Monday, November 21, 2016

Jerusalem Ready To Build, A Lot - Israel Today

Jerusalem Ready To Build, 

A Lot

Monday, November 21, 2016 |  Israel Today Staff
The Jerusalem Municipality is set to discuss a new building project in the northern neighborhood of Ramat Shlomo that will see 1,400 new apartments added to the area, which sits on the side of Jerusalem claimed by the Palestinians.
The project is one of the largest single construction plans in recent years, and it has a lot to do with the outcome of the US presidential election.
Until now, building plans in Ramat Shlomo and other “controversial” neighborhoods has been restrained by criticism from Washington. But following Donald Trump’s surprise victory, city officials say it is not only time to build, but to build big.
“Here in Jerusalem, we behave as if Donald Trump had already taken office as president, but no one knows what his policies will be,” warned a member of the municipality’s construction committee in a radio interview.
The Ramat Shlomo plan had been shelved years ago following harsh opposition from the Obama Administration. But now it, and others like it, are unexpectedly back on the agenda.
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Sunday, November 20, 2016

Iraqi Christians Fighting ISIS on Their Knees - CBN NEWS

Displaced people from the outskirts of Mosul arrive in the town of Bashiqa, after it was recaptured from the Islamic State, east of Mosul, Iraq. (REUTERS/Khalid al Mousily)

Iraqi Christians Fighting ISIS on Their Knees

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Kurdish and Iraqi forces are still fighting to break the Islamic State's iron grip on Mosul. Meanwhile, thousands of refugees are fleeing from certain death just miles away from the ISIS stronghold and Iraq's Christians are asking God to restore their land. 
CBN News Military Correspondent Chuck Holton described the scene on the front lines in Northern Iraq.
"We're hearing a lot of explosions and machine gunfire. There are coalition jets circling overhead," he said positioned just miles beyond enemy lines. 
While the scene is full of heavy gunfire, smoke and ground-shaking explosions, it is impossible to ignore the thousands of wounded refugees running for their lives. 
"They've been coming in groups of 10, 20, 30 even 100, waving white flags and surrendering to the Peshmerga," Holton said. "Many of them were told by ISIS that if they went to the Kurdish lines they would be beheaded by the Kurds. The refugees said they would rather die by Kurdish hands than by ISIS." 
The tired and wounded refugees do not receive the sword once they reach Kurdish territory; instead, they get bowls of food and glasses of water. 
"When they get to the Kurdish lines and find out they are well-cared for and given food and water, they just sometimes break down in tears," Holton said. "The wounded people we saw just a little while ago included a man whose wife and brother were killed in a U.S. airstrike. His daughter was with him and lost an arm and an eye."
Although many have escaped, Holton says there are still many trapped in ISIS territory with targets on their backs.  
"ISIS has herded thousands and thousands of people in Mosul into where the fighting is and using them as human shields. There are upwards of 700,000 people still trapped in Mosul," he said. 
Matthew Nowery leads Samaritan's Purse in northern Iraq and he says this is the perfect time for revival. 
"This is a dangerous calling. But I ask for prayer for the people themselves that are going to be displaced. That God would soften their hearts now. That they would be receptive to the message that so many of Jesus' followers are going to be out here in the desert of Iraq to provide," he told CBN News. 
Many Christians throughout the Middle East are fighting the war against ISIS on their knees and are praying for God to sanctify and restore the land the jihadis have defiled. 
Friday, Nov. 18, Iraqi Christians are meeting for an event called "Christ Day." That day will be dedicated to praying over the land defiled by ISIS militants. 
Fabian Greche leads a prayer group in northern Iraq and believes God is far from finished with the Middle East. 
"We easily get affected by darkness around us. It affects us, but if we look at Jesus and at His Word we see that God wants to pour out His Spirit. He's coming back for a bride, and He will have one in the Middle East." 
Reprinted with permission from Copyright The Christian Broadcasting Network, Inc., All rights reserved.
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Trump is headed to the White House. Did we just elect our first Jewish president? - Wayne Allyn Root


FILE - In this Wednesday, Nov. 9, 2016 file photo, President-elect Donald Trump smiles as he arrives to speak at an election night rally, in New York.
FILE - In this Wednesday, Nov. 9, 2016 file photo, President-elect Donald Trump smiles as he arrives to speak at an election night rally, in New York.  (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)

Trump is headed to the White House. Did we just elect our first Jewish president?


Just as Bill Clinton wasn’t black, but he was called “America’s first black president…
I believe Donald Trump should be called “America’s first Jewish president.”
I should know. I’m an Ivy League-educated Jewish kid from New York. 
Trust me, Donald Trump is as close as you can come to being our first Jewish president. 
The very unique traits that have made him a billionaire and now President of the United States are as Jewish as you can get!
Let me prove to you that Donald is our first Jewish president…
Donald is a lifelong New York businessman, who made his fortune in real estate. You can’t get more Jewish than that.
Well actually you can. His winter home Mar-a-Lago is on the East Coast of South Florida.
When he bought his Florida home and turned it into a popular and exclusive country club, he specifically opened the membership up to Jews. Mar-a-Lago was the first club that ever allowed Jews in Palm Beach. Donald changed the customs of the most-wealthy, WASP-y town in America to favor Jews.
Donald is family-oriented and clearly loves and dotes on all his children. He is bursting with pride at his children’s success. That could be the most Jewish trait of all. To Jews, family and children are everything.
Donald is your typical Jewish parent. Donald’s children are all Ivy League graduates- just like my daughter who recently graduated magna cum laude from Harvard. 
Donald’s daughter Ivanka has converted to orthodox Judaism. That makes Donald the first president in the history of America with orthodox Jewish grandkids.
Donald is handing his business over to his children. That is the goal of every Jewish businessman in history.
Donald is the most hardworking businessman I’ve ever met. That is a trait handed down to me by my Yiddish grandfather. I believe it is the main reason for the success of the Jewish people. I’ve been a workaholic, just like Donald, my entire life.
Donald has never worked for others. He owns all of his own businesses. My Jewish butcher father David Root taught me that 2 things mattered above all else in life- being a good father and always owning your own business.
Donald has more chutzpah than anyone I’ve ever met in my life. Chutzpah is a unique word that comes from the Yiddish language. It means you are so ambitious, you aim so high that people think you’re nuts. Donald aims higher than anyone who has ever lived. Now he’s President of the United States!
Donald is the most relentless person I’ve ever met. Relentless is a very uniquely Jewish trait. Jews are relentless fighters- we have survived thousands of years of hate, discrimination, persecution, robbery, slavery and murder. We haven’t just survived…we have thrived! I wrote the book, “The Power of RELENTLESS.” Of course it was endorsed by Mr. Relentless himself, Donald Trump.
Donald is a big success in Hollywood as a TV producer. He joins an exclusive club that is predominantly Jewish. I should know. I have created, Executive Produced and hosted hit TV shows my entire adult life.
Donald is a bigger-than-life personality. He has dynamic communication skills. He’s very charismatic, opinionated, ambitious, aggressive, combative, committed and passionate about his ideas and beliefs. He says whatever is on his mind, even if it offends. All of those are traits I’ve seen in my Jewish friends, relatives and business partners for my entire life.
Many of Donald’s political views and policies are tailor-made for Jews. He could be the most pro-Israel president in history. Donald will always stand with the Jews of Israel. 
How strong are Donald’s bonds to Israel? He was the Grand Marshal of the annual “Salute to Israel” parade.
The Jewish National Fund awarded Donald the “Tree of Life” award for his lifetime of support for the Jewish people and the state of Israel.
Jewish Week found that Donald has given generously for many years to Jewish charities. A professor of “American Jewish History” calls Trump’s charitable giving to Jewish causes “impressive” and clearly out of the ordinary for a non-Jew.
His stance on “extreme vetting” and stopping the mass importation of Muslim refugees should be welcomed and enthusiastically embraced by every American Jew. Donald’s goal is the same as mine- keeping people out of our country who could commit acts of terrorism and who have an unnatural hatred and prejudice toward Jews.
One of Donald’s first priorities as president is to re-negotiate the Iran deal- perhaps the worst treaty ever negotiated in U.S. history and a danger to Israel’s future survival.
Donald is the strongest anti-terrorism president possible. He understands our enemy is radical Islam. He uses the words “Islamic extremist” in the same sentence. That alone makes Donald the best friend Jews ever had.
Amazingly, who was one of the very first world leaders to talk to Donald after his victory? Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel. Coincidence?
Speaking of best friends, many of Donald’s friends, business partners, executives at the Trump organization, country club members at Mar-a-Lago and trusted lawyers and advisers are Jewish. No U.S. president has ever in history been surrounded by so many Jewish friends and advisers.
Trust me, by almost every possible measurement, we've just elected our first Jewish president.
Wayne Allyn Root is a capitalist evangelist, serial entrepreneur, conservative national media commentator, and proud champion of the middle class. He is a former Libertarian vice presidential nominee, now back to the GOP. Wayne's latest book is "Angry White Male" (Skyhorse Publishing). He is a supporter of Donald Trump's presidential campaign. For more, visit his website: Follow him on Twitter@WayneRoot.

Trump Presidency: So Far, So Good For Israel - Israel Today

Trump Presidency: So Far, So Good For Israel

Sunday, November 20, 2016 |  Israel Today Staff
Israel has high expectations for the presidency of Donald Trump, and the Republican president-elect’s first round of political appointments did not disappoint.
Trump at the weekend named Rep. Michael Pompeo as the next director of the CIA, and Lt.-Gen. (ret.) Michael Flynn as his National Security Advisor.
Both Pompeo and Flynn have taken hard lines in regards to Islamic terror, and both are believed to be opposed to the Iran nuclear agreement.
Pompeo is also a retired Army officer, and a graduate of both West Point and Harvard Law School. Troubling to many liberals is his advocacy for government surveillance and the use of “enhanced” interrogation against foreign terrorists.
“These positions and others merit serious public scrutiny through a confirmation process,” insisted Anthony Romero, executive director of the American Civil Liberties Union.
But Pompeo will face a Republican-dominated Congress, and is already well-regarded by many Democrats, including those with whom he disagrees.
“Mike is very bright and hard-working, and will devote himself to helping the agency develop the best possible intelligence for policy makers,” said Rep. Adam Schiff, the top Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee. “I know that he is someone who is willing to listen and engage.”
Israel is most pleased by Pompeo’s outright opposition to the Iran nuclear agreement. “I look forward to rolling back this disastrous deal with the world’s largest state sponsor of terrorism,” he tweeted last week.
General Flynn is a bit more of a mixed bag. He has said controversial things about the liberal Jewish community in America. At the same time, he is very warm toward Israel, and will take a no-nonsense approach to combatting the forces of radical Islam.
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Saturday, November 19, 2016

Huckabee denies report Trump chose him as ambassador to Israel - THE JERUSALEM POST

Huckabee denies report Trump chose him as ambassador
to Israel

"Media buzz that I was named Amb to Israel is NOT true. Was never discussed with PE Trump," Huckabee tweeted in response to a Daily Mail report citing a presidential transition official who said that Huckabee would be the United States' top diplomat in Israel during the Trump administration.
The Daily Mail had initially cited the source as saying Huckabee's first order of business as ambassador would be transferring the US embassy in Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.Huckabee met with the president-elect Friday at Trump Tower in New York. When asked by reporters why he was meeting Trump, Huckabee said "I'm just here for the Starbucks," the Daily Mail reported.

He further stated that "the only person giving out jobs in this building is President-elect Donald Trump, not me."

Israel's ambassador to the US Ron Dermer had reportedly met with several ambassadorial candidates on Thursday and offered Trump his advice for the post, according to the Daily Mail.

Meet America’s Next Ambassador To Israel Mike Huckabee - The Truth Division

(DM) Mike Huckabee is headed back to the Holy Land.
Meet America’s Next Ambassador To Israel
The two-time White House hopeful, former Fox New Channel weekend host and former governor of Arkansas will be America’s next ambassador to Israel, a presidential transition official confirmed to on Friday. He is scheduled to meet with President-Elect Donald Trump Friday at 2:00 p.m.
Huckabee, an ordained Baptist preacher and electric bass player, will become the tip of Trump’s spear as he seeks to shake up U.S. foreign relations in the Middle East, beginning with relocating America’s embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.
“That’s going to happen,” the transition official said. “Governor Huckabee is going to see it through.”
Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee will be America’s next ambassador to Israel, a transition official told
Huckabee was among Trump’s first Republican primary competitors to support him, appearing at a January 28 Iowa rally Trump held to raise money for veterans charities.

Pro-Life Group 'Stands Ready' to Assist Attorney General-Designate Sessions - BOB ESCHLIMAN CHARISMA NEWS

Operation Rescue has pledged to assist Attorney General-Designate Jeff Sessions to prosecute crimes committed by Planned Parenthood. (Reuters photo)

Pro-Life Group 'Stands Ready' to Assist Attorney General-Designate Sessions

Shortly after the official announcement that U.S. Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.) had been offered and accepted the nomination to be attorney general in the Trump administration, Operation Rescue President Troy Newman offered his congratulations.
"We could not be happier about the selection of Sen. Jeff Sessions as the next Attorney General," he said. "I have worked on projects with Sen. Sessions in the past and know him to be an experienced prosecutor and a principled pro-life advocate with a reputation for honesty."
And then he offered even more.
In an additional press release, Planned Parenthood pledged its assistance to the Department of Justice in prosecuting crimes committed by the abortionists. This "multitude of felonies committed over the past several years under the protection of the Obama administration" includes:
  • Illegal profiteering from the sale of aborted baby remains.
  • HIPAA violations.
  • Fraudulent over-billing of Medicaid and other government programs.
  • Covering up sex abuse perpetrated by abortion clinic staff.
"Planned Parenthood's days of running amok over the laws of the land are nearly over," Newman said. "A new sheriff is coming to town and the era of old corrupt politicians who have shielded Planned Parenthood from the consequences of their illegal behavior is about to come to an end. Our message to Planned Parenthood today is: You are no longer above the law."
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