself at a Christian music festival. It was there that Pence was again was reminded of the Gospel and all that “Jesus had done” for him. That sermon finally led Pence to take action.“My heart broke with gratitude and I gave my life to Jesus Christ,” he said.
Pence went on to earn a bachelor of arts degree in history from Hanover College in 1981, and a law degree from the Robert H. McKinney School of Law in Indianapolis, Indiana, in 1986. But for Pence, rededicating his life to Jesus Christ wasn’t the only blessing that came out of college.
Soon after making the decision to follow Christ, a young musician at church by the name of Karen caught young Pence’s attention.
After service one Sunday, Pence approached Karen and discovered that he went to law school with her sister. A few days later, Pence went to the registrar to look up Karen’s sister to get “the scoop” on the pretty guitarist. At first, the registrar refused. But when Pence explained why he wanted the number, the registrar gave in.
Mike called the phone number for Karen’s sister — but to his complete shock, Karen answered instead. Pence was so surprised, he accidentally hung up on her. Pence took a few moments to collect himself and redialed — eventually inviting Karen out to dinner.
Their adorable first date included ice skating and family, and a “bet” that the pair would eventually get married.
That night, Karen’s 10-year-old niece bet Pence $1 that he would marry her aunt.
That little girl eventually won the bet. And the registrar who made it all possible attended their wedding on June 8, 1985.
This year, Mike and Karen celebrated 31 years of wedded bliss — and as their new role in America approaches, the Pence family remains a united front.
“We’ve always been a team,” Karen said. “We’ve always approached it [politics] as a team.”
The future vice president chimed in, “She’s the best part of my life, everything we do in public life, we do together. I can’t imagine it any other way.”
But Mike Pence is not only a devoted husband, but he’s a proud father as well.
Mr. and Mrs. Pence have three children together: Charlotte, Michael, and Audrey.
Throughout his political campaign, the Pence family has shown their true colors. The three children have been incredibly supportive of their dad’s campaign — traveling with him, making calls, and praying for him every day.
Mike Pence is a proud supporter of our troops. Especially due to the fact that his eldest, Michael J. Pence is a Marine Corps officer.
Pence’s eldest daughter, Charlotte is a filmmaker and a writer. According to her website, Charlotte directed a documentary called “For the Records,” which highlights the struggle of mental illness. She was also associate producer and co-writer of “Fleeced,” which won nine regional Emmy awards.
The youngest of the Pence family, Audrey Pence, is a social liberal. She’s independent politically and has voted split ticket in elections. But despite the fact that they don’t share the same views, her dad has been proud of her for thinking independently — and she voted for him in the Indiana governor election.
Audrey revealed, “Probably the person I get the most respect from is my dad. He has always… he tells me so many times, ‘I am proud of you for having your own opinions and looking into things.'”
But even more important than being a family man, Mike Pence considers his faith in Jesus Christ the most crucial aspect of his life.
Pence shared,“I’m a Christian, a conservative and a Republican. In that order.” And added that his “Christian faith is at the very heart of who” he is. Pence continued, “I made a commitment to Christ. I’m a born-again, evangelical Catholic.”
Politics may be new arena for Donald Trump, but Pence — a former six-term congressman — is well aware of the liberal backlash that comes when you take a stand for unborn lives, Israel, and the Second Amendment.
The liberal media’s response to Pence’s election has been nothing short of horrific. Countless headlines mock, name-call, and repeatedly insult the former Indiana Governor and his family. But despite it all, Mike Pence remains steadfast, unshakable, and firm in his stances.
“One thing you can say about Mike Pence is he’s got a very calm, steady demeanor that in some ways is a little Reagan-esque,” said Christine Mathews, a Republican pollster for former Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels. “He’s a counterbalance to Trump in that way.”
Time and time again throughout this election, the former lawyer has encouraged Americans to respond to hatred with love — and make prayer a priority.
Pence shared, “I would encourage you, if you are inclined to do as the Pence family does from time to time, to bow the head and bend the knee. Pray that America will once again stand tall, stand strong. ‘[Prayer is] the last best hope of earth,’ that’s what Abraham Lincoln called it. It’s still true.”
Watch the powerful video below, as Pence explains why he thinks prayer is important in America: 

As countless Americans find themselves in the midst of riots, hatred, hurt, and anger, Pence reminds Americans to use the most powerful weapon in their possession: prayer.
“So, I encourage you. Remember, what’s been true for thousands of years is still true today. That if His people who are called by His name will humble themselves and pray, He will hear from heaven, and He – as He’s always done before – He will heal our land. One nation, under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all.” – Mike Pence
“If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.” 2 Chronicles 7:14
Praise God for our new Vice President-Elect Mike Pence! America needs more men like him! Please keep Pence and President-Elect Donald Trump in your prayers throughout this crucial time as they make their way to the White House.
May God Bless our new Leaders. And May God Bless America! Please share if you agree!