Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Your news from Israel - 14 December 2016 - The Jerusalem Journal Brian Schrauger


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With ISIS under attack by the Russian coalition in Syria and the US coalition in Iraq, it should be on the run. Instead it is on the offense, launching a terror attack in Cairo yesterday. That attack could be the first strike in Islamic State's promised holiday terror campaign throughout the Middle East - and beyond. READ MORE...


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Were there Jews in Israel 2000 years ago? Did Jewish zealots lead a revolt against Rome that led to the destruction of the Solomon's Second Temple in 70 CE? Is the biblical record about Israel and Jerusalem accurate? Once again, according to the archaeology, including its written record in Hebrew, it is. READ MORE...


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As Israel looks around the world today, what does it see? How does it regard Russia, Iran, the USA, neighboring Arab states and its stalled peace process with the Palestinians? In a wide-ranging interview broadcast two days in the United States, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addressed all of these issues and more. READ MORE...


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A researcher at Bar-Ilan University in Tel Aviv has been studying Judaism as it is practiced today by Ethiopian Jews in Africa. The way they honor Shabbat, practice purity laws and sex, he says, is almost identical to the way Judaism was expressed 2,000 years ago. READ MORE...
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Joshua Aaron Concert

Joshua Aaron Concert
Tacoma, WA Aug. 2016

Published on Aug 9, 2016

Joshua Aaron - Immanuel (Lyric Video) Sea of Galilee עמנואל

Joshua Aaron - Immanuel (Lyric Video) Sea of Galilee עמנואל

Published on Dec 12, 2016
Official Lyric Video for “Immanuel” by Joshua Aaron from his new album "Every Tribe". Available on iTunes at: or visit LYRICS BELOW

Glory to God, peace on earth
Goodwill to all men
Here with the angels we sing
And as He reigns from above
May He reign in our hearts
Our sovereign Lord and King

Oh, Immanuel
Oh, Immanuel
Oh, Immanuel
God with us

Hallelujah to the One who made His home among us
And took our sin away
Oh, hallelujah!
He has torn the veil
That separated
To bring us face to face

Glory, glory, glory to God in the highest
Worthy, worthy, worthy is our Messiah

Video made by Hananya Naftali
Written by Joshua Aaron, Don Poythress, and Krissy Nordhoff
© 2016 Integrity’s Praise! Music/BMI, Integrity Worship Music/Clear Brooks Music/ASCAP, Integrity’s Alleluia! Music/Nordinary Music/SESAC (all adm worldwide at, excluding the UK which is adm by Integrity Music, part of the David C Cook family)
Produced by Cody Norris
Executive Producers Ed Cash, Scott Cash, Joshua Aaron
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WATCH: Breathtaking New Messianic Music Video in Galilee - Joshua Aaron Israel Today

WATCH: Breathtaking New Messianic Music Video in Galilee

Wednesday, December 14, 2016 |  Israel Today Staff
Our favorite Messianic YouTuber, Hananya Naftali, teamed up with local Messianic music artist Joshua Aaron to produce this breathtaking worship video.
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Israel Vows to Protects Its Christian Soldiers - Israel Today

Israel Vows to Protects Its Christian Soldiers

Wednesday, December 14, 2016 |  Israel Today Staff
A growing number of Arabic-speaking youth are volunteering to serve in the Israeli army. And that has meant an increase in intimidation and threats from those in the Arab community who oppose coexistence within the Jewish state.
At the annual holiday gathering hosted by the Christian Empowerment Council (CEC) last week, Israel Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked vowed to do everything in her power to protect Israel’s Christian soldiers.
“You [Arabic-speaking IDF soldiers] are realizing Ben Gurion’s vision by partnering with us in protecting this country, as well as in breaking down barriers between Jews and Christians,” said Shaked.
Shaked thanked Father Gabriel Naddaf, spiritual head of the CEC, for his unwavering efforts to integrate Christians into Israeli society. Because of those efforts, she noted, “many Christians soldiers fighting shoulder-to-shoulder with Jewish soldiers.”
Shaked concluded by telling the Christians: “We will never abandon you. We are with you during the tough times.”
In his address to the gathering, Father Naddaf repeated his position that Jews and Christians are brothers, and must take equal responsibility in defending and developing Israel.
“We and the Jews are the native roots of Israel. We need to be citizens with equal obligations and rights in everything ,” said the priest. “Our forum has made it its mission to integrate Christians into Israeli society by enlisting the young people in the IDF in order to protect our home.”
The conference was attended by hundreds of young Christian soldiers, senior army and police officers, heads of Jewish and Arab municipalities, and a number of high-ranking government officials, like Shaked.
Also in attendance were a number of Bedouin and Druze sheikhs, who similarly encourage their youth to serve Israel by joining the IDF.
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Tuesday, December 13, 2016

How One Man's Gentle Christian Faith Saved Jewish GIs From Nazi Death Camps - Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz BREAKING ISRAEL NEWS

How One Man's Gentle Christian Faith Saved Jewish GIs From Nazi Death Camps

“Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for Thou art with me; Thy rod and Thy staff, they comfort me.” Psalms 23:4 (The Israel Bible™)
In a remarkable World War II story that almost went untold, a devoutly Christian US Army sergeant refused to turn over his Jewish soldiers to the Nazis, even after a gun was placed to his head. Now, 30 years after his death, the Jewish people are showing their appreciation for his bravery.
Roddie Edmonds was a humble man and didn’t speak about his experiences in World War II, even when his children inquired. When he passed away over 30 years ago, his widow gave his wartime diaries to their son, Baptist Pastor Chris Edmonds, in Maryville, Tennessee.
Edmonds was a Master Sergeant with the 422nd Infantry Regiment in the US Army. On December 16, 1944, just a few months after arriving in Europe, Edmonds found himself fighting in the disastrous Battle of the Bulge. The last major German offensive campaign of World War II, it caught the Allied Forces by surprise, resulting in 89,000 casualties. On December 19, Edmonds and an estimated 23,000 other American soldiers were taken prisoner by the Germans.A few years ago, one of the pastor’s daughters read through the diaries for a college project and was amazed at what she found. Despite being taken prisoner of war shortly after arriving in Europe, her grandfather was a hero.  He had saved hundreds of Jewish soldiers, motivated only by his Christian belief.

Trump Team Scouting Jerusalem Locations for US Embassy: Report - Valerie Locke BREAKING ISRAEL NEWS

Trump Team Scouting Jerusalem Locations for US Embassy: Report

“Thus saith Hashem: I return unto Tzion and will dwell in the midst of Yerushalayim; and Yerushalayim shall be called the city of truth; and the mountain of Hashem of hosts the holy mountain.” Zechariah 8:3 (The Israel Bible™)
Moving the American embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem is a “very big priority” for President-elect Donald Trump, said top aide and campaign manager Kellyanne Conway on Monday. According to a report by Israeli media, the Trump team is already scouting sites in Jerusalem for the new building.
“That is very big priority for this president-elect, Donald Trump,” Conway told radio host Hugh Hewitt in an interview on Trump’s White House transition.
“He made it very clear during the campaign, and as president-elect, I’ve heard him repeat it several times privately, if not publicly.”
Trump had promised make the controversial move several times during his presidential campaign, exciting Israeli leaders who anticipate an America which recognizes Jerusalem as Israel’s capital.

December Prophetic Word: "Your Storehouses Are Opening!" - Doug Addison The Elijah List

December Prophetic Word: "Your Storehouses Are Opening!"

Doug Addison  The Elijah List Dec 13, 2016

Steve ShultzFrom the desk of Steve Shultz:
As I started reading through Doug Addison's latest word for this month of December and going into the New Year...I started saying, "Wow!" Then I read some more and said, "Wow!" again and then get the point.
If you ever needed an encouraging word that the Lord has not forgotten EVERYTHING you have walked through...this is that word!
Doug shares here:
I keep seeing storehouses in Heaven with our names on them. For every time that you have given, prayed or reached out to the Lord and have not seen a return or response—the answers to your requests were actually being placed into a storehouse in Heaven for you. There was never a time that God did not respond to your prayers. The fact that you did not see the answer come to Earth does not mean that He did not respond... Starting in December you are going to see your storehouse begin to open over you.
Now, I will let you get right into it...but please make sure and share this word with all you know as it's too good to keep to yourself...and please let others know they can Subscribe to the Elijah List right here.
Note to Our Dear Readers:
Thank you TREMENDOUSLY for your generous Year-End Donations to ELIJAH LIST MINISTRIES. We truly need your partnership...and God PROMISES to reward Cheerful Givers.
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
P.S. – Oh, and a Quick Note to our readers: To have daily, encouraging prophetic emails from The Elijah List sent to your inbox, just CLICK HERE or go to: PLUS: HEY! Please EXPLORE our more than 4,000 Christian Prophetic books, CDs, and gifts at:


Change of Season
The Lord is closing the books on your previous season of life. Do not focus on the past or how you feel right now. Many people are feeling as though they somehow missed the Lord or messed up.
The Lord is saying, "I have chosen you and your generation for a special working of My power. Do not worry about how it looks now or the details of how it will happen. When it is time, it will happen quickly."

Because many prophetic words have not come to pass and with the untimely passing of some major prophetic leaders, some people are being tempted to reject or despise the prophetic ministry. We still need to hear the voice of God like never before.
"The word of the Lord came to me: 'Son of man, what is this proverb you have in the land of Israel: 'The days go by and every vision comes to nothing'? Say to them, 'This is what the Sovereign Lord says: I am going to put an end to this proverb, and they will no longer quote it in Israel.' Say to them, 'The days are near when every vision will be fulfilled.'" Ezekiel 12:21-23 NIV
This is coming to pass right now. Many people have been discouraged and hopelessness has set in. But hear the words of the Lord: This is not a time to pull back but to move forward. Starting in March 2017 things are going to take a sudden turn as God is releasing His Glory and power back into the Church like never before. (Photo via Pixabay)
God is Calling New Watchmen (and Women)
In November, I heard the Lord say that He is raising up new prophetic watchers to be on the wall.
"'Son of man, I have made you a watchman for the people of Israel; so hear the word I speak and give them warning from Me.'" Ezekiel 33:7 NIV
The Lord is raising up a new breed of prophetic watchmen and women that will not only hear His voice, but will know His heart. The sound of the prophetic will change and prophetic watchers and intercessors will soon be sought after to bring the words of the Lord to key world leaders.
Watch as the Lord raises up Ezekiel 33 watchmen in the United States.There is going to be a change coming to your ministry and it will not look like what you think. It does not make sense for you right now. The Lord is aware of how the enemy has overplayed the attacks against you. Watch as hidden things are going to be revealed. You have not been forgotten and you are greatly loved and honored in Heaven.
Reaping from the Storehouses
I have released several prophetic words this past year about God repaying us for losses and specifically something happened last June regarding this.
This is a time that God wants to break curses over our finances and release resources into the Kingdom of God. God spoke to me that we are going to start seeing greater returns to us on our giving and answers to prayers.
ElijahList Prophetic Resources
"The Lord will command the blessing on you in your barns and in all that you undertake. And He will bless you in the land that the Lord your God is giving you."
Deuteronomy 28:8 ESV
I keep seeing storehouses in Heaven with our names on them. For every time that you have given, prayed or reached out to the Lord and have not seen a return or response—the answers to your requests were actually being placed into a storehouse in Heaven for you. There was never a time that God did not respond to your prayers. The fact that you did not see the answer come to Earth does not mean that He did not respond.
"The Lord will open to you His good treasure, the heavens, to give the rain to your land in its season, and to bless all the work of your hand. You shall lend to many nations, but you shall not borrow." Deuteronomy 28:12 NKJV
Starting in December you are going to see your storehouse begin to open over you. This is going to create a new sound from the heavenly "slot machines" (for lack of a better example) hitting their payout for you.
The Key to God's Storehouses
God showed me that a key to receiving all that He has for us is to let go of our offenses and judgments. These are things we have against others. (Photo via flickr)
It is interesting that Jesus gives us a key to bringing blessing in our lives:
"Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven. Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." Luke 6:37-38 NIV
Yes, giving will open things up to you. But if you read Luke 6:38 in context, Jesus says that we must first let go of judgmentsThe key to receiving a full blessing starting this month is to clear out any judgments we have had against others.
I am very excited for all the positive changes ahead for us. The year is going to go out with a celebration as God makes way for a new move coming in 2017!
Remember: "'...The days are near when every vision will be fulfilled.'" Ezekiel 12:23b NIV
(In case you missed it, be sure to check out the important prophetic word I released on December 1, 2016: "The Gifts Coming to You in December." It has some deeper insight into what to expect for this month and how to get ready.) (To Subscribe to the Elijah List go here.)
Doug Addison
InLight Connection
Doug Addison is a prophetic speaker, author, Life Coach and stand-up comedian. He is known for his Daily Prophetic Words, Spirit Connection webcast, podcast and blog. Doug's message of love, hope and having fun reaches people around the world! His unique style of teaching and coaching helps open people to discover their destiny and experience God's supernatural love and power. He and his wife Linda live in Los Angeles, California.

Kellyanne Conway: Trump is Very Serious About Moving the U.S. Embassy in Israel - BOB ESCHLIMAN CHARISMA NEWS

Currently, the U.S. Embassy in Israel is located at Tel Aviv, but may soon move to Jerusalem after President-elect Donald Trump enters office. (Public Domain Image)

Kellyanne Conway: Trump is Very Serious About Moving the U.S. Embassy in Israel

President-elect Donald Trump isn't backing out of his commitment to moving the U.S. Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem anytime soon.
In an interview with nationally syndicated radio host Hugh Hewitt, his former campaign manager, Kellyanne Conway, said the move is still a "very big priority" to the president-elect. She said she has personally heard him repeat the objective several times since after last month's election.
"It is something that our friend Israel, a great friend in the Middle East, would appreciate and something that a lot of Jewish-Americans have expressed their preference for," she said. "It is a great move. It is an easy move to do based on how much he talked about that in the debates and in the soundbites.
"People think it's just marriage, abortion, or religious liberties—and of course its about all that—but it's also about a strong Middle East and about protecting Israel. Evangelical Christians always have Israel at the top of their list when you ask what's most important to them."
In 1995, Congress passed a law that declared Jerusalem the capital of Israel and established it as the location for the U.S. Embassy. But every president has over the 21 years since signed the necessary six-month waivers, citing national security issues, to prevent the move from going forward.
The Republican-led Congress has toyed with the idea to remove the national security obstruction from the 1995 law. The 2016 GOP platform declares Jerusalem as the eternal capital of an undivided Israel, and during the general election campaign, Trump said such a move would happen "fairly quickly" if he were to be elected.
Such a move would undoubtedly anger the Palestinians, potentially leading to renewed violence within Israel. The Jewish nation-state declared Jerusalem as its capital in 1950, but very few countries have been willing to recognize it for fear of igniting violence, or becoming the target of radical Islamic terrorism.
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