Friday, August 11, 2017

Today's Headlines Signal Convergence with 'End of Days' Scenario, Rabbi Says - CBN NEWS CHARISMA NEWS

Partial solar eclipse (Wikimedia Commons)
Standing With Israel

Today's Headlines Signal Convergence with 'End of Days' Scenario, Rabbi Says

You only have to look at today's headlines to see that history is speeding up and the world is moving closer to an end of days scenario, a popular Israeli rabbi said.
In anticipation of the upcoming solar eclipse on Aug. 21 and the alignment of stars and planets in September, CBN News asked historian and Rabbi Ken Spiro what Judaism has to say about the relation of celestial events to prophecy and the coming of the Messiah.
"We're only a few headlines away from direct convergence of that biblical 'end of days' scenario with the headlines in the news today," Spiro told CBN News. But the question is not so much about what's happening in the sky as what's happening on the ground.
"God is always speaking to us," Spiro said. "It's a fundamental belief in Judaism that everything that happens in the world is for a meaning and there's a message hidden in there somewhere, even in the astronomical phenomenon."
Correlation between Heavens and Earth
But according to Spiro, the question is always how to interpret "astronomical phenomenon" in light of history.
"The question would be to see whether there is a correlation between something happening up in the heavens and then we see something actually happening down on earth," he explained.
"It's not a big phenomenon in Judaism to look at things like eclipses, solar or lunar, comets and try to directly relate them to specifically here is happening here on the planet Earth, but again, God controls everything and if something like that is happening, a major astronomical event, there is definitely some meaning," he said.
According to Spiro, there are classic examples in the Bible of God's signs in the heavens, like the sun and moon standing still for Joshua in the Givon and Ayalon Valleys.
'God Can Suspend Laws of Nature'
Most of the time, he said, God works within the laws of nature that he already established. That means "most of what we call miraculous phenomenon are natural phenomenon with really good timing," he said. "But there are situations absolutely where God can suspend the laws of nature," like the darkness that covered the earth during the plagues in Egypt just before the Exodus.
And there is the end of days prophecy in the Book of Joel that says the moon will be turned to blood and the sun to darkness at the coming of the great and terrible day of the Lord.
"Now, that could be interpreted as eclipses by the way. You know, the moon turning to blood is called the blood moon actually, which is what happens in a lunar eclipse and when the moon—when you have a solar eclipse, the sun disappears and turns to blackness. So there in the prophets it's talking about signs we see at the end of days. Whether that is what it's meant to be interpreted as remains a big question," he said.
As for the "buzz" among some Christians in the U.S. about the upcoming celestial events, Spiro said it's not generating the same enthusiasm in the Jewish world for two reasons.
Exercising Caution
The first reason is because there's been so much "Messianic expectation in Jewish history" in the past that "Jews are very wary about reading into specific people, specific events or specific astronomical phenomena that this it. Because then when it doesn't happen it's a big letdown."
The other reason is that there are so many prophecies being fulfilled that the Jewish people are focusing on that rather than heavenly signs, he said. He likened the coming of the Messiah to birth pangs and the contractions getting closer and closer together before a woman gives birth.
"So, too, events on the planet Earth will get more and more intense and happen much more rapidly and certainly I would say things are speeding up very dramatically in the world, the change that is taking place, the political upheaval, the technological advances, as to whether that is linked to astronomical events that are coming, we'll only know [when it happens]," Spiro said.
"We could be hitting that end of days scenario," he continued. "Certainly time is definitely running out and as we see by what's going on in the world, in a positive and a negative way—I mean the rebirth of the state of Israel, the reunification of Jerusalem. We just celebrated the 50th anniversary of that. I mean that's unbelievable, that's prophecy coming true before our eyes. The nations of the world lining up against Israel, largely, what you see going on in UNESCO, the United Nations is clearly a sign," he said. 
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EXCLUSIVE: Why Are Young Israeli Messianics Leaving Local Congregations? - David Lazarus ISRAEL TODAY

EXCLUSIVE: Why Are Young Israeli Messianics Leaving Local Congregations?

Friday, August 11, 2017 |  David Lazarus  ISRAEL TODAY
Israel Today speaks to local pastors about why young Jewish believers are leaving the congregations.
This is just one of many feature stories appearing in the latest issue of Israel Today Magazine. CLICK HERE to read them all in our Digital Edition!
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10 Reasons We Keep Seeing Established Churches Failing - JOSEPH MATTERA CHARISMA NEWS

Many churches refuse to reach beyond the culture and predominant ethnic makeup of their congregation. (Pexels)

10 Reasons We Keep Seeing Established Churches Failing

Where I live, dozens of large old church buildings that used to hold thriving congregations strewn along a major avenue in Brooklyn, New York. Some have been torn down and developed, while others are supported by social programs and/or rentals from other congregations. As I ponder this, I have come to the conclusion that there are 10 primary reasons established churches eventually fail.
1. They are not intergenerational.
Many of the churches in my community were at one time ethnic churches that have failed to pass down their faith to their children. When we first moved into this community we noticed that the average age of the believers in these churches was probably over 60 years of age. Consequently, there are many large congregations populated primarily with older people, and the concern of this article is whether these churches will exist in two decades.
2. They refuse to adapt to the changing demographics.
Many churches refuse to reach beyond the culture and predominant ethnic makeup of their congregation. It is the job of the lead pastor and elders to continually analyze the changing demographics of their community so they can stay ahead of the curve. I once warned a group of ethnic pastors that they would not have a church in 10 years if they did not adopt their strategies to the rapid gentrification taking place in their community. In other words, in order to reach certain people groups, a church has to focus on developed leaders representing that group and eventually give them a prominent role in decision-making and public ministry.
3. They use old methodologies.
The outreach strategies and methods of ministry in some churches are the same today as they were 40 years ago. The way we do evangelism, dress, speak and relate to our congregation has to be relevant without compromising the gospel. In the same way we are called to exegete Scripture, we are called to exegete our communities if we are going to continue to thrive.
4. They lost the zeal of its founding members.
Many established churches start with great passion and vision in their founding and move to merely consolidating, maintaining and administrating their vision in the next generation. Every mainline Protestant, Catholic and Orthodox denomination was in its beginning a thriving apostolic movement (read the book of Acts along with church history). It is the challenge of every established church to generationally pass on the torch of its original vision and zeal so that their love for Christ doesn't dissipate. Established churches that lose their vision and zeal eventually go from power to programs, revival to routines and community transformation to perpetuating mere church traditions.
5. They fail in their succession plan.
Truly, there is no success without a successor. Established churches that pick the wrong lead pastor to succeed the original apostolic visionary risk losing everything they built. Succession is tricky and often messy and hard to map out since every local church has a different culture, context and community. This is why succession planning needs to be done with much prayer, fasting and inside and outside consultation along with checks and balances. In most cases (there are always exceptions), the best successor is a spiritual son of the congregation who already has within them the DNA and vision of the house.
6. The core leaders lost their oneness.
Satan's No. 1 plan to thwart the vision of a local church is to sow seeds of discord, disunity and division in the ranks of the elders and leaders of a congregation. Churches that fail to maintain biblical oneness among their key leadership will have a rocky road ahead due to the intense spiritual warfare and complexities every church has to navigate through. Only a strong, unified core team will continue to move forward and perpetuate the church's vision. Leaders have to keep first things first and learn to overlook petty differences for the sake of kingdom advancement.
7. They succumb to the values of secular culture.
Many established denominational and independent churches in the past several hundred years have gradually gone down the slippery slope of secular accommodation. In order to be relevant and/or to be accepted by the surrounding community, whole church movements and denominations have accepted cultural norms that are antithetical to biblical values and ethics. When churches allow culture to inform their ethics and values instead of Scripture, they lose their distinction from the world and begin to decline. All historic Protestant denominations that have embraced liberal theological constructs are rapidly losing members and dying off.
The only churches that are continuing to grow worldwide are evangelical churches that are biblically based. Jesus said that if the salt has lost its saltiness, it is good for nothing but to be trampled under the feet of men (see Matt. 5:13). Churches that cease to reflect His light fail to be salty and risk being closed down by none other than the Lord Jesus Christ (Rev. 2:5).
8. There is no provision for a lack of vision.
Proverbs 29:18 teaches us that without a vision, the people become discouraged (or perish depending on your translation). When there is no longer any compelling vision in an established church, there will not be enough volunteers motivated to serve in the ministry (read Ps. 110:3) and the finances will rapidly drop. Truly, God only gives provision for that which reflects His Vision.
9. There was no long-term financial solution.
If at all possible, established churches that own their building should attempt to utilize their facilities in ways that can help financially support their ministry. Whether it is developing their property or renting space to another entity, if at all possible, creating an income stream enables a church to function even when their tithes and offerings drop (sometimes because of the weather, or other times because of a crisis in leadership or a church split). Creating a long-term financial base is a wise move to compensate for the vicissitudes of the life of a church.
10. They lost their prophetic edge.
Established churches who fail to maintain consistent corporate prayer and fasting eventually lose their prophetic edge and operate according to fleshly wisdom. This results in them missing divine opportunities, kairos moments and presumptuously making decisions that result in a loss of momentum, key people and kingdom advancement. When lead pastors, elders and core members are too busy to spend quality time seeking God together, they will miss what the Spirit is saying to the church (Rev. 2:7) and are on the road to failure.
My prayer is that every church planted by God will last for generations and be effective until Jesus returns for His bride.
Joseph Mattera is an internationally known author, futurist, interpreter of culture and activist/theologian whose mission is to influence leaders who influence nations. He leads several organizations, including The United States Coalition of Apostolic Leaders ( He also has a blog on Charisma magazine called "The Pulse." To order one of his books or to subscribe to his weekly newsletter go
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