Monday, October 23, 2017

NBA Stars Drop To Their Knees In Prayer Inbox -


Oct. 23, 2016
NBA Stars Drop To Their Knees In Prayer AfterChristian Player Suffers Injury
In an incredible scene of faith, a number of NBA players dropped to their knees in prayer after Boston Celtics star and devout Christian...
Nick Vujicic Leads 40,000 People To Christ In Massive Ukrainian Evangelism Event 
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The Key to Wise Decisions—It's Not as Complicated as You Think - TIM CAMERON CHARISMA MAGAZINE SPIRITLED WOMAN

We need our minds renewed. We need to see the great necessity for prayer. (Pexels/

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The Key to Wise Decisions—It's Not as Complicated as You Think

How do we approach the Lord when we have a big decision to make? Do we pray for many hours? Do we fast? Do we seek counsel? With the challenge of choosing the twelve disciples, the particular time selected by Christ to pray is meant to be a lesson to all of us. He had a decision to make that would resound throughout history. The decision coming the next day required perfect communication and unity with His Father. Can you see the great oneness of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit in this decision? Can you grasp the depth of unity the Lord is asking us to enter with our fellow believers?
Jesus prayed the whole night (see Luke 6:12-16). He set an example that we should follow. In great emergencies in our life, when we have duties with boundless consequences or we are about to face encounters with severe complications, we should seek divine blessing and direction by an unusual portion of time for prayer. Our Savior did it. We should follow in His footsteps.
People in the business world will sometimes spend hours in strategic planning, goal setting and marketing plan development, even if it takes all-night sessions. Why should it seem strange Christians spend an equal portion of time in the far more important business of prayer that has eternal significance? We need our minds renewed. We need to see the great necessity for prayer.
Jesus was completely a man, but He was also completely God. We can ask, "Why would Jesus pray?" As a man He had the same needs that we have—He needed divine support, strength and blessing. The mystery here is that there was no more contradiction in His praying than there was in His drinking or eating. Both are consistent with who He was while here on this earth.
We pray for a lot of things. Mostly we pray for things we need (or think we need). We pray for the forgiveness of our sins. But Jesus had no sin. He was tempted, but He did not fall into temptation. There was no backsliding on His part. "Forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors" (Matt. 6:12) is an appropriate prayer for us, but He didn't need it for Himself. Paul describes this inner struggle that each of us face: "O wretched man that I am!" (Rom. 7:24a). But Jesus didn't experience this. He had guarded His heart from sin and the enemy: "The ruler of this world is coming. He has no power over Me" (John 14:30). The enemy had no way to find entrance into Christ's heart.
The mystery: He was divine, yet He was tempted just like us. He was perfect, yet He was a man. He needed to pray all night on occasion, particularly on this occasion; His humanity compelled Him to pray. Jesus was fully human, mentally and emotionally. He sought the Father's wisdom, setting a profound example for us. If Jesus, who while fully human was also fully God, needed to pray for wisdom, how much more do we need to follow His example?
Jesus frequently prayed before significant events. He called upon God the Father to be in compete communion with Him in choosing the Twelve. He called on the Father and the Holy Spirit for more understanding. He wanted to be in total unity with the Father and the Holy Spirit in the choosing of the disciples. The example is clear for us if we have spiritual eyes to see: Christ wants us to grow in spiritual understanding and in the knowledge and application of His Word, but we must submit all that we are to His Spirit. We must commune with Him every day to know His will for our lives in all situations.
It is in the secret place with God where we learn from Him. By the Lord's matchless grace given to us, we can live every day and make every decision in concert with His will for our lives. We can fellowship with Christ so intimately in the secret place that we can understand His will for our lives and be empowered by His Spirit to walk it out.
40 days through prayers jesusAdapted from 40 Days Through the Prayers of Jesus by Tim Cameron, copyright 2017, published by charisma house; Charisma Media/Charisma House Book Group. This book will help you discover many of the secrets, mysteries and provoking lessons that Jesus's prayer life teaches. You will also discover how prayer opens your eyes to see the miraculous in the mundane, as well as receive more revelation of God's character. To order your copy, click on this link.
Prayer Power for the Week of Oct. 22, 2017
This week as you meet with God in the secret place, thank Him for His mercy, grace and answered prayer. Continue to pray for much-needed revival for our nation and the world. Remember those who suffered loss of loved ones through crime, war and natural disasters. Bless the first responders and ask God to comfort those needing comfort and strengthen those who are working 24/7 to meet the needs of those affected by the wildfires, storms and terrorism. Pray that God would surround our leaders with wise counsel and grant them the wisdom they need to make decisions affecting us and the world. Ask Him to show you how you can best serve others in this time of need. Read: Psalm 5:3. 69:13, 42:8
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3 Reasons Why you should read Life in the Spirit. 1) Get to know the Holy Spirit. 2) Learn to enter God's presence 3) Hear God's voice clearly! Click here to draw closer to God!

Dutch Sheets: Satan Is About to Get a Migraine as This Revelation Unfolds - CHARISMA NEWS

When the church steps into its calling, there will be an explosion of God's power. (Pexels/Tookapic)
I don't think we have ever seen the expression of the government of God on planet Earth at the level we are about to see it. I am not just talking about the American church. In fact, we have some work to do. I'm talking about the church worldwide that will be the full expression of the kingdom of God. The full representation of the King will be released on this earth through the ekklesia. As this revelation unfolds, everything will change. We are about to move into an outpouring of Holy Spirit that, for the first time since the book of Acts, involves a full expression of the five-fold nature of Jesus—apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor and teacher. All of these are about to be manifested through the church. I suspect that Satan has a migraine.
"And it will be that, afterwards, I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh; then your sons and your daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, and your young men will see visions. Even on the menservants and maidservants in those days I will pour out My Spirit" (Joel 2:28-29).
Give Him 15 minutes in prayer:
  • Shout and praise, because when you live a fully sold-out life in Christ, you are giving Satan a migraine!
  • Call forth the apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers and pray that they would fully operate together for the sake of kingdom advancement!
  • Pray for the full power-filled expression of these leadership gifts! Ask Him to increase any manifestations of these grace gifts in you!
  • Pray for a John 16 unity in the ekklesia that couples the gifts with the power of love for one another and ka-boom! Power explosion coming to America and the earth!
A prayer you can pray:
God, I shout my praises to You, for You are worthy of them! Hallelujah! Thank You, Jesus! To God be the glory and honor and majesty! Kingdom of God, come! Cause the apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers to come forth out of their preparation places. It's time to work together in the beauty of unity, so the reality of Jesus is seen in the U.S. and all around the world! Increase my own anointing and perfectly fit the gifts you've given me into the plan You have for my area to see Jesus! Amen.
Today's decree:
I decree that God is pouring out an end-times anointing on His Church to prophesy, dream dreams, see visions and reap a harvest that will cause the enemy no end of angst! 
Dutch Sheets is an internationally recognized author, teacher and conference speaker. He travels extensively, empowering believers for passionate prayer and societal transformation. Dutch has pastored, taught in several colleges and seminaries and served on the board of directors for numerous organizations. Dutch's greatest passion is to see America experience a sweeping revival and return to its godly heritage. He burns to see people find God's "dream" for them and tap into their destiny. Dutch is a messenger of hope for America, encouraging believers to contend for awakening in our day and reformation in our lifetime. Dutch has written over 20 books, many of which have been translated into over 30 languages. His international best-seller, Intercessory Prayer, has sold nearly 1 million copies worldwide.
This article originally appeared on
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3 Reasons Why you should read Life in the Spirit. 1) Get to know the Holy Spirit. 2) Learn to enter God's presence 3) Hear God's voice clearly! Click here to draw closer to God!

Persecuted Christian asks Ben Shapiro tough question and won't forget the response - Israel Video Network

People faced with real persecution shocked by growing victim culture permeating college campuses and left-wing society.
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Nobel Jews - Tsvi Sadan ISRAEL TODAY

Nobel Jews

Monday, October 23, 2017 |  Tsvi Sadan  ISRAEL TODAY
It is not politically correct to even hint at the possibility that one ethnic group excels over others. This is probably why few would mention the fact that 37 percent of 2017 Nobel Prize winners are Jews.
Explanations for this disproportionate Jewish contribution to humanity often speak of Jewish genius. Though those discussing the matter likely have no inkling of it, this is probably the closest rational explanation for the manifestation of what the Bible calls "God's chosen people."
This genius should not be confused with biology. It can't be found in Jewish genes or DNA. But it is this notion of biological elitism that leads so many to view Judaism as a racist religion. Instead, we say that this disproportionate distribution of genius is a sign of a people marked by God. Much like Cain's mark, it symbolizes an unbreakable covenant between God and Israel in service to the greater goal of improving all life on earth. And that this covenant is with all Israel is demonstrated by the fact that most of those Jews winning Nobel prizes are anything but religious.
Of the 11 people to receive Nobel prizes this year, Rainer Weiss (Jewish father), Barry Barish, Michael Rosbash and Richard Thaler are Jews. Weiss and Barish, who shared the prize in physics with Kip Thorne, won the Nobel "for decisive contributions to the LIGO detector and the observation of gravitational waves." Michael Rosbash, who shared the prize in medicine with Jeffrey Hall and Michael Young, won the Nobel for his "discoveries of molecular mechanisms controlling the circadian rhythm." Thaler won the prize in economics "for his contributions to behavioral economics."
This Jewish achievement is all the more remarkable considering the dramatic increase in global population, of which the percentage of Jews has dramatically decreased. A mere two-tenths of one percent of all people living today are Jews. This means that the number of Jews receiving the Noble Prize is some 20,000 percent higher than their proportional number. Jews should not hide their sense of pride in this remarkable achievement, yet they will do well to remember that "it is He who gives you the strength, and so confirms His covenant, which He swore to your ancestors."
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