Saturday, August 17, 2019

"Favorite Friend" - Darrell Evans worship Integrity Music - (Woodside Falls pond water shoot)

"Favorite Friend" - Darrell Evans worship Integrity Music - (Woodside Falls pond water shoot)

Published on May 28, 2017

"Favorite Friend" - Darrell Evans worship Integrity Music - (Woodside Falls pond water shoot) Pineville, NC just south of Charlotte Jesus you have become my favorite friend. Worship song - 3 - 05.28.17 Videos filmed and shared by Steve Martin - to give appreciation to and love for those we support, through Love For His People, Inc.

"Your Glory/Holy, Holy/Worthy Is The Lamb" worship medley -Transformation Church - (Hwy, 521 Indian Land, SC)

"Your Glory/Holy, Holy/Worthy Is The Lamb" worship medley 

Transformation Church, Pastor Derwin Gray 

Hwy. 521 Indian Land, SC


Published on May 26, 2017

Transformation Church - Your Glory/Holy, Holy/Glory Is Beautiful/Nothing But The Blood of Jesus/Worthy Is The Lamb medley 521 Indian Land, SC - May 21, 2017, 10 am service The video was recorded using my iPhone 6. I was in the middle, the top section of the auditorium behind the soundboard crew. Sound is fairly good, but the visual keeps blurring in and out as the camera tried to adjust to the darkroom with spotlights on the stage. But the Holy Spirit still moved! Videos filmed and shared by Steve Martin - to give appreciation to and love for those we support, through Love For His People, Inc.

Davidic Anointing is Descending Upon Musical Instruments by Bill Yount, Identity Network

Davidic Anointing is Descending Upon Musical Instruments by Bill Yount

Davidic Anointing is Descending Upon Musical Instruments by Bill Yount

Identity Network
Aug. 16, 2019
Ebook PDF Download
By Rhoda Banks
Price: $16.95
Sale! $9.99
Click HERE to order.
I once heard a testimony where the Holy Ghost was falling upon the people during worship. The preacher testified how the piano player got so filled with the Spirit that she fell off of the piano bench, and the piano kept right on playing!
No other explanation could be found except, "Jesus knows how to play a piano!"
I believe we are entering into a time and place of worship and praise where we will experience some unusual anointings upon musical instruments that will be played, at times, with heavenly fingers, either through His people, and sometimes without them. Heaven will invade even our so-called Spirit-led worship, and we will soon discover that the Father, Son and Holy Spirit just could wait no longer to join us, with heaven shouting, "We've come to worship!"
Highly Volatile Worship
I saw a fresh anointing similar to the anointing that was upon David's harp being poured out upon musical instruments. This anointing was highly volatile, able to easily drive demons and strongholds out of whole regions. I sense the Lord speaking to many worship leaders who have become weary in trying to lead others into His presence:
"Just worship Me, and I will take you and your instruments to a whole new level to cause My throne to descend and to drive out devils!"
Many Wind Instruments Will Sound as Though My Breath Is Blowing Through Them
It was as though these angels with bowls full of the "oil of worship" were being instructed on which instruments to start pouring upon. This depended upon the players and their intimacy with the Lord. I sensed the Father distinctively describing which instruments would bring the most devastation in the next phase of spiritual warfare: all of them. He was reminding the enemy also of these fatal weapons:
"We do drumsticks, keyboards, stringed instruments, shofars and woodwinds. I also use hand-clapping, shouting, and feet that dance upon your land mines!"
These 'Demon Buster' Musical Instruments Will Not Only Be Found in My House, But in the Streets, Concert Halls and Gutters of the World!
It was not really in David's own territory that the anointing of his harp drove away evil, but in the house of Saul! In the place where the Spirit of the Lord had departed was where the anointing was the most powerful. For as long as David played on his harp, Saul was free from tormenting spirits. That gives hope to any God-called musician in any church or place on the earth. You may not have to leave where you are. You may just get to drive the devil out of that place!
I Saw Drumsticks Striking Drums, Releasing Arrows of Deliverance into the Atmosphere Above
Some drummers were weary and had even quit playing drums. But now the Lord was giving a new "war" order to these weary ones:
"Strike it one more time. You will no longer just play these drums, but they are now fatal weapons that you need to bring deliverance into your own life, family and region! Step on that bass drum one more time, and you will soon find the enemy under your feet—this is a war order!"
Many Worn Out Musicians Were Being Called to Pick Up Their Harps Off the Weeping Willow Trees
Many musicians were taken captive by the enemy to stop their worship and praise. The Lord was now calling many of these defeated ones to pick up their instruments again and play them in the midst of their defeats. They were discovering deliverance not only for themselves, but multitudes were being led out of their captivity.
Let the music begin!
Bill Yount

Prophesy the Gold in People by Matt Sorger, Identity Network

Prophesy the Gold in People by Matt Sorger

Prophesy the Gold in People by Matt Sorger

Identity Network
Aug. 16, 2019
Ebook PDF Download
By Kathryn Summers
Price: $13.99
Sale! $12.99
Click HERE to order.
I'll never forget the first time I experienced the prophetic anointing. I was a freshman in college. We were having a prayer meeting in one of the dorm rooms. As we were holding hands in a circle praying, it felt like someone through a blanket over my head. The feeling was so real I opened my eyes. There was no blanket, but I still felt the sensation. I was experiencing a prophetic mantle for the first time. As I looked around the room I knew things about each person. As I shared what God was showing me each one was deeply ministered to as God spoke to the secrets of their hearts. 
I came to realize that one of the main reasons God releases a prophetic gift in us is to call people forth into their true identity and destiny. The enemy has worked so hard to lie to people about who they really are. He tries to bind them up with insecurities, fears, false belief systems, guilt and condemnation. He tries to lock them in their past. 
When you step into a prophetic flow, you receive the eyes and heart of God. You obtain the ability to see past the surface and into God's view of someone. You see their full potential and the amazing plan God has for them. This sets them free from the lies and false belief systems they have been living with. 
Prophecy is Being Able to See the GOLD in People. 
It's easy to see the faults and weaknesses in each other. It takes the eyes of God to see the GOLD in people. To see them how God sees them. When you see the GOLD in someone, you can prophesy it and call it forth. The power of prophesying the gold in people calls them into their true identity and purpose. It brings breakthrough and freedom into their hearts and minds. 
Prophesy is to Edify, Exhort and Comfort. (1 Cor 14:3)
Edify means to build up and construct. When you prophesy the gold in people you build them up in the truth of who they are and help construct the future God has for them. 
Exhort means to strongly encourage and urge someone to do something. When you prophesy the gold in people you strongly encourage them in their identity and urge them into their destiny and into the good works God has called them to do. 
Comfort means freedom from pain and constraint. To ease someone's grief or distress. When you prophecy the gold in people you help set them free from pain in their soul and from the constraints that have held them back. You prophecy them into breakthrough and freedom and into the fullness God has for their lives. 
God wants to anoint you to prophesy and mine for the gold in people. He wants to empower you to dig deep and pull out the best in those around you. You can be used by God to shift people into their destinies and true identity. 
God wants to use you in this way. I encourage you to get more equipped so you can be a vessel that calls forth the gold in people.
Matt Sorger

"Feeling Misunderstood? God Is Opening New Doors - Prepare for Promotion!" - Joe Joe Dawson, THE ELIJAH LIST

"Feeling Misunderstood? God Is Opening New Doors 
- Prepare for Promotion!"

Joe Joe Dawson, Texarkana, Texas

August 16, 2019

From the Desk of Steve Shultz:

Steve Shultz    We've received quite a few words about this being a season of open doors...

    I know many of you are starting new ventures with the Lord. He's called you to new things to build in the Kingdom with new creativity.
    Some have felt "misunderstood" as Joe Joe Dawson puts it in his recent article:

    Just recently, in a time of corporate prayer, the Lord spoke to me about the month of August. The Lord only said this one word to me: "Misunderstood." I began to think about different people in the Bible and how many of them were misunderstood...

    I want you to read this most encouraging word and receive it for yourself... God is opening new doors for you! 

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     Please forward this word to your friends! Encourage them to subscribe to the Elijah List right here:
Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News

"Feeling Misunderstood? God Is Opening New Doors - Prepare for Promotion!"
Joe Joe Dawson, Texarkana, Texas

 Recently, very early in the morning, I was in a time of prayer when I heard the Lord say, "I am about to open doors for so many people, but tell them to be ready."

He is Making a Way

     God is about to open doors for many people. Not just one door, but many doors. However, the Lord is wanting us to make sure that our hearts and minds are ready to receive these open doors. The Lord wants us to be fully ready when they open. We must be prepared, in the right mindset, and spiritually strong enough to walk through these doors when they open. We must get our emotions aligned and our spirits ready.

God is going to make a way where there seems to be no way.

He is going to open up doors in such a grand fashion that you are going to be able to run through them at full speed. When you enter in, instantaneously, you will reflect back and understand why you spent so long in a wilderness and cave season. Every previous season will make sense in light of these open doors.

The "Old You" Cannot Enter

     The reason God wants you to prepare before the doors are open is because the "old you" cannot enter into this new season. Your old way of thinking cannot handle these open doors. Your old way of doing things will not let you operate correctly in this new season.

     One reason doors have not opened for you yet is because of the people beside you. Some of the people beside you right now cannot go through these doors. It doesn't mean they're bad people, it just means these doors are not designed for them to walk through. Some people, if you allow them to go with you through the open doors, will try to grab a hold of you and keep you from the advancement that God has for you.

     Don't allow anyone, any mindset, any old habit or anything else to keep you from stepping into your open doors! You have been faithfully walking with the Lord through the hard times and through the great times but they have all been leading up to this season. You are about to run full speed ahead into your destiny.


     Just recently, in a time of corporate prayer, the Lord spoke to me about the month of August. The Lord only said this one word to me: "Misunderstood." I began to think about different people in the Bible and how many of them were misunderstood.

     King David was the son who was sent out into the wilderness. David felt misunderstood his entire life. While his brothers were in the house with their father, he was out in the field with the sheep. I would imagine David felt misunderstood and alone in the wilderness, but what he could not see at the time was that God had placed him there to prepare him.

     David was not the only one who spent time alone with God in the wilderness. Immediately following Jesus' baptism He went out into the wilderness to fast and be alone with the Father. Jesus was misunderstood His entire time on the earth but it did not keep Him from accomplishing what He knew He was sent to do.

     The apostle Paul, because of his radical and instantaneous transformation, was misunderstood. Paul was misunderstood by many of the Believers and former disciples because Paul had previously been murdering Christians and was now suddenly trying to preach the Gospel! It did not make any sense to anyone else, but Paul kept moving forward even though he was initially misunderstood.

Prepared for Promotion

     When we encounter a season in the wilderness it is not to punish us but rather to prepare us for promotion.

You may feel misunderstood and rejected but God is setting you up! In seasons where you feel lonely or isolated, draw near to God in the wilderness.

     If you feel misunderstood, you are in the perfect place and in the perfect time to receive the favor and the blessings of God. This is a season where God is taking those people that have felt misunderstood and isolated in this season and pouring out His Spirit upon them. God uses and sends people who are misunderstood to establish His Kingdom on the earth. God called Moses who stuttered and could easily be misunderstood to lead an entire nation of people out of bondage! Just because you have been misunderstood does not mean that God cannot do great exploits through you.

     For those that have felt rejected, isolated, lonely and forgotten, others may have misunderstood you but God has been preparing you for a season and a reason that will soon make sense. When people misunderstand you, Heaven understands you. One of the reasons why many of you have felt misunderstood was to protect you from wrong relationships and to set you apart.

     Get ready for everything that the Lord has for you. Don't worry about being misunderstood, God is setting you up for something powerful!

Joe Joe Dawson
Joe Joe Dawson Ministries


Joe Joe Dawson is the founder and Apostle of ROAR Apostolic Network and ROAR Church Texarkana. Joe Joe is married to the love of his life, Autumn Dawson and they have three children Malachi, Judah and Ezra. The Dawson's live and teach a lifestyle of revival and awakening. Their desire is to see every Believer fulfill their God-given destiny and live life to the fullest in God. Joe Joe is also the author of Living Your God-Sized Dream and Recipe for Revival.