Monday, August 7, 2017

Prophetic Word: 'A Titanic Move of God Is Coming Out of Deep, Troubled Waters' | God Is Calling Hungry Hearts to the Altar in This Season - Charisma

Prophetic Insight newsletter
Monday, August 7, 2017
Prophetic Word: 'A Titanic Move of God Is Coming Out of Deep, Troubled Waters'

"And I will compensate you for the years the locusts have eaten—the larval locust, the hopper locust, and the fledging locust" (Joel 2:25a).

Recently during worship, I began to see in the Spirit the movie, Titanic, as though it was beginning to play backwards (in reverse). This movie started out at the very tragic end where people had died and their bodies lay frozen on rafts in the ocean. But then, the ice on the frozen bodies and rafts began to melt. And then the dead started breathing again and moving. I then saw this huge Titanic ship begin to slowly rise up out of the sea--with its tail rising upward as in slow motion.

I sense the Lord saying, "I am restoring and resurrecting what has died and has been lost down through the generations of the great moves of My Spirit!"

I believe I saw what the next move of God through worship will look like.

'Titanic' Worship Is Coming!

The lifeless orchestra players on this rising Titanic began breathing new life again, and this time, it was as though heaven's angels were singing with the orchestra over the earth, land and sea. The songs now were not songs of goodbye or hoping to go to heaven through God's amazing grace, but these new songs were actually pulling on heaven, and bringing heaven down to earth. read more 
God Is Calling Hungry Hearts to the Altar in This Season
Do not read this if you are satisfied with a life of spiritual mediocrity.
Hillsong Exalts All 3 Trinity Members in Breathtaking Live Worship
So many worship lyrics are simple or cliché. This modern hymn will astound you.
The Surefire Cure for Your Painful Stronghold of Rejection
The vast majority of people who struggle with feelings of rejection develop a strong sense of pride.
Power Up!
Are You Truly Engaging Holy Spirit When You Worship and Pray?
Holy Spirit wants you to move in His power. Here's how.
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You might be supporting abortion and not even know it.
Walking in the Spirit podcast
Walking in the Spirit podcastGo deeper in your faith and ignite your walk with the Holy Spirit. Receive reflections and revelations on prophetic insights, spiritual warfare tools and practical advice for everyday Christian living. Each week, best-selling author Jennifer LeClaire encourages you and lights the fire placed within you to crave more of the Holy Spirit. Listen now
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Israel's Picture a Day - The Holy Land Revealed - The Ottoman Imperial Archives' Rare Pictures of the Trains of the Holy Land. Vital to the Armies of World War I

The official opening of the railroad to Be'er Sheva, October 1915.

Israel's History - a Picture a Day (Beta)

The Ottoman Imperial Archives' Rare Pictures of the Trains of the Holy Land. Vital to the Armies of World War I

Posted: 06 Aug 2017

I have been researching in the Ottoman Imperial Archives for photographs for my next book, World War I in the Holy Land, specifically on the vital logistical role played by the extensive railroad network built by the Turks throughout the region. Without giving away too much now, I focused on the Be'er Sheva station, the hub for moving Turkish supplies and men for the combat along the Suez Canal, in the Sinai, and southern Palestine between 1915 and 1917.

More than 100 Jews worked for the railroad system, and on January 15, 1917, 16 Jews were killed in a British air raid on the rail yard. Other Jewish workers died of disease and flash floods.

All photographs are from my collection of Ottoman Imperial Archives photographs, unless otherwise noted. Click on the photos to enlarge them.

Aerial photograph of the Turkish base in Be'er Sheva, 1917. Note the railroad yard and warehouses in the foreground. (Australian Light Horse Studies Centre)

Ottoman train and troops in the Be'er Sheva railroad station

The building of the railroads throughout Palestine began in 1890. The Jerusalem station was inaugurated on September 26, 1892. The Ottoman Archives contains the following pictures of the stations in Jerusalem, Haifa, Battir, Lod, and Ramla. The quality and resolution of many of the photographs are remarkable.

Preparations for the Jerusalem station inauguration, 1892. Note the Yemin Moshe windmill in the background.

Dignitaries at the dedication of the Jerusalem train station, 1892

A view of the station from the front of the building. 1890s

Another vantage point of the Jerusalem station, 1900. (Library of Congress)

An illustration of the opening of the Jerusalem train station, 1892.

Railroad construction on the way to Jerusalem, 1891

As the British and ANZAC forces moved north after capturing Be'er Sheva and Jerusalem, they switched the narrow gauge Ottoman rail system to a wider gauge in order to carry heavier loads. The next picture from the Australian New South Wales State Library shows the rail conversion at the Jerusalem railway station.

Laying the wider-gauge rails in the Jerusalem station, circa 1918. (NSW State Library)

Other Stations

The station in Haifa, 1900.

The Ramla train station between Jaffa and Jerusalem, 1894. Another caption of this picture is dated 1904.

Construction of a railroad bridge near Battir on the approaches to Jerusalem, 1891

Railroad station in Lydda (Lod), 1891

The station at Tzemach on the southern shore of the Sea of Galilee and on a key approach to Damascus.

As the British and ANZAC forces pushed the German and Turks northward out of Palestine, they were met with fierce resistance here at the train station on September 25, 1918.

To Ascend the Mount, or Not, That is the Question -Tsvi Sadan ISRAEL TODAY

To Ascend the Mount, or Not, That is the Question

Monday, August 07, 2017 |  Tsvi Sadan  ISRAEL TODAY
Last week, a record number of Israelis visited the Temple Mount. 
According to some sources, more than 1,200 Jews entered the holy site to mark the fast of Tisha b'Av, which commemorates the destruction of the Temple. Hundreds more were not allowed in because, unlike Muslims, Jews can enter the Temple Mount for only four hours a day through a single gate equipped with metal detectors. 
This number of visitors in a single day is the highest since 1967. Even so, statistically speaking, it was a surprisingly low turnout, considering that seven million Jews now live in Israel. One reason for this is that a great many Israeli Jews simply don't think much of the Temple Mount. For far too many, Judaism's holiest site is a religious relic of the past. These Israelis would probably have agreed with Moshe Dayan, who, instead of establishing firm Israeli sovereignty over the Temple Mount in 1967, asked, "Why do I need this Vatican?" and handed it over to the Islamic Trust (Waqf).
But far more Israelis will not ascend the Mount for religious reasons. Still today, the rabbinic prohibition on entering the sacred compound is viewed by the majority as obligatory. The rabbinic ruling is predicated on the inability to determine where exactly the Temple once stood, meaning that one risks inadvertently treading on the area of the Holy of Holies. To do so would invite upon oneself the severe "cutting off" (Kareth) punishment, which means either death by divine hand or being cut off from the people of Israel.
The significantly large number of people who did enter the Temple Mount last week has prompted Chief Sephardi Rabbi Yitzhak Yosef to issue a special warning reminding the people that "Halacha [rabbinic ruling] forbids ascension to the Mount, and those Jews who do ascend desecrate the holiness of the Mount." Rabbi Yosef's opinion, shared by other leading rabbis, most of them ultra-Orthodox, is a powerful deterrent for many Jews.
However, if in the past this prohibition ruled supreme, today more and more rabbis are saying the exact opposite, that it is obligatory to ascend the Temple Mount. These rabbis, mostly from the national religious faction, justify their opinion by presuming to know which places on the Mount are off-limits. In addition, they say, because of the Israeli government's appalling discriminatory policy against Jews, "the need to ascend the Mount is even more important because it has a 'conquering' aspect to it."
This second group of rabbis is calling for nothing less than toppling the sacred traditional halachic ruling that is still very much in force. The record number of Jews who entered the Temple Mount on Tisha B'Av is a clear sign that the times are changing. It is most likely that in the future more and more Jews will reject the old dictum and ascend the Mount in greater numbers, challenging both the Israeli government and the Muslim world.
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Did A Novelist From The 1800s Warn Us In Advance That Donald Trump Would Be ‘The Last President’? - Michael Snyder THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE BLOG

Posted: 06 Aug 2017 Michael Snyder  THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE BLOG

I am about to share with you one of the strangest things that I have come across in a very long time.  In the late 1800s, author Ingersoll Lockwood wrote a series of novels which appear to have striking parallels to events happening today.  In his first two novels, The Travels and Adventures of Little Baron Trump and His Wonderful Dog Bulgar and Baron Trump’s Marvelous Underground Journey, an extremely wealthy little boy with “a very active brain” named Baron Trump is guided on a series of extraordinary adventures by a man known as “Don”.  And if you can believe it, little Baron Trump’s adventures actually begin in Russia
For starters, the main character’s name is the same as President Donald Trump’s son, albeit spelt differently. Trump’s adventures begin in Russia, and are guided thanks to directions provided by “the master of all masters,” a man named “Don.”
Before leaving for his voyage through the unknown, Trump is told of his family’s motto: “The pathway to glory is strewn with pitfalls and dangers.”
Illustrations from the novels depict Trump dressed in lavish, old-fashioned clothing and jewelry as he departs from Castle Trump and begins his voyage, heading to Russia to locate an entrance into alternate dimensions.
That is strange, right?

Subsequently, Lockwood wrote another novel entitled “The Last President” in which the election of a very unpopular “outsider candidate” sparks huge mob riots by “anarchists and socialists” in New York City.  The following comes from the Daily Mail
The story opens in a New York City in turmoil. It’s early November right after the election of an enormously opposed candidate.
The East Side of the city, which is where the Women’s March began the day after Donald Trump’s inauguration, is in a ‘state of uproar.’
The 19th century book says police officers shouted through the streets as ‘Mobs of vast size are organizing under the lead of anarchists and socialists, and threaten to plunder and despoil the houses of the rich who have wronged and oppressed them for so many years.’
‘The Fifth Avenue Hotel will be the first to feel the fury of the mob,’ the novel continues. ‘Would the troops be in time to save it?’
Of course anarchists and socialists would not be rioting if a Democrat was elected, so obviously the president in this particular story would be a Republican.

And today Trump Tower actually stands on Fifth Avenue.

I don’t know if there is any special significance to any of this.  I just found these parallels to be absolutely fascinating, and I thought that I would share them with all of you.  Some people out there believe that Ingersoll Lockwood was trying to warn us about our future, but others are downplaying the parallels that these stories have with modern day events.  For example, this is how Snopes concluded their article on this matter…
Although these books contain some seemingly bizarre coincidences, they are not evidence that Donald Trump has access to a time machine. Time travel conspiracy theories such as this one pick and choose material that supports their conclusions while ignoring everything else. For instance, these books also contain giant turtles, alternate dimensions, a battle with a big white crane, a dog named Bulgar, and a little smiling man frozen in time. Since these aspects have no clear connection to the Trumps, they are omitted from the conspiracy theory.
Before I end this article, let me share with you another “amazing coincidence” that I just came across.

By now, all of you have probably heard about the remarkable solar eclipse that is going to take place on August 21st.  Well, it also turns out that the path of this solar eclipse will almost entirely cross areas of the country that voted for President Trump
A Boston Globe article attempting to make a connection between the solar eclipse and President Trump supporters is being widely mocked on social media.
The article by Globe reporter Matt Rocheleau, titled “The solar eclipse path will overwhelmingly pass over Trump Country,” starts off by asking the question, “Is the eclipse throwing shade at Clinton supporters?”
In fact, of the approximately 240 counties that this eclipse will cross, a whopping 92 percent of them voted for Trump last November…
He said the path is roughly 70 miles wide and spans about 240 counties — 92 percent of which swung in Mr. Trump’s favor, “while fewer than two dozen counties voted for his opponent, Hillary Clinton.”
The article points out that Mr. Trump himself was born on June 14, 1946 — the same day there was a total lunar eclipse, “though it wasn’t visible from the United States, NASA records show.”
To me, that is rather remarkable, but once again many are pointing out that this could potentially be “just a coincidence”.

When it comes to Trump, there seems to be so many of these “coincidences”.  For instance, on his first full day in office Trump was 70 years, 7 months and 7 days old, and that just happened to take place in year 5777 on the Hebrew calendar.

And here are some more extremely strange numbers that I discussed in a previous article

-Israel was 77 days old exactly 777 days after Donald Trump was born.

-Israel’s 70th birthday will come exactly 700 days after Trump’s 70th birthday.

-Donald Trump won the election on Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s 7th year, 7th month and 7th day in office.

I don’t know what special significance all of these facts may have, but I do know that we are living in highly unusual times.

All of human history has been leading up to the times that we are moving into, and I believe that we are going to see great chaos and upheaval.  But there is no other time in human history when I would have rather lived, and I can’t wait to see what is going to happen next.

Michael Snyder is a Republican candidate for Congress in Idaho’s First Congressional District, and you can learn how you can get involved in the campaign on his official website. His new book entitled “Living A Life That Really Matters” is available in paperback and for the Kindle on

Rodney Howard-Browne on Praying for Trump: "I Was Shaking" - Rik Bokelman HELLO CHRISTIAN

"I was shaking under the power," Rodney Howard-Browne said about his now-famous oval office prayer session with President Trump. "It was the Holy Ghost coming down." Rodney Howard-Browne

Rodney Howard-Browne on Praying for Trump: "I Was Shaking"

Jul 21, 2017 by Rik Bokelman  HELLO CHRISTIAN
"I was shaking under the power," Rodney Howard-Browne said about his now-famous oval office prayer session with President Trump. "It was the Holy Ghost coming down." 
In an interview with, Howard-Browne shared his experience in the White House, his views of Trump's election, and his response to criticism. 
"I don't know how to explain it, it was like a dream," he says of the Oval Office prayer. Howard-Browne and his wife came to the US from South Africa with only $300 in 1987, so he describes it as "surreal" to be praying for such a powerful man. 
"The picture that went viral is actually a screenshot from my phone," he says, of the image that has made the rounds on social media in the last few weeks. "Those two hands in the middle, that's my hand and my wife's hand." 
The photo has caught attention all over the internet, both from critics and supporters alike. But Howard-Browne feels it was nothing short of divine.
"It was an amazing moment...I mean you're praying for the most powerful man in the world. We had been praying for him for a long time, because God is using him to give America one more opportunity." 
"If Hillary Clinton had won, I mean, it was over for America," he explains. "Like what's happening in Europe right now, everything becoming one whole America, they were opening the borders, it was basically on the way to destroying the very fabric of the nation." 
He believes Trump being elected stopped, at least for a while, a very sinister agenda that had been afoot in the US and the world. 
"The whole globalist agenda is basically the destruction of the nation states. It really is the end times, to head towards a one-world system, a one-world government, and the rise of the antichrist. President Trump's election has put a slow-down on this." 
"[It was] to give us a stay of execution," he continues. "I mean, I don't really care if the thing ends tomorrow, but I want to reach more people, I want to reach more souls for the harvest before Jesus comes. This is the most important thing." 
He believes that in Trump, Christians have a renewed opportunity to do this and that his election was a very important thing for the furtherance of the Gospel. 
"Never before, at least in 70 or so years, have the believers had this kind of access to the White House. Trump is totally for the Kingdom of God. He loves the church." 
As for those who criticize Trump for past sins, he thinks they lack an understanding as to how God can use people and how he is using Trump now. 
"I would just have to [refer to] all the passages about King David. They think God can't use people, that God only uses perfect people. The fact of the matter is that their choice for President would have never beaten Hillary Clinton. Trump is a wrecking ball to the system; he's a Syrus." 
"That the Lord raised him up and put him in the White House is not even a question," he goes on. "Against all odds, against $2 billion worth of negative advertising, the Pope coming against him, former presidents coming against him, the world's financial elite coming against him, no, it's a total miracle."
"God doesn't look at things the way man looks at things, and he said 'I bring kings up and I bring them down.'"
Not only does Howard-Browne have complete faith in God's plan for Trump, he also reassures us that while many doubt the sincerity of Trump's faith, it is, in his experience, entirely genuine.
"If [his faith] were not sincere, he wouldn't have let us pray for him. He actually has five-hour prayer meetings, not just with me, with others. He doesn't quote Scripture, he's not using 'Christianese,' he's Donald Trump... but he knows he can't do anything without God's help. He knows he cannot do anything without divine intervention. He's said this already, he needs God more than ever now." 

Are You Truly Engaging Holy Spirit When You Worship and Pray? - KATHERINE RUONALA CHARISMA MAGAZINE SPIRTLED WOMAN

But then I realized I was singing, "I love You," with my mouth but not with my heart. (Flickr/D Coetzee)

Are You Truly Engaging Holy Spirit When You Worship and Pray?

SpiritLed Woman PowerUp!

Years ago, when I was a backup singer on a worship team, I would be concentrating so much on singing the right part that I would sometimes forget I was meant to be worshipping. It's easy for a music teacher and a perfectionist to get focused on harmonies and pitch. One day I was singing away and heard the Holy Spirit say, "Who are you singing to?"
"You, Lord," I answered. But then I realized I was singing, "I love You," with my mouth but not with my heart. I absolutely loved Him in my heart, so that wasn't the problem, but I was having a conversation with Him without being conscious of what I was saying. I made a decision at that moment never to do that again. I told the Lord I never wanted to sing another worship song without being aware of to whom I was singing, the sincerity of my words, and the reality of His presence.
Imagine what that would be like with my husband. "Um, yeah, you're awesome, Tom," as I look around and occupy myself with other things. "Really great ... I appreciate you so much," while I yawn and check my e-mail. That's a bit strange, isn't it? It doesn't demonstrate sincerity or a desire for connection. That's what happens when we think we are worshipping but don't focus on God. I think that especially happens with the Holy Spirit, who can sometimes seem like the mysterious, forgotten member of the Trinity. The Father and Son can seem easier to relate to. We have natural fathers and sons in this world, so the concepts of God the Father and God the Son make sense to us. But what about the Holy Spirit? He loves our attention too, and He very often doesn't receive it.
I don't want to grieve the Holy Spirit in any way. I know He doesn't take offense easily; that's a wonderful thing about God. "God is love," and love is not easily offended (1 John 4:8; 1 Cor. 13:5). The Holy Spirit is a friend who sticks closer than a brother. Even when I have at times drifted from truth, He remained constant and kind. He is patient and understanding. He doesn't withdraw His love. We can worship by faith, believing that as we come to worship, He is always so happy to be engaging with us. Because Jesus has made us clean and pure by His blood, we can always approach the throne of grace.
I want my relationship with the Holy Spirit to be about much more than coexisting. I don't want to just mentally acknowledge His presence. I want deep, close companionship; the fullness of His power and love; His guidance and direction; His comfort and counsel; and so much more. I want to know and be deeply, passionately in love with the One who knows and is deeply, passionately in love with me. I want to do life with Him to fulfill every inch of my destiny and see His kingdom come on earth just as it is in heaven.
Do you feel the same way? You wouldn't be reading this if you didn't want these things too. This is what your heart was made for and what you've been longing for. The wonderful news is that the Holy Spirit wants to help you with everything. He wants to partner with you even more than you want to partner with Him. He wants your destiny in Him to be thoroughly, gloriously fulfilled.
The Holy Spirit wants to speak to your heart. He wants to encourage you, and He wants to refresh you. He wants to supernaturally expand your capacity to receive His love and demonstrate it to others. He wants you to move in His power. He wants to take you higher and higher into absolute, overwhelming joy. There is fullness of joy in His presence, and that's where you get to stand—you and Him together. A life surrendered to Him will change the world forever. Are you ready?
life with the holy spiritAdapted from Life With the Holy Spirit by Katherine Ruonala, copyright 2017, published by Charisma House-Charisma Media/Charisma House Book Group. If you are hungry for true fellowship with God, are eager to experience His power and want to work with Him in ministering to others, then this book is for you. It will help you know the One Jesus sent to comfort, teach, fill, empower and guide you to fulfill God's purpose, while experiencing the delight and benefits of having a meaningful relationship with Him. To order your copy click on this link.
Prayer Power for the Week of Aug. 6, 2017
This week, take some time to "pray in the Holy Spirit" so that you can immediately connect with the heart of God and His priorities for you, your loved ones, the nation and the world. Continue to pray for those in authority over us and ask the Lord to surround them with wise counsel and give them wisdom as they make decisions affecting us and the entire world. Remember those who have suffered loss through recent natural disasters, crime and/or terrorism. Ask the Lord to show you what you can do to help. Continue to pray for worldwide revival, those serving the people in our communities and nation, and our allies. Read: 1 Cor. 13:5; 1 John 4:8.
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