Sunday, June 11, 2017

"The Barn" - 20 Year Anniversary! - 1995-1997 All Nations Church - Charlotte, North Carolina USA, Pastors Mahesh and Bonnie Chavda

The only way - Jesus Christ!
King of kings and Lord of lords!

20 Year Anniversary! 
1995-1997 were the awesome days of "The Barn" 
All Nations Church - Charlotte, North Carolina USA
Pastors Mahesh and Bonnie Chavda

(Top photo: one of the last photos before The Barn was torn down.
Property was sold by Lamb's Chapel to housing developers 1997.)

Inscription painted by All Nations Church Administrator Steve Martin on the front wall 
- for the last church gathering on June 16, 1997.

A month or so later The Barn was torn down, forever remembered by those who experienced "The Watch of the Lord" for two years, every Friday night from 10 pm - 6 am. 

Those were powered-pack nights of eight hours of praise, worship and prayer for our nation, Israel, and for the purposes of the Lord Jesus to be fulfilled in our day. 

Healing came to those seeking His favor, when during those hours we gave ourselves to our Lord and Savior. He met us big time.

Thank you Lord! You are continually awesome!!!

Pastor Mahesh Chavda giving the last message in The Barn on June 15, 1997.

All Nations Church - Charlotte, North Carolina USA
Days of "The Barn"

Pastors Mahesh and Bonnie Chavda

Louis and Lila Martin, Art Maki
Evening dusk before "The Watch of the Lord" started in The Barn
Friday nights 10 pm - 6 am All Night Praise and Worship

Mahesh Chavda
Sunday morning in The Barn church service

The former horse barn had become the location for "The Watch of the Lord".
All night praise, worship and prayer every Friday from 10 pm - 6 am.

Mahesh Chavda, Ed Brigham


(L-R In white shirt - Jeff Carroll, Selva Ayempeuromal, Gilbert Crespo, Bob Lafferty

Far left: Jackie Ayemperoumal.  Mahesh Chavda, Ed Brigham, Michael Blade, Leslie Adams

Mahesh Chavda, Louis Martin (my dad), Bonnie Chavda
 - "Outstanding in the Field!"

 Bob Sherrill

Bobby Hussey
Standing for Israel was a priority at All Nations Church, 
especially during "The Watch of the Lord" meetings.

Bobby Hussey (keyboard), Bob Smith and Bob Sherrill (guitars).
Tim Tennant in the left hand corner.

On Father's Day, the second to last Sunday service held in The Barn, I honored my father, Louis Martin, for his life and work. He went onto glory two years later (lymphoma cancer).

(After his passing my Mom gave me the special clock I had inscribed to him as a gift, shown holding in my hand. Steve Martin)

Bonnie Chavda


Before the last Watch of the Lord and the Sunday service, we painted the walls of The Barn, with memorial inscriptions and special paintings (which we knew were coming down within it's tearing down later that summer.)

Steve Martin on the ladder. God had met us there many times.

These Scriptures I painted on the walls 
on June 15, 1997 were true then, 
and have been fulfilled even more so 
as these last days 
are being fulfilled in our midst. 

Many of us have become 
lights to the nations, 
to the ends of the earth.

Steve Martin June 11, 2017

Laurie Martin awaits my completion of a wall painting/inscription.

Brother John O'Leary. FAITHFUL Sound Man!!!

Bob Sherrill - worship leader on guitar and later on keyboard

Brian and Karen Johnston - head usher and Mahesh's personal assistant.

Ed Brigham - prayer man and evil spirit deliverer

Rick Hardee
- General Contractor during the re-construction of The Barn.

Josh Martin holding David Lafferty. 
Aaron Adams (or twin Jesse) watching on.

Bonnie Chavda praying over Bob & Mary Smith.
Dan Eppley preparing to catch if slain in the Holy Spirit.

(L-R) Camrin Mar, Laurie Martin, Indira Persad, Michelle Norby. Brian Johnston on the end.

Steve and Laurie Martin leading worship in the old PTL/Heritage USA amphitheater after we had to leave The Barn property upon its sale to developers.

Art Maki and Steve Martin on site during the destruction of
The Barn.

The last pole is brought down (below).

Steve Martin, Laurie Martin, Patti McPherson, Ed Brigham

Steve & Laurie Martin 1999

We were not "snake handlers", but we did/do believe in the Baptism of the Holy Spirit and His gifts to the church. I found this black snake in the front yard of our office - the former three bedroom house on the All Nation Church property in south Charlotte, NC USA. 1995.

The room I had as my office, as Administrator of Mahesh Chavda Ministries and All Nations Church, had been the bedroom of Rick and Julie Joyner (MorningStar Ministries) who moved here from Mississippi, a few years before we moved onto the property.

The property was owned by Lamb's Chapel, with Harry and Louise Bizell, before they moved to Moravian Falls and started the Apple Hill Christian retreat center.

Photos by Steve Martin, unless I am in them. Then I don't know who took them!

You can read more of "The Barn" days, Watch of the Lord, and more in Steve Martin's book.

Paperback $5.95


Throughout our lives, God keeps His hand on our shoulders and nudges us on to more than what we could ever realize. I am excited to share how He did it this with me, and am confident mine will be a story you’ll be able to relate to. 

As I unveil my story, think back to those times when you knew there was some¬thing more but you just couldn’t put your finger on it. You knew deep down that life wasn’t what the TV sitcoms portrayed it to be. In our souls there is the hope, the cry for more, that someday questions will be answered and promises fulfilled if we just kept plugging away at what we know to do. 

In The Promise I share my 40 year journey with you, and show you that dreams do come true. Though Peter Pan isn’t real, the Lord, the One Who created us, certainly is, and He has a plan in place for each one of us. When you are done reading this story, my prayer is that you too will know more of that good plan and His purpose for you.

About the Author

Steve Martin served with three Christian ministries from 1987-2012, all having a national and international outreach focus. During that time he made ten ministry trips Israel, as well as ministering in China, India, Trinidad and Tobago, and the United Kingdom. On his overseas journeys he enjoyed sharing written journal entries with family and friends back home through Internet media. His light-hearted stories gave an up close and personal touch for those reading along. In 2010 Steve and his wife of over 36 years, Laurie, began “Love For His People, Inc.,” a 501(c)3 non-profit humanitarian aid ministry. This work touches the natural and spiritual lives of those around them, and internationally, with needed encouragement and strength. His regular “Now Think On This,” posted both on the Love For His People Blog and Facebook, feature his encouraging letters of spiritual enrichment, plus selected photos and commentary. In addition to The Promise, Steve has also written Leadership Through Love, Ahava Love Letters and Now Think On

Product details

More about the author


Steve Martin served with three Christian ministries for over 24 years, from 1987-2010, before establishing the ministry of Love For His People, Inc. in the year 2010.

Through regular writings of Ahava Love Letters, Steve seeks to encourage readers in their daily walk. They are now published in the book of the same title, "Ahava Love Letters", through Xulon Press.

Steve's book, "Leadership Through Love", gives practical guidance for those "on the job" - in the office, ministry settings, or anyone just wanting to "do it right". Even those seeking wisdom in people relationships will be given valuable insights.

His first book, "The Promise - One Man's Journey To See God's Word Revealed" shares the story of one man believing God's promise, until it was fulfilled, 40 years later.

Steve and his good wife Laurie, four adult children and six grandchildren live in the Charlotte, North Carolina area.

Contact info:

on January 5, 2014
I met this author in a short slice of my life in a trip to China and he impacted me with a steady and strong style 
of leadership. This memoir moves with transparency and grace. There is such power in a story and Steve cranks
it out for us to ponder. I have thought so much about the seasons of life since this read. God is never in hurry; 
He is there to make it happen when the time is right. I am also impressed with the gift of service the is entwined 
throughout this journey. Are we faithful to do the things Our Father tells us to do when we are not speaking in a 
microphone to the masses and making a name for ourselves? Steve, in humility, documented his faithfulness 
to a Kingdom in which rewards are only qualified by the Heavenly Architect.
on September 15, 2013
Knowing Steve Martin, personally, and gone on many exciting adventures with him (both spiritually and in world 
travel) - Needless to say...This is a must read!

Arms of Love - Steve & Laurie Martin - All Nations Church worship team 1999 Charlotte, NC

Arms of Love - Steve & Laurie Martin
All Nations Church worship team 
1999 Charlotte, NC

Photos below from "The Barn"

 Louis Martin, Rick Hardee

(L-R) Steve Martin, Mike Adams, Mahesh Chavda, Jodie Goodman, Leslie Adams 1995

(L-R) Mike Adams, Steve Martin, Timmy Bryant  1995

Steve Martin, Art Maki (1995)
All Nations Church "The Barn"

"Hamm" Fitcher
The Barn, All Nations Church 1995

Don't laugh...

John Elliott, worship leader

(L-R) Rainbow Cowen, Gilbert Crespo, Steve Martin, Bobby Hussey, Jackie Ayempeurumal 

(L-R) Seated: Charlie, Selva Ayemperoumal, Laurie Martin, Rainbow Cowen, Gilbert Crespo

Bud Ruggles

Mike Adams

Putting A/C into "The Barn"
Bill Doak, Carpenter

Bill Doak, Carpenter, Louis Martin

Bill Doak

Josh Martin, Steve Martin

Gilbert Crespo

Tim Tennant

Standing: Ed Brigham, 
Seated: Linda Beerbower
1995 Friday nights during "The Watch of the Lord"
All night prayer and praise meetings in "The Barn"

The horse barn became "The Barn"
All Nations Church - Charlotte, NC

1995 (L-R) Laurie Martin, Laurie Hardee, lady, Steve Martin, Bobby Hussey
PTL/Heritage USA bottom floor of "The Barn"

Michael & Mary Ann Blade 1994

(L-R) Martha Doak, Rick Hardee, Bonnie Chavda
Construction of "The Barn" days - 1995

Photos by Steve Martin (except the ones that I am in. Then I don't remember who took them...)

Published on Jun 11, 2017

Arms of Love - Steve & Laurie Martin All Nations Church worship team 1999 Charlotte, NC

Worship team - Steve Martin, Laurie Martin, Patti McPherson, Ruth Davis, Little Big Eagle, Ron Bowen, Gilbert Crespo, John Kirwin, Terry Lafferty with John O'Leary (soundman!)

Pastors Mahesh and Bonnie Chavda

Videos filmed and shared by Steve Martin - to give appreciation to and love for those we support, through Love For His People, Inc.

Spend My Life With You - Phil Keaggy (HQ) - video Christian contemporary music

Spend My Life With You - Phil Keaggy (HQ)

Uploaded on Jul 20, 2010
From Phil Keaggy's album: Ph'lip Side (August 1980)

-Sound Labs
-Hollywood, California
-Martinsound Studios
-Alahambra, Californoa
-Sound City Studios
-Van Nuys, California
-Smoketree Studios
-Catsworth, California


Dan Collins
Phil Keaggy
* Phil Keaggy: acoustic & electric guitars, vocals.
* Paul Leim: drums.
* Leon Gaer: electric synthesised bass.
* Richard Souther: piano, Rhodes, and synthesizers
* Alex Acuña: percussion.
* Dan Collins, Jamie Owens Collins, Greg X. Volz, Matthew Ward: Background Vocals.
  • Category

  • License

    • Standard YouTube License
    • Keaggy

      Lay me down to rest
      Sing me a sweet lullaby
      When will I see you again?
      Sleep come over me
      Can't keep from closing my eyes
      The day is gone, but you'll carry on
      Watching, protecting me into the dawn
      Then another day to spend my life with you

      Cause there's a home in my heart
      And I believe the day is coming
      When we'll never be apart
      Just to be where you are
      And to spend my live with you
      Would be a perfect start

      See you when I rise
      Morning will bring me your song
      Over and over again
      Shine Your light on me
      Wash me in resplendent love
      There is no shame with You as my aim
      Yesterday, today, forever the same
      And I only want to spend my live with you

      Cause there's a home in my heart
      And I believe the day is coming
      When we'll never be apart
      Just to be where you are
      And to spend my live with you
      Would be a perfect start

      In your presence Lord, there I will be satisfied
      Over and over again

THE ELIJAH LIST - Daryl Crawford-Marshall: "God is Giving His Church a New Level of Discernment!"

Daryl Crawford-Marshall: "God is Giving His Church a New Level of Discernment!"

The Elijah List
Jun 11, 2017
Steve ShultzFrom the desk of Steve Shultz:
I appreciate Daryl Crawford-Marshall of Australia writing up this encounter he previously had with the Lord. Not only is it a word for the Body of Australia, but the Body in other nations will benefit from this revelation as well.
God is increasing our "discernment" in our own local church communities as Daryl shares:
I could see now that God was showing me a blueprint of what local church communities, prophetic councils and prophetic networks would eventually become – working as prophetic "security" hubs and/or prophetic homeland security for the airwaves of each nation. I was suddenly filled with an insatiable hunger to see this greater level of discernment immediately exercised and applied (with wisdom) throughout the Church.
I would encourage you to seek the Lord to increase your it will greatly benefit us in the days in which we live now and in the future. (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
Enjoy! And thanks for forwarding this to your friends! They can subscribe here.
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
P.S. – Oh, and a Quick Note to our readers: To EXPLORE our more than 2,500 Christian Prophetic books, CDs, and gifts go to:

The following word and encounter is an updated version of a word posted prior to the annual Australian Prophetic Council meeting in September 2014. As I prayed over this last month, I felt strongly that the Lord wanted the word to be released fresh again as an alert and encouragement. This time, however, I believe that this word is not only for Australia, but for the Church worldwide.
Air Wolves
During an encounter in July 2014, I was taken in the spirit into what I knew to be Australian airspace. In the encounter, I was aware of an obvious disruption in the airwaves like large waves moving up and down, a motion similar to that of a rough sea or bumpy plane ride.
Immediately, I was able to see the cause of the disturbance as I found myself next to a number of large helicopters hovering in a single line formation, just off the coast of the nation.
As they hovered, I saw that it was their blades and sound that were creating this disruption, forming a rippling effect in both the air and sea simultaneously. Next, I heard the Lord clearly say, "These are the air wolves Daryl, they are the wolves in sheep's clothing." I remembered the Scripture, "Beware of the false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing..." (Matthew 7:15, NASB)
"I heard Him answer with these words, 'You are My bells and lights...'"
I looked again and saw in an instant, sharp, metallic teeth shine through from the front of each of the aircrafts. These teeth then disappeared as quickly as they had first come, and each then again, took on the appearance of a normal helicopter. I then heard the second part of the Scripture from Matthew 7:15"...but inwardly are ravenous wolves." I knew from this experience that God was alerting me and many others to a spiritual dynamic that was attempting to infiltrate Australia's airwaves. A dynamic which I now believe now in 2017, is again attempting to infiltrate the airwaves not only Australia, but in many other nations too!
Following the encounter, I couldn't get the theme song from the 1980s TV show Airwolf out of my head. This was one of my favorite programs as a child about a military helicopter that was sent on secret missions. I heard the Lord say, "Why don't you look it up?"
As I started to watch the introduction of the show and suddenly began to see what I believe God was wanting to reveal. The TV show was based on a helicopter hidden from the government by an emotionally hurt pilot. The helicopter itself was loaded with advanced weaponry and was a fully tactical war machine disguised cleverly as a non-aggressive, civilian aircraft. I then remembered the teeth on the front of the aircraft that I had seen in the spirit. The Lord then asked me another question: "What is on their uniform, Daryl?" I found that the badge they wore on the shoulder of their uniform was in fact a wolf in sheep's clothing. I could now see clearly what God was communicating. (Photo via Wikipedia)
Isolation Through a Spirit of Offense
I knew now that these Air wolves represented "a rise of false teaching and/or doctrine" which was not often in keeping with what God was currently doing within particular regions or with the local churches. These teachings at their root had a subtly disguised spirit of sabotage (see Nehemiah 4, and sometimes unbeknownst to the teachers themselves), and had a singularly focused agenda to isolate, create division, and remove people from their destiny.
ElijahList Prophetic Resources
I knew too that this hidden leaven was ultimately designed to isolate people through a spirit of offense. I could see that this demonic agenda would first work to undermine the importance of local church assembly, accountability and of a Biblical standard of counsel, and would then systematically attempt to pluck sheep from the fold. People would be indirectly urged to find fault with their local church, quickly catching offense as many lies were subtly and intentionally leavened into their heart.
I now knew that what I was seeing was an invitation to the Church to operate in a new level of prophetic discernment – discernment that would allow us to more quickly identify anything which had been birthed from or built upon disgruntlement, offense or a critical spirit rather than the heart of God. I immediately felt that this was not for the Church to become prophetic police, but to instead encourage us in applying Biblical methods of weighing and discerning as various teachings came across the airwaves.
You Are My Bells and Lights! A New Level of Discernment!
"God was alerting me and many others to a spiritual dynamic that was attempting to infiltrate...the airwaves not only Australia, but in many other nations too!"
I then asked the Lord about the significance of the prophetic councils, prophetic networks and local church communities in relation to what I was seeing. I heard Him answer with these words, "You are My bells and lights," and I saw an image of Australia with lights and bells strategically positioned all around the nation. These were all joined together by what looked like blue telephone wires (underground), which criss-crossed throughout the nation right to the far corners.
As the vision continued, I saw the Spirit of God putting in many more of these lines of communication. I was unable to get the phrase "bells and lights" out of my heart, so I looked for more information regarding this interesting phrase. What I found I believe to be integral to what God is currently doing around the earth.
In 1952, AT&T, the communications company started by Alexander Graham Bell, established the first color coded air-raid warning system to identify and alert the public of danger or threats. This system was given the name "Bells & Lights'" and was part of the establishing of a national security strategy. This method linked cities and towns by underground phone lines, allowing them to be connected and to communicate quickly regarding possible threats to national security.
I could see now that God was showing me a blueprint of what local church communities, prophetic councils and prophetic networks would eventually become – working as prophetic "security" hubs and/or prophetic homeland security for the airwaves of each nation. I was suddenly filled with an insatiable hunger to see this greater level of discernment immediately exercised and applied (with wisdom) throughout the Church.
I could see too that this new ability to discern was already being poured out and as a result, we would be able to accurately recognize the spiritual origins and motivation of teaching like never before. I knew that as more of the Body began to occupy this place, thousands of prophetic pioneers would be encouraged to go higher as our long-standing fears of being "led into deception" were eliminated. (Photo via Wikimedia)
"And He gave some as apostles, and some as prophets, and some as evangelists, and some as pastors and teachers, for the equipping of the saints for the work of service, to the building up of the Body of Christ; until we all attain to the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a mature man, to the measure of the stature which belongs to the fullness of Christ. As a result, we are no longer to be children, tossed here and there by waves and carried about by every wind of doctrine, by the trickery of men, by craftiness in deceitful scheming; but speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in all aspects into Him who is the head, even Christ" (Ephesians 4:11-15, NASB). (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
Daryl Crawford-Marshall
Kingdom Unveiled Ministries 

Daryl is a prophetic equipper, teacher, and revivalist. He and his wife Belinda both live and work in South Australia where they are currently the Executive Pastors at Field of Dreams Church, Adelaide. Daryl is a man of encounter with a passion for teaching others to recognize the voice of God, engage with Heaven, rightly discern spiritual dynamics and move in signs and wonders. Daryl also has a love for the harvest, working in evangelistic crusades all over the world, winning souls and releasing the miraculous. He is an active member of the Australian Prophetic Council and works to release prophetic understanding in churches, supernatural schools, and conferences both in Australia and the nations.
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