Thursday, July 28, 2016

How You Can Be Triumphant in Times of Transition - JENNIFER EIVAZ CHARISMA MAGAZINE

Triumphant in change
Daily cultural things do affect us, but Jesus is the great problem solver. (iStock photo )

How You Can Be Triumphant in Times of Transition

Join us on our new podcast each weekday for an interesting story, well told, from Charisma News. Listen at

It was just after 3 a.m., and I was walking up to my front porch having just completed a nightwatch prayer shift at our church. The Lord had been speaking to me that week about change, but I didn't know what He was referring to.
And I had been seeking Him for more clarification. As I headed towards my porch, my eyes gazed down to the ground and to a dragonfly lying on the pavement. I thought it might be dead and gave it a little nudge with my foot. Apparently it was only napping and it gave me a loud angry buzz in response.
I felt the breath of God in that moment. I rushed inside my home to research on my computer the symbolic meaning for "dragonfly." I was not surprised to see that this beautiful insect was often a sign for "change." The Bible says that God speaks through His creation, and He was definitely speaking here. We need to prepare for change.
The disciples of John had been questioning Jesus about fasting. "Why do we and the Pharisees fast often, but your disciples do not fast (Matt 9:14)?" Jesus took the opportunity to give John's disciples a lesson about change. Using highly visual language, Jesus explained why there was no reason to fast as long as He was around. He then revealed that He would soon be gone and His disciples would start fasting then.
Contrasting old and new wineskins, Jesus instructs on the need to be flexible with the upcoming change. New wine can't go into old wineskins or it will break and be ruined! Only new wineskins can hold new wine (v. 17).
Prepare yourself to be flexible with upcoming change. You were redeemed to increase, but inflexibility will reduce you. Inflexibility will ruin you. If change, or even the thought of change, makes you anxious, you need to "fret not" because His peace will anchor you.
His Peace Keeps You Steady
Jesus portrayed perfect peace when He and His disciples set sail to the Gadarenes and a deadly storm rose up in the middle of their voyage (Mark 4). The disciples panicked while Jesus slept peacefully in the stern of the boat. You probably know the story, but the frightened disciples finally woke Jesus up to do something about it. He rebuked the storm with the powerful command, "Peace, be still!" And then He rebuked His disciples for not having any faith. Jesus stopped a storm with peace and apparently you can, too.
The peace of God is tangible. It's also a sign that God's kingdom has invaded a chaotic situation and set it in order. "Of the increase of His government and peace, there will be no end (Is. 9:7)." For example, a woman in our church had torn the meniscus disc in her knee and was scheduled for surgery. When I put my hand on her knee, I felt the tangible peace of Jesus leave my hand. I didn't feel power as expected, but I felt liquid peace! She was healed of all pain instantly and walked up three flights of stairs the next day.
Another time, I was in Beijing leading a group of Chinese men and women in prayer. A few of them were Christians, but most were not. As I prayed, one woman spoke out in English saying, "I don't believe in your God, but when you prayed I felt a strong peace come into me!" I responded, "That's Jesus! He's talking to you!" She was visibly touched having her heart arrested by His supernatural peace.
Jesus said, "Peace I leave with you. My peace I give to you ... Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid (John 14:27)." We have a choice to fret or to remain steady during seasons of personal and national change. His peace is instantly accessible and powerful. It anchors us on the inside when it looks like trouble and uncertainty on the outside. We can navigate any change because His peace governs our soul.
Become Rock Solid
Just recently, I watched two ministries go down in flames in one week because of sin. It was sad! Yes, the devil is on the prowl. Yes, the devil takes aim at ministers (the shepherds) in order to scatter the flock. At the same time, the Word is very clear as towhy someone stands or falls in a storm.
Jesus said, "Whoever hears these sayings of Mine and does them, I will liken him to a wise man who built his house on a rock (Matt. 7:24)." He goes on to explain that a man who does His sayings will not fall down even in the worst storm. On the other hand, those who don't do His sayings will most certainly fail under pressure.
My husband and I have always been "Word" people. It seemed obsessive at first, but I'm so grateful at this season in our lives that we chose to immerse ourselves in the written Word each and every day. In the night, in the morning time, and as we drive to and from our various destinations, there is one constant in our lives—it's the steady hearing and study of the Word of God.
There are many who don't do His sayings, not because they aren't willing to, but because they don't know what He has said. They don't commit their lives to reading or hearing His word. The prophet Hosea said it well, "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge ...  (Hos. 4:6)."
How is your Word life? It's time to get obsessed with it. Permanently obsessed. Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God (Rom. 10:17). It's not about hearing the Word once. It's about hearing it over and over. And in seasons of change, you'll remain rock solid because you've heard His Word and remained in His Word.
While others are crashing, you'll be left standing. That's the power and strength of His Word in your life.
Our Blessing Comes From His Presence
Obed-Edom, the priest, was surprised by the arrival of the ark of the covenant to his household (2 Sam. 6). The ark was the presence of God to Israel, and King David had delivered it to his home on an emergency order. Apparently, the king had failed to transport it from Abinadab's home to the city of Jerusalem properly. David should have carried the ark on the shoulders of the priests, but instead he placed it on a cart being pulled by oxen. When the cart stumbled and the ark began to slip, Uzziah reached out to steady the ark and was struck dead by the holiness of the Lord. Apparently you can't make your own rules when it comes to carrying the presence of God.
It was a miserable event, and David put up the ark in Obed-Edom's home temporarily until he could sort out what to do. Because of the ark, an unusual blessing came upon Obed-Edom's household. The Bible doesn't specify what that blessing was, but an online Jewish Encyclopedia proposed that supernatural increase came upon the home. This encouraged King David to search out the proper order for handling the ark so he could transfer it properly to Mount Zion. He did so successfully, thus bringing the entire city of Jerusalem under the blessing of God's presence.
The ark of the covenant teaches us about the nature of His presence. Where His presence is, there will be the blessing of increase. I know this to be true having seen it in my own church. For example, during one year we saw three households supernaturally released from their mortgages while another household was supernaturally released from their car loan. Around the same time, a dairy farmer had three sets of calf twins in about nine months, which is almost unheard of. The blessing of His presence is tangible and manifests with visible results.
In seasons of change, people often worry about their provision and safety and this is where compromise occurs. They think their preferred presidential candidate, a perfect healthcare system, or a glowing secular economy is what will solve all their problems! These things do affect us, but Jesus is the great problem solver. We are once again being directed to trust His Word and to trust His Spirit and prepare our lives to be distinguished by heavenly miracles.
The Holy Spirit is reminding us that, "... No good thing will He withhold from the one who walks uprightly (Ps. 84:11)." You will triumph in change
Jennifer Eivaz is a vibrant minister and international conference speaker who carries the wisdom and fire of the Holy Spirit. She presently serves as an Executive Pastor with Harvest Christian Center in Turlock, California, and is focused on raising up a passionate and effective prayer community that is tempered with love and hears the voice of God accurately. Jennifer loves the presence of God and is a prophetic voice to her church and to others. Her teaching style is authentic and aimed at the heart, having been built on her personal testimony of God's incredible goodness and miraculous display in her life and in the life of her church. Jennifer is a graduate of Oral Roberts University in Tulsa, Oklahoma. She is married to HCC's Senior Pastor Ron Eivaz, and they have two wonderful children. She's a featured writer for several online publications including the Elijah List and Charisma Magazine. She's also written a book titled The Intercessors Handbook.
For the original article, visit
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Is the UN Trying to Rewrite the Bible? - BOB ESCHLIMAN CHARISMA NEWS

Temple Mount
CAMERA has alerted the U.S. media that Palestinians and Muslim nations are trying to convince the UN to "rewrite biblical history" with regard to the Temple Mount. (Reuters photo)

Is the UN Trying to Rewrite the Bible?

Amid the chaos of the current American political environment, Palestinian and Jordanian representatives submitted a draft resolution to the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization's World Heritage Committee.
Its goal: to rewrite history and eradicate any Jewish connection to Judaism's holiest sites.
The Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America isn't taking the resolution—which is clearly based on pushing a Muslim-dominant agenda for the Middle East—lightly. The organization made the following statement to American media outlets:
"Though the resolution is clearly based on falsehood and distortion, there was no guarantee that the U.N.'s cultural organization would dismiss it. After all, UNESCO had just three months earlier sided with anti-Israel forces to pass a resolution condemning Jewish visits to and policing of the Temple Mount, which it referred to only by its Arab terms—al-Aksa Mosque/al-Haram al Sharif.
"While France, a member that voted for the April resolution, subsequently apologized for this, Palestinians and Muslims were encouraged to step up their campaign. This time around, however, members of the World Heritage Committee realized they would probably lack the votes to pass the contentious resolution at their annual meeting in Istanbul, and indefinitely delayed voting on it."
CAMERA has put together a summary report that details the historical facts about the Temple Mount, as well as the implications of adopting a resolution such as the one presented recently. Click here to read the entire report.
"The demand by Palestinians and other Muslim groups to usurp Jewish holy sites through historical revisionism should not be dismissed as merely an academic or political dispute," the group said in its statement. "Were these groups to achieve their goals in expelling Israelis, Jews and non-Muslims from the site, the disastrous results would resonate far beyond the Middle East."
Draw closer to God. Experience the presence of the Holy Spirit every month as you read Charisma magazine. Sign up now to get Charisma for as low as $1 per issue.
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Deutsche Bank Profit Plunges 98 Percent As The Outlook For ‘The World’s Riskiest Bank’ Darkens - Michael Snyder THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE BLOG

Crash Arrow Down - Public Domain

Posted: 27 Jul 2016   Michael Snyder  THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE BLOG

The biggest and most important bank in the biggest and most important country in Europe continues to implode right in front of our eyes.  If you follow my work regularly, you probably already know that I issued a major alarm about Deutsche Bank last September.  Subsequently, Deutsche Bank stock hit an all-time low.  

Then I sounded the alarm about Deutsche Bank again back in May, and once again that was followed by another all-time low for Deutsche Bank.  And then I warned about Deutsche Bank again in early June, and you can probably imagine what happened after that.  Over the past year, this German banking giant has literally been coming apart at the seams, and in so many ways it is paralleling exactly what happened to Lehman Brothers back in 2008.

Today, we got some more bad news from Deutsche Bank.  Compared to the exact same period last year, profits were down 98 percent.  A nearly 100 percent drop in net income spooked a lot of investors, and Deutsche Bank shares got hit hard on Wednesday.  Of course Deutsche Bank shares are already down by more than half over the past 12 months, and the financial sharks can smell blood in the water.

Just like Lehman Brothers in 2008, Deutsche Bank is essentially in panic mode at this point.  They recently announced that they will be closing 188 branches and that 3,000 workers will be losing their jobs.  But this could just be the beginning of the layoffs at the bank.  According to some reports, the bank could cut up to  35,000 jobs by the year 2020, and CEO John Cryan recently admitted that they “may have to accelerate cost-cutting measures“.

What makes all of this even more alarming is that Deutsche Bank is widely considered to be “the most dangerous bank” on the entire planet.  The following comes from a CNN article posted just today entitled “The world’s riskiest bank is in trouble“…
What is going on with Deutsche Bank?
Germany’s biggest lender was dubbed the world’s riskiest bank by the International Monetary Fund last month, just as one of its U.S. businesses failed a Federal Reserve stress test.
Its shares are down 45% this year, and on Wednesday it said second quarter profits were wiped out by a 98% slump in earnings. The stock fell 2.5% in Frankfurt.
The primary reason why Deutsche Bank is “the world’s riskiest bank” is because of the mammoth derivatives portfolio that is possesses.  It currently has 42 trillion euros of exposure to derivatives, which is an amount of money about 13 times the size of the entire German economy.

When Deutsche Bank finally goes down for good, it is going to be “the shot heard around the financial world”, and it will be a disaster many times greater than the collapse of Lehman Brothers in 2008.  Just consider what Jeff Gundlach had to say about the bank earlier this year
“Banks are dying and policymakers don’t know what to do,” Gundlach said. “Watch Deutsche Bank shares go to single digits and people will start to panic… you’ll see someone say, ‘Someone is going to have to do something.'”
As I write this, shares of Deutsche Bank are sitting at just $13.63, and many experts are having a very difficult time finding any reason for optimism.  In fact, Edward Misrahi has stated that the bank is his number one short trade, and Jim Collins says that “it is just impossible” to recommend buying shares of Deutsche Bank even at this depressed level…
As an equity analyst, it is just impossible to recommend shares of a bank that is not growing revenue. So really, Deutsche is an untouchable, and the stock market is trying — to the tune of a 58% decline in DB’s market value in 12 months — to recalibrate Deutsche’s market capitalization to the true value of its assets net of liabilities. That’s a painful journey.
I don’t mean to just pick on Deutsche Bank.  Certainly there are a lot of other major banks around the globe that are also teetering on the brink right now.  Just take a look at Italy.  Basically their entire banking system is in the process of melting down.

But the utter collapse of Italy’s banking system won’t have the same kind of worldwide impact that the collapse of Deutsche Bank will.

Unlike some of his predecessors, CEO John Cryan is being honest about some of the struggles that Deutsche Bank is going through right now, and he admits that they may need to be “more ambitious in our restructuring”.  The following comes from Business Insider
Cryan said in a statement (emphasis ours):
“We have continued to de-risk our balance sheet, to invest in our processes and to modernize our infrastructure. However, if the current weak economic environment persists, we will need to be yet more ambitious in the timing and intensity of our restructuring.”
He said something similar in a note to employees (emphasis again ours):
“Here I would like to speak plainly. If this weak economic environment persists, we will need to be still more ambitious in our restructuring. We will do everything in our power to accelerate the measures we have already planned.”
Yes, I know that the stock market in the United States has been setting all sorts of all-time record highs lately.

But that doesn’t change what is going on in the rest of the world one bit.

The financial crisis that has been gripping Europe, Asia, South America and most of the rest of the planet since the second half of last year is accelerating.

And it is inevitable that the U.S. is going to be experiencing some very real pain in the not too distant future as well.

So even though things may seem a bit quiet this summer in the financial world, the truth is that there is a whole lot going on under the surface.

Deutsche Bank is one glaringly obvious example of this, but there are many others all over the globe.  And not too long from now, the dominoes will begin to fall very rapidly.

2 Ways Christians Stop Short of Fully Connecting With Israel - REVIVEISRAEL.ORG STAFF CHARISMA NEWS

The Olive Tree metaphor of Romans 11 demands that Christians see themselves as "grafted in" to Israel. (Flickr)

2 Ways Christians Stop Short of Fully Connecting With Israel

Standing With Israel
In Part 1 of this series, we learned that according to the Bible, "Israel" can mean: A) the physical descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob—the Jewish people; B) the Jewish nation in its land: and C) the emnant of believers in Yeshua—Jew and Gentile together.
The Olive Tree metaphor of Romans 11 demands that Christians see themselves as "grafted in" (covenantally connected) to Israel in a way that reflects the fullness of all three dimensions of biblical Israel. This is God's formula for bringing about the "fullness of the Gentiles/nations," "all Israel being saved," and the Second Coming of Yeshua (Rom. 11:25-26).
Before we study what this full "grafting in" might look like in our day, I want to look at how Christians have been connecting to Israel in ways that are good, but stop short of the fullness that we are seeking.
1. A+B, without C: Connecting with Israel or the Jewish people OUTSIDE of gospel faith – Over the last several generations, many Christians have discerned in Israel the fulfillment of the many biblical prophecies concerning the in-gathering of the Jewish people and the restoration of our nation. After centuries of mistreatment of the Jews, Christians have accepted the biblical mandate to lovingly "provoke" unbelieving Israel "to jealousy" (Rom 11:11). 
Many lead tours to the Land, visit the IDF, meet with politicians, rabbis, etc.; others have donated finances or planted trees to help the nation; and many take a strong pro-Israel political stance. These are all good, but can totally miss "C"—the Israel that is the Israel of faith—the spiritual remnant of Israeli believers in Yeshua.
Romans 9:6 and 11:17-18 tell us that not all of Israel is fully Israel. If one's primary mode of connecting, of grafting into the Olive Tree, is through the unsaved Jewish majority, then one is essentially grafting to branches which are (at least at this stage) cut off from the tree! That's not a good formula for "partaking with them of the rich root of the olive tree!" It's impossible to take blessing and nourishment from the root if you're grafting into branches that aren't even connected to the tree! This error was quite forgivable a generation ago, when the believing remnant in Israel was so tiny as to be practically invisible, but today the Jewish nation is experiencing a spiritual restoration and a growing, maturing remnant of the faithful in Yeshua. It's time for the fullness of the Olive Tree grafting relationship!
2. Jewish/Hebrew "roots" Torah teaching – Today, there is much popular teaching about the "Jewish roots" of the faith. Learning about the Hebraic background of the Scriptures, Jewish culture, the Feasts, etc. can be beneficial—as long as it does not come with a promise to find through their observance spiritual benefits that we already have in Messiah. But connecting with the laws and culture of a people is different from actually connecting with them in a relational way.
Think of it like this: Eating out regularly at a sushi restaurant may help you to appreciate Japanese food, but it may not help you actually connect with the reality that is Japan. Of course, an appreciation of the national cuisine, or studying the language and history of Japan, can help foster deeper relationship with Japanese people—but it shouldn't be mistaken for the relationship itself.
The Olive Tree of Romans 11 is a "people tree," not a "Torah teaching/doctrine tree." According to Paul, the root of the tree (God's covenant people) is to be identified more with the Abrahamic covenant of faith and promise, than with the later Torah-based religious practices that came to define the boundaries of Jewish identity (Gal. 4-5; Rom. 10:4). In context, Paul's whole point is about the right relationship with other peoples in the tree—not with observing Sabbaths or Feasts.
This "tree" of the people of God is also like a rainbow, demonstrating an incredible variety of the unique cultures and identities of the nations, whom John could visibly recognize in his vision (Rev. 7:9). This mistaken way of "connecting" or "grafting" with Israel through Jewish roots teaching can actually be a great deception. One may find himself with a supposedly "Jewish," or "biblical" way of living and practicing his faith, but without any of the biblical connections with Israel—neither A, B nor C!
In the end, according to our experience, this can lead to a very unhealthy focus on the details of one's own religious practice, identity and even the deception of thinking that you have Jewish or Israelite "blood" (Rev. 3:9). 
For the original article, visit
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Wednesday, July 27, 2016

NEW VIDEO: Exposing Planned Parenthood - again. LIVE ACTION with Lila Rose

Lila Rose, President

July 26, 2016
As Planned Parenthood CEO Cecile Richards takes the stage at the Democratic National Convention, Live Action is releasing a new video that exposes the cruel late-term abortion procedure Planned Parenthood advocates using to end the lives of fully developed preborn children.

In the new four-minute video, former abortionist Dr. Anthony Levatino uses medical animations to show how a third-trimester abortion is committed. At 25 weeks gestation, the baby is already fully developed, can usually survive outside the womb, and can feel the excruciating pain of the abortionist’s needle being thrust into her to end her life. 
Most Americans don’t realize that federal law makes it legal to abort babies into the ninth month of pregnancy. Planned Parenthood has consistently fought state and federal restrictions on late-term abortions and lobbies for abortions right up until the moment of birth.

When Cecile Richards speaks today, she will desperately try to cover up this and other gruesome parts of Planned Parenthood’s abortion agenda with euphemisms like ‘women’s health care’ and ‘reproductive rights.’

But we won’t let her get away with it. Live Action developed this video to strip away the flowery language and force our nation’s leaders -- regardless of party -- to see the inhumanity and barbarism that Planned Parenthood is really advocating. 
Abortionists are killing close to 13,000 children every year in the third trimester. Instead of making their mark on the world, these children's lives are brutally cut short during a violent late-term abortion.

We need to do all we can to save those precious lives. Please share our third trimester abortion video on Facebook to expose as many people as you can to its message. For your friends who aren’t on Facebook, email them this link. These two simple acts will change minds and save preborn lives!

In the fight for life,
Lila Rose

 Lila Rose
 Live Action

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Why The Church Must Speak Now! (Day 2) - The Jim Bakker Show

Jim & Lori Bakker with Pastor Carl Gallups

Watch here: Why The Church Must Speak Now! (Day 2) - The Jim Bakker Show


Carl Gallups
Jim Bakker Show 2016 | Show# 3043 | Aired on July 27, 2016

Jim Bakker Show © 2016 • Morningside Studios

The Hidden Jewish Treasures in Saddam Hussein's Basement - ISRAEL VIDEO NETWORK

daily israel update banner 2
The Jews of Iraq are one of the oldest civilizations in the world. For more than 2,500 years, they called the land in the heart of the Fertile Crescent their home. It’s where they celebrated births and where they mourned deaths. It’s where they worked, studied and prayed. It’s where some of their most important holy writings originated. It was May 6, 2003 when one of the most extraordinary collection of ancient Jewish texts was discovered in the most unlikely of places.

Muslim Refugees in the UK Turning to Christ - CBN NEWS CHARISMA NEWS

Muslims praying
(Michal Svec/Flickr/Creative Commons)

Muslim Refugees in the UK Turning to Christ

Join us on our podcast each weekday for an interesting story, well told, from Charisma News. Listen at

Muslims seeking asylum in the United Kingdom are converting to Christianity at a parish church in the English Midlands, according to The Guardian.
The U.K. publication reports that three to four Muslim migrants accept Christ each week at St. Mark's church in Stoke-on-Trent. Some say they were first turned away from local mosques even though they were homeless and needed help.
On one Saturday afternoon, 15 refugees were baptized at the church.
Rev. Sally Smith presides over the congregation. She has allowed asylum seekers to stay in her own home, provided them meals, given them clothes, purchased shoes for their children and even made sure their medical needs were met. 
The church is filled with donations of what's needed to start a new home. Members provide food parcels to the refugees twice a week. Language lessons are even offered and, if needed, the Muslim migrants are given bus fare.
"It is about being part of a kingdom where there are no border agency officials, where there are no passports necessary, where there are no immigration detention centers," Smith told The Guardian. "One worldwide family where there are no dividing barriers."
Refugees who have made a dangerous trip across several continents end up being dropped off in Stoke. They learn by word of mouth that Smith will lend a helping hand.
She said the church also becomes a family to those who find themselves alone.
"With the mass movement from across the world we have got people of faith coming into secular society and faith really matters to them," Smith said. "And they are not too bothered, as bothered as we may think, about how that faith is expressed."

Reprinted with permission from Copyright The Christian Broadcasting Network, Inc., All rights reserved.
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Why You Should Imitate Paul's Attitude of Forgiveness - GENE A. GETZ/FOR LIFEWAY.COM CHARISMA MAGAZINE

Sometimes, forgiveness isn't easy. But it is rewarding. (iStock photo )

Why You Should Imitate Paul's Attitude of Forgiveness

Join us on our new podcast each weekday for an interesting story, well told, from Charisma News. Listen at

Have you ever been disappointed in people? You've befriended, encouraged and mentored them, yet, at some point, they have walked away, never saying thank you.
Think what the apostle Paul must have felt during his final days. In that dark and terrible Roman dungeon, he wrote to his faithful disciple and co-worker, Timothy: "At my first defense, no one stood with me, but everyone forsook me" (2 Tim. 4:16).
Paul didn't explain why, but we can speculate. There were many in Rome who had come to Christ through Paul's ministry; yet, when he faced accusations by the evil Emperor Nero, many who knew about his incarceration deserted him. They were, no doubt, horribly fearful—Nero hated Christians. Nevertheless, this betrayal was perhaps one of Paul's most painful experiences.
A Powerful Lesson in Forgiveness
Note Paul's response as he continued his letter: "May it not be charged against them. But the Lord stood with me and strengthened me, so that through me the preaching might be fully known and that all the Gentiles might hear (2 Tim. 4:16-17). Paul's attitude of forgiveness is convicting. He didn't want their selfishness and neglect held against them at the judgment seat of Christ.
A Powerful Lesson in Avoiding Forgetfulness
I've tried to learn from Paul's graciousness toward people who are ungrateful—or who simply forget to say thank you. I, too, want to have a forgiving spirit, while I also want to avoid this kind of behavior in my own life. Our failure to say thank you may be rooted in pride. When we are successful in life, most of us stand on the shoulders of someone else who encouraged us, recommended us and opened doors of opportunity. Our tendency, however, is to never look back to express appreciation. Rather, we tend to say, "I did this myself!"
Some Personal Reflections
I would never have been able to do what I'm doing were it not for Dr. Harold Garner at Moody Bible Institute. He believed in a young kid just out of high school when I didn't believe in myself.
When I couldn't write or speak English well, he wrote positive comments on my written assignments. He kept a goal in front of me—that someday I would be his associate. Though his comments at that point went in one ear and out the other, they eventually came true. I finished my college work and earned a master's degree. And, as far as I know, I became, at age 23, the youngest full-time faculty member at Moody Bible Institute.
Did I accomplish this myself? Absolutely not! I remember the day I wrote Dr. Garner a lengthy letter expressing my deep appreciation. Without his encouragement, I wouldn't have gone on for advanced education.
I can think of several key people who were great mentors. One evening, my wife and I took one of these godly men to dinner. As we began the evening, I mentioned that I had only one agenda—to say thank you for what he meant in my life. I'll never forget the response of this teacher, who had poured into the lives of thousands. He said: "Gene, I can almost count on one hand those who have looked back over their shoulder and said thank you."
Let's not forget to express appreciation to those who have built into our lives. But for those who forget what we have done to help them along the way, let's pray for Paul's attitude of forgiveness. Let his words ring in our ears: "May it not be counted against them!" 
Gene A. Getz is a pastor, teacher, radio broadcaster, and author of more than 60 books, including Life Essentials Study Bible (B&H). He and his wife, Elaine, live in Plano, Texas.
For the original article, visit
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Terror Attacks And Mass Killings Are Becoming A Daily Event - Michael Snyder THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE BLOG

Globe On Fire - Public Domain

Posted: 26 Jul 2016  Michael Snyder  THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE BLOG

Terror attacks and mass killings are happening so rapidly now that it is really difficult to keep up with them all.  In fact, as you will see below, so far there have been several this week alone.  This latest attack in France during which radical Islamic terrorists slit the throat of a Catholic priest was particularly disturbing. 

Just a few days ago I warned that churches in the western world would be targeted, and now it is happening.  According to, there have been 1274 Islamic terror attacks in 2016.  These attacks have been spread across 50 different nations, and as a result of these attacks more than 11,000 people have been killed and more than 14,000 people have been injured.  When are we going to finally wake up and understand how serious this threat really is?

Very few people would have imagined that a sleepy Catholic church in France would be the target of an Islamic terror attack on Tuesday morning, but that is precisely what happened.  The following description of the attack comes from the New York Times
Mass was ending around 9:30 a.m. when two young men with knives burst in. They forced the auxiliary priest, the Rev. Jacques Hamel, 85, to kneel. When he resisted, they slit his throat. They held several worshipers and at least one nun hostage, while another nun escaped. Officers from a specialized police unit descended on the church. A short while later, officers shot the young men dead when they emerged from the church.
We have all seen images of ISIS slitting the throats of Christians in the Middle East, but now it is taking place in Europe.

As the terrorists emerged from the church, they reportedly shouted “Allahu Akbar” before being shot dead by the police.

ISIS has already taken responsibility for the attack and is referring to these two young men as “two soldiers of the Islamic State“.  And France knew that one of them had tried to go to Syria to join ISIS twice, but still allowed him to roam free for at least part of the day…
One of a pair of ISIS knifemen who stormed a church in Normandy before slitting the throat of an elderly priest has been named as known terror threat Adel Kermiche.
The 19-year-old ‘ISIS soldier’ was being monitored with an electronic ankle tag after he was arrested for twice attempting to flee France to join the terror group in Syria.
Despite having been released early from prison, Keriche’s bail conditions allowed him to roam unsupervised between 8.30am and 12.30pm, leaving him free to murder the priest in the attack which was carried out between 9am and 11am.
This horrific attack in France came on the heels of a tremendous tragedy in Japan.  Mass killings are fairly rare over there, and so virtually the entire Japanese nation is in shock at this point.  The following comes from the Washington Post
Early on Tuesday morning, a man identified as Satoshi Uematsu allegedly attacked a care home for disabled people in Sagamihara, about 35 miles west of Tokyo. Armed with three knives and tie cables, the assailant killed 19 people and wounded many before he drove to a police station and turned himself in.
And that mass killing in Japan came on the heels of a suicide bombing in Ansbach, Germany on Sunday
The Syrian man who blew himself up outside a bar in Ansbach vowed the people of Germany “won’t be able to sleep peacefully anymore” in a video filmed before the attack.
Investigators said the suicide bomber, known only as Mohammad D., had declared loyalty to Islamic State in the recording – and announced “a revenge act against Germans because they are standing in the way of Islam”.
Further details have emerged about the 27-year-old, who injured 15 people – four of them seriously – when he detonated a backpack filled with explosives and shrapnel after being turned away from a music festival being attended by thousands of people.
Of course just prior to the suicide bombing in Ansbach, there were two other acts of terror in Germany that made headlines all over the globe
The bombing has rattled the German public following a week of violence in southern Germany that began on July 18, when an immigrant teen, apparently also inspired by ISIS, stabbed passengers on a train in Wurzburg in Bavaria.
That was followed by a shooting spree Friday in which nine people were killed in the Bavarian state capital, Munich, before a Syrian asylum seeker killed a woman in Reutlingen, in the neighboring southern German state of Baden-Wurttemberg, on Sunday, hours ahead of the Ansbach attack.
Are you starting to get the point?

In the summer of 2016, it has been terror attack after terror attack and mass killing after mass killing.

And in this article I haven’t even mentioned OrlandoDallasNice or Baton Rouge at all.

As I have written about extensively, we have entered a period of time when our world seems to be going crazy.  The love of most people has grown cold, and we are being hammered with headlines about horrific acts of violence almost every single day now.

The terrorists are not just going after military and political targets.  In fact, they seem to take glee in hitting us where we are most vulnerable.

Just recently, I wrote about how all the members of one particular church here in America ended up on an ISIS kill list.  It appears that ISIS is collecting names from church directories and synagogue directories that they find on the Internet.  So if you run a church or a synagogue you should take note of this.

Even bigger attacks than we have seen so far are coming.  At some point Islamic terrorists will get their hands on chemical, biological and potentially even nuclear weapons, and they will not hesitate to use them.

Many of our politicians are promising to rid the world of these terrorists, but I don’t think that they even know what we are really dealing with or how to really fight this battle.

After a decade and a half of dropping bombs and spending trillions of dollars fighting in the Middle East, the threat of Islamic terror is worse than ever.  And even nations that were never heavily involved in the “war on terror” are seeing Islamic terror rise to unprecedented levels.

The blind are leading the blind, and meanwhile the terror attacks and the mass killings are just going to continue to get even worse.