Monday, December 21, 2015

"The Rise of the Jonah Generation" Adam F. Thompson, Adelaide, South Australia - The Elijah List

God is Calling Back the Jonahs!
In reading this prophetic word we must not perceive things the way they are in the natural. This is important because the Body of Christ is entering a time of transition and God is about to raise up a new breed – a Jonah Generation.
Sometimes, the Western Church can look more like an institution; maintaining an appearance of having its act together when the reality is that many are backslidden in their hearts. Many others are caught up in a merry-go-round of being slaves to the system rather than being heirs of the Kingdom.
This Jonah Generation will rise from among those who once had a life-changing mandate from God – a word, a prophecy, an encounter – but who walked away from it because of the religiosity in the Church. These people have not necessarily hardened their hearts, or intentionally gone off the rails, but they (nevertheless) have walked away from their mandate and gone back to trading.
God is calling back these "Jonahs" who have walked away from their original calling and mandate and have instead gone into business. Don't misunderstand me, God will use business and finance for the Kingdom, but not if you're running from your true calling and mandate. 
(Photo via Wikimedia)
This is precisely what Jonah did. He had a calling to declare the word of God to Nineveh, but in fear of its great wickedness he walked away from his mandate. He fled to Tarshish, an ancient city famous for its trading in silver and gold. This Old Testament story is very much a prophetic message for today.
On his way to Tarshish, Jonah was swallowed by a big fish, perhaps a whale, although the Bible doesn't use that name. In a dream, a big fish may be a metaphor for a Believer, but it is also a metaphor for revelation.
Throw Your Net on the Right Side
The disciples had a three-year encounter with Jesus, witnessed the resurrection, and had a clear mandate to "Go into all the world," but John 21 shows us that they didn't see that as a way of life.
When Peter announced he was going back to his fishing business, some of his fellow disciples went with him. A Man on the shore called out, "Have you caught anything?" When they told Him they'd caught nothing, the Man told them to throw their nets on the right side.
Isn't it interesting that none of them recognised this Man as Jesus?
Walking away from our mandate and going back to trading makes it easy to forget the Lord and become dull and numb to the revelation of Jesus Christ. When the Lord told the disciples to let down the net on the right side, the nets were completely filled but without breaking. 
This is a metaphor for the new wineskin and the big catch is a metaphor for the revelation of Jesus Christ. (Photo via Wikimedia)
The disciples said, "It's the Lord!" and Peter immediately swam for the shore to be with Him. The disciples gathered around the fire that Jesus had made to cook the fish they caught, and they had communion with Him. They ate, they had revelation, and they were restored to their heavenly positions, especially Peter.
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Jonahs Will Have the Revelation of Jesus Christ
When Jonah was swallowed by the big fish it was as though he was enveloped by the revelation of the heart of the Father. Remember, the fish took Jonah to the deep heart of the ocean. This is a picture mirrored in Psalm 42:7"Deep calls to deep." Jonah went to the deep heart of God, and following that revelation of who the eternal God is, the fish spewed Jonah onto the shore.
Whales are very sensitive to frequencies, which is why they are a metaphor for big prophetic ministries. A prophet must be sensitive. Jonah, as a prophet, was released from the whale into the natural realm as a sign and a wonder.
Jonah was spat out and released into the natural realm as one prepared to deal with the dark evil of Nineveh. But Jonah was a sign and a wonder, who walked into Nineveh, opened his mouth, and saw that whole atmosphere of darkness changed. He could do that because he was not a slave to the system anymore, but exercising spiritual dominion over it. The result was that Nineveh's leaders bowed the knee and repented.
In raising a Jonah Generation, God will restore people who have been perceived as "backslidden" because they don't attend church. This is not saying it's okay to avoid fellowship, but rather that they will come to the place of being enveloped in the revelation of Jesus Christ, the image of God. 
(Photo via Pixabay)
They will have revelation of who they are and come into the intimacy that activates the Kingdom of God. They will be people who walk in signs and wonders that change the whole atmosphere of their environment. That's what being a revivalist looks like.
At the present time there's a lot of darkness covering the earth, but it's the dark before the dawn, and we need to see it with hope and excitement. This darkness is to inspire followers of Christ to rise up. For many, this will be Joel's "valley of decision" (Joel 3:14) to bring in the greatest harvest ever seen on planet Earth.
Just as the darkness of the holocaust preceded the re-birth of the nation of Israel, the darkness that is coming will be followed by the birthing of the billion soul harvest.
God is raising up a group of prophets like Jonah. Prophets who will change atmospheres and not be slaves to the world's systems. They are going to be heirs of the Kingdom, influencing leaders and nations.
We need to be encouraged and fasten our seat belts. Jesus Himself said in Luke 21:28"When you see these things happen, lift up your head, because your redemption is near." Psalm 24 tells us to "lift up your heads you gates and allow the King of Glory to come in." The new breed of the Jonah Generation are the gates. Who will let in the King of Glory?
Adam F. Thompson
Co-Author of The Divinity Code
Voice of Fire Ministries 

Adam F. Thompson has a remarkable grace to interpret dreams, move in the Word of knowledge and demonstrate the prophetic. Supernatural signs and manifestations regularly accompany his ministry as he desires to see Jesus "magnified" through the moving of the Holy Spirit. He also has spent the last fifteen years doing mission work throughout Pakistan, India, Africa, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, Malaysia and the Philippines in crusades, feeding programs and conferences. 
Adam is the author of the "The Supernatural Man" and co-author of the best-selling book "The Divinity Code: To Understanding Your Dreams and Visions" and operates itinerantly through his ministry Voice of Fire.

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The One Thing That Will Keep You From Your Destiny - J.D. KING CHARISMA MAGAZINE SPIRITLED WOMAN

There's a test that God will give you that means more than how much you read the Bible or pray.

here's a test that God will give you that means more than how much you read the Bible or pray. (Charisma archives)

The One Thing That Will Keep You From Your Destiny

There are innumerable gems in seemingly obscure places in the Bible. We all know the stories of Noah, Moses, and Daniel, but fewer are aware of Jehoash, the conflicted king of Israel. In the following, I would like to explore an episode from this man's life.
I've found that the biblical narratives are always transparent and raw. They expose truth about people in ways that are surprising. As we see what God does in the lives of others, it helps us discover who we are and how to navigate our lives.
In Scripture we observe that Jehoash, like so many others, was squandering his calling. He was compromised and living a life that was at arm's length with God. His bad choices should have side-lined him, but somehow God wasn't actively holding his sins against him.
In spite of everything else, Jehoash was still being positioned for greatness. If nothing else, it seems that God blessed him for the sake of the people he was leading. Sometimes God will do amazing things in us, for the sake of those around us. That is what I believe He was doing for Jehoash in this instance.
In this fascinating story, God shows us that He is willing to use someone in spite of their foolishness and sin. Shockingly, the emphasis wasn't on his understanding or even his performance. Nevertheless, that doesn't mean that God wasn't looking for something.
In this narrative, Elisha laid his hands on Jehoash - and as prophetic act - exhorts him to aim high and shoot an arrow through the eastern window. This quick release of the bow represented Jehoash's God-ordained victory over the evil armies of Aram. Yet, with the arrow's assent, the prophetic decree wasn't over.
Many think they know how things operate, but few have the clearest insight. Sometimes the real test is unseen and unanticipated. After the first arrow was released, the prophet Elisha looked at Jehoash and declared, "Now pick up the other arrows and strike them against the ground" (2 Kings 13:18, NLT).
I'm sure Jehoash didn't realize that the test was still underway. So, as the aging prophet instructed him to shoot more arrows into the ground, he didn't put much thought into it. He probably dragged his feet as he made his way to that ancient window. Out of a quiver filled with many arrows, Jehoash casually grasped a few.
The fate of Israel was in play and the king only saw fit to fire off three arrows. In his tepid response he had no idea that he was failing the test.
As soon as Elisha saw Jehoash's response to the word of the Lord, he was aghast. He angrily declared,
"You should have struck the ground five or six times! Then you would have beaten Aram until it was entirely destroyed. Now you will be victorious only three times" (2 Kings 13:19).
This wasn't a test of purity. In many ways Jehoash had already failed at that. This wasn't a test of perspective, God knew Jehoash had limited insight. It was actually a test of passion. God wanted to see what was going on in Jehoash's heart.
What He discovered was a man who was extremely passive and disengaged. Although he was placed into a position of greatness, Jehoash displayed no passion for God's purposes.
In many ways God is conducting the same test today. He wants to see if you burn for the Kingdom of God or not. The only way that you fail is if you have no heart.
J.D. King, author and speaker, is the director of the World Revival Network.
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When You're Headed to a Broken Home for the Holidays - MARIVITTORI GORMAN CHARISMA MAGAZINE SPIRITLED WOMAN

There's some of us on this side of Christmas who don't want to go home.

There are some of us on this side of Christmas who don't want to go home. (Charisma archives)

When You're Headed to a Broken Home for the Holidays


The crackling fire place, the stockings all lined up in a row, the smell of warm cider and a freshly trimmed Christmas tree.
These are the pictures that dance in our minds around the holidays.
Well, it's the picture for some people.
But then there are the rest of us whose picture is much less fanciful. There's some of us on this side of Christmas who don't want to go home.
We're the ones who come from towns we'd rather not talk about or from families we are intentionally vague about when you ask us about our holiday plans. We're the ones whose families have been plagued by divorce, addiction, adultery, lies, deceit, mental illness, fits of anger, abandonment or abuse.
We're the ones whose Christmas picture is broken.
So what if you, like me, are traveling back to a broken home for the holidays? How should you prepare, react and respond?
If you are like me, you've probably developed some poor habits when you go home. Maybe you slip back into old, destructive patterns. Maybe you numb out and coast through the whole experience. Maybe you always blow up at that one family member who seems to make you crazy, even when you swore you wouldn't react that way this time.
While I know everyone's broken home is different, here's one resounding lesson I've learned that applies to them all:
Your Savior Gets It
One of the crazy-good benefits of being a Christian is that our God is not far off and unfamiliar with our struggles.
Jesus Christ Himself had a hard time when it came to His hometown. Can you remember? Mark 6:1-5 tells us that Nazareth wouldn't take him seriously.
"You mean Joseph and Mary's kid? The carpenter? Yeah right, like he ever turned out to be anything good. Wasn't she pregnant before they got married?"
It's not a newsflash that a lot of people didn't buy the whole "An angel appeared and Mary got pregnant by the Holy Spirit" thing. The people surrounding Jesus' life looked at Him and His family story as though it was a joke, or worse, an abomination. Whispers and judgmental side-glances were probably part of Jesus' entire upbringing.
And He somehow bore all of that without sinning.
Do you feel that way this holiday season? Do you always feel as though you're never taken seriously when you go back to that place? Do you feel as though you'll always be seen as that person you were when you were 12? Do you hate going home because you know you'll have to face people who have heard about the scandal that happened in your family?
You're in good company, friend. The company of Christ Himself.
Remember that Jesus' birth story wasn't the only scandal when it comes to His family. In Jewish tradition, you only included the important and swoon-worthy candidates in your genealogy. You made sure to throw in any royal bloodlines or religious heroes. You left out anyone who could bring shame on the family. This was just the way genealogies were written. Only the best are remembered.
But Jesus? His entire genealogy in Matthew 1 was a chock-full mess of adulterers, drunks, murderers, prostitutes and the like. The fact that a Jewish author would mention any of these types of misfits, especially women, was unheard of.
The point?
Jesus knows what it's like to come from a family story you're not proud of.
When it comes to family brokenness, Hebrews 4:15 tells us that our God doesn't just understand what we're dealing with on an intellectual level, but that He actually dealtwith everything we deal with. He sympathizes because He's been there. He gets it.
In other words, you serve a God who walked through it too.
Do you know what Isaiah 53:3 tells you?
That God humbled Himself to become a "man of sorrows, acquainted with our deepest grief." Friend, that's not just a nice Bible phrase. That's your hope, your anchor, your power to get through this holiday.
All the kinds of brokenness we see in this life, Jesus has seen and dealt with and become acquainted with. He doesn't just understand our weaknesses as humans, he's lived them for us.
But why? Why did Jesus even have to become familiar with our sorrows?
Because He knew we'd respond poorly amid them. We have blown up, said things we shouldn't, thought bad things, responded in anger, hidden from our issues, refused to forgive and so on. There are a multiplicity of ways we don't respond well when we go home for the holidays.
Remember that Jesus did all of life in our place—died the death we deserved but also lived the life we couldn't live. We need a righteous record, and that includes the way we respond to brokenness.
Instead of lashing out, He took the lashes. Instead of defending Himself, He took the ridicule. Instead of returning evil for evil, He returned evil for good.
You know why?
Because you need someone to do that in your place. Because you have responded poorly amid brokenness and hurt, just as I have. I have lashed out. I have returned evil for evil. I have not responded well to being misunderstood.
Jesus not only gets it, He obeyed and responded rightly in my place so I could have a perfect record before the Father.
So here's your good news this Christmas:
Jesus did family brokenness in your place. He responded the ways you should have. He has forgiven in the ways that maybe you haven't yet. He never slipped into a bad pattern with family discussions but instead always replied appropriately.
That's great news. Why? Because if you have Jesus' record in place of your own, God looks at you as though you have responded perfectly over all these years!
Let the rich and unfathomable grace roll over you this holiday season—God Himself came from a line of misfits and was even rejected by His hometown yet responded perfectly to it, in my place, for me.
Hometowns are hard, my friend, apparently even for God in the flesh.
He gets it and He's already responded well to it on your behalf, even when you didn't deserve it. Now go live in that and love your crazy family and your hard hometown, even if they don't deserve it. For this is the way God loves us. Yes, this is the way of the cross.
The Christmas picture I now cling to has nothing to do with trees or cider. It's a simple picture, but a profound one: Jesus in my place, even over the holidays.
Reprinted with permission from Ashley Marivittori Gorman is an author, photographer and Master's student at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. Her passion is to teach and equip women within the Christian faith through the channels of motivational speaking, small-group leadership, personal mentoring and writing. 
She has served as a women's director in a local college ministry, influencing the campuses of NC State, UNC Chapel Hill and Duke University and has also served as a women's discipleship coordinator within her church campus. She lives in Durham, North Carolina, with her husband, Cole, a photographer and studio owner of Blest Studios, where they serve at their local church, The Summit.
For a limited time, we are extending our celebration of the 40th anniversary of Charisma. As a special offer, you can get 40 issues of Charisma magazine for only $40!
NEW from CHARISMA: Do you want to encounter the Holy Spirit and hear God speak to you? Increase your faith, discover freedom, and draw near to God! Click Here

The Jim Bakker Show - Update on Morningside and Day 2 with Dr. Don Colbert & Mary Colbert

The Jim Bakker Show 
- Update on Morningside 
and Day 2 with 
Dr. Don Colbert & Mary Colbert

Dr. Don Colbert, Mary Colbert

Jim Bakker Show 2015 | Show# 2875 | Aired on December 18, 2015

Jim Bakker Show © 2015 • Morningside Studios

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Prince Charles Warns Christianity May Be Erased From Middle East Within 5 Years - ISRAEL, ISLAM & END TIMES

Prince Charles Warns Christianity May Be Erased From Middle East Within 5 Years - Israel, Islam & End Times

Dec. 20, 2015
BRITAIN’S Prince Charles has warned that Christianity might be entirely erased from the land of its birth in the Middle East within five years.
“Their suffering is symptomatic of a very real crisis which threatens the very existence of Christianity in the land of its birth,” Charles said at the Archbishop House in central London, reported the Express on Thursday.
“In fact according to Aid to the Church in Need, which is a truly remarkable organization, Christianity is on course to disappear from Iraq within five years unless emergency help is provided on a greatly increased scale at an international level,” the Prince of Wales said.

“This affects us all, consequently the greatest challenge we face is how to ensure the spiritual and cultural heritage of Christianity in the Middle East is preserved for future generations.”

Christians have been heavily targeted by the Islamic State terror group across Iraq and Syria in the past two years, and have seen their numbers drop significantly.

The militants have beheaded Christians in several propaganda videos, and have warned Christian populations in towns they have captured that they must either convert to their version of Islam, face death, or be driven out.

Prince Charles’ dire warning has been proclaimed by Iraqi and Syrian church leaders as well, with Metropolitan Jean-Clément Jeanbart of the Melkite Archdiocese of Aleppo declaring in October that the exodus of Christians from the Middle East is both “apocalyptic and fatal.”
Jeanbart said that the “exodus of Christians” is as “a form of deportation, condemning our faithful to a humiliating exile and our 2,000-year-old Church to a deadly drying up.” The church leader also accused Western governments of appearing “either indifferent or unjust” to the plight of the refugees.
Prince Charles has also spoken out on the persecution of Christians throughout the Middle East on a number of other occasions, including back in December 2013 when he said that the situation has reached a “crisis” point.
“It seems to me that we cannot ignore the fact that Christians in the Middle East are, increasingly, being deliberately targeted by fundamentalist Islamist militants. Christianity was, literally, born in the Middle East and we must not forget our Middle Eastern brothers and sisters in Christ,” he said at the time.

Larry Randolph: The Amazing & Strange Places God Hides So You CAN Find Him!

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Larry Randolph: The Amazing and Strange Places God Hides, 
So You CAN Find Him!
Larry Randolph
Dear Friends of The Elijah List,

I've known Larry Randolph for many years and he is an amazing teacher of the Word of God. He is both funny and profound.

If you want to dig deep into things of the Word that you've never heard before, things that will help you, Larry is the man to listen to!

In this teaching, Larry makes it clear that GOD WANTS TO BE FOUND BY YOU — yet oddly enough, God HIDES HIMSELF in very strange and amazing places. He hides RIGHT WHERE HE KNOWS YOU WILL LOOK. It's like God's playing HIDE AND SEEK with us, but He HIDES IN PLAIN SIGHT!

The trick is, to realize you've actually found God — WHEN YOU FIND HIM.

I love this word by Larry, and you will too!

Larry Randolph
This Christmas month of DECEMBER, for a donation of $5.00 or more, I will send you the link to download and listen to this incredible message by Larry called, "THE AMAZING AND STRANGE PLACES GOD HIDES, SO YOU CAN FIND HIM!"

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In ministry together with you!

Steve and Derene Shultz, Founders, THE ELIJAH LIST

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December 18, 2015
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LOVE FOR HIS PEOPLE EDITOR'S NOTE: We publish many of The Elijah List messages on our blog LOVE FOR HIS PEOPLE to share with friends like you. In addition, we ordered this message by Larry Randolph, and gave some extra to support THE ELIJAH LIST. I hope you do too.  Steve Martin

The Rate Hike Stock Market Crash Has Thrown Gasoline Onto An Already Raging Global Financial Inferno - MICHAEL SNYDER THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE BLOG

Posted: 20 Dec 2015

If the stock market crash of last Thursday and Friday had all happened on one day, it would have been the 7th largest single day decline in U.S. history.  On Friday, the Dow Jones Industrial Average was down 367 points after finishing down 253 points on Thursday

The overall decline of 620 points between the two days would have been the 7th largest single day stock market crash ever experienced in the United States if it had happened within just one trading day.  If you will remember, this is precisely what I warned would happen if the Federal Reserve raised interest rates.  But when news of the rate hike first came out on Wednesday, stocks initially jumped. 

This didn’t make any sense at all, and personally I was absolutely stunned that the markets had behaved so irrationally.  But then we saw that on Thursday and Friday the markets did exactly what we thought they would do.  The chief economist at Gluskin Sheff, David Rosenberg, is calling the brief rally on Wednesday “a head-fake of enormous proportions“, and analysts all over Wall Street are bracing for what could be another very challenging week ahead.

When the Federal Reserve decided to lift interest rates, they made a colossal error.  You don’t raise interest rates when a global financial crisis has already started.  That is absolutely suicidal.  It is the kind of thing that you would do if you were trying to bring down the global financial system on purpose.

Surely the “experts” at the Federal Reserve can see what is happening.  Junk bonds have already crashed, just like they did in 2008.  The price of oil has crashed, just like it did in 2008.  Commodity prices have crashed, just like they did in 2008.  And more than half of all major global stock market indexes are already down at least 10 percent for the year so far.

You don’t raise interest rates in that kind of an environment.

You would have to be utterly insane to do so.

The Federal Reserve has thrown fuel onto a global financial inferno that is already raging, and things could spiral out of control very rapidly.

As far as this upcoming week is concerned, we have now entered “liquidation season”.  Investors are going to be pulling their money out of poorly performing hedge funds before the end of the calendar year, and as CNBC has pointed out, more hedge funds have already failed in 2015 than at any point since the last financial crisis…
Liquidation season occurs when clients of poorly performing hedge funds ask for their money back. It tends to occur at the end of a quarter or year. In response, hedge funds must sell stocks in the open market to raise the money that needs to be returned to investors.
That means if a hedge fund performed poorly this year; it is probably flooded with liquidation requests right now. In fact, there have been more failed hedge funds this year than any time since 2008.
The dominoes are starting to fall.  We have already seen funds run by Third Avenue Management, Stone Lion Capital Partners and Lucidus Capital Partners collapse.  Amazingly, there are some people out there that are still attempting to claim that “nothing is happening” even in the midst of all of this chaos.

As they say, “denial” is not just a river in Egypt.

And this crisis is going to get even worse as we head into 2016.  Egon von Greyerz, the founder of Matterhorn Asset Management, is convinced that we will soon see “one disaster after another”
Greyerz predicts, “I think we will have one disaster after another, first in the junk bond market, then inemerging markets and, after that, the subprime markets. Subprime car loans and student loans I see as another massive problem area. It is going to be one thing after another that will unravel. Since 2008, when the world almost went under, we have printed or increased credit by 50% or by $70 trillion, and the world economy is still struggling to survive. I think the real change in confidence will come down when markets come down. . . . I think things will come down very quickly.”
And I think that he is right on target.  The global financial system is more interconnected today than ever before, and when one financial institution fails, it inevitably affects dozens of others.  And the failures that we have already seen are already spreading a wave of fear and panic that may be difficult to stop.  The following comes from Business Insider, and I think that it is a pretty good explanation of what we could see next…
  • Funds such as Third Avenue and Lucidus close, liquidating their portfolios.
  • Investors, spooked by the closures and the risk that they might not be able to get their money out of these funds, make a rush for the exits while they still can.
  • That creates even more selling pressure.
  • Funds sell the assets that are easiest to sell as they look to reduce risk, which pushes the selling pressure from the risky parts of the market to the higher-quality part of the market.
  • Things evolve from there.
If you have been waiting for the next financial crisis to arrive, you can stop, because it is already unfolding right in front of our eyes.

The only question is how bad it is going to become.

In the final analysis, I find myself agreeing quite a bit with Charles Hugh Smith, the author of “A Radically Beneficial World: Automation, Technology and Creating Jobs for All“.  He believes that the ridiculous monetary policies of the Federal Reserve have played a primary role in setting the stage for this new crisis, and that now this giant financial “Death Star” that they have created “is about to blow up”
By slashing rates to zero, the Fed ruthlessly eliminating safe returns for savers, pension funds, insurers and the millions of people with 401K retirement nesteggs. In effect, the Fed-Farce has pushed everyone into risk assets–and then played another Dark Side mind-trick by masking the true dangers of these risky assets.
As oil-sector debt blows up, as junk bonds blow up, and emerging markets blow up, we are finally starting to see the real costs of going over to the Dark Side of endless credit expansion and throwing the gasoline of near-zero interest rates on the speculative fires of financialization.
The Fed’s hubris has led it to the Dark Side, and now its Death Star of impaired debt, phantom collateral, speculative frenzy and bogus mind-tricks is about to blow up.
Personally, instead of saying that it “is about to blow up”, I would have said that it is already blowing up.
We have already seen trillions upon trillions of dollars of wealth wiped out around the world.

Energy companies are failing, giant hedge funds are going under, and the 7th largest economy on the entire planet has already plunged into “an outright depression“.

Everyone that warned of financial disaster in the second half of 2015 has been proven right, but this is just the beginning.  Now that the Federal Reserve has thrown gasoline onto the fire, our problems are only going to accelerate as we head into 2016.

So for the upcoming year, let us hope for the best, but let us also prepare for the worst.