Tuesday, November 29, 2016

God's Destiny for Arabs and Jews Paves the Way for This - ASHER INTRATER/REVIVE ISRAEL CHARISMA NEWS

The destiny of Christian Arabs and Jews lies along the same path. (Wikimedia Commons)

God's Destiny for Arabs and Jews Paves the Way for This

Standing With Israel
Each time we meet with Arab Christian leaders, whether locally here in Israel or in the context of global gathering, there are new levels of revelation about God's destiny for Arabs and Jews.
At the recent gathering in Jerusalem, one of the Arab pastors pointed out there were only four people in the Bible who were given names before their birth: Ishmael, Isaac, John the Baptist and Yeshua.
He saw a parallel between Isaac and Yeshua and therefore, a parallel between Ishmael and John the Baptist. In other words, the destiny of the Arab Christian community was to pave the way for end-times revival, the Messianic remnant in Israel and the Second Coming, in a similar way to which John prepared the way for Yeshua's first coming.
Focusing on the Positive
There were many sins and mistakes in the personal biographies of our forefathers, including Hagar and Ishmael along with Abraham and Sarah. Despite these sins and mistakes, God still has a destiny for the Jewish people and also for the Arabs. We have a great challenge to look past the negative histories of our peoples in order to find God's positive destiny for each.
Even the thought that the Arab peoples have a positive destiny is scandalous to some of us as Jews; perhaps in a similar way that the destiny of the Jewish people is scandalous to some Christians and Arabs. The destiny of Ishmael and the Arab peoples is connected to the Jewish people because of the Messianic covenant that came through Isaac. Messianic Jews and Arab Christians need one another.
Predestined Plan
Ishmael was circumcised into the Abrahamic covenant even before Isaac was born. God promised to bless him and named him before his birth because He had a predestined plan for him. One Egyptian pastor shared with me that Ishmael (and therefore the Arab peoples today) was destined to be Isaac's protective "big brother." Ishmael was strong, warrior-like and prosperous.
Today's Arab Christian leaders are beginning to see a divine calling to help the Messianic Jewish community in Israel and to recognize God's covenant purpose for the nation of Israel. Let us remember that in every nation, God's destiny is not found in the unbelieving majority but in the believing minority. This is true for Europe, for Asia, for America, for Africa, for the Arabs and the Jews.
The Arab peoples have a positive destiny that was foreordained by God. That destiny is not found in Islamic extremism or politics, but in the Christian Arab community, the born-again, Spirit-filled, Bible-believing remnant found in each nation. We are in covenant with them through our mutual faith in Yeshua, and we believe they will stand with us and our nation in the difficult times ahead. 
Asher Intrater is the founder and apostolic leader of Revive Israel Ministries and oversees Ahavat Yeshua Congregation in Jerusalem and Tiferet Yeshua Congregation in Tel Aviv. Asher was one of the founders of Tikkun International with Dan Juster and Eitan Shishkoff and serves on the board of the Messianic Alliance of Israel and Aglow International. He and his wife and full-time partner in ministry, Betty, have a passion for personal prayer and devotion, local evangelism and discipleship in Hebrew and unity of the body of believers worldwide.
For the original article, visit reviveisrael.org.
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Why Are So Many Among The Elite Building Luxury Bunkers In Preparation For An Imminent ‘Apocalypse’? - Michael Snyder THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE BLOG


Posted: 28 Nov 2016  Michael Snyder  THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE BLOG

Do they know something that the rest of us do not?  There are tens of millions of ordinary Americans that are feeling really good about the future now that Donald Trump has won the election, but meanwhile the elite are feverishly constructing luxury bunkers at a pace unlike anything we have ever seen before.  So why are so many among the elite preparing for an imminent “apocalypse” when tens of millions of other Americans are anticipating a new era of peace and prosperity?  Are they smarter than most of the rest of us, or are they simply being paranoid?

Without a doubt, something is going on among the elite.  Earlier today, WND published an article that discussed the fact that wealthy people “are quietly moving away from major cities” all over the globe because of concerns about security…
Widespread media reports as well as independent investigations from groups such as New World Wealth suggest wealthy people around the globe are quietly moving away from major cities because of fears of social instability. Increasing crime, terrorism and rising racial tensions have all been identified as factors driving the exodus. Even the Daily Beast reported the introduction of large numbers of Muslim refugees into Europe has made once prosperous areas fraught with danger, in the opinion of some security experts.
And just a few weeks ago a Hollywood Reporter article entitled “Panic, Anxiety Spark Rush to Build Luxury Bunkers for L.A.’s Superrich” talked about how “Oscar winners, sports stars and Bill Gates are building lavish bunkers” because of their anxiety about what is coming next.  The following is a short excerpt from that article…
Given the increased frequency of terrorist bombings and mass shootings and an under-lying sense of havoc fed by divisive election politics, it’s no surprise that home security is going over the top and hitting luxurious new heights. Or, rather, new lows, as the average depth of a new breed of safe haven that occupies thousands of square feet is 10 feet under or more. Those who can afford to pull out all the stops for so-called self-preservation are doing so — in a fashion that goes way beyond the submerged corrugated metal units adopted by reality show “preppers” — to prepare for anything from nuclear bombings to drastic climate-change events. Gary Lynch, GM at Rising S Bunkers, a Texas-based company that specializes in underground bunkers and services scores of Los Angeles residences, says that sales at the most upscale end of the market — mainly to actors, pro athletes and politicians (who require signed NDAs) — have increased 700 percent this year compared with 2015, and overall sales have risen 150 percent. “Any time there is a turbulent political landscape, we see a spike in our sales. Given this election is as turbulent as it is, we are gearing up for an even bigger spike,” says marketing director Brad Roberson of sales of bunkers that start at $39,000 and can run $8.35 million or more (FYI, a 12-stall horse shelter is $98,500).
This is all very odd, because among the general population interest in “prepping” has hit a multi-year low.  In fact, sales of emergency food and supplies are way down at the moment across the entire industry.

So once again the question must be asked – do the elite know something that the rest of us do not?

If they don’t, why are they spending so much time, effort and money on such extraordinary preparations?

For instance, down in Texas one group of investors is constructing “a $300 million luxury community replete with underground homes”
An investor group is planning for a doomsday scenario by building a $300 million luxury community replete with underground homes. There will also be air-lock blast doors designed for people worried about a dirty bomb or other disaster and off-grid energy and water production.
The development, called Trident Lakes, is northeast of Dallas.
Residents will enjoy an equestrian center, 18-hole golf course, polo fields, zip lines and gun ranges. Retail shops, restaurants and a row of helipads are also in the works. For those looking to “get away,” they’ll also be able to enjoy three white sand beaches and a neighborhood spa.
Most of us could hardly even imagine such luxury, and this is yet another example of the growing gap between the ultra-wealthy and the rest of us in this country.

If you do happen to be one of the ultra-wealthy, perhaps you may be interested in purchasing one of the extremely expensive U-shaped “Earthships” that one company has been constructing for the elite…
Billionaires are buying up “indestructible” alien boltholes to seek sanctuary in during alien Armageddon or more-likely nuclear warand disaster.
The US company creating the $1.5million “Earthship” eco-structures says humans “must evolve” and insists they “will soon be a necessity” for our species “to survive on this planet.”
The bizarre U-shaped hideaways, which can reportedly survive in any climate, can be deployed to any part of the world and are self-sufficient enough to survive in isolation – during a killer virus outbreak or a radiation catastrophe.
I have to admit that I felt a twinge of jealousy when I first learned about these “Earthships”.  They are completely self-sufficient, they are environmentally-friendly, and they sound like they are quite comfortable.  The following is what one reporter discovered when she visited a community of these “Earthships”…
In addition to the cord-cutting power and self-sustaining water supply, each abode contains its own greenhouse. I could forage for figs, bananas, pineapple, broccoli, rosemary and chives in my fluffy socks. Or if the zombies weren’t looking, I could dash over to my neighbor’s place for supper. The Phoenix, a three-bedroom that sleeps six, dedicates one-third of its space to food production. Its tropical jungle supports parakeets and cockatiels (not for consumption) and a garden bursting with fruits and vegetables, including grapes, artichokes, lemons, melons, kale, squash, hot peppers and mushrooms that cling to a log. Chickens cluck around the back yard, which features a sunken den with a grill for coop-to-kebob meals. An indoor fishpond once contained a robust stock of tilapia before a group of guests threw a fish fry. Now, the littlest survivors swim laps with koi. For the dairy course, the staff is considering resident goats.
It sounds wonderful.

But once again, why go to all of this effort if a new era of peace and prosperity for humanity is right around the corner?

I really like what Carl Gallups had to say about this.  Carl is the author of Be Thou Prepared, and this is what he told WND about the preparations that the elite are making…
“I think that the rich and elite are becoming increasingly aware of the dangerous and potentially unstable world in which we now reside,” he warned. “Massive instances of civil unrest, even in America, are becoming a very real possibility. Internal terror attacks, swelling illegal alien populations, an influx of Islamic refugees, increasing racial discord, ambushing police officers, the rule of law continually being trampled by the political elite and an almost complete collapse of trust in the mainstream media – all of this has led to widespread cynicism and distrust among the population as a whole.”
Gallups noted “the rich usually have deeper connections to reliable information and prediction sources, and most of them have the means to take immediate action.”
I believe that Carl Gallups is right on the money.

Normally I am extremely hard on the elite, but in this case I believe that they are showing much more wisdom than the general population.

So many people are crying “peace and safety” right now, and yet we are right in the middle of what I have labeled “the danger zone“.

Our world is becoming more unstable with each passing day, but there is so much apathy among the American people at the moment.

I just don’t understand it.

The self-destructive behavior that we are engaging in as a nation is a recipe for national suicide, and the warning signs are all around us, but because disaster has not struck yet most people seem to believe that the warnings that they have been hearing are not true.
Meanwhile, the elite are preparing extremely hard for an imminent “apocalypse”, and I have a feeling that they are going to end up looking like the smart ones once it is all said and done.

This Is The Season Of Cozy Fires... Israel Today

This Is The Season Of Cozy Fires...

Tuesday, November 29, 2016 |  Israel Today Staff
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Monday, November 28, 2016

Rabbi Gordis Is Wrong About President-Elect Trump and Israel - ABRAHAM H. MILLER/HAYM SALOMON CENTER CHARISMA NEWS

(Reuters photo)

Rabbi Gordis Is Wrong About President-Elect Trump and Israel

Whether Jews concerned about Israel agree with Daniel Gordis, they generally not only read what he has to say, but his comments also become a primary source of discussion for days after his articles appear.
This is no less true of the conservative rabbi's latest article, about Donald Trump's election victory. But this is less the voice of Gordis' usual scholarly insight and moderation, and more a page from Lamentations reminding us of his love for Israel and the "danger" that a Trump victory brings to the world's two largest Jewish communities.
Strange—living in America, I viewed the Trump victory as opening a new and glorious era for American Jews, even though most of them are too wedded to their Democratic Party identification to comprehend what the Obama administration has meant for the Jewish community.
For the last eight years, Barack Obama, the man who allegedly slept at the feet of the anti-Semitic and anti-American Rev. Jeremiah Wright and his messages of black liberation theology, has refused to have Title VI enforced by his administration on behalf of Jewish students. This has meant that while the obscenities of racism and various forms of bigotry are virulently attacked on college campuses with the full weight and power of the federal government, anti-Semitism is not. In fact, as Paul Miller has documented, anti-Semitism on college campuses has become a growth industry. And wherever there is faculty support for the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement against Israel, anti-Jewish incidents are four times more likely to occur, according to Tammi Rossman-Benjamin of the AMCHA Initiative.
There are numerous reasons for this, and the Obama administration's refusal to implement Title VI to defend Jewish students against hatred is one of them. In sharp contrast, the Trump administration has announced its intention to consider BDS an act of anti-Semitism and to use the full power of the federal government to fight anti-Semitism on campus. 
So for those liberal rabbis who share Rabbi Gordis's concerns about the Trump presidency and are busy sitting shiva (the Jewish mourning ritual) with their congregants while serving warm cocoa and borrowing helper puppies from the local humane society to comfort the mourners, I want to know: Where were you when anti-Semitism was flourishing on our campuses, when Jewish students were being humiliated in class for their Zionism, and when thugs of the radical Muslim persuasion and their leftist allies—with school administration complicity—were preventing Jewish students from attending classes? I'd ask the same question of our Jewish defense organizations and most campus Hillels, but regrettably most of us who study these issues know the answers to those questions.
Gordis is unconcerned with these issues, but he is concerned with what he sees as the rise of anti-Semitism, not in the anti-Semitic thuggery on the college campus, but that the KKK is having a victory march in North Carolina. No, what troubles Gordis isn't the well-funded student associations that have made college life a living hell for some Jewish students, it's what he sees as the rise of the KKK.
Perhaps, living in Israel, Gordis is unaware that the North Carolina KKK—at the most generous estimate—numbers 200 members. North Carolina has more than 10 million people, and the Klan has two-thousandths of a percent of that number as its members. Trump can no more control (nor should he) who celebrates his victory than Hillary Clinton can control all those sheikdoms that prayed fervently for hers—although she surely could have controlled the investment they made in her foundation. What expectations did all those sheiks have for the millions they poured into the coffers of the Clinton Foundation? Was it better respect for girls and women as human beings and not as sex objects? No doubt.
Suddenly, Gordis has discovered that America's Jewish future is at stake. I thought America's Jewish future was at stake when Title VI was not being used to protect Jewish college students. I thought America's Jewish future was at stake when the anti-Semitic, cop-hating Black Lives Matter movement was invited to the White House. I thought America's Jewish future was at stake when Hillary Clinton would be called upon to pay off all those investments made by sheikdoms living in the Middle Ages. 
If Gordis is going to read from Lamentations on his forthcoming tour, he will find eager paranoid Jews who share his myopic read of America and think that the Obama administration was the golden age of tolerance for the Jewish community. He will find welcoming audiences at San Francisco's Commonwealth Club and almost anywhere on the Upper East Side of Manhattan.
But as far as those of us who are Americans first and foremost are concerned, Donald Trump is our president-elect—get over it. While Gordis is contemplating what to say to those in the Jewish community who remain in mourning, he should also give due consideration to unpacking his suitcase. He has nothing new to add except to aggravate their misery. His time might be better spent sitting across the table from the Palestinian Authority's expired-term president, Mahmoud Abbas, giving him a pencil and paper and asking him to draw the boundaries of an acceptable Palestinian state alongside a Jewish state. Now that should keep him engaged for some time, if not for eternity. 
Abraham H. Miller is a distinguished fellow with the Haym Salomon Center news and public policy group and an emeritus professor of political science, University of Cincinnati.
This article was originally published at jns.org. Used with permission.
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Israel Battles ISIS on Golan Heights - Israel Today

Israel Battles ISIS on Golan Heights

Monday, November 28, 2016 |  Israel Today Staff
Israeli soldiers operating along the border between Israel and Syria on Sunday came under attack from terrorists affiliated with ISIS.
The soldiers were conducting a mission in the buffer zone between the two countries, but still inside Israeli territory, when they came under small arms and mortar fire.
Israel Air Force aircraft quickly responded, destroying a pick-up truck with a mounted machine gun and its four passengers.
“It was a short exchange, but it was productive,” said IDF spokesperson Lt. Col. Peter Lerner.
Later that night, Israeli aircraft bombed a facility in Syria that had been used as a base of operations by ISIS.
The target was an “abandoned UN building that has been used by the Islamic State as an operations center along the border in the southern Syrian Golan Heights,” read an army statement. “This is an additional response to yesterday’s attack, and it is aimed at preventing the terrorists from returning to the installation which poses a significant threat.”
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Lana Vawser: "The Camels Are Coming With Increase and Provision!" - The Elijah List

Lana Vawser: "The Camels Are Coming With Increase and Provision!"

Nov 28, 2016 The Elijah List

Steve ShultzIntro From Julie A. Smith:
This is a most encouraging word from Lana Vawser and the great provision coming to many in the Body of Christ.
I know that many of you have great visions and projects on your heart for Kingdom purposes...God has put them there...in your heart. AND HE will fund and provide for those projects He is birthing through you!
I felt very encouraged...and basically "gleeful" as I read through this word by Lana. I was smiling the whole time I was reading through it...and I'm sure you will too.
Lana shares this word and revelation from the Lord:
Over the past few weeks, the Lord has really been highlighting "camels" to me...
As I sat with the Lord on this, I felt the Lord saying that, "The camels are coming with increase," and I saw them coming, carrying a double portion. They were coming to bring provision, help and blessing. What these camels are bringing are the finest, most excellent provisions of Heaven that we have ever seen as the Body of Christ. The manifestation of this abundant provision will manifest in many ways, not just materially throughout the Body of Christ.
This is a great season to dream big and walk with God! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List go here.)
Julie A. Smith, Managing Editor
The Elijah List 

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Over the past few weeks, the Lord has really been highlighting "camels" to me. I first came across the divine highlight in Isaiah 60:6 "Herds of camels will cover your land, young camels of Midian and Ephah and all from Sheba will come bearing incense and gold and proclaiming the praise of the Lord." Since then I have been seeing them everywhere and recently a hotel we stayed in our room was 606! The Lord is speaking!
I have been pondering this word for a few weeks and really wanted to hear the heart of the Lord. I was told Chuck Pierce had a word a number of years ago called "The Camels are Coming."
So I wondered why I was hearing it now and seeing them everywhere. As I sat with the Lord on this, I felt the Lord saying that, "The camels are coming with increase," and I saw them coming, carrying a double portion. They were coming to bring provision, help and blessing. What these camels are bringing are the finest, most excellent provisions of Heaven that we have ever seen as the Body of Christ. The manifestation of this abundant provision will manifest in many ways, not just materially throughout the Body of Christ.
The Lord also highlighted Isaiah 60:5 to me, "Then you will be radiant, and your heart will thrill and rejoice; because of the abundance of the sea will be turned to you, the wealth of the nations will come to you."
There is a turning of provision, abundance and wealth of the nations that will be handed to the Church, to extend the Kingdom of God upon the earth. This will be to help the poor, care for the widows and orphans; to see greater extension and generosity/provision flow from the Church. I felt this tremendous shift in the area of finances and provision in the Body of Christ. (Photo via Unsplash)
The Lord is highlighting stewardship in this season and teaching us in greater ways how to steward what He has given to us in every area of life. He's looking for excellence, purity and integrity in our stewardship. As we continue to remain teachable, and move in integrity, humility, character and stay surrendered, He will add more. He will bring greater increase not just financially, but in many areas. Where there has been "lack upon lack" these camels coming are declaring, "Abundant provision for every God-breathed vision."
The Nations Will Come In
The Lord showed me that with the camels coming, there will be increase and abundance of provision, wealth and help, and that there will be major impact on the nations.
God's heart is always for the nations, but in the last few years and especially this season, I have felt His yearning for the nations more than ever. Right now, there is greater fear and upheaval in many nations, but the Lord spoke to me recently that He is doing a great rearranging and reshuffling in the nations. He is moving things in a way that we do not expect but it releasing a domino effect amongst the nations.
Breakthrough, upon breakthrough upon breakthrough and the camels coming in are bringing the provision so the Church can take her place to serve, influence and lead the nations in ways we have never seen. God is bringing the help, the tools, and the provision so when the "call comes" we step in with the GREATEST answer – JESUS. God will also provide us with physical provision to to bless, extend and assist.
Not only is God about to add the provision and resources needed to extend His vision (a vision that He has placed in the hearts of His people that they have been carrying in their hearts through the fire and desert, and it has been tested and tried over and over) the provision will be greater than has ever been imagined (Ephesians 3:20).
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Stay Low and Crying Out For Wisdom in the Abundant Provision
The abundance that is coming in is going to require a greater level of dependence upon Jesus, surrender to Him and sensitivity to what He is saying. There will be a need for wisdom and discernment like never before, but do not fear! He is releasing grace and He will give wisdom to those who ask (James 1:5) to know how to steward this greater increase, provision and abundance.
Many of you will be catapulted into a new realm of influence in the physical area of finances and abundance. For others, doors are about to open that will place you in positions of influence. Many others of you, your voice is about to get louder, others of you will be given abundant provision to start organizations and centers to help the homeless; to feed the poor and care for orphans.
In the midst of the influence of the Church increasing, I felt such a strong message from the Lord that the enemy will come in and attempt to disqualify and say to many, "You don't have the abundance they have," or, "You don't have the position they have," or, "You are not as gifted as that person." Amongst those lies and that noise, I heard the Lord speak louder above it all, "All are qualified and influencers because you live in Me."
God is awakening His people to the truth that we are powerful in Him! All of our influence looks different, but you are called to go and change the atmospheres and bring the love, truth and hope of Jesus everywhere you go. You are having impact and influence for Jesus everywhere. Trust Him that where He positions you, and the sphere of influence He has given you, and the increases to you in this season are a perfect fit for you! Do not try and be someone else or move in what someone else has. The world needs you and Jesus in you! His plans for you are beyond your wildest dreams (Ephesians 3:20, 1 Corinthians 2:9). (Photo via Unsplash)
Water Pourers
The Lord began to speak to me about many being in a season of wilderness, and many have felt like they have been in the desert and they have been living upon their "stored up revelation and history" with the Lord. Many have been feeling like they have been in a season of wandering and wondering what's going on.
I felt the Lord wanting to encourage you that He has been building endurance, strength and character in you in the desert. That in that wilderness place, He prepared you and you are coming out with a greater capacity to carry revelation of Him and His Word. Greater mantles have been birthed in that deep difficult place where you were constantly pushed and pressed and you had to find that deeper place in Him in the midst of pain.
In the desert and wilderness, where you have learned to store and carry what the Lord has given you and press in for more amongst adverse conditions, the Lord is bringing you out and you will be water pourers for others. What you have gleaned and carried in the desert places is about to be ignited and flow out of you. His living water is about to flood out of you. There is a great birthing upon the Church right now.
I saw this pure, Biblically-based revelation, that has been found in Jesus in the desert, flooding out in conversations, in books, in teaching, in songs, in CDs, in writings, in sermon series, and in prayer gatherings. The lessons learned in the desert season will bring incredible healing, salvation and deliverance to so many people. Freedom is about to explode in proportions across the world like we have never seen. Get ready to hear more and more crazy, amazing, wild testimonies of the power, healing and love of Jesus; and how He saves, delivers and sets free.
Where the enemy has attempted in many ways to "stop His flow" through you, He is declaring over you that you will be a pure flow as you continue to live low.
The camels are coming! There is another game-changer moment upon us! What these "camels" are carrying to you from the Lord will change everything! A shift in gears, a whole new realm of provision, a new level of manifestation of His goodness and kindness, the help of God that you cannot even envision.
I know many have been seeing camels everywhere, but just because God is fun and He wants to confirm His Word to you in fun, creative ways, the testimony out of many of your mouths will be, "Look, there again! Camels continue to appear everywhere!" When you see them, know He is smiling at you and the provision is upon you! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List go here.(Photo via Unsplash)
Lana Vawser
Lana Vawser Ministries 

Email: lanavawser@gmail.com
Website: www.lanavawser.com
Lana Vawser is an active member of the Australian Prophetic Council and releases prophetic words for the Body of Christ and nations, and is featured regularly on The Elijah List and in Charisma Magazine. She is also an itinerant preacher and revivalist who is traveling regularly with her family, seeing powerful moves of God. Lana has a strong, prophetic voice and has a heart to see the Body of Christ develop deep intimacy with Jesus and actively hear His voice each day. She also has a heart to see people set free and walk in all that Jesus has purchased for them as they carry Christ into their world each day, awakened to His nature and who they are in Him. Lana is married to Kevin, and they are living in Brisbane, Australia, with their two sons.
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