Love For His People Editor's Note: The words that continually jump out in prophetic words, for 2014, is "acceleration" and "open doors." Personally, since the Jewish new year 5774 began in September, 2013, I have experienced this. I hope you do too!
Steve Martin
Arleen Westerhof with Sharon Stone:
"The Year of Open Doors - To Positions of Influence"
Prophetic Word For 2014
From The Netherlands Prophetic Council
(The Elijah List)
A Short Testimony
Since the last time I sent you a prophetic word I've learned personally how God can use you to start to fulfill your own prophetic words. In 2011, The Elijah List published my word
"Advance From Breakthrough Into Victory." One of the paragraphs in this word was:
Apostles and prophets will be raised up who have the wisdom, strategy and grace to mentor and disciple people who can lead corporations as CEO's, entrepreneurs, heads of communities, states and even nations.
Apostles and prophets will not just plant and build churches, but they will have the structures for managing and rebuilding ruined cities and nations. Prophets will serve in government, helping to structure the educational policy of nations, etc.
That word has not left me alone since then and has even kept me awake some nights praying for God to raise up the Josephs and the Daniels who have solutions for the global economic crisis. In Europe people are already starting to talk about a "lost generation" with a continental average of almost 25% of 18-25 year olds being unemployed.

To make a long story short, last year God started to give revelation on the solution. The result – the European Economic Summit, which will be held in Amsterdam this year from
18-20 September (
The goal of the European Economic Summit 2014 is to formulate and present new Biblical models for the crisis-plagued economies of Europe in the 21st century. We desire to see a healthy and vital Europe that is able to offer opportunities (education, work, spiritual renewal) for the many, both inside and outside of Europe's borders. God has given a lot of favor with 11 European and International networks locking shields to make this happen.
Who says that prophets can't be practical!
Blessings and kind regards,
Arleen Westerhof
Facilitator, Netherlands Prophetic Council
Coordinator, European Economic Summit
2014, The Year of Open Doors
Winds of change are blowing across the earth, and this is visible in both the natural and the spiritual realms. These violent winds of change are blowing out the old era and ushering in the new: "Then He who sat on the throne said, 'Behold, I make all things new'" (Revelation 21:5). Political and religious structures are shifting. New leaders are being raised up, and many of these will be appointed and/or elected in 2014. While this happens, doors are opening in the heavenly realms.
"2014 is the Year of Open Doors,"says the Lord; doors that will bring us into a new era.
These doors will have a visible effect upon the earth, e.g. spiritual renewal vs. a further hardening of our hearts as individuals and as a nation, and transformation vs. the acceptance of the status quo. These open doors will be doors of unprecedented opportunity and influence.
How we respond to them will determine the destiny of nations.
Open Doors
• In 2014 great doors of opportunity for the preaching of the Gospel will be opened.
1 Corinthians 16:8-9 But I will tarry in Ephesus until Pentecost. For a great and effective door has opened to me, and there are many adversaries.
2 Corinthians 2:12 Furthermore, when I came to Troas to preach Christ's Gospel, and a door was opened to me by the Lord...
2014 will be the season of the evangelist.
This will set the stage for a fuller manifestation of the Gospel of the Kingdom of God on the earth. It's harvest time! Not only will we see multitudes coming to Christ, but we will see nations discipled as God's principles begin to be applied in different societal spheres of influence.
Even now, God is equipping and positioning Kingdom-minded Believers for this task. New training schools will be started to facilitate this process.
• Doors will open in 2014 for Believers to step into positions of influence in the media, economics, government and the judicial system.
One of our Council members saw in a vision how people influenced by the anti-Christ spirit were busy dictating how the spheres of influence, and society as a whole, should function, e.g. job creation, housing, health care, education, etc. Laws were being drafted which will place people under a yoke of slavery. Righteousness and justice, however, are the foundations of God's throne (see Psalm 89:14).
There are 60 verses in the New King James Version Bible describing the things that happened at the door of the tabernacle. These were not just limited to religious activity.
Civil Law, justice, family issues (from baby dedications to inheritance rights), etc. were legislated and carried out there. Our mandate is to establish God's Kingdom on the earth: "On earth as it is in Heaven" (Matthew 6:10).
This does not mean that we should expect that things will be perfect, but rather that God's principles will become increasingly evident in the different influential spheres, as Believers with a Biblical world view step through these doors and take the positions in the world that God has prepared for them.
(Photo via Vimeo/by Echo)
• A double-door of opportunity is opening up to marketplace ministers who have allowed God to weed out the roots of Mammon in their hearts.
Isaiah 45:1-3 Thus says the Lord to His anointed, to Cyrus, whose right hand I have held – to subdue nations before him and loose the armor of kings, to open before him the double doors, so that the gates will not be shut:
"I will go before you and make the crooked places straight. I will break in pieces the gates of bronze and cut the bars of iron. I will give you the treasures of darkness and hidden riches of secret places, that you may know that I, the Lord, who call you by your name, Am the God of Israel."
In 2014 God is going to blow to bits the idea that Christians have to be poor in order to please God. Cyrus was lavishly resourced by God to accomplish His purposes – to finance the rebuilding of the wall around Jerusalem.
Levels of resourcing will be released to several in 2014 that we haven't even begun to dream about yet, and the concept of "businesses that bring transformation" will become widely known.
A new time of Christian philanthropy has begun.
• We are going to have to recognize the Day of our Visitation.
Genesis 18:1-5 Then the Lord appeared to Him (Abraham)... as he was sitting in the tent door in the heat of the day. So he lifted his eyes and looked, and behold, three men were standing by him; and when he saw them, he ran from the tent door to meet them, and bowed himself to the ground, and said, "My Lord, if I have now found favor in Your sight, do not pass on by Your servant. Please let a little water be brought, and wash Your feet, and rest yourselves under the tree. And I will bring a morsel of bread, that you may refresh your hearts. After that you may pass by, inasmuch as you have come to your servant..."
Abraham did not know that it was the Lord who was passing by at that moment. Something inside of him, however, caused him to recognize that this day, which at first glance looked like any other normal day, was different.
That is why he ran from the tent door to meet the men. In doing so, he received the promise that within a year Sarah would have the son that they had waited so long for. God also told him about His plans for Sodom and Gomorrah. In 2014 we will have to stay alert to be able to recognize these kinds of moments.
(Photo via / Public Clipart Collection #67)
• In 2014 the open door will see God coming down to talk to His people.
Exodus 29:42 This shall be a continual burnt offering throughout your generations at the door of the tabernacle of meeting before the Lord, where I will meet you to speak with you.
Exodus 33:9 And it came to pass, when Moses entered the tabernacle, that the pillar of cloud descended and stood at the door of the tabernacle, and the Lord talked with Moses.
There has already been a door open in Heaven for quite some time now, and many have received revelation as they have been taken up to the Third Heaven (see Revelation 4:1). This will be different however.
When God came down to speak to Moses, He talked to him about how to lead the people and shape society. 2014 will see an increase in the number of people receiving practical revelation from God for the world we live in. Third Heaven experiences will also continue.
(Photo via Robert Bartow)
• Doors of fast and miraculous answers to prayer have been opened.
Acts 12:16-17 Now Peter continued knocking; and when they opened the door and saw him, they were astonished. But motioning to tem with his hand to keep silent, he declared to them how the Lord had brought him out of the prison. And he said, "Go, tell these things to James and to the brethren." And he departed and went to another place.
A few weeks ago there was a story in one of our national newspapers about a failed assassination attempt on someone in one of our cities. A criminal had held a gun to the head of a man and had pulled the trigger twice. Both times the gun failed to fire. The would-be assassin ran away but was later caught by the police.
(Photo via Wikipedia/by Bartolome Esteban Murillo)
The intended victim was an acquaintance of one of our church members. When we asked this person about it, he told us that God had woken him up one night two weeks earlier and had told him to pray for the other man's protection.
This he did immediately until he received God's peace on the matter. He then said, "I know the type of gun that was used and it is very reliable. It always works. It's a miracle that it did not fire!" Miraculous answers to prayer like this are going to start to become so commonplace in 2014 that after a while we won't even be surprised anymore. The supernatural power of God in answer to the prayer of His people will become increasingly visible in our nation(s).
Know Who You Are

Another one of our council members also had a vision. He saw a magician standing on a stage with a big red button on it. The magician invited a boy from the audience to come up onto the stage and push the button. Our council member said: "I had the idea that when the boy pushed the button, fireworks would go off and a huge celebration would erupt. I realized instantly that the magician was God, the Father, and that the little boy was the Netherlands."
The Netherlands is called to push the button to start the new era. The Netherlands is small compared to other nations, but it has played this role in the past.
(Photo via The World of Maps /
In spite of the fact that the boy had been invited to push the button, he didn't do it. Instead, he hesitated. We hesitate because we lack assurance and we do not trust that we have the ability to do what God has called us to do.
The Spirit of God is saying, however, that, "The time when we did not know who we were has passed." The Netherlands is called to push the button and to change the world.
Daniel 11:32b ...but the people who know their God shall be strong, and carry out great exploits.
2014 will see a new outpouring of the "hero spirit" as God raises up a new generation of mighty men and women.
The sons and daughters of God will rise up, shake off their lethargy and fear, and confront the armies of darkness that have our nation(s) in their grip:"Then David said to the Philistine, 'You come to me with a sword, with a spear, and with a javelin. But I come to you in the name of the Lord of Hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied.
This day the Lord will deliver you into my hand, and I will strike you and take your head from you. And this day I will give the carcasses of the camp of the Philistines to the birds of the air and the wild beasts of the earth, that all the earth may know that there is a God in Israel. Then all this assembly shall know that the Lord does not save with sword and spear; for the battle is the Lord's, and He will give you into our hands'" (I Samuel 17:45-47).
Many will be encouraged and will themselves rise up and do exploits as they see and hear the stories of the modern-day Gideons and Davids who God is raising up even now. The hero spirit and taking back ground that has been lost will be important characteristics of this new move of the Spirit that God is unleashing upon the earth and which will pick up speed in 2014.
Arleen Westerhof
Facilitator, Netherlands Prophetic Council
Coordinator, European Economic Summit
Arleen Westerhof is the founder and facilitator of the Netherlands Prophetic Council and is the co-senior pastor of the church God's Embassy Amsterdam together with her husband Dick. She is the Coordinator of the European Economic Summit 2014 and an associate with Christian International Europe. Arleen has a passion to see prophecy made practical and prophets raised up who are able to be problem-solvers.
The Netherlands Prophetic Council consists of church and ministry leaders from across The Netherlands and is a platform where prophets from different denominations and movements are trained, encouraged, and raised up. Their goal is to release the prophetic voice in The Netherlands and in Europe. Each year they come together to seek the Lord about what He wants to do the following year. Several times a year they organize events aimed at seeing the Kingdom of God advanced across Europe.